Download - daily prayer Jan-Mar 18 - Home - Child Evangelism ... & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC. Brian & Helen Donaghy as they hold an Easter Youth Night, teaching an ... Philip & Rachael



Brian & Helen Donaghy as they hold an

Easter Holiday Bible Club today, tomorrow and Wednesday.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne speaking at Every Girls Rally.

27/03 Tuesday Pray for: Ruth Jackson and others in the last

minute preparations for Easter Conference.

The Easter clubs in Ferns, Bunclody and Rosslare.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine and Jennifer McNeill at Londonderry JYC

Easter clubs being held in West Tyrone this week.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan speaking at Mount Merrion Free Presbyterian Prayer meeting.

28/03 Wednesday Pray for: Emma Reid speaking in 1st Keady

Presbyterian Midweek meeting. Stephen & Tanya Hamilton in their

weekly GNCs. Philip & Rachael Agnew teaching in

their weekly school-based GNCs. Denise Annett teaching at Richhill

Presbyterian GNC. 29/03 Thursday Pray for: Denise Annett teaching in Armagh

Road Presbyterian BB. Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne at the Co

Armagh Committee meeting. David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview

JYC. Brian & Helen Donaghy as they hold an

Easter Youth Night, teaching an evangelical message.

30/03 Friday Pray for: Easter Conference. Southern Workers meeting. Pray for

David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy & Jill Crozier as they lead the meeting and for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes.

All those who will be taking part in the Conference over the next few days. Pray for those giving reports, sharing Bible studies and missionary challenges.

31/03 Saturday Pray for: Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they

help with catering during the time at Easter conference.

Colin Hylands as he leads and organises the young peoples’ and young adults’ house groups.

Julie Fenton as she leads the Children’s programme at Easter Conference.

Declan & Amanda Curley as they lead the junior teens programme.

Abbreviations GNC Good News Club HBC Holiday Bible Club 5DC 5-Day Club JYC Junior Youth Challenge SYC Senior Youth Challenge TCE Teaching Children Effectively CMLC Children’s Ministry Leadership Course. MAP Mission Agencies Partnership PS Primary School NS National School 1

January 01/01 Monday Pray for: Colin Hylands as he speaks on the last

day of New Year Camp and for Rosemary Law and Kim Bell hosting the group in Seaview.

Linda Corry as she works on and oversees the updating of a number of text books that are used in the CMLCs in Europe.

Beverley McMaster as she assists David & Rosemary Edwards. Pray that she will be a help and blessing to them.

David Jackson as he deals with the various Child Protection queries.

The children enrolled in the Bible correspondence courses and for those involved in the administration of it across the areas.

02/01 Tuesday Pray for: Ruth Nelson as she maintains and

develops websites for CEF Europe. The Multimedia Department (David

Coffey, Steven Condy, Jill Crawford and Monty McCleery) as they continue to work on the new Good News Club® curriculum - ‘Unlock{ed}’. Pray that this new resource will be a blessing and help to the GNC™ teachers as they teach boys and girls the wonderful truths from God’s Word.

Openings into schools for Lynda McAuley in Co Mayo.

Rosalind Patterson as she begins teaching at a Teaching Children

Effectively™ Level 1 course in Abbey Street, Dublin.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne teaching at two GNCs each week this month.

03/01 Wednesday Pray for: Andrew & Beulah McMullan taking the

assembly in Clogher Valley Independent Christian School today and in Ballybay NS tomorrow.

Stan & Denise Beamish as they teach in schools every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Eugen & Claire Peters in their weekly schools and GNC ministry in Co Donegal.

Denise Annett as she teaches at the weekly GNC in Richhill Presbyterian.

Colin Hylands teaching in Kilwilkie GNC every Wednesday and Lurgan Baptist GNC every Friday.

04/01 Thursday Pray for: Heather Watson as she takes an

assembly in Dunmullan PS today and also in Killen and Gillygooley PS tomorrow.

Jennifer McNeill in her schools ministry. This month she will speak in nine school assemblies.

Brian & Helen Donaghy as they teach in seven GNCs each week.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at a GNC in Ballinrobe every Thursday.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian Boys Brigade.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

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05/01 Friday Pray for: Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching at

Bushmills PS GNC each Friday. Paddy & Jill Crozier teaching at a

weekly GNC. Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the

monthly prayer cell in Carrickfergus. David & Ruth Jackson at Castlereagh

JYC. Andrew & Beulah McMullan and the

Co Monaghan Committee as they host their Fellowship Evening in Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan. Pray for Henry Berry as he preaches and for David & Rosemary Edwards also giving a report.

06/01 Saturday Pray for:

6-14 Eugen Peters on deputation in Berlin and Belzig (East Germany).

Niall & Heather Carrothers in Oceanview as they await the arrival of their first baby. Pray for a safe arrival and good health for Heather and baby.

Henry & Madeline Berry as they visit their prayer partners and supporters throughout the month.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the monthly SYC in Lurganearly.

07/01 Sunday Pray for: Stan & Denise Beamish giving a report

and speaking at a West Cork meeting. Stephen & Grace Chambers speaking

at Finvoy Presbyterian Morning Worship.

David Crutchley speaking at an evangelistic service in Kilkeel Orange Hall.

Matt & Adele Corke speaking at a deputation meeting.

Colin Hylands leading and speaking at Carryduff Gospel Hall. The SYC Choir will also be singing.

08/01 Monday Pray for: The Southern Workers meeting. Pray

for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes.

8-12 The CEF of Romania team as they meet for their prayer and fasting day as well as planning meetings for the year ahead.

Emma Reid teaching in two after school GNCs in Orritor PS and later attending the Mid Ulster Committee meeting.

David & Heather Cowan attending the Lagan Valley Committee meeting with David & Rosemary Edwards also attending.

David & Olivia Crutchley conducting GNC Teacher training.

09/01 Tuesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she speaks at four

school assemblies this week. Stephen & Tanya Hamilton in their

weekly GNCs: Jobstown on Monday, Monkstown and Ballyowen on Tuesday, Quarryvale on Thursday and Belgard on Friday. On alternate Fridays they also teach in GNCs in Drimnagh and Crumlin.

Rosalind Patterson speaking at Drumreagh Afternoon fellowship meeting.

David & Heather Cowan holding a GNC Teacher Training class.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine and Jennifer McNeill at Limavady JYC.

10/01 Wednesday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy

& Jill Crozier attending the Board of Trustees meeting.

Geoffrey Weir as he takes two school assemblies in Henry Bloom Noble School and also in Scoill Phurt le Moirrey. Pray also for Geoffrey & Lily as they teach in the GNC in Kewaigue


Heather Watson as she meets with

prayer supporters during the Week of Prayer.

The GNCs in Lapland, that the children will continue to attend up until Easter. Pray also for the Easter Clubs.

Jonathan & June Graham at the JYC in Aghadrumsee.

21/03 Wednesday Pray for: 21-24 Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett

attending the CEF France Workers Conference.

Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach in their weekly RE classes in a local school.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

Colin Hylands teaching in Kilwilkie GNC every Wednesday and Lurgan Baptist GNC every Friday.

22/03 Thursday Pray for: Ida Johnston and those involved in the

Easter Club in the Horseshoe Block in Hammerfest. Pray that many children will come.

Heather Watson as she teaches at Easter assemblies this week.

Brian & Helen Donaghy as they teach in seven GNCs each week.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at a GNC in Ballinrobe every Thursday.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

23/03 Friday Pray for: Olivia Crutchley taking the assembly in

Kilkeel PS and teaching with David in Windsor Hill PS GNC.

Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching at Bushmills PS GNC each Friday.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the

fortnightly Correa GNC. Paddy & Jill Crozier at the GNC Parents

Evening. Philip & Rachael Agnew attending their

monthly GNC Teachers Get Together. Brian & Helen Donaghy at the Sligo

Youth Challenge meeting. 24/03 Saturday Pray for: Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they

host Ballee Baptist Youth Fellowship this weekend at Seaview.

Johanna Austin helping at the final day of the TCE1 course in Mayo with Lynda McAuley and for the students as they do their Bible lesson practicals.

The Youth Challenge ministry in the SE Antrim area.

The JYC Missions night in Dungannon. 25/03 Sunday Pray for: The final preparations for the Western

European Leadership Forum and Conference in Spain taking place in May.

The Multimedia Department (David Coffey, Steven Condy, Jill Crawford and Monty McCleery). Pray that God will continue to lead, guide and help them as they produce all the new literature and resources for the mission.

Simon & Jayne Gibson in their ministry in Co Cavan. Pray for openings into schools and for GNCs.

26/03 Monday Pray for: Northern Workers meeting. Pray for

Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

Jennifer McNeill teaching in her three weekly school-based GNCs.

The GNCs in the Isle of Man as they finish this week. Pray that Geoffrey & Lily Weir will have openings to take RE classes during the summer term.

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15/03 Thursday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace teaching at Spa

PS GNC and later speaking at Greenwell Street Presbyterian.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne and Colin Hylands attending the Regional Prayer meeting.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the SE Antrim Committee meeting.

16/03 Friday Pray for: Andrew & Beulah McMullan taking

their monthly assemblies in Rockcorry NS, Clontibret NS and Billis NS.

16-17 Claire Bain and the CEF of Romania team as they hold their annual conference. May it be an encouragement for all the teachers who attend.

Denise Annett speaking at Moyallen PS. Brian Donaghy as he continues to visit

local schools in Sligo with the Easter message.

