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TO CITE THIS ARTICLE PLEASE INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING DETAILS: Wariyo, L. G. & Asgedom, A. (2021). Curricular innovations in building college readiness: A comparative study.

Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, 18 (1) p. 24-48 <access date>

Curricular Innovations in Building College

Readiness: A Comparative Study

Lemecha G. Wariyo1

Wachemo University, Ethiopia

Amare Asgedom2

Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Introduction College readiness of students is one of the determinants of college success and higher

education student learning outcomes (An & Taylor, 2019). Attention to college readiness has

sparked reforms to students’ transitions from high school to higher education (Domina &

Ruzek, 2013). The two great innovations to promote college readiness took curricular reform

approaches and college readiness assessment approaches (Kolluri & Tierney, 2020; Tierney &

Duncheon, 2015; Tierney & Garcia, 2011; Venezia & Voloch, 2012). The curricular

innovations intend to expose students to a college preparatory curriculum. A college

preparatory curriculum involves minimum coursework in core academic subjects (e.g., four

years of English language and at least three years of math) that make students eligible for

higher education entrance (Venezia & Jaeger, 2013). Traditionally, underrepresented students

have been less likely than their higher-income counterparts to be ushered into the college

preparatory track and more likely to be steered into vocational courses.

Recently, policymakers have aimed to challenge this trend and started cultivating college-

going culture by implementing stricter curricular requirements and reforms (Venezia &

Jaeger, 2013). The recent reforms aim to ensure that all high school graduates meet the

course-taking requirements for entrance into higher education institutions (HEIs). Studies

reported that schools whose students take college preparatory coursework achieve better in

higher education and have more equitable learning opportunities for low-income students

(Lee et al, 1997). The accelerated learning programs, e.g., Dual Enrollment (DE) and

Advanced Placement (AP) expose high school students to college-level academics and the

opportunity to earn college credits. Those studies comparing the outcomes of AP or DE

course-takers with non-course-takers revealed that participation in college-level classes

increases the probability that students will enroll and succeed in college (Iatarola et al, 2011).

Even though recent college-readiness policy encourages the participation of all students

in college preparatory programs, some study reports raise criticisms. Firstly, the critics stated

that the higher over-restrictions based on course-taking requirements highly reduce the

number of degree holders the future job openings need. Also, by mandating course-taking

patterns required for entering selective institutions, current reforms de-emphasize educational

and vocational alternatives and potentially disadvantage students geared for non-selective

colleges (Barnes & Slate, 2013). Rather, enabling students to pursue multiple postsecondary

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pathways is recommended. In addition, opponents of tracking indicate that different paths

result in the marginalization of traditionally underrepresented youth, which is a legitimate

concern. To solve these problems, the current transition conversations are focused on aligning

college readiness standards and college expectations in terms of both quality and equity

(Brown, 2015; Harklau, 2001; Musoba, 2011; Savage et al, 2014).

Even though the countries have embarked on developing the college readiness of

students, studies reported that the number of students who need remediation after college

access has increased than before (An & Taylor, 2019; Kallison, 2017). Also, the issue of

student dropouts has remained a problem (Dinsdale, 2016). Inappropriate high school

curriculum reform resulted in high student drop out (Görlitz & Gravert, 2016)

The current college readiness curriculum also emphasized the configuration of non-

cognitive and career skills (Savitz-Romer & Rowan-Kenyon, 2020). The major college

cognitive and non-cognitive readiness factors are integrated into the school curriculum from

lower grades (Allen et al, 2019). The college readiness innovation also includes schools’

counseling services and co-curricular activities that promote the development of college

readiness skills and attitudes (Martinez et al, 2017).

The Ethiopian education system has also implemented education policies to deal with

college readiness. These attempts were reflected in 1) curricular changes; for example,

implementation of the Ethiopian Preparatory for Higher Education (Prep) curriculum that is

aimed at exposing students to the college experience through the curriculum; 2) addressing

equity issues in the transition to HE, e.g., applying Affirmative Action policy, use of mother

tongue as a language of instruction in elementary schools and middle schools. Although

numerous international trends are reflected in the Ethiopian college readiness program, a

number of factors widened the gap between theory and practice. Ethiopia’s Prep curriculum

shares similarities with other college readiness curricular innovations, such as DE, AP, and

International Baccalaureate (IB) that award college credit transfer (i.e., college readiness

badging) even though it does not badge college readiness. These curricula deal with the

objectives of both badging and building college readiness.

