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The Sunshiner February 2010

TLI Across Our DistrictTLI Across Our DistrictTLI Across Our DistrictTLI Across Our District

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Kristina’s Korner

What inspires you? We are inspired by our favorite actors, sports heroes, and musicians, etc., who

work hard on behalf of an organization or a cause.

We are inspired by political leaders, community or church leaders, our parents,

and even our children.

The stories and speeches we hear at our Club meetings, contests, District Confer-ences and at TLI’s often call us to action and inspire us to get on with our plans

and dreams.

Lately, I have been very inspired by many of you; our District 47 members. I’ve seen members emerge from behind the scenes to reach out and get involved; members who truly go beyond the roles they have taken on. I have received

emails from members telling me wonderful success stories. That inspires me.

A few months ago, I went to visit the Toastmaster N’ Transition Club in Braden-ton. The members of this Club are ladies whose freedom has temporarily been taken away. They shared with me the most inspiring stories! The lessons they learned the hard way and of their dreams to get back out into the world so they can share those lessons with others before it’s too late. In the meantime, they are getting ready by working hard to sharpen their skills as Toastmasters. That

inspires me.

Do you see potential in a Club member as a future Club leader? Or maybe as a competitor in the next contests? Do you think that you could inspire this mem-ber to take the next step? Most of the time, all we need is a little nudge in the

right direction; a mentor to lead us forward.

Use the skills and confidence you have developed to inspire a newer member to take the next step; get to the next speech and consider an Officer role. Inspire a seasoned member to start another CC manual, to serve as a Mentor, to lead a

contest, lead a workshop or help the Club with a membership drive.

When I see members inspire each other; that inspires me.

Kristina Kihlberg, DTM District Governor

[email protected]

Publisher Kristina Kihlberg, DTM

Editor Linda Deshauteurs, DTM

District 47 Executive Officers

for 2009-2010

DG Kristina Kihlberg

LGET Rick Furbush

LGM Pamela Rolle

PRO Pierre Taschereau

Secretary Patricia Martinez

Treasurer Laz Sanchez

IPDG Antionette Fox

District 47 Leaders District Advisor Loretta Sandy

SAA Jim Ellis

Webmaster Jeanine Kinsey

Division A Governor Scott Vail

Division B Governor Elizabeth Taschereau

Division C Governor Melody Tapley

Division D Governor Karen Novek

Division E Governor Jason Smith

Division F Governor Mack Payne

Division G Governor Beatriz Williams

Division I Governor Anthony Longley

The Mission of the District is to enhance

the performance and extend the network

of clubs, thereby offering greater num-

bers of people the opportunity to benefit

from the Toastmasters educational pro-

gram by:

♦Focusing on the critical success factors

as specified by the district educational

and membership goals

♦Ensuring that each club effectively ful-

fills its responsibilities to its members

♦Providing effective training and leader-

ship development opportunities for club

and district officers

The Sunshiner is a publication of District

47 Toastmasters. Reproduction of arti-

cles is strictly prohibited without the

express permission of the District 47

Governor. Toastmasters International

and Toastmasters International emblems

are trademarks of Toastmasters Interna-

tional registered in the United States,

Canada and many other countries.

Membership Paid Clubs CC’s AC’s

Four Critical Success Factors

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Rick’s Room

What a month!

I don’t know of any other District in the world that has put on 6 TLIs for their members or brought in such heavy hitter speakers to train their officers and club members. Such names as Past International President Jana Barnhill, World Champion Public speaking, (WCPS) Lance Miller, WCPS Darren LaCroix, Florida NSA President, Gary Roberts, and NSA Kathy Potts.

If you were at any one of these events I am sure you walked away with much more than you bargained for. If you didn’t … what you missed.

The point is that Toastmasters has so much to offer those who really want to take it to the next level. I want YOU to take your speaking and leadership skills to the next level. Get outside your club and take in the vastness of Toastmasters.

It is now Contest season. A great time to stretch your comfort zone, compete in your club contest and … who knows you might … GO ALL THE WAY!

Here are some great speaking tips from WCPS Lance Miller:

The one rule of public speaking … Did your speech COMMUNICATE?

1. Communication is not what you said: It is what the audience thinks you said. 2. If you want to be a speaker, you have to speak. 3. The only solution to stage fright is speaking. 4. Public speaking deals with attention:

• The speaker’s attention should be on the audience. • The audience’s attention should be on the speaker.

5. Public Speaking is not acting. You are talking to someone.

In Toastmasters the sky’s the limit. So set your sites high and … Just DO IT!

Remember, If it’s not fun … it’s not Toastmasters.

Rick Furbush, DTM Lieutenant Governor Education & Training

[email protected]

Division Contests Coming Your Way!

Division Date Time Venue D Saturday February 27 10:00 AM SFWMD, 3301 Gun Club Rd., West Palm Beach FL

I Wednesday March 3 6:45 PM Worker's House. Tonique William's- Darling Highway, Nassau

A Friday March 12 6:30 PM Pelican Preserve Country Club, 9802 Pelican Preserve Blvd, Ft. Myers, FL;

contact: 239-561-6350

G Saturday March 13 9:00 AM Bayfront Medical Center,701 6th Street South, St Petersburg, FL

F Saturday March 13 2:00 PM FCCI Insurance Group Building, 6300 University Parkway, Sarasota, FL

E Saturday March 13 tba Dade Community College North Campus?

C Saturday March 20 8:00 AM Hillsborough Community College, Brandon Student Services Building,

10414 East Columbus Drive, Tampa

B Saturday March 20 10:00 AM Embassy Suites, 17th Street, Fort Lauderdale

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Don’t keep it a secret

Having just been part of two TLI’s in the past two weekends, I’m more convinced than ever that we can’t keep Toastmasters a secret. We need to let the world know. OK, let’s start with letting non-Toastmasters in District 47 know. But how do we do that? Here are some tips that your Club may want to try. � Take advantage of a community organization or company seminar. If the sponsoring organization al-

lows, you may distribute promotional material or ask to give a short talk about Toastmasters. Asking the participants to join Toastmasters during or immediately after a motivating workshop is a great op-portunity to recruit new members.

� Conduct a Speechcraft. Speechcraft is an eight session program designed to teach non-Toastmasters public speaking skills. Clubs that conduct a Speechcraft program at least once a year have few member-ship challenges. The Toastmaster store has a handbook on how to present one.

� Print a bulletin or memo that can be distributed to local businesses, the members of your local Cham-ber of Commerce, or the employees of your company.

� Send press releases to the local newspaper announcing the meeting time and location. If your Club is a company sponsored, publicize your activities in the company’s newsletter.

� Place copies of The Toastmaster in strategic locations. The Toastmaster magazine can generate in-terest and publicize your Club’s meeting place and time. Donate copies of The Toastmaster to your doc-tor’s office or public library. Be sure to list your Club’s meeting time and place for potential members.

For more ideas on membership growth, log on to the Toastmasters website at and search for “Membership Building”. And even more importantly, let’s take good care of the members we already have. Are we keeping them motivated to stay? Are your Club members getting out of Toastmasters what they came for? Ask your members!

Serve your members!

Pamela D. Rolle, DTM

Lieutenant Governor Marketing

[email protected]

Pamela’s Place

Talk Up Toastmasters!

Toastmasters International is challenging all Clubs to participate in their membership contest: Talk Up Toastmasters! Just add five new, dual or reinstated members to your roster between February 1 and March 31 to receive a special “Talk up Toastmas-ters!” ribbon to display on your Club’s banner.

Whether you hold a Club Membership Drive, encour-age members to invite guests to a special meeting to discuss the benefits of Toastmasters, or some other means of stimulating Club growth, your Club will reap the reward of new members in so many

ways. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying Clubs also earn a special discount code for 10% off mer-chandise from the TI catalog on your Club’s next order.

Remember: Membership applications and payment for members who join during this time period must be re-ceived no later than March 31. Transfer and charter members do not count for credit.

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Toastmaster Couples

Matt joined the Office Depot club in early 2005 where he was working at the time. Jeanine’s first exposure to Toastmasters was that fall when Matt invited her to an Area contest where he was the test speaker for the evaluation contest. Matt com-peted in the International Contest in the Spring of 2006 and when he made it the Division D contest, Jeanine went to support him. In August of 2007, Jeanine joined Club Awesome.

Matt and Jeanine have attended all but one District Conference together since then and are now joint members of the Broward Advanced Club and the Bill Gove Golden Gavel Club. They support each other by helping with the various District roles they have held as well as working together on their speeches. They also enjoy competing against each other, and attend most Area and Division contests together to support each other and their fellow club members. They are known to be a bit tough when they evaluate each other, but after 20 years of mar-riage, they both appreciate the candor.

