Download - Customer Release Note - · Histogram Calculation of manpower for first project period could be wrong. This has now been corrected.

Page 1: Customer Release Note - · Histogram Calculation of manpower for first project period could be wrong. This has now been corrected.

Customer Release Note


Safran Planner Version 4.1

(Last update: November 11, 2014 - build # 285)

Safran Software Solutions AS

Page 2: Customer Release Note - · Histogram Calculation of manpower for first project period could be wrong. This has now been corrected.

Customer Release Note Safran Planner SQL version 4.1


Copyright ©1997-2014 Safran Software Solutions AS. All rights reserved. Notice. Safran is a registered trademark; Safran Project, Safran Planner, Safran Planner SQL, Safran for Microsoft Project, Safran for the Microsoft Project Platform, Safran Web Access, Safran Enterprise Developer, Safran Details and Safran Details Developer are trademarks of Safran Software Solutions AS. All other brands or names are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by their respective holders.

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Customer Release Note Safran Planner SQL version 4.1


Introduction This Customer Release Note, or CRN for short, contains information about the latest release of - Safran Planner v4.1 (Build # 285) We suggest you read this note carefully to familiarize yourself with new and enhanced functionality included in this new version. This release note was last updated September 22, 2014. Safran Planner version 4.1 build 260 is a functional release succeeding any previous builds and versions. Build 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267,268, 269, 270, 271,272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284 and 285 contains bug-fixes and minor enhancements.

Summary of Changes The Safran Planner SQL version 4.1Software is a functional extension software release containing new functionality, enhancements and improvements. This new release is both a client software update and a Safran database upgrade. UI touch up we have made some touch ups to the user interface Auto filter on Columns You can now use auto filter on columns in the Bar Chart Editor to select and filter activities. User field Formulas We have extended the compute capabilities for user fields to allow multiline if's and calculations. ALAP- As Late As Possible ALAP constraint has been introduced. this allows you to place an activity at its latest date "eating" the activity free float. Logic Path A new filter feature have been introduced that allows you to select activities by preceding logic and /or succeeding logic. By use of the "preceding path of or succeeding path of you can narrow don your schedule to show only activities logically linked to or from an activity. Bar Chart Editor Speed improvements We have improved the Editor screen update when scrolling through large networks. User Field - link to We have added a link to feature for user field setup, that allows you to link a definition to a specific field in another userfield set. This is only possible if you store your planner data to a sql database. Import/export The import/export now supports Primavera XER format.

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Sys Adm updates the Safran Planner System administration module have been updated to allow for export and import of Enterprise fields and definitions. Progress export A new progress export function allows smoother data exchange and progress updates between Safran Planner and Safran Project. You can select both a Safran Project 3.7 version and a pre 3.7 version format. Progress Import A new import function allows you to update progress in your Safran Planner schedule by importing progress data from a tab separated txt file or from an XML type file. Database version update check When accessing the SQL anywhere 10 database, Safran Planner SQL automatically performs a database version check. If database updates are required, Safran Planner prompts the user for an automatic update. Histogram lines You can now specify horizontal Y-axis lines at user specified values. Line attributes include, line style, line color, thickness text and text position. Horizontal curtains with Safran Planner you can define horizontal curtains or bands with user defined from and until values, color, pattern, pattern color, text and text position. Stack & spread legend Legend on stack and spread values can now be either short, description or short - description. Histogram Entry Legends Histogram entry legend may be left blank Enterprise fields as globals in reports Enterprise field may be used as globals in report header and footer. Symbols A new field "frame Style" have been added to symbols definitions, This allows you to specify line style for bar frame.

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Rename It is now possible to rename Filters Filter, Layout and Histogram selection The dropdowns for selecting, layouts, histograms and filters now all contain a quick selection option that supports complete list, begins, contains and ends selections to narrow down drop down list. Calendars- Holidays It is now possible to import holidays from tab separated txt file. Comment for Histogram and Layouts You can add comments to describe the intended use of your saved Editor Layouts and Editor Histograms.

Issues addressed with build 261 Import/Export from/to SP file The import and export to and or from *.SP ( Safran Project text file) did not include user field formulas. this has now been corrected. Undo The undo option did not work together with copy/paste of duration field if the calendar unit was hrs or minutes. Copy/Paste Copy and paste if L-field ( user field of type flag) did not work correctly. copy and paste of dates from Safran to Excel did not work properly with American (US) date formats. this has now been corrected. Bar Chart Editor Performance Improved performance on the copy to clipboard function Fill Down Using the Fill Down function on the qty or cost fields did not acknowledge more than one resource per activity, this has now been corrected. Grouping When grouping on outline codes only the short code was displayed instead of the full format. Current dates an update to the computation of current dates to correct some minor errors in the progress date calculation. Loop test An error was reported in the loop list if there were several loops. This has now been corrected. Set Comparison Dates Current and baseline was not saved unless your INI file contained an entry that enabled these fields. This has now been corrected.

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Help improvements to the display of the help file for IE, Firefox and Crome browsers. User Field formula An error in reading planner 3.1 user field formulas when opening in planer 4.1 has been corrected. Field format Selected format for Reference fields ( short + description) and outline codes was not acknowledged on the group level. Histogram Users reported that the legend sometimes "disappeared " and that the graph was not drawn correctly to some scale factors. This has now been corrected. Progress Date For schedules using calendar unit of days, the progress date was some times set to the end of a holiday instead of the end of the preceding work day. This has now been corrected.

Issues addressed with build 262 Group Properties When moving an outline code its formatting was lost. This has now been corrected. Column Properties/outline codes. If the outline code levels was not defined with a level text/label the display could give wrong level description like for example" level 66" instead of "level1" Auto filter/columns An error was reported concerning moving/hiding columns when auto filters was used. This caused the combination of filter and column to be mixed up. This has now been corrected. User Fields (F) The text edit box displayed when double- clicking the F1-F20 fields in the activity information pane lacked max character limits. Document links A check for duplicate names have been added. Allowing duplicate names could result in an SQL error. Resource Graph Double clicking the resource graph showed the resource sequence number instead of the resource short code. This has now been corrected. Frontline An update has been done to the frontline drawing at summary level to correct for 0-duration activities (milestones). Export Improvements have been made to the MPD and XML export now allowing the user to set computed dates to "null" during the export. this option have been included to ensure improved schedule transfer of tasks with resources to MSP 2003. Improvements to the export to Safran Project 3.6 (*.SP) file format.

