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DataCore SoftwareDataCore Software Certified

Implementation Engineer (DCIE)

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• Installations are easy – Why Plan ?

• Technical People relish the challenge of resolving issues !

• Technical People hate writing anything down – ‘I know it so why write it down ?’

• Testing what seems reasonable will be ok ?

Before DCIE ?

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• No planning before going on site recipe for disaster

• Design, known issues, Customer expectations ?

• 2 days become 5 days and longer and often DataCore called.

• What worked on day 1 failed on day 2

• All in someone’s head somewhere

• Delays while information re-collected for support assistance

• Issues that could have been resolved at install have become Production issues

• Customer unhappy. Too much time wasted.

• Future support impeded. Confidence Low

What was the result ?

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• Installation Process Developed and Issued

• Not Mandatory so Not Followed !

• How to make it Followed ?

• Certification that is only maintained by following Process

• Support Policy that requires DCIE for Install


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• To assure maximum benefit from the use of our products, we highly recommend that the Administrator participate in a DataCore Training Course, planning for and execution of an installation, upgrade or migration should be performed by a DataCore Partner using a DataCore Certified Implementation Engineer (DCIE).

• Any issues due to installation errors when an installation was performed without a DCIE may result in support being withdrawn until re-installed by a DCIE with services to be paid by the customer.

DataCore Support Policy?

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• A DataCore Certified Implementation Engineer (DCIE) is a certified person that has given DataCore confidence that they understand how our product works, and have proven that they can understand and will follow our Installation Management process

• A DCIE is a physical person, not a company

• Certification is granted to a person and this certification will follow this person should this engineer leave the company he was working for at the time he/she was certified.

What is a DCIE?

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• DataCore offers a DCIE program for:• SANsymphony

• DCIE is a multi-step process that includes training, installation, mentoring and providing the documentation to the support team.

• It is also required to take and pass a test

What is the DCIE Process ?

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• Candidates:• Attend the current 3 day Administration Class (or the 5-day SSVDCIE Class)

• Take the SYM810 DCIE Installation Management class –This is a downloaded, off-site training module. (No Certificate issued for SYM810 Training)

• For existing DCIEs:

• Download and listen to the SANsymphony Difference Webinar

• Request and pass the updated SANsymphony test

DCIE - Step 1: Training

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• Pass certification test:• Register for test

• Send email to [email protected] with Subject ‘DCIE Test Request’ and the test link will be sent.

• Take & Submit Test

• Open Book so make use of all resources including lab equipment to answer questions. Immediate grading and response sent out

• Pass or Fail

• 85% is the pass mark

• A Pass or Fail email will be sent

• If Fail then resubmit the ‘DCIE Test Request’

• After 3 Test Fails contact Account Manager for clarifications.

• One final test before re-training needed

DCIE - Step 2: Test

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• Download Documentation Templates:

• FAQ 1183 (login & type ‘DCIE’ to find)

• Site Planning Checklist (SPCL)

• Pre-Install Checklist (PiCL)

• Functional Test Plan FTP

DCIE - Step 3: Pre-Site Preparation (1)

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• SPCL – List all components and check:• Hosts

• Check HBA’s/NICs BIOS, driver & firmware

• Check path failover product is correct version and how to configure it (See Host Configuration Guides)

• Switches

• Check firmware.

• Paths and zoning/VLANs planned and understood

• Storage

• Decide on third-party failover software or Preferred Storage Paths with DataCore driver

• Decide on how LUNs will be configured, size/type, Pools

DCIE - Step 3: Pre-Site Preparation (2)

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• SPCL• DataCore Servers

• Check HBA’s/NICs BIOS, anti-virus, UPS, time-sync, security settings needed, other software

• Check O/S version and rollups/patches

• Make sure licenses are available (and software !)

