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Darwin’s Evolution a Fake?By Kaleb Malanin

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Throughout history scientists have always argued where and when life first appeared. “Creationists” are people who believe we were created by God. People who do not believe there is a God find the idea of life being created by a superior being unthinkable. So these people have been forced to try and think of other possible ways how life could exists on earth. Today I am going to bring forward some arguments against Darwin’s theory of evolution which is one of the most commonly believed amongst secular peoples.

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Contents 3. Darwin’s Evolution theory4. What fossil records show5. Darwin’s View On The Gaps In The Fossil Records6. Breeding Limitations7. Is Evolution Occurring Right Now ?8. The Alleged “Missing Links” between Man and Ape9. THE UNITY OF LANGUAGES10. Religion11.Human Body12. Conclusion

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Darwin’s Evolution theory

So what’s Darwin’s theory on evolution? Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the idea that all life has descended from a common ancestor the birds , dinosaurs, fish, flowers and plants are all related. Darwin's general theory says that life has come from non-life and done all this naturally "descent with modification". That is, complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. Survival of the fittest a process known as "natural selection“ is a major part of the theory, mutation that the fittest hold will eventually end up creating super breed. These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism.

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What fossil records show

Through the 1900’s Scientists have studied fossil records to try and determine if the theory of evolution is fact or fiction. If the theory of evolution were fact, then the fossil records would clearly show the gradual transformation over long periods of time that Darwin spoke of. despite lots of research for over a century and a half, no facts of a transitional form have been found in the fossil records. What the fossil records do show is each life form suddenly appearing, full blown, without any apparent relationship to what went before it. This is an obvious fact of creation, scientists are blinded by their ego.

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Darwin’s View On The Gaps In The Fossil Records

Now so I don’t make this PowerPoint one sided I’ll show what Darwin’s theory says about this. Darwin knew of the gap in the fossil records but he felt there was more to his theory which explained this. Darwin reasoned that if man could bring about small improvements in living things in such a short period ,then nature could bring about similar tiny improvement over millions of years in living cells, which could allow them to evolve all the way up to the human beings given enough time .

This theory once again has no proof and would still have shown up on fossil records which it hasn’t.

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Breeding LimitationsWhile Darwin proposed that plants and animals could vary to an unlimited degree , breeders discovered that this was not exactly true. They were discovering that even though it was possible to breed a modified species to a limited extent (eg. a sheep with short legs), it was NOT possible to breed a plum the size of a watermelon, or breed a horse with tusks .Each living thing has some sort of limit to how far it can be modified. Excessive breeding for a characteristic was also found to either result in a reverse back toward a given average after many generations, or it resulted in dead end species which were unable to reproduce ( eg. the mule which is a cross between a horse and donkey ). To date no breeding experiment s have ever resulted in major , new traits resulting in a completely new species .No arguments have come up against this fact.

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Is Evolution Occurring Right Now ?

Darwin has always stressed that “survival of the fittest” was an important component of his theory of evolution. Though evolutionists cannot identify which aspects are important for survival because survival cannot be seen or proved. No evolutionist really knows how “natural selection” really works, or if it is currently working. How have humans evolved over the last thousands of years? Not at all, we are still the same, if we really did come from apes how come there are still apes today and how come we don’t see apes turning into humans? This is because Darwin's idea of evolution is false.

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The Alleged “Missing Links” between Man and Ape

There have been several claims of fossils found that show evidence between man and ape:

Neanderthal Man– When the first Neanderthal Man was discovered in about 1856, it was thought to be true link from ape to man . Now known biologists such as Virchow and many other Scientists and medical authorities since that time have all declared the Neanderthal skulls shows signs of severe rickets. Also there have been instances where the Neanderthal Man bones were put on display in museums and it was later discovered the bones were arranged incorrectly which is what gave it the hunched appearance.

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Piltdown Man-  The “Piltdown “ skull was first “ discovered”  in England in1912  by Charles Dawson. For Forty –one years  it was leading evidence for evolution  until in 1953 it was discovered to be a forgery . It was actually  found to be a recent  human skull combined  with a female orang-utan  jaw, and was dyed  and slightly  modified to give  it the appearance  of age. It’s  interesting  to note how all textbooks before 1953 showed Piltdown  man in every  human’s family tree, then one day it was no longer “true”.

Java Man- When this was  “discovered” in 1891 by Dr. Eugene Dubois , two other skulls were found  in the same formation and of the same age which were no different from skulls of modern  aborigines from Australia. Dubois formed java    man from a chimp-like skullcap, human thigh bone, and teeth, all found within 50 feet of each other  and he simply put them together , assuming they were from the same man. Java man was later discredited by the finder himself, Dr Eugene Dubois, as actually being a gibbon in 1938.

Nebraska Man-  In 1922 a tooth was discovered in Nebraska  By Dr Henry  Fairfield  Osborn  who examined  the tooth and claimed  it had characteristic of a man, chimp and Java Man. Years later it was determined  the tooth was actually from  an extinct  pig.