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Save Some instances save tried to save definitions for computed fields for activities that were previously deleted. Import (XER) Errors were detected for import of files of type XER. this has now been corrected. File Properties For file-based planner files missing accept text in the File Properties window could result in no retention of data when saving and re-opening files. This has now been corrected. Windows menu item The framebar menu item has now been renamed to show framebar. The option is used to restores the MDI toolbar bar. Print Some printer and printer drives does not give correct information regarding paper size and printable areas. This has in some situations given output that has been cut off. Changes to adjust for this has been implemented. Activity ID rename Circular rename of activity id could sometimes lead to violation of uniqueness. This a has now been corrected. Histogram Calculation of manpower for first project period could be wrong. This has now been corrected. In some situation the bar hatch was wrongly selected and displayed. This has now been fixed. Export XML/MPD Running Safran planner as file based gave an Set transaction error message when saving to XML/MPD formats. This has now been corrected. Open XML files Improvements have been made for users running Safran Planner without a Database when opening Microsoft Project XML files. Printer Info Improvements in the Print and Print Setup windows. Should reflect and initialize with correct print options

Issues addressed with build 263 Histogram some reports indicated that hatch could be wrongly displayed for bars, curtains and stack. This has now been fixed. Reports was not saved correctly when using reports from user drop down with other selections than user or all. Import Importing data for SP file left the user field unmarked for visibility. This has now been corrected. Importing from XML/MPD could show a blank screen caused by a height=0 for a user object. This has now been corrected. Options It was possible to press the test connection when save was set to File. This has now been corrected.

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XML Where text referred to MS Project 2007 text has now been changed to refer to MS Project XML.

Issues addressed with build 264 XER The XER import function have been improved Import MS Project XML Cost resources was wrongly added to summaries. In Safran Planner summaries should not have resources or cost. Export to MS Project XML Values for number fields 1-10 was wrongly multiplied by 100. This has now been corrected. Sp files When opening Sp (Safran Project) files QTY and Cost resources sometimes got duplicated. This has now been fixed. User fields When the schedule was opened in read only mode, user fields with formulas was not computed. This has now been corrected. Some times the sort for multi line formulas was applied incorrectly for "where", "then Where" and "remaining". This has now been corrected. System users reported errors when opening a plan where the nodes of the outline structure lacked short values. This has now been corrected. Double clicking a SPP files the Planner session did not read the correct folder causing different user problems. This has now been corrected. Calendar An error in import of holidays was reported. this has now been corrected. Options You can now select preset values for names for layouts, filters and histograms. Annotations Memory handling could cause the system to chrash. This has now been corrected. "Mini filters" Planer now remembers the users min filter for layout, filter and histogram names to be applied to the drop down selection boxes. Summaries The duration value for summaries was stored back to spp files, which could give errors when storing this schedule to the Safran Planner database. As the summary duration is computed on the fly, this information is redundant and is no longer stored.

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Some times the summaries was left "alone" without any lower level activities. The would then be filtered so that the users could not see them or have them removed from the schedule. This has now been corrected. Progress dates We have adjusted the progress data calculation for non work periods for networks using calendar units of days .If your cut- off was Sunday and the previous days including the Sunday was non-work, an activity on schedule could be presented as falling behind schedule. To compensate for this the progress date is now set to the evening of the cut-off date. Layout & Histogram names Layout and Histogram names gave been extended from 25 to 50 characters. Week numbers when displaying week number for dates/periods the last week number in a year was wrongly displayed. This has now been corrected. Bar chart Editor Undo We have improved the undo after a copy & paste by removing some inconsistencies. Undo can now be done only if all fields in the copy & paste can be undone. Bar Chart Editor Histogram An error in manpower calculation was reported. This has now been fixed. Bar Chart Editor Information panes Now remember the size of fields in Link information and Resource information pane. Import Calendar Holidays The import format has been extended to allow for users to optionally specify day of week ( 1=mon,2= tue, 3=wed etc). Format of the tab separated text file is date from<TAB>date to<TAB> day of week Sys adm We have made improvement to the create users window. Active directory groups are now supported in MSSQL server and can be used to give Safran database access. Reducing user admin workload. In build 263 copy of some of the Set-Ups was missing. This has now been corrected.

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Issues addressed with build 265 NOTE: To successfully upgrade Safran Planner databases to build 265 all Safran Planner 4.1 databases must have database triggers and procedures recompiled. There are no changes to the database definitions. This must be done using the sys adm. application using the Administrator login. Close We have made some improvements in the dialog for saving changes when you close a project containing sub-projects from file. Links Inserting Links from the Link Information window resulted in an error message. This has now been corrected. Multi-User We have improved the messaging when several users are accessing a project. Refresh Users reported that they needed to close and reopen the project to refresh data if data was stored to the Safran database. This has now been corrected. File Properties Users where allowed to change calendar units on projects in a multi-project /sub-project session. This should only be allowed when dealing with single projects as it may give unforeseen consequences if you were allowed to change calendar units on all projects in one go. Discarding changes by pressing the Cancel button sometimes saved data partially. This has now been corrected, and date are not saved if you press cancel. Export Exporting to MPD format caused Safran Planer to crash. This has now been fixed. MSP ed duration format Import and export now supports Microsoft Projects ed duration format. Changes are implemented for MPD,XML import/export. Options If startup options was set to New Project it could cause a system crash. This has now been fixed. New filter Users had to save a new filter 2 times before it was properly saved. This has now been corrected. Calendar Calendar span has been extended from 60 years to 100 years Date formats Improvements have been made to better support dates from 19xx and 20xx. Calendar setup and Gantt timeline now always uses 4 digit year format - yyyy. Open With Pertmaster Returning from Pertmaster to Safran and opening the calendar window caused Safran Planner to crash. This has now been fixed.

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A second "Open With Pertmaster did not function. This has also been corrected. Export R-fields Sort field was missing in the export file. This has now been corrected. Symbols For users with only read access or no access to symbol sets the OK and Cancel buttons was also disabled. This has now been corrected allowing users to change symbol visibility on layouts. Multiproject when establishing multi-projects from spp files (Safran Planner), the Calendar drop downs for links and activities was not correct. This has been fixed. Barchart Editor Grid Normal grid did display dotted lines as solid lines on pdf output. This has now been corrected. Barchart Editor Group Properties If you did not sort on ID/Sort Field the display sometimes confused users when activities did not have values for the group. This has been corrected by setting the create <NONE> group value for these activities. Print Preview If you set a page break on the highest level of you group properties the <Page> and <Page description> globals was printed wrongly if a page started with a group representing level 2 or lower. This has now been corrected. File Open We have improved file open of .sp (Safran Project 3.6 files) as some fields was not read correctly. This only applies to file open as it works ok when importing the data from Sp-files. The error has now been fixed. Group A user reported an issue with identical names for R-field and O-fields where he could not select the O-fields as group values. This has now been corrected. Templates When saving new plans from templates (.Spt files) user was not prompted for alternative names for layouts, filters and histograms. Data was saved without asking. File Open When opening a SP file (Safran Project) without resource definitions, Safran Planner creates the dummy QT and Cost resources with a seq (sequence number) of NULL. This caused some problems when saving the schedule to the Safran Planner database or to spp- file. This has now been corrected. File Properties If you change the Project name, you are asked if you wish to rename calendar, User field set and calendar set. Symbol set was not part of this, but is now , with build 265 included.

