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1 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

Curriculum vitae Europass

Personal information

First name / Surnames MATEI, Ion-Viorel

Address 35, Bucura Street, 200310, Craiova, Romania

Telephone Mobile: 0740705633

Fax 040251598265

E-mail [email protected]

Nationality Romanian

Date of birth April 12, 1971

Work experience

Dates 2004 – present

Occupation or position held Senior Lecturer, PhD - Dean of Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management - Craiova, Spiru Haret University

Main activities and responsibilities - teaching International Currency Relationships, Capital Markets and Stock Exchanges, International Financial-Banking Institutions, Business Management, Financial Politics;

- organizing, coordinating, managing and supervising the activity of teaching and scientific research of the faculty; coordinating, managing and supervising the secretarial work of the faculty;

Name and address of employer Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management - Craiova

Type of business or sector Research and Teaching Activities Research and Higher Education

Dates 2003 – 2004

Occupation or position held Vice-dean of Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management - Craiova, Spiru Haret University

Main activities and responsibilities - organizing, coordinating, managing and supervising the activity of teaching;

Name and address of employer Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management - Craiova

Type of business or sector Research and Teaching Activities Research and Higher Education

Dates 2001 – 2004

Occupation or position held Lecturer, PhD - Facultatea de Management Financiar-Contabil Craiova, Universitatea Spiru Haret

Main activities and responsibilities - teaching International Currency and Financial Relationships, International and European Banking, Financial Management of a Company, Public Finance;

Name and address of employer Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management - Craiova

Type of business or sector Research and Teaching Activities Research and Higher Education

Dates 1996-2000

Occupation or position held credit inspector

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2 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

Main activities and responsibilities Granting and following credits with supplementary attributions in currency and introducing new modern payment instruments

Name and address of employer Agricultural Bank from Caracal, Olt District

Type of business or sector Bank Finance

Dates 1995-1996

Occupation or position held Chattel values agent

Main activities and responsibilities Buying and selling actions, prospecting capital market in order to obtain fundraising for different companies

Name and address of employer Invest Trust S.A. Chattle Values Society – Craiova, Dolj District

Type of business or sector Stock Market

Education and training

Dates 1996-2001

Title of qualification awarded PhD in Economics

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

International Economics Relations

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Craiova

Level in national or international classification


Dates 1995-1996

Title of qualification awarded Postgraduate Studies

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Financial Management

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Craiova Faculty of Economics

Level in national or international classification


Dates 1990-1995

Title of qualification awarded Bachelor of Economics

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered


Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Craiova Faculty of Economics

Level in national or international classification


Personal skills and competences

14 research contracts won through auction, completed, in collaboration with business and local administration, 2 contracts of business research being in progress, 5 research grants;

10 books printed in publishing companies accredited by CNCSIS, 8 articles published in journals indexed in international databases, 13 articles published in B+ şi B journals in CNCSIS classification, 4 articles in national and international journals accredited by CNCSIS, 21 studies published in volumes of international and national colloquia with a high scientific standard.

Quote by:

D. King in Re-engineering intellectual resources in education industry. Academic excellence perspective, 2008, Review of Management Innovation and Creativity;

L. Giurcă-Vasilescu in A swot analysis of smes`development in Romania, 2008, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, CEEOL;

A. Ştefănescu in Business Intelligence-Improving performance of reengineering project, 2008,;

D. Ilie in The interdependence between the financial capital and the capital assets under the conditions of economic crisis, 2009, Studia Universitatis”Vasile Goldiş” Arad - seria ştiinţe economice, CEEOL;

L. Ştefănescu in The Need of knowledge management strategy for the successfully implementation of reengineering projects, 2008,;

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3 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

C. Bogdănoiu in Activity based cost from the perspectiveof competitive advantage, 2009, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, CEEOL;

L.Ungureanu in Modelling inflation dynamics. A practical approach, 2009, Journal of Applied research in Finance, CEEOL ;

F. Georgescu in The forecasting and diagnosis analysis of cash flows. The calculation and covering of the treasury balance, 2010, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, CEEOL;

George Ciobanu in the book World Economy, Universitaria, ISBN 978-606-510-075-6 ; G. Ciobanu, B. Dimulescu in the book în cartea European Union Trade Policy, Universitaria,

ISBN 978-973-742-952-0 ; Scientific Reader for: Finance of Companies by Cocoşilă Mihaela, editura Aius, ISBN 978-973-1780-38-2; Local Finance by Antonescu Mihai, editura Sitech, ISBN 973-746-252-1, 978-973-746-252-7; Local Finance, theory and practice, second edition, by Antonescu Mihai, editura Sitech, ISBN

973-746-252-1, 978-973-746-252-7; Public Finances, theory and practice, by Antonescu Mihai, editura Sitech, ISBN 973-746-259-9,

978-973-746-259-6; Dean of Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management - Craiova,;

Chairman of Commission for admission to Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management - Craiova, 2003-2012;

Chairman and member of committee to fill teaching positions; Coordinator of master's program Accounting and economic policies in the context of Romania's

integration in the European Union; Chairman of Commission for bachelor examination of Faculty of Finance and Accounting

Management - Craiova, 2004-2012; Member of Commission for bachelor examination of Faculty of Finance and Accounting Râmnicu

Vâlcea, 2003-2005; Chairman of Commission for admission to master's program of Faculty of Finance and

Accounting Management - Craiova, 2006-2012; Chairman of Commission for master degree Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management -

Craiova, 2007-2012; Chairman of Commission for autoevaluation in order to authorize the study program International

Business; Chairman of Commission for autoevaluation in order to authorize the master program Internal

audit in the public and private system; Chairman of Commission for autoevaluation in order to authorize the study program Banks and

Finance; Chairman of Commission for autoevaluation in order to authorize the study program Accounting

and Management Information Systems; Chairman of Commission for autoevaluation in order to authorize the master program Financial

Management Accounting of Companies in the Context of European Integration; Chairman of Commission for autoevaluation in order to authorize the master program Accounting

and Economic Policies in the Context of Romanian Integration in European Union; Accredited Assessor by ARACIS, 2006 – present,; Member of AGER - General Association of Economists from Romania; Chartered Accountant, member of CECCAR – Group of Expert Accountants and Chartered

Accountants in Romania; Deputy Director CESMAA – European Centre of Managerial Studies in Business Administration,

www.spiruharet/; Member of Editorial Advisory Board – Journal of Applied Economic Sciences; Member of Editorial Advisory Board – Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economics Series, 2008,

2009; Executive Manager – Journal of Applied Research in Finance; General Chair The 1st International Conference on Innovation and Growth of the Economic

Competitiveness, 1-2 november 2007,; General Chair The 2nd Conference International on Business and Information Technologies.

New Approaches., 24-25 octombrie 2008,; General Chair The 3rd International Conference on Further Challenges for a Competitive

Management , 23-24 october 2009,; General Chair The 4rd International Conference “The World`s Economy in the Times of Global

Crisis”, 5-6 november 2010,;

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4 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

Mother tongue(s) Romanian

Other language(s)

Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing

European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Exprimare scrisă

English C1

Effective Operational Proficiency

C1 Effective

Operational Proficiency

B2 Independent

Speaker B2

Independent Speaker

B2 Independent


French B2

Independent Speaker

B2 Independent

Speaker A1 Basic Speaker A1 Basic Speaker A1 Basic Speaker

(*) Nivelul Cadrului European Comun de Referinţă Pentru Limbi Străine

Social skills Teamwork skills: I have experience as a result of team work coordination and guidance to all activities of the faculty, I successfully managed responsibly and assumed management activities and research projects in which faculty was involved, firming, authority, transparency and impartiality with my colleagues.

Competences International Economic Relations, Capital Markets and stock exchanges, Financial Management, Business Management.

