Download - Dates to Remember - Noosaville State School · 2020. 3. 2. · Dates to Remember Noosa ville State School Ne wsletter School Year in Review – Many, Many Thanks As I write this last

Page 1: Dates to Remember - Noosaville State School · 2020. 3. 2. · Dates to Remember Noosa ville State School Ne wsletter School Year in Review – Many, Many Thanks As I write this last

Dates to Remember

Noosaville State School Newsletter

School Year in Review – Many, Many Thanks As I write this last newsletter, I am amazed at how fast the school year has gone, how much learning has taken place over the past 12 months and how many activities, both in and out of the classroom that our Noosaville students have been involved in. Our Noosaville school com-munity is a vibrant and enjoyable place in which to work, learn and grow and I would like to thank everyone; families, students, staff and community members who contribute in any small

or large way to this wonderful learning environment. As I think about the year gone by, I see the colour fun run, the Canberra trip, the many camps and excursions, the swim-ming and surf skills and surfing mornings, pink fun run and cross country days in our new school cross country and mountain bike track in our own piece of Noosa school for-estry, the free dress and crazy sock days, our stand on no bullying, memorable ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies and the community participation in the ANZAC march, all things musical – choirs, bands, instrumentalists, meet and greet days, discos, stalls, delicious canteen food, debating, dancing, reader’s cup, STEAM showcase, and so very much more. All of these events are what makes our school unique and an enjoyable place in which to work. None of it would be possible without the enormous support of our wonderful Noosaville school community. Students have done themselves proud with their dedication to their learning and their contributions to being immersed in our school. Thank you to all families who give so much of their time in support of our school and special mention to our wonderful P&C with Kayla and her team and our now five day a week Giant Lunchbox Canteen with Cholena and Gavin and their helpers and our dedicated parent reps and amazing volunteers. You are all what makes our school a great place to be. To the staff who work tirelessly for all of our students, I say a huge thank you. It has been an enor-mous and positive year of cultural change, working and moving forward together. May everyone have a restful and refreshing holiday break and a wonderful Christmas and New Year. See you back at Noosaville for our first ‘meet and greet’ days on Friday 25 January between 12.00 -3.00 pm. Bring your books, find your classroom, meet your teacher and enjoy a P&C bar-be-que, before the first day of school officially starting on Tuesday 29 January, 2019.

Week 10 Term 4

Tues 11 Dec Y6 Orientation SBSHS and NDSHS

Tues 11 Dec Swimming Carnival Yrs 3-6

Wed 12 Dec Y6 Surf Skills final Carnival

Wed 12 Dec Assembly—School Farewell

Thurs 13 Dec Y6 Celebration Day Bowling/Laser Tag/Cinema

Friday 14 Dec Free Dress Day—Gold coin donation to Beyond Blue

Friday 14 Dec Clean up Day

Seasons Greetings Happy and Safe New Year


From Mon 21 January

Office is open for new enrolments and enquiries

Wed 23 to Fri 25 Uniform shop is open 8am to 2pm

Friday 25 Jan ‘Meet and greet the teach-er day’ 12:00 to 3:00pm

Friday 25 Jan P&C Welcome back BBQ 12:00—2:00pm

Mon 26 Jan Australia Day Public Holiday

Week 1

Tues 29 Jan Term 1 Commences

PBL Rules— 4Cs

School Events All known school events can be accessed each month

on the front page of our school website. Go to and click on the

‘Calendar and news’ tab. From here click on the ‘Events Calendar’ link to access the calendar.

Noosaville State School Community

Feedback Link

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

Congratulations Surf Team! To our awesome surf team – Well done on taking out the annual surf lifesaving schools’ championship. Great team work with only one point in it from the second placed school! Well done to all our surf lifesavers on a great carnival day and excellent sportsperson-ship. Thank you to Mr Luhrs once again on the fantastic organisa-tion and to the Tewantin Noosa RSL for the loan of their bus for our student transport to Noosa main beach.

Preps and Hibiscus – Another Noosaville School Community Link Thank you to all Prep students and the Hibiscus residential com-munity for their support of our Prep Christmas concert. Thanks to Margaret one of our weekly volunteers from Hibiscus for her con-tinued organisation with residents of this event. Well done Preps on your beautiful singing and for getting us all in the Christmas spirit with the conga line!

