Download - Dailyplan (Y3)

  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)



    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : 1 Topic:My Loved One

    Cont. Stand: 2.1, 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.2.2 , 2.1.1(a) ,2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.3.1(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.

    ctivities :1. ead and !nderstand hrases and senten'es in linear and non%linear te&ts.

    2. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven'onte&t *e+* ay % lay , 'lay , ay , say. oday, #irthday-

    3. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.4. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    . ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.

    /. ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es.

    . ead for information and enoyment "ith $!idan'e (a) fi'tion

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle senten'es in linear and non%linear te&ts

    "ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : 1 Topic:My Loved One

    Cont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.:3.2.2(a), 3.2.4Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e form and style for a

    ran$e of !roses.

    ctivities :

    1. Write "ith $!idan'e (a) simle senten'es2. Sell 'ommon si$ht "ords

    T!ids : "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite "ith $!idan'e (a) simle senten'es

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : 1 Topic:My Loved One

    Cont. Stand: 4.1, 4.3 Learn. Stand.:4.1.2, 4.3.1(#)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s

    ctivities :1. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iations, rhythm and intonation.

    2. rod!'e simle 'reative "or7s "ith $!idan'e #ased on (#) oems

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to s re'ite a66 'hants "ith 'orre't ron!n'iations, rhythm and



    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : 1 Topic:My Loved One

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.1(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :

    1. 8se no!ns 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) 'ommon no!nsT!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to !se no!ns 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) 'ommon no!ns


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 2 Topic:O!r lay$ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: 1.1,1.2 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.2.1(d), 1.1.1($), 1.1.3, 1.3.1(#),

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre'tstress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e

    2. arti'iate in daily 'onversations (d) offer hel

    3. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e ($) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$

    4. Listen to , say alo!d and re'ite rhymes, to!n$e t"isters and sin$ son$.. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y ans"erin$ simle Wh%:!estions

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ord 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to tal7 a#o!t the lay$ro!nds in their residential area or they have #een to.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a.ans"erin$ simle W;%

    ReadingEnglish Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 2 Topic:O!r lay$ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: 2.1, 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1(a), 2.1.2 , 2.1.3, 2.2.2

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to aly 7no"led$e of so!nds of letters to re'o$ni6e "ordsin linear and non%linear te&ts.

    ctivities :1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t *a!* o! % sho!t, 'o!'h, ro!nd, $ro!nd-.2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    4. ead and !nderstand hrases and senten'es in linear and non%linear te&ts.

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle senten'es in linear and non%linear te&ts"ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 2 Topic:O!r lay$ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: 3.1 Learn. Stand.:3.2.1(a), 3.3.1(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e form and style for a

    ran$e of !roses.ctivities :1. 5omlete "ith $!idan'e (a) simle messa$es

    2. 5reative simle te&ts !sin$ a variety of media "ith $!idan'e (a) simle messa$es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :=et !ils to "rite a similar e%mail and send it to a friend

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to 'omlete "ith $!idan'e (a) simle messa$es

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 2 Topic:O!r lay$ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.1.2, 4.3.2(a)Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s

    ctivities :

    1. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iations, rhythm and intonation.2. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on (a) a66 'hants


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to re'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iations, rhythm

    and intonation..


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 2 Topic:O!r lay$ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.1(#)Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :1. 8se no!ns 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) roer no!ns

    T!ids :i't!re 'ard, "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to !se no!ns 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) roer no!ns

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3Theme :World of Stories Unit : 3 Topic:ales hat ea'h

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.1.2, 1.3.1(#),1.1.1($), 1.1.3,Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.2. Listen to and enoy simle stories.

    3. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ or oral te&ts #y (#) ans"erin$ simle Wh%


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 3 Topic:ales hat ea'h

    Cont. Stand: 2.1 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1(a), 2.1.2, 2.1.3,2.2.4,2.3.1(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to aly 7no"led$e of so!nds of letters to re'o$ni6e "ords

    in linear and non%linear te&ts.