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Grids/Curtains A validation error after entering data and pressing OK caused planner to loose the dates entered for grids and curtains. This has now been fixed. Outline Codes User with Microsoft SQL Server reported a problem concerning outline coded 2-3o not being loaded to the three view dropdown. This has now been corrected.

Outline Codes If you define outline codes with a Link To another set, the data window was not updated unless you closed and re- opened the userfields window. This has now been corrected.

Sysadm We have updated the sysadm and to make it more robust the sysadm application is now installed in a separate folder.

Issues addressed with build 266 NOTE: A DATABASE UPGRADE IS REQUIRED TO RUN SAFRAN PLANNER 4.1 BUILD 266 SUCCESFULLY. USE THE SAFRAN PLANNER SYS ADM TO UPGRADE YOUR DATABSE. Sysadm User reported a missing scrollbar in the Reference field data window. This has now been corrected. Renaming of a symbol set could cause a system crash. This has now been corrected. Outline Code Importing outline Codes where level 4 code was missing could cause a system crash. This has now been corrected. Read MsP XML Improvements have been implemented when importing calendar information. When mapping MsP text field to Safran Reference fields, all codes was not saved correctly. This has now been improved. User fields Use Code set; user reported that if you linked your definition to a field in a user field that you did not have access to, the system could crash if you wanted to view the field formula. Bar Chart Editor Some times the link window would show the activity seq no, instead of the activity Id. This has now been corrected. Page Breaks: page break (-level 1 group definition) on activity Id could cause extra page break on a reference field if the sequence number of the reference field was identical to the sequence number of an activity. This has been corrected. Some users reported problem with layouts not retaining the open/close collapsed or expanded settings. This has now been corrected. The error was due to a column width in one table of the Safran database not having been extended from 25 to 50

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char. When users exceeded 25 characters in layout name the collapse/expand info was not saved. Histogram Users reported that they could not delete a histogram definition. An error that stopped execution of the "delete-SQL" has been corrected. The bar hatch changes for several reports if you first used the Apply and then the OK button. This has now been corrected. Copy table data only applied to the data on the first page of the report. This has now been corrected. Save For summaries on Reference fields of text fields it is possible to input vales to the text fields (F1-20). When saving to spp files this text can be more than 255 characters long. When saving to the Safran database this caused an error as the text was not truncated to the database field width (255 or 50 characters). Correct truncation has now been implemented. When saving a Safran Planner project from the database to a spp file, the filters, layouts and histograms was not saved properly. This has now been corrected. Filters Filter names with parentheses could not be renamed, or

deleted and the filter expression was not saved. Permanent renumbering Now works properly with outline codes and reference fields defined with identical names. For users of SQL anywhere databases the permanent renumbering is always active if access is update or higher. File Properties After changing the project name it was not saved to the database. This has now been corrected. When changing the project Title, users was prompted to rename resource set, symbol set etc. This should only happen when you rename the project Name. The error has now been corrected. On the Attributes tab, the Resource defs drop down was disabled if the resources was allocated to any activities. This is now correct. You should get a warning if you change the resource definition set. This has now been corrected. Save to pdf If your default printer was set to black and white printing the pdf file was only in black and white. This has now been corrected, and the pdf should always be colorful.

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Export/Import When exporting Editor Histograms and/or Editor Layouts and you renamed the reports the rename was not applied to all detail data in the file. This gave inconsistency in exported data. The import did not check properly for consistency in the file ( ref the above error). Both errors for both the histograms and the layouts have now been corrected. Import/Read from SP file Formulas for user fields from Safran Project 3.6 format to multi-line format was not converted correctly. This has now been corrected. Filter pop up Some times the filter drop down on the tool bar was not updated when the filter expression was changed and you used the apply or ok button. This has now been corrected. Sub project links Some times when deleting a sub projects, links was not properly deleted. This has now been corrected. Planned % Planned % was not computed at group level when weighting was set to duration. This has now been corrected. Progress date At group level the progress date could be computed inaccurately due to missing decimals in the& actual progress value applied during this computation. This has now been corrected. Application Some users reported issues related to slow or now response from the application. This has now been corrected.

Issues addressed with build 266.1 Sys Adm The Safran Planner Sys adm is now aligned with Safran Planner build #266

Issues addressed with build 267 Update Script an update script (set_user_uppercase.sql) is provided with this

build. Customers utilizing Microsoft SQL databases MUST run this script to ensure consistency between login and object ownership. The script should be run from the Safran Planner sys adm application.

Project Import When importing sp files (Safran Project files), User fields of

type Reference was not updated with the correct SQL to provide users with codes from the source file. This has now been corrected.

Import XML/MPD When Importing from Microsoft Project the remaining duration

field was imported, causing errors when reporting progress in

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Safran. The RDU field is now ignored during import as it not needed in Safran. Progress is contained in the % complete fields.

Import from MPD The text to reference field mapping did not work satisfactory if

the text field in Microsoft project used the default text1-textn headings. This has now been corrected.

Export XML/MPD We have enhanced the export when schedule is in progress

and% complete is used. Export to Safran Project A user reported errors when exporting to Safran Project v.3.6.

This has now been corrected. Import/Export The import/Export windows for filters, Layouts and editor

Histogram Reports did not have an auto-scroll on the edit control, resulting in users not being able to use the full name length of 40 characters. This has now been corrected.

Save When using Save as to save a project from database to Safran

planner spp file, the file would not contain symbols, formulas or userfields if the linked-to function was used to define userfield. This has now been corrected.

Save When saving projects containing subprojects from the Safran

database to a Safran planner file- spp - merging subproject could cause duplicate AN resulting in errors when saving to a single project. This has now been corrected

When running Save As in multi projects data from sub project was not saved correctly, and data for Reference and text fields was not saved to the target project. This has now been corrected. Some users reported errors after saving a SPP file to the Safran Planner database where symbol definitions could get negative values for height and y-position. This has now been corrected.

Save As Saving a Safran Planner schedule from the database using

Save As, “moved” the rest entries for calendar from source to target. This could result in calendars without rest entries for the source project. This issue was reported as rest entries appeared and disappeared. This has now been corrected.

Saving a project with read access to a new project resulted in

wrong access for the new project. This has now been corrected.

Importing Layouts A user reported system crash when trying to import layouts from a Safran Planner – spp- file. This has now been corrected.

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Multi-projects When renaming the project name (properties dialog) of a project that is part of a multi-project, this is now recognized in the id column of the multi-project, when this is opened.

When opening a multi-project from the Safran Planner

database, a system crash could be experienced if the user did not have access to all the sub-projects. This has now been corrected.