• Make sure you are aware of latest PSP & Updates

DCIE - Step 3: Pre-Site Preparation (3)

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• PiCL

• Check readiness plans and add anything additional that may be needed

• Familiarize with onsite plans for readiness before installing software

• Add/Remove sections from Installation Report


• Remove unnecessary sections

• Add additional tests if needed to suit the environment

DCIE - Step 3: Pre-Site Preparation (4)

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• Make DataCore aware of Production Installation• Register for Support if not already done so

• Open an incident on DataCore support site for new installation two weeks or more before installation date

• Incident title should be: “Customer Name – Customer Information – For DCIE”

• Notify in the incident of Planned Installation Date

• Submit completed SPCL and wait for response before installation (reply will contain items to check)

• Statement of Work recommended• State objectives, scope, pre-requisites and deliverables

• Clearly identify customers responsibilities

• Get customer sign-off that this meets their requirement.

• Make sure resources will be available that can configure all components

DCIE - Step 3: Pre-Site Preparation (5)

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• Host• Configured to see storage before any zoning

• HBA’s/NICs have correct BIOS, driver & firmware

• Switches• Check correct firmware

• Check functioning correctly (Green LEDs)

• Zoned correctly

• Check Host no longer sees storage

• Check DataCore Server can see storage

• Check DataCore Server can access its partner Server(s)

DCIE - Step 4: Pre-Installation on Site (1)

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• Storage

• Set up LUNs as designed

• Check that they are functioning correctly

• Check LUN failover works before SANsymphony is installed on the DataCore server

• DataCore Servers

• Clean install of O/S

• Correct HBA’s with correct BIOS

• Check all other software installed is known and documented

• Check DataCore server can see storage and can see Hosts

• Check network connect between DataCore Servers is ok

DCIE - Step 4: Pre-Installation on Site (2)

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• DataCore Servers• Install (follow Installation Guide)

• Apply latest PSP/Updates (follow Release Notes)

• Discover Storage and Disk Pools

• Create Virtual Disks

• Serve up to Hosts

• Hosts• Install failover software (if required)

• Apply latest PSP/Updates (follow Release Notes)

• Configure Paths (as per Host Configuration Guides)

DCIE - Step 5: Installation

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• DataCore Servers• Run through FTP step by step, ticking or commenting as needed

• Make sure customer agrees at each step

• Get customer sign-off

• Any issues or questions raise a new support call

• Always raise an incident if in any doubt

• If on-site and need immediate help is needed, phone toll-free support

DCIE - Step 6: Functional Tests

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• After Installation is complete• Update SPCL (if needed) and attach to the incident

• Update incident with completed documentation for:

• Pre-Installation Checklist (completed)

• FTP (completed)

• Confirmation of sign-off (signature not needed)

• Confirm in the incident that installation is complete

• Upload support bundles for all DataCore Servers

• Register end user for Support

• Make end user aware of ‘How to Use Support’ (FAQ 1322)

DCIE - Step 7: Post Install

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• DataCore will review incident(s)• How much remote support was required?

• Did installer call when they needed to?

• Did installer raise new incidents when needed?

• Was the correct documentation submitted at the right time?

• Was the documentation complete and accurate?

• Assessment will give:

• (a) Certification achieved, or

• (b) Certification withheld until next production installation review, or

• (c) DCIE assistance needed with next production install, or

• (d) DCIE only install next time

DCIE - Step 8: DataCore Review

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• DataCore certifies the new DCIE, and• Issues a Certificate (sent monthly)

• Records their Certification

• Updates ‘Number of Installs’

DCIE Step 9: Certification


In recognition of successfully completingthe 2018 DataCore training curriculum.


Is awarded to

Dave Zabrowski

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Student Name

the 2019

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• Version Renewal• Certification is held for the full release i.e. 9.x, 10.x, etc.

• Version renewal is needed on each full release only, NOT on ‘dot’ releases

• A DCIE should attend web-based ‘differences’ class on new features for all new full releases

• May be required to attend a 1-day upgrade class

• Review of all installations is made to confirm process is always followed

• Review of DCIE incidents raised

DCIE Step 10: Renewal

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Pre-Install Install


Post Install




Post Install

DC Review


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