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Page 1: Data Communication Prof. Ajit Pal Department of Computer · As you remember we discussed about two types of ... So in some situation

Data Communication

Prof. Ajit Pal

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture No # 7

Transmission of Digital Signal-I

Hello and welcome to today’s lecture. In the last couple of lectures we have discussed

about various transmission media.

Now we shall focus on a signal that we shall transmit through the communication media.

And today we shall discus about transmission of digital signal and it is the first lecture on

the transmission of digital signal.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:21)

So, topic is transmission of digital signal minus I. here is the outline of the lecture. First I

shall give a brief introduction then we shall discuss the important characteristics of line

coding then popular line coding techniques such as unipolar, polar and bipolar then we

shall consider a very important characteristic that is the modulation rate of various codes

that we shall discuss in this lecture then we shall compare the line coding techniques that

we shall cover in this lecture.

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(Refer Slide Time: 01:58)

And obviously on completion the students will be able to explain the need for digital

transmission, why digital transmission is required. They will be able to explain the basic

concepts of line coding, explain the important characteristics of line coding, they will be

able to distinguish among various line coding techniques such as unipolar, polar and

bipolar and they will be able to distinguish between the data rate and modulation rate.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:15)

Before I discuss about the transmission of digital signal let us very quickly give an

overview of the transmission media that we discussed in the last two lectures.

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(Refer Slide Time: 03:23)

As you remember we discussed about two types of transmission media; the guided media

and unguided media. The first few here for example UTP, coaxial cable, optical fiber

these three belong to the guided transmission media. On the other hand radio, microwave,

satellite and infrared belong to unguided transmission media. And here the first column

gives you the cost comparison. obviously the UTP is of lowest cost, coaxial has moderate

cost, optical fiber has got high cost, radio communication has got moderate cost,

microwave has got high cost, satellite has got high cost and infrared has got low cost.

In terms of bandwidth as you know UTP has got lowest bandwidth and optical fiber has

got the highest bandwidth then so far as the unguided media is concerned microwave

gives you the highest bandwidth and of course microwave is used in two cases. The first

one essentially terrestrial microwave and second one is satellite microwave which gives

you high bandwidth.

In terms of attenuation we find optical fiber attenuation is the lowest and of course for

microwave as you can see the attenuation is variable. Depending on the atmospheric

condition it will vary.

Electromagnetic interference is high in the first two cases UTP and coaxial cable. in case

of optical fiber it is minimum as you can see here, then for radio that electromagnetic

interference is very high, for microwave and satellite these are also high. for infrared it is


And so far as security is concerned the UTP and coaxial cable is not at all secured they

are prone to …….. dropping and on the other hand optical fiber has got very high security

(()) is very very difficult and on the other hand radio wave since it is broadcasting nature

it has got very low security, microwave and satellite has got moderate security because it

is not that easy to receive the signal from terrestrial microwave or satellite where you

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have to set up an antenna which will require good amount of effort. On the other hand

infrared has got high security because it is within a room.

So with this background now we shall discuss the transmission of digital signal.

But before doing that let us consider the various options available to you. As you know

you can have digital data and you can get it converted into digital signal by suitable

encoding technique similarly you can have analogue data which can also be converted

into digital signal by suitable encoding then you can have analog data which can be

converted into analog signal by suitable modulation technique. We shall discuss this later

in this lecture then we can have digital data which can be converted into analog signal by

suitable modulation techniques. So these are the various options available to us.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:30)

The question arises as what type of signal we should use? Is it digital signal or analog

signal? As we shall see each of these signals has its own characteristics and features,

good points and bad points and as we know a digital signal requires a low pass channel or

transmission media and bandwidth requirement is more. on the other hand analog signal

requires a bandpass communication media or bandpass channel. And most of the

practical channels that we shall encounter are bandpass in nature as we shall see.

So depending on the situation and the bandwidth availability we shall choose either

digital signal or analog signal. So in some situation we shall use digital signal and in

some other situation we shall go for analog signal so we shall use both.