Layout Using save as for layouts did not copy the page break or

collapse information properly. This has now been corrected. User fields The formula windows was not correctly initiated and “locked”

for flag type user fields. This has now been corrected. Computed fields: When deleting a computed field, the

associated formula was not removed. This resulted in that the formula was active if you later re-created this field for other usage. This has now been corrected.

When removing a filter/expression for a formula, the “include Activities” is set to ALL.

Barchart Editor Some times when adding a 5th group field, the scroll bar

disappeared, and the number of rows on screen was shown as a negative value. This has now been corrected.

If you selected a blank filter in the filter window, the filter was

applied correctly but the filter drop down on the toolbar was incorrectly updated. This has now been corrected.

Selected rows was not correctly deselected when applying a

Group>collapse function. This could affect succeeding Assign Fields statements, running updates on activities unintentionally. This has now been corrected.

The calendar column now contains drop down values showing

calendar names. User fields of number type did not have a thousand-separator

visible. This has now been corrected. Columns using 3 line text wrap only displayed 2 lines in

preview if users deselected the Gantt area. This has been corrected so that the Print Preview now generates what the user sees on screen.

The quick filter drop down selection window did not contain a NULL value. This could cause the filter window to not update properly after a Save, Clear All or Apply. This has now been corrected. A user reported that summary activities mysteriously disappeared and re-appeared just as mysteriously as he was working in an outline view. This has now been corrected.

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One customer reported slow performance opening the editor. This was caused by a data window not fully optimized for importing text. This has now been corrected.

Group Properties A user encountered problems when changing group sort from Sort Field to Short for reference fields that the group window behaved like applying outline codes. This has now been corrected.

Undo If an undo involved roll-back for more than one activity it could

result in a time analysis being run for each activity rolled back instead of at the end of the undo. This has now been corrected.

Editor Histogram When the Histogram report is changed as part of selecting a

new layout and this layout contains histogram reports created by another users Report from Drop Down window is now set to include Reports from All to ensure that users can access the Reports Properties window.

Report legend texts were not updated properly when using

globals like <Page Short> or Page <Description>. Due to a missing commit, saving a histogram specification

could cause Safran Planner to “hang” in multi-user environment.

The order of entries in table and graph now follows the order

from stack groups and spread groups. Changing the stack description field did not change the records

in the stack group window correctly. This has now been corrected.

Start up A new algorithm for calculating screen size and placement has

been implemented to ensure that the Safran window show up correctly and on a visible, or connected screen.

Options The “sort activities at file open and at change of layout” is now

always checked and disabled. This is to ensure consistency across file based and database based plans.

Cut-Off date For Safran Planner database users the cut-off date is now

stored by project id and not project id/user. Default Field Format Was not available for projects stored to the Safran database.

This has now been corrected. Symbols Show visible symbols only did not include symbols checked for

legend Visible only. This has now been corrected. XER data Reading XER files using File Open did not include resources

correctly. Also when saving, the outline codes/fields was not saved Correctly. This has now been corrected.

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When importing data from XER files resource records

containing unassigned resource types caused the import to stop. This has now been corrected. Unknown resources are now assigned a default code to ensure consistencies in estimates.

Login/User name Users running on MSSQL database reported issues regarding

ownership and access when switching between upper case and lowercase logins. An update has been included that always sets user name to uppercase when logging on to Safran. NOTE: For this to work correctly, all customers running on a MSSQL database and a previous version of Safran Planner MUST run the update script (set_user_uppercase.sql) provided with this build.

Issues addressed with build 268 Barchart Editor Fields partly hidden by the vertical split bar did not get update

focus correctly when using tab to move from one filed or one column to the next. This could result in user updating the previous field. This has now been corrected.

Reschedule For schedules containing sub-projects the individual Time

Nows per project was correctly handled in memory but was set to main project Time Now when saving. This has now been fixed. An option (new functionality) to select if the subprojects Time Now should be changes has also been added.

Move Plan if a project contains sub projects, new functionality to choose if

sub projects also should be moved has been added. General When opening schedules containing sub projects from Planner

version 3, lost the link/path to the sub project schedules when saving using version 4.1. This resulted in Sub projects reopened with empty schedules. This has now been corrected.

User Fields Users without access to user fields could wrongly access the

sql statement for the reference fields and change the code selection. This has now been corrected.

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Issues addressed with build 269 Permanent Renumbering User could set the count frequency to 0, which could cause the

system to stop. This has now been corrected. Help Icon The help/internet icon was missing. This has now been

corrected. Symbols Users where allowed to create symbols with identical names.

Validation on name has now been added.

Symbols with show progress bar, now uses the CPC field instead of the PC field.

Import Project If duplicate symbol names were found in the import file, it caused an SQL error message. A check has been added to amend duplicate symbol names.

Importing projects from SP file did not store user field formulas.

This has now been corrected. XER Import A user reporter that the import did not read all calendar

information from the XER file. On some occasions it also gave a negative qty for resources. This has now been corrected.

Network Import The append option did not set the sequence numbers

correctly. This, on one occasion, caused the XML import to apply links between activities and summaries wrongly. This has now been corrected.

Barchart Editor Page setup: background and logo pictures stored to the

database, could get lost from preview after pressing the preview and the cancel button. This has now been corrected.

Histogram Adjustment/correction for size of background pictures is

included. When using rename of the editor histogram reports, Safran did

not include curtain definitions. This has now been corrected. Save As Saving a project from Spp file using Save As to the Safran

database lost all Histogram settings from the histogram properties window. This has now been corrected.

Using Save As from the Safran database to a spp file, included too much information from the Safran default windows table. When importing this data back to the Safran database this could cause SQL – error messages. Saving a project from the Safran database to a Spp file could read wrong reference fields if the advanced option was used to link to another reference set/field. This has now been corrected.

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Filter Applying Project User for the filter drop down data window

provided no records. This has now been corrected. When applying a filter, summaries containing no activities

could still be displayed. This has now been corrected. Cut-Off date The cut-off date, stored in the window default table was stored

using the date format specified on the computer. This could result in other users not being able to see this date. It has now been corrected and the Cut-Off date is tired in default format

Editor Link Window Sort on Total Float and Lag has now been corrected to use

integer sort. When adding new successor or predecessor the default

calendar for links was not added correctly. This has now been corrected.

User Fields User Field Formulas; A user reported an issue related to

system crash on formulas. This has now been corrected. Export of user field-Outline codes: If “linked to field” was used

for the definition, max levels information was not exported. This has now been corrected.

Deleting outline codes could delete wrong node on another

level if the nodes used same sequence number. This has now been corrected.

User Field setup: If users edited outline code label when no

outline structure was defined, the window could crash. This has now been corrected.