Eugen & Claire Peters at the Donegal Junior Camp weekend.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the monthly prayer cell in Straid.

17/03 Saturday Pray for: Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they

host Dromore Presbyterian Youth Fellowship this weekend at Seaview.

Heather Watson and the volunteers involved in St Patrick’s Day outreach.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton and Rosalind Patterson involved in outreach during the St Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin city centre.

Emma Busby speaking at Richview Presbyterian Children’s meeting and later at Belfast SYC.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Mourne SYC, Jennifer McNeill at Londonderry

JYC and Andrew & Beulah McMullan at Lurganearly JYC.

18/03 Sunday Pray for: 18-25 Spring Week of Prayer. Effective use of the Book Ministry web

site as more people are making use of the download facility.

Ruth Nelson continuing to raise her prayer and financial support for her work in website development for CEF Europe.

Declan & Amanda Curley in their ministry in West Belfast. Pray for openings for GNCs.

Attracta Hanna as she teaches and facilitates the various training courses in the Republic of Ireland.

19/03 Monday Pray for: 19-27 Geoff & Karen Wallace as they

deliver Gospel tracts and Easter eggs to children in residential care homes across Northern Ireland and to Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre.

David & Heather Cowan hosting the monthly prayer meeting in their home this evening.

Angie McKee teaching at the TCE1 course in Co Monaghan with Andrew & Beulah McMullan.

Jennifer McNeill attending the NW Ulster Committee meeting.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton as they teach in the JYCs in Jobstown on Mondays and every other Saturday in Lucan.

20/03 Tuesday Pray for: Jennifer McNeill speaking at three

assemblies this week: Ballougry PS today, Lisnagelvin PS tomorrow and Ashlea PS on Friday.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at two GNCs every Tuesday and one every Wednesday.


School at lunch-time.

Philip & Rachael Agnew in their schools ministry. They will teach assemblies in seven schools this month.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan speaking at Randalstown Free Presbyterian prayer meeting tonight and at Poyntzpass Baptist Women's meeting tomorrow night.

11/01 Thursday Pray for: Emma Reid speaking at Stewartstown

PS assembly. Johanna Austin as she teaches six

classes in Gorey Central NS. David & Heather Cowan as they host a

Regional prayer meeting in their home this morning. Pray for Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne, Colin Hylands and others as they meet together.

Denise Annett speaking in Kings Park PS SU and later teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

Geoff & Karen Wallace at the weekly GNC in Spa PS and later speaking at Brookvale Presbyterian Women's meeting.

12/01 Friday Pray for: Julie Fenton as she teaches in school

assemblies this month in Wheatfield PS, Taughmonagh PS, Harmony PS and Carrs Glen PS.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan teaching at the fortnightly GNC in Correa.

David & Olivia Crutchley at their weekly GNCs: Ballyvea GNC on Wednesdays and Windsor Hill PS GNC on Fridays.

David & Rosemary Edwards as they meet each Friday with Paddy & Jill Crozier, and as they attend the West Tyrone Committee meeting later.

Brian & Helen Donaghy at the fortnightly Youth Challenge in Sligo.

13/01 Saturday Pray for: Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett

attending the CEF Britain National Board meeting.

The GNCs and JYCs in Lapland, that the children and young people will come back. Pray also for Kirsti, Katrine and Olaug who are responsible for the teaching.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne as they hold their monthly GNC Teacher Training class.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton as they begin teaching a TCE™ Level 1 course. This will take place on alternate Saturdays.

Lynda McAuley and Paddy & Jill Crozier at the first day of the TCE1 course in Castlebar, Co Mayo.

Jennifer McNeill at Limavady SYC. 14/01 Sunday Pray for: Stan & Denise Beamish giving a report

and speaking in a local church in West Cork.

Matt & Adele Corke speaking at a deputation meeting.

Andrew McMullan speaking at a Youth Rally in Coleraine Free Presbyterian.

Colin Hylands speaking at Lurgan Baptist JYC.

The Youth Challenge ministry in the SE Antrim area.

15/01 Monday Pray for: CPD Training at Seaview and Ministry

Team Leaders meetings today and tomorrow. Pray for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they host the group of workers today and tomorrow.

David & Heather Cowan hosting the monthly prayer meeting in their home this evening. You would be welcome to join them.

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Philip Annett speaking at Mourne

Committee meeting.

16/01 Tuesday Pray for: Emma Busby as she takes assemblies in

Lisnasharragh PS and Belvoir Park PS this month.

Roberta Sherlock teaching at Lisnasharragh PS GNC with Emma Busby for the next three Tuesdays this month.

Philip & Rachael Agnew teaching in their weekly school-based GNCs: Carnmoney PS, Woodburn PS, Whitehouse PS and Model PS.

Emma Reid as she teaches in Kilross PS after school GNC today and on Thursday.

Jennifer McNeill teaching in her three weekly school-based GNCs: in Ballykelly PS (junior and senior) on Tuesdays, Drumrane PS on Wednesdays and Drumachose PS on Fridays.

Jonathan & June Graham at the JYC in Aghadrumsee.

17/01 Wednesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she takes assembly

in Gibson PS today, Donemana PS tomorrow and Dromore PS on Friday.

David & Heather Cowan as they teach in their weekly GNCs in Ballinderry PS, Dundrod Presbyterian, Clonevin Park and Killowen PS.

Julie Fenton teaching in four weekly GNCs: York Road, Donegall Road PS with Emma Busby, Cliftonville Integrated PS and Mount Vernon.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

Roberta Sherlock speaking at Calvary Baptist Midweek meeting.

18/01 Thursday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards attending

the Sligo Committee meeting. Johanna Austin as she teaches in the

Special Needs school in Wexford town. Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the

GNC in Smithborough. David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview

JYC. Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the

SE Antrim Committee meeting and Straid prayer cell tomorrow evening.

19/01 Friday Pray for: 19-21 Stephen & Tanya Hamilton at the

South Dublin Junior Camp reunion weekend.

Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching in Bushmills PS GNC each Friday.

Rosemary Law and Kim Bell in Seaview as they host a Belfast church group.

Emma Reid speaking at the Children’s meeting in the Lifeboat Fellowship.

David & Ruth Jackson at Castlereagh JYC.

20/01 Saturday Pray for: Lynda McAuley teaching at the TCE1

course in Castlebar, Co Mayo. Matt & Adele Corke at #52. This is an

event for those aged 17+. The young people and leaders involved

in Youth Challenge groups as they meet this evening: Mourne SYC, Belfast SYC, Londonderry JYC, Lurganearly JYC and West Tyrone JYC.

21/01 Sunday Pray for: Stan & Denise Beamish and Matt &

Adele Corke as they meet with their Prayer & Planning group.

Pray for the effective distribution of ‘52 Biblical Principles’ booklets that have just been printed in Cambodia in the


Young People’s weekend.

10/03 Saturday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy

& Jill Crozier attending the Board of Trustees meeting. This is a full day meeting.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne as they hold the Co Armagh GNC Fun Day and Correspondence Course Prize-giving. Pray for Denise Annett speaking at this event.

Angie McKee teaching at the TCE1 course in Co Mayo.

Jennifer McNeill at Limavady SYC. West Tyrone Fellowship Evening as it

takes place this evening in the Newtownstewart 2000 Centre. Pray that people would be challenged to get involved with the work in the local area.

11/03 Sunday Pray for: Roy and Ruth Harrison in Reykjavik,

Iceland, as they oversee the project of distributing ‘Meet the King!’ to every home. Pray that families will be open to reading the booklets and receiving the message of the Saviour. Pray that many children will enrol in the online Bible lessons.

Colin Hylands at North Dublin JYC. Linda Corry to know God’s wisdom

daily as she seeks to lead and develop CEF education ministry in Europe. Pray also that a new Education Coordinator will take up post in Western Europe.

Mark & Cathy Donnelly in their schools and GNC ministry in Mid Antrim.

12/03 Monday Pray for: Ministry Team Leaders meeting. Pray

for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

Rosalind Patterson as she takes the assembly in Finglas NS.

Julie Fenton as she teaches in school assemblies this month in Wheatfield PS, Malvern PS, Lowwood PS and Carrs Glen PS.

David & Heather Cowan as they meet with the Lagan Valley Committee and Emma Reid attending the Mid Ulster Committee meeting.

Colin Hylands teaching at the TCE course in Monaghan.

13/03 Tuesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she teaches at

Easter assemblies this week. David Jackson speaking at Gilnahirk PS

assembly. Emma Busby as she teaches in five

weekly GNCs: Lisnasharragh PS, today with Roberta Sherlock, Reid Street, Donegall Road PS with Julie Fenton, Belvoir Park PS and Edenderry village.

David & Heather Cowan as they teach in their weekly GNCs in Ballinderry PS, Dundrod Presbyterian, Clonevin Park and Killowen PS.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan speaking at Antrim Free Presbyterian Prayer meeting.

14/03 Wednesday Pray for: Jennifer McNeill taking assemblies in

Bready PS and Fountain PS today and in Roe Valley Integrated PS on Friday.

Johanna Austin over the next two weeks as she visits schools in the southeast with the Easter Lesson.

David & Olivia Crutchley at their weekly GNCs: Ballyvea GNC on Wednesdays and Windsor Hill PS GNC on Fridays.

Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach in their weekly RE classes in a local school.

Denise Annett teaching at Richhill Presbyterian GNC.

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in the Netherlands.

Stan & Denise Beamish and Matt & Adele Corke as they meet with their Prayer & Planning group.