So in this lecture we shall start with the digital data and digital signal. And as you know

the bandwidth of the medium will play a very crucial role when we send through

transmission media. We have to match the bandwidth of the signal with the bandwidth of

the transmission media so that the signal can pass efficiently without much attenuation,

without much distortion and this will require a good encoding technique which we shall

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discuss in this lecture. So in this lecture we shall consider digital data which is converted

into digital signal and the technique that is being used is known as line coding. Line

coding technique is used for converting digital data into digital signal. This can be

explained with the help of the simple diagram.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:03)

here you have got the digital data 1000001 this data may be coming from some memory

of the computer or may be stored in the digital disk and that we shall apply to a system or

we shall do line coding which will convert it into a signal as you can see here, here you

have got the signal. This signal can be transmitted through the communication media.

Line coding is the technique that we shall discuss today.

What are the important characteristics that we have to consider for line coding?

Here are some of the important characteristics are given. First one is the number of signal

levels. As we do the encoding then the number of signal levels can remain 2 because it is

binary signal binary data it can be coded with two levels or you can do multilevel

encoding. for example as it is shown here your data has got two levels 0 and 1 and the

signal has also got two levels so two signal levels one is 0V and the other is 2A volt that

means 2A is the amplitude and 0 is the amplitude. So it has got two different levels.

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(Refer Slide Time: 10:28)

Here you have two data levels and two signal levels. This is an example.

And at the bottom as you can see you have two data levels 1 0 1 0 so it is binary data but

it has got three signal levels plus, 0 and minus A that is plus A, 0, minus A that means

positive voltage, negative voltage and 0 voltage. So as you can see here you have got

positive A then 0 here then negative A here. These are the three levels that is being used

here for the purpose of encoding. And whenever you do multilevel encoding the

information that is contained can get changed and as we know I is equal to 2B into log2M

that means the number of signal levels that is being used will decide the information rate

where B is the bandwidth of the medium so if you get 2 Achieved higher data

information rate we can go for multilevel encoding if necessary.

Then comes the question of bit rate versus baud rate.

As I have explained in the last lecture the bit rate is essentially the data rate the rate at

which the signal is transmitted. On the other hand the baud rate is essentially the number

of signaling elements. So the number of signaling elements used can be more than the

data rate or can be less than the data rate. So, if you use multi-level encoding then the

baud rate will be less than the data rate. in some cases the baud rate can be more than the

data rate. Hence we have to decide on that but obviously we shall prefer lower baud rate

to achieve higher data rate of transmission through the transmission medium.

Then comes the question of DC component. As we know whenever we try to send signal

through a transmission media it is difficult to send DC signal because of the presence of

transformers, capacitor in the equipment through which we are sending the signal. So,

because of the presence of transformer and capacitor DC component the DC component

will be blocked which will lead to attenuation.

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But sometimes there will be DC component. for example if it is encoded in this manner

and if you have got 0V and say another volt is plus k then as you can see this will be for

1, this is for 0 and this is even for 1 and so on so the average value will have a DC. So

that DC component will not pass through the medium. That’s why we shall try we shall

try to do the encoding in such a way that DC component is not present. That means we

shall transform the sig data into a form of signal which will not have DC component.

Then comes the question of signal spectrum.

Signal spectrum will play an important role because the bandwidth of the signal that we

are trying to send through a medium will decide whether it will be distorted or not. That

means the bandwidth has to match with the transmission media so signal spectrum has to

be taken into consideration when you do the encoding.

Noise immunity: We have to see whether the encoding that we do has higher noise

immunity or not. As we have seen some of the transmission media has got inherent

noises. We have already discussed in the transmission impairment lecture. There we have

seen that in presence of noise we have to transmit signal and obviously if the encoding is

done such that it has higher noise immunity it will be beneficial. Then we can try to do

encoding which will help us in detecting errors. Whenever the signal is sent through the

communication media because of various types of noises error is introduced in the signal.

Thus at the receiving end if you can detect error because of the encoding use that will be

helpful. So we shall look into it

Then comes the question of synchronization.

In synchronization we shall be sending signal. This is sent by the transmitter. We want

the same thing to be received at the receiving end. But if this position is not matched then

the receiver’s end must be able to identify when this is going from low to high or when it

is going from high to low.

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(Refer Slide Time: 16:58)

That means these positions have to be identified at the other end. Usually a clock is used

at the transmitting end to generate the signal. Similarly at the receiving end a clock is

used to regenerate the signal. Now these two clocks may not have exactly the same

frequency so that may lead to lot of synchronization. Not only they may not have the

same frequency but their phases may also be different so it is necessary to synchronize

them. And for the purpose of synchronization there are 2 alternatives. What can be done

is a separate line can be used, a separate channel can be used for sending the clock to the

receiver. The receiver can use that clock for receiving the data but that is not really

feasible because of high cost. So commonly it is necessary to regenerate clock from the

received data with the help of some special hardware such as phase lock loop.