Objectives of the Review The major objectives of this review are to: 1) Compare and contrast the Ethiopian Prep

curriculum with some college readiness curricula around the world using some criteria; 2)

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Ethiopian Prep curriculum depending on the

existing college readiness curriculum theories and practices to recommend the implications

for improvement.

Review Questions The study was guided by these review questions: 1) how the Ethiopian Prep curriculum

differs from the existing college readiness curricula in terms of the given parameters? 2) What

are the major strengths and weaknesses of the Ethiopian Prep curriculum when it is seen

through the lens of the existing college readiness curricula’s theories and practices?

Sample of Literature and Methods of the Review The resources, such as journal articles, books and book chapters, policy documents, and

government reports were the major resources used for the review. These resources were

collected from online international research databases, local libraries, and offices. The

literature used for review is a mix of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research


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The international research databases, e.g., Scimago Country and Journal Rank, Web of

Science, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Directory of Open Access Books

(DOAB), and Googe Scholar were used for searching the resources. All relevant sources

found in these databases were selected for the review. The purposive and selective online and

hardcopy search of the local literature was also conducted.

A critical in-depth analysis and synthesis of the literature followed the following two

major criteria: 1) Comparative analysis of the college readiness curricular innovations in

terms of course development, assessment, instructor illegibility and professional development,

instructional process, the setting for delivery, funding, and student participation, 2) The

extent to which the resources focused on experiencing students to college, the inclusiveness of

the programs, their impact, and emphasis on the student learning outcomes were major

aspects of the resources analyzed in the review.

Theoretical Frameworks

The ecological theory of college readiness

Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of human development is also known as the Process-

Person-Context-Time (PPCT) model (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006; Kitchen, 2019;

Williams, 2016) is a prominent college readiness model. Ecological college readiness theory

considers the role of student individual characteristics and personal agency; the characteristics

of multiple, interacting levels of context; the effects of chronological and historical time, and

the processes through which all these elements bring about change in students (Arnold et al,

2012; Williams, 2016). Real college readiness occurs through a reciprocal relationship

between the student and the context. Being in the heart of the environment, the individual

student interacts with the proximal contexts (microsystems, such as teachers, peers, parents,

and others) that play their direct interactions with the student, and the development of college

readiness is realized through what Arnold, Lu, and Armstrong (2012) call the proximal

processes that happen as a result of these natural interactions. Through DE experience in a

college, the student has a chance to experience the college environment and teaching-learning

process that allows the student to bring the college to his/her microsystem where real

experiences can occur. Generally, studies used ecological systems theory to study how

contexts and environments affect the different aspects of college readiness including the

teaching-learning process of college-going students (Hines, 2014; Williams, 2016).

The Input-Environment-Outcomes model

Astin’s input–environment–outcomes (I–E–O) model considers the impact of institutional

characteristics and student characteristics on student development. Taking into account

characteristics and qualities the students bring to university as inputs, and the experiences

students develop when they are in college as environments, the I-E-O model describes

outcomes as the developmental endpoints that occur for students as a result of their

experiences with the environment (Astin & Antonio, 2012; Mukhopadhyay & Tambyah,

2019). A fundamental purpose of the I–E–O model is to allow higher education researchers to

examine a less biased estimate of the effects of environments on an outcome after the

researcher controls for the differences in characteristics students bring to college (Astin &

antonio, 2012; Pike et al, 2014). Therefore, studies assume that dual-enrolled students have

prior exposure to curricula, teaching-learning experiences, communications with lecturers and

college students, and the physical factors around the DE programs in college (Kim & Bragg,

2008; Pike et al, 2014).