Niall & Heather Carrothers in Oceanview as they continue with their weekend bookings. Pray for great opportunities and fellowship in developing young people in Christ.

05/03 Monday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace taking the

assembly in Milltown PS and teaching in Spa PS GNC.

Stephen & Grace Chambers as they teach in assemblies in Killowen PS, Garvagh PS, Bushmills PS and Millburn PS this month.

David & Heather Cowan involved in three Teacher Training classes today and tomorrow.

Brian Donaghy as he visits extra local schools in Sligo with the Easter message over the next three weeks.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan as a new TCE1 course commences in Smithborough. The classes will take place weekly.

06/03 Tuesday Pray for: Eugen & Claire Peters in their weekly

schools and GNC ministry in Co Donegal.

Heather Watson as she takes assembly in Artigarvan PS today, McClintock PS tomorrow as well as Erganagh PS on Friday.

Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach in assemblies in 14 schools this month.

Roberta Sherlock teaching in Lisnasharragh PS GNC for the next three Tuesdays.

Julie Fenton teaching in four GNCs each week this month: York Road, Donegall Road PS with Emma Busby, Cliftonville Integrated PS and Mount Vernon.

07/03 Wednesday Pray for: David Cowan involved in two

assemblies today and one tomorrow and one on Friday.

Emma Reid teaching in six school assemblies throughout this month.

Colin Hylands involved in Summer camp promotion at Belfast Bible College.

Denise Annett teaching at Richhill Presbyterian GNC.

David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy & Jill Crozier attending the Board of Trustees meeting.

08/03 Thursday Pray for: Roy and Ruth Harrison in Denmark

meeting with the workers and National Board. Pray that the Lord will bless this time and that the work in Denmark will continue to progress.

Emma Busby as she teaches in Lisnasharragh PS, Belvoir Park PS and Victoria Prep assemblies this month.

Heather Watson attending the Regional Prayer Meeting.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the GNC in Smithborough.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

09/03 Friday Pray for: 9-11 The Teen weekend in Durrow with

teens from Wexford and Dublin. Pray for Colin Hylands leading and speaking at the weekend and for Andrew McNabb and others involved.

9-11 Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett meeting with the leadership and National Board in Belgium.

Stan & Denise Beamish as they start to teach the Easter Lesson in schools.

Brian & Helen Donaghy at the Sligo Youth Challenge meeting.

The staff at Seaview hosting Kilkeel 5

Khmer language. Pray that they will be a challenge to young people and a help to those serving God.

Stephen & Pamela Garrett as they visit prayer partners and speak at deputation meetings in anticipation of their new role as Area Directors commencing at the end of May this year.

22/01 Monday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace taking the

assembly in Milltown PS. Emma Reid teaching in two after

school GNCs in Orritor PS The GNCs in Ferndale and Westlands

every Monday and for Johanna Austin and the volunteers as they teach the children.

David & Rosemary Edwards attending the NW Ulster Committee meeting.

23/01 Tuesday Pray for: 23-26 Henry and Madeline Berry and

Stephen Garrett at the Area Directors meetings in Kilchzimmer. Pray also for Linda Corry and Philip Annett attending. (Roy and Ruth Harrison will also attend today.) Pray that the Lord will guide for the way ahead for CEF Europe.

Heather Watson as she teaches at assembly each morning this week.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at two GNCs in Castlebar, Co Mayo: in Calvary Church every Tuesday and in a home-based club every Wednesday.

Jennifer McNeill at Limavady JYC. 24/01 Wednesday Pray for: Roy and Ruth Harrison in the

Gothenburg area in Sweden, for a week of meetings with pastors, workers and volunteers.

Stephen & Grace Chambers in their schools ministry, teaching in

assemblies in Killowen PS, Garvagh PS and Millburn PS this month.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan taking their monthly assembly in Castleblaney NS.

Emma Reid teaching at two after school GNCs in Knockloughrim PS.

25/01 Thursday Pray for: Johanna Austin as she teaches in

Kilnamanagh NS in Oulart. Stan & Denise Beamish as they teach in

schools every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at a GNC in Ballinrobe every Thursday.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne at the Co Armagh Committee meeting.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the monthly prayer cell in Ballyrobert and their GNC Teachers Get together tomorrow.

26/01 Friday Pray for: Olivia Crutchley and Geoff & Karen

Wallace speaking at assemblies and then later attending the Mourne JYC weekend in Seaview.

Paddy & Jill Crozier speaking at Omagh Academy SU weekend.

The Mourne JYC Weekend. Pray for David & Olivia Crutchley and Geoff & Karen Wallace and for the staff at Seaview.

27/01 Saturday Pray for: Roy & Ruth Harrison meeting with the

Swedish CEF team at the office in Ljungskile. Pray that the Lord will bless them as they partner with churches to reach out to unchurched children in the Gothenburg area, and produce more literature and multimedia items in Swedish.

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The West Tyrone SYC as they meet this

evening. Pray for Jonathan Graham as he speaks.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton as they teach in the JYCs in Jobstown on Mondays and every other Saturday in Lucan.

The young people and leaders involved in the Ballymoney SYC.

28/01 Sunday Pray for: Henry Berry preaching in Larne Mission

Hall. Andrew McMullan speaking at Lurgan

Free Presbyterian Open Sunday School. Colin Hylands at the JYC in North

Dublin. 29/01 Monday Pray for: The Northern Workers meeting. Pray

for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

Olivia Crutchley taking an assembly in Newcastle PS and Rosalind Patterson at the fortnightly assembly in Finglas NS.

Brian & Helen Donaghy as they teach in seven GNCs each week.

Heather Watson as she speaks at Omagh Independent Methodist Ladies Meeting tonight.

30/01 Tuesday Pray for: Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne teaching in

the school GNCs in Killylea PS today, in Gilford PS tomorrow and in Mullavilly PS on Thursday.

Emma Busby as she teaches in five weekly GNCs: Lisnasharragh PS today with Roberta Sherlock, Reid Street, Donegall Road PS with Julie Fenton, Belvoir Park PS and Edenderry village.

Andrew McNabb speaking at Stranmillis CU.

31/01 Wednesday Pray for: Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach

in their weekly RE classes in a local school.

Eugen & Claire Peters in their weekly schools and GNC ministry in Co Donegal.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

Colin Hylands teaching in Kilwilkie GNC this evening and in Lurgan Baptist GNC on Friday.

February 01/02 Thursday Pray for: 1-3 Henry Berry attending Workers

meetings in Britain. Heather Watson as she speaks at

assembly in Dunmullan PS today as well as Killen and Gillygooley PS tomorrow.

Geoff & Karen Wallace at the weekly GNC in Spa PS and later speaking at Dromara Reformed Presbyterian Ladies meeting.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

Colin Hylands speaking at Banbridge Academy SU.

02/02 Friday Pray for: 2-3 Philip & Denise Annett attending

the CEF Britain Workers Conference in England.

2-4 The JYC weekend for West Tyrone, NE Ulster & Mid Antrim. Pray that a good number of young people will attend, for Colin Hylands leading and speaking and for Rosemary Law and


Roberta Sherlock speaking at Lambeg

Parish Women's Group. Colin Hylands attending the SYC Reps

meeting. 27/02 Tuesday Pray for: David Cowan as he teaches in

assemblies today, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.

Emma Reid teaching in the after school GNC in Drumsallen PS each Tuesday for the next four weeks.

Emma Busby as she teaches in five weekly GNCs.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine and Jennifer McNeill at Limavady JYC.

28/02 Wednesday Pray for: Principals who are being contacted to

arrange Easter assemblies in the West Tyrone area.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

David & Olivia Crutchley at their weekly GNCs: Ballyvea GNC on Wednesdays and Windsor Hill PS GNC on Fridays.

Openings into schools for Lynda McAuley in Co Mayo.

March 01/03 Thursday Pray for: 1-4 Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett

attending the CEF Italy Workers Conference.

Heather Watson as she speaks at three school assemblies today and tomorrow.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne taking an assembly in The Hardy PS.

Geoff & Karen Wallace at the weekly GNC in Spa PS and later speaking at Ballynahinch Free Presbyterian Ladies meeting.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

02/03 Friday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy

& Jill Crozier as they meet each Friday. David Jackson speaking at Gilnahirk PS

assembly and also involved with Ruth in the Castlereagh JYC.

Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching at Bushmills PS GNC each Friday.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the monthly prayer cell in Carrickfergus.

The staff at Seaview hosting a group from Belfast Royal Academy.

03/03 Saturday Pray for: Colin Hylands speaking at a Teens

weekend in the Faith Mission Centre, Portadown.

Paul & Audrey Reid as they prepare the texts for the second part of the Spanish CMLC. Pray for the students who are due to take the course.

Heather Watson and others who are involved with the JYC in Omagh this evening.

Matt & Adele Corke at #52. This is an event for those aged 17+.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the SYC in Lurganearly.

04/03 Sunday Pray for: 4-11 Philip & Denise Annett speaking at

deputation meetings in Co Armagh this week.

Roy Harrison bringing a Bible message in the morning service of Moutier Baptist Church in Switzerland.

Wilna Shaw-Karsemeijer in her ministry

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Julie Fenton teaching in four weekly GNCs.

21/02 Wednesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she speaks at the

assembly in Gibson PS this morning, Donemana PS on Thursday and Gortin PS on Friday.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan taking their monthly assemblies in Darley NS and in Drumcorrin NS today.

Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach in their weekly RE classes in a local school.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

22/02 Thursday Pray for: Roy and Ruth Harrison as they spend

time this month on correspondence and administration of the work in the countries of North West Europe.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the GNC in Smithborough.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne at the Co Armagh Committee meeting.