XML import/Export Corrections have been made to ensure that outline codes are

included correctly when exporting and importing from and to Safran using XML.

Updates have been included in the code for reading XML files.

Progress Import When importing to spp files, the actual qty and actual cost field where not imported correctly. This has now been corrected.

Assign Fields When using assign fields to set the planned qty field or column

this could cause a system crash if activities did not have any resources defined. This has now been corrected.

Working with several schedules A customer reported an issue related to switching between

several schedules and doing updates to them simultaneously. This has now been corrected.

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Layouts Creating a layout from an existing layout using the option New >From Selected item could cause some reference issues if the selected item also was the layout currently applied in the editor. Sometimes creating a new layout (from “system defaults”) did not get a correct reference in the report_config table required for SWA. Both these issues have been addressed in this build.

Sys Adm The Object Browser did not show any data. This has now been corrected.

A user encountered errors when trying to drag the entire user

group to create a new user. This has now been corrected. Focus is snow correctly applied to allow easier definition of

Enterprise reference data.

Issues addressed with build 270 Filter Filters containing an expression using “project” as field, could

give the users a selection with no data. However re-applying the filter from the filter window showed the correct amount of activities. This issue has now been corrected.

Frontline Build 270 contains a minor enhancement to decimal math to

front-line calculations for summaries. Links Safran Planner allowed duplicate links when saved to spp file.

This could later cause duplicate index errors when trying to save data to the Safran database. This has now been corrected.

XER Planner now reads XER files when planner is used as a file

based system only and where the drivers for database support has not been deployed.

Several enhancements have been included for import from XER files, including calendar data, Outline and reference codes, number of levels in the outline etc. This build also contains enhancements to the XER export option to improve consistency.

Insert/Add Project Could not Insert/Add project that didn’t have Title into another Safran Planner plan. This has now been corrected.

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Issues addressed with build 271 Link view Insert Predecessor or Successor using the right click menu,

did not apply the search function correctly. This has now been corrected.

Reschedule If a user deleted links prior to a reschedule>Move plan, Safran

planner could crash. This has now been corrected. Curtains Curtains in the Barchart did not show correctly on preview or

print when the curtain was spanning a defined part of a single day. This applied to schedules with hourly units and is now corrected.

Annotations A user reported errors when removing/deleting an annotation.

This has now been corrected. Userfields A user reported errors when updating a text field that was not

set to visible. The text then seamed to appear in another text field. This has now been corrected.

When addressing an outline code using Link To and not

assigning a field number, i.e. Field No-=Null, resulted in Safran Planner trying to load all outline codes in the database. This could result in a crash. This has now been corrected.

Subprojects Sub projects opened with update rights and users could not set

exclusive update to projects. This has now been corrected. Layouts Sometimes an error occurred when saving the timeline

definition (applying number exceeding the field definition), which could result in errors when opening the schedule. This has now been corrected.

Export When exporting a schedule to *.SP files the Actual% field shall

be set to 0. This has now been corrected. Import When importing from a Sp file you could get progress related

to start/finish fields set in the database. This is incorrect and has now been corrected.

If user fields in the original schedule was defined using a Link

To statement, this was incorrectly written to the database during import. The Link to and Field No references are now removed during the import.

Quick Filters A weakness was discovered concerning the use of quick filers

for layouts, filters and histogram dropdown-dw. If the filter/histogram layout was not in the dddw, it would not be applied to the filter/histogram properties window when selecting a histogram or layout. This has now been corrected.

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Bar Chart Editor If the activity in focus was outside the current view, scrolling using the up and/or down arrows on the keyboard would not scroll correctly.

Summary Bars Schedules in units of hours or minutes displayed necking bars

for summaries incorrectly. Time analysis An error was discovered for time analysis if there where links

between summary activities and activities below the summary was in progress. This has now been corrected.

TF Formatting Total Float was not formatted correctly at summary level not

using days or week as units. This has now been corrected Histogram Using stack or spread and setting the legend to show other

than short could result in wrong legends. This has now been corrected.

When showing values on a stacked histogram, the text

sometimes was drawn lower than the top bar if the stack contained elements with negative values. This has now been corrected.

Permanent Renumbering A bug was reported concerning permanent renumbering. User

could not switch of the numbering scheme, keeping activity ID’s as set already and use the default seq numbering for new activities. This has now been corrected.

Organizer When copying symbols across to a schedule from the

database, the sequence log was not updated. This resulted in a sql-error next time the user created a new symbol using the symbols pane.

File Properties Calendar Changing and converting calendar units from hours to days,

could result in loss of rest periods. This has now been corrected.

XER Import When importing schedules from XER files the rest periods for

calendar were sometime set to start at 00:00 and to end at 00:00. This would define the entire day as rest period. This has now been corrected.

Issues addressed with build 272 Current Dates Update of current dates has been improved with a check mark/

option that permanently sets Current dates to start/finish. This can be checked /unchecked from the Options window.

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Open File When reading the Safran Planner files ( *.SPP) a check for

resource type Qty or Cost was missing. This has now been corrected.

XER Import You could get duplicate calendars if there where duplicate

calendar ids in the XER file, this has now been corrected so that duplicate calendars IDs is prevented in Safran.

The update option has been improved.

All calendar rest was not taken into account. This could result in erroneous durations and time analysis. This has now been corrected. In Primavera links will get the calendar from the predecessor if links have delays. Instead of applying a continuous calendar for the link, the calendar of links is now set identical to the calendar of the preceding activity.

XER export For schedules with calendar units of hours/minutes the

calender data was not exported correctly. This has now been fixed

File Properties When closing the File Properties window the Timenow date

was wrongly updated. This has now been corrected. Paste Special Users storing schedules in the Safran database could

encounter that Actual Start and Actual Finish not being stored after doing a Paste Special. This has now been corrected.

Layout If you open a Layout containing user fields in the Column list

that is not defined, i.e. not visible for the current project it will be disabled. In previous builds the field would be removed from the layout. This could again lead to unwanted effects when applying the layout to other projects where this field was in use.

When saving another users defined Layout, using Save As,

Safran did not save filter expressions correctly unless it is a named filter. This has now been fixed.

Symbols When copying a symbol, users will now have an option to

include visible checks from source symbol to the target across all his /her layouts. In previous build it would only apply visible check for the current Layout.

Filters Filter owner was not saved correctly for layouts when saving

schedules to spp files. This could result in changes not being saved correctly when named filters were applied to a layout. This has now been corrected.

Filers saved for a schedule to spp files could give duplicates

when later saved to the Safran database. Safran would appy

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these randomly, causing confusing. This has now been corrected.

Window position Some users experienced issues regarding the position the

Filter pop-up window. An update to the algorithm for the x,y and z position values have been implemented.

Issues addressed with build 273 Critical Path If you set the highlight for critical path to a negative number

like for example -1, the value was not saved. This has now been corrected.