2018 End of Year Organisation Reports cards will be sent home to families on the last Wednesday of the school year. Students will be notified of their tentative 2019 class and teacher/s the last week of the school year. Classes are always tentative right up until the eighth day of the new school year, as our staffing is based each year on the number of students enrolled at the school. Class teachers spend a great deal of time in placing students in classes and consider many factors with an overall balance of each class. Because of the time and care taken in this process, it is not possible to move students around once classes have been formed. Please trust teacher’s professional judgement in ensuring that classes are formed with the best inter-ests of all students in mind. The last day of school this year is on Friday 14 December and is a free dress day with a gold coin dona-tion to Beyond Blue. Students are to wear sun safe clothing for this day.

2019 School Year Organisation Booklists for next year are available on the school website and can be ordered through Office Choice, the newsa-gency in Tewantin. A percentage of sales goes to our school P&C if ordered through Office Choice. The uniform shop will be open on Wednesday 23, Thursday 24 and Friday 25 January 2019, between 8.00 am to 2.00 pm each day. Drop by the school during these times and avoid the rush on Friday to pick up orders and purchase school uniforms. Friday 25 January is our ‘Meet and Greet’ afternoon from 12.00-3.00 pm for all students to meet their new teacher, bring their books into school and enjoy a P&C sausage sizzle with a gold coin donation to start the school year. Tuesday 29 January 2019 is the first official school day with Monday 28 January being a public hol-iday for Australia Day. The school’s office is open from Monday 21 January 2019, for any enrolment or other inquiries.

Farewell to our Primary School Class of 2018 It is always sad to see yet another group of year 6 confident and excited, albeit a little sad, students leaving our school, ready for the next phase of their schooling in secondary school. Year 6 gradua-tion day is a very special day for these students to reflect on their years at Primary school and for us to say good-bye. I think you always know as a family and as a school that you have done a great job when you see these older students taking responsibil-ity, contributing so much and showing us that they are now ready for the next part of their schooling life. My message to these Noosaville graduates of 2018 is to continue to grow and learn, embrace every opportunity and learn from it and work hard and enjoy the journey, for it is the journey that makes you the per-son that you are, not the destination. Take care Year 6s and best wishes for a wonderful future and secondary schooling. Please come back and visit us from time to time, to let us know how you are going.

Farewell Assembly Our whole school farewell assembly will be held on the last Wednesday 12 December and will feature the long awaited year in review video, as well as farewells to some of our departing staff and students.

P-3 Christmas Concert Our annual Prep, Year 1, 2 and 3 Christmas concert will be held on the last Thursday of the school year in the hall from 8.45-9.30 am. Each year level will present a Christmas item to share and our 2019 student leaders will be our MCs to get us all in the festive holiday season.

Alpha State School Students You may have read in the news that Alpha State School students visited us last week while they were on camp in Noosa. It was a joy for our student leaders to show these students from years 4 to 9 and their teachers, around our school and for them to experience for a short time what it was like to be in a much larger school with green grass! The drought has severely impacted on all students in the school, with many of them having to feed livestock very early in the morning before coming to school. Their bus driver was one of the fathers who was able to luckily take the time off from being on the farm to accompany the students. Student leaders presented the school with the painted beach scene banner that all Noosaville students contributed to during our STEAM Showcase day. The banner will be presented at their speech night this week and will take pride of place within the school to remind them of the beaches and green spaces of Noosa. Well done to the Lions Club of Noosa and to Chappy Michelle for organising this important connection between our two schools.

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

Farewell Ms Jess and Mr Keane This year, we say goodbye to two of our amazing teachers, Jessica Smith and Sam Keane. Miss Jess was successful in receiving an early transfer to Mooloolaba State School to be closer to her home and now Mr Keane has also received later notice of a transfer to Cooran, which is also

close to where he lives. Best wishes to both of these teachers and good luck in your new positions in these schools. Two new teach-ers transferring in to Noosaville for 2019 are Ms Mel Ford and Ms Kate Grady.