Organisational skills and competences

I have experience in management activities, guidance and control and research as a result of experience gained in the position of dean, dean and president of the admissions committee, license dissertation in Faculty of Finance and Accounting Management – Craiova, but also as a member of other committees in higher education. Teams coordinator on the implementation of authorization dossiers and accreditation of some bachelor and master program of our faculty.

Computer skills and competences Windows XP, MS Office (Word, Excel, Publisher, Power Point), usisng Blackboard eLearning system for teaching and evaluation.

Other skills and competences

- Reviewer in double peer-reviewing system for economic scientific journals and international conferences;

- Organizer of international conferences and workshops. - Editor and Co-Editor for economic scientific journals and publications.

Driving licence B Category

Additional Information DINGA, Ene

Deputy General Manager of Romanian Banking Institute;

Professor, Faculty of Financial Management, Romanian Banking Institute

Senior Researcher 1, „Victor Slăvescu” Financial and Monetary Research Centre, Romanian Academy

E-mail: [email protected];

Annexes 1. List of Scientific Works

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1 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel


Associate Professor MATEI Ion-Viorel, Ph.D.

a) Ph.D. Thesis

Nr. crt.

Title Publishing House Year Locality Authors ISBN No. of Pgs.


Universitaria 2001 Craiova Viorel MATEI 973-8043-28-8 432

b) Books published in publishing houses acknowledged by C.N.C.S.I.S.

Nr. crt. Title Publishing House Year Locality Authors ISBN No. of Pgs.

1. Tranzacţii bursiere şi burse de valori

Universitaria 2005 Craiova Ştefan Bratu

Viorel MATEI Sorin Tudor

973-742-108-6 216

2. Instituţii financiar bancare internaţionale Universitaria 2006 Craiova Viorel MATEI 973-742-178-7 243

3. Gestiunea financiară a întreprinderii Universitaria 2006 Craiova Viorel MATEI 973-742-177-9 250

4. Modalităţi, tehnici şi instrumente de plată Universitaria 2006 Craiova Viorel MATEI 973-742-180-9 194

5. Piaţa de capital şi burse de valori, Ghid de iniţiere, ediţie bilingvă (română şi engleză)

Universitaria 2006 Craiova Viorel MATEI 973-742-179-5 263

6. Teste grilă pentru examenul de licenţă

“România de Mâine” Foundation

2006 Bucharest Zenovic Gherasim(coordonator)

Viorel MATEI - colectiv 973-725-477-5 183

7. The Reengineering – A New Direction of Contemporary Management

IUK Institut 2008 Dortmund, Germany

Laura Stefanescu, Laura Ungureanu and Ion Viorel MATEI

978-3924-100-37-3 320

8. Ghid practic-Misiune de audit intern privind managementul resurselor umane

Sitech 2010 Craiova Ghiţă Marcel, Viorel MATEI şi colectiv 978-606-11-0550-2 256

9. Relaţii valutar financiare internationale - ediţia a II-a

“România de Mâine” Foundation

2010 Bucharest Viorel MATEI 978-973-163-581-1 312

10. Pieţe internaţionale de capital şi burse de valori

Universitaria 2010 Craiova Constantinescu Mădălina, Viorel MATEI 978-606-14-0002-7 350

11. Ghid practic-Misiune de audit intern privind managementul resurselor umane editia a II-a revizuita

Sitech 2011 Craiova Ghiţă Emil coord.