Filter selection Reverts to ”user” after close and open of a schedule, even

when selection was set to “all users”. This has now been corrected.

Save Layout Filter that is a part og the layout was not saved with save

layout. User needed to use Save Layout As to get the filter expression saved. This is now corrected.

New Layout Save of layouts did not insert sufficient field values into the

rep_config table, causing consequences for report execution from Safran Web Access. This has now been corrected.

Issues addressed with build 274 NOTE! Please note that a recompilation of procedures is required when updating to build 274.

Import A check has been included to avoid append of networks with

different time/calendar units Import/XER There was an issue related to import XER files with the append

option. This has now been corrected. When importing form XER, Calendar Holidays where set one

day to late. This has now been corrected. Import Projects/XML There were problems related to importing XML files with long

pathnames. This has now been corrected. Import Project (SPP) Earlier versions of Safran Planner (Spp) allowed duplicate of

symbol definitions. This causes errors – duplicate key violation- when importing the SPP project to a Safran database. This has now been corrected and the duplicate name is modified and saved to the database.

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Export Exporting a project from a file based schedule resulted in an unsuccessful export with an error message. This has now been corrected.

Export (XML) We have made some updates to the XML export when

selecting the export option “NULL ES/EF, so that Microsoft Project 2003/2007 and 2010 sets durations correctly.

Save As from Spp Earlier versions of planner (Sps) allowed duplicate of Activity

Pictures and Grids. This causes errors – duplicate key violation- when importing the SPP project to a Safran database. This has now been corrected and duplicate are cleaned before saving.

Save As when saving a schedule (file based (spp) or New) to the

database the Timenow date was not correctly saved from source to target schedule. This has now been corrected.

Save As When saving a file based schedule to the database, Layouts,

Filters and histograms that was selected as current was not saved if the exclude all options was saved. This resulted in incomplete layout , and could result in crash in the fonts-window. This has now been corrected.

Summaries The duration calculation of summaries did not honor the

default date set up, and always used Start/Finish. This has now been corrected.

Symbols For summaries symbols could expand row heights

unnecessary on summary rows in Print Preview. This has now been corrected.

Resource definition The resource definition window lacked a accept-text. If you

saved before tabbed out of the field, the last update would not be saved. This has now been corrected.

Validation on unique resource names is now in place. Editor Histogram Using Outline coded for page on, could give wrong description

for the outline code selecting description from a higher level code. This has now been corrected.

Table entries did not honor the order of the entries window.

This has now been corrected.

Properties. When changing from All Users to User, the user are prompted with save changes. This window only contains the options of OK/Cancel. Selecting cancel and then OK causes n SQL error message. This has now been corrected. If the end user is also the owner of the report there will now be 3 options, Yes, No and Cancel. Drop Down for selection of histogram. If you have selected report from All Users and then selects from “User”, the

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selection was canceled if you had a report owned by another user open. This has now been corrected so that if you switch from a report owned by another user to show reports from the User it automatically shows the first report on the list of report owned by “User”.

Showing values and Clustered histogram, the drawing of the

histogram was incorrect. This has now been corrected. Stack order/colors was reset when you changed the stack

legend field. This has now been corrected. Grid The Grid Visible field was disabled when opening a project

with read access. Date Format When using the WWYY or WWYYYY date formats, week no 1

could be shown with wrong year. This has now been corrected. Pictures windows Adding a new row and then canceling could cause errors. This

has now been corrected. New Layouts When using presets for new layouts, these could exceed the

defined width of 50 chars. This has now been corrected. File properties The title field was truncated to 50 chars. It should allow for 200

chars. This has now been corrected New Filter Saving a new filter did not validate for duplicate name. This

has now been corrected. New Histogram When using presets for new Histogram names, these could

exceed the defined width of 50 chars. This has now been corrected.

Computed fields Computed fields with filters did not get values when opened first time.

Save As MPD When saving a project to Microsoft MPD format, the visibility of

symbols was sometimes deselected. This has now been fixed. During the Open With Pertmaster the schedule is as a first

step saved as a Microsoft MPD file.When opening this file Pertmaster converted an activity to a summary if the next activity was of a higher outline number. This caused issues related to datees in the Pertmaster schedule. To avoid this we have built a check that inserts a <NOE< summary were this kind of “holes” exists.

Sys adm. Object Browser: The Resource tab lacked the “Used By” data

window. This has now been corrected.

Transfer of All object could cause duplicate errors. This has now been corrected. We have also added entries for Barchart Editor Layouts and Editor Histograms and global set, rateset and report packages.

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NOTE! Please note that a recompilation of procedures is required when updating to build 274.

Save Layout As actually worked closer to a copy when we used layouts owned

by another user. This has now been corrected. Undo: The Undo of the Barchart Editor did not refresh the symbol

drawing. This has now been corrected. This could be observed if you typed 0 in a duration field of an activity with duration >0 and followed by a Undo, the symbol would still be showed as a milestone. This has now been corrected.

Copy &Paste: If you performed a paste on the duration field without a duration format (days, weeks), the default format was not applied. This has now been corrected.

Undo Undo on the duration field applied an incorrect duration value when more than one row was involved in the undo action. This has now been corrected.

Layout/ quick selection filter When the quick filter was changed, the new selection was not

reflected correctly in the toolbar layout pop-up. This has now been corrected.

Grids/Activity Bitmap Validation of duplicate entries have been improved to fix errors

during save. Save As PDF We have updated the ghostwriter software, and the GS is now

installed in a sub folder of the Safran software folder. Calendars If the calendar span exceeded 31000 days it would cause a

crash. This has now been corrected. The interpretation of calendar start and finish date was wrong

in init_cal function if user used a short date format with only 2 characters for year, like in dd-mm-yy and entered a date after 2050. This has now been corrected.

Progress Some code changes have been made to make the field

assignment of the Progress date, Actual Start and Actual Finish progress fields more robust when progress is entered

Toolbar Some users reported that the Save As icon sometimes

disappeared from the toolbar line. This has now been fixed. Memory Error #7 Some users reported memory error #7 in function

fnActAssignEnh. This has now been corrected. Database Connect If the database connection is broken during a session, you can

now reconnect from the Options window

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Issues addressed with build 275 Import Import from XER/XMP/SPP. Corrections have been made to

ensure that baseline dates are not deleted during import with update.

When importing form XER the seq numbers was incorrectly set

for calendar rest rows. This has now been corrected.

In spp files Safran Planner allows duplicate seq numbers for the resources. When saving this to a database users would get a key violation. This has now been corrected by forcing a seq renumbering when importing from SPP files. Spp fies can have duplicate link entries. This caused problem when importing or saving (Save As) spp files to a database. A correction has been implemented removing duplicates at open.

Import Microsoft XML/ Microsoft MPD We have made some corrections to the interpretation of

Microsoft duration formats and usage of calendar on links with delays.

