Download - DANIEL PAGE 231

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Empire reminder IEmpire reminder I

AA BBig ig PPicture icture GGrows.rows.

AA = Assyria= AssyriaBB = Babylonia= BabyloniaPP = Persia = PersiaGG = Greece = Greece

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Empire reminder IIEmpire reminder II

GGreat reat PPolitical olitical SStrength trength MMade ade RRome.ome.

GG = Greece = Greece

PP = Ptolemy = Ptolemy

SS = Seleucid = Seleucid

MM = Macabees = Macabees

RR = Rome= Rome

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•According to the contents of the Book of Daniel, it was written in the sixth century B.C. by Daniel who lived during its events. (This date is disputed by liberals. They prefer 400 years later in order to account for the prophecies.)

•Daniel’s familiarity with the individuals spoken of in the book and with the historical events and customs mentioned in the book necessitates a sixth-century date for the book.

• The minute details included in the book could hardly have been retained accurately by oral tradition for some 400 years.

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•The fact that manuscript fragments from the Book of Daniel were found in Qumran, written perhaps in the second century B.C., argue against the notion that Daniel was written in 165 B.C., as many critics suggest.

•Not enough time would have been available for the book to have reached the Essene community in Qumran and for it to have been copied there.

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1.Daniel’s personal dedication to God would have been an example to the deportees.

2.The book emphasizes God’s sovereign authority over Gentile nations.

3.The book gives an example of God’s faithfulness to His covenant people in protecting and preserving them even though they were under divine discipline.

4.The book was also written to outline graphically the prophetic period known as ”the times of the Gentiles“.

5.The book also reveals Israel’s future deliverance and the blessings she will enjoy in the coming Millennial Age.

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1. HISTORICISM (Examples, though there is are variations)

•The prophecy of Daniel's 70 Weeks has already been fulfilled in its entirety.

•The Antichrist is not one particular man, but has been fulfilled by the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church. We should not be expecting an Antichrist to appear in the future.

•The prophesied ten-horn kingdom existed at the time of the dissolution of the Roman Empire, and the papacy rose up among these ten kings.

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1. HISTORICISM (Continued):

•The Great Tribulation lasted 1,260 years and is now past. (From the rise of Islam in 622 AD until 1844 when Britain and other “Christian nations forced the Sultan of Turkey to abolish the death penalty for Moslems who converted to Christianity.) There will not be a time of great tribulation at the Second Coming.

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2.PRETERISM (from Latin meaning “past”)

•THE GREAT TRIBULATION – They believe this took place at the fall of Israel and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. They believe that it will not be repeated and that this term is NOT referring to any future event.

•THE BEAST OF REVELATION – They believe that it is a symbol of Nero (some hold this view) or of the Roman Empire in general.

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2.PRETERISM (continued):

•THE MILLENNIUM – Preterists (most of them) say that this refers to the spiritual kingdom of Jesus Christ which He established at His first coming. They say it refers to the period of time between His first and second comings. They believe that the Millennium is going on now with Christians reigning as kings on earth.

•ISRAEL – They believe that ethnic Israel was excommunicated for its apostasy and will never again be part of God’s Kingdom. They say that the Bible does not tell of any future plan for Israel as a special nation.

•ARMAGEDDON – Preterists believe that it is simply a symbol of defeat and desolation. They teach that there never was, nor will be, a literal “Battle of Armageddon” and that there is no such place.

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• There is a gap between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel's 70 Weeks" prophecy. The first 69 weeks have been fulfilled. The 70th week, a seven-year period, is yet to come to pass.

• Though there have been many antichrists throughout the years, the Bible prophesies one Antichrist who will rule a one-world government for three and one-half years immediately before the coming of Jesus Christ at Armageddon.

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3. FUTURIST (continued):

• The prophesied ten-horn kingdom is yet to appear on earth, and the Antichrist will arise among these ten kings.

• The Tribulation is yet future and will last for seven years. This is Daniel's 70th week. It will be terminated when the Antichrist is destroyed by Jesus Christ at Armageddon.