David Crutchley speaking at Kilkeel Presbyterian Midweek meeting.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the monthly prayer cell in Ballyrobert and holding their monthly GNC Teachers Get Together tomorrow evening.

23/02 Friday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace taking the

assembly in Castlewellan PS. Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching at

Bushmills PS GNC each Friday. The young people in the Youth

Challenge as they meet in Johanna Austin’s home every second Friday.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the fortnightly GNC in Correa and Andrew

as he speaks later at a Youth meeting in Antrim Free Presbyterian.

24/02 Saturday Pray for: 24-2 March Johanna Austin on

deputation in Mid Ulster, that God would provide good opportunities for encouraging and sharing with existing supporters and meeting new supporters.

Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they host the Belfast and NE Down JYC group for the weekend. Pray for Colin Hylands, David & Ruth Jackson and other leaders involved.

Angie McKee teaching at the TCE1 course in Co Mayo.

The Youth Challenge ministry in the SE Antrim area.

The SYCs in West Tyrone and Ballymoney as they meet this evening.

25/02 Sunday Pray for: Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne speaking at

Mall Presbyterian Communion Sunday Children’s Church.

Colin Hylands speaking at Annalong Presbyterian Missions evening and for the SYC Choir as they sing.

Stephen & Pamela Garrett as they visit prayer partners and speak at deputation meetings in anticipation of their new role as Area Directors commencing at the end of May this year.

26/02 Monday Pray for: Northern Workers meeting. Pray for

David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy & Jill Crozier as they lead the meeting and for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes.

Rosalind Patterson as she takes the assembly in Finglas NS.

Jennifer McNeill teaching in her three weekly school-based GNCs.


Kim Bell hosting the young people and leaders.

Stephen & Grace Chambers in their schools ministry. They will teach in assemblies in Killowen PS, Garvagh PS and Millburn PS this month.

03/02 Saturday Pray for: 3-15 Angie McKee as she leads and

teaches at the IOT2 course in Kilchzimmer.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan as they undertake IOT2 Training and for Paddy & Jill Crozier attending and helping at the IOT2 course.

The TCE1 course in Mayo and for Lynda McAuley and Johanna Austin as they teach the students. Pray also for Brian Donaghy as he assists with the classes today.

04/02 Sunday Pray for: Paul & Audrey Reid working on the

organisation of the CEF Conference for West Europe which will be held in Spain in May.

Niall & Heather Carrothers in Oceanview as they prepare for their weekend bookings with the Donegal and Sligo camp reunions. Pray for safety, as these are typically full camps and for continued blessings as children hear more or for the first time how much God loves them and what has been done at Calvary.

Henry & Madeline Berry as they visit their prayer partners and supporters throughout the month.

05/02 Monday Pray for: Claire Bain and the team in Romania as

they hold a music camp at the Training centre. Pray that the children will be encouraged at the progress they have made in learning to play a musical instrument as well as having a greater knowledge of the Gospel.

Emma Reid teaching in two after

school GNCs in Orritor PS. Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne speaking at

Tandragee Baptist Children’s meeting. David & Heather Cowan involved in

three Teacher Training classes today and tomorrow.

Stephen & Grace Chambers speaking at Ballymoney Elim Ladies meeting.

Heather Watson as she speaks at Sion Mills Baptist Ladies meeting tonight.

06/02 Tuesday Pray for: 6-8 European Multimedia Advisory

Group meetings in Hungary. Philip & Rachael Agnew in their schools

ministry. They will teach in assemblies in 10 schools this month.

Colin Hylands attending a MAP executive meeting.

Brian & Helen Donaghy as they teach in seven GNCs each week.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne as they teach at three GNCs each week this month.

07/02 Wednesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she takes seven

assemblies this week. David & Olivia Crutchley at their weekly

GNCs: Ballyvea GNC on Wednesdays and Windsor Hill PS GNC on Fridays.

Emma Busby as she takes two school assemblies in Lisnasharragh PS and in Rosetta PS this month.

Denise Annett as she teaches at the weekly GNC in Richhill Presbyterian.

Roberta Sherlock speaking at Bangor Independent Methodist Midweek meeting.

David & Rosemary Edwards attending the Board of Trustees meeting.

Those working in the finance department in National Office, that they will know God’s help daily.

daily prayer Jan-Mar 18.indd 7 17/11/2017 13:58


08/02 Thursday Pray for: Beverley McMaster as she gives admin

assistance to Henry & Madeline Berry for their role as Area Directors in SW Europe.

Jonathan Graham as he speaks at Fivemiletown College assembly.

Eugen & Claire Peters in their weekly schools and GNC ministry in Co Donegal.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at a GNC in Ballinrobe every Thursday.

09/02 Friday Pray for: Emma Reid taking the assembly in

Kilross PS and teaching at Lisnagleer Baptist GNC.

The GNC in Shillelagh, Co Wicklow and for Johanna Austin as she travels and teaches there every second Friday.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton speaking at a children’s meeting in Win church.

The West Tyrone Committee as they meet this evening that God would guide in all the decisions.

David & Heather Cowan involved in the Lagan Valley JYC weekend in Seaview and Eugen & Claire Peters at the Donegal Inters Camp weekend.

10/02 Saturday Pray for: 10-11 Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett

attending the Spanish National Board meeting.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne as they hold their monthly Teacher Training class.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton as they teach in the JYC every other Saturday in Lucan and in Jobstown every Monday.

11/02 Sunday Pray for: Ruth Nelson continuing to raise her

prayer and financial support for her work in website development for CEF

Europe. The children in Romania who will read

the book ‘God Cares’, that they will be blessed by it.

12/02 Monday Pray for: Geoffrey & Lily Weir as they use this

time over the half-term break to prepare lessons. Pray also for their church as they continue to seek a new pastor and for the ongoing children’s work in the church.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton in their weekly GNCs.

David & Heather Cowan as they meet with the Lagan Valley Committee this evening and Emma Reid at the Mid Ulster Committee meeting.

13/02 Tuesday Pray for: David Jackson speaking at Gilnahirk PS

assembly. David & Heather Cowan as they teach

in their weekly GNCs in Ballinderry PS, Dundrod Presbyterian, Clonevin Park and Killowen PS.

Philip & Rachael Agnew teaching in their weekly school-based GNCs.

Stan & Denise Beamish, Stephen & Tanya Hamilton and Rosalind Patterson attending the Regional Prayer day in Wexford.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine.

14/02 Wednesday Pray for: Stan & Denise Beamish as they teach

in schools every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at two GNCs in Castlebar, Co Mayo: in Calvary Church every Tuesday and in a home-based club every Wednesday.

Roberta Sherlock speaking at Mountcollyer Belfast City Mission Ladies Fellowship.


Colin Hylands teaching in Kilwilkie GNC

every Wednesday and Lurgan Baptist GNC every Friday.

Karen Crockford as she manages the shop and CEF Resources.

15/02 Thursday Pray for: 15-17 Linda Corry and Angie McKee

involved in the Western Europe Education Advisory Group meetings. Pray for God’s leading during these days.

Stan & Denise Beamish attending the Regional Prayer day in Mayo.

Heather Watson as she visits prayer and financial supporters in the West Tyrone area.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the SE Antrim Committee meeting.

16/02 Friday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy

& Jill Crozier as they meet each Friday. Julie Fenton as she teaches in school

assemblies this month in Blackmountain PS, Edenbrooke PS and Nettlefield PS.

The Mid Ulster and Co Armagh JYC weekend. Pray for Colin Hylands as he leads and speaks and for Rosemary Law and Kim Bell hosting the JYC group.

The Sligo Junior Camp reunion weekend. Pray for Brian & Helen Donaghy involved.

David & Ruth Jackson leading the Castlereagh JYC.

17/02 Saturday Pray for: Heather Watson and others who are

involved with the JYC in Omagh this

evening. David & Olivia Crutchley at Mourne

SYC. Terry and Wilma Flannigan as they

continue to encourage workers in Australia - some new workers have been appointed and more children are being reached.

18/02 Sunday Pray for: 18-24 Stephen & Tanya Hamilton on

deputation in the Mourne area over the next week.

Matt & Adele Corke as they speak at a deputation meeting.

Wisdom in getting official information relating to CEF in place to meet the government requirements in Lapland.

19/02 Monday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace taking the

assembly in Milltown PS. Ministry Team Leaders meeting. Pray

for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

David & Heather Cowan hosting the monthly prayer meeting in their home. You would be welcome to join them.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan as they begin a TCE1 course in Smithborough.

Jennifer McNeill attending the NW Ulster Committee meeting.

20/02 Tuesday Pray for: Ruth Jackson and the volunteers in

National Office as they collate orders for Easter lessons.

Jennifer McNeill speaking in three assemblies this week: Ballougry PS today, Lisnagelvin PS tomorrow and Roe Valley Integrated PS on Friday.

Jonathan & June Graham at the JYC in Aghadrumsee. Pray that those who have not yet trusted God would put their trust in Him.

daily prayer Jan-Mar 18.indd 8 17/11/2017 13:58


08/02 Thursday Pray for: Beverley McMaster as she gives admin

assistance to Henry & Madeline Berry for their role as Area Directors in SW Europe.

Jonathan Graham as he speaks at Fivemiletown College assembly.

Eugen & Claire Peters in their weekly schools and GNC ministry in Co Donegal.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at a GNC in Ballinrobe every Thursday.