Import Microsoft XML We have improved reading of calendar units like hrs/day and

days/week. Progress/ Cut-Off Date User fields with formula containing Planned % was not

updated when user changed the cut-off date. This has now been corrected.

Export to XER When selecting the Aggregate option under resources Safran

did not deliver any values if you where running on an Oracle database. This has now been corrected.

User mapping of filed headers was not acknowledged in the

XER file. This has now been corrected. Editor Histogram Some cumulative curves where hidden behind the periodic

bars. This has now been corrected.

When showing the accumulated curve in % and using weight on the curve was not drawn correctly if users added from/until dates that was not present for all activities in the selection.

SPP files We have implemented a duplicate validation on outline codes

as users experienced that when saving older Spp files to a Safran Planner or Safran Project database they experienced duplicate error messages.

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Undo delete Undo delete returns with RDU=0 instead of NULL. RDU=0 means that the activity is complete. This has now been corrected.

Group Properties/ Fonts Spp files could sometimes contain duplicate entries of font

rows. This has now been corrected. Barchart Editor/ Filter window

A user reported that when he created a new filter, the filter name would not show in the filters drop down list. This has now been corrected

Timeline / Best Fit. Sometimes when the selected group of activities only contained milestones, the Best Fit wrongly calculated and end date before the start date of the span, causing the editor to stop working. This has now been resolved.

Delete activity An issue related to deleting an activity with defined resource(s)

and an active filter using the resources contains could cause Planner to stop. This has now been fixed.

Issues addressed with build 276 Bar Chart Editor A user experiences system crash and error message

Safranpr.exe has stopped working when scrolling through big networks. This is probably caused by a Powerbuilder bug. A rewrite to fix this has been implemented.

Summary activity could get the PC displayed as a big number if the computed earned was 0. This has been fixed

Layouts Save as did not non-named include filters that was a part of

the layout/Filter definitions. This has now been fixed. Permanent Renumbering users could encounter system crash if you had summary

activities without update rights. Like summary rows in projects imported from Microsoft Project. This has now been corrected.

Progress The defaults for progress, setting Actual Start and Actual

Finish as result of PC or RDU did not set the dates correctly. This has now been fixed. The default setting has also been included into the progress import function.

Sys Adm. Sys adm has been updated to allow population of Enterprise

fields in Object Browser/Projects Delete Deleting an activity could cause the filter to crash XER Import/Export The import/Export did not recognize ALAP constraints. This

has been corrected

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XER Import The Primavera constraints CS- MANDSTART and CS_MANDFINSIH were stored to target dates instead of fixed dates. This has now been corrected.

Activities of TT_FINMILE type (Finish Milestone) is supposed to have a finish at the end of the actual day/date. To accommodate this we now modify the preceding links from FS to FF or SS to SF.

Imports from Primavera could contain duplicate links. A correction to the check for duplicates has been implemented.

Checks have been implemented to ensure that holidays outside the calendar span are ignored during the import.

XER export Activities if type milestone and finish (end activity) was not

written to the XER file as finish milestone. This has now been corrected.

Save AS Saving multi projects with Save As could cause a crash if

some of the sub-projects was not part of the save. This has been corrected.

Multi project Deleting a sub project could cause other subprojects to

“disappear” this has now been corrected. General If user shad many projects open simultaneously, users could

receive an error message when closing Safran Planner. This was due to objects in the MDI not being valid. This is now corrected.

User Fields Formula starting with parentheses on line 1 and a description

on line 2 show up as 1+1 when reopened. This has now been corrected.

Group View If you defined to group your bar chart on a full Outline code

with more than 5 levels, Safran only set visibility on Symbols for the lower 5 levels. This has now been corrected

Group Property We have added some checks on the group property window to

make it more robust when users delete the text for one of the entries in the group definition.

Layout If your layout was collapsed and you set a page break at top

level, the <Page Description> and <Page Short> globals would not show in the header. If the layout was exploded it showed ok. This has now been corrected. When grouped on outline codes, users could not set default duration format as this was ignored. This has now been corrected.

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Sort Sort on dates with a minute based calendar was not correct.

This is now fixed.

Refresh Refresh cleared the users entry in the user_ locking table. This has now been corrected.

Assign Fields Setting ALAP using Assign Fields was ignored. This is now corrected.

Text for user field with formula did not work properly. This has ted. You can also use project description as an expression.

Network Analyzes Adjustments have been implemented for networks with

calendar units of hours so that the finish of an activity is at the end of an active unit and not the beginning of the next unit. Adjustment has been put in place for the date calculation when calendar unit was minutes. Dates could be set to a time that was not active. This has now been corrected.

Resources Users could add resource requirement to summary activities.

This should not be allowed and is corrected. Symbols The annotation symbol is now set to invisible for new projects.

This is based on user feedback Editor Histogram Min value for axes set to 0 was not recognized. This has now

been corrected. View Current activity; The histogram was not created if the

group definition contained outline code, and the result didn’t have a full outline structure. This has now been corrected.

Fonts Fonts have been changed from MS Sans serif to Microsoft

Sans serif, due to reported issues with display problems of Safran windows.

Actual Dates A user reported system crash when changing actual dates.

This has now been corrected. Start/Finish There was an error in the use of Actual Finish in the calculation

of Start and Finish. This could cause calculations of delay links with delay to be wrong. The calculation is now performed correctly.

Export to XML Microsoft Project 2010 requires the specific order of Outline

codes to be able to read them. This is a change and we have updated the code to support this.

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Sys.adm An error was reported in the window for Enterprise fields, not showing the correct R-field in the first row. This has now been corrected.

Issues addressed with build 277 Editor Histogram In some cases the using the right mouse button to Scale or

Autoscale, the horizontal scrollbar did not show. This has now been fixed

User experienced crash when page on resource. The error has

been fixed. Barchart Editor/ Editor Histogram Using the copy to clipboard did not show the frame correctly.

This is fixed for the Gantt and Editor Histogram. Barchart Editor It was possible to write too many characters into the Activity

information Description Field, this would return an error message. This situation has been fixed

Paste of activities could result in system freeze. This has fixed. Text Paste of multiple columns could sometimes add values to

R-fields, even though that field for a specific activity was empty. This error has been fixed.

Enterprise Fields Enterprise fields could not be used for filters or in formulas. A

workaround was made that makes it possible to set Enterprise Field values into a Computed Field that can be used for in formulas and filters.

Filters For filebased plans, filters did not produce values to the

resource drop down list correctly. This is fixed. Find Find function did not take the chosen format for Reference

Fields or Date fields into account. This problem has been solved.

Late Dates Late dates could be +1 day for the predecessor if the

predecessor and successor use one calendar and the link between them use a different one with no delay. This has been fixed.

Read SP 3.7 Did not have an option to read Safran Project 3.7 files. This

has now been added.

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Undo It seems like undo is performed if active cell is on summary or

group level, the screen refresh and the undo button becomes inactive, but the undo function has not been run. This problem has been solved.

Necked symbols Necked summary bars are displayed incorrectly when the first

activities of the group only have a duration of 1day. This has been fixed.

Print Printing multiple report copies could, for some printer drivers,

cause problems. The result was twice as many copies as you ordered. This has been fixed.

Network import An Index violation error could occur if you opened a Safran

Project file using Alternative Schedules in Planner. This has been fixed.

Issues addressed with build 278 Barchart Editor Error rolling up some activity values when grouped on an

outline structure. This has error has now been fixed. Editor Histogram Legend under page setup disappear when you make new

layouts using Save As. This issue is fixed Page on resource does not work. This issue is fixed. Outline codes When filtering on a Outline Code level the list of values could

have duplicates if the same value was repeated for several branches of the outline coded structure. The duplicates has been removed.

Group Properties When using group properties on an Outline Code Safran

Planner could sometimes wrongly calculate the sums for the lower group levels. The error is fixed.

Issues addressed with Build 279 Barchart Editor: Copy/Paste of decimal values rounds to nearest integer on

paste. It now paste the actual decimal value. Group Properties: In some cases using Move Up/Down in Group Properties could

cause an in the swap event. This has been fixed.

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Could get an error message on f_load_fonts when adding a line in group properties. We have adjusted the code to prevent this error.

Outline codes: An error occurs when importing an outline code structure if the

last item of the structure is a top level node. This error has been fixed

Save To File: When the number of values is large, Save To File (SPP file)

does not save all ref field values. This issue has been fixed. Symbols: Symbols could be missing when reopnening SPP files in

planner. This issue is fixed.

Issues addressed with Build 280 Enterprise Fields: Enterprise fields was sorted by Id in dropdown lists. This issue

is fixed. Dropdown list sorts Enterprise fields on text. Import Plan: Importing a XER file could result in an error in read file event if

Finished Milestones where present. This issue has been fixed. Group Properties: Group Properties could have the same group value on several

group levels. This is not possible anymore. Pertmaster: Open with Pertmaster did not take calendar setup changes into

account before reopening the plan from the database. This issue has been fixed.

Symbols: Symbols could only be edited by owner, not by other users

with update access. This issue is fixed. System Administration: Fixed an error on opening of Object browser window.

Issues addressed with Build 281 Barchart Editor: Group view did allow for projects to be added or inserted. This

issue has been fixed. You are only allowed to add or insert Projects when in Outline View

Timeline: An error allowed for Best Fit to be checked when Overview

was not checked. This issue has been fixed

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Issues addressed with Build 282 Calculate Late Finish: An error could cause Late Finish dates to be earlier than Early

Finish. This issue has been fixed Import Project: In some cases you could get an error reading an xml file. This

issue has been fixed An error when reading a spp file would use the original filter

owners access rights. This would cause the layout to produce a different extract of activities when using the layout the database stored version of the plan. This issue has been fixed

An error could occur when saving a spp file to database. This

would be caused duplicates the symbols table. this issue has been fixed

Outline View: Cannot add or insert project, this issue has been fixed Activity Id column could not show more than 50chars, even

though Summary Level could hold more characters. This issue has been fixed

Time analysis: It is now possible to toggle between having an analyzed or

unanalyzed plan. This is done in Tools->Options click the tab with the name of the plan. If the plan is set to be unanalyzed you can switch it on and it will run the time analysis immediately. If you don’t save now you can also return to Tools->Options and switch the time analysis off again. If the plan is set to be analyzed and you switch to unanalyzed the dates will return to their unanalyzed state from the last save of the plan

Issues addressed with build 283 Group Properties: Group properties could crash when using move up move

down. Imrpoved code in order to prevent this Network Export: On XER export, you could get random values in userfield label,

causing an SQL error. This issue has been fixed Network Import: Network Import of XML file could cause blank Planned QTY

values to be filled with a calculated value based on duration and calendar used

Network Import from XML could cause activities to have blank

calendar value. This issue has been fixed Network Import from XML text fields mapped to one text field

could end up in the next one. Eg Mapping to Text15 could in some circumstances end up in Text16. This issue has been fixed

Page 37: Customer Release Note - · Histogram Calculation of manpower for first project period could be wrong. This has now been corrected.

Customer Release Note Safran Planner SQL version 4.1


On XER import, you could get dummy resources in Task remaining budget if Planned budget and Remaining Budget is not synced. This issue has been fixed

Timenow: Possible to reschedule timenow on subproject with readonly

access. This issue has been fixed

Issues addressed with Build 284 Calculated values: <Project Start> value is available for calculations Editor print reports: <Page description> in headers did not show correct

information. This issue has now been fixed Group Properties: Using Enterprise Fields as Group criteria could cause Memory

Error. The handling of Enterprise Fields as Group value is enhanced, and no longer causes a memory error.

Multi project: Opening a multi project could display 0 activities for a project.

This issue has been fxed Project import: XER import does not include resource.actual_qty on

import.This issue has been fixed User rights: User could insert Project in a multi project with only read rights.

This issue has been fixed

Issues addressed with Build 285 Barchart Editor: In some cases you could get to many outline levels ultimately

leading to a crash. This issue has been fixed Adding/Inserting projects could be enabled with read access.

This issue has been fixed Indent/Outdent: Indent/Outdent was not active in Exclusive mode when

working on Filebased plans and plans from Anywhere database

Page 38: Customer Release Note - · Histogram Calculation of manpower for first project period could be wrong. This has now been corrected.

Customer Release Note Safran Planner SQL version 4.1



At time of releasing Safran Planner v 4.1, the following documentation is available:

Exploring Saran Planner

Using Safran Planner SQL System Administration

“CRN planner 41 doc”: (this document) in Microsoft Word format.

Supported Environments

Safran Planner SQL v. 4.1 runs on Windows XP/Windows, Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1.

Recommended client configuration:

Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 Processor: 2 GHz or higher Memory: minimum 1 GB RAM, recommended 2GB – Add 1 GB if Vista 150 MB available disk space on local hard disk for local installations. .

The following database management systems are now supported:

Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere version 10 – version 10 is the default for new installations for single users

Oracle 9i, Oracle 10i database – Oracle 11g Oracle 8, Oracle 9, Oracle 10 clients – Oracle 11

MS SQL Server 2000/2005/2008/2012

Technical Support Technical support for Safran Planner SQL 4.1 may be obtained from: Safran Software Solutions AS

Løkkeveien 99, Postboks 77, N-4001 Stavanger, Norge Telefon: +47 40 00 47 07,

Telefaks: +47 51 20 57 53 E-mail: [email protected] Web: