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Jacky Tetu

+33 (0)6 26 66 11 96 | Strasbourg – France | [email protected] | | LinkedIn: JackyTetu


IT technician, experienced in international team projects, I avail of good knowledge in systems, networks and software

administration. I paused my career in 2013 to collect experience in the low-impact construction, and in 2014 in the online

fair trade of antiques. I am now motivated again by IT related job opportunities, ideally as IT supporter or administrator,

freelancer or contracted, from home or in project teams, where I could apply my IT skills professionally and creatively.


09.2011 – 06.2012

IT helpdesk agent, IBM Germany, Leipzig, Germany English IT phone and email technical support, levels I and II, ARS ticketing Remedy In a 15 people team, for customers like i.e. Office Depot (UK) and Bayer (Germany) Win. 7/8 and 2003/2008 R2 Server (Active Directory, VMware, VPN, LAN/WLAN diagnosis)

04.2010 – 08.2010

Project study in domotics & energy monitoring, Atlante Support, Strasbourg, France Reported on market studies, risks analysis, analytical surveys, HAN (Home Area Networks)

2003 – 2009

R&D engineer, IT companies and research centres, France Designed an online dictionary of terminological data in linguistics (LAMP) Validated on site the supervision system of a railway tunnel (OPC real-time C/S) Extended a governmental extranet portal for car waste statistics

2000 – 2003

Internships as a software developer, 3 + 5 months, Univ. of Leipzig +, Germany International team work, professional English and German


2010 Webmaster for a children care org., France Designed and administered a C#.Net + XML site and its member secured area (French only, now deprecated)

2014 Manager of the online shop Die Faire Hütte (now closed) Created a small fully operational e-commerce business (online trade of antiques) Initiation into the fair trading, the management and the double-entry accounting techniques Investigated the Joomla CRM/CMS, built a HTML5/Ecwid/Paypal/Facebook solution + facebook/DieFaireHuette (German only)

2014 Freelancer in the IT and software Database and software development, OS administration, call centre customer care Initiation into the calculation of expenses, editing of documents and contracts


1997 – 2002 'Ingénieur en informatique' (MSc in Computer Sciences), INSA Lyon, France

2002 – 2003 1 year as an exchange student at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Spring 2003: Final Year Project as a student intern at Duolog Ltd in Dublin Designed a module in a WLAN network gateway, in teams over 2 sites

IT SKILLS (practised, at an intermediate level)

Software: UML, C# ASP.Net (Visual Studio), SQL Server XML parsing with LAMP, OPC real-time C/S

Operating systems: Win. 2008 R2 Server, Linux, Chromebook LAN/WLAN, virtualization, VMware, VPN, AD, IIS

Helpdesk: Inbound calls and mail, 1st and 2nd level ARS ticketing Remedy, knowledge database Kana

Web integration: KickStart HTML 5 responsive design, Joomla E-commerce Ecwid, Facebook Apps, Plesk UI

Tools and utilities: MS Office, OpenOffice, Lotus Notes, Skype Google tools (Apps, Sites, Docs, Charts, Analytics)


English: B2, 1 year in Ireland (exams, work, deliverables) German: B1, 9 months in Germany (work and business)


Current hobbies: sustainable construction (, book of J.C. Mengoni „La construction écologique“) Past activities: carpentry, rugby (in clubs), first aid certification, volunteer at


Yves Rampon: CEO at Bizlink (Lyon, France), [email protected] Brian Lee: former project manager at Duolog (Dublin, Ireland), Daniela Klein: recruitment officer and personal manager at Experis (Erfurt, Germany), +49 (0)361 789107