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Theory of role and socialization

‘Role and socialization’ theory has gained attraction in DE research as an explanation of how

DE prepares students for college beyond academic preparation. According to role and

socialization theory, individuals inhabit roles or positions within a social structure. These

roles reflect patterns of behaviors and attitudes that provide actors a strategy to deal with

recurrent sets of situations (Atherley et al, 2016; Turner, 1990). Students gather information

on the roles of the university community, such as faculty and peers during the interaction

period. They use this information to predict the expectations others hold for them (Lile et al,

2017; Richards, 2015). These role-based identities become integrated into individuals’ self-

concepts, which helps shape their future actions and interactions with others (Karp, 2007).

Roles are dynamic, and they may change over time (An & Taylor, 2019; Turner, 1990).

During their transition to higher education, students’ social structures change. Therefore,

students will be in a position to adjust their cultural repertoires and how they behave and

understand the university environment and teaching-learning circumstances. The problem is

that this process is not immediate and it may require a trial period in which the students may

need to adjust and conform to the normative expectations (An & Taylor, 2019). Studies state

that DE program works as a socialization organization in which students get rid of their

inappropriate understanding of the college environment and teaching-learning experience by

providing students with a transition period in which they learn the normative rules and

behaviors of being a university student (An & Taylor, 2019). Also, DE allows students to

develop skills and coping strategies, such as critical thinking and help-seeking that are

important for college success (An & Taylor, 2019; Kanny, 2015).

The Major College Readiness Curricular Innovations The major three primary curricular innovations to promote college readiness are AP, IB,

and DE. These curricular approaches are the most utilized innovations (National Research

Council, 2002; Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016). Studies discussed contributions of curricular

approaches in promoting college readiness on one hand and indicated their demerits on the

other hand. The major objectives of these curricular approaches are: 1) preparing students for

college so that they will require less remediation, taking a shorter time to a degree, hence

reducing costs, and being more competitive in the global economy; 2) In addition, college

readiness programs are aimed at providing realistic information about the skills that students

will need to succeed in college, increasing students’ motivation, and; 3) building relationships

between high schools and colleges (Hemelt et al, 2019; Jenkins, 2018). The programs

accomplish two general activities: badging college readiness and bridging transitions to

higher education.

The AP

AP programs offer college-level courses to high-achieving students in high school (Geiser &

Santelices, 2007; Lewis, 2011). Normally, students take the course, and they may choose to

take an exam, which is developed and is administered by the College Board (CB). The student

has to earn at least three out of five on their high school AP course exam to count toward their

college course requirements, and to be placed in more advanced college courses (Lea, 2016;

Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016; Warne et al, 2015). Some researchers have noted that even

though these courses are considered to be quite rigorous, they are taught in a high school

setting by high school teachers. For this reason, they do not introduce the students to college-

level work or the college environment (Lea, 2016; Lewis, 2011). Tinto (1993) and Kuh et al

(2005) found that students who have a more realistic understanding of the campus atmosphere

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are more likely to have a successful adjustment to college. This shows a lack of giving

important exposure to the college campus as one of AP’s demerits.

Even though numerous studies support the effect of AP on college readiness, there are

mixed results on who gains from the AP experience and the value of these courses in

promoting students’ success in college. AP has less benefit for college entering students and

its GPA has non-significant correlations with college GPAs (Warne et al, 2015). Jenkins

(2018) lists the weaknesses of AP courses: 1) the determination of the course content by the

high school, and college administrators’ reluctance regarding the rigor of the AP courses, and

2) the fact that instructors for AP courses are all high school teachers. The CB lacks clearly

defined selection criteria for selecting and recruiting AP teachers.

The IB

The IB offers a complete curriculum structured around a set of ideas that are both

academic and philosophical, unlike the AP which offers students the opportunity to take

specific advanced coursework (Hughes, 2006; Jenkins, 2018; Rehm, 2014; Tobolowsky &

Allen, 2016). The goal of IB is to develop true global citizens who are academically strong,

principled, open-minded, and caring individuals who want to create a more just and peaceful

world. Although IB was designed for high school seniors years ago, today, there are the

Middle Years, Primary Years, and Career-related programs in addition to the Diploma

Program. Thousands of schools in many countries around the world offer IB programs (Caine

& Wimmer, 2014; Jenkins 2018; Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016). Like AP, IB Diploma Program

targets high achieving students and helps them get college-ready by providing a standardized

curriculum and tests, which assure colleges and universities of their academic excellence

(Hughes, 2006; Caine & Wimmer, 2014).