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In summary of all these so called “missing links”, they have all been fakes and not really a connection, maybe the next so

called connection will also be a fake. During this time people for me would have been laughed at for calling these fakes when they really were. This just shows how evidence can

clearly be faked.

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The unity of the languages of the world proves the recent common origin of man. Prof. Max Muller, and other renowned linguists, declared that all languages are derived from one. This is abundantly proven by the similarity of roots and words, the grammatical construction and accidents, the correspondence in the order of their alphabets, etc. The French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are daughters of the Latin; Latin is a daughter of the Aryan; and the Aryan, together with the other sister languages is, no doubt, the daughter of the original language spoken by Noah and his immediate descendants. There can not well be more than 4 generations of languages, and the time since Noah is sufficient for the development of the 1000 languages and dialects. The American Indians have developed about 200 in 3,000 or 4,000 years. The life of a language roughly speaking, ranges from 1000 to 3,000 years. The time since Noah is sufficient for the development of all the languages of the world. But if man has existed for 2,000,000 or 1,000,000 years, with a brain capacity ranging from 96% to normal, there would have been multiplied thousands of languages bearing little or no resemblance. There is not a trace of all these languages. They were never spoken because no one lived to speak them.

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ReligionThe unity of ancient religions proves the creation of man who received a divine revelation. According to evolution, all religions were evolved or invented by humanoids. In that case, we would expect them to be extremely different yet it seems that they have all come from one but some have gone off track. For instance, what in the world could teach us that an animal sacrifice is a proper way to worship God? How could something random arrive at the conclusion that God is properly worshipped by sacrificing an animal? "Sacrifices were common to all nations of antiquity, and therefore, traced by some to a personal revelation." By revelation, we learn that the animal sacrifice prefigured the Lamb slain on Calvary. It was revealed. No race of monkey-men could ever have invented the idea.

The division of time into weeks of 7 days, prevalent among the ancients, suggests an ancient revelation in commemoration of creation as against evolution, which denies creation. The following statements from Dr. J. R. Dummelow, an eminent commentator, show that the Babylonians both divided time into weeks, and offered sacrifices pointing to the unity of religions. "The Babylonians observed the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of each lunar month as days when men were subjected to certain restrictions.

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Human BodyCan evolutionists imagine how the human body could be crammed fuller of the clearest proofs of the most intelligent design? Many of the most remarkable inventions of man were suggested by the wonderful contrivances found in the human body. Still evolutionists say this marvellous piece of ingenuity did not come from the hand of the Creator but was developed by blind chance or "natural laws," without a trace of intelligent design by the Creator, or by man or beast. The human body can no more be a product of chance.On high medical authority, it is said that there are in the human body 600 muscles, 1000 miles of blood vessels, and 550 arteries important enough to name. The lungs are composed of 700,000,000 cells of honey comb. In 70 years, the heart beats 2,500,000,000 times, and lifts 500,000 tons of blood. The nervous system, controlled by the brain has 3,000,000,000,000 nerve cells, 9,200,000,000 of which are in the cortex or covering of the brain alone. Almost 3 pints of saliva are swallowed every day. It is easy also to believe that the "very hairs of our heads are numbered,"--about 250,000.

Still many people think that we happened randomly that we appeared out of nowhere, how could you deny that there is a creator, I can’t things in my house banging into appearance, so why should people assume living things did, it’s crazy.

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ConclusionHow could people still believe in evolution? It’s primitive and so obviously stupid, the facts have shown that it doesn’t work out, we know that life forms didn’t evolve because there are no fossils showing this. We have read and seen that life forms can’t suddenly and drastically change because we have built in limits of change, also animals aren’t currently evolving into new species and neither are we, just because evolution supposedly happened in the past how come it has just stopped now? The similarity and common factors of languages and religion point to an original single source but also the few amounts of different languages shows that we haven’t been around that long, just a few thousand years. The complexity of our bodies is mind boggling, nothing that happened naturally, we must have been created by God not nothing, how can nothing or an inanimate object turn into a life form, it’s impossible?

So now that I have given you some food for thought just think, does evolution really seem like the truth or are you starting to think that we were created?

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BibliographyWebsiteAnonymous, Anonymous, 2011, Overcome Problems .Com,, 17th of May 2013,

WebsiteREV. WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS, W.A.W, 1928, The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved,, 17th of May 2013,

WebsiteAnonymous, Anonymous, 2009-02-10 22:46:47 , Fifteen proofs that disprove Darwin on the 200th anniversary of his birth,, 17th of May 2013,

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Anonymous. (2002). Darwin's Theory Of Evolution - A Theory in Crisis, Charles Darwin, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life," 185. Available: Last accessed 17th of May 2013.Kirk Caldy. (2013). Harvard Style Reference Generator Referencing a Website or Electronic Report. Available: Last accessed 17th of May 2013.