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07 Customised Education Solutions
14 Learning Analytics
Your strategic learning partner Building on our heritage as a global leader in full service online delivery, we are responding to the demand for new partnership styles through a suite of Customised Education Solutions. These learning solutions can be tailored for higher education and industry environments.
We bring experience, infrastructure and a significant workforce capability to deliver online programs at scale. Through constant innovation and a proven collaborative approach, we use the latest technology to design a seamless teaching, learning and student experience.
As a part of SEEK Limited, we bring you the insights of a global digital leader, including an unparalleled view of the skills employers are seeking.
Leaders in online education For close to a decade, we have been transforming the lives of learners and futureproofing organisations through the design and delivery of world-class education solutions.
50,000+ online learners
2,000+ online units
1,300+ global staff
Why partner with OES? We have both the expertise and the scale to strategically position our partners to attract and retain learners from all around the world.
Our partners can be confident they will enter the online education space with maximum impact or, for those looking to uplift their existing online offering, achieve vastly improved outcomes.
The OES difference
Quality at scale
We deliver the experience, infrastructure and workforce capability required to realise an online portfolio at the scale you need.
Innovation We combine education expertise and innovative thinking with the latest technology to solve learning and business challenges.
Exceptional student outcomes Our academic-led, student-centric approach to learning results in consistently high student experience ratings.
A global digital leader As a part of SEEK Limited, we bring you the insights of a global digital leader, including an unparalleled view of the skills employers are seeking an online portfolio at the scale you need.
Why partner with OES?
A diverse and highly qualified team We have a scalable team of online learning experts – all ready to collaborate with you to creatively solve your learning and business challenges. You will have access to the knowledge and expertise of our:
• academic directors
• data analysts
• student recruitment experts
• simulations specialists
We combine our unique thinking and skill sets to ensure we deliver a cohesive learning solution for every partner.
Customised education solutions Online education has opened up new possibilities to offer powerful learning opportunities that attract, engage and retain students and staff, support business objectives and deliver long-term commercial value.
At OES, we work with higher education, employers and industry to deliver online learning solutions, designed around your needs.
Through our proven model of collaboration, we offer academic expertise, leading-edge technology, expert learning design and data analytics.
How can we help you?
Higher education • Design, build and launch new
courses/units • Optimise existing online units • Develop high-quality materials
to support a blended offering • Deliver interactive workplace
training via real-time simulations • Improve student engagement
and retention through powerful learning analytics
Workplace learning • Build fit-for-purpose online
learning tools • Deliver accreditation, compliance
or competency training • Improve staff engagement
and retention • Use simulations to train
and prepare staff • Replace time-intensive
training events with flexible, self-paced learning
“ The partnership with OES has enabled us to look at and understand what a contemporary higher education online delivery operation looks like and what it needs to do. The relationship has been a very positive and collegial experience and there is a strong sense of working with an organisation that is essentially a vendor, but that is also a partner.” Professor Kevin Ashford-Rowe Pro Vice-Chancellor (Digital Learning) QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
Customised education solutions
Learning analytics
Understand and use your data to enhance learning design and to improve student support, engagement and retention.
Use real-time scenarios to prepare learners for the workplace with leading edge Mursion© technology.
Student support & coaching Provide teams of qualified advisors and coaches to support students, and drive improvements in retention, satisfaction and efficiency.
From a full university portfolio to customised workplace training, we design online programs that deliver measurable return on investment.
Our learning designers work flexibly with academic and industry experts to translate and build all learning materials for the online environment, delivering best practice, fit-for-purpose tools.
Subject matter experts retain oversight and provide ongoing expertise throughout the process, with rigorous quality assurance applied at every stage.
We work across a multitude of disciplines and qualifications. Our team has experience in the major learning management systems (including Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard) and platforms (including FutureLearn and Coursera).
Capability Solutions developed and delivered by world-class learning designers.
Quality Rated 85% for our Learning Resources and 89% for overall learner satisfaction.
Capacity A Learning Design team comprising more than 300 staff to enable scalability without compromising quality.
Reliability 100% of units delivered on time for our partners.
Auckland Online Auckland Online is part of the University of Auckland, one of the world’s top 100 universities (QS 2021). Leveraging our proven co-design process, we delivered Auckland Online’s initial suite of postgraduate qualifications, as well as supporting tools to empower students to engage with the online environment.
Importantly, these initial qualifications provided the university with a best practice learning model to inform all future online approaches.
• Selected via competitive process • Speed to market • Learning design expertise and collaboration • Academic excellence • Partnering for continued growth
The partnership between OES and Auckland Online continues to strengthen as the university scales its program offering.
Case study
Animated videos Explain concepts more clearly with audio and visual representation, including characters, words and pictures that create meaning for students.
Podcasts Use voice to guide learners through content and tie key concepts together. Connect online students with subject matter experts in an authentic way.
Videos Utilise your subject matter experts to introduce the course and unpack key concepts. Effectively connect with your learners and guide them through common stumbling blocks.
Assessment design Make assessment more meaningful by encouraging a practical understanding and appreciation of real-life events or problems that enhance authentic learning.
Extended reality Provide online students with a virtual orientation of real environments and scenarios to build familiarity and readiness for the live event.
Immersive technologies Deliver immersive learning experiences in dynamic virtual environments, which allow students to apply their skills and knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Simulations Support skill building in the ultimate risk- free training environment. Avatar-based technology simulates live workplace environments – ideal for practising human-interaction skills.
Compelling fit-for-purpose learning materials to capture and engage your learners
Get your data working harder and smarter
We are trusted sector specialists, known for our ability to deliver high-impact data insights and intervention tools for universities seeking to support their students.
Action data insights with bespoke tools and trackers Our purpose-built engagement tool can help you identify ‘at-risk’ students and deliver high-impact interventions. Embedded within your Learning Management System, our engagement tool can provide multi-channel support to encourage student completion and success.
Our customised trackers can help you monitor engagement and respond accordingly:
• Course health trackers • Student engagement trackers • Learning design trackers • Event trackers
Swinburne Online Learning analytics innovations enabled us to optimise student retention for Swinburne Online:
• Integration and analysis of data from across the Swinburne Online eco-system
• Automated trackers to monitor student engagement
• A machine learning model custom-built to identify students at risk of dropping out
• Analytics trigger recommendations that enable student advisors and teaching staff to take action in the right way, at the right time
Case study
5% improvement in retention of commencing students continuing into their second year of study, resulting in multi-million dollar revenue savings.
Harness the right data insights at the right time to improve student engagement and retention, uplift course delivery and create a measurable financial return
Course delivery Use data to determine the most effective course design and unit structures. Our robust analysis will deliver actionable recommendations to improve teaching and learning practices.
Leverage insights Organise data from across your organisation into a single-view student dashboard, enabling your staff to access and act on insights quickly.
Strategy Set up for success with a long-term analytics strategy and the best tools for the task.
Empower staff Equip teachers and staff with relevant insights to facilitate more meaningful interactions.
Data insights Uncover the most valuable information buried within your data. We can help you transform raw data sets into meaningful, metric-driven, actionable insights.
Futureproof Unlock insights to shape the direction and success of your department or entire institution. Our dashboards will show you, at a glance, where improvements can be made.
Student retention Improve student outcomes with data-driven insights and actions. Optimise progression, retention and completion for online, blended and on-campus cohorts.
Financial return Support student retention to achieve commercial objectives including retaining revenue.
Prepare your students and staff for workplace challenges with powerful real-time training
We use leading edge Mursion© virtual reality software to provide the ultimate risk-free training environment. Tailored to achieve your learning objectives, with live actors driving avatar behaviour, our Simulations are ideal for building human-interaction skills for education, healthcare and counselling, hospitality, sales, leadership and customer service.
Replicate a classroom, a clinical setting, a workplace negotiation or a customer service interaction. We partner with you to create genuine scenarios that build real-world capabilities.
As an approved adopter of Mursion© software, we offer a new level of authenticity for testing and reiterating theoretical skills during learning, with complex scenarios that would be difficult and costly to replicate in non-VR settings.
How it works • Authentic, life-like simulations • Powered by a blend of artificial intelligence and live human interaction • Scenarios designed to achieve students’ learning goals • Different learner experiences each time • Booking technology and student communication included
Our simulations are award winning. In 2021 we won the iTNews award for our virtual classroom solution with Swinburne Online, which delivered real time simulation experiences to develop confidence and preparedness for real world teaching situations.