Marriage is all about sharing and Toastmasters be-came an integral part of that shared experience. It all started with Kathy: “I need to get out of the bedroom!” You see, Kathy founded a website and wanted to overcome her fear of public speaking so she could deliver seminars.

I, on the other hand, had been a Toastmaster in 1989 and suggested she join Toastmasters. Kathy joined Toast of the Bay in 2004, after I assured her the program works! Kathy flew solo for two years when I rejoined Toastmasters and became President of our club. This was when the fun began!

We learned so much about Toastmasters and our-selves, working together. Having a partner in Toastmasters allows one to bounce speeches off of each other, give and receive encouragement and this can make all the difference. Who better to give you feedback, than someone who loves you. Our enthusiasm is contagious and we love spreading the Toastmaster word.

Jeanine & Matt Kinsey

Jeanine finished up a year as District Treasurer and is now our Web Master. Matt served as a Division Governor now pursues a speaking career.

Finding an activity that both you and your spouse/partner can enjoy to-gether is always a treat. It gives you an opportunity to share good times and make memories together. Sharing the experience of Toastmasters to-

gether takes the relationship to a whole, new level!

Who better to practice your speeches with than the hubby or wife. Wouldn’t it help your relationship to learn to listen better? What a great way to enjoy con-

tests and conferences than with that special person in your life who also wants to grow their communication and leadership skills. And the networking opportuni-ties can easily lead to great social activities when you share it with a partner.

In this segment we’ll share with you the stories of several “Toastmaster couples” who enjoy their Toast-master experiences together. Do you have a “Couples” story to share? Let us know! Send your

story via email to [email protected]

Kathy & Rick Furbush

Kathy served the District as the Spring‘09 Conference Chair. Rick has made his way up through the leader-ship ranks to serve as the District 47 LGET.

Guerrilla Marketing Certified Coach Ed

Tate will teach you: • Over 100 no cost, low cost Marketing Weapons.

• To stop engaging in hit-or-miss marketing.

• Learn how to find Clients in any Economy.

Saturday March 13, 2010

Florida Speakers Association Register

Florida Speakers Association presents

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Clubs chartered BEFORE June 30th will receive a CUSTOMIZED CUSTOMIZED BANNERBANNER and BANNER BAG!

Club Opportunities


Recruit 6 NEW6 NEW members from January 15 – March 18 and win a


The TOP 10TOP 10 Clubs with the most NEWNEW members be-tween January 15 – March 18 will be entered in a drawing to WINWIN one FULL SET of the

Leadership Excellence Series!Leadership Excellence Series!


Clubs that recruit 5 NEW NEW

membersmembers between February 1 – March 31 will receive a ribbon for

your banner from Toastmasters International



Your Club Name HERE

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Dues Collection!

Did you say dues collection again? Yep!

Club Presidents and Treasurers: Make certain your members know that semi-annual Toastmasters dues are payable now. Treasurers, start collecting dues and get ready to pay Toastmasters International (TI). Pay-ment is due to TI on or before March 31st. This is an easy way to receive ½ Distinguished Club Plan (DCP) point. Paying on-line by Debit or Credit Card is fast and easy.

Here’s how to do it:

• Go to • Click on the Club Officer tab. • Select Conduct Club Business. • Key in the Club Number and Password. • Select Pay Dues for my club’s members. • Now make payment for selected members.

If mailing a check, please send via UPS, Fedex or USPS with Return Receipt. You want confirmation that the envelope arrived at TI. Make sure to send the Toast-masters International Invoice (sent to all Club Presi-dents in February) or a copy of the Club Membership Roster and designate which members’ payments are enclosed. All checks must clear the bank before credit is given to the Club.

Once your dues are paid (for a minimum of 6 mem-bers) your Club DCP goals will be updated. Remember: Dues received after April 10th won’t count towards the ½ point DCP credit.


-Laz Sanchez District Treasurer

Visiting Toastmasters Clubs outside our home Club is an excellent opportunity to widen your experiences and bring home ideas of what other Clubs do differ-ently from ours.

On a recent business trip to Seoul, South Korea, I spent my one day off work visiting Sinchon Toast-masters. When I arrived, my co-worker and I were welcomed as long-distance visitors by the 45 mem-bers and guests.

