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  • 8/2/2019 DAILY 05.09.12



    In its second meeting, the 14th Under-graduate Senate began discussion Tuesdayon the Alternative Review Process(ARP), a judicial procedure for cases in-volving sexual assault, sexual harassmentor relationship violence at Stanford.

    Although the Senate did not revise orvote on any of the ARP provisions, Sena-tor Ashley Harris 15 announced that theBoard of Judicial Affairs voted Tuesday toadd an innocent until found responsibleclause back into the ARP charter, rectify-ing a controversial absence that Harrissaid was merely an oversight. The senators

    also presented their opinions on the dis-cretion of the investigator in admitting ev-idence, the unitary appellate jurisdictionof the vice provost, the unanimous-versus-majority voting requirement, the size ofreview panels and the right to confrontwitnesses.

    Garima Sharma 15, Senate deputychair, expressed an opinion on almostevery issue and supported the existingprovisions of the ARP. She endorsed thepreponderance of evidence burden ofproof by likening the ARP to a civil trial, inwhich preponderance of evidence is some-times used, and reminded her peers of thepromising effect that the lowered standardof proof has had on encouraging victims toreport cases. She also echoed the logic ofthe Dear Colleague Letter, which says thatTitle IX suits and Office for Civil Rights

    discrimination suits are tried under pre-ponderance of evidence and, therefore,campus hearings involving sexual assaultshould similarly adopt this standard.

    In terms of the standard of proof,[Jamie Pontius-Hogan] said there is basi-cally no wiggle room, Harris reportedfrom her conversation with the assistantdean of the Office of Judicial Affairs earli-er that day. Its going to be preponder-ance of evidence . . . because without it,federal funding could be lost.

    Index Features/2 Classifieds/3 Opinions/4 Sports/5 Recycle Me


    Around 10 percent of admitted students petition the Fi-nancial Aid Office each year in hopes of increasing theamount of aid that would be awarded to them if they cameto Stanford, according to Karen Cooper, director of finan-cial aid.

    Members of the incoming fall class reported that addi-tional funds received through the petition process made itfinancially possible for them to enroll at Stanford. BiolaMaccaulay 16 said that while her mother had to go in to talkto the Financial Aid Office in person, the process was rela-

    tively painless.They increased my aid a lot, Maccaulay said. It madeit a lot easier to come to Stanford.

    Other students, however, questioned the fact that theaward process takes place behind closed doors, which canlead to confusion and anger when awards are less than stu-dents expect. The Financial Aid Office said that the processseeks to be as equal to all families as possible whether ornot they submit a petition.

    We are always trying to be equitable to all of our fami-lies, Cooper said. Our goal is to treat the families who didpetition and did not petition the same so that families whopetition do not get special treatment.

    According to Cooper, petitions are evaluated in a man-ner similar to how the University initially determines aid.

    For a student who does not receive any aid, the cost of at-tendance for the 2012-13 academic year will be $58,436. Thismay be partially or fully offset for students with financialneed by the $125 million that will be spent on institutionalscholarships next year.

    Cooper reported that around $75 million of the moneyfor financial aid comes from the Stanford endowment, whileThe Stanford Fund provides $15 million and unrestrictedsources, such as the Presidents Funds, support the rest.

    While the Financial Aid Office uses a statistic called Ex-


    PISCOTTYJunior talks pitchingand playing for Omaha






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    A n I n d e p e n d e n t P u b l i c a t i o nwww.stanforddaily.comThe Stanford DailyTWEDNESDAY Volume 241May 9, 2012 Issue 56

    Admits weighaid offers

    Pulitzer Prize-winner Rhodesexplores Reykjavik Summit


    ASSU Senatedebates ARP



    Former Peruvian Presidentlinks ethnicity to poverty


    Play delvesinto nuclear



    There is a moment in PulitzerPrize-winner Richard Rhodess newplay, Reykjavik, when, after days ofnegotiations over nuclear weaponsbetween then-U.S. President RonaldReagan and Soviet Union PresidentMikhail Gorbachev, Reagan sudden-ly drops a bomb of his own.

    Why dont we get rid of themall? Reagan asks. Can we agree, atthe end of ten years, to nuclear aboli-tion?

    For a moment, the two men cometogether, shoulder to shoulder, at thefront of the stage. They look up andout into the audience, as Reagan envi-sions the two of them meeting againas old men, drinking champagne asthey watch the worlds last two nu-clear missiles being ground into scrap.

    But in the play, as in 1986, when theReykjavik Summit actually occurredin the capital city of Ireland, talks be-tween Reagan and Gorbachev ulti-mately collapse.

    Those few minutes, however, rep-resent the feelings of both hope andregret that characterize Reykjavik,

    which was presented Tuesday night atCemex Auditorium.The hour-long production fea-

    turing just Reagan, played by Dramaand Classics Professor Rush Rehm,and Gorbachev is notable for stay-ing close to the transcripts of the fa-

    mous event. Rhodes, who is affiliatedwith Stanfords Center for Interna-tional Security and Cooperation(CISAC), previously won a PulitzerPrize for his 1987 book, The Makingof the Atomic Bomb.

    I was going through the tran-scripts of the Reykjavik summit in2006, and it was intriguing to see [theSoviet and American transcripts] sideby side and see what the American

    side left out, Rhodes said after theperformance. Particularly, Reagansmove to eliminate everything [all nu-clear weapons] was excised.

    The play seeks to show a fuller pic-ture of both leaders. Reagan is shownto be charismatic and good-hearted,

    but forgetful. For much of the sum-mit, he reads his arguments off notecards and repeatedly mentions how,in the aftermath of World War I, Eu-ropes great powers agreed to banchemical weapons, but held ontotheir gas masks.

    Gorbachev is depicted as the moreintelligent and focused of the two, butalso spends time talking about hisyouth, which was spent working on a

    collective farm.Both he and Reagan find common

    ground in having come from noth-ing. Such conversations take placewhen the negotiations have grown

    Climate change initiativeslosing support in US


    A recent survey conducted by Stanford

    and Ipsos Public Affairs revealed a decline inU.S. support for government-endorsed cli-mate change initiatives over the past twoyears.