Viorel MATEI şi colectiv 978-606-11-0912-8 261

12. Competente antreprenoriale Sitech 2012 Craiova Viorel MATEI 978-606-112329-2 89

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2 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

c) Studies and Articles published in:

Journals indexed in international databases

Nr crt Title Published in Authors ISSN

Database containing journal index

1. Modelarea matematică – metodă de simplificare a complexităţii sistemelor de producţie

“Economie teoretică şi aplicată” Journal, nr.462/2005

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

1841-8678 RePEc DOAJ


The implication of the commercial transactions through settling up in the conditions of international economical globalization

Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Vol.I, 2006

Viorel MATEI 1843-6110 RePEc CEEOL EBSCO

3. Nonlinear problems in economic development Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Vol.II, 2007

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI



4. Reengineering as Efficient Solution to Redesign Activities and Processes of an Entreprise

Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Vol.III, Issue 2(4) 2008

L.Ştefănescu L.Ungureanu Viorel MATEI



5. Advances in decision analysis. Efficient methods in finance

Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Vol.III, Issue 4(6) 2008

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI



6. The impact of the economic variables over the public financial balance in Romania

Oltenia Archives, nr. 23/2009, Editura Academiei

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

1222-4766 European Index Reference for Humanities AERES

7. Modeling Inflation Dynamics. A practical approach Journal of Applied Research in Finance, vol.1(2), 2009

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI

2066-5482 CEEOL, IndexCopernicus, EBSCO

8. When the U.S. sneezes Romania is very ill. Economic crisis in Romania

Journal of Applied Research in Finance, vol.II, Issue2(4), Winter 2010

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

2066-5482 CEEOL, IndexCopernicus, EBSCO

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3 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

Journals acknowledged by CNCSIS (National Council of Research in Higher Education)

Nr crt Title Published in Authors ISSN

Database containing journal index

9. Romania`s Economic Growth in the current

International Context The Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economics Series, Vol. 2(11) Issue 3, 2011

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

2068-6900 B+

10. Economic efficiency by dynamic models. The evolution of the firm`s capital

The Annals of the University of Craiova, Economics Series, 2010

George Ciobanu Laura Ungureanu

Viorel MATEI 1223-365X B+

11. Advansis in economic prognosis. Case study: the evolution of the capital of the firm

The Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economics Series, Vol. 1(10) Issue 3, 2010

Popescu Ion Laura Ungureanu

Viorel MATEI 2068-6900 B+

12. Can we prevent the crises in emergent states? The Annals of Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, Economics Series, 2008

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

1582-8336 B

13. Using the modern technique in economic forecast The Annals of Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, Economics Series, 2008

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI

1582-8336 B

14. International technology transfer The Annals of Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, Economics Series, 2008

Viorel MATEI 1582-8336 B


Romania and European Union - romanian connections with european values at the cultural, philosophical and religious levels

Oltenia Archives, no. 22/2008, Editura Academiei

Viorel MATEI 1222-4766 B+

16. Dynamical modelling – an interdisciplinary approach of the economic reality

The Annals of the University of Craiova, Economics Series, 2008

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI

1223-365X B+


Interconexions between the development levels of the officiate countries and the direct foreign investements impact

The Annals of the University of Craiova, Economics Series, 2008

Lavinia Neţoiu Viorel MATEI

Titu Neţoiu 1223-365X B+

18. O radiografie a unei crize sau învăţămintele unei crize pentru viitor

Economics Studies scientific journal, no. 1-2/2007, Chişinău

Viorel MATEI 1857-226X B

19. Analiza riscului de ţară în faţa crizelor de piaţă – o provocare a globalizării economiei mondiale

The Annals of Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, Economics Series, 2005

Viorel MATEI 1582-8336 B

20. Acquis-ul comunitar privind textilele şi îmbrăcămintea – aspecte generale

Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret Bucureşti, seria economie, 2005

Viorel MATEI 1582-8336 B

21. Dezvoltarea economică şi noile servicii Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret Bucureşti, seria economie, 2005

Viorel MATEI Florin Lascu

1582-8336 B

22. Analiza sistemului informaţional ca etapă premergătoare informatizării integrate la nivelul CECCAR din România

Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret Bucureşti, seria economie, 2005

Florin Lascu Viorel MATEI

1582-8336 B

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4 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

National and international specialty journals acknowledged by CNCSIS

Nr crt Title Published in Authors ISSN

23. Implicaţiile tehnologiilor informaţionale în activitatea decizională – cu aplicabilitate la nivelul CECCAR

Revista Contabilitatea, expertiza şi auditul afacerilor, nr. 6, iunie 2005

Florin Lascu Viorel MATEI


24. Riscul de ţară şi crizele de piaţă Revista Tribuna Economică, nr. 9/2006 Viorel MATEI 1018-0451

25. Regional integration vs. Global integration Revue des Sciences Politiques, nr.16, 2007 Cezar Avram Viorel MATEI


26. Economical thinking a link between Romania and European Union at the economical level

Academia Română, Institutul de cercetări socio-umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Craiova, Anuarul Institutului nr. 8/2008

Viorel MATEI 1841-0898

27. Cercetare stiintifica intre excelenta si daruire Opinia Nationala Viorel MATEI Dragos ILIE

d) Studies published in:

Nr. crt.

Title Published in Organizer Authors Publishing House/ISBN or ISSN

Volumes of international scientific manifestations

1. Conceptul de integrare: între globalizare şi regionalizare

Volumul „One Step to Integration : Opportunities and Threates”

Universitatea din Craiova Centrul universitar Drobeta Turnu Severin,Conferinţa „La un pas de integrare: oportunităţi şi ameninţări”, 2006

Viorel MATEI Universitaria Publishing House


2. Pieţele la termen pentru dobânzi şi protecţia contra riscului de dobândă

Volumul „One Step to Integration : Opportunities and Threates”

Universitatea din Craiova Centrul universitar Drobeta Turnu Severin,Conferinţa „La un pas de integrare: oportunităţi şi ameninţări”, 2006

Viorel MATEI Universitaria Publishing House


3. Modelarea dinamică – instrument de strategie în programul de aderare

Volumul „One Step to Integration : Opportunities and Threates”

Universitatea din Craiova Centrul universitar Drobeta Turnu Severin,Conferinţa „La un pas de integrare: oportunităţi şi ameninţări”, 2006

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI

Universitaria Publishing House 973-742-371-2

4. The international transfer of tehnology and the durable development

Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi, Tg. Jiu

Universitatea Constantin Brâncuşi, Tg. Jiu, Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice „Globalizare şi identitate”, 2006

Viorel MATEI 1842-4856

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Nr. crt.

Title Published in Organizer Authors Publishing House/ISBN or ISSN

5. The science of complexity in economics Analele Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa, seria Ştiinţe Economice

Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice, Conferinţă internaţională, 2006

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

Universitaria Publishing House 978-973-742-466-2, 978-973-742-586-7

6. Reengineering as Efficient Solution to Redesign Activities and Processes of an Entreprise

Proceeding of the Remote Engineering Virtual Instrumentation

On line Engineering Society, University Maribor , 28-30 June 2006, Maribor-Slovenia

L.Ştefănescu L.Ungureanu Viorel

MATEI 3-89958-163-9

7. Nonlinear problems in economic development Volumul „Innovation and Growth of the Economic Competitiveness”

Facultatea de Management Financiar Contabil, Craiova, The 1st International Conference on Innovation and Growth of the Economic Competitiveness, 1-2 november 2007

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI


8. Dynamical modeling-an interdisciplinary approach of the economic reality

Volumul Conferinţei „Competitiveness and Stability in the Knowledge-based Economy”

Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Economie şi Administrarea Afacerilor, mai 2008

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI

Universitaria Publishing House 973-742-841-3

9. Interconexions between the development levels of the officiate countries and the direct foreign investements impact

Volumul Conferinţei „Competitiveness and Stability in the Knowledge-based Economy”

Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Economie şi Administrarea Afacerilor, mai 2008

Lavinia Neţoiu Viorel MATEI

Titu Neţoiu

Universitaria Publishing House 973-742-841-3

10. May be prevent the crises in the emergent countries by continuing learning?

Effects of continuing learning on the labor market and organizations competitiveness, The 3rd International Symposium eCEL3

Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Management Braşov, iunie 2008

Viorel MATEI “România de Mâine” Foundation Universitaria Publishing House


11. Advances in decision analysis-efficient methods in finance

Proceeding of the Bussiness and Information Technologies. New Approaches, The 2nd International Conference

Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Management Financiar Contabil Craiova, octombrie 2008

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI

Reprograph Publishing House 978-973-671-6

12. International companies impact through the growth of economy-an integral perspective

International Scientific Conference – ECOTREND 2008

Constantin Brâncuşi University, Târgu Jiu

Viorel MATEI 978-973-144-205-1

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Nr. crt.