    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t *a+* ie % die, tie, died, 'ried-.2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    4. ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es.. ead for information and enoyment "ith $!idan'e (a) fi'tion

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards ,"ords 'ards, honeme 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 3 Topic:ales hat ea'h

    Cont. Stand: 3.1 Learn. Stand.:3.2.2(a), 3.1.1( '),Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to form letters and "ords in neat le$i#le rint in'l!din$

    '!rsive "ritin$.

    ctivities :


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    1. Write "ith $!idan'e (a) simle senten'es2. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$ ( ' ) simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite in neat le$i#le rint. ( ') . simle senten'es

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3Theme :World of Stories Unit : 3 Topic:ales hat ea'h

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.1.2, 4.2.1(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s

    ctivities :

    1. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation, rhythm and intonation.

    2. esond to ( a ) 'hara'ters "ith $!idan'e

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to sin$ a'tion son$s and re'ite a66 'hants "ith 'orre't ron!n'iations,

    rhythm and intonation..

    &rammarEnglish Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 3 Topic:ales hat ea'h

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.2(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.ctivities :

    1. 8se rono!ns 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) ersonal.T!ids :"ords 'ardsdded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to !se rono!ns 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) ersonal

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 4 Topic: Farm >&erien'e

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.2.1(d), 1.3.1( #), 1.1.1($), 1.1.3,

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.2. arti'iate in daily 'onversation (d) offer hel

    3. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ or oral te&ts #y(#) ans"erin$ simle Wh%

    4. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e ($) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$

    . Listen to, say alo!d and re'ite rhymes, ton$!e t"isters and sin$ son$s.T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ord 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to tal7 a#o!t the animals and their home

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a.

    ans"erin$ simle W;%


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 4 Topic: Farm >&erien'e

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1(a), 2.1.2, 2.1.3,2.2.3, 2.2.4

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%

    linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.ctivities:

    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven'onte&t * i * ea % ea , neat, meat , lea-.

    2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.4. ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e

    . ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards ,"ords 'ards, honeme 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es

    %ritingEnglish Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 4 Topic: Farm >&erien'e

    Cont. Stand: 3.1 Learn. Stand.:3.1.1( ' ) , 3.2.2(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to form letters and "ords in neat le$i#le rint in'l!din$

    '!rsive "ritin$.

    ctivities :1. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$ ( ' ) simle senten'es

    2. Write "ith $!idan'e (a) simle senten'e

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to s!rf the internet to find o!t more a#o!t farm animals.Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite in neat le$i#le rint. ( ') . simle senten'e

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 4 Topic: Farm >&erien'eCont. Stand: 4.3 Learn. Stand.:4.3.2(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to lan, or$ani6e and rod!'e 'reative "or7s forenoyment.

    ctivities :1. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on ? ( a) a66 'hants

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards of animals, "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on ? ( a) a66 'hants


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 4 Topic: Farm >&erien'e

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.2(#)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :1. 8se rono!ns 'orre'tly and aroriately (#) demonstrative

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to !se rono!ns 'orre'tly and aroriately (#) demonstrative

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : Topic:8ni:!ely @o!

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.3 , 1.1.4, 1.3.1( #) ,1.1.1( f) ($) ,

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :

    1. Listen to , say alo!d and re'ite rhymes, ton$!e t"isters and sin$ son$.

    2. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.3. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y ans"erin$ simle Wh%:!estions.4. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e (f) voi'e so!nds ($) oral #lendin$ and


    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ord 'ards

  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to to dis'!ss the moral val!e in the oem

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a.

    ans"erin$ simle W;%


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : Topic:8ni:!ely @o!

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1(#) , 2.1.2, 2.1.3,2.3.1(#),2.2.3,Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%

    linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.


    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * * oy % oy, soy , enoy, loyal-

    2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    4. ead for information and enoyment "ith $!idan'e (#) non%fi'tion. ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards ,"ords 'ards, honeme 'ardsdded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : Topic:8ni:!ely @o!