    Seventy-two percent of participants advo-cated for government action on climatechange concerns in a 2010 survey conductedby Stanford. This years survey, however,showed a decrease in support to 62 percent.

    According to the survey results, major fac-tors that have swayed individuals away fromsupporting government climate change initia-tive include Republican political leanings,skepticism directed toward climate scientistsand recent shifts to a cooling of weather world-wide.

    Jon Krosnik, senior fellow at the StanfordWoods Institute for the Environment, men-tioned in an article in the Stanford Reportthe lack of Republican support for govern-

    ment initiatives in climate matters during thecurrent presidential campaigns. Those whoidentified as Republican expressed thesharpest drop in support for these initiatives.

    The report indicated that the Americanpublics main concern with government in-volvement in climate change is consumertaxes that are meant to dissuade greater pub-lic use of electricity and gasoline. The report,however, did not find evidence to suggestthat economic struggles play a considerablefactor

    Regardless of the drop in full supporters,the study did reveal that many specific gov-ernment actions addressing climate changecontinue to receive support.

    Ileana Najarro

    Prof. emeritus of chemicalengineering dies at age 87


    Michel Boudart, professor emeritus ofchemical engineering at Stanford, died lastWednesday at the age of 87. Boudart taughtat Princeton University and UC-Berkeleybefore spending 50 years in StanfordsChemical Engineering Department.


    Please see BRIEFS, page 3

    Ten percent of admit class asks forfinancial aid package to be reassessed

    NICK SALAZAR/The Stanford Daily

    Richard Rhodes debuted his new play Reykjavik Tuesday night in Cemex Au-ditorium. Set in 1986 during the Reykjavik Summit, his play portrays a pivotalattempt at negotiation between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.

    MEHMET INONU/The Stanford Daily

    Former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo and economist Eliane Karp-Toledo addressed theaudience at an all-day conference on Latin American indigenous population integration andhuman rights on Tuesday. They emphasized the link between poverty and human rights.

    Please seeAID, page 3Please see PLAY, page 3


    There is a high correlation betweenpoverty and ethnicity, said Alejandro Tole-do, former president of Peru, at an all-dayconference Tuesday in Encina Hall. Its nota coincidence that the poorest people inLatin America are indigenous or Afro de-scendants. That is why I think the initiative ofthis conference has an enormous applica-tion. It is not just an academic exercise itsvery concrete.

    Toledo, who served as Perus president

    from 2001 to 2006, gave the opening addressat a conference titled Human Rights of In-digenous Peoples in Latin America, whichsought to explore how the conditions of in-digenous people in the region can be im-proved.

    Toledo began by examining the econom-ic situation of Latin America and discussinghow despite overall economic growth, thepoverty gap between the indigenous and thewealthy continues to swell.

    One of the greatest advantages that Ithink Latin America has is our cultural di-versity, he said. That cultural diversity is

    not our weakness. Its our strength.If we are able to build on that, then we

    can create a cohesive society, reduce socialconflict and provide sustainability for eco-nomic growth, Toledo continued. And theincome we derive from that growth, we caninvest it in the minds of our people.

    His wife, Elaine Karp-Toledo, an anthro-pologist and economist, expanded on the in-digenous culture and way of life in an after-noon presentation. She discussed why andhow indigenous people should be involvedwith their local and national governments.

    We propose that social inclusion and

    equal citizenship are key factors for good gov-ernance, Karp-Toledo said. The indigenousworldview has to be respected and integratedin public policies.

    According to Karp-Toledo, the modernpress and media unfortunately continue toproduce negative images of the indigenous,portraying them as less-civilized people whocannot recognize improvements or what isbest for them. She said this makes it moredifficult for them to be taken seriously bytheir governments.

    Please seeASSU, page 2Please see RIGHTS, page 3

  • 8/2/2019 DAILY 05.09.12


    2NWednesday, May 9, 2012 The Stanford Daily



    Invisible to the casual on-looker and shrouded by theoverhanging branches of acoast live oak or a bay tree,15 cat feeding stations are

    sprinkled throughout the Stanfordcampus, unbeknownst to most ofits inhabitants. Ranging from the

    Plant Growth Facility on Stock-farm Road to the bushes outsideLagunita residences and all theway to East Campus, each stationconsists of an unobtrusive blackplastic bin to protect the food andfeeding cats from the sun and rain-storms. This station system is an in-tegral component of the StanfordCat Network.

    One thing people commenton when they look at the StanfordCat Network webpage is that allthe cats look really healthy, saidKirk Gilmore, an engineeringphysicist at the Stanford LinearAccelerator Center (SLAC) whovolunteers as a feeder for theStanford Cat Network. Peopleexpect feral cats to be all skinny,scrawny and unhealthy-lookingbut thats exactly what we try toavoid.

    The Stanford Cat Network wasfounded in 1989, when mainte-nance employees on campusbegan finding litters of sick kittensaround Stanford. The news trav-eled to administrative officials andsomeone decided that the issueneeded to be addressed.

    There was a decision thatcame down that the humane thingto do was to go trap all these ani-mals and take them to the localshelter where they would all bekilled because they werent adopt-able [and] there were too many ofthem, said Carole Miller, co-

    founder of the Stanford Cat Net-work.Community members who had

    already been feeding the animalsindependently banded together insupport of the cats. The StanfordCat Network, as they called them-selves, negotiated an agreementwith the administrators, who al-lowed them to provide popula-tion management of the home-less cats on campus. Populationmanagement entails spaying, neu-tering and caring for the creatures,in a process often called Trap,Neuter, Return. This programhad a dramatic effect on the cam-pus feline population.

    We had at least 500 cats oncampus in 89, Miller said. We

    have two dozen known catstoday.Many newcomer cats appear

    each year, left by students who sud-denly find they cannot care fortheir pets over a school holiday orfind the responsibility of owning ananimal tiresome. When found, do-mesticated or tameable cats willbe placed in foster homes and laterbe put up for adoption. Miller takesin any cats that are not adopted tolive at her sanctuary as the networkis strictly no-kill.

    The remaining two dozen catsare feral, or un-socialized. Theycannot be adopted or live as pets,but still cannot completely fendfor themselves. Thus, they rely onthe Stanford Cat Network feeders

    for sustenance.The most feral cat is still a do-

    mestic animal, Miller said.Feeders on campus include

    staff, faculty members and stu-dents.

    I do basically what needs to bedone, Gilmore said. I feed and Itrap. We put a lot of energy intomaking the traps comfortable forthe feral cats so we can trap them.We usually monitor them for awhile to make sure they haventbeen trapped before.

    After trapping the cats, volun-teers like Gilmore bring them to aveterinarian for a check-up andspaying or neutering.

    Driving around in a white mini-van with a license plate that readsCATNET and a trunk filledwith cat food and water jugs,Miller will often take on feedingresponsibilities in addition to herposition as co-founder of the or-ganization.

    Approaching a station, she fillsa food bowl with both dry pelletsand wet paste so that cats with

    dental problems do not go hungry.Two options ensure that every catwill at least be able to eat someportion of the food provided.After washing and replacing theused bowl, Miller hops back intoher vehicle and headed to the nextlocation.

    Once I get going, its rathertherapeutic, Miller said.

    At the Plant Growth Facility onWest Campus, the Stanford CatNetwork has built a much largerenclosure, complete with catclimbing equipment. Curled up in-side the enclosure is a glossy blackand brown cat suffering from fe-line leukemia. Because Milton isferal, he cannot be adopted. Healso cannot return into the compa-ny of the other feral or homelesscats roaming the Stanford campus

    for fear of passing on the conta-gious disease. The Stanford CatNetwork has been able to provideMilton with a haven he would nototherwise have.

    Although not affiliated withthe Stanford Cat Network, EastFlorence Moore Resident Fellow(RF) Susan Watkins is also an on-campus cat caretaker. Workingthrough an organization calledHumanimal, Watkins and her fam-ily have fostered five or six littersover the course of the nine yearsthey have served as RFs, each lit-ter containing between four to sixferal kittens. Their position as RFshas been ideal for socializing thesekittens.

    Its a great way to get resi-

    dents down here; theyre kittens,theyre adorable! Watkins said.People will just come and sit inhere and there will be a kittenasleep on their lap.

    Once the kittens weigh twopounds, they can be returned toHumanimal to be spayed orneutered and later adopted out.

    Not everyone on campus how-ever is enamored with cats, or withthe Stanford Cat Network. At oneof the stations, a 70-pound feedingstructure disappeared and Millersuspected sabotage.

    There are those of us who lovethese animals, but there are anawful lot of people out there whohate cats, to the point of being will-ing to go too far and do some-

    thing, Miller said.Despite these incidents, the

    roaming cats on campus return tothe feeding stations year afteryear. Some of the cats present in1989 when the Network wasfounded just recently died. The or-ganizations success in decreasingthe number of cats on campus isapparent, and perhaps disappoint-ing to some.

    We used to get a lot of studentfeeders [who came] because theysaw cats, Miller said. And nowthey just go on faith.

    Contact Erika Alvero Koski at [email protected].

    SERENITY NGUYEN/The Stanford Daily

    Cat TalesCat Tales

    The most

    feral cat is still

    a domestic


    CAROLE MILLER,Stanford Cat Network


    While no senators strongly dis-puted the preponderance of evi-dence standard, several arguedthat due to the lowered standard ofproof, the responding studentought to have strong proceduralprotections.

    I think with the lowering of thestandard of proof, we would needsix panel members, said SenatorShahab Fadavi 15, who has servedas a reviewer in campus judicial

    proceedings involving honor codeviolations. I would think that youwould need to . . . increase thenumber of faculty members onthat panel who are involved andmore knowledgeable on sexual ha-rassment cases in particular.

    In response to the argumentthat a smaller panel leads to in-creased privacy for both parties toa case, Fadavi said that all panelsare required to keep cases confi-dential, and that adding a facultymember might insulate the infor-mation from the student body.

    Ultimately our goal is to makesure that . . . people who are . . .actually sexually assaulted . . .

    come forward, and, hopefully, thelower standard will do that, hesaid. But, at the same time, wewould want to make sure that wedont wrongly find anyone respon-sible, because that is also super im-portant, if you consider the impactthat this does have on a persons fu-ture.

    You need to be somewhat pre-pared for the slippery slope, for theworst case scenario, Viraj Bindra15 said, echoing the sentiments ofLaw School student Elliott Wolf,who spoke to the senators at theirMay 1 meeting about his experi-ence serving as student body presi-dent at Duke University in the im-

    mediate aftermath of the 2006Duke lacrosse scandal. Bindra saidthat he was concerned with the uni-tary discretion of the investigatorto reject evidence.

    Sharma responded by repeat-ing the caveat of Tessa Ormenyi14, an ARP reviewer, that re-sponding students have, in thepast, brought in irrelevant charac-ter witnesses just to delay a verdictor sanction. Sharma also arguedthat there would be logisticalproblems in allowing reviewers todetermine relevancy because oftheir tendency to evaluate evi-dence they have heard, even if ithas been ruled irrelevant.

    When discussing a unanimous-versus-simple majority voting re-quirement, a gender divide of theSenate emerged, with Sharma,Harris, Kimberly Bacon 15, Jan-havi Vartak 15 and Lauren Miller15 supporting the existing majori-ty requirement, and Jack Weller15, Brandon Hightower 15 andIsmael Ish Menjivar 15 favoringa unanimous requirement. Fadavi15 was the only male senator toexpress support for maintainingthe majority requirement.

    The senators, several of whomsaid they felt that they did notknow enough about the process orhad not heard from enough ex-

    perts to have a thorough and in-formed opinion, decided to inviteseveral experts with varied stancesto attend next weeks Senatemeeting. In hopes of better repre-senting their constituents, the sen-ators also discussed methods ofinviting and collecting studentopinion about the ARP, includingan open town hall debate, in-creased personal communicationand the extension of anonymousforums for students intimidated bythe idea of speaking at Senatemeetings.

    Contact Julia Enthoven at [email protected].

    ASSUContinued from front page

  • 8/2/2019 DAILY 05.09.12


    pected Family Contribution(EFC), which is supplied by theFree Application for Federal Stu-dent Aid (FAFSA), to determinestudent eligibility for federal

    funds, the University uses its ownalgorithm to determine expectedfamily contribution when award-ing Stanford scholarship funds.

    The Financial Aid Office triesto send all award notificationswith students admissions offers.Cooper said that this allows timefor students to petition for an in-crease in their award before theMay 1 deadline to accept a Stan-ford offer of admission.

    Stanford grants aid through aprocess similar to that of manytop tier universities includingHarvard and Yale, according toCooper. She said unlike with fed-eral funds, the University takeshome equity into account, and

    looks more comprehensively atstate taxes, which can make theEFC that Stanford calculateshigher than the federal EFC.

    Some students expressed satis-faction with the original amountgranted for financial aid.

    I received more from Stanfordthan any other school, said JeremyMoffett 16. I did not petition be-cause I was very happy with it.

    The University has a Financial

    Aid calculator on its website inorder to give students a rough es-timate of their award. Cooper saidthe calculator uses the same for-mula that the Office uses, but thatactual awards are reviewed andedited by the staff.

    Cooper stressed that the peti-tion process is very similar to theoriginal award process. FinancialAid Counselors (FACs) are not

    assigned a specific caseload, butinstead work on petitions as theyare submitted to expedite the re-view process and notify students

    as quickly as possible.If the Financial Aid Office re-

    quires more information on indi-vidual students, they talk to terri-tory officers from the admissionsoffice, according to Cooper. As afinal review, she said that theFACs meet as a group to discussspecial circumstances that com-plicate certain students packages.

    Financial aid petitions are not

    strictly for incoming freshmen.Students reapply for financial aidevery year and always have theopportunity to petition their

    awards, Cooper said. She alsoadded that the Financial Aid Of-fice would reevaluate awards inthe middle of the academic year ifrequested.

    We encourage families, that ifsomething does change duringthe academic year, to let usknow, Cooper said. We canwork with them to see if that war-rants a change to their financial

    aid eligibility.

    Contact Ethan Kessinger at [email protected].

    AIDContinued from front page

    The Stanford Daily Wednesday, May 9, 2012N 3

    Boudarts work influenced theenergy, defense and space indus-tries. A holder of four patents, he isbest known for his work in cataly-sis, which involves studying sub-stances that cause a change in therate of a chemical reaction withoutreacting.

    According to the Journal ofPhysical Chemistry, Boudartsprincipal achievement was thequantification of catalysis asrigorous sequences of basicsteps, which helped enable exactchemical reaction readings. Suchadvances made it possible forlaboratories to compare dataglobally, affording opportunities

    for collaboration.Born in Belgium, Boudart

    earned a B.S. and M.S. at the Uni-versity of Louvain, and then ob-tained his Ph.D. in chemistry atPrinceton University in 1950.Boudart became Stanfords firstWilliam M. Keck, Sr. professor ofchemical engineering and helpedbuild the reputation of the Chem-ical Engineering Department.

    He was knighted in Belgium,and was elected to both the Na-tional Academy of Science andthe National Academy of Engi-neering. Along with two associ-ates, Boudart founded Catalytica,a company that works on prob-lems involving catalysis for petro-chemical, chemical and pharma-ceutical firms, in Santa Clara,Calif.

    Mary Ann Toman-Miller

    BRIEFSContinued from front page

    SERENITY NGUYEN/The Stanford Daily

    Audience member DianaMartin, a Palo Alto resident, saidshe was intrigued by the conceptof involving the indigenous inmodern education and markets.

    Theres a feeling of bringingthe indigenous into the corporateculture if you educate them,Martin said. But if youre teach-ing them to use computers andcell phones, its a dilemma be-cause you could destroy their tra-ditional culture.

    Nadejda Marques, manager ofthe Program on Human Rights,initially proposed the idea of theconference. Marques said shefeels that the issues surroundingthe indigenous population inLatin America are applicablearound the world, including in theUnited States, where NativeAmericans have to fight for sov-ereignty.

    Providing information and

    creating awareness is definitelyone of the conferences goals, butwe also wanted to create mo-mentum for researchers on in-digenous rights and thats notnecessarily specific to LatinAmerica Marques said. Itsboth multi-disciplinary andtransnational.

    Throughout the day, therewere five panel sessions of two tofour speakers who each pub-lished papers on the conferencetheme. The panels presented var-ious aspects of the issue such asindigenous child health, propertyrights and the indigenous rela-tionship with climate change.

    The Center on Democracy,

    Development, and the Rule ofLaw partnered with the Programon Human Rights and the Centerfor Latin American Studies andStudents for a Sustainable Stan-ford to organize the event. TheProgram on Human Rights plansto post the academic papers of theevent speakers on its website.

    Contact Sarah Moore at [email protected].

    RIGHTSContinued from front page

    too tense. Reagan describes hisyears as a lifeguard or taking careof his alcoholic father as a child.

    Something that gets lost inreading history texts is the feel-ing and emotion of the event,said Ravi Patel 13, an interna-tional relations minor who at-tended after learning about thesummit in some of his classes.All I really knew was what wasaccomplished during the meet-ing. I didnt know the tensions in-volved in the negotiatingprocess, Patel added.

    The play demonstrates someof those tensions. For all thefriendly feeling generated byswapping childhood stories, thetwo leaders cannot bring them-selves to trust one another.

    In the performance, the heartof the disagreement between thetwo men is Reagans StrategicDefense Initiative (SDI), dubbedStar Wars by the media. The ini-tiative would have established anAmerican space-based missileshield to prevent against nuclearattack.

    Damn it, Mikhail, SDI is fordefense, Reagan says. Why do I

    have to keep saying that? Andwell share it. You have my word.

