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Dandelion Wine$ne o% the popular edible weeds -- the dandelion -- can be used toma&e wine'

(ut dandelion %lower heads to )ood use*-in dandelion wine' Ma&esure to select %lowers that ha+en,t been eposed to chemicaltreatment' And just to be sa%e. wash them well be%ore usin)' To make dandelion wine, you’ll need:

/ sterile pint bottles)lass or ceramic croc&lar)e stainless steal or enamel saucepan0 cups dandelion heads1 2uarts boilin) water3 lemon. thinly sliced3 oran)e. thinly sliced1 cinnamon stic&s

4 whole clo+es/ cups su)ar3-inch piece o% )in)er root5 pac&a)e dried yeast6 cup warm water


(ut washed %lower heads in the croc& and co+er with the boilin)water' Steep at room temperature %or one wee&'


(lace citrus slices and su)ar in saucepan7 press with a woodenspoon to bruise and release juice' Strain dandelion li2uid intothe saucepan and discard %lower heads' Add )in)er. cinnamonand clo+es' Brin) to a boil. stirrin) occasionally. then letsimmer %or /8 minutes' Cool to lu&ewarm' 9hile m iture iscoolin). dissol+e yeast in 6 cup warm water7 add to saucepan'Let li2uid stand unco+ered at room temperature %or two days'


Strain li2uid throu)h a paper %ilter into a lar)e croc&' Let %or three wee&s'


Strain into sterile bottles and cor&' Store in a dar&. cool place%or three to si months be%ore usin)'


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Dandelion Wine

:eader Comments

;<+e had this and it<s pretty )ood=

Galadriel, Lothlorien, MEPosted: !!"#$ ##:%#:$% PM

>i Mary.

Accordin) to the author o% this recipe. the %irst sta)e o% the brew ?with only %lowers steepin)@ has anunusual smell. but once you be)in to add the citrus and boil. it shouldn<t smell bad' ;% you<reeperiencin) ran& smells. err on the side o% caution# hrow it out and do not in)est'

o''y (arms editor, Le)in*ton, +Posted: %!#!"# -:.":"/ 0M

Not sure i% my comment went throu)h' ; tried this recipe %or dandelion wine and a%ter steepin) the

%lowers smelled so bad-really ran& and now i am at the sta)e where it is sittin) a%ter strainin)throu)h the paper %ilter %or the %irst time and it still stin&s really bad' Should ; throw it away is itsupposed to smell bad (lease answer asap' han& you'

Mary, Gi'sonia, P0Posted: .!$"!"# /:%$:%- 0M

this is a )reat %amily project %or us the &ids pic& the %lowers and then the adults ma&e the wine andall are happy in the end as a matter o% %act i<+e )ot a batch )oin) ri)ht now

ro'in, kendall, 1Posted: %!#2!"## %:".:# PM




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