• Most of Jesus' prophecies in Matthew 24 deal with events of the end time and have yet to be fulfilled.

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Five Narratives of DanielFive Narratives of Daniel

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First NarrativeFirst NarrativeThe real “Daniel Plan”The real “Daniel Plan”

Daniel 1Daniel 1

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From Saddleback Church’s website:

“What is The Daniel Plan?Inspired by the Bible story from the first Chapter of the Book of Daniel, The Daniel Plan is a 52-week program to help you adapt a healthy lifestyle--not just another short-term diet. The Daniel Plan curriculum has been designed by three world-renowned doctors including brain expert Dr. Daniel Amen, functional medicine pioneer Dr. Mark Hyman, and heart surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz. Since being launched January 15, 2011, more than 9,500 people have started the plan, including Pastor Rick Warren who announced his goal of losing 90 lbs.”

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Daniel 1:8-15 – Likely reasons why Daniel and his friends did not eat the food:

Since these Jewish youths took the Old Testament dietary commands seriously, there were at least three reasons.

1. Some of the food undoubtedly included pork, camel meat, and other animals they were prohibited to eat. In addition, even the clean animals probably were cooked in the same pots as the unclean ones.

2. For even the clean animals, the Jews could not eat the blood. We do not hear of ancient cultures draining the blood before cooking the animals.

3. There were other laws, such as one could not cook a young animal in its mother’s milk.

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Second NarrativeSecond NarrativeDaniel’s three friends and the Daniel’s three friends and the

fiery furnacefiery furnace

Daniel 3Daniel 3

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Table question: Some might conclude that since Daniel is not included with the three Jewish men who did not bow down, he did indeed bow down. How would you respond to this theory?

Possible answer: Since Daniel’s character is clearly revealed as spiritual and courageous, there is a reason why. Perhaps, as a government official, he was out of the area on business during this occasion.

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Third NarrativeThird NarrativeKing Nebuchadnezzar’s King Nebuchadnezzar’s

mental illnessmental illness

Daniel 4Daniel 4

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Fourth NarrativeFourth NarrativeThe Handwriting on the wallThe Handwriting on the wall

Daniel 5Daniel 5

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The three words written on the wall:

Daniel 5:25-28 (NIV) 25“This is the inscription that was written: mene, mene, tekel, parsin 26“This is what these words mean: Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. 27Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. 28Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”

MENE (menē’) is an Aramaic noun referring to a weight of 50 shekels (a mina, equal to 1 1/4 pounds). It is from the verb menâh, ”to number, to reckon.“

TEKEL (teqēl) is a noun referring to a shekel (2/5 of an ounce). It is from the verb teqāl, ”to weigh.“

PARSIN (parsîn)—(or Peres) is a noun meaning a half-mina (25 shekels, or about 2/3 of a pound). It is from the verb peras, ”to break in two, to divide.“ The word on the wall was actually ŪpTarsîn, which means ”and Parsin“

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Fifth NarrativeFifth NarrativeDaniel in the lion’s denDaniel in the lion’s den

Daniel 6Daniel 6

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Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the statue explained by Daniel in Daniel 2statue explained by Daniel in Daniel 2

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Daniel’s interpretation of Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dreamNebuchadnezzar's dream

Table discussion: Read 2:29-45. Table discussion: Read 2:29-45. What observations can you make What observations can you make from Daniel’s interpretation?from Daniel’s interpretation?

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Daniel 2:24-45: Head of Gold – Daniel 2:24-45: Head of Gold – Babylonian Empire (626-539 B.C.)Babylonian Empire (626-539 B.C.)

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Head of Gold – Babylonian EmpireHead of Gold – Babylonian Empire (626-539 B.C.) (626-539 B.C.)

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Daniel 2:24-45Daniel 2:24-45: Chest and arms of silver – : Chest and arms of silver – Medo-Persian Empire (538-332 B.C.)Medo-Persian Empire (538-332 B.C.)

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Chest and arms of silver – Medo-Persian Chest and arms of silver – Medo-Persian Empire (538-332 B.C.)Empire (538-332 B.C.)

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Daniel 2:24-45Daniel 2:24-45: Belly and thighs of bronze – : Belly and thighs of bronze – Greek Empire (332-63 B.C.)Greek Empire (332-63 B.C.)

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Belly and thighs of bronze – Greek Empire (332-63 Belly and thighs of bronze – Greek Empire (332-63 B.C.)B.C.)

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Daniel 2:24-45: Legs of iron and feet of Daniel 2:24-45: Legs of iron and feet of clay and iron – Roman Empire (past and clay and iron – Roman Empire (past and


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Legs of iron and feet of clay and iron – Legs of iron and feet of clay and iron – Roman Empire (past)Roman Empire (past)

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Daniel 2:44-45: The rock = Christ Daniel 2:44-45: The rock = Christ setting up His millennial kingdom at setting up His millennial kingdom at

His second coming.His second coming.

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Daniel’s dream of four beastsDaniel’s dream of four beasts

Table discussion: Read 7:1-14. What Table discussion: Read 7:1-14. What observations can you make from observations can you make from Daniel’s dream?Daniel’s dream?

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Daniel 7:4 - Lion = Babylonian Daniel 7:4 - Lion = Babylonian Empire Empire

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Daniel 7:5 - Bear = Medo-Persian Daniel 7:5 - Bear = Medo-Persian EmpireEmpire

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Daniel 7:6 - Leopard = Greek Daniel 7:6 - Leopard = Greek EmpireEmpire

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Daniel 7:7 - 4th Beast = Revived Daniel 7:7 - 4th Beast = Revived Roman Empire Roman Empire

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Daniel 7:8-11, 19-28: 4th Beast = Revived Daniel 7:8-11, 19-28: 4th Beast = Revived Roman Empire with one king (the little Roman Empire with one king (the little

horn) subduing 3 of the 10 kingshorn) subduing 3 of the 10 kings

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Babylonia Babylonia

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Medo-Persia Medo-Persia

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Greece Greece

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Rome Rome

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Revived Roman Empire Revived Roman Empire

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Four heads of the leopard of Daniel 7:6Four heads of the leopard of Daniel 7:6

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Daniel 11:4 - Four sections of Greek EmpireDaniel 11:4 - Four sections of Greek Empire

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Daniel 11:4 – The four Daniel 11:4 – The four Greek generals are Greek generals are

represented by the four heads represented by the four heads of Daniel 7:6 and the four of Daniel 7:6 and the four

horns on the goat of Daniel horns on the goat of Daniel 8:8.8:8.

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Daniel 11:4 – The Daniel 11:4 – The four Greek generalsfour Greek generals

1. 1. SeleucusSeleucus (over Syria and (over Syria and Mesopotamia) Mesopotamia)

2. 2. PtolemyPtolemy (over Egypt) (over Egypt) 3. 3. LysimacusLysimacus (over Thrace and (over Thrace and

portions of Asia Minor)portions of Asia Minor) 4. 4. CassanderCassander (over Macedonia (over Macedonia

and Greece)and Greece)

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Daniel’s vision of a ram and goatDaniel’s vision of a ram and goat

Table discussion: Read 8:1-14. What Table discussion: Read 8:1-14. What observations can you make of observations can you make of Daniel’s vision?Daniel’s vision?

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Daniel 8:3-4: The Ram = Medo-PersiaDaniel 8:3-4: The Ram = Medo-Persia(Identified in 8:20)(Identified in 8:20)

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Daniel 8:5-14: Goat = Greece // the horn = Daniel 8:5-14: Goat = Greece // the horn = Alexander the GreatAlexander the Great(Identified in 8:21-22)(Identified in 8:21-22)

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Comparison of Daniel 2:7; and 8Comparison of Daniel 2:7; and 8

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Babylonia in Daniel 2 and 7 Babylonia in Daniel 2 and 7

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Medo-Persia in Daniel 2; 7; and 9 Medo-Persia in Daniel 2; 7; and 9

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Greece in Daniel 2, 7, and 8 Greece in Daniel 2, 7, and 8

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Comparing the visions:Comparing the visions: Roman Empire (past and future) in Roman Empire (past and future) in

Daniel 2 and 7Daniel 2 and 7

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Daniel 9:20-27Daniel 9:20-27

Calculating the years to Calculating the years to the Messiah the Messiah

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Calculating the years to the Calculating the years to the MessiahMessiah

Jewish Rabbi MaimonidesJewish Rabbi Maimonides (1135-1204) (1135-1204) said about Daniel 9:25-27, said about Daniel 9:25-27, "Daniel has "Daniel has

elucidated to us the knowledge of the end elucidated to us the knowledge of the end times. However, since they are secret, the times. However, since they are secret, the wise [rabbis] have barred the calculation wise [rabbis] have barred the calculation of the days of Messiah’s coming so that of the days of Messiah’s coming so that the untutored populace will not be led the untutored populace will not be led

astray when they see that the End Times astray when they see that the End Times have already come but there is no sign of have already come but there is no sign of

the Messiah"the Messiah"

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Calculating the years to the Calculating the years to the Messiah Messiah

We must first determine what the We must first determine what the “sevens” stand for:“sevens” stand for:

From From “The Bible Knowledge Commentary”:“The Bible Knowledge Commentary”: The 490 could not designate The 490 could not designate daysdays (about 1 (about 1 1/3 years) for that would not be enough 1/3 years) for that would not be enough time for the events prophesied in Daniel time for the events prophesied in Daniel 9:24-27 to occur.9:24-27 to occur.

The same is true of 490 weeks of seven The same is true of 490 weeks of seven days each (i.e., 3,430 days, about 9 1/2 days each (i.e., 3,430 days, about 9 1/2 years). years).

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Calculating the years to the Calculating the years to the MessiahMessiah


Whereas people today think in units Whereas people today think in units of tens (i.e. decades), Daniel’s people of tens (i.e. decades), Daniel’s people (the Jews) thought in terms of (the Jews) thought in terms of sevens:sevens:

Seven days are in one week. Seven days are in one week. Every seventh year was a sabbath rest Every seventh year was a sabbath rest

year (Lev. 25:1-7). year (Lev. 25:1-7). Seven “sevens” brought them to the Year Seven “sevens” brought them to the Year

of Jubilee (Lev. 25:8-12). of Jubilee (Lev. 25:8-12). Seventy “sevens,” then, is a span of Seventy “sevens,” then, is a span of

490 years.490 years.

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Let’s try a Let’s try a calculationcalculation

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Daniel’s seventy “sevens” (Daniel Daniel’s seventy “sevens” (Daniel 9:24-27)9:24-27)

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Coin of image of Antiochus Coin of image of Antiochus Epiphanes (ca. 215-164 B.C.)Epiphanes (ca. 215-164 B.C.)

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Antiochus Epiphanes (ca. 215-Antiochus Epiphanes (ca. 215-164 B.C.) – Daniel 11:21-32)164 B.C.) – Daniel 11:21-32)

He was a Syrian king (Ruled the He was a Syrian king (Ruled the Seleucid Empire).Seleucid Empire).

He ruled from 175-163 B.C.He ruled from 175-163 B.C. He sought to force the Jews to He sought to force the Jews to

accept Greek culture.accept Greek culture.

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Antiochus Epiphanes (ca. 215-Antiochus Epiphanes (ca. 215-164 B.C.) – Daniel 11:21-32)164 B.C.) – Daniel 11:21-32)

In 167 B.C., he stopped the Jewish In 167 B.C., he stopped the Jewish sacrifices.sacrifices.

He entered the Holy of Holies of the Jewish He entered the Holy of Holies of the Jewish temple.temple.

He set up a statue of Zeus on the altar of He set up a statue of Zeus on the altar of burnt sacrifice outside of the temple.burnt sacrifice outside of the temple.

He sacrificed a pig on the altar at the He sacrificed a pig on the altar at the temple.temple.

This was the “abomination that causes This was the “abomination that causes desolation” of 11:31.desolation” of 11:31.

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Antiochus Epiphanes (ca. 215-Antiochus Epiphanes (ca. 215-164 B.C.) – Daniel 11:21-32)164 B.C.) – Daniel 11:21-32)

He forced the Jews to sacrifice a pig He forced the Jews to sacrifice a pig on the 25on the 25thth of each month to of each month to “celebrate” his birthday.“celebrate” his birthday.

He offered rewards for Jews who He offered rewards for Jews who turned their back on Judaism turned their back on Judaism (11:32a).(11:32a).

A remnant of Jews remained faithful A remnant of Jews remained faithful to God (11:32b)to God (11:32b)

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Judas Maccabeus Judas Maccabeus

Maccabeus = “The Maccabeus = “The Hammer”Hammer”

In 166 B.C., Judas’ father In 166 B.C., Judas’ father Mattithius, and his five Mattithius, and his five sons started a Jewish sons started a Jewish revolt against Antiochus revolt against Antiochus Epiphanes (11:33-35)Epiphanes (11:33-35)

Judas led the revolt after Judas led the revolt after his father’s death.his father’s death.

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Judas Maccabeus Judas Maccabeus

He defeated the Seleucid He defeated the Seleucid army and freed Israel in army and freed Israel in 165 B.C.165 B.C.

Israel was free until they Israel was free until they came under Roman power came under Roman power in 63 63 B.C.

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Daniel 11 (continued)Daniel 11 (continued)

Daniel 11:1-35 – pastDaniel 11:1-35 – past• 11:2 – History under Persia (211:2 – History under Persia (2ndnd empire) empire)• 11:3-3-35 – History under Greece (311:3-3-35 – History under Greece (3rdrd

empire)empire) Daniel 11:36-12:3 – future (Daniel’s Daniel 11:36-12:3 – future (Daniel’s

7070thth week) week) NOTE: Some Bible Scholars believe NOTE: Some Bible Scholars believe

that all of chapter 11 is in the past.that all of chapter 11 is in the past. The key to the “futurist” position: The key to the “futurist” position:

Antiochus Epiphanes foreshadows Antiochus Epiphanes foreshadows the future Antichrist.the future Antichrist.

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Daniel 11:36-45Daniel 11:36-45The futurist position The futurist position

11:35 transitions to “the time of the 11:35 transitions to “the time of the end”.end”.

These events occur during Daniel’s These events occur during Daniel’s 7070thth week, the final 7 years before week, the final 7 years before the return of Christ.the return of Christ.

We are presently in the gap between We are presently in the gap between Daniel’s 69Daniel’s 69thth and 70 and 70thth “seven”. “seven”.

Events in these verses do not line up Events in these verses do not line up with Antiochus Epiphanes.with Antiochus Epiphanes.

Note: “At that time...” (12:1)Note: “At that time...” (12:1)

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““The King” (“The little The King” (“The little horn”)horn”)

““The king” will be the final ruler of the The king” will be the final ruler of the Roman Empire.Roman Empire.

““The king” = The king” = • The little horn of 7:8,The little horn of 7:8,• ““The ruler” of 9:26The ruler” of 9:26• The “Lawless One” of 2 Thess. 2:1-4The “Lawless One” of 2 Thess. 2:1-4• The first beast of Rev. 13:1-10The first beast of Rev. 13:1-10• The Antichrist of 1 John 2:18The Antichrist of 1 John 2:18

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““At that time...” (12:1-3)At that time...” (12:1-3) The people of Israel (“Daniel’s The people of Israel (“Daniel’s

people”) will be protected by the people”) will be protected by the angel Michael. (V. 1a)angel Michael. (V. 1a)

It will be a time of greatest It will be a time of greatest distress - “The Great tribulation”. distress - “The Great tribulation”. (V. 1b)(V. 1b)

The Jews will be delivered. The Jews will be delivered. (V.1c) See Romans 11:25-27(V.1c) See Romans 11:25-27

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““At that time...” (12:1-3)At that time...” (12:1-3)

There will be a resurrection. (V. 2)There will be a resurrection. (V. 2)• See Revelation 20:4See Revelation 20:4

The victory of genuine believers The victory of genuine believers (specifically Jewish believers). (V. 3)(specifically Jewish believers). (V. 3)

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