    Cont. Stand: 3.1 Learn. Stand.:3.2.2(a), 3.2.4, 3.1.1(a)(#)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to form letters and "ords in neat le$i#le rint in'l!din$

    '!rsive "ritin$.ctivities :

    1. Write "ith $!idan'e (a) simle senten'es2. Sell 'ommon si$ht "ords

    3. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$ (a) "ords (#) hrases

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite in neat le$i#le rint. a. "ords #. hrases

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : Topic:8ni:!ely @o!

    Cont. Stand: 4.3 Learn. Stand.:4.3.2(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to lan, or$ani6e and rod!'e 'reative "or7s for

    enoyment.ctivities :

    1. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on ? ( a) a66 'hants

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to sin$ the a66 'hant to the t!ne of A Mary had a little lam#.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on ? ( a) a66 'hants


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Self , Family and Friends Unit : Topic:8ni:!ely @o!

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.3(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.ctivities :

    1. 8se ver#s 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) re$!lar ver#s

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to !se ver#s 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) re$!lar ver#s

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : / Topic:Safety First

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.3.1(#), 1.2.2(a), 1.2.3(a), 1.1.1($), 1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.2. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y ans"erin$ simle Wh%:!estions.

    3. Listen to and follo" (a) simle instr!'tions

    4. =ive ( a) simle instr!'tion in s'hool. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e ($) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$

    /. Listen to , say alo!d and re'ite rhymes, ton$!e t"isters and sin$ son$s

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to tal7 a#o!t safety r!les in the s'hool.Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to $ive ( a) simle instr!'tion in s'hool


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit :/ Topic:Safety First

    Cont. Stand: 2.1 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1(#),2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.4

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to aly 7no"led$e of so!nds of letters to re'o$ni6e "ords

    in linear and non%linear te&ts.


    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * * ir % $irl , dirt, s7irt, shirtl-2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    4. ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards ,"ords 'ards, honeme 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : / Topic:Safety First

    Cont. Stand: 3.1 Learn. Stand.:3.1.1( ' ) , 3.2.2(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to form letters and "ords in neat le$i#le rint in'l!din$

    '!rsive "ritin$.ctivities :

    1. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$ ( ' ) simle senten'es2. Write "ith $!idan'e (a) simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite in neat le$i#le rint. (' ) simle senten'es

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : / Topic:Safety First

    Cont. Stand: 4.3 Learn. Stand.:4.3.1(#)Objective : By the end of the lesson , , !ils "ill #e a#le to lan, or$ani6e and rod!'e 'reative "or7s for

    enoyment.ctivities :

    1. rod!'e simle 'reative "or7s "ith $!idan'e #ased on (#) oems

  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    !ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to rod!'e simle 'reative "or7s "ith $!idan'e #ased on (#) oems


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : / Topic:Safety First

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.3(#)Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :1. 8se ver#s 'orre'tly and aroriately (#) simle resent tense

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to !se ver#s 'orre'tly and aroriately (#) simle resent tense

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3Theme :World of Stories Unit : Topic:=iants and =nomes

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.: 1.1.4, 1.1.2, 1.3.1(#),1.1.1($),1.1.3Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.

    2. Listen to and enoy simle stories.3. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y ans"erin$ simle Wh%:!estions

    4. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e ($) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$. Listen to , say alo!d and re'ite rhymes, ton$!e t"isters and sin$ son$s

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to read the story.

    Re$lection :#o!t of the st!dents a#le to tal7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : Topic:=iants and =nomes

    Cont. Stand: 2.1 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1(#),2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.3,2.2.1('),2.3.1(a)Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to aly 7no"led$e of so!nds of letters to re'o$ni6e "ords

    in linear and non%linear te&ts.