Title Published in Organizer Authors Publishing House/ISBN or ISSN

13. Monetary policy and inflation dynamics The 3rd International Conference on Further Challenges for a Competitive Management

Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Management Financiar Contabil Craiova, octombrie 2009

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI

Reprograph Publishing House 978-973-671-242-5

14. Economic efficiency by dynamic models. The evolution of the firm`s capital

Proceedings of the International Conference „Competitiveness and Stability in the Knowledge-based Economy”

Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Economie şi Administrarea Afacerilor, mai 2010

George Ciobanu Laura Ungureanu

Viorel MATEI

Universitaria Publishing House 978-606-510-888-2

15. Bussines cycle in a model of economic dynamics

Proceedings of The 4th World Congress on the advancement of scholarly research in science, economics, law and culture, International Congress

Advancement of Scholarly Research Center, New York, 3-6 june 2010

Laura Ungureanu Laura Ştefănescu

Viorel MATEI

Addleton Academic Publishers 978-1-935494-08-9

16. When the U.S. sneezes Romania is very ill. Economic crisis in Romania

Proceedings of the 4th International Conferencen on The world`s economy in the times of global crisis

Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Management Financiar Contabil Craiova, 5-6november 2010

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

Universitaria Publishing House 978-606-510-995-7

17. Forecasting patterns and economic crisis

Proceedings of the 4th International Conferencen on The world`s economy in the times of global crisis

Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Management Financiar Contabil Craiova, 5-6november 2010

Laura Ungureanu Viorel MATEI

Universitaria Publishing House 978-606-510-995-7

Volumes of national scientific manifestations

18. Implicaţiile adoptării de către România a acquis-ul comunitar în domeniul siderurgiei, în special privind comerţul cu produse siderurgice

Probleme teoretice şi practice ale economiei şi învăţământului într-o societate informatizată

Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, 2007

Viorel MATEI Sitech Publishing House


19. Comerţul internaţional cu tehnologie durabilă Probleme teoretice şi practice ale economiei şi învăţământului într-o societate informatizată

Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, 2007

Viorel MATEI Sitech Publishing House


20. The future of the european integration or a discussion concerning the aspects of the european integration process

Tendinţe ale dezvoltării economice într-o societate a cunoaşterii

Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, 2009

Viorel Matei, Laura Ungureanu, Cristiana

Bogdănoiu, Silvia Simionescu

Sitech Publishing House 978-606-530-712-4

21. Internaţionalizarea crizelor şi riscul de criză financiară

Economie şi Învăţământ pentru o societate a cunoaşterii

Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, 2010

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

Sitech Publishing House 978-606-11-0834-3

22. Romania`s Economic Growth in the current International Context

The Annual Conference in economics, informatics and communications

Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Campulung Muscel, 2011

Viorel MATEI Laura Ungureanu

FRM Publishing House 2247-3106

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7 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

e) Research projects – Development – Innovation

Nr. crt.

Programms/Project/Grant Class in the

research team Funding Institution

1. Analiza investiţiilor străine în judeţul Dolj, contract de cercetare numărul 1854 c/03.04.2005 Project Director Oltenia Chamber of Commerce and


2. Programul Phare 2002 – Dezvoltarea resurselor umane, Centrul regional de formare continuă şi Consultanţă pentru

managementul calităţii şi managementul mediului, contract-grant RO 2002/000-586. Member Phare Programme 2002

3. Sistem informatic pentru evidenţa mijloacelor fixe şi a obiectelor de inventar, contract de cercetare numărul 3277/29.09.2005

Member S.C. PETROMSERVICE S.A. Craiova

4. Sistem de indicatori utilizat pentru evaluarea performanţelor economico-financiare la S.C. ERPIA S.A. Craiova, contract de cercetare nr. 56C/05.12.2005

Member S.C. ERPIA S.A. Craiova

5. Alegerea deciziei de export – elemente constitutive de formă şi de fond, contract de cercetare numărul 3418/31.03.2006

Project Director SC SAMARTRADE SRL Craiova

6. Analiza economico-financiară a agentului economic S.C. BUILDING EXIM S.R.L. în vederea stabilirii gradului de îndeplinire a cerinţelor pentru accesarea unor fonduri europene structurale, contract de cercetare nr. 5C/08.02.2007

Member S.C. BUILDING EXIM S.R.L. Dr.Tr. Severin

7. Analiza eficientizării producţiei, contract de cercetare numărul 3354/06.03.2007 Member S.C. Lavanderia Borgiani G&G S.R.L

8. Sistem informatic pentru gestiunea stocurilor de produse, semifabricate şi produse reziduale la S.C. Mobilus Internaţional S.R.L., contract de cercetare nr. 4472/25.09.2007

Member S.C. Mobilus Internaţional S.R.L

9. Studiu privind modele econometrice ale investiţiilor sub impactul impozitelor şi taxelor locale, contract de cercetare nr.378c/24.03.2008

Member Rovinari City Hall, Gorj County

10. Evoluţia capitalului firmei. Prognoze pe termen mediu şi lung, contract de cercetare nr. 1360/08.04.2008 Member S.C. SUCPI S.A.


11. Centru trasfrontalier de creşterea competitivităţii(CTCC) prin promovarea culturii calităţii în raport cu agenţii economici, autorităţii publice, Programul Phare CBC România-Bulgaria 2006, contract-grant Ro 2006/018-445.01.

Member Phare CBC România-Bulgaria

Programme 2006

12. Studiu privind posibilitatea finanţării prin credite SAPARD al SC TUDIN Prod SRL, contract de cercetare nr. 1621/14.06.2008

Member SC TUDIN Prod SRL


13. Îmbunătăţirea performanţelor financiar-contabile. Studiu de caz la SC GECOROM SA, contract nr. 3356/17.10.2008 Member SC GECOROM SA


14. Studiu financiar contabil privind posibilităţile de accesare a fondurilor structurale post-aderare în mediul privat, contract de cercetare nr.3908/17.XI.2008



15. Noi oportunităţi de finanţare a întreprinderii, contract de cercetare nr. 11/15.01.2009 Member SC IGO SA


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8 Curriculum vitae MATEI Ion-Viorel

Nr. crt.

Programms/Project/Grant Class in the

research team Funding Institution

16. Politici şi strategii privind promovarea exportului cu legume în noul context economic european, contract de cercetare nr. 65/14.01.2010

Member SC Sere Universal SRL


17. Dezvoltarea oportunităţilor de carieră pentru cadrele didactice, POSDRU 1.2/S/388862, 2010-2012 Long term expert

Assistant Professor POSDRU Axa 1.2

18. Antreprenori în turism, POSDRU 3.1/S/63567, 2010-2012 Manager in the

Oltenia south-west region

POSDRU Axa 3.1

19. Perfecţionarea competenţelor de comunicare a resurselor umane de la TMUCB într-o limbă străină(engleza)- limbaje specializate, contract de cercetare nr. 566/06.12.2010

Member S.C. TMUCB S.A.


20. Dinamica firmei. Prognoze şi strategii de management competitiv şi marketing on-line, contract de cercetare nr. 624/16.12.2010

Member SC Data Advertising System Service SRL

21. Studenti practicieni - studenti activi si integrati POSDRU / 90 / 2.1 / S / 64176.

Expert POSDRU Axa 2.1

Associate Professor Viorel MATEI, Ph.D.