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M e s s e n g e r St. John’s Lutheran Church, Gillett, WI

April 2020

9Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil ; hold fast to what is good. 10Love one another with brotherly affection . Outdo one another in showing honor. 11Do not be slothful in zeal , be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation , be constant in prayer. 13Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Romans 12:9-13 (ESV)





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Serving God, His Church, His People... Around the Clock!


Judy Genke Bill Rusch Sally Ebenreiter Carrie Olson Dorothy McDowell Carolyn Block Dale Coopman Bob Schindel Marie Wussow

Lorraine Giese Jeff Winkler Jean J. Ruege Dorothy Melchior Gerri Hansen Cynthy Bourgeois Norbert & Marian Marks

Tony Tietyen Robbyn Blumreich Gabe Delzer Jean Frank Beverly Bruno Andrea Millis Mike Eckes Monty Cassellius

Prayer List Be sure to call the church office if you would like a pastoral visit.

To be put on the prayer list in the bulletin or newsletter, or to start the prayer chain, we need the consent of the person in need of prayer. If you know someone who could use prayer, a call, or a visit, please get their consent before letting the office know. Their name will not be put into our publications unless they agree to it. This is the same policy for pastoral calls & visits. If someone on the list has had prayers answered, please let us know so we can take their name off of the list and give a praise report of the answered prayer! Thank you.

Illness Members/Friends/Shut-ins


WATCH OUR SERVICES ONLINE! If you can’t make it to church but still want to feel like you’re

there, you can watch both the 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. services LIVE

each week. We broadcast the 8:00 a.m.

service on Facebook (@clockchurch) and

the 10:30 a.m. service on YouTube. Just click

the “MEDIA” tab at the top of the Church web

site, There you will find

links to the current LIVE shows and links to the

past shows. If you need help finding anything,

please stop in or call the office.

101 W. Main St. PO Box 296 Gillett, WI 54124

Church Office (920) 855-6215 [email protected]

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ


Monday - Thursday

Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

By Appointment


Monday - Wednesday

Thursday & Friday

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

By Appointment


Rachel Block Office

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Nails symbolize Jesus’ passion and

suffering because they were used at his

Crucifixion. They are often depicted in

groups of three because two nails were

used to secure Jesus’ hands, and a third

was used to secure his feet. Three nails

are also used to identify Jesus as a

member of the Holy Trinity.



Tuesday, March 17, 2020 - 7 PM

Present: Joyce Anderson, Lloyd Kirsch, Gary Lisowe, Helen Lisowe,

Clara Luther, Tracy Ondik and Miles Winkler.

1. President Miles Winkler called the meeting to order at 7pm

2. Devotions - Miles Winkler.

3. Agenda with changes was approved by Clara, Tracy. M/S/C.

4. Communications from attendees and correspondence:

a. Evangelism/Stewardship requested permission to draft an

Outreach letter to be later approved by Council. Granted.

b. Call team: Shared the letters from Pastor Warren Baker and

Pastor Larry Lystig concerning the interviews held March 5-7.

Discussed the contents. Will share at Sunday’s service and will be

in the Messenger.

5. Secretary’s Report.

a. Motion to approve Secretary’s report by Clara, Joyce. M/S/C.

6. Treasurer’s Report.

a. Audit for 2019 is complete and books are accurate.

b. $30,000.00 has been moved from checkbook into savings


c. Motion to accept Treasurer’s report by Lloyd, Tracy. M/S/C.

7. President’s Report. discussed PEG letter

8. Pastor’s Report. None

9. Team/Organization items for Council action.

a. Council member from the Property/Cemetery committee was

appointed. Gary Lisowe has accepted the job. Motion to

approve by Tracy, Jan. M/S/C.

10. Unfinished Business.

a. Safety Committee update from Kurt Hicks.

b. Interim contract was signed.

11. New Business.

a. Carl and Mary Vowinkel have requested a transfer to Grace

Lutheran in Oconto Falls. Granted. Motion by Lloyd,Clara. M/S/C.

b. In accordance with Governor Evers declaration: in person

church services and Sunday School will be cancelled as of

3/17/2020 through 4/05/2020. Wednesday Lenten and Sunday

services will be aired on Face Book and You Tube. WLUk and

WRVM will be notified to run these cancellations. Also this

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March 6 | 3:30 p.m.

