Download - Customer 2.0 has turned off all the noise


2. 2 3. Agenda Introduction Pushing is over Engaging your customer: -1 Need to know your customer -2 Content marketing -3 Funnel: REAL model -4 Relevant personal communication Tips Discussion 4. Introduction 5. 5 6. S a l e s Buyer Pushing is over M a r k e t i n g 7. 8 Demand Generation Process Gap Sales Process Lead Scoring & Nurturing More than 50 % of sales people dont make their target (CSO Insights) 90% of leads never close (Sirius decisions) 75 % of companies drop leads that arent ready to purchase immediately The Process Gap Retention & Service 90 % of marketing content is not used (American Marketing Assoc.) Gennerates 50 % more sales-ready leads and 33 % lower cost (Forrester Research) 8. Een paar feiten Is in charge Leverages the social web Expects direct value 9. Customer 2.0 has turned off all the noise by Orange_Beard 10. Succesful Communication What you want to say What they are interested in R E L E V A N t TRUSTWORTHYINTERACTIVE = ENGAGING 11. DATA Content Marketing Engagement Alignment Technology Omni channel : Social Media & Mobile 12. Start bij de klant Buyer Persona Search Content Need Buying process Social Journey Recommendations IDEAL CUSTOMER 13. Telemarketing Tradeshows SEO/SEA Linkedin Twitter Facebook Focus Slideshare You Tube Forums Blogs Channels Private Communities Webinars 14. Telemarketing Tradeshows SEO/SEA Linkedin Twitter Facebook Focus Slideshare You Tube Forums Blogs Channels Private Communities Webinars 15. 16Buyer persona John Bits Engineer 30 years old 24h online Tech forum/Twitter Tech details 16. Ken je buyer persona Visie REAL Marketing Automation E-mail Marketing Dmdelivery Tool Security SAAS iso27001 CMO Marketing Manager Marketer ICT 17. 18 18. 19Customization pays off Customized messages result in 20 % increase in productivity 30 % higher open rate and 50 % increase in click through rate (Marketing Sherpa) ROI of e-mailmarketing is 119% and for B to B 127% (marketing sherpa) 19. 20 Entertain (virals, quizzes, ga mes) Inspire (reviews, endorsem ents, quotes) Educate (trend reports, articles, gui des) Convince (data sheets, webinars, c ase studies) Emotional-----------------------------Rational Awarenes------------------------------Action Relevant content = customer insight +journey 20. 21 21. The funnel: Our REAL model 22. Content @CUSTOMER PROFILE (E ID) 23. Collect e-mail addresses -- opt-in Reach: You need to have a database 24. 25title of the presentation |Reach: Use each opportunity 25. Engage 26. 29Profiling can start at first visit (build profile) 27. Lead scoring Model Fit Interest Explicit Demographic (geo, size) BANT (budget, autority Need, Timeline) Implicit Derived knowledge kennis (data mining tagging) Online behavior (clicks, webinars) Negative score based on undesired behavior (f.e. Carreer page) 28. Super Target Target Other FIT INTEREST 29. recommend the most demanded product for customers when they demand, conduct further more orders. Canon550D The beginning purchase period 2 months after purchase Half year after purchase Engage: campaign management 30. SLIDE :33 Activate: Early engagement increases conversion 31. Tips Use a social boost for each campaign Identify your social influencers 32. 5 Be sure your message is readible & adequate on each device Contextual and responsive content 33. Humanistisch SpontaanCompetitief Methodisch sex and the city model (canicas) Think integration and omni channel Integrated cross media campaigns based on buyer persona and customer insight 34. Test, test, test 35. Measure Start Simple, only measure that what you will use 36. Q&A What are your 3 Dos and Dont in digital communication? Has your marketing changed and if so how to benefit from the digital world of your customers and prospects? Do you work with customized messages for different segments? What are your experiences? Do you nurture leads? Score leads? And does it work? 37. Smart email marketing and marketing automation solutions with a smile.. [email protected]