However, this regeneration of clock at the receiving end is possible only if when the

signal has got sufficient number of transitions. That means suppose you are sending a

long sequence of 0 or a long sequence of 1 if the encoded signal does not have enough

number of transitions then the phase lock loop will not be able to regenerate the clock so

it is necessary to have enough number of transitions in the signal for the purpose of

synchronization. Therefore while doing encoding we have to take into consideration this

synchronization aspect. Finally the cost of implementation we have to see because

ultimately you have to encode the signal with minimum cost. So these are the important

characteristics you have to look into for encoding.

Now let us see what are the various line coding schemes that is commonly used. The line

coding techniques can be broadly divided into three types; unipolar, polar and bipolar. So

these are the three basic schemes that is being used.

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(Refer Slide Time: 17:32)

The unipolar is the simplest and here you have got the two voltage level. Uni means 1 so

you are sending only voltage of one polarity say 2A.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:23)

And here you are not sending anything that is considered to be 0V. That means when you

are not sending anything that is 0V when you are sending something that is 2A volt. So

only one polarity signal you are sending and when you are not sending that is been

considered as 0V. That’s why although you are sending one polarity we may consider it

as two voltage levels. So don’t get confused whenever we say unipolar at the same time

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two voltage level. Essentially we are sending voltage of one polarity but whenever the

volt signal is not present then we consider it 0.

For example, for 1 we are sending voltage of 2A and when it is 0 we don’t send anything.

Similarly for 2A again we send 2A voltage and for 0 don’t send anything. That means the

data is represented by voltage level. That means one is voltage level 2A and 0 is no

voltage or no signal is being sent. That’s how this unipolar encoding is done.

Unipolar encoding has got the following characteristic. It uses only one polarity of

voltage level as I mentioned and here the bit rate is same as the data rate. The means the

modulation rate or baud rate is same as the data rate. In other words you have got only

one signaling element per bit. Unfortunately as you have seen we are using signal of only

one polarity and as a consequence there will be DC component of the average value of

the signal that will be received at the other end will have DC so there will be DC

component present in signal.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:14)

And as you can see from this signal whenever you have got long sequences of 0s or long

sequences of 1s only one signal level is transmitted or no signal is transmitted. In other

words there will be no transitions and that will lead to loss of synchronization for long

sequences of 0s and 1s. So this unipolar scheme is possibly the simplest but it is obsolete.

It is not used because of the limitation.

For example, the DC component is present which is a bad feature, loss of synchronization

is a bad feature and of course data bit rate and data rate is same. We may come we may

not consider it go good but it is not definitely bad. But it is simple because it uses only

one polarity of signal. Let us see what are the polar schemes used.

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(Refer Slide Time: 20:39)

In case of polar essentially two voltage levels are used; one is positive and the other one

is negative. So we are using one positive voltage and one negative voltage and the polar

encoding scheme has got several alternatives like NRZ Non-Return-to-Zero, RZ Return-

to-Zero, Manchester encoding, Differential Manchester encoding. so these are the four

different encoding schemes available under polar encoding.

Let us consider their features one after the other, Non-Return-to-Zero that is NRZ. In this

particular case as you can see from this diagram voltage level is constant during a bit

interval. That means for 1 it has got two varieties NRZ L and NRZ I.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:56)

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First let us consider the NRZ L. in case of NRZ L Non-Return-to-Zero L stands for low

level. Here it means that the binary value 1 is represented by low level. As you can see

here binary value one is represented by low level minus A and 0 is represented by high

level plus A. So here we are using signals of two polarity plus A and minus A and these

two polarities are use to represent a binary 0 and 1. So 1 is represented by A the minus A

polarity voltage and 0 is represented by plus A. That means the signal levels state of the

data is represented by signal level and that remains constant during a bit interval as I

mentioned. So you see here that during the inter bit interval the data is either plus A or

minus A (Refer Slide Time: 22:40). So when it is 1 it is minus A and when it is 0 it is

plus A.