In receiving an IB diploma, students require to complete studies in six subjects: foreign

language, literature, the arts, mathematics, experimental sciences, and computer sciences. In

addition, students need to submit an essay of 4,000 words and should complete the

extracurricular of the 150 hours and community services. Then, students are examined in the

core courses on a 7-point scale. To graduate with an IB diploma, students should attain a

minimum score of 24 so that they can be eligible to receive college credit for introductory-

level college courses (Jenkins, 2018; Suldo et al, 2018).

The DE

The DE is used interchangeably with initiatives such as concurrent enrollment, joint

enrollment, or dual credit. Accelerated learning options or credit-based transition courses, the

more general terms that show the curricular approaches for college readiness, often include

DE. DE was defined as courses high school students take where they earn both high school

and college credit simultaneously without having to take a standardized test to gain the credit

(An & Taylor, 2019; Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016). College credit courses fall into two

different categories: A) Advanced College Credit courses (ACC courses) that have been

approved by various local colleges/universities; and, B) AP courses designated by the CB.

ACC/AP courses are transferable to most colleges/universities. Students are advised to check

with a college’s counselors on all ACC/AP courses available or needed (Suldo et al, 2018;

National Research Council, 2002).

The differences of DE from AP and IB are 1) Unlike AP and IB, which are college-level

courses or preparatory courses, DE is a college course; 2) DE courses are often more

accessible in colleges in rural areas while AP and IB courses are not offered in a rural area; 3)

DE courses are flexible and easily accessible that they can be taken at a high school or in

university campuses; 4) While DE is based on a course grade, earning college credit with AP

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is based on standardized exams (Jenkins, 2018; Suldo et al, 2018). The DE, unlike AP and IB

which target high achieving students, targets a wide range of students. However, DE’s quality

is lower compared to AP and IB (Hughes, 2006; Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016).

DE courses can be individual courses or a complete high school curriculum. They can be

taken at high schools, colleges, universities, and online. These courses differ by rigor, content,

instruction, structure, and design within and between countries. The variability of its offerings

is its major characteristics (Hughes, 2006; Rowett, 2012).

The benefits of DE are: 1) It is purported to reduce the cost of college and the time-to-

degree; 2) When courses are offered at a college campus, DE also serves as an introduction to

the full college experience, which assists students in their college adjustment when they

transfer to higher education (Rowett, 2012; Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016). Regarding student

benefits, it is well-known for its tangible benefits. For instance, research suggests that first-

for-college students in their families and students from low-income backgrounds seem to get

greater advantages than students whose parents did earn a college degree or come from a

higher income background (An & Taylor, 2019; Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016).

Because of quality problems, some institutions will not accept all (or any) DE. To

alleviate this problem, an optimum number of courses that offers maximum benefits to

students is required; as well as an introduction to the college environment and rigor was

suggested (Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016).

Areas of variability for DE

DE programs are possibly the most unique of the credit-based transition programs

mentioned here. These courses have a difference not only with the other pre-college initiatives

but also between each other in terms of delivery, funding, student participation, instructor

eligibility, and course content. For this reason, DE looks quite different (An & Taylor, 2019;

Hughes, 2006; Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016).

The first area of variability is the setting for delivery. Most of the time, these courses are

offered in a larger part of academic settings. They are often taken in traditional high schools,

online, at universities, or in unique high schools such as Early College High Schools that are

focused on offering a DE curriculum starting from late junior ninth grades (Karp et al, 2004).

Criticisms state that courses offered at high school may lack college-level standards. Also,

courses offered at universities may lack rigor. In some cases, some colleges use DE courses

for attracting high achieving students to apply to their colleges after high school graduation to

increase the college retention rate (Hunter & Wilson, 2018). However, the lack of quality in

some course contents has resulted in universities’ refusal to accept some DEs after students

matriculate as freshman college students (Borden et al, 2013). Therefore, issues of course

quality and course transferability are associated with the variability in course content and the

course setting (Hughes, 2006; Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016).