09/02 Friday Pray for: Emma Reid taking the assembly in

Kilross PS and teaching at Lisnagleer Baptist GNC.

The GNC in Shillelagh, Co Wicklow and for Johanna Austin as she travels and teaches there every second Friday.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton speaking at a children’s meeting in Win church.

The West Tyrone Committee as they meet this evening that God would guide in all the decisions.

David & Heather Cowan involved in the Lagan Valley JYC weekend in Seaview and Eugen & Claire Peters at the Donegal Inters Camp weekend.

10/02 Saturday Pray for: 10-11 Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett

attending the Spanish National Board meeting.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne as they hold their monthly Teacher Training class.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton as they teach in the JYC every other Saturday in Lucan and in Jobstown every Monday.

11/02 Sunday Pray for: Ruth Nelson continuing to raise her

prayer and financial support for her work in website development for CEF

Europe. The children in Romania who will read

the book ‘God Cares’, that they will be blessed by it.

12/02 Monday Pray for: Geoffrey & Lily Weir as they use this

time over the half-term break to prepare lessons. Pray also for their church as they continue to seek a new pastor and for the ongoing children’s work in the church.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton in their weekly GNCs.

David & Heather Cowan as they meet with the Lagan Valley Committee this evening and Emma Reid at the Mid Ulster Committee meeting.

13/02 Tuesday Pray for: David Jackson speaking at Gilnahirk PS

assembly. David & Heather Cowan as they teach

in their weekly GNCs in Ballinderry PS, Dundrod Presbyterian, Clonevin Park and Killowen PS.

Philip & Rachael Agnew teaching in their weekly school-based GNCs.

Stan & Denise Beamish, Stephen & Tanya Hamilton and Rosalind Patterson attending the Regional Prayer day in Wexford.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine.

14/02 Wednesday Pray for: Stan & Denise Beamish as they teach

in schools every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at two GNCs in Castlebar, Co Mayo: in Calvary Church every Tuesday and in a home-based club every Wednesday.

Roberta Sherlock speaking at Mountcollyer Belfast City Mission Ladies Fellowship.


Colin Hylands teaching in Kilwilkie GNC

every Wednesday and Lurgan Baptist GNC every Friday.

Karen Crockford as she manages the shop and CEF Resources.

15/02 Thursday Pray for: 15-17 Linda Corry and Angie McKee

involved in the Western Europe Education Advisory Group meetings. Pray for God’s leading during these days.

Stan & Denise Beamish attending the Regional Prayer day in Mayo.

Heather Watson as she visits prayer and financial supporters in the West Tyrone area.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the SE Antrim Committee meeting.

16/02 Friday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy

& Jill Crozier as they meet each Friday. Julie Fenton as she teaches in school

assemblies this month in Blackmountain PS, Edenbrooke PS and Nettlefield PS.

The Mid Ulster and Co Armagh JYC weekend. Pray for Colin Hylands as he leads and speaks and for Rosemary Law and Kim Bell hosting the JYC group.

The Sligo Junior Camp reunion weekend. Pray for Brian & Helen Donaghy involved.

David & Ruth Jackson leading the Castlereagh JYC.

17/02 Saturday Pray for: Heather Watson and others who are

involved with the JYC in Omagh this

evening. David & Olivia Crutchley at Mourne

SYC. Terry and Wilma Flannigan as they

continue to encourage workers in Australia - some new workers have been appointed and more children are being reached.

18/02 Sunday Pray for: 18-24 Stephen & Tanya Hamilton on

deputation in the Mourne area over the next week.

Matt & Adele Corke as they speak at a deputation meeting.

Wisdom in getting official information relating to CEF in place to meet the government requirements in Lapland.

19/02 Monday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace taking the

assembly in Milltown PS. Ministry Team Leaders meeting. Pray

for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

David & Heather Cowan hosting the monthly prayer meeting in their home. You would be welcome to join them.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan as they begin a TCE1 course in Smithborough.

Jennifer McNeill attending the NW Ulster Committee meeting.

20/02 Tuesday Pray for: Ruth Jackson and the volunteers in

National Office as they collate orders for Easter lessons.

Jennifer McNeill speaking in three assemblies this week: Ballougry PS today, Lisnagelvin PS tomorrow and Roe Valley Integrated PS on Friday.

Jonathan & June Graham at the JYC in Aghadrumsee. Pray that those who have not yet trusted God would put their trust in Him.

daily prayer Jan-Mar 18.indd 9 17/11/2017 13:58


Julie Fenton teaching in four weekly GNCs.

21/02 Wednesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she speaks at the

assembly in Gibson PS this morning, Donemana PS on Thursday and Gortin PS on Friday.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan taking their monthly assemblies in Darley NS and in Drumcorrin NS today.

Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach in their weekly RE classes in a local school.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

22/02 Thursday Pray for: Roy and Ruth Harrison as they spend

time this month on correspondence and administration of the work in the countries of North West Europe.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the GNC in Smithborough.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne at the Co Armagh Committee meeting.

David Crutchley speaking at Kilkeel Presbyterian Midweek meeting.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the monthly prayer cell in Ballyrobert and holding their monthly GNC Teachers Get Together tomorrow evening.

23/02 Friday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace taking the

assembly in Castlewellan PS. Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching at

Bushmills PS GNC each Friday. The young people in the Youth

Challenge as they meet in Johanna Austin’s home every second Friday.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the fortnightly GNC in Correa and Andrew

as he speaks later at a Youth meeting in Antrim Free Presbyterian.

24/02 Saturday Pray for: 24-2 March Johanna Austin on

deputation in Mid Ulster, that God would provide good opportunities for encouraging and sharing with existing supporters and meeting new supporters.

Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they host the Belfast and NE Down JYC group for the weekend. Pray for Colin Hylands, David & Ruth Jackson and other leaders involved.

Angie McKee teaching at the TCE1 course in Co Mayo.

The Youth Challenge ministry in the SE Antrim area.

The SYCs in West Tyrone and Ballymoney as they meet this evening.

25/02 Sunday Pray for: Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne speaking at

Mall Presbyterian Communion Sunday Children’s Church.

Colin Hylands speaking at Annalong Presbyterian Missions evening and for the SYC Choir as they sing.

Stephen & Pamela Garrett as they visit prayer partners and speak at deputation meetings in anticipation of their new role as Area Directors commencing at the end of May this year.

26/02 Monday Pray for: Northern Workers meeting. Pray for

David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy & Jill Crozier as they lead the meeting and for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes.

Rosalind Patterson as she takes the assembly in Finglas NS.

Jennifer McNeill teaching in her three weekly school-based GNCs.


Kim Bell hosting the young people and leaders.

Stephen & Grace Chambers in their schools ministry. They will teach in assemblies in Killowen PS, Garvagh PS and Millburn PS this month.

03/02 Saturday Pray for: 3-15 Angie McKee as she leads and

teaches at the IOT2 course in Kilchzimmer.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan as they undertake IOT2 Training and for Paddy & Jill Crozier attending and helping at the IOT2 course.

The TCE1 course in Mayo and for Lynda McAuley and Johanna Austin as they teach the students. Pray also for Brian Donaghy as he assists with the classes today.

04/02 Sunday Pray for: Paul & Audrey Reid working on the

organisation of the CEF Conference for West Europe which will be held in Spain in May.

Niall & Heather Carrothers in Oceanview as they prepare for their weekend bookings with the Donegal and Sligo camp reunions. Pray for safety, as these are typically full camps and for continued blessings as children hear more or for the first time how much God loves them and what has been done at Calvary.

Henry & Madeline Berry as they visit their prayer partners and supporters throughout the month.

05/02 Monday Pray for: Claire Bain and the team in Romania as

they hold a music camp at the Training centre. Pray that the children will be encouraged at the progress they have made in learning to play a musical instrument as well as having a greater knowledge of the Gospel.

Emma Reid teaching in two after

school GNCs in Orritor PS. Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne speaking at

Tandragee Baptist Children’s meeting. David & Heather Cowan involved in

three Teacher Training classes today and tomorrow.

Stephen & Grace Chambers speaking at Ballymoney Elim Ladies meeting.

Heather Watson as she speaks at Sion Mills Baptist Ladies meeting tonight.

06/02 Tuesday Pray for: 6-8 European Multimedia Advisory

Group meetings in Hungary. Philip & Rachael Agnew in their schools

ministry. They will teach in assemblies in 10 schools this month.

Colin Hylands attending a MAP executive meeting.

Brian & Helen Donaghy as they teach in seven GNCs each week.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne as they teach at three GNCs each week this month.

07/02 Wednesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she takes seven

assemblies this week. David & Olivia Crutchley at their weekly

GNCs: Ballyvea GNC on Wednesdays and Windsor Hill PS GNC on Fridays.

Emma Busby as she takes two school assemblies in Lisnasharragh PS and in Rosetta PS this month.

Denise Annett as she teaches at the weekly GNC in Richhill Presbyterian.

Roberta Sherlock speaking at Bangor Independent Methodist Midweek meeting.

David & Rosemary Edwards attending the Board of Trustees meeting.

Those working in the finance department in National Office, that they will know God’s help daily.

daily prayer Jan-Mar 18.indd 10 17/11/2017 13:58


The West Tyrone SYC as they meet this

evening. Pray for Jonathan Graham as he speaks.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton as they teach in the JYCs in Jobstown on Mondays and every other Saturday in Lucan.

The young people and leaders involved in the Ballymoney SYC.