Let us look at the other alternative NRZ I where I stands for inversion. Here in case NRZ

I what we are doing is for each one in the bit sequence the signal level is inverted.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:11)

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Here as you can see this is your 1 for which it was minus A. whenever the next A is

encountered you can see here it is making a transition from minus A to plus A. Another

one is here so in this boundary again it is making transition from plus A to minus A. Here

there are two 0s so there is no transition. So whenever a 1 is encountered the signal is

making a transition or it is getting inverted from the previous signal level.

So here it was inverted from minus A to plus A and here it was inverted from plus A to

minus A because of the presence of this one, again another one is encountered here, here

it is inverted from minus A to plus A. This is how a transition from one voltage level to

the other voltage level takes place in this particular case. In the previous case as you can

see (refer Slide Time: 24:11) whenever there is a transition from 1 to 0 the data changes

from 1 to 0 so there is a transition or in the next case whenever consecutive 1s are there

or a 1 is encountered there is transition.

But whenever you have a long sequence of 0 then there is no transition in the signal and

that will lead to loss of synchronization. So here are the characteristics of this NRZ

encoding. Here you can see it has got two voltage levels plus A and minus A, here the bit

rate is same as the data rate because the number of signaling elements per bit is 1 so data

rate is same as the baud rate. So in other words it is M is equal to 2.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:53)

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Loss of synchronization for long sequences of 1s and 0s, whenever you send long

sequence of one or long sequence of 0 you will find there will be loss of synchronization.

And in this case if you look at the signal spectrum you will find that most of the energy is

concentrated between 0 and half the bit rate as it is shown in this diagram.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:44)

Here you find for NRZ I and NRZ L the signal spectrum is shown here. On the x axis you

have got normalized frequency f by r where r is the bit rate and means square voltage per

unit bandwidth. So here you find most of the energy is around this region that is half of

the bandwidth. That means this is one, this is the bandwidth of the signal. You can see

here that most of the energy is between DC and the middle point of the signal around 0.5.

So here major part of the signal is shown and most of the energy is concentrated between

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0 and half the bit rate. So this is the characteristic of NRZ encoding both NRZ L and


Synchronization has been found to be a major concern in the two schemes that we have

discussed. To overcome that we can use RZ encoding that is known as Return-to-Zero.

So here what we do is for each bit it returns to 0. If it is 1 it is 1, if data is 1 it is plus A

then in the middle point of the bit it returns to 0 and it remains there and for 0 the signal

value is minus A again in the middle point it returns to 0.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:52)

So here we see for each bit there are two transitions. One is from low to high and another

is high to low. Thus two transitions per bit is taking place irrespective of whether is 0 or


(Refer Slide Time: 28:51)

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So if you have long sequences of 0 or long sequences of 1 you will not face any difficulty

because the number of transitions is quite large and as a result it is very good for

synchronization. However, it uses three levels of encoding so it is possible to have log23

that means the information content can be more but unfortunately you are encoding only

a two data that means the data rate is not increased although it has the capability to have

higher information rate.

So however the bit rate is double than that of data rate because the number of transitions

it is making is not at all an efficient encoding so here baud rate will be equal to two that

of data rate so this is definitely bad that the signal requires higher bandwidth than the data

rate. However, it provides you good synchronization as you have seen. And the increase

in bandwidth is the main limitation or concern because of this the signal has got double

the bandwidth than the data rate. Data rate is multiplied by two to the baud rate and as a

consequence RZ encoding is good from the view point of synchronization but it is bad

from the view point of the bandwidth requirement.

Let’s see how we can go for a better scheme. This Manchester encoding is also a bipolar

encoding. Here we are also using plus A and minus A the signals of two polarity levels.

However, as you can see we can consider it that each signal element is divided into two

phases biphase, two phases the first part and second part. So in Manchester encoding

there is a mid-bit transition so mid-bit transition is taking place.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:42)

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So each mid-bit transition for example for one the transition is from minus A to plus A

for 0 it is from plus A to minus A. So, if the next bit is one then it has to go from minus A

to plus A so there is no need of transition in the middle, however, the next bit is 1 and

here it will make transition from low to high (Refer Slide Time: 30:26) and in this middle

position it has to again make transition from low to high so in the beginning it is making

transition from high to low. Hence it is possible to have low to high transition. That

means whenever you have two consecutive 1s as we can see the number of transitions

will be low to high, high to low then low to high.

On the other hand whenever you have got two consecutive 0s again there will be

transition from high to low, low to high and again from high to low. So the number of

transitions is more for consecutive 1s and consecutives 0s. However, when you have got

consecutives of 0s and 1s then as you can see the number of transitions is one per bit.

However, you have got enough number of transitions. this is Manchester encoding where

the signal levels are represented by the number of transitions, that is it is essentially it is

making from high to low or low to high in the middle bit position.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:48)

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Let us see the other one the differential Manchester which is known as biphase encoding.

Here the presence of transition in the beginning of a bit position represents a 1. Here this

is the beginning of a bit position, this is the beginning of a position and this is a

beginning of a bit position (Refer Slide Time: 31:52) if it is a 0 then there is always a

transition in the beginning. For example, here there is a transition but it can be from high

to low or low to high there is no distinction. If it is 1 there is no transition so it depends

essentially on the previous bit.

For example, for one or 0 in the middle there will be always transition which is used for

synchronization purpose. That means in the middle there is always transition. So as you

can see here there is transition, here there is transition in the mid-bit position but only in

the beginning there is transition if it is a 0.

So this is a 0 bit so there is transition in the beginning, this is a 0 bit there is a transition

in the beginning, this is another 0 bit so there is transition in the beginning so for each of

this bits so there is transition. Hence there is transition here, here, here for all the 0s and

on the other hand there is transition in the middle for the purpose of synchronization. So

you can easily recover data from this and at the same time it will provide you very good

synchronization. So it has got two voltage level plus A and minus A as you have seen and

there is no DC component.

As you can see here alternately you are making it high and low and high and low so the

average value will be 0 so there will be no DC component present. It is a very good

feature and it provides you very good synchronization because number of transitions per

bit element will be at least one. There may be more than one transition in case of

consecutive 0s or consecutive 1s but it gives you at least one transition so it gives you

very good synchronization.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:13)

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However, the bandwidth is increased here, it gives you higher bandwidth due to doubling

of bit rate with respect to data rate. That means when you are sending a sequence of 0s

and sequence of 1s then the bit rate is a data rate, the baud rate is double than the data

rate which is a bad feature and definitely this is not advantageous. But because of these

two features it is attractive and widely used in many practical encoding schemes.

Let us look at the bandwidth of these two signals Manchester encoding and differential

Manchester encoding with respect to NRZ I and NRZ L.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:21)

As you can see in case of NRZ I and NRZ L the bandwidth was very close to 0. On the

other hand for Manchester encoding as we can see there is no DC component, there is no

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signal component closer to DC 0V and most of the NRZ is concentrated around the bit

rate that is 1.

However, it spreads further so it can have higher frequency signal components for both

the cases and it gives you some kind of bandpass which means this can be very efficiently

sent through a bandpass channel because the frequency spectrum has got higher

frequency components around the middle and on either side the frequency components

are less. So it is a very good frequency characteristic except that the bandwidth

requirement is higher.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:43)

Now let us focus on the bipolar encoding schemes. We have discussed unipolar and polar

and now you are considering on focusing on bipolar encoding. In bipolar encoding we

shall be using a technique known as AMI - Amplitude Mark Inversion. This terminology

mark has come from the day of telephony. In telephony we used to send signals in the

form of mark and space so that terminology has been borrowed here and here the AMI is

one kind of bipolar encoding. As we shall see this is known as bipolar AMI. It uses three

voltage levels such as plus A, 0 and minus A. And unlike Return-to-Zero the 0 level is

used to represent 0 here. In case of RZ encoding what we did the 0 voltage level was not

representing either 0 or 1 so signal was returning to 0 both for 0 and for 1.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:54)

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But here it is not so. The 0 is represented by, that means the 0 bit is represented by 0V.

On the other hand a one can have either positive voltage or negative voltage so it

alternately changes. For example, for this it is plus A, next one will have minus A, next

one will have plus A, next one will have minus A so that’s why it is called alternating

binary 1s or having alternating positive and negative voltages. So this alternating positive

and negative voltages can be sensed to identify 1s.

However, if there is a long sequence of 0s then obviously there will be no transition so

this will again lead to loss of synchronization as we shall see.

So here there is no DC component because it uses positive and negative. However loss of

synchronization occurs for long sequence of 0s and as a consequence it gives you lesser


Somewhat similar to bipolar AMI we have got pseudoternary. It is the same as AMI but

the alternating positive and negative pulses occur for binary 0 instead of binary 1. In the

previous case we have seen that alternating voltages are taking place for 1. In case of

pseudoternary if we replace the 1s by 0s and 0s by 1s it will be pseudoternary.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:28)

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So the characteristic will be same as bipolar AMI and not different that means the

characteristic will be same as the bipolar AMI for pseudoternary. But the only difference

is that here binary 1 represents 0 and for 1 it is alternating positive and negative voltages.

That’s the difference between bipolar AMI and pseudoternary. So you can use either of

the two having the same characteristics. And obviously this is a very good feature, there

is no DC component, unfortunately loss of synchronization for long sequences of 0s is

not useful. However, it has a very attractive feature which is lesser bandwidth as we shall

see in the subsequent diagrams.

So before we compare the various techniques that we have discussed in this lecture. One

important parameter I have already mentioned about it has to be taken into consideration

which is the data rate and another is modulation rate.

Modulation rate is expressed in terms of baud b a u d and data rate as we know is

expressed in terms of bits per second. Now what is the relationship? The relationship

between data rate and baud rate is data rate d is equal to R by b where b is the number of

number of bits per signal element. That means a signal element can have more than one

bit, can represent more number of bits or it can have less number of bits. So depending on

that the data rate can be more or less.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:52)

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For example, if the number of levels L is the number of different signal levels that is

being used then the data rate will be more than the baud rate R by b, R is the data rate that

means D is the modulation rate that means R is equal to D into log2L that means the data

rate R will be more whenever you are using more number of signal levels as we shall see.

And because of this the efficiency will be more whenever your data rate is more than the

baud rate.

Let us see what the situation is for the codes that we have discussed.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:08)

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This is the modulation rate (Refer Slide Time: 42:00). the minimum modulation rate for

NRZ L is 0 0 0 both for NRZ L NRZ I and bipolar AMI does not change at all for some

values 0s and 1s so it is 0, for 1 0 1 it is alternating 1s and 0s, for NRZ L it is 1, for NRZ

I it is .05 and for bipolar AMI it is 1.0, for Manchester it is 1. 0, for differential

Manchester it is 1.5.

And look at the maximum, the maximum occurs in case of differential Manchester say

2.0, 2.0 both for Manchester and differential Manchester. And as you can see here from

the view point of modulation rate we find that bipolar AMI has got good characteristic on

the other hand the Manchester and differential Manchester requires higher modulation

rate compared to the other schemes and as a result they are not very attractive from this

view point.

However, we have seen that Manchester and encoding gives you very good

synchronization facility. That means whenever you are sending the signal either a long

sequence of 0s or long sequence of 1s it will not lead to synchronization failure because

at the other end the phase locked loop will be able to regenerate the signal without any


If we compare the bandwidth of the different signals we find that the NRZ L and NRZ I

has got lower bandwidth. However, because of the presence of DC component and the

low pass nature of the signal it is not attractive.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:07)

On the other hand Manchester and differential Manchester encoding has got very good

bandwidth spectrum shape. It has got most of the frequency components in the middle

however it has got higher bandwidth. The AMI and pseudoternary has got lesser

bandwidth and it has got very good frequency spectrum and most of the energy is

centered around the middle of the frequency and there is no DC component as you can

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see. Hence this is the bandwidth comparison of the different encoding techniques that we

have discussed.

Of course there are other special purpose codes that is being used in digital transmission

one is known as 2B1Q, 2 binary 1 quaternary. Compared to polar or bipolar it is four

voltage levels in contrast to two voltage levels that is commonly used in polar. Here we

see for 0 0 it has got minus 3V, for 1 1 it is plus 1.5V, for 0 1 it is minus 1.5V and for 1 0

it is plus 3V. So we see here it has got four voltage levels so it gives you higher data rate.

That means R is equal to D if we look at the previous diagram this one that R is equal to

R by b that means R is equal to D into log2L.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:57)

So here R is equal to D into log2L and L here is 4. Because it is using four levels the data

rate will be two times and as a result each signal element will be able to represent two

bits. Two bits means this signal element minus 3 is representing 0 0 or this signal element

that is plus 1.5 is representing 1 1 so we see that by using this multilevel encoding we are

able to send more data with lesser number of signal elements. In other words with lesser

baud rate your data rate is more. However, because of larger number of signal levels it

will be more prone to error. So signal to noise ratio of the medium has to be better only

then this can be used.

Then there is another special purpose code that is used known as MTL-3 Multiline

Transmission. Here also we use three levels it is very similar to NRZ I. in case of NRZ I

we have seen that we are using inversions Non-Return-to-Zero inversions but instead of

two levels here we are using three levels.

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(Refer Slide Time: 47:31)

Here we see that signal transition occurs at the beginning of each one bit so whenever it

is a one it is making a transition from 0 to 1 and here also it is making a transition from 1

to 0 so here we can see that we are using say 0 to plus 1 then plus 1 to 0 again from 0 to

minus 1 so in this way it is using three voltage levels and signal transition is occurring at

the beginning of each one. So it is very similar to NRZ I but uses three different levels

that is the basic difference that is used in the beginning of each one bit that is the

characteristic of this code.

Now we have seen that bipolar AMI has got very good characteristics but unfortunately it

has got bad signal characteristic so the bandwidth characteristic is bad which can be

improved by a technique known as scrambling scheme. This can be considered as

extension of bipolar AMI. Particularly when we are sending signal over a long distance

the bandwidth of the channel is very precise.

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(Refer Slide Time: 50:04)

When it is for short distance communication like local area network then bandwidth is

not really very important. On the other hand whenever we are sending over a long

distance bandwidth has to be very judiciously utilized. In such cases we shall go for this

kind of special schemes and try to develop better utilization of the bandwidth. And some

of the characteristics of these special encoding codes are no DC component no long

sequence of 0 level, line signal and so on. That means whenever there is long sequences

of 0 level we shall try to enforcibly introduce some transition with minimum increase in

bandwidth as we shall see in the next lecture.

Then it should have some error detection capability. Examples of such scrambling

schemes are B8ZS and HDB3 which we shall discuss in the next lecture. So in today’s

lecture we have discussed about several schemes like NRZ, RZ and bipolar schemes and

here are some of the review questions.

1) Why do you need encoding of data before sending over a medium?

2) What are the four possible encoding techniques give examples?

3) Between RZ and NRZ encoding techniques which requires higher bandwidth and


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(Refer Slide Time: 50:55)

4) How Manchester encoding helps in achieving better synchronization?

Here are the answers to the questions of lecture-5.

On what parameters the quality of transmission depends in case of transmission through

unguided media?

(Refer Slide Time: 51:12)

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Answer is: In case of unguided media the transmission quality primarily depends on the

size and shape of the antenna and the bandwidth of the signal transmitter.

So we have already discussed in detail the unguided media. There we have seen the size

and shape of the antenna and the bandwidth of the signal that we are sending will play

important role.

2) What are the factors responsible for attenuation in case of terrestrial microwave


(Refer Slide Time: 51:46)

We have seen that the attenuation characteristic is represented by the formula 10 log 4 pi

d by lambda square. So it depends on the distance and the attenuation increases at the rate

of distance square. However, the attenuation also increases with frequency or inversely

proportional to lambda square. Moreover during rainfall attenuation is less if there is no

rain. So in other words when there is rain attenuation is more.

3) What parameters decide the spacing of repeaters in case of terrestrial microwave


The parameters are the height of the antenna h and the adjustment factor k based on this

relationship 7.14 root kh where d is the distance in kilometer between the two antennas.

And based on the height of the antenna used one can calculate the distance and usually

the value of k is equal to 4 by 3 that can be used to compute the distance.

4) Why two separate frequencies are used for uplink and downlink transmission in case

of satellite communication

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As I mentioned in the lecture two separate frequencies are used so that one cannot

interfere with the other and full duplex communication is possible. If we use same

frequencies then there will be interference and we cannot have full duplex


(Refer Slide Time: 52:53)

So to achieve full duplex communication two separate frequencies are used.

5) Why uplink frequencies are higher than the downlink frequencies in case of satellite


(Refer Slide Time: 53:44)

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The reason I mentioned was the satellite gets power from solar cell so the transmitter is

not being of higher power because it is taking power from the solar cell. On the other

hand the ground station can have much higher power as we want less attenuation and data

signal to noise ratio, lower frequencies are more suitable for downlink and higher

frequency is commonly used for uplink. So this is the answer to the question 5 that was

the last question, thank you.