Download - Cyber crimes and its security

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presentation topic : cyber crimes and

securityBy ashwini awatare

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Contents :-

•Introduction to cyber crimes•History of cyber crimes•Categories of cyber crimes•Types •Impact of cyber crimes •Cyber security •Cyber laws•Prevention •Conclusion

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Introduction :-

The internet in India is growing rapidly. It has given rise to new opportunities in every field we can think of— be it entertainment, business, sports or education.

There are two sides to a coin. Internet also has its own disadvantages. One of the major disadvantages is Cyber crime — illegal activity committed on the internet.

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What is cyber crime ?

•Using the Internet to commit a crime.▫Identity Theft▫Hacking▫Viruses

•Facilitation of traditional criminal activity▫Stalking▫Stealing information▫Child Pornography

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Cyber Crimes :-• Defining Cyber Crime :->

• It’s an unlawful act wherein the computer is either a tool or a target or both.

• Cyber space is a virtual space that has become

as important as real space for business, politics, and communities

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History of Cyber Crime

• The first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820

• In 1820, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France, produced the loom. This device allowed the repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of special fabrics. This resulted in a fear amongst Jacquard’s - employees that their traditional employment and livelihood were being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage to discourage Jacquard from further use of the new technology. This is the first recorded cyber crime!

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History of cyber crimes :-

The first recorded cyber crime took place in 1820.

That is not surprising considenng the fact that the abacus, which is thought to be the earliest from of a computer, has been around since 3500 B.c.

In India, Japan and China, the era of modern computer, however, began with the analytical engine of Charles Babbage.

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The first spam email took place in 1976 when it was sent out over the AR PANT.

The first virus was installed on an Apple computer in 1982 when a high school student, Rich skrenta, developed the ElK Cloner.

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Incident due to cyber crimes

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Cybercrime Components


•Cell Phones


•Game Consoles

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We can categorize cyber crime in two ways.

The computer as a target :- using a computer to attacks other computer, e.g. Hacking, virus/worms attacks, Dos attack etc.

The computer as a weapon :- using a

computer to commit real world crime e.g. cyber terrorism, credit card fraud and pornography etc.

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Cyber crimes can be basically divided into 3 major categories: 1. Cyber crimes against persons.

2. Cyber crimes against property.

3. Cyber crimes against government.

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Cyber crimes against persons

Cyber harassment is a distinct Cyber crime. Various kinds of harassment can and do occur in cyberspace, or through the use of cyberspace. Harassment can be sexual, racial, religious, or other.

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Cyber crimes against property

These crimes include computer vandalism .

(Destruction of others’ property), Transmission of harmful programs, Unauthorized trespassing through cyber space, Unauthorized possession of computer information.

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Cyber crimes against government

Cyber terrorism is one distinct kind of crime in this category.

The growth of Internet has shown that the medium of Cyberspace is being used by individuals and groups to threaten the international governments as also to terrorize the citizens of a country.

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Types Of Cyber Crime

Modification of a conventional crime by using computers.

Frequently Used Cyber Crimes.

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Modification of a conventional crime by using computers.

•Financial crimes

•Cyber pornography

• Sale of illegal articles

•Online gambling

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• Intellectual Property crime

• Email spoofing

• Forgery

• Cyber Defamation • Cyber stalking

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Frequently Used Cyber Crimes.

• Unauthorized access to computer systems or networks

• Theft of information contained in electronic form

• Email bombing

• Data diddling

• Salami attacks

• Denial of Service attack

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• Virus / worm attacks

• Logic bombs

• Internet time thefts

• Web jacking

• Theft of computer system

• Physically damaging a computer system

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Cyber Criminals•Kids (age group 9-16 etc.)

•Organized hacktivists

•Disgruntled employees

•Professional hackers (corporate espionage)

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Computer SecurityConfidentiality

Only those authorized to view information.

IntegrityInformation is correct and hasn’t been

altered by unauthorized users or software.

AvailabilityData is accessible to authorized users.

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Computer Security

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Computer Security - Threats Malware

Software that has a malicious purpose Viruses Trojan horse Spyware

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Computer Security - Threats

Intrusions▫Any attempt to gain unauthorized access to

a system▫Cracking▫Hacking▫Social Engineering▫War-driving

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Computer Security - Threats

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Computer Security - Terminology


White Hat – Good guys. Report hacks/vulnerabilities to appropriate people.

Black Hat – Only interested in personal goals, regardless of impact.

Gray Hat – Somewhere in between.

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Computer Security - Terminology

Script Kiddies▫Someone that calls themselves a ‘hacker’

but really isn’t.

Ethical Hacker▫Someone hired to hack a system to find

vulnerabilities and report on them.▫Also called a ‘sneaker’ .

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Computer Security - Terminology

Security Devices▫ Firewall

Barrier between network and the outside world.

▫Proxy server Sits between users and server. Two main

functions are to improve performance and filter requests.

▫Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Monitors network traffic for suspicious


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Cyber Laws :-

• Law governing cyber space • Cyber law encompasses laws relating to: — Cyber Crimes Electronic and Digital Signatures — Intellectual Property — Data Protection and Privacy

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•Cyber crime: it refers to criminal exploitation of the internet

•Electronic and Digital signatures : it refers to mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of digital message or documents

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Intellectual property: it refers to legal concept which refers to creations of the mind for which exclusive rights are recognized.

Data protection and privacy: it refers to effective legislation helps minimize monitoring by governments , regulate surveillance by information is properly protected.

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Cybercriminals ÷ computer technology = difficulties to apply the law.

Not only real-world crimes by using computers..

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PREVENTION Disable and log off a specific user account to

prevent access. Disable and log off a group of user accounts which

access a particular service that is being attacked.

Disable and dismount specific (network) devices, for instance disk devices that are being swamped.

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Disable specific applications, for example, an e-mail system subjected to a SPAM attack.

Close down an entire system, and divert processing to an alternative or backup service on a secondary network.

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conclusion• Within the law enforcement agencies, a set of

rules must be developed to address the various categories of computer crime.

• As such, investigators will know what and which materials to search and seize, the electronic evidence to recover, and the chain of custody to maintain.

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