28/01 Sunday Pray for: Henry Berry preaching in Larne Mission

Hall. Andrew McMullan speaking at Lurgan

Free Presbyterian Open Sunday School. Colin Hylands at the JYC in North

Dublin. 29/01 Monday Pray for: The Northern Workers meeting. Pray

for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

Olivia Crutchley taking an assembly in Newcastle PS and Rosalind Patterson at the fortnightly assembly in Finglas NS.

Brian & Helen Donaghy as they teach in seven GNCs each week.

Heather Watson as she speaks at Omagh Independent Methodist Ladies Meeting tonight.

30/01 Tuesday Pray for: Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne teaching in

the school GNCs in Killylea PS today, in Gilford PS tomorrow and in Mullavilly PS on Thursday.

Emma Busby as she teaches in five weekly GNCs: Lisnasharragh PS today with Roberta Sherlock, Reid Street, Donegall Road PS with Julie Fenton, Belvoir Park PS and Edenderry village.

Andrew McNabb speaking at Stranmillis CU.

31/01 Wednesday Pray for: Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach

in their weekly RE classes in a local school.

Eugen & Claire Peters in their weekly schools and GNC ministry in Co Donegal.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

Colin Hylands teaching in Kilwilkie GNC this evening and in Lurgan Baptist GNC on Friday.

February 01/02 Thursday Pray for: 1-3 Henry Berry attending Workers

meetings in Britain. Heather Watson as she speaks at

assembly in Dunmullan PS today as well as Killen and Gillygooley PS tomorrow.

Geoff & Karen Wallace at the weekly GNC in Spa PS and later speaking at Dromara Reformed Presbyterian Ladies meeting.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

Colin Hylands speaking at Banbridge Academy SU.

02/02 Friday Pray for: 2-3 Philip & Denise Annett attending

the CEF Britain Workers Conference in England.

2-4 The JYC weekend for West Tyrone, NE Ulster & Mid Antrim. Pray that a good number of young people will attend, for Colin Hylands leading and speaking and for Rosemary Law and


Roberta Sherlock speaking at Lambeg

Parish Women's Group. Colin Hylands attending the SYC Reps

meeting. 27/02 Tuesday Pray for: David Cowan as he teaches in

assemblies today, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.

Emma Reid teaching in the after school GNC in Drumsallen PS each Tuesday for the next four weeks.

Emma Busby as she teaches in five weekly GNCs.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine and Jennifer McNeill at Limavady JYC.

28/02 Wednesday Pray for: Principals who are being contacted to

arrange Easter assemblies in the West Tyrone area.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

David & Olivia Crutchley at their weekly GNCs: Ballyvea GNC on Wednesdays and Windsor Hill PS GNC on Fridays.

Openings into schools for Lynda McAuley in Co Mayo.

March 01/03 Thursday Pray for: 1-4 Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett

attending the CEF Italy Workers Conference.

Heather Watson as she speaks at three school assemblies today and tomorrow.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne taking an assembly in The Hardy PS.

Geoff & Karen Wallace at the weekly GNC in Spa PS and later speaking at Ballynahinch Free Presbyterian Ladies meeting.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

02/03 Friday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy

& Jill Crozier as they meet each Friday. David Jackson speaking at Gilnahirk PS

assembly and also involved with Ruth in the Castlereagh JYC.

Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching at Bushmills PS GNC each Friday.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the monthly prayer cell in Carrickfergus.

The staff at Seaview hosting a group from Belfast Royal Academy.

03/03 Saturday Pray for: Colin Hylands speaking at a Teens

weekend in the Faith Mission Centre, Portadown.

Paul & Audrey Reid as they prepare the texts for the second part of the Spanish CMLC. Pray for the students who are due to take the course.

Heather Watson and others who are involved with the JYC in Omagh this evening.

Matt & Adele Corke at #52. This is an event for those aged 17+.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the SYC in Lurganearly.

04/03 Sunday Pray for: 4-11 Philip & Denise Annett speaking at

deputation meetings in Co Armagh this week.

Roy Harrison bringing a Bible message in the morning service of Moutier Baptist Church in Switzerland.

Wilna Shaw-Karsemeijer in her ministry

daily prayer Jan-Mar 18.indd 11 17/11/2017 13:58


in the Netherlands.

Stan & Denise Beamish and Matt & Adele Corke as they meet with their Prayer & Planning group.

Niall & Heather Carrothers in Oceanview as they continue with their weekend bookings. Pray for great opportunities and fellowship in developing young people in Christ.

05/03 Monday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace taking the

assembly in Milltown PS and teaching in Spa PS GNC.

Stephen & Grace Chambers as they teach in assemblies in Killowen PS, Garvagh PS, Bushmills PS and Millburn PS this month.

David & Heather Cowan involved in three Teacher Training classes today and tomorrow.

Brian Donaghy as he visits extra local schools in Sligo with the Easter message over the next three weeks.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan as a new TCE1 course commences in Smithborough. The classes will take place weekly.

06/03 Tuesday Pray for: Eugen & Claire Peters in their weekly

schools and GNC ministry in Co Donegal.

Heather Watson as she takes assembly in Artigarvan PS today, McClintock PS tomorrow as well as Erganagh PS on Friday.

Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach in assemblies in 14 schools this month.

Roberta Sherlock teaching in Lisnasharragh PS GNC for the next three Tuesdays.

Julie Fenton teaching in four GNCs each week this month: York Road, Donegall Road PS with Emma Busby, Cliftonville Integrated PS and Mount Vernon.

07/03 Wednesday Pray for: David Cowan involved in two

assemblies today and one tomorrow and one on Friday.

Emma Reid teaching in six school assemblies throughout this month.

Colin Hylands involved in Summer camp promotion at Belfast Bible College.

Denise Annett teaching at Richhill Presbyterian GNC.

David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy & Jill Crozier attending the Board of Trustees meeting.

08/03 Thursday Pray for: Roy and Ruth Harrison in Denmark

meeting with the workers and National Board. Pray that the Lord will bless this time and that the work in Denmark will continue to progress.

Emma Busby as she teaches in Lisnasharragh PS, Belvoir Park PS and Victoria Prep assemblies this month.

Heather Watson attending the Regional Prayer Meeting.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the GNC in Smithborough.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

09/03 Friday Pray for: 9-11 The Teen weekend in Durrow with

teens from Wexford and Dublin. Pray for Colin Hylands leading and speaking at the weekend and for Andrew McNabb and others involved.

9-11 Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett meeting with the leadership and National Board in Belgium.

Stan & Denise Beamish as they start to teach the Easter Lesson in schools.

Brian & Helen Donaghy at the Sligo Youth Challenge meeting.

The staff at Seaview hosting Kilkeel 5

Khmer language. Pray that they will be a challenge to young people and a help to those serving God.

Stephen & Pamela Garrett as they visit prayer partners and speak at deputation meetings in anticipation of their new role as Area Directors commencing at the end of May this year.

22/01 Monday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace taking the

assembly in Milltown PS. Emma Reid teaching in two after

school GNCs in Orritor PS The GNCs in Ferndale and Westlands

every Monday and for Johanna Austin and the volunteers as they teach the children.

David & Rosemary Edwards attending the NW Ulster Committee meeting.

23/01 Tuesday Pray for: 23-26 Henry and Madeline Berry and

Stephen Garrett at the Area Directors meetings in Kilchzimmer. Pray also for Linda Corry and Philip Annett attending. (Roy and Ruth Harrison will also attend today.) Pray that the Lord will guide for the way ahead for CEF Europe.

Heather Watson as she teaches at assembly each morning this week.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at two GNCs in Castlebar, Co Mayo: in Calvary Church every Tuesday and in a home-based club every Wednesday.

Jennifer McNeill at Limavady JYC. 24/01 Wednesday Pray for: Roy and Ruth Harrison in the

Gothenburg area in Sweden, for a week of meetings with pastors, workers and volunteers.

Stephen & Grace Chambers in their schools ministry, teaching in

assemblies in Killowen PS, Garvagh PS and Millburn PS this month.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan taking their monthly assembly in Castleblaney NS.

Emma Reid teaching at two after school GNCs in Knockloughrim PS.

25/01 Thursday Pray for: Johanna Austin as she teaches in

Kilnamanagh NS in Oulart. Stan & Denise Beamish as they teach in

schools every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at a GNC in Ballinrobe every Thursday.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne at the Co Armagh Committee meeting.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the monthly prayer cell in Ballyrobert and their GNC Teachers Get together tomorrow.

26/01 Friday Pray for: Olivia Crutchley and Geoff & Karen

Wallace speaking at assemblies and then later attending the Mourne JYC weekend in Seaview.

Paddy & Jill Crozier speaking at Omagh Academy SU weekend.

The Mourne JYC Weekend. Pray for David & Olivia Crutchley and Geoff & Karen Wallace and for the staff at Seaview.

27/01 Saturday Pray for: Roy & Ruth Harrison meeting with the

Swedish CEF team at the office in Ljungskile. Pray that the Lord will bless them as they partner with churches to reach out to unchurched children in the Gothenburg area, and produce more literature and multimedia items in Swedish.

daily prayer Jan-Mar 18.indd 12 17/11/2017 13:58


Philip Annett speaking at Mourne

Committee meeting.

16/01 Tuesday Pray for: Emma Busby as she takes assemblies in

Lisnasharragh PS and Belvoir Park PS this month.

Roberta Sherlock teaching at Lisnasharragh PS GNC with Emma Busby for the next three Tuesdays this month.

Philip & Rachael Agnew teaching in their weekly school-based GNCs: Carnmoney PS, Woodburn PS, Whitehouse PS and Model PS.

Emma Reid as she teaches in Kilross PS after school GNC today and on Thursday.

Jennifer McNeill teaching in her three weekly school-based GNCs: in Ballykelly PS (junior and senior) on Tuesdays, Drumrane PS on Wednesdays and Drumachose PS on Fridays.

Jonathan & June Graham at the JYC in Aghadrumsee.

17/01 Wednesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she takes assembly

in Gibson PS today, Donemana PS tomorrow and Dromore PS on Friday.

David & Heather Cowan as they teach in their weekly GNCs in Ballinderry PS, Dundrod Presbyterian, Clonevin Park and Killowen PS.

Julie Fenton teaching in four weekly GNCs: York Road, Donegall Road PS with Emma Busby, Cliftonville Integrated PS and Mount Vernon.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

Roberta Sherlock speaking at Calvary Baptist Midweek meeting.

18/01 Thursday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards attending

the Sligo Committee meeting. Johanna Austin as she teaches in the

Special Needs school in Wexford town. Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the

GNC in Smithborough. David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview

JYC. Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the

SE Antrim Committee meeting and Straid prayer cell tomorrow evening.

19/01 Friday Pray for: 19-21 Stephen & Tanya Hamilton at the

South Dublin Junior Camp reunion weekend.

Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching in Bushmills PS GNC each Friday.

Rosemary Law and Kim Bell in Seaview as they host a Belfast church group.

Emma Reid speaking at the Children’s meeting in the Lifeboat Fellowship.

David & Ruth Jackson at Castlereagh JYC.

20/01 Saturday Pray for: Lynda McAuley teaching at the TCE1

course in Castlebar, Co Mayo. Matt & Adele Corke at #52. This is an

event for those aged 17+. The young people and leaders involved

in Youth Challenge groups as they meet this evening: Mourne SYC, Belfast SYC, Londonderry JYC, Lurganearly JYC and West Tyrone JYC.

21/01 Sunday Pray for: Stan & Denise Beamish and Matt &

Adele Corke as they meet with their Prayer & Planning group.

Pray for the effective distribution of ‘52 Biblical Principles’ booklets that have just been printed in Cambodia in the


Young People’s weekend.

10/03 Saturday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy

& Jill Crozier attending the Board of Trustees meeting. This is a full day meeting.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne as they hold the Co Armagh GNC Fun Day and Correspondence Course Prize-giving. Pray for Denise Annett speaking at this event.

Angie McKee teaching at the TCE1 course in Co Mayo.

Jennifer McNeill at Limavady SYC. West Tyrone Fellowship Evening as it

takes place this evening in the Newtownstewart 2000 Centre. Pray that people would be challenged to get involved with the work in the local area.

11/03 Sunday Pray for: Roy and Ruth Harrison in Reykjavik,

Iceland, as they oversee the project of distributing ‘Meet the King!’ to every home. Pray that families will be open to reading the booklets and receiving the message of the Saviour. Pray that many children will enrol in the online Bible lessons.

Colin Hylands at North Dublin JYC. Linda Corry to know God’s wisdom

daily as she seeks to lead and develop CEF education ministry in Europe. Pray also that a new Education Coordinator will take up post in Western Europe.

Mark & Cathy Donnelly in their schools and GNC ministry in Mid Antrim.

12/03 Monday Pray for: Ministry Team Leaders meeting. Pray

for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

Rosalind Patterson as she takes the assembly in Finglas NS.

Julie Fenton as she teaches in school assemblies this month in Wheatfield PS, Malvern PS, Lowwood PS and Carrs Glen PS.

David & Heather Cowan as they meet with the Lagan Valley Committee and Emma Reid attending the Mid Ulster Committee meeting.

Colin Hylands teaching at the TCE course in Monaghan.

13/03 Tuesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she teaches at

Easter assemblies this week. David Jackson speaking at Gilnahirk PS

assembly. Emma Busby as she teaches in five

weekly GNCs: Lisnasharragh PS, today with Roberta Sherlock, Reid Street, Donegall Road PS with Julie Fenton, Belvoir Park PS and Edenderry village.

David & Heather Cowan as they teach in their weekly GNCs in Ballinderry PS, Dundrod Presbyterian, Clonevin Park and Killowen PS.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan speaking at Antrim Free Presbyterian Prayer meeting.

14/03 Wednesday Pray for: Jennifer McNeill taking assemblies in

Bready PS and Fountain PS today and in Roe Valley Integrated PS on Friday.

Johanna Austin over the next two weeks as she visits schools in the southeast with the Easter Lesson.

David & Olivia Crutchley at their weekly GNCs: Ballyvea GNC on Wednesdays and Windsor Hill PS GNC on Fridays.

Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach in their weekly RE classes in a local school.

Denise Annett teaching at Richhill Presbyterian GNC.

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15/03 Thursday Pray for: Geoff & Karen Wallace teaching at Spa

PS GNC and later speaking at Greenwell Street Presbyterian.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne and Colin Hylands attending the Regional Prayer meeting.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the SE Antrim Committee meeting.

16/03 Friday Pray for: Andrew & Beulah McMullan taking

their monthly assemblies in Rockcorry NS, Clontibret NS and Billis NS.

16-17 Claire Bain and the CEF of Romania team as they hold their annual conference. May it be an encouragement for all the teachers who attend.

Denise Annett speaking at Moyallen PS. Brian Donaghy as he continues to visit

local schools in Sligo with the Easter message.

Eugen & Claire Peters at the Donegal Junior Camp weekend.

Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the monthly prayer cell in Straid.

17/03 Saturday Pray for: Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they

host Dromore Presbyterian Youth Fellowship this weekend at Seaview.

Heather Watson and the volunteers involved in St Patrick’s Day outreach.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton and Rosalind Patterson involved in outreach during the St Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin city centre.

Emma Busby speaking at Richview Presbyterian Children’s meeting and later at Belfast SYC.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Mourne SYC, Jennifer McNeill at Londonderry

JYC and Andrew & Beulah McMullan at Lurganearly JYC.

18/03 Sunday Pray for: 18-25 Spring Week of Prayer. Effective use of the Book Ministry web

site as more people are making use of the download facility.

Ruth Nelson continuing to raise her prayer and financial support for her work in website development for CEF Europe.

Declan & Amanda Curley in their ministry in West Belfast. Pray for openings for GNCs.

Attracta Hanna as she teaches and facilitates the various training courses in the Republic of Ireland.

19/03 Monday Pray for: 19-27 Geoff & Karen Wallace as they

deliver Gospel tracts and Easter eggs to children in residential care homes across Northern Ireland and to Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre.

David & Heather Cowan hosting the monthly prayer meeting in their home this evening.

Angie McKee teaching at the TCE1 course in Co Monaghan with Andrew & Beulah McMullan.

Jennifer McNeill attending the NW Ulster Committee meeting.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton as they teach in the JYCs in Jobstown on Mondays and every other Saturday in Lucan.

20/03 Tuesday Pray for: Jennifer McNeill speaking at three

assemblies this week: Ballougry PS today, Lisnagelvin PS tomorrow and Ashlea PS on Friday.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at two GNCs every Tuesday and one every Wednesday.


School at lunch-time.

Philip & Rachael Agnew in their schools ministry. They will teach assemblies in seven schools this month.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan speaking at Randalstown Free Presbyterian prayer meeting tonight and at Poyntzpass Baptist Women's meeting tomorrow night.

11/01 Thursday Pray for: Emma Reid speaking at Stewartstown

PS assembly. Johanna Austin as she teaches six

classes in Gorey Central NS. David & Heather Cowan as they host a

Regional prayer meeting in their home this morning. Pray for Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne, Colin Hylands and others as they meet together.

Denise Annett speaking in Kings Park PS SU and later teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

Geoff & Karen Wallace at the weekly GNC in Spa PS and later speaking at Brookvale Presbyterian Women's meeting.

12/01 Friday Pray for: Julie Fenton as she teaches in school

assemblies this month in Wheatfield PS, Taughmonagh PS, Harmony PS and Carrs Glen PS.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan teaching at the fortnightly GNC in Correa.

David & Olivia Crutchley at their weekly GNCs: Ballyvea GNC on Wednesdays and Windsor Hill PS GNC on Fridays.

David & Rosemary Edwards as they meet each Friday with Paddy & Jill Crozier, and as they attend the West Tyrone Committee meeting later.

Brian & Helen Donaghy at the fortnightly Youth Challenge in Sligo.

13/01 Saturday Pray for: Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett

attending the CEF Britain National Board meeting.

The GNCs and JYCs in Lapland, that the children and young people will come back. Pray also for Kirsti, Katrine and Olaug who are responsible for the teaching.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne as they hold their monthly GNC Teacher Training class.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton as they begin teaching a TCE™ Level 1 course. This will take place on alternate Saturdays.

Lynda McAuley and Paddy & Jill Crozier at the first day of the TCE1 course in Castlebar, Co Mayo.

Jennifer McNeill at Limavady SYC. 14/01 Sunday Pray for: Stan & Denise Beamish giving a report

and speaking in a local church in West Cork.

Matt & Adele Corke speaking at a deputation meeting.

Andrew McMullan speaking at a Youth Rally in Coleraine Free Presbyterian.

Colin Hylands speaking at Lurgan Baptist JYC.

The Youth Challenge ministry in the SE Antrim area.

15/01 Monday Pray for: CPD Training at Seaview and Ministry

Team Leaders meetings today and tomorrow. Pray for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they host the group of workers today and tomorrow.

David & Heather Cowan hosting the monthly prayer meeting in their home this evening. You would be welcome to join them.

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05/01 Friday Pray for: Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching at

Bushmills PS GNC each Friday. Paddy & Jill Crozier teaching at a

weekly GNC. Philip & Rachael Agnew attending the

monthly prayer cell in Carrickfergus. David & Ruth Jackson at Castlereagh

JYC. Andrew & Beulah McMullan and the

Co Monaghan Committee as they host their Fellowship Evening in Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan. Pray for Henry Berry as he preaches and for David & Rosemary Edwards also giving a report.

06/01 Saturday Pray for:

6-14 Eugen Peters on deputation in Berlin and Belzig (East Germany).

Niall & Heather Carrothers in Oceanview as they await the arrival of their first baby. Pray for a safe arrival and good health for Heather and baby.

Henry & Madeline Berry as they visit their prayer partners and supporters throughout the month.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the monthly SYC in Lurganearly.

07/01 Sunday Pray for: Stan & Denise Beamish giving a report

and speaking at a West Cork meeting. Stephen & Grace Chambers speaking

at Finvoy Presbyterian Morning Worship.

David Crutchley speaking at an evangelistic service in Kilkeel Orange Hall.

Matt & Adele Corke speaking at a deputation meeting.

Colin Hylands leading and speaking at Carryduff Gospel Hall. The SYC Choir will also be singing.

08/01 Monday Pray for: The Southern Workers meeting. Pray

for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes.

8-12 The CEF of Romania team as they meet for their prayer and fasting day as well as planning meetings for the year ahead.

Emma Reid teaching in two after school GNCs in Orritor PS and later attending the Mid Ulster Committee meeting.

David & Heather Cowan attending the Lagan Valley Committee meeting with David & Rosemary Edwards also attending.

David & Olivia Crutchley conducting GNC Teacher training.

09/01 Tuesday Pray for: Heather Watson as she speaks at four

school assemblies this week. Stephen & Tanya Hamilton in their

weekly GNCs: Jobstown on Monday, Monkstown and Ballyowen on Tuesday, Quarryvale on Thursday and Belgard on Friday. On alternate Fridays they also teach in GNCs in Drimnagh and Crumlin.

Rosalind Patterson speaking at Drumreagh Afternoon fellowship meeting.

David & Heather Cowan holding a GNC Teacher Training class.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine and Jennifer McNeill at Limavady JYC.

10/01 Wednesday Pray for: David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy

& Jill Crozier attending the Board of Trustees meeting.

Geoffrey Weir as he takes two school assemblies in Henry Bloom Noble School and also in Scoill Phurt le Moirrey. Pray also for Geoffrey & Lily as they teach in the GNC in Kewaigue


Heather Watson as she meets with

prayer supporters during the Week of Prayer.

The GNCs in Lapland, that the children will continue to attend up until Easter. Pray also for the Easter Clubs.

Jonathan & June Graham at the JYC in Aghadrumsee.

21/03 Wednesday Pray for: 21-24 Henry Berry and Stephen Garrett

attending the CEF France Workers Conference.

Philip & Rachael Agnew as they teach in their weekly RE classes in a local school.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the Junior and Senior GNCs in Castleroe PS each Wednesday.

Colin Hylands teaching in Kilwilkie GNC every Wednesday and Lurgan Baptist GNC every Friday.

22/03 Thursday Pray for: Ida Johnston and those involved in the

Easter Club in the Horseshoe Block in Hammerfest. Pray that many children will come.

Heather Watson as she teaches at Easter assemblies this week.

Brian & Helen Donaghy as they teach in seven GNCs each week.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at a GNC in Ballinrobe every Thursday.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian BB.

23/03 Friday Pray for: Olivia Crutchley taking the assembly in

Kilkeel PS and teaching with David in Windsor Hill PS GNC.

Stephen & Grace Chambers teaching at Bushmills PS GNC each Friday.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan at the

fortnightly Correa GNC. Paddy & Jill Crozier at the GNC Parents

Evening. Philip & Rachael Agnew attending their

monthly GNC Teachers Get Together. Brian & Helen Donaghy at the Sligo

Youth Challenge meeting. 24/03 Saturday Pray for: Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they

host Ballee Baptist Youth Fellowship this weekend at Seaview.

Johanna Austin helping at the final day of the TCE1 course in Mayo with Lynda McAuley and for the students as they do their Bible lesson practicals.

The Youth Challenge ministry in the SE Antrim area.

The JYC Missions night in Dungannon. 25/03 Sunday Pray for: The final preparations for the Western

European Leadership Forum and Conference in Spain taking place in May.

The Multimedia Department (David Coffey, Steven Condy, Jill Crawford and Monty McCleery). Pray that God will continue to lead, guide and help them as they produce all the new literature and resources for the mission.

Simon & Jayne Gibson in their ministry in Co Cavan. Pray for openings into schools and for GNCs.

26/03 Monday Pray for: Northern Workers meeting. Pray for

Beverley McMaster taking the minutes of the meeting.

Jennifer McNeill teaching in her three weekly school-based GNCs.

The GNCs in the Isle of Man as they finish this week. Pray that Geoffrey & Lily Weir will have openings to take RE classes during the summer term.

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Brian & Helen Donaghy as they hold an

Easter Holiday Bible Club today, tomorrow and Wednesday.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne speaking at Every Girls Rally.

27/03 Tuesday Pray for: Ruth Jackson and others in the last

minute preparations for Easter Conference.

The Easter clubs in Ferns, Bunclody and Rosslare.

Stephen & Grace Chambers at the fortnightly JYC in Coleraine and Jennifer McNeill at Londonderry JYC

Easter clubs being held in West Tyrone this week.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan speaking at Mount Merrion Free Presbyterian Prayer meeting.

28/03 Wednesday Pray for: Emma Reid speaking in 1st Keady

Presbyterian Midweek meeting. Stephen & Tanya Hamilton in their

weekly GNCs. Philip & Rachael Agnew teaching in

their weekly school-based GNCs. Denise Annett teaching at Richhill

Presbyterian GNC. 29/03 Thursday Pray for: Denise Annett teaching in Armagh

Road Presbyterian BB. Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne at the Co

Armagh Committee meeting. David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview

JYC. Brian & Helen Donaghy as they hold an

Easter Youth Night, teaching an evangelical message.

30/03 Friday Pray for: Easter Conference. Southern Workers meeting. Pray for

David & Rosemary Edwards and Paddy & Jill Crozier as they lead the meeting and for Beverley McMaster taking the minutes.

All those who will be taking part in the Conference over the next few days. Pray for those giving reports, sharing Bible studies and missionary challenges.

31/03 Saturday Pray for: Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they

help with catering during the time at Easter conference.

Colin Hylands as he leads and organises the young peoples’ and young adults’ house groups.

Julie Fenton as she leads the Children’s programme at Easter Conference.

Declan & Amanda Curley as they lead the junior teens programme.

Abbreviations GNC Good News Club HBC Holiday Bible Club 5DC 5-Day Club JYC Junior Youth Challenge SYC Senior Youth Challenge TCE Teaching Children Effectively CMLC Children’s Ministry Leadership Course. MAP Mission Agencies Partnership PS Primary School NS National School 1

January 01/01 Monday Pray for: Colin Hylands as he speaks on the last

day of New Year Camp and for Rosemary Law and Kim Bell hosting the group in Seaview.

Linda Corry as she works on and oversees the updating of a number of text books that are used in the CMLCs in Europe.

Beverley McMaster as she assists David & Rosemary Edwards. Pray that she will be a help and blessing to them.

David Jackson as he deals with the various Child Protection queries.

The children enrolled in the Bible correspondence courses and for those involved in the administration of it across the areas.

02/01 Tuesday Pray for: Ruth Nelson as she maintains and

develops websites for CEF Europe. The Multimedia Department (David

Coffey, Steven Condy, Jill Crawford and Monty McCleery) as they continue to work on the new Good News Club® curriculum - ‘Unlock{ed}’. Pray that this new resource will be a blessing and help to the GNC™ teachers as they teach boys and girls the wonderful truths from God’s Word.

Openings into schools for Lynda McAuley in Co Mayo.

Rosalind Patterson as she begins teaching at a Teaching Children

Effectively™ Level 1 course in Abbey Street, Dublin.

Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne teaching at two GNCs each week this month.

03/01 Wednesday Pray for: Andrew & Beulah McMullan taking the

assembly in Clogher Valley Independent Christian School today and in Ballybay NS tomorrow.

Stan & Denise Beamish as they teach in schools every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Eugen & Claire Peters in their weekly schools and GNC ministry in Co Donegal.

Denise Annett as she teaches at the weekly GNC in Richhill Presbyterian.

Colin Hylands teaching in Kilwilkie GNC every Wednesday and Lurgan Baptist GNC every Friday.

04/01 Thursday Pray for: Heather Watson as she takes an

assembly in Dunmullan PS today and also in Killen and Gillygooley PS tomorrow.

Jennifer McNeill in her schools ministry. This month she will speak in nine school assemblies.

Brian & Helen Donaghy as they teach in seven GNCs each week.

Lynda McAuley as she teaches at a GNC in Ballinrobe every Thursday.

Denise Annett teaching in Armagh Road Presbyterian Boys Brigade.

David & Olivia Crutchley at Seaview JYC.

Child Evangelism Fellowship® of Ireland is a charity, registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 100984 and in the Republic of Ireland, No DCHY00044

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