Teach for Australia In partnership with us, Teach for Australia was able to provide essential classroom experience for pre-service teachers during COVID-19, when many placements were postponed or cancelled. Through efficient scenario design and the provision of technology to manage bookings and learner communications, we delivered more than 200 Simulations in 10 days.
“Mursion went great today! My ability to discipline while teaching is getting more seamless thanks to the many techniques we’ve learned.”
“Really enjoyed being able to test out some of our classroom management techniques.” Teach for Australia student feedback, 2020.
Case study
Workplace learning • Negotiation in complex
environments • Presentation and sales skills • Leadership, diversity and inclusion • Handling objections
Customer service • Customer orientation
and active listening • Issues resolution • Presentation and sales skills • Welcome and check-out
Set the scene to achieve your learning objectives
We offer a choice of avatars, settings, outcomes and actions. Choose a single avatar or a multi-character scenario. You may also choose to design your own scenario with a unique visual setting.
• Provide impactful • Support at risk • Increase progression • Improve graduate outcomes • Enhance reputation • Scale their services
Why data makes us different? We are sector leaders in harnessing learning analytics to drive student success and retention.
Our predictive and descriptive insights empower our proactive coaching teams to reach out and support students, helping them to overcome learning challenges.
We deliver the support that students expect and help higher education partners to:
Student advisory support • Live web chat, phone and email support • Centralised, timely support for diverse queries • Quality responses in line with your policies • Technical support for student-facing systems • Enrolment, student records and fee management • Access to full student history on one platform • Self-service capabilities via secure student portal
Leverage our comprehensive range of inbound and outbound services
Student success coaching • Evidence-based interventions • Targeted campaigns to increase success and retention • Personalised coaching to build students’ self-efficacy • Engage with ‘at risk’ students at the right time • Welcome calls to new students • Pre-exam coaching, onboarding and study skills webinars • Wellbeing and academic check-ins
Build positive and supporting relationships with every student
We tailor our student support and coaching services to align precisely with our partners’ needs • A team of tertiary-qualified Student Advisors acting as a primary
point of inbound support for new and current students through multi-channel, after-hours support 7 days a week.
• A team of trained Student Coaches proactively engaging with students in outbound campaigns driven by key course milestones and learning analytics.
• A team that act as a single advising point of contact and can case manage students through their study utilising appreciative or developmental advising approaches.
Partners can choose between the different types of support or create a customised support program.
Student experience For Swinburne Online, OES provides comprehensive, multi-channel student support services including extended support hours (nights and weekends) and proactive interventions targeted at disengaged students, to ensure an outstanding student experience. This has translated to Swinburne Online achieving consistently high ratings for student support in the QILT Student Experience Surveys (SES). This trend continued in 2020 despite disruptions due to the pandemic, with Swinburne Online students reporting an 89% positive rating of student support compared to a national average of 73% across undergraduate commencing and continuing students.
“The support that you give to your students and the understanding is beyond comparable to other universities which I have attended in the past.” Student feedback.
Case study
89% positive rating on UG student support at one of our major partners in the 2020 QILT SES survey.
“WSU Online has been a highly productive partnership between OES and Western Sydney University. Within three years the partnership has delivered nine programs, 131 units, to 1430 students and our first cohort of students are ready to graduate. OES’s deep expertise in online education has helped inform some of our own transition to online learning as a result of COVID-19 and we look forward to continuing to learn from each other as we explore new opportunities to innovate in online and flexible learning.” Professor Simon Barrie Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President (Academic) WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY
“Swinburne Online is a key part of Swinburne’s portfolio of innovative education offerings. Through our joint venture with OES, Swinburne has become a leading provider of online education. We have learned a lot about what students need in a digital learning environment, what motivates them, and how they learn. Through Swinburne Online we are able to provide access and flexibility to learners from diverse backgrounds, for whom on-campus study is often not an option.” Professor Linda Kristjanson AO Former Vice-Chancellor SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
Talk to us OES is passionate about providing a world-class, high quality student experience and ensuring the considerable growth opportunities that exist for our partners are realised.
Get in touch to learn more about how OES and your organisation can work together.
Australia // +61 (0)3 9956 0800 United Kingdom // +44 (0)20 3890 6910