    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * ! * !e % r!e, s!e , tiss!e , tr!e, $l!e , fl!e -

    2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    4. ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e. ly "ord atta'7 s7ills #y ( ' ) identifyin$ "ords oosite in meanin$

    /. ead for information an enoyment "ith $!idan'e (a) fi'tionT!ids :i't!re 'ards ,"ords 'ards, honeme 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read for information an enoyment "ith $!idan'e (a) fi'tion


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : Topic:=iants and =nomesCont. Stand: 3.1 Learn. Stand.:3.1.1( ' ) , 3.2.2(a), 3.1.2(a)(#)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to form letters and "ords in neat le$i#le rint in'l!din$'!rsive "ritin$.

    ctivities :


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    1. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$ ( ' ) simle senten'es2. Write "ith $!idan'e (a) simle senten'es.

    3. Write n!merals in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$ (a) n!meral form (# ) "ord form

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite in neat le$i#le rint. (' ) simle senten'es

    Lang#age rtEnglish Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : Topic:=iants and =nomes

    Cont. Stand: 4.3 Learn. Stand.:4.1.1 , 4.1.2 ,4.3.2(#)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to lan, or$ani6e and rod!'e 'reative "or7s for


    ctivities :1. >noy a66 'hants and oems thro!$h non%ver#al resonses.

    2. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm and intonation.3. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on ? (#) oems

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to sell and "rite them in "ords

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on ? ( a) a66 'hants


    English Year:3Theme :World of Stories Unit : Topic:=iants and =nomes

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.3(')

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :1. 8se ver#s 'orre'tly and aroriately ( ' ) simle ast tense

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to !se ver#s 'orre'tly and aroriately ( ' ) simle ast tense

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 0 Topic:Move @o!r Body

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.1( ' ) , 1.1.4, 1.3.1(#) ,1.1.1($),1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :

    (. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e (' ) #ody er'!ssion

    ). al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e*. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y ans"erin$ simle Wh%:!estions+. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e ($) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$

    . Listen to , say alo!d and re'ite rhymes, ton$!e t"isters and sin$ son$s

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to name the a'tivities in the i't!res.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to tal7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 0 2.2.2, Topic:Move @o!r Body

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2..1.1( ' ),2.1.2, 2.1.3,Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to aly 7no"led$e of so!nds of letters to re'o$ni6e "ords

    in linear and non%linear te&ts.



  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven'onte&t * " * "h D"hy, "hat. Whi, "hale-

    2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards ,"ords 'ards, honeme 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 0 Topic:Move @o!r Body

    Cont. Stand: 3.1 Learn. Stand.:3.2.2(a), 3.1.1('),

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to form letters and "ords in neat le$i#le rint in'l!din$

    '!rsive "ritin$.

    ctivities :

    1. Write "ith $!idan'e (a) simle senten'es2. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$ ( ' ) simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$ ( ' ) simlesenten'es

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 0 Topic:Move @o!r Body

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.1.1,4.1.2, 4.3.2(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$sctivities :

    1. >noy a66 'hants and oems thro!$h non%ver#al resonse.2. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation, rhythm and intonation.

    3. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on (a) a66 'hants

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to re'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation, rhythm and



    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 0 Topic:Move @o!r Body

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.4(a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.ctivities :

    1. 8se 'on!n'tions 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) and.T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to !se 'on!n'tions 'orre'tly and aroriately (a) and.

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : C Topic: =o =reen

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4,1.3.1( a )( #) , 1.1.1( $ ) , 1.1.3, 1.2.2 ( a)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre'tstress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e

    2. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #ya) as7in$ simle W;%


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    #) ans"erin$ simle Wh%

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to tal7 a#o!t "ays they 'an hel save the environment

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a.ans"erin$ simle W;%

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1 ( ' ) , 2.1.2 , 2.1.3,2.2.3 , 2.3.1 (a )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.

    ctivities :1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * f * h D $rah , morh , nehe" , alha#et-.2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.4. ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.