    You dont even share yourmilk machines with us! Gor-bachev retorts.

    The play suggests Reagans fa-

    mous stubbornness, somethingwhich Tom Woosnam, a highschool physics teacher and mem-ber of the audience, said he bothadmired and disliked.

    I was not convinced that Rea-gans stubbornness was based inrationality, Woosnam said. [Buthis] motivation was to protect hiscountry.

    Everything in Rhodess play moments of levity included points to this fundamental mis-trust in both leaders. When nego-tiations have failed at the end ofthe play, each character blamesthe other.

    You just dont get it, Reagansays. How am I supposed to trustyou?

    I dont know what else Icould have done! Gorbachevreplies.

    Well, I do Reagan says. Youshould have said yes.

    Reykjavik will be performedagain tonight at 7 p.m. in CemexAuditorium.

    Contact Neel Thakkar [email protected].

    PLAYContinued from front page


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    $50K_funding for Internet Entre-preneurs/[email protected]

  • 8/2/2019 DAILY 05.09.12


    Sometime between Thanksgiv-ing break and the Christmasholidays, the jackhammering

    began on what was the parking lotbetween Wilbur and Stern.

    Work began each weekdaymorning at 7:30, much to the cha-

    grin of east-facing Stern residents(myself included). Trucks rolled in,beeped in reverse, then rolled out.

    Yeah, we complained about it,but isnt it all worth it now? EveryFriday, rubber pellets may just aswell be grains of sand, as (mostly)underclassmen lay about in theirswimsuits to welcome the weekend.

    It was a long process, but every-one seems happy now. Dont liketurf? Wilbur Field is three stepsaway. New basketball courts arepopular, judging from the soundsof the balls bouncing into the weehours of the morning. It seemseveryones happy these days.

    Except my baseball-cap bear-ing, bro-tank clad, longboard(shortboard! he insists) riding,

    guitar-playing, Facebook-reject-ing, California hipster of a room-mate. The most laid-back guy in

    Burbank. Whatever could draw hisire?

    That circular asphalt pit on Es-condido that was surely intended,months ago, to be two beach vol-leyball courts.

    They were rushing to get it

    done before Parents Weekend,he conjectures. And the day be-fore Parents Weekend they pulledall their resources, drove all thetrucks away, and havent done any-thing since.

    I asked him how he was sure.Its a safe assumption, dude.Hes an expert, you see.This from a Santa Barbara kid

    who grew up on the beaches. Atthe beginning of construction inDecember, he was stoked. Morestoked than usual, which is kind ofdifficult cause hes always stokedon something. Itll be done beforespring quarter, he assured me.

    And as suddenly and frenetical-ly as everything else was built, con-struction on the courts was aban-

    doned.Everythings done. Theres an

    elevated storm drain that needs

    some work, but all the courts needis a dump truck filled with sandand some nets. Instead, for twomonths its been a big pit sur-

    rounded by litter Gatoradebottles on weekdays, Coronas onweekends.

    Its unseemly, especially in con-trast to the beautifully manicuredWilbur Field, or the beautifullylow-maintenance turf field. Andconsidering the entire project the field, the picnic tables, the bas-ketball courts, the paving iscomplete except for the sand in thevolleyball courts, its about time adump truck came and completedthe job. Lets add the unmistakablebarking of volleyball players to thesummertime sounds of bouncingbasketballs and baseballs hittingleather.

    Just a little sand, please, and letthe kids play.

    Challenge Ed to a game of volleyballat [email protected]

    This Monday, sometime in thelate afternoon, somethinghappened that sent shock-

    waves throughout the entire cam-pus: The Stanford Wi-Fi went down.

    I was on the phone when it hap-pened, talking to a friend about a classwhen I attempted to go on Course-work and pull up some notes. My Webbrowser wouldnt load and I had to askmy friend to pause for a second. Atfirst, I thought it was just my computeracting up again, but a few momentslater, my roommate chimed in andsaid her Internet was down, and on theline, my friend mentioned that hers

    was too. We decided to come back toour conversation later and after hang-ing up, I found myself staring at mycomputer, unsure of what to do.

    Without the Wi-Fi, I couldntcheck my email; I couldnt continuewatching the videotaped lectures Ihad been reviewing to study for mymidterm, and I couldnt even pro-crastinate properly since there wasno way for me to access Netflix. So, Idid something I havent really hadthe chance to do in a long time: Ipicked up a book one that wasnta textbook, one that wasnt as-signed, and one that I had wanted toget around to for a while.

    Now, Ive spent my whole lifeloving books. My parents havecountless photos and videos of me

    combing through books (and play-ing with them when I was too youngto know what words were), and mytattered copy of the first book I haveever owned (Dr. Seusss The FootBook) is still sitting in my house.Reading is how I spent countlesshours in elementary, middle andhigh school, but as I sat there thumb-ing through the book that I pickedup on Monday afternoon, I realizedhow few books I had read since I en-rolled at Stanford.

    Sure, I have read plenty of booksfor class (and skimmed througheven more thanks to IHUM), andmy affinity for newspapers has goneway up since I started college, since

    as a communication major I am ex-pected to keep up to date withthings. But picking up books for funhad become a thing of the past forme. I found myself constantly sayingthat I would get around to readingeventually. I told myself I wouldread over breaks, that Id catch upon every book I had been meaning

    to read over the summer, that I justdidnt have the time to read for funand that the time I do have to readshould all be spent reading thingsfor class.

    But on Monday, I realized that ittook the Wi-Fi being down to makeme see that I had been making ex-cuses when it came to my reading. Icould have easily been using all thestudy breaks that I spent watchingtelevision shows to read a chapterfrom my book instead. For somereason, it was just something that Ihad never thought about before,and after talking to some of myfriends, I realized that pleasurereading was something that a lot ofpeople have given up since comingto Stanford.

    Its crazy that the little things thatused to make us so happy are thefirst things to go once we get toobusy. Its easy to make excuses, butits important to realize that its justas easy to fit the simple things backinto your life. So whether its read-ing, tossing a Frisbee or taking a napout in the great spring quarterweather, its time to make time forthe little things. After all, with only amonth left in the school year, theresno time better than the present.

    Ravali wants to know what your fa-vorite procrastination techniques are.Give her suggestions at [email protected].

    4NWednesday, May 9, 2012 The Stanford Daily

    More art in our homes

    Unsigned editorials in the space above represent the views of the editorial board of TheStanford Daily and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Daily staff. The edito-rial board consists of five Stanford students led by a chairman and uninvolved in othersections of the paper. Any signed columns in the editorial space represent the views oftheir authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the entire editorial board. Tocontact the editorial board chair, e-mail [email protected]. To submit an op-ed, limited to 700 words, e-mail [email protected]. To submit a letter to the editor,

    limited to 500 words, e-mail [email protected] are published at the discretion of the editor.

    There is no doubt that Stan-ford students are talented.We excel in a variety of

    fields, from academics to athleticsto public service. One area wherestudents display their ability is inthe arts. Stanford has its share ofstudents who major in the arts,whether it is Music or Drama orStudio Art, and these studentsproduce tremendous work. In ad-dition to those formally studyingart, however, there are countlessStanford students who produceart as a passion on the side. Anoth-

    er unique aspect of this universitythat the Editorial Board hastouched upon before is the guar-anteed availability of on-campushousing for all four years. Never-theless, there is very little studentartwork presented in commonareas in dorms or houses acrosscampus. Given this combination,the Editorial Board wonders whywe do not see more student art-work in Stanfords housing.

    Artwork goes a long way to-ward transforming a residence intoa home: Witness dorm theme deco-rations, particularly for freshmenwho are making the transition totheir new living environments, or

    even students choices of whichposters or photos to put up in theirrooms. More artwork in commonliving spaces would give studentsmore ownership over the spacethat they call home and showcasethe plentiful talent that we have oncampus. In fact, knowing that theycould contribute to their livingspace might even encourage morestudents to pick up the paintbrushor camera that they have nottouched since high school.

    This is not to say that Stanforddoes nothing in this arena. Dormsare often well decorated by com-mitted student staff members, andpianos and open mic nights in

    dorms across campus bring art inthe form of music to the communi-ty. The Student Art Spots in manydorms and public spaces are a goodfirst step toward better showcasing

    students efforts in other types ofart. But these spaces are underuti-lized, and it would seem that manystudents dont realize they can dis-play their art or dont know how togo about doing so. Furthermore,the way that these spaces are set uptends to limit displays to smallerpieces of sculpture, ceramics, paint-ing, or photography.

    Stanford could do more.Events similar to Art After Dark,which is Stanfords largest studentarts festival, could be held indorms or houses across campus to

    showcase more types of art in-teractive or performance art, de-sign work, larger sculptures in ad-dition to the smaller pieces al-ready present in residentialspaces. Murals are another way toshowcase student talent and buildcommunity. The murals in CasaZapata are more than just art-work; they remind diners every-day of that communitys pride andits struggles. Currently, permissionis only sparingly granted for mu-rals, limiting students ability to ex-press themselves and make thespace their own. Coordinatingwith the Stanford Institute forCreativity and the Arts (SiCa),

    which does a lot of work in pro-moting art of all types on campus,would be a good place to start.

    There is no doubt that Stanfordis committed to the arts, what withthe world-class Cantor Centerand new Bing Concert Hall. Thereis also no doubt that studentsthemselves are committed to thearts. What is needed is for Stanfordto show its students that it valuestheir contributions in this arena bycommitting to more student artand more varied student art show-cased in living spaces across cam-pus. Administrators like ViceProvost of Undergraduate Edu-cation Harry Elam have spoken of

    making the arts inescapable oncampus. What better way to makethem inescapable than to havestudent art throughout the resi-dences?




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    Contacting The Daily: Section editors can be reached at (650) 721-5815 from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. The Advertising Department can bereached at (650) 721-5803, and the Classified Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5801 during normal businesshours. Send letters to the editor to [email protected], op-eds to [email protected] and photos or videos to [email protected]. Op-eds are capped at 700 words and letters are capped at 500 words.

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    Wheres our sand?

    Its the simple things in life



  • 8/2/2019 DAILY 05.09.12


    Breaking up isnever easy. Asformer athleticdirector Bob

    Bowlsby moves on to(arguably) greener pas-tures by becoming com-missioner of the Big 12, Stanford is now tasked with filling thehole in its heart left by one of the most successful people to everhold the position.

    Its going to be nearly impossible to duplicate his impact inthe short term 10 national titles in six years is about as un-matchable as it gets and although things could surely beworse, hes not necessarily leaving the throne at the best time.

    Bowlsbys successor will inherit several big-money teams instates of serious transition. The departure of Andrew Luck, un-certainty at the quarterback position and questionable callsmade by new head coach David Shaw in Glendale this past Jan-uary loom over a program fresh off of two consecutive trips toBCS bowls. The Stanford womens basketball team, which hasbattled its way to five straight Final Fours, will have to find a wayto deal with the loss of all-time great Nnemkadi Ogwumike, whowas taken with the No. 1 pick in this years WNBA draft. And al-though momentum from an NIT championship is a positivesign, mens hoops still hasnt made an NCAA tournament inJohnny Dawkins four-year tenure.

    Other sports have also trended downward since the turn ofthe decade, and their struggles may need to be reevaluated soon-er than expected. Suffice it to say that the Department of Ath-letics could face some adversity in the coming year. One hun-dred and two national championships and 17 straight DirectorsCups are powerful indicators of prominence that could be lostwithout proper leadership.

    Additionally, Bowlsby was instrumental in keeping the Ath-letics Department (which lacks in SEC-type boosterism) wellfunded through the robust Pac-12 television deal. That sort ofbusiness savvy is rare in todays NCAA, especially when main-taining a program as clean and uncontroversial as Stanfords.

    This by no means is a decision that the administration can af-ford to rush to choose his successor. There have been rumorsswirling over which direction University officials will choose togo, with certain names, including Condoleezza Rice, appearingon more than one occasion. Although Rices affiliation with theschool and her undying passion for the athletics program arewell documented, her lack of experience on the business side ofcollege sports leaves me worried.

    Enter Oliver Luck, Andrew Lucks father and the currentWest Virginia athletic director. His connections to Stanford arepurely through his children, with womens volleyball playerMary Ellen joining her brother on the Farm in the fall of 2010,but his credentials match perfectly with the most successful pro-gram in the nation. Having served as president of NFL Europeand president and general manager of Major League Soccers

    Houston Dynamo, in addition to his current role with the Moun-taineers, Oliver Luck is undoubtedly well versed in the jobs re-sponsibilities. He helped to quickly rescue a West Virginia foot-ball program that was desperate to move past the fiasco of for-mer head coach Rich Rodriguez leaving for Michigan and iswidely respected as one of the countrys premier athletic heads.

    There is no question that Stanford hasnt at least tested thewaters with Luck in the few days since Bowlsbys appointment.Oliver Luck knows hes on the short list of candidates. The prob-lem is drawing the former Republican Congressional nomineeaway from his home state of West Virginia and away from thehigh status of his current position. The present state of West Vir-ginia athletics is one that he should be proud of (the Moun-taineers romped Clemson, 70-33, in the Orange Bowl this year),and a quick glance at the West Virginia message boards suggeststhat supporters are well aware of his aptitude.

    However, West Virginia is embroiled in the dramatic confer-ence realignment and just settled a nasty divorce with the BigEast in favor of the Big 12. That switch will be financially bene-ficial and bring the Mountaineers stiffer competition and better

    ratings, but rarely does a school hop into a new league withoutinitial growing pains.

    If theres any indication that Luck will at least think about thejob, its that he declined to comment on the Stanford openingbut flat out rejected consideration for Big 12 commissioner lastweek, the spot now filled by Bowlsby. At Stanford, Luck wouldfind an athletics department that boasts success in many differ-ent sports and is situated in a wealthy and stable conference.

    Its obvious what Stanford has to offer: a private universitysetting, less media pressure, annual team championships, nation-al respect and the like. The question is whether that is enough tobring a third Luck to Stanford and continue the familyscharmed run in Palo Alto.

    Although its a long shot, the Athletics Department would beamiss to not make a strong play for the most beloved footballdad in the schools history.

    Zach Zimmerman just wants another decade to make Luckpuns. Shoot him your favorites at [email protected] or fol-low him on Twitter @Zach_Zimmerman.



    Junior Stephen Piscotty was named a preseason All-American for his hitting talents, but even though he leadsthe No. 17 Stanford baseball team with 50 RBI good forNo. 24 in the nation some of his biggest contributions re-cently have been on the mound. A third baseman and left-fielder by trade, Piscotty pitched two innings as a freshmanand has become one of the Cardinals most reliable reliev-ers over the last month. He recently spoke with The Dailyabout his additional pitching responsibilities and how Stan-ford (29-14, 11-10 Pac-12) hopes to secure its postseason po-sitioning with just three weeks left in the season.

    The Stanford Daily (TSD): You just threw 83 pitches over acareer-high 4.2 innings at Oregon State [on Sunday]. Howsyour arm feeling?Stephen Piscotty (SP):A little sore. My whole bodys a littlesore, but its good soreness. Its not pain or anything, its justwhat is expected, but Im definitely a little tired.TSD: Did you expect to be pitching this much coming intothis season, and what conversations did you have with thecoaching staff that led to you becoming one of this teamsgo-to relievers?SP: I mean, I pitched a couple of innings my freshman yearso they knew I could do it. I just wanted to help the team anyway I could. I threw in fall practice and did okay, and toldthem that if they needed me during the season, I had noproblem throwing.

    They started with me in there playing a position, but Itook the opportunities when they came. They said theywanted to [put me on the mound], so I said, Okay, lets doit. And thats kind of been the story of the year so far.TSD: With the designated hitter, not many college pitchersare responsible for contributing at the plate. When you haveto deal with a high-pressure situation on the mound andthen have to come back out and get on base yourself in thenext half of the inning, how do you stay focused?SP: Its interesting. When you finish one role you really have

    to kind of slow yourself down, stop and think, Okay, Ive gotto go hit. You definitely have to put your mind in check toremember that you need to do both, and you need to doboth successfully. Hopefully Im learning to do that. I dontwant to say Ive mastered that because I havent been doingit that long.

    Its more of a mentality thing rather than a physical one.I know the pitching mechanics from throwing before, and I

    know the hitting mechanics. I know how to throw, its just amatter of mentally being able to execute flipping back fromone to the other.TSD: Besides just your time on the mound, you also madethe recent transition from third base to left field, where youplayed about half of your freshman season. How do youthink thats been working out, given some of your fieldingstruggles early in the year?SP:The transition has helped get a good bat in the l ineup, in[freshman third baseman] Alex Blandino. Situations oc-curred that landed me in left field, and thats what coachneeded from me. Im a guy to respect whatever decision the

    coach makes. Im happy in left field, I enjoy running aroundin the outfield and getting to show off my arm a little bit. Tome, hitting is the most important thing and anything I cancontribute on defense Im happy to do, whatever positionIm at.TSD:After Lonnie Kauppila went down with his injury, theinfield was retooled a bit with some younger players, guyslike Blandino and [sophomore second baseman] BrettMichael Doran, getting in regularly. What have you thoughtof their efforts?SP:I think theyve done a phenomenal job. Theyve been re-ally consistent on defense, and both have had really good at-bats. Obviously, Blandino, with the six home runs to start hisseason, did really well, and Doran is a tough out. Theyve re-ally stepped up, and thats all you can ask for from guys likethat who werent in the lineup every day: just to jump rightin and start producing. Its a very good thing for our teamand theyve been the reason for a lot of our success.TSD: In conference play, this team is pretty much in thesame position it was last year, with about a .500 recordthrough 20 games and sitting in fifth in the Pac-12. How doyou duplicate your strong finish a year ago, when you wonfour of your last five conference games?SP: This is crunch time, and our whole team knows that. Ithink the mentality is that we need to win every game downthe stretch here in order to put ourselves in a good position.We went on the road last year to North Carolina [for theSuper Regional], and we know how tough it is to win on theroad. These games are kind of in preparation, to make that alittle easier on us. Its important in getting us to Omaha, sowe know that every game from now on is an absolute must-win.TSD:You now have only three weeks to make up 3.5 gameson conference leader Oregon. Is winning the conference stillseen as a viable goal, and what are you going to have to doto avoid another series loss like the one you sustained thisweekend?SP: I think its taking each game one at a time, just knowingthat the Pac-12 title is important but its not as important as

    getting to Omaha. Thats the goal: winning a national cham-pionship. Its always been the goal to get there. Were not somuch concerned with catching Oregon and Arizona as weare with getting ourselves in good position for the postsea-son to make a run at it, have some fun and hopefully get toOmaha.

    Contact Joseph Beyda at [email protected].

    The Stanford Daily Wednesday, May 9, 2012N 5



    Winning out to stay at homeBy JACK MOSBACHERCONTRIBUTING WRITER

    Jack Mosbacher was a member of theStanford baseball team from 2008-2011. Each week, hell take a look at theCardinals ups and downs on its road tothe College World Series.

    There are few positives to be drawnfrom No. 17 Stanford baseballs un-timely series loss to No. 23 OregonState this past weekend in Corvallis.However, what the weekend did high-light is just how important it is that theCardinal closes its season with a re-sounding bang in the remaining threeweeks, in hopes of ensuring as manygames at Sunken Diamond as possible.

    It is impossible to overstate the im-portance of last weekends seriesagainst the Beavers. In the previoustwo weeks, Stanford had bullied its way

    back into the Pac-12 chase, taking a

    pair of crucial series from fellow con-tenders No. 19 Arizona State and No.11 UCLA. But after this weekend, thatmomentum is gone. With the seriesloss, Stanford has dropped into a three-way tie for fifth place in a league that itwas unanimously picked to win beforethe season started.

    Perhaps the worst part about thisweekends loss is that Stanford did notplay particularly badly. After taking theopener from the Beavers, the Cardinaldropped Saturdays game after pitcherBrett Mooneyham was scratched fromhis start with the flu. Then, the Cardinalfell in an extra-inning affair on Sundayto lose the series. Given the circum-stances, its hard to be too harsh on ourguys or pinpoint one specific area ofweakness. This weekend, they just gotbeat.

    If the team can take away one les-son from the weekend, it should be that

    its incredibly hard to walk into Corval-lis and take a series against OregonState. The environment is foreign andhostile, the weather is normally terribleand head coach Pat Caseys teams playa tough, gritty brand of baseball. By myestimate, Stanford would win a neutral-site series with Oregon State eight outof ten times. But playing on the roaddistorts the odds in a big and noticeableway.

    Of course, the on the road phe-nomenon is not limited to playing inCorvallis. Winning baseball games is ahard-enough task on its own, but asanyone who has played sports at anylevel knows, playing in enemy territorymakes the task even harder.

    In previous articles, I have stressedthe importance of being one of the top-

    eight national seeds in the collegebaseball playoffs, with those teamswinning the right to host the Regionaland Super-Regional contests on theirhome turfs. This weekend again indi-cated just how crucial it is that Stanfordclaws its way into one of those seeds.Even if Stanford makes it through itsRegional but doesnt get to host theSuper, it can expect that its road toOmaha will run through somewheretougher than Corvallis.

    Luckily for the Cardinal and its fans,the dream of hosting isnt dead yet.

    Although this weekends losseswere huge setbacks, Stanfords easyschedule in the last three weeks of theseason and the sheer talent on its team

    make them impossible to write off. IfStanford can make a strong run andcollect at least two series sweeps in its

    remaining three series, a coveted top-eight national seeding might be inreach.

    Currently, Stanford is ranked No. 13in the Ratings Percentage Index (RPI),the equation that most accurately pre-dicts the relative strength of perform-ance and the college baseball playoffpicture. If Stanford can get two sweepsagainst three conference bottom feed-ers eighth-place Washington State,last-place Utah or ninth-place Cal itcould very well climb back to the top ofthe Pac-12.

    Of course, Stanford does not con-trol its own destiny, and many of theCardinals hopes rely on the perform-ances of the teams that it is chasing, butthere is an urgent need for Stanford tocome together and focus in these last

    three weeks.I still stand by what I said before theseason began: Stanford is the most tal-ented team in the country. Now that Iwatch these games from the stands, Iget to talk with professional scouts, allof whom marvel at the power andspeed of the players who trot out in car-dinal and white uniforms every game.

    With that in mind, its important tonote that this team doesnt necessarilyneed to host in order to make it to theCollege World Series come June, andIm not suggesting that there is onlyone palm-tree lined path to Omaha forthe Cardinal. Speaking from experi-ence, however, I know that Stanfordschances of making it to the NationalChampionship series are greatly in-creased by winning the right to host the

    playoffs at Sunken Diamond.As the Cardinal prepares for the

    final stretch of this up-and-down sea-son, I hope that the right leaders stepup and remind the whole team par-ticularly the younger guys, who havebeen relied on more heavily as the sea-son progresses that playing inOmaha would be the thrill of a lifetime.Furthermore, I hope that Stanford re-members that its days on the field arenumbered, and that the most likely av-enue to extending its run will be win-ning the chance to play a few moregames in Palo Alto.

    Contact Jack Mosbacher at [email protected].


    IAN GARCIA-DOTY/The Stanford Daily

    Junior Stephen Piscotty currently leads the No. 17 baseballteam with 50 RBI and has taken on greater pitching respon-sibilities, throwing 4.2 innings at Oregon State last Sunday.

    ZachZimmermanDishing the Rock

    Making a casefor Oliver Luck

  • 8/2/2019 DAILY 05.09.12


    6NWednesday, May 9, 2012 The Stanford Daily