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Data Structures and Algorithms in Parallel Computing

Lecture 3

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• G=(V,E) where V is the set of vertices and E the set of edges

• Weighted graph – edges have weights w(e)• Sparse graph – m=|E| << n=|V|• Diameter of a graph D(G) the maximum, over

all pairs of vertices (u, v), of the minimum number of edges that must be traversed to get from u to v

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• Twitter graph– Vertices are users– Mentions or retweets are edges– Fast changing topology

• 5,700 tweets/second• Highest peak: 143,199 tweets/second (August 3, 2013)

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• Romanian road network– Vertices are cities– Edges are main national roads– Slow changing topology

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Big Data• Large volume

• > 2 B internet users1 • > 1 B active Facebook users1

• > 2.5 M daily active Twitter users2

• High velocity• >7.5 K Tweets/second1

• >1.5 K Skype calls/second1

• >2000k emails/second1


Kat Wiki



@Pam …

@Wiki …

RT @Pam…

@Wiki …

Twitter Interactions

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• Community detection– Detect communities in graphs• Users which interact a lot

• Graph dynamics– Spread of viral infections– Viral marketing

• Shortest drive path given real traffic data• …

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• Memory– Too large to fit in memory– Requires large shared memory architectures or

distributed systems• Compute– Size and speed of change puts a lower limit on the

processing speed

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Parallel graph processing

• Sequential techniques are often hard to parallelize

• Easy– Minimum spanning tree– Biconnected components

• Hard– Single source shortest path

• Efficiency depends also on the type of graph– Sparse, dense, power law

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Graph representations– Edge lists

• List of edges• Each edge is a vertex pair

– Adjacency lists• Array of lists G[i]• Each element corresponds to a vertex and contains the set

of vertex neighbors• Convert to edge list:

– Adjacency matrices• Binary matrix where Aij=1 iff (i,j) in E• Used only for sparse graphs as it requires O(n2) space

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Graph representations

• For parallel algorithms– Replace linked lists with arrays– Makes it easer to process each array in parallel

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Some examples

• Breadth first search• Connected components• Minimum spanning tree

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Breadth first search

• Traverse a tree or graph from the root by visiting neigbours first, before moving to the next level

• Keep a queue of not visited vertices

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Parallel BFS• Graph is given as adjacency array• Visit vertices in each level in parallel• No need for a queue• Keep a set of frontier vertices generated at each step by collecting

the neighbors of current frontier set• Initial frontier set is the single source vertex (root for trees)• Due to parallelism same new frontier vertex may be collected by

more vertices– Requires an extra step to clean duplicates– New frontier vertex linked randomly with only one parent

• Work is O(m+n)• Concurrent write model ensures a total depth of O(D)

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Connected components

• Label 2 vertices with same label iff there is a path between the two

• Sequentially it can be achieved by depth first or breadth first search

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Parallel CC

• Use parallel BFS?– Inneficient due to its O(D) depth– Good only for small diameter graphs

• Solution– Use graph contraction – Start with set of vertices• Contract neighborhood to a single vertex recursively• O(log n) steps for each component to contract

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Random mate graph contraction

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Deterministic graph contraction

• Create disjoint trees by assigning decremental labels to each child and only linking a vertex if its label is smaller than that of the last child

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• No relabeling required

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Worse case scenario• Star graph with root in the middle

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Spanning trees

• CC can be extended to finding – the spanning of a graph tree – minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph

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Minimum spanning tree

• All weights are distinct– There exists a unique minimum spanning tree

• Based on random mate CC technique– Instead of randomly picking a parent, pick edge

with minimum weight and hook to vertex if it is a parent

– Keep track of the edges used for hooking

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What’s next?

• BSP model– SSSP, connected components, pagerank

• Vertex centric vs. subgraph centric• Load balancing– Importance of partitioning and graph type

• ...