Present: Pastor Carole,, Jan Ruege, Joyce Anderson, Rachel Block

*All Worship Services/plans are subject to change.

1. Easter morning, Wayne Strei will play. Thurmont will play April 19

2. Pastor Carole will be gone on April 26 and Bob Schindel has

graciously accepted our request to preach. Thanks, Bob!

3. Pastor Carole will be teaching a class for First Communion. The

date for First Communion was supposed to be Easter morning

but has been postponed.

4. A gift for the congregation on Easter morning was discussed.

Please note: as plans are changing daily, the Worship Team is

working hard to continue providing church services online. Thanks

to all who help: Pastor Carole, Rachel Block, Dan Wright,

congregation members who participate in the Lenten services,

and many others! As we work together to serve the Lord and

continue holding services, it can make us a stronger

congregation! Please continue to pray!

Next Meeting: April 1 | Time: 6:00 p.m.

Submitted by Jan Ruege


information will be on the Church web site and Facebook.

Content of the services will be at the discretion of the Worship

committee and Pastor Carole. Motion made by Joyce, Tracy.


c. Thank you to Tim Fifield for giving the message on March 15th.

d. Easter services will be discussed at next meeting.

12. Misc. None

13. Next meeting date: April 8,2020.

14. Devotions: Joyce.

15. Motion to adjourn Clara, Lloyd. M/S/C. Closed with the Lord’s


Submitted by Helen Lisowe


1 Gary Pemrich

2 Anna Kolderup

3 Marilyn Reichwald

4 Annette Dahlstrom,

Stephanie Van Haren,

Shawn Luther, Zach Runge

5 Robert McDowell,

Rodney Metz, Michele Sherman,

Laura Luther

6 Dick Block, Brandon Peterson

7 Julie Richert

8 Roy Rhode, Tom Herzog,

Thomas Carlson

9 Glenroy Tietyen, Katie Jackson,

Wayne Strei

10 Jim Schmidt

13 Carissa VanGheem, Nate Hudson

14 Allissa Stanek

15 Angel LaCrosse, Tara Wollin, Martin Patzer

16 Wendy Hertwig, Brett Zahn

17 Judy Wagner, Dayton Winkler

18 Lorraine Giese, Todd Carlson

19 Clifton Peterson

20 Tom Wolfgram, Nancy Stark, Tod Anderson

21 Beverly Blom, Sharon Simpson, Wanda Nienstedt,

Zachary Lipp, Landon Friedman

22 Jeremy Richert, Bryson Milis

23 Kurt Hicks

24 Judi Freitag, Bill Rusch, Diana Rueckert

25 Ken Vandevelde, Michele Noack

26 Jane Frederick, Troy

Sherman, Austin Wright

27 Katie Collins

28 Dan Schmidt

29 Ruth Milhans,

Sarah Loberger,

Ethan Gehm

30 Addison Stanek

Date Years

5 David & Gina Neuman 10

14 Ryan & Jenny Friedman 13

18 Al & Elizabeth Beilfuss 50

21 Dale & Karie Kuhn 19

24 Tod & Lisa Anderson 27

28 Eric & Lisa Anderson 13

28 Richard & Tabatha Koehler 13

28 Edward & Sydnie Patzer 2

Birthdays &


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• Thank you to all those who help in the office! • Thanks be to God that you understand those gifted for

staying & praying, and sending & supporting are just as important and absolutely necessary to those called to go and preach the Good News to the nations! Thank you for making an investment in the ministries of East European Missions Network.

• Thanks to all who have prayed for me—my cancer is in remission! Thanks also to those who have given me yarn. It’s helped me make 1,500 hats to give to those in need in our community. Ken Butzin

Individually, you can each start by deliberately noticing and

thanking God each day for the good you saw and experienced

that day, something as “little” as seeing a beautiful sunrise, having

lived to see another day begin.

Live purposely, “practicing the presence of God.” Engage in an

on-going conversation with the Lord throughout the moments of

each and every hour, every day. Tell God about anything that at

the moment matters to you, whether that be of seemingly little or

great importance to you. God loves you. He knows all about you.

But he wants to hear you tell Him about the affairs of your life, just

as loving parents want to hear the same from their children.

Finally, practice hospitality. Greet one another, and especially

visitors and strangers with a smile or a wave or a kind nod of your

head. It matters that you recognize them and in so doing

welcome them. It is hard to attend a church where very few even

seem to notice you, much less care about you. But it is wonderful

to be greeted with a genuine smile.

The early church grew because non-believers noticed that “they

loved one another.” May your love for the Lord Jesus, for each of

you in this church, and for those whom you may know or may

never know be real and lasting.

Pastor Larry Lystig



March 11 | 9:00 a.m.

Present: Ken Butzin, Wayne Wenzel, Sheri Wenzel Mel Reichwald,

Shirley Dittman

Old Business: February donations were: Belarus $1,015 and Tartu

Home of Hope $415 so far this year. Thank you so very much for

your generosity!!!

New Business: April mission is the Care Share Food pantry. We ask

that you be very generous this month because of the Covid-19

virus. The pantry will be extra stressed as people will need more

help to keep food on the table. Food items needed are: canned

soup, mac & cheese, cereal and bar soap. These items, plus cash

can be dropped off at the office during office hours. Thank you

for all you can do.

While you are out this summer going to rummage sales, please be

on the lookout for children and teen winter wear. The coat closet

always has a need for these items.

Next Meeting: April 8 | Time: 9:00a

Submitted by Sheri Wenzel

April’s Items of the Month for

the Care Share Food Pantry:

canned meat


March 2 | 5:00 p.m.

Present: Mel Reichwald, Maureen Wollin, Sharon Simpson

Discussion was about the church directory. It was decided to send

out a letter to non-active members. This will be brought up to the

church council. Closed with prayer.

Next Meeting: April 6 | Time: 5:00 p.m.

Submitted by Sharon Simpson


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March 3 | 6:00 p.m. Present: Sharon Raatz, Jane Frederick, Nancy Stark, Sheri Wenzel,

Ruby Hinkfuss and Helen Lisowe.

Meeting was called to order with a prayer by Sharon Raatz.

Sec. report was read and accepted. Tres. report none.

Old Business:

A. We are not hosting a Soup and Scripture luncheon this year.

Our Redeemer’s will host instead.

New Business:

A. We are providing desserts and coffee for the Cross Walk on

April 10th.

B. 7th Annual Women’s Retreat at Forest Springs is April 24&25.

Registrations are due March 15th. We will partly subsidize any

women attending.

C. Easter breakfast?

D. Discussed Mission ideas. Possibly Deanna Konitzer’s Mission trip

to India.

Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next Meeting: April 7 | Time: 6:00 p.m.

Submitted by Helen Lisowe.

Please call Sharon or Nancy if you need a ride.

March 11 | 8:30 a.m.

Present: Claire Hertwig, Gary Lisowe, John Severson, Donald

Genke, Lloyd Kirsch, Darrell Ruege

1. Claire made a list of jobs he does during the entire year.

2. Lawns will need some repair this spring because of snow plow


3. Need to patch/fix the ceiling in the elevator room.

4. Parsonage garage window needs replacing.

5. Fellowship Hall walls could use patching and painting.

6. The tree by the parsonage was trimmed.

7. Lloyd asked if someone would want to serve on the council.

No on offered to fill the vacancy at this time.

Next Meeting: April 8 | Time: 8:30 a.m.

Submitted by Darrell Ruege




During the period of march 5-7, 2020, Pastor Warren Baker and

Pastor Lawrence Lystig met at the church with those who had

signed up for that purpose. Each pastor had a total of eleven

such meetings. Carolyn Lystig was the hostess who greeted those

who came.

There were a variety of matters expressed. But some common

themes emerged. There was often a concern about the declining

numbers of members no longer attending worship services. Many

were worried about the scarcity of youth in Sunday School. Some

wondered how to attract and retain potential new members.

Most also in one way or another voiced a fear as to whether or

not another pastor would accept a call to become their pastor.

There was a real divide among those who had appreciated the

work of Pastor Wallace and those who did not. But most had

greatly appreciated the work of a former pastoral couple. Less

frequently voiced was a tacit admission that there was and had

been a division within the congregation. A number expressed

concern that members who attended one of the two worship

services held each Sunday did not know those who attended the

other one. Little was said about intentional outreach to those in

Gillett who have no church home.

Most of the above is not pleasant news. But both pastors believe

there is a solid base here, that there is hope for the survival of the

congregation in this community. But changes have to come.

At least one change should be made immediately. Others can

happen, but may take a much longer time to have a real and

lasting effect.

The first change is to have but one worship service each Sunday. It

is a real “turn-off” for members and certainly for visitors to enter a

sanctuary where most of the pews are empty.

A much more important change will be more difficult but is

critically necessary. This involves making a change in how we live

out what we believe. Lutherans have a tremendous theology, a

worked-out understanding of the truth of the Gospel. But

Lutherans have a hard time experiencing that truth in day-to-day


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2. The calling for a pastor should be for a “contract call” of one

year with a complete review on the 9th month allowing 3

months for both congregation and pastor to have a period of


3. Development of communication plan to keep all informed on

each step of the call process.

4. I would strongly request you go to only one Sunday worship

service. Example: 8:30 a.m. Bible study for those interested,

Sunday School, fellowship and coffee from 8:30—9:15 a.m.

Dismiss at 9:15 a.m. Worship service from 9:30—10:30 a.m.

Currently with two church services, you are a divided

congregation and a divided church family. I realize this will be a

major change, but I believe very necessary. Above all, the

elected council and leadership should make every effort to

attend worship, showing respect to each other and all

congregation members. It is most important that proper respect

be shown to the office of pastor at all times.

I pray that St. John’s comes together, seeking God’s love and

respect for one another by following the new command our Lord

and Savior, Jesus, gave us “to love one another.” If you desire,

P.E.G. Ministries will help you in seeking a contract pastor and will

provide guidance through the call process.

We are in prayer that St. John’s Lutheran Church will become a

strong beacon in the community and that you will all grow in our

God’s love and His grace.


Pastor Warren Backer

PEG Ministries Chairman



At the time of this printing, all church services/activities up to and

including April 5, are cancelled and we will attempt to stream

Lenten and worship services on Facebook and YouTube. Please

contact Dan Wright or the church office if you need help finding

these online services. Please check Facebook, WLUK, or WRVM

about further church service cancelation.

Since we have the Care Share Food Pantry here at St. John’s,

Rachel will be in the office as much as possible. If you or anyone

you know are concerned about being able to feed yourself or

your family, please let them know about the food pantry! Please

call ahead if possible.

All schedules in the newsletter (worship assistants, calendar,

looking ahead, etc.) have been published as if we will resume

regular services in-person after April 5. Please be aware that things

have been changing on a daily basis.

For those who have already ordered and paid for their Easter

flowers, they have been purchased and will be featured in our

Easter morning video. You are welcome to pick them up and take

them home after Easter Sunday.

The April Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast has been cancelled, as well

as all Soup & Scriptures lunches.

The Annual Easter cantata here at St. John’s has been postponed.

Updated information will be shared when possible.

We pray God’s blessings over you and your families during this

time and we thank you for your patience as we navigate this new


If you have any questions about the above information, you can

call the church office. Rachel will attempt to be in as much as she

can, but if you can’t reach her there, you can call her cellphone

at (920)598-1105.


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Council President, Call Committee Chair, Congregation Members,

First, a thank you to all for your kindness, support of the assessment

process and willingness to share your thoughts and concerns on

the mission and future to serve our Lord, not only in the

congregation, but also in the community. A special thank you to

Pastor Carole as your interim pastor for her care and concern for

the congregation during this time of transition.

During our time with all of you, I can’t express the depth of

Christian love we received. Your willingness and strong desire to

move forward in serving our God. Many of you shared a need

and concern in outreach in the community. Many shared

concerns over the process of calling a new pastor and that a time

of healing needs to take place at St. John’s Many of you

expressed a lack of communication between members and a loss

of members over the past few years. These concerns are very real.

Let me assure you that our God is with you and that there is a

deep need for spiritual growth both in the church and community.

I realize that change is often very difficult, but from my view, and

from seeking God’s direction I’m suggesting several major

changes that need to be made with the purpose of creating a

congregation family joined in God’s love to go forward in

congregational membership growth and spiritual maturity.

We are well aware that these suggestions may not be received

well by all concerned. There may be a few that choose to leave

and are unwilling to accept these changes. We would wish them

well with God’s blessings knowing that these changes are for the

good of the congregation knowing that we follow the scripture in

serving our Lord and Savior. I’ve listed several of these

recommended changes below.

1. First, the Church Council and Call Committee come together

in weekly prayer seeking God’s direction and only His will be


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Replace altar cloths

Reblack parking lot: approx. $85,000

Upgrade network for computers: approx. $9,000

Banners for church, approx. $100/each

Storage building: approx. cost $25,000 (approximate size =

24’x32’), $6,300+ donated

Safety & Security upgrades to facilities (doors, glass security

film, etc.)

L.A.C.E. Endowment Fund

Carillon (new unit): $6,5000-10,000


SPECIAL DATES • Holy Week, April 5-12, 2020 • Palm/Passion Sunday, April 5, 2020 • Maundy Thursday, April 9, 2020 • Good Friday, April 10, 2020 • Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020 • Administrative Professionals Day, April 22, 2020


May 1 7:00p Summer office hours start (Please see pg. 19 for more info) May 31 9:30a Fifth Sunday (One Service only)

Stampin’ for Christ has not yet resumed normal meetings, but you can still bring in your used greeting cards for them to use. You can drop them off in the office.




April 1 7:00 p.m.

No assistants Service is cancelled: will be streamed online

April 5 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

No assistants Service is cancelled: will be streamed online

April 9 7:00 p.m. (Maundy Thursday)

Usher/Greet Communion

Dan Brown Wayne & Sheri Wenzel

April 10 7:00 p.m. (Good Friday)

Usher/Greet Miles & Donna Winkler

April 12 6:30 a.m. (Easter sunrise) 10:30 a.m. (Easter)

Usher/Greet Read Communion

Czechan Family Sharon Raatz Wayne & Sheri Wenzel, Pearl Czechan

Bill & Laurel Block, Rachel Block Rachel Block Rachel Block

April 19 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Usher/Greet Jones Family Delzer Family

April 26 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Usher/Greet Read

Jerry & Karen Winkler _____________________ Clara Luther

The call team met with the council on March 17th to go over the

report from Pastor Warren Baker. One of the things Pastor Baker

asked us to do, is that the call team and council meet together

and pray for our church family, pastor and changes to come in

our church. Because of the Covid-19 virus we agreed to pray at

home at 10 AM every Sunday. I'm asking that if you are willing to,

Please join us at this time. Please pray for our congregation, our

council, call team, Pastor Carol and our future pastor (God knows

who that is). Also please pray for President Trump, our health care

workers, everyone who has the virus and that God ends this crisis

world wide quickly. Thank you so much for your prayers.


Please see page 7 for more information on service cancellations.

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1 11:00a Bulletin Deadline6:00p Christian Education Team Mtg6:00p Worship Team Mtg 7:00p Lenten Service


6 COUNCIL AGENDA DEADLINE 5:00p Stewardship/Evangelism Team Mtg

7 6:00p Women of the Church Mtg

8 8:30a Property/Cemetery Team Mtg 9:00a Mission Tam Mtg11:00a Bulletin Deadline6:00p Cub Scouts7:00p Council Mtg

12 6:30a Sunrise Easter Worship Service 7:30a Easter Breakfast 10:#0a Easter Worship Service

13 14 15 9:00a Food Pantry Prep10:00a Food Pantry Distribution 11:00a Bulletin Deadline

19 8:00a Worship Service with Thurmont Ridge & Koin$ 4 Kid$ 9:15a Sunday School 9:15a Bible Study with Fellowship 10:30a Worship Service with Thurmont Ridge & Koin$ 4 Kid$


21 9:00a Mission Quilting

22 11:00a Bulletin Deadline

26 8:00a Worship Service 9:15a Sunday School 9:15a Bible Study with Fellowship 10:30a Worship Service 6:00p Boy Scouts

27 6:00p Cub Scouts

28 29 11:00a Bulletin Deadline

A P R IL 2 0 2 0

The calendar has been published as if we will resume

regular services in-person after April 5. Please be

aware that things have been changing on a daily

basis. Please see page 7 for more information.



11:00a Bulletin Deadline 6:00p Christian Education Team Mtg 6:00p Worship Team

7:00p Lenten Service

2 3 4

8:30a Property/Cemetery Team Mtg 9:00a Mission Tam Mtg 11:00a Bulletin Deadline 6:00p Cub Scouts 7:00p Council Mtg

9 7:00p Maundy Thursday Service

10 7:00p Good Friday Service

11 8:00a Ruby’s Pantry at GHS

9:00a Food Pantry Prep 10:00a Food Pantry Distribution 11:00a Bulletin Deadline

16 17 18

11:00a Bulletin Deadline 23 24 25

11:00a Bulletin Deadline 30 MAY 1

Please have all flowers removed from the cemetery by this date

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