Funding is the second area of variability. Funding sources for these courses vary. In some

cases, the cost of one or all DE courses is paid by the government and, in other instances,

there may be reduced or waived fees for some courses (Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016). Both the

high school and the college can receive government funds to cover the cost of these courses

(Karp et al, 2004). In some instances, the students are responsible for the entire cost of the

courses (Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016).

The third area of variability is student participation. As the primary purpose of DE

coursework is to promote the success of the high achieving high school students (Edwards et

al, 2011), there are still limited studies that argue all students (for instance, underrepresented

populations, medium and low achieving, low-income, remedial students) benefit from taking

these courses (Bailey et al, 2003).

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Participation in DE programs is stated by the admission criteria set by a university or a

high school (Hughes, 2006). Most DE programs have eligibility requirements. The minimum

scores on Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Test (ACT), grade level, class

rank, and/or high school GPAs are among the requirements needed. In some cases, letters of

recommendation are required (Tobolowsky & Allen 2016). Borden and associates (2013) also

stated that some institutions offering DE courses had requirements that were not identified.

Generally, great variability in student eligibility has been reported (Tobolowsky & Allen,


Some studies question the assumption that students who qualify for these courses are

ready to enroll, especially when these courses are taught on a university campus (Tinberg &

Nadeau, 2013). Some researchers found that students may have the academic preparation to

enroll in these courses but may lack sufficient maturity to manage in the less structured

college environment (Ferguson et al, 2015). Although studies show that participation in DE

courses is traditionally biased for high-achieving students, Whites, and peoples with higher

Socio-economic Status (SES) and the problem tends to continue, countries have been

implementing different measures to make the participation more inclusive (An & Taylor,

2019). For instance, Early College High Schools are created to make these courses more


As the fourth area of variability, instructor eligibility is also used to compare the

programs. One of the most controversial issues with DE courses is the lack of uniform quality

assurance practices and policies in place regarding the quality of instruction (Hughes, 2006;

Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016). Policies regarding teacher selection, training, and credentials for

these courses should be there (Borden et al, 2013), and there should be national standards.

These criteria should require the high school instructors to meet the same standards as adjunct

community college faculty, including a master’s degree and expertise in the subject (Borden

et al, 2013).

When the fifth area of variability, course content, is observed, states determine which

courses should be offered as DE in some countries (Karp, 2004). Most of the time, a

college or a high school approves the course syllabus, textbooks, and/or exams. However, on

some occasions, the responsibility of approving the syllabi is left to the state (Tobolowsky &

Allen, 2016). Because the course content is not standardized, it may not guaranty that students

take the same subject or they cover similar material.

For the reason that DE course content can vary significantly depending on the nature of

the DE program, and the students it is opted to serve, there is no standard content. Some

specific DE courses target medium to low achieving students and others are related to

vocational students. Although initially many of the offerings were designed to provide

college-level content to high-achieving high school students, this is not always true (Golann

& Hughes, 2008).

Witkowsky and Clayton (2019) supported the significance of DE for promoting college

readiness while they also emphasized the high contribution of high school counselors in

mediating the success of DE students. Also, DE significantly increases student retention at

college (Hunter and Wilson 2018). Lile et al (2017) reported that participation in DE

increases the clarity of college student roles. On the contrary, Lawrence and King (2018)

revealed that students who participated in the DE program were less likely to complete the

Associate of Arts and Associate of Applied Science degrees. Additionally, a lack of quality

control concerning DE courses leads to problems with the transferability of course credit.

Modarelli (2014), who studied the transfer of credits from DE programs, found that

“competitive” and “highly competitive” universities were 78% likely to accept associate

degree credits from other institutions whose degrees are non-DE whereas the probability of

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acceptance for the degrees earned from DE programs is (19%). The more competitive the

institution, the less likely they were to accept the credits (Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016). When

compared with other accelerated learning options, AP credits were more likely to be accepted

by the most competitive institutions (70%) followed by IB (59%) and then DE (33%)

(Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016). Generally, the authors stated that this was a puzzle for students

who want to be admitted to universities they want and for policymakers.