    . ead for information and enoyment "ith $!idan'e a) fi'tion

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : C Topic:=o =reen

    Cont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.:3.2.1 ( a )( #) 3.3.1( a )( # )

    Objective : By the end of the /% year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e,form and style for a ran$e of !roses

    ctivities :1. 5omlete "ith $!idan'e. a) simle messa$es #) osters

    2. 5reate simle te&ts !sin$ a variety of media "ith $!idan'ea) simle messa$e #) ostersT!ids :i't!re 'ards of animals , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to 'reate the re'y'le oster on a 'om!ter and rint it o!t.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to 'omlete "ith $!idan'e. a) simle messa$es

    #) osters

    Lang#age rtEnglish Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : C Topic:=o =reen

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.1.2, 4.3.1 ( #)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s

    ctivities :

    1. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm and intonation.

    2. rod!'e simle 'reative "or7s "ith $!idan'e #ased on #) oemsT!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e : !ils "ill #e a#le to 'reate a re'y'lin$ roet "ith the !ils

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le re'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm and



    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : C Topic:=o =reen


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1.4(#)

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :

    1. 8se 'on!n'tions 'orre'tly and aroriately #) orT!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to 'on!n'tions 'orre'tly and aroriately #) or

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1E Topic: Water 5reat!res

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4,1.3.1( a )( #) , 1.1.1( $ ) , 1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre'tstress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e

    2. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a) as7in$ simle W;%

    ans"erin$ simle Wh%

    3. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e $) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$

    4. Listen to say alo!d and re'ite rhymes ,ton$!e t"isters and sin$ son$s "ith $!idan'e.T!ids :i't!re 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to tal7 a#o!t the "ater 'reat!res

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a.

    ans"erin$ simle W;%

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1 ( ' ) , 2.1.2 , 2.1.3,2.2.3 ,2.2.4,

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%

    linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.

    ctivities :

    (.e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * ! * e" % de" , e" , ne"t , e"ter--.

    ).Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    *.Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.+.ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.

    .ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1E Topic:Water 5reat!resCont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.:3.1.1( a ) ( # )( ' ) , 3.2.2 ( a ),

    Objective : By the end of the /% year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e,form and style for a ran$e of !roses

    ctivities :

    1. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$a) "ords #) hrases ') simle senten'es

    2. Write "ith $!idan'e.a) simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to dra" i't!res of "ater 'reat!res and des'ri#e themRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite "ith $!idan'e a) simle senten'es


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1E Topic:Water 5reat!res

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.3.2 ( a )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s

    ctivities :

    1. >noy a66 'hants and oems thro!$h non%ver#al resonses.2. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm and intonation.

    3. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on a) a66 'hantsT!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to $!ess the ans"er for the riddles on "ater 'reat!res

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le re'ite a66 'hants and oems thro!$h non%ver#al resonses.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1E Topic:Water 5reat!res

    Cont. Stand: .1

    Learn. Stand.:.1. ( a ) (#)Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :1. 8se reositions 'orre'tly and aroriately ( a ) in ( # ) on

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to reositions 'orre'tly and aroriately ( a ) in( # ) on

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 11 Topic: >veryday ;eroes

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.1.2, 1.2.1 (# ) ( ' ), 1.1.1( $ ) , 1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.

    2. Listen to and enoy simle stories.3. arti'iate in daily 'onversation #) as7 for hel ') resond to someone as7in$ for hel.

    4. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e $) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$

    . Listen to say alo!d and re'ite rhymes ,ton$!e t"ister and sin$ son$s "ith $!idan'e.

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to tal7 a#o!t ho" they 'an offer hel to their family , friends and nei$h#o!rs.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to arti'iate in daily 'onversation #) as7 for hel ') resond to

    someone as7in$ for hel


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 11 Topic:>veryday ;eroesCont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1 ( ' ) , 2.1.2 , 2.1.3,2.2.4 ,2.2.3,2.3.1 ( a )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.

    ctivities :

    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * * oe % aloe , hoe , "oe , doe , toe-..

    2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.4. ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es.

    . ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e./. ead for information and enoyment "ith $!idan'e. a) fi'tion


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 11 Topic:>veryday ;eroes

    Cont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.: 3.2.2 ( a ),Objective : By the end of the /% year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e,

    form and style for a ran$e of !roses

    ctivities :

    1. Write "ith $!idan'e a) simle senten'esT!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite "ith $!idan'e a) simle senten'es

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 11 Topic:>veryday ;eroesCont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.1.2, 4.2.1 ( a ), 4.1.1

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s

    ctivities :1. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm and intonation.

    2. esond to a) 'hara'ter

    3. >noy a66 'hants and oems thro!$h non%ver#al resonses

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le re'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm andintonation


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 11 Topic:>veryday ;eroes

    Cont. Stand: .1

    Learn. Stand.:.1. (' ) (d)Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :1. 8se reositions 'orre'tly and aroriately ' ) !nder d ) !

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to reositions 'orre'tly and aroriately ( a ) in( # ) on

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 12 Topic: ma6in$ 5reat!res

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.3.1 ( a ) ( # ) 1.1.1( $ ) , 1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.

    2. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a) as7in$ simle W;%

  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to 7no" more a#o!t animals thro!$h """.en'hantedlearnin$.'om

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to tal7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 12 Topic:ma6in$ 5reat!res

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1 ( ' ) , 2.1.2 , 2.1.3,2.2.2, 2.2.3,2.2.1 ( # ),2.2.4, 2.2.

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.

    ctivities :1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * * a! D a!ra , ha!l , ma!l , sa!'e-.

    2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.4. ead and !nderstand hrases and senten'es in linear and non%linear te&ts.

    . ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e./. ly "ord atta'7 s7ills #y #) identifyin$ "ords similar in meanin$.

    . ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es.0. ly #asi' di'tionary s7ills !sin$ i't!res di'tionaries

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 12 Topic:ma6in$ 5reat!res

    Cont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.: 3.1.1 ( ' )Objective : By the end of the /% year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e,

    form and style for a ran$e of !roses

    ctivities :

    1. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$. ') simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to $et the !ils to s!rf the +nternet for information a#o!t the animals they li7e.Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to "rite in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$. ') simle


    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 12 Topic:ma6in$ 5reat!res

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.1. 1 , 4.1.2, 4.3.2 ( # )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$sctivities :

    1. >noy a66 'hants and oems thro!$h non%ver#al resonses.

    2. e'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm and intonation.3. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on #) oems

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le re'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm andintonation


    English Year:3Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 12 Topic:ma6in$ 5reat!res

    Cont. Stand: .1

    Learn. Stand.:.1./ ( a )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    ctivities :1. 8se ade'tives 'orre'tly and aroriately a) 'olo!r

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to ade'tives 'orre'tly and aroriately a) 'olo!r

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 13 Topic: Shaes ll ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.3.1 ( # ) 1.1.1( $ ) , 1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.2. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y #) ans"erin$ simle Wh%

    3. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e $) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$4. Listen to say alo!d and re'ite rhymes ,ton$!e t"ister and sin$ son$s "ith $!idan'e.

    T!ids :i't!re 'ardsdded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to des'ri#e *tal7 a#o!t shaes.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to tal7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e


    English Year:3Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 13 Topic:Shaes ll ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1 ( ' ) , 2.1.2 , 2.1.3,2.2.2,2.2.4

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demons trate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%

    linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.ctivities :

    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven'onte&t * e+ * a%e % ale , "hale , tra'e , 'rane

    2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    4. ead and !nderstand hrases and senten'es in linear and non%linear te&ts.. ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es.

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es.


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 13 Topic:Shaes ll ro!ndCont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.: 3.2.2 ( a- , 3.1.1 ( ' )Objective : By the end of the /% year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e,

    form and style for a ran$e of !roses

    ctivities :

    1. Write "ith $!idan'e. a) simle senten'e

    2. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$. ') simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le "rite "ith $!idan'e. a) simle senten'e

    Lang#age rtEnglish Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 13 Topic:Shaes ll ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.3.1 ( ' )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    ctivities :1. rod!'e simle 'reative "or7s "ith $!idan'e #ased on a) a66 'hants

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le re'ite a66 'hants and oems "ith 'orre't ron!n'iation , rhythm andintonation

    &rammarEnglish Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 13 Topic:Shaes ll ro!nd

    Cont. Stand: .1

    Learn. Stand.:.1./ ( # )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :

    1. 8se ade'tives 'orre'tly and aroriately #) shaeT!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to ade'tives 'orre'tly and aroriately #) shae

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 14 Topic: >n'hantin$ Stories

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4,1.1.2, 1.3.1 ( # ) 1.1.1( $ ) , 1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.

    2. Listen to and enoy simle stories.3. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y #) ans"erin$ simle Wh%

    4. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e $) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$

    . Listen to say alo!d and re'ite rhymes ,ton$!e t"ister and sin$ son$s "ith $!idan'e.

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to read #o!t other famo!s fairy tales.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y #)

    ans"erin$ simle Wh%


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 14 Topic: >n'hantin$ StoriesCont. Stand: 2.2 Learn.Stand.:2.1.1 ( ' ) , 2.1.2 , 2.1.3,2.2.3 , 2.2.1 ( a ) , 2.2.2 , 2.2.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.

    ctivities :1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * a+, i * i%e , e%e % line , #ite , hide , ri'e , $ene , theme , -.2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.4. ly "ord atta'7 s7ills #y a) readin$ and $ro!in$ "ords a''ordin$ to 'ate$ories

    . ead and !nderstand hrases and senten'es in linear and non%linear te&ts.

    /. ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e


    English Year:3


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 14 Topic: >n'hantin$ Stories

    Cont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.: 3.2.2 ( a- , 3.1.1 ( ' )

    Objective : By the end of the /% year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e,

    form and style for a ran$e of !roses

    ctivities :1. Write "ith $!idan'e. a) simle senten'e

    2. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$. ') simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le "rite "ith $!idan'e. a) simle senten'e

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 14 Topic: >n'hantin$ Stories

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.3.2 ( ' )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s

    ctivities :

    1. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on ') storiesT!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on ') stories


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 14 Topic: >n'hantin$ Stories

    Cont. Stand: .1Learn. Stand.:.1. ( a ) ( # )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :

    1. 8se arti'les 'orre'tly and aroriately a) a #) an

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativityRe$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le !se arti'les 'orre'tly and aroriately a) a #) an

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1 Topic: My 5o!ntry , Malaysia

    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.3.1 ( a) ( # ) 1.1.1( $ ) , 1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently "ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.

    2. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a) as7in$ simle W;%

  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)



    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1 Topic: My 5o!ntry , Malaysia

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1 ( ' ) , 2.1.2 , 2.1.3,2.2.1 ( a ), 2.2.4, 2.2.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.

    ctivities :1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven

    'onte&t * * o%e % ro#e , 'ode , note , hole-..2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.

    3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.4. ly "ord atta'7 s7ills #y a) readin$ and $ro!in$ "ords a''ordin$ to 'ate$ories

    . ead and !nderstand a ara$rah of %0 simle senten'es.

    /. ead and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e


    English Year:3Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1 Topic: My 5o!ntry , Malaysia

    Cont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.: 3.2.2 ( a- , 3.1.1 ( ' )

    Objective : By the end of the /% year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e,

    form and style for a ran$e of !rosesctivities :

    1. Write "ith $!idan'e. a) simle senten'e2. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$. ') simle senten'es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le "rite "ith $!idan'e. a) simle senten'e

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1 Topic: My 5o!ntry , Malaysia

    Cont. Stand: 4.1 Learn. Stand.:4.3.2 ( a )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to enoy and are'iate rhymes , oems and son$s

    ctivities :

    1. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on a) a66 'hants

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on a) a66 'hants


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1 Topic: My 5o!ntry , Malaysia

    Cont. Stand: .1 Learn. Stand.:.1. ( ' )

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to !se different "ord 'lasses 'orre'tly and aroriately.

    ctivities :1. 8se arti'les 'orre'tly and aroriately ') the

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le !se arti'les 'orre'tly and aroriately ' ) the

    Listening and Spea'ing

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1/ Topic: Sta$e +t


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    Cont. Stand: 1.1 Learn. Stand.:1.1.4, 1.2.2 ( # ) , 1.2.3 ( # ), 1.3.1 ( a) ( # ) 1.1.1( $ ) , 1.1.3

    Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to rono!n'e "ords and sea7 'onfidently"ith the 'orre't

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    ctivities :

    1. al7 a#o!t a stim!l!s "ith $!idan'e.2. Listen to and follo" #) simle dire'tions

    3. =ive #) simle dire'tions to la'es in s'hool "ith $!idan'e4. Listen and resond to stim!l!s $iven "ith $!idan'e $) oral #lendin$ and se$mentin$

    . Listen to say alo!d and re'ite rhymes ,ton$!e t"ister and sin$ son$s "ith $!idan'e./. Listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a) as7in$ simle W;%

    ans"erin$ simle Wh%

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to $ive and follo" dire'tions to different la'es in the s'hool.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to listen to and demonstrate !nderstandin$ of oral te&ts #y a) as7in$

    simle W;%

    Cont. Stand: 2.2 Learn. Stand.:2.1.1 ( ' ) , 2.1.2 , 2.1.3,2.2.2Objective : By the end of the lesson , !ils "ill #e a#le to demonstrate !nderstandin$ if variety of linear and non%

    linear te&ts in the form of rint and non%rint materials !sin$ a ran$e of strate$ies to 'onstr!'t meanin$.

    ctivities :

    1. e'o$nise and arti'!late initial, medial and the final so!nds in sin$le sylla#le "ords "ithin $iven'onte&t * ! * !%e % h!$e , t!ne , f!me , r!le

    2. Blend and honemes into re'o$nisa#le "ords and read them alo!d.3. Se$ment "ords into honemes to sell.

    4. ead and !nderstand hrases and senten'es in linear and non%linear te&ts.T!ids :i't!re 'ards , honeme 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to form their $ro! mem#ers #y listenin$ to the so!nds made.

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to read and !nderstand simle and 'omo!nd senten'es "ith $!idan'e


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of 9no"led$e Unit : 1/ Topic: Sta$e +t

    Cont. Stand: 3.2 Learn. Stand.: 3.1.1 ( a )( # ) ( ' ), 3.3.1 ( a )

    Objective : By the end of the /% year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e a#le to "rite !sin$ aroriate lan$!a$e,

    form and style for a ran$e of !roses

    ctivities :

    1. Write in neat le$i#le rint "ith 'orre't sellin$. a) "ords #) hrases ') simle senten'es

    2. 5reate simle te&ts !sin$ a variety of media "ith $!idan'e.a) simle messa$es

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ardsdded "al#e :!ils "ill #e a#le to desi$n an invitation 'ard on the 'om!ter, rint in o!t and sent it to their


    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le 'reate simle te&ts !sin$ a variety of media "ith $!idan'e. a) simlemessa$es

    Lang#age rt

    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 1/ Topic: Sta$e +t

    Cont. Stand: 4.3 Learn. Stand.:4.3.2 ( a )

    Objective : By the end of the /%year rimary s'hoolin$s, !ils "ill #e a#le to lan, or$ani6e and rod!'e 'reative

    "or7s for enoyment.

    ctivities :1. erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on a) a66 'hants

    T!ids :i't!re 'ards , "ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity


  • 8/10/2019 Dailyplan (Y3)


    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to erform "ith $!idan'e #ased on a) a66 'hants


    English Year:3

    Theme :World of Stories Unit : 1/ Topic: Sta$e +t

    Cont. Stand: .2 Learn. Stand.:.2.1

    Objective : By the end of the /%year rimary s'hoolin$, !ils "ill #e to 'onstr!'t vario!s senten'es tyes 'orre'tly..ctivities :

    1. 5onstr!'t de'larative senten'es 'orre'tly

    T!ids :"ords 'ards

    dded "al#e :5reativity

    Re$lection : #o!t of the st!dents a#le to 'onstr!'t de'larative senten'es 'orre'tly