I wasn’t sure what to expect and was positively sur-prised. The meeting was held in English and was 2 hours long. It took place in a building that rented out meeting space to businesses, etc. There were 4 speakers, 6 table topics speakers. I won best Table Topics!

You would likely not be able to distinguish the meet-ing from one in District 47, other than the fact that English was obviously a second language to most of

them. I have great respect for Toastmasters for whom English is not their first language!

I was surprised at the number of non-Koreans in the group. Some work as educators (primarily teaching English), others for local companies, etc.

At the end of the meeting, the Club President asked me to do a presentation at their next meeting on Parliamentary Procedure and/or meeting eti-quette. I was very disappointed that I had to leave Korea before their next meeting.

Sinchon Toastmasters is a President’s Distinguished Club already and I met some wonderful Toastmasters on the other side of the world.

Thanks to David Clarke, DTM for sharing his Toast-master experience in Korea. Have you visited Clubs far or near? Share your experience with us. Send an

email to [email protected]

Toastmasters Near and Far


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• Ribbon for Club Banner “District 47 Club of the Year” • Pins for members of the Club • Certificate of Recognition for the Club • Recognition at the Fall Conference • Advanced Manual Set • Darren LaCroix Package • Lance Miller Club Series


• Lance Miller Club Series • The Successful Club Series (11 manuals) • The Better Speaker Series (10 manuals)


• Lance Miller Club Series • The Successful Club Series (11 manuals)

#1 Club in the District

How to win? Earn points for each item.

For example, if your Club earns 20 CCs during the year (July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010), you would have 15,000 points!

For more details –


A District 47 contest for all Clubs!

Item Points

CCs 750

ACs 600


DTM 500

Success Leadership 150

Youth Leadership 150

Speechcraft 250

New Members 200

Club Growth (net 2 new) 300

District Officers 100

Officer Training - Winter 300

Officer Training - Summer 300

Member Retention - Fall 750+%

Member Retention - Spring 750+%

Newsletter Published 300

Oct Member Report 200

April Membership 200

Officer List - June 300

Officer List - December 300

Proxies 20

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So You Wanna Be a DTM

Just like worthwhile endeavor in life, becoming a Distin-guished Toastmaster - DTM - takes planning. There are many tasks to accomplish and so much to learn on the road to DTM. You’ll need to complete 40 manual speeches, serve in a number of leadership roles, take on a project, get training, give training and a number of spe-cial Toastmaster tasks Sound like a lot? Not really...if you plan it out.

Let’s take a look at what lies ahead for you:

After receiving your CC—Competent Communicator - award, you can work in the Advanced Communication Series manuals. There are 15 manuals, each containing five speech projects. Many of the manuals are career-oriented. You choose the manuals you want to complete and the skills you want to learn. We recommend choosing one fun manual like Storytelling (226K) or Special Occasion Speeches (226N) and coupling it with a more challenging manual like Facilitating Discussion (226D) or Technical Presentations (226H). Working in the ad-vanced manuals, you’ll refine and enhance your speaking skills and become eligible for several communication awards: Advanced Communicator Bronze—ACB To be eligible for this award, you must have: • Achieved Competent Communicator award (or achieved Com-petent Toastmaster award)

• Completed two Advanced Communication manuals Advanced Communicator Silver—ACS To be eligible for this award, you must have:

• Achieved Advanced Communicator Bronze award (or achieved Able Toastmaster award or Advanced Toastmaster Bronze award)

• Completed two additional advanced communication manuals (may not be those completed for any previous award)

• Conducted any two presentations from The Better Speaker Se-ries and/or The Successful Club Series

Advanced Communicator Gold—ACG To be eligible for this award, you must have: • Achieved Advanced Communicator Silver award (or achieved Able Toastmaster Bronze award or Advanced Toastmaster Silver award)

• Completed two additional advanced communication manuals (may not be those completed for any previous award)

• Conducted a Success/Leadership, Success/Communication or a Youth Leadership program

• Coached a new member with the first three speech projects Now on the leadership side you can further refine and develop your skills by working in the advanced leader program once you have earned your CL—Competent Leader. We recommend work-ing through the Leadership Track at the same time as the Com-munication Track whenever possible. In the Leadership Track you are eligible for these advanced awards towards your DTM: Advanced Leader Bronze—ALB To be eligible for this award, a member must have: • Achieved new Competent Leader award • Achieved Competent Communicator award (or Competent Toastmaster award)

• Served at least six months as a Club Officer (President, VPE, Secretary, Treasurer or SAA) and participated in the prepara-tion of a Club Success Plan while serving in this office

• While serving in the above office, participated in a district-sponsored club officer training program

• Conducted any two presentations from The Successful Club Series and/or The Leadership Excellence Series (may not be those completed for previous awards)

Advanced Leader Silver—ALS To be eligible for this award, a member must have: • Achieved Advanced Leader Bronze award (or "old" Competent Leader award)

• Served a complete a term as a district officer (District Gover-nor, LGET, LGM, PRO, Secretary, Treasurer, Division or Area Governor)

• Completed the High Performance Leadership program • Served successfully as a Club Sponsor, Mentor or Coach

Distinguished Toastmaster—DTM The Distinguished Toastmaster award is the highest our organiza-tion bestows and it recognizes both communication and leader-ship skills. To be eligible for the award a member must have: • Achieved Advanced Communicator Gold award (or achieved Advanced Toastmaster Gold award)

• Achieved Advanced Leader Silver award (or achieved Advanced Leader award)

Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins

with the first step.

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Speechcraft in Brief

What is it? A short, seminar-style presentation that teaches basic Toastmasters skills: speaking and evaluating Why do it? Toastmasters members build their meeting management skills by leading the seminar. It’s a great way to attract members to an exist-ing club or begin forming a new club.


• Get a chance to see what Toastmasters is all about

• Enjoy the camaraderie of a Toastmasters group

• Gain confidence and training in their commu-nication skills

How it works

You can choose how you want to do the presen-tation! Do sessions in four, six or eight weeks, 1-2 hours per session.

Speechcraft may be:

Presented as part of the Toastmasters meeting which makes it easer for participants to be-come members at the conclusion of the presen-tation.

• Invite 5-10 people • Devote 30 minutes of each meeting to pre-senting Speechcraft

Presented as a seminar-style presentation (outside of club meeting):

• You can invite more people • Can be tailored to any group or company • A great way to form a new club

Toastmasters at FSA

On January 16th in Ft. Lauderdale, Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, brought her more than 30 years of experience as an award-winning speaker, sales presentation trainer and speech coach to 65 members of the Florida Speak-ers Association, Toastmasters and their guests. Throughout the full-day program, “Good to Great - Taking Your Presentation to the Next Level”, we were informed, educated and entertained.

Ms. Fripp’s earnest desire is that we take our presenta-tions not just from good to great, but to awesome! Our goal is to speak “to be remembered and re-peated”. She led us through ten techniques (and one

bonus!) that will help us create speeches that are “well-constructed, artfully crafted and charismatically delivered”.

From designing an opening that builds credibility and grabs audience attention, to saving your closing for after Q&A (“last words linger – you want them to be YOURS”), Patricia’s clear instruction and powerful ex-amples were illuminating and inspiring. In the after-noon, we watched, listened and participated as two attendees received individual coaching on their own material and the techniques were put into practice. This interactive session of rehearsing, suggesting and refining illustrated the value of group contribution and we were encouraged to “try this at home” by forming our own small practice groups apart from regularly scheduled meetings.

Thank you to Ms. Fripp and the Florida Speakers Asso-ciation for a most valuable day!

Mary Tanner Hackney, Naples [email protected]

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From Good to Great: 10 Little Known Techniques to

Transform Your Speech … and a bonus!

By Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE

• Do you want to learn advanced presentation skills?

• Can you benefit from learning the latest presentation tips?

• Do you dream of becoming a professional public speaker or professional motivational speaker?

• Can you benefit from listening to presentation coaching?

1. Start... don't waffle... get to the point

2. Stand still... don't distract with unnecessary movement

3. Structure... the skeleton under the flesh of your words

4. Stop... close on a high

5. Stories - situation, solution, success; character, dialogue, dramatic lesson learned

6. Sound bite statements

7. Silence... the pause for reflection

8. Shorter sentences... to be remembered and repeated

9. Stepping on your punch word is a "no-no"

10. Specificity... don't "Stuff"

11. Showbiz... what we learn from Hollywood movies

Speaking Strategies that will take your Speech from Simple to Scintillatingly Superb!

To learn more: You can buy this CD or download to MP3 from

Award-winning speaker and in-demand speech coach Patricia is in

fine form in this 90 minute action-packed session before 150 profes-

sional speakers. You will hear her best advice after 25 years of

studying how to have impact on the platform. You benefit from lis-

tening in on the mini-coaching sessions.

“Are you practicing to improve or practicing to enforce bad habits”

PRO Challenge Reminder

Don’t forget about the PRO Challenge to determine the

BEST Newsletter and/or BEST Website in District 47!!

Sign up to enter in these two contests and be rewarded

for your creative membership building work.

Go to the District 47 website for more information:

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The Triple

Crown Award

The Triple Crown Award is recognition for District 47 Toastmasters who earn three or more Toastmaster awards

within one Toastmaster year, July 1 - June 30.

For example, if you earn a CC, CL and ACB before June 30, 2010, you will be awarded the Triple Crown Award. Your award recognition is given at the

Spring & Fall Conferences.

For more details or questions, please


Remember: paperwork for all awards must be sent in Remember: paperwork for all awards must be sent in Remember: paperwork for all awards must be sent in Remember: paperwork for all awards must be sent in

and approved by TI in order to qualifyand approved by TI in order to qualifyand approved by TI in order to qualifyand approved by TI in order to qualify

IRS Deadline Approaching

Urgent-Action Needed: Critical IRS 990-N Deadline Approaching! According to the IRS, any U.S. club that fails to file an e-Postcard (990-N) will lose its nonprofit status with the IRS.

The e-Postcard is due every year by May 15th. It’s easy to file the 990-N form, just go to the govern-ment website and be prepared with the following information:

• Employer identification number (EIN) can be found on the Update Your Club’s Meeting Time/Location

page on the Club Business account.

• Tax year

• Legal name and mailing address

• Any other names the organization uses

• Name and address of a principal officer

• Web site address if the organization has one • Confirmation that the organization’s annual gross receipts are normally $25,000 or less

Visit the IRS 990-N FAQ page for complete details.

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Club Anniversaries

Compassionate Conversation

Congratulations to these clubs celebrating anniversaries in February!

Sharing is a powerful tool.

Motivational speaker, Les Brown said, “Know your gifts and share them." What are your gifts? Are you a leader, a mentor, or perhaps a planner?

How are you sharing your gifts?

As Toastmasters we have many pathways that we can take to contribute to others, to your Club, to your area, your division, and to District 47. Do you know of a Club that needs a Club Coach? Is there a new member in your home Club who could grow stronger with a mentor? When was the last time you held an office in your home Club? How about in your Area or Division?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.” This rings true in Toastmas-ters. YOU are the greatest gift our District has!

If you know of the birth of a child, passing of a fellow Toastmaster, a “big” birthday or similar occasion, please send a note to our Compassionate Mailbox using this link on the District 47 website

Let us know the name, which Club and address where we can send the


Cathy Koyanagi

Compassionate Communicator

In Division B, Area 24, Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters Club, #2096, Chartered February 1, 1969

In Division C, Area 30, SERO Leaders, #1289921, Chartered February 16, 2009

In Division D, Area 42, Palm Beach Outstanding Toastmasters, #1098551, Chartered February 5, 2008

In Division D, Area 43, Delray Newsmakers Club, #2225, Chartered February 1, 1995

In Division D, Area 43, Talk Of The Town Club, #5390, Chartered February 1, 1984

In Division E, Area 50, Medical Ctr Speakers Club, #6837, Chartered February 1, 1988

In Division E, Area 53, Miami Advanced Toastmasters Club #2798, Chartered February 1, 2001

In Division F, Area 61, Bradenton Toastmasters Club, #2449, Chartered February 1, 1983

In Division G, Area 71, Bagel Talk Toastmasters Club, #3087, Chartered February 1, 1960

In Division G, Area 73, Vocal Point Toastmasters Club, #5985, Chartered February 1, 1995

In Division I, Area 81, First Caribbean Toastmasters Assoc. Club, #753494, Chartered February 1, 2005

In Division I, Area 83, Action For Achievement Club, #1095, Chartered February 13, 1954

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District 47 Calendar

We’re adding our District 47

Calendar to the Sunshiner. Each

month we’ll show you what’s

happening in your District 47 at

several levels:

You can see that our District Leaders keep very busy behind the scenes to ensure District 47 runs smoothly and stays on tar-

get to become #1 in the world!

The same is true at the Club level, it takes dedication to ensure your Club achieves Dis-tinguished or better before

June 30.

We invite you to check the Dis-trict Calendar on a regular ba-sis so you can plan ahead. Please contact your Area Gov-ernor with any questions you may have about events or re-

minders listed here.

Training opportunities are

indicated in green

Club level reminders and

events are indicated in blue.

District level activities are

indicated in white

February 2010 February 2nd Round Area Club visits continue

February Conduct Area International Speech and Table Topics Contests

February Continue 2nd Round TLI

February Continue to collect 2nd Round Club dues – Dues to be submitted before


1-Feb Start of Talk Up Toastmasters! Membership Award Program – add 5

new members

15-Feb Submit Treasurer’s Report for July-December to World Headquarters

28-Feb Recommendations for the realignment of Clubs due by Divisions to Dis-


28-Feb Last Day for Divisions to conduct local TLI

Our District 47 Leadership Team has added to its effectiveness with these three newly appointed Chairs: Nomination Chair: Antionette Fox It’s that time of year again when we look for the future leaders of the District. IPDG Antionette Fox will Chair the Nomination Commit-tee to interview and assess all can-didates nominated for elected Dis-trict leadership offices.

District 47 District officer elections will take place on Saturday April

17, 2010 at the Spring Conference business meeting.

Strategic Expansion Chair: David Clarke In an effort to expand the family of Clubs in District 47, past Division Governor and Conference Chair, David Clarke has been appointed as the Strategic Expansion Chair. He will study demographics and geo-graphical “holes” in each Division and create Club opportunities within these vicinities.

Anyone with ideas or suggestions on which company or community

could benefit by offering a Toast-masters Club, please contact David at [email protected] Audit Committee Chair: Barbara Strasdas Protecting our financial integrity is one of the many duties of our sit-ting District Governor. Barbara Strasdas and her Audit team will complete a mid-year re-view, as well as a year-end audit, which will primarily ensure District funds were used in accordance with Toastmasters guidelines.

New District Leaders!

March 2010

March Conduct Division International Speech and Table Topics Contests

March Continue to collect 2nd Round Club dues – Dues to be submitted before April

March 2nd Round Area Club visits continue

6-Mar District Executive Committee Meeting & Training Program (DEC) in Ft. Myers

15-Mar Proxies for International Convention mailed from WHQ to Club Officers

15-Mar Submit Treasurer’s Report for July-January to World Headquarters

31-Mar End of the Talk Up Toastmasters! Membership Award Program – add 5

new members

31-Mar Submit Club Officer Training Report to World Headquarters

31-Mar Last day for Area Governors to visit Clubs for 2nd round

31-Mar Deadline to submit Club Dues to World Headquarters (0.5 DCP points)

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Taking Toastmasters in a New Direction

Long-time Toastmaster and contest competitor Shantelle Moxie takes her Toastmaster experiences into the community. She has developed a terrific

program to teach our young women the value of ba-sics like manners and other social skills. Read the whole story below.

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Educational Awards

Congratulations to these Toastmasters who started the New Year on the right

path by earning Educational Awards in the month of January.

Competent Communicator

Competent Communicator

Advanced Communicator Bronze

Advanced Communicator Silver

Advanced Communicator Gold

Holtzman, Ellen M. Club# 1310937

Alea, Lisa L. Club# 1216633

Etienne, Marjorie Club# 1216633

Foster, Charles Russell Club# 6818

Fletcher, Shela Club# 9086

Herrera, Consuelo Club# 5933

Finizio, Elizabeth Walker Club# 2004

Dukes, Derrick Club# 1314283

Parrish, Julie Michele Club# 9288

Faison, Ebony Katrell Club# 3937

Mitchell, Frank Club# 8956

Leifeld, Sharyl D. Club# 8956

Ford, Kim B. Club# 646888

Rutter, Paul Club# 5758

Shible, David Club# 9086

Padron, Alberto Club# 2283

Mayes, Pamela Renee Club# 1084115

Hunt, Charles Club# 6796

Ferguson, Craig F. Club# 6796

Munroe, Myles E Club# 7178

McInnis, Charles M. Club# 2463

Bunnell, Bethany Lee Club# 4145

Habbu, Jaideep Club# 3278

Jagessar, Gail U. Club# 3278

White, Charles Club# 8251

Knowles, Dion Club# 1600

Serrano, Brian Club# 760344

Kapadia, Iqbal H. Club# 602900


Schoenfelder, Marilyn Kay Club# 2166

Munroe, Charmaine Club# 2437

Gaines, Jim Club# 1034639

Bryan, Angela Club# 808677

Patel, Chirag Club# 2903

Somerville, York T. Club# 4272

Baker, Michelle L. Club# 1216633

Cass, Andrew Club# 1293723

Kemp, Elton Ellis Club# 3956

Brown, Andrew J. Club# 5173

Diaz, Waleska M Club# 2445

Urbizu, Kelly Club# 9491

Cooper, Marcus Club# 1095

Dziubek, Gary Lyn Club# 5985

Carney, Daniel James Club# 5985

Hinkle, Vickie Club# 5486

Noble, Joan R. Club# 1810

Mitchell, Sylvia Rebecca Club# 2437

Garcia, Ines Club# 5758

Reynoso, Abel Club# 5758

Goodman, Deidre Rochell Club# 965175

Ligonde, Natalie Club# 3937

Hamilton, Carla Monique Club# 1227605

Li, Yiwei Willie Club# 1978

Fuller, Maurice Michael Club# 7653

Behn, Betty J. Club# 4698

Ryan, John F. Club# 5758

Herrera, Jorge E. Club# 808677

Crabtree, Michelle C. Club# 777513

McCarthy, George Club# 1034639

Jones, Christopher Club# 1034639

Reckley, Glennette Club# 753494

Carey, Nolan W. Club# 626837

Packauskas, Susanna M. Club# 7943

Clarke, Troy Club# 1600

Brouwer, Elena Club# 3840

Julien, Nichole Club# 2437

Isaacson, Marshall Owen Club# 3299

Rice, Ronald Club# 1169566

Kendall, Cecelia Vauldine Club# 7653

McDonald, Sashane Sonya Club# 7178

Seehusen, Marty L. Club# 9352

Boothe, Cynthia Theresa Club# 2437

Ferguson, Rachel A. Club# 1358961

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Educational Awards

Congratulations to these Toastmasters who started the New Year on the right

path by earning Educational Awards in the month of January.

Competent Leader

Advanced Leader Bronze

Advanced Leader Silver

Leader Excellence

The Sunshiner monthly newslet-ter is one of the many tools we use to help the membership of District 47 learn, grow and

share. We strive to keep the in-formation and articles timely and relevant to your needs.

If you have any information, sug-gestions or opinions you’d like to share with your District please

contact us.

Address your email to:

[email protected]

Mutnik, Jeffrey M. Club# 1118683

Holtzman, Ellen M. Club# 1310937

Marks, Trevor C. Club# 2582

Martin, James E. Club# 4698

Crozier, Ray Club# 6026

Johnson, Nadia Hope Club# 933001

Hanna, Sandra D. Club# 1340647

Hussain, Amjid Club# 479

Bowman, Jonathan Heller Club# 4145

Roberts, Gary A. Club# 7923

Morrow, Karen L. Club# 3466

Wong, Nadia M. Club# 2437

Boothe, Cynthia Theresa Club# 2437

Schneyer, John J Club# 3299

Carey, Nolan W. Club# 626837

Herrera, Marcia A. Club# 6544

Smith, Racquel R. Club# 763878

Patten, Tracy D. Club# 612315

Bullard, Elaine Laverne Club# 965175

Castleman, Sybrian L Club# 5083

Saripalli, Subrahmanyam S Club# 9086

Sanchez, Richard Alan Club# 3668

Moeller, Mary M. Club# 1197988

Dames, Jenevy Patrice Club# 965175

Robinson, Richard F. Club# 6818

Thorn, Michael E. Club# 1216633

Moxie, Shantelle C. Club# 2582

Miller, Joseph Club# 2166

Moxie, Shantelle C. Club# 2582

Malette, Michael J. Club# 2266

Clark, Kim M. Club# 590751

Jones, Jacqueline Gay Club# 2096

Miller, Joseph Club# 2166

Congratulations Distinguished Toastmasters

Moxie, Shantelle C. Club# 2582

Rolle, Glenroy Club# 9477

Gibbs, Kalesa D. Club# 1314025

Ferguson, Rachel A. Club# 1095