Sharyn Rieger Principal

Noosaville Celebrates Congratulations to all our Prep students who received their Gold certificates on Assembly last week and to the year 1-3 students who attained a Caring badge. It was fabulous to have so many families attending and thank you to our dancing group who enter-tained us all ‘under the hot sun’. As the year draws to a close, we can reflect on another action-packed semester and celebrate the academic progress and devel-opment of all our students. Fittingly, our focus this week has been on celebrating the graduation of our year 6 students. They have been a wonderful cohort to work with and their successes in a variety of sporting and other events will be hard to follow. It is appropriate then, that I leave my final words on 2018 to our school captains, Hunter Burgess and Ally Murfin and quote from their speech while reflecting on their primary schooling: “All the teachers we have had during our learning at Noosaville State School have been amazing and we thank you for everything you have done for us and helping us to be who we are today.

They say it takes a village to raise a child’ - Noosaville is not a vil-lage, but it is a community! It is made up of our teachers, teacher aides, grounds staff, cleaners (we don’t give them enough credit for all the work and effort they put in to make our school look beautiful), office staff, Chappy Michelle, our wonderful P&C and our school leadership team – and of course our families! To our ‘village elders’, we say that we will always strive to be Accomplished, Compassionate and Empowered. The 4Cs is not just an expectation for us, it is just what we do at Noosaville.” Enjoy the holidays, stay safe, happy and healthy and see you in 2019. Alasdair Scott Deputy Principal

Thriving this Christmas holiday season: It can be a stressful time of the year for many reasons for many of us. It’s certainly tests the budget given the pressure of living in a materialistic world. Christmas can highlight any family or relationship breakdowns that can exist when there is the tyranny of distance. I encourage eve-ryone to stop, take a breath and slow down. Strategies to help you get through this festive season include: drink WATER, sleep, plan using lists, delegate, and prioritise which might mean dropping some balls you have been juggling. Attached to this newsletter is an article written by Headspace – this article pro-vides information for how adults can be of assistance to your children during the school holidays. Be the change you want to see in the world. Keeping an eye on student school attendance: Attending the Year 6 Graduation ceremony was testament to why Every School Day Counts. So many of our year 6 students have taken the op-portunity to access so many school and community events over the years. By seizing opportunities offered through Noosaville State School, students have grown in maturity, interpersonal skills and have broadened their horizons of what the future could look like. Out of the 60 graduating students 23 students will be receiv-ing acknowledgement letters for school attendance 95% plus for 2018. Our year 6 students have been wonderful role models for our younger children. I wish them every success in their next

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

chapter of life. A thank you to all families for having diligently fol-lowed Noosaville State School’s student attendance protocols. This sits neatly under legislation so I thank you all for being understanding of you and our school responsibilities. Every day counts. Every student deserves to succeed.

Wishing all families a very Merry Christmas. I look forward to working with the Noosaville community in 2019. Happy Families = Happy Children Vicki Anderson-Bain, Guidance Officer

Thank you to all families for a great Term 4 2018 and for the warm reception I have had to my position of Acting Business Manager. I will be continuing into 2019 so I look forward to seeing everyone again next year! I would like to also acknowledge the wonderful work of the front office ladies, Kimberley, Amor and Carly who have done a wonder-ful job to keep the office running smoothly and efficiently! What a great team! Wishing everyone a very happy and safe holiday period. Please take care if you are going away and I am looking forward to a great school year in 2019. School Watch - School holidays reminder During this period empty schools can provide an opportunity for criminal activity, becoming targets for unlawful entry, arson, steal-ing, graffiti and property damage – all of which become a cost to the community. The School Watch Program is a partnership between Education Queensland, the Queensland Police Service and the State Govern-ment Protective Security Service. It aims to reduce criminal activity in Queensland schools and encourages everyone to look out for after hours crime in our schools. If you see anything suspicious, please don’t attempt to inter-vene. Call the School Watch number – 13 17 88 Let’s work together to help cre-ate safer school communities. Kelly Williams Acting Business Manager

“Every trip starts with a step, then it becomes a journey which turns into an adventure and finally your destiny!” – Phil Yang It has been a great year for our Inclusion students at Noosaville State School. First of all my hearty congratulations to all students on your Year 6 Graduation Awards last Friday. Congratulations to James on being awarded the Jean Dunstan Memorial Education Encouragement Award for 2018. This award is presented each year to a student who has made the best of the opportunities before them and has worked hard to enhance their skills in a range of key learning areas. A BIG thank you!! to all our students, parents and Inclusion Sup-port Team who have done an amazing job in a very hectic year of swimming, sports days, NAPLAN, surf awareness, excursions, camping and many other exciting events throughout the year. We are extremely proud of your achievements this year. I am sure that you are all very excited about your new classes and teachers for next year. We hope you all have a good break and a safe Christmas with your family and friends.

Thanks. Philip Yang Inclusive Education

SRC News—Free Dress Day Friday 14 December is free dress for the whole school. There will be a gold coin donation. Money raised will be sent to

Beyond Blue. Please be sun smart and wear closed in shoes.

Julie Friend

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

Hibiscus and Kindy visit this week The Prep students once again entertained local retirees at a Christ-mas concert held on the school grounds on Wednesday, 5 Decem-ber. The concert is a Noosaville annual event for special guests from Hibiscus Noosa Tewantin Retirement Resort. This year, we were joined by Goodstart Kindergarten and Noosa Bushlands chil-dren and their teachers. These children have been visiting us once a month throughout the year, which will continue in 2019. Families also participated in the morning singing. Hibiscus residents came in their resort bus and our school leaders welcomed them to our school. The school P&C President, Kayla Weitering, was also there to help out on the day. Hibiscus residents were treated to a morn-ing tea of scones with jam and cream with a cup of tea while the students entertained them with renditions of Six White Boomers, Rudolph, Jingle Bells, When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney, Felize Navidad and We Wish you a Merry Christmas. The concert was wrapped up with a conga line of Prep and kindy students through the hall to the music of Jingle Bell Rock.

We celebrated our last Pre Prep Playgroup on Tuesday. It was a wonderful morning filled with yummy treats and Christmas activi-ties. The children and parents enjoyed our special morning. I would like to thank all the families that have supported our play-group mornings throughout the year. Next year our Playgroup will be on a Friday. I wish you all a safe and happy Merry Xmas and New Year. Bec Smith Pre Prep Teacher

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

Year 3 students have used their knowledge of the natural and hu-man characteristics of neighbouring countries such as New Zealand and Fiji to design and construct a school in 3D. 3CW students and parents were justifiably proud of their efforts. Well done everyone. 3AW parent, Della Van Der Heijden, presented a very interesting slide show with photos and stories from her time in Papua New Guinea. A big thank you to Della. It has been a pleasure working with all the students in these classes. Wishing students and families a happy and safe holiday. Sue Silburn Year 3 Teacher

The Day I Saw Santa Coming Down The Chimney

By Bella Strong 3/4BW

One Christmas Eve I was lying in my bed trying to go to sleep but I just couldn’t fall asleep. I was too busy thinking about Santa com-ing down the chimney. All of a sudden, THUD! Something just landed on our roof then, THUD! again. I quietly walked out of my bedroom. I saw Santa, well I think so. “ Am I dreaming?” I thought. I walked closer to him.

“ Hello Santa,” I whispered. He turned around.

“Helloooooo, why are you awake?”

“Well, I was too busy thinking about Christmas and I wanted to see you,” I replied.

“You have been very good this year. I will give you this snow globe. If you shake it only you will see me, the elves and the rein-deers. Have a great year and Merry Christmas. Oh, and those brownies and milk are delicious!”

The next morning I woke up bright and early and felt like I had seen Santa last night and he gave me something. Oh, never mind, I must have been dreaming….. I hopped out of bed and there was the magical snow globe. I shook it and Santa, the elves and the reindeer appeared. This wasn’t a dream! There was a note attached. It said, “This is not a dream Bella. We had a good talk last night. I hope you like your Christmas present and have a great Christmas. Love Santa”. What a wonderful Christmas.

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

Year 4 – Art with Brenda Noosaville have been very lucky to have at their disposal the fantastic art skills of Brenda Robertson. Brenda is a self-taught pastel artist and is renowned in and around Noosa. Brenda instructed the children in the art of using pastels. She demon-strated how to create dark and shade, light and tone and to go from flat to 3D. Each week the class completed a different artwork. This caused great excitement as children went, from room to room view-ing everyone’s work. The children produced a variety of landscapes, which fitted nicely into the Year 4 curriculum of Geography. The results are impressive. Dawn Carroll Year 4 Co-ordinator

Coding Club This semester some enthusiastic Year 4 students participated in a lunchtime Coding Club. They gained knowledge in: key terminology, commands, writing algorithms and code, basic block code. Well done to our coding students! Narelle Nightingale Year 4 Teacher

This term in English we have been studying Storm Boy and have written a comparison of the book and film. We have also made artwork and drawn characters from both the book and film. We are all excited to also hear about the new Storm Boy film coming out next year in 2019 in January! Kirsten Prytherick Year 5 Teacher

Year 5 art work by Abbie L.

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

The grade 5 camp was at Stanley River Environmental Education Centre.

The bus ride was about an hour and 30 minutes I slept the whole way. On the first day we did orienteering. It was really hot! Mr Keane finished his orienteering in like a minute! When we finished ori-enteering we had to set up our tents, it was really fun but hard. Then at dinner, we had lasagne. It was delicious! Every night at camp we did an activity. The first night we did spotlight and watched the movie Storks. Caitlin C

Noosaville State School Year 5 Camp Last week the year fives from Noosaville State School went for a 3 day camp to Stanley River Environmental Educational Centre in the South West of Brisbane. The year 5s participated in 4 different activities including: water activities, team games, canoeing and orienteering. The children ate delicious homemade food by the cafeteria people Joe, Jelly and Cole. They cooked healthy meals and some of their delicious creations were lasagne and sticky date pudding with custard. The children were split up into four differ-ent groups for the activities. The names were: DALA – RED GROUP/ NALBO – GREEN GROUP/ DUNGIDAU – YELLOW GROUP AND GARUMNGAR – BLUE GROUP. The year 5s found a lot of wildlife including possums, pelicans, tadpoles, tiny fish, a lot of bugs and two baby rabbits that Asha and Maddi named Snooze and Squaz. Jade in Nalbo group showed a lot of people these baby rabbits. This camp was educational and the students learned a lot of things like how to canoe and they were told a lot of Aboriginal stories. This camp was great and recommended for children 8 years and up. Madison A 5K

Stanley River Environmental Education Centre 5K Camp Stories

Noosaville State School Year 5 Camp Stanley River Environmental Education Centre is the name of the camp I went to on Wednesday the 28/11/18 at exactly 9:00am. The bus ride was around an hour and a half. As soon as we got there, we got the entire luggage off the bus, sat down, and lis-tened to the camp guides as they all told us the rules. The rules were always wear your camp uniform which is a broad brimmed hat which must always stay on your head during day light, a water bottle filled to the tippy top and you must always have shoes on. If you’re having a shower you must wear thongs. My camp guide was Alex and when he talked, you knew he was serious. They told us about the activities we would be doing. With canoe-ing we learnt how to steer and move the canoe. When I did it, it was a bit hard at first but then I got the hang of it, that is, until the canoe flipped, but it was really fun and no one got hurt besides my school hat, as it decided it wanted to go scuba diving in the water and never come back. In my option this was a really sad way to lose a school hat. Another activity was orienteering. This is where you have a team of three, a map and a sheet which had orange things scattered around the camp with pins at the back. You had to press against the sheet and the orange things had numbers on them. It’s really fun, but also really hard. The last activity we did was water games. We were put into two teams to see who could win the games and it was fun. The only thing I didn’t like was tent erecting. I have never made a tent before and it was really hard. We slept with two other peo-ple. The sad part was that the teachers chose who was in my tent, but I liked my group. The dinner was so good for the first night as it was lasagne. It was so good. For dessert we had sticky date pud-ding which was yummy. The second night was meatballs and rice; not my favourite and the dessert was apple crumble and ice-cream. For the second day’s breakfast it was bacon and scrambled eggs. The third day’s breakfast was sausages and beans, gross! After the last activity we put all the luggage back on the bus and hopped on. I ended up falling asleep for the whole bus trip back. BY Hailey B

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

Noosaville State School Year 5 Camp On Wednesday 28 November most of the year 5s went to Stanley River Environmental Education Centre. It was an hour and forty five minute bus trip until we got there. We were separated into 4 different Jinibara groups Garumngar (Gar-um-gar), Dungdau (Dungy-dou), Dala (Dah-la) and Nalbo (Nal- ba). My group Garumngar was the first to put up our tents. In my tent I had Lilly and Eva. We went down to Lake Somerset to go canoeing. Unfor-tunately it was too windy so we just went for a ‘weedy’ swim. The blooper there was when our instructor Andria got caught by the wind and nearly got blown away. Luckily she came back safely. That night we had lasagne for dinner. After dinner we played the game spotlight and watched a movie. On Thursday we did orienteering in the morning. We ran to all the different checkpoints around the camp. In the afternoon we walked to Lake Somerset and played some water games. That night we had meatballs for dinner and went for a night walk to Mt. Archer and talked about how bats had echolocation and played some games. On the final day we got up early to pack our luggage. After break-fast we tried to go canoeing again and it was a great success! For the rest of the day we played team games. I couldn’t wait to get home but also didn’t want to leave. It was an AMAZING camp! By: Kyra S-H

Camp Experience On the 28 November I went to school as usual but this time it was for camp and I hopped on the bus to go to Stanley River Environ-mental Education Centre. When I got to camp after a very long ride on the bus, I was so excited for my first activity. The first activ-ity was orienteering which was fun, but hard because there was so much land. Then we had lunch and setup our tents. Setting up the tents was hard because they kept blowing away in the wind. On the first night we had lasagne for dinner and for desert we had sticky date pudding and cream. Then we played spotlight and watched storks. In storks I went to sleep, but when I woke up it was finished and we went back to our tents and fell asleep. The next morning we had to wake up at 5:10am in the morning and went for a walk to where we are doing canoeing. I was so tired. We went to have breakfast and for breakfast we had bacon and eggs. We got our gear and went down to where we were doing canoeing. Caitlin, Haileyand Amy tipped the canoe and I was so worried because they’re all my friends. Then we had lunch and got changed. We played team games, where we had to try and bal-ance a giant see-saw thing but it was too hard. That night for din-ner we had meatballs and rice and for dessert we had apple crum-ble and icecream. Before dinner we went for a bushwalk and gazed at the stars. The next morning for breakfast we had sausag-es and toast. The next day we played water games and it was so fun. We tried to throw plastic balls to the other side of the rope and every round we won. I had so much fun at camp. Thanks to all the people for making me feel safe at camp. Rebel Z

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

Music Excellence at Sunshine Beach Congratulations to our year 6 students who have been accepted into Sunshine Beach High School’s Music Excellence program: Loki McNiven, Tamsin Bradford and Lola Gibbs-Beal. Keep the Noosaville melody playing in high school!

Music Shirt Orders will be taken in week 1 and 2 next year. Merry Christmas Everybody and remember to sing and play lots of carols with your families. Feliz Navidad. Mark Winters Classroom Music Choral Director

End of Year Music Concert What a show! The 2018 Music Celebration Concert was absolutely awesome. All of the school’s music ensembles came together for an evening of fun music playing and singing. Even the audience joined in with Banuwa. Go Grandma! The strings ensemble led the way with a mix of Songs and pieces followed by the junior singers, Marimba Club, Senior Choir and Concert Band. All the children played and sang with dedication and spirit. Well done! A very spe-cial thank you must go out to all the families who attended (we filled all of the seats). Also my heart-felt gratitude goes to Ms Clare Deady and Mrs Sarah Flynn for their expertise and assistance with the concert. They have produced some of the finest young musi-cians this school has ever seen. We are all very sad that they are leaving us next year. Best of luck teachers! “May your path be pure and clear” (Nick Cave). In 2019 we welcome Ms Lesley Pearson (strings teacher) and Ms Sarah Tollner (band teacher).

Instrumental Positions Congratulations to all students who received an offer to join our Instrumental Music Program this week. The year 3, 4 and 5 stu-dents were very excited when they were told what instruments they would be learning next year. Go Band! Go String Orchestra! Thank you Clare and Sarah for working so hard on testing and re-cruitment. I can’t wait to hear what wonderful sounds will emerge in next year’s program. Congratulations Maddison Allen who was accepted into the State Honours Program for music held at the Queensland Conservatori-um of Music in Brisbane. Maddy joined the ranks of more than 900 school students who were selected state wide. Maddison re-hearsed all weekend ending with a culminating concert in the ac-claimed Conservatorium theatre. What an experience. Well Done Madison.

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Noosaville State School Newsletter

To all our wonderful students, you are the driving force of our school. It is because of you that we continue to be the best that we can be, so that we may help and support you as you grow into the person you want to be. You have all worked so hard and should be so proud of all that you have accomplished this year. No achievement is ever too little, every boundary you broke to reach your own personal best, every fear you faced and con-quered, every challenge you took on and gave your all to, these are proud moments and you should all be leaving this school year with big smiles on your faces! You have all worked so hard and faced so much and we are so proud of every single one of you! To watch you all grow is a privilege and we cannot wait to walk along side you as you face your next schooling adventure. Bring it on!!! And finally, to my incredible P&C committee. What a year we have had. Thankyou for helping me find my feet in this role during 2018. Thankyou for putting up with my constant emails, for show-ing up to meetings and for all the time and care you each put into the events we ran this year. I would also like to thank you all for allowing me to try new things, to test new ideas and to ultimately bring a new feel to the P&C to which we have had AMAZING re-sults. It is a fantastic role to work in and I am very much looking forward to all the challenges and fun to come in 2019. We have a lot of ideas prepped for our amazing school and I can't wait to bring them to life! So to everyone who makes up this school community, thankyou so incredibly much once again. Stay safe, have fun, rest up, enjoy your holidays and we'll see you all again for a fabulous year in 2019! From all of us here on the P&C Have a very Merry Christmas! Sincerely Kayla Weitering P&C President Noosaville SS

Dear Families, Well it's that time of the year, a time where all the wonderful adventures of 2018 come to an end. A time where somehow in the blink of an eye, our kids seem so much bigger. A time where some of our students are going onto their new chapters as they enter high school. A time where our preppies are no longer the littlest people in our school community. A time where we em-brace what is to come in the new year and a time to be thankful of all that we have learnt and conquered this year. To all the staff at Noosaville State School, I applaud you for all your wonderful work. I am thankful for your diligence that has helped see our students through every challenge this year that has been brought their way. I thank you also, for your time, sup-port, help and care in seeing that we all get through this year as a TEAM. You are a huge part of why our school community feels so supported and appreciated and it has been an honour to work along side you all this year. To Cholena and Gavin - our incredible tuckshop conveners. To Dave and Jason - our hard working groundsmen. To all our parent reps, office staff, teacher aides, volunteers and janitorial staff. There is not enough thanks in the world that I can give to you all. Your tireless efforts to keep our school beautiful, clean, well fed, up to date, supported unconditionally and safe is the reason we have so many happy and proud students and families! You all are often doing a lot of things behind the scenes that go unnoticed but I hope you know that you are at the heart of our school, an integral part of our day to day operations and from all of us here on the P&C we want to wish you a very deserved relaxing holiday season. Thankyou for everything you do for our school. To our gorgeous families, each and every one of you. THANKYOU from the bottom of my heart for all your help, support, feedback and uplifting motivation this year. You are the reason every event this year was able to happen. You are the reason that we here on the P&C have been able to contribute more towards new school projects. You are the reason we have such kind, caring, compas-sionate, eager students sitting in our classrooms every day and for all of this, we thank you wholeheartedly. We cannot wait to bring fun, exciting and new events your way in 2019 and look forward to seeing many returning and also many new faces in the new year. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a safe holiday time.

Page 12: Dates to Remember - Noosaville State School · 2020. 3. 2. · Dates to Remember Noosa ville State School Ne wsletter School Year in Review – Many, Many Thanks As I write this last


P&C meetings held one Monday of each month at 2:45pm in the Training Room.

Address: PO Box 1079, Noosaville DC 4566 Key Contacts:

Sharyn Rieger (Principal )

Alasdair Scott (Deputy Principal)

Philip Yang & Jenny Graham (Inclusive Education)

John Graham & Eleanor Burns (Head of Curriculum)

Kelly Williams (Acting BM and Admin)

Kayla Weitering (P&C President)

Telephone: General - 07 5440 3222

Absentee - 07 5440 3266

Fax - 07 5440 3200 Email: [email protected]


….Farewell to our Primary School Class of 2018….

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