Download - Curtin Mentor Program Reference


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1 June 2016 TO: Whom it May Concern RE: Christian Ford This is to confirm that Christian Ford was a volunteer in the Curtin University New to Curtin Mentor Program for Semester 1, 2016 as a Mentor for the Curtin Business School in the Business Faculty. The New to Curtin Mentor Program involves senior students mentoring a group (between 10 –20) of new students in the same course for their first semester at University. The mentoring takes the form of guiding and supporting new students, and providing them with direction to Curtin student academic and wellbeing support services where required. It is not an academic tutoring program. Evaluation data from both mentors and mentees confirms that the program significantly improves the student experience of all participants.

Gains for Mentors Duties of Mentoring

Enhanced communication skills

Development of leadership skills

Improved time management skills

Experience with working with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds

Experience of choosing and disseminating relevant information in a timely manner

Intrinsic rewards associated with helping others

Certificate of participation

Official recognition from Curtin University

Small gift voucher

Completion of comprehensive mentor training

Attendance at and participation in School Orientation activities, which can include face to face meetings with mentees and campus tours

Maintaining regular contact (fortnightly) with mentee group over email or social networking sites – offers of support, relevant information about important dates and events, social campus event information, information about relevant workshops and courses, information about student support services, introductions and referrals to academic staff and responses to queries

Ad hoc meetings throughout the semester with mentees and/or School Mentor Coordinators

Completion of a minimum of 2 professional development modules from the Curtin Careers Centre and the Curtin Leadership Centre

Completion of a signed Mentor Agreement and a detailed evaluation survey each semester

Christian ably fulfilled all the duties of mentoring this semester and his responses to the mentor evaluation survey at the end of the semester were thoughtful and considered. I would have no hesitation in accepting Christian into the START New to Curtin Mentor program again. Please contact me should you have any queries. Yours sincerely, Christine Barker Mentor Program Coordinator | START Curtin University Tel | +61 8 9266 9822 Email | [email protected] Web |