Understanding that policies and implementations of DE have varieties across counties,

An and Taylor (2019) illustrated some commonalities and convergences that have emerged in

the literature as best practices to facilitate the success of DE. These are leadership,

partnerships, funding and finance, structure, and stakeholder perceptions. These authors

identified the effective leadership approaches, namely, visionary, progressive, strategic, and

reflective. Helping students to develop a sense of purpose and value, and transforming the

school culture to a college-going culture (e.g., which includes early assessment for DE

eligibility and hiring more bilingual teachers for core curriculum) were some of the

characteristics of progressive leadership. Partnerships between schools, colleges, and other

significant members of the community on the implementation of DE are indicated as some of

the key factors for the success of the DE program. Also, inadequate funding created

differences in participation in DE courses between the rich and the poor. The problems of

qualified teachers to teach DE in high schools and differences in stakeholders’ perceptions

and support for DE are discussed as some factors that impact the implementation of DE. The

environmental factors (staff, counselors, school type, and the college type) have also been

associated with the success of the DE program (Witkowsky & Clayton, 2019). The challenge

of increasing equitable college access while increasing effectiveness through the application

of AP, DE, and IB programs has remained a problem. This is partially caused by the

challenge to make the courses more inclusive (Gagnon & Mattingly, 2016; Kolluri, 2018).

Studies also used student learning outcomes to compare these curricular innovations.

Studies reported findings on the relationship between DE and student outcomes, such as

college matriculation, college academic performance, college persistence, degree completion,

time to degree completion (Evans, 2018; Witkowsky & Clayton, 2019). To begin with, a

significant number of studies associated a significant relationship between participation in DE

and college matriculation as a degree-seeking student. The largest evidence on the effect of

participation in DE and student outcomes is evident in the relationship between participation

in DE and student college academic performance. The most important point for policy-makers

is the effect of participating in DE on degree completion or degree attainment. In this case,

similar to DE’s effect on college academic performance, studies confirmed that participation

in DE was also found to have a significant effect on degree attainment. Also, a significant

number of empirical works reported that participation in DE reduces time to degree through

the accumulation of college credits before college entry (Evans, 2018).

Another advantage of the DE is the fact that it reduces the need for remediation at

college. Studies revealed that students who participate in DE are less likely to participate in

remedial education in college than students who did not participate in DE (Kolluri & Tierney,

2020). For this reason, it is believed that participation in DE primarily tackles the college

readiness problem of college-entering students. Studies also show that students who

participate in DE tend to be more motivated and persevered in their school work than those

who are not dual-enrolled.

Studies also reported the effect of DE by course type. Although all DE courses have a

significant effect on college student outcomes, Mathematics DE course has the strongest

effect. Scholars also studied the DE course effects depending on course differences based on

academic and Career and Technical Focus courses. Indicating the recent curriculum emphasis

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on Career and Technical Education, studies show a significant effect of Tech Prep courses on

college outcomes than academic DE courses (Judson, 2017; Warne et al, 2019).

Studies also compared the difference between the DE and AP in affecting student college

outcomes. Generally, the largest number of studies reported that AP students are more likely

successful at college than DE students. Overall interest in increasing AP course taking

emerged from the urge to promote college readiness particularly in the fields of science,

technology, engineering, and mathematics (Judson, 2017; Warne et al, 2019).

The Ethiopian Prep curriculum The Ethiopian Prep curriculum has evolved from the former Socialist Regime’s 6-2-4

structure, in which the middle two years belonged to the lower secondary program. The 1994

Education and Training Policy (ETP) revised the curriculum to become an 8-2-2 structure.

Then, grades 11 and 12 were reserved for the Prep schooling program that prepares students

for a three-year university undergraduate program. Following this change, many topics

previously taught in the first year of undergraduate programs were moved down to grades 11–

12, and consequently, topics from grades 11–12 were moved down to grades 9–10. This

change resulted in the overall difficulty of grades 9 -12 curricula (Joshi & Verspoor, 2013).

The grades 11 and 12 curricula have been categorized into 2 major streams: social

science and natural science. The social science curriculum includes major courses, such as

Geography, History, Economics, and General Business whereas the natural science

curriculum consists of major courses, such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Technical

Drawing. The English language, Civics, Physical Education, Mathematics, and ICT are the

common courses that are taken by both of the streams. The Mother Tongue and Amharic are

electives (Joshi & Verspoor, 2013; MOE, 2009).

Areas of variability for the Ethiopian Prep curriculum

Compared to the major DE courses in terms of delivery, funding, student participation,

instructor eligibility, and course content, the Ethiopian Pep curriculum has differences from


Regarding the settings for delivery, unlike the other DE courses that can be delivered in a

traditional high school setting, online, at a college or university, or in a unique high school

setting, Ethiopian prep courses can only be taught in recognized private or governmental Prep

schools. There is no university interference in Prep course delivery. This is one difference

from the other DE programs. Therefore, the course setting has no significant variety

compared to the other DE courses. However, the difference in quality of course delivery may

be observed between types of schools (e.g., private, governmental, rural, and urban).

The government funds the governmental Prep schools. Governmental Prep schools make

free delivery of the courses for all regular students who formally attend the governmental

Prep schools. The private for-profit Prep schools, however, receive money for their service.

Not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization schools also provide free education. There is

also uniformity in funding compared to the international trends in funding DE courses.

When student participation is observed, the eligible students to join Prep schools are only

those who score greater than or equal to a cutting score of the Ethiopian General Education

School Leaving Certificate Examination (EGESLCE). This cutting score is lowered for

females, students from the remotest regions of the country whose families live on rearing

cattle only, and students with special needs. Although the ministry applies an Affirmative

Action to include gender, minorities, and special needs in the admission process, the

enrollment to preparatory education is very low compared to the other peer countries.

Compared to the peer countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Burundi, enrollment to

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upper secondary school is very low (17.7 for Ethiopia, and 31.2 for peer countries)

(Donnenfeld et al, 2019; Joshi & Verspoor, 2013).

The eligible instructors for Prep school are those who are trained at universities for three

years in a major field and obtained a bachelor’s degree. They also have to take an additional

one year of professional teacher training to receive an additional Post-Graduate Diploma in

Teaching (PGDT). PGDT consists of training in educational foundations, pedagogy, and

school-based practicum experience. Besides, teachers take additional Continuous Professional

Development (CPD). English language teachers have also to receive additional language

training. Aimed at raising the qualification of preparatory school teachers to Master’s Degree

(Masters for Prep School Teachers), the Ministry of Education (MOE) has already been

training Prep teachers during the summer times since previous 6 years ago. Therefore, the

objective is to make all preparatory school teachers MA holders (Joshi & Verspoor, 2013;

MOE, 2009).

When it is compared with the international college readiness trends, Ethiopia’s Prep

school instructor eligibility system is unique. In another world, instructors are either assigned

from university faculties or assigned from high school teachers to teach the courses. In the

case of Ethiopia, Prep teachers are the only teachers for Prep schools. Since the Prep courses

were moved down from university to Prep schools, the invitation of university instructors

would have been mandatory. This may have been a demerit. In one or another way, the

university-Prep-school partnerships are important.

The Prep school course contents are prepared by MOE. The courses are three types: the

major courses, common courses, and electives. All Prep schools, both private and

governmental, teach similar courses that are prepared by MOE in order to eligibly prepare

students for college. In the case of other international DE college readiness courses, the

approval of the syllabus revolves around the state, the college, and the school. For this reason,

there is a similarity and difference in quality among the courses (Tobolowsky & Allen, 2016).

Generally, the Ethiopian Prep program is more similar to DE courses. Firstly, in terms of

course content, like some DE courses, the Ethiopian Prep courses are believed to be college

freshman introductory courses. Secondly, the Ethiopian Prep uses both continuous classroom

course assessment and the nationally prepared national testing assessment without awarding

college credit. However, DE courses use course grading assessments that award college

credit. Similar to Ethiopian Prep courses, DE courses are more prescriptive and the role of

teachers is low in course development and adjustment of the courses to the real teaching-

learning contexts at schools.

When it is compared with AP courses, the Ethiopian Prep courses have many differences.

For example, firstly, unlike the Ethiopian Prep courses, AP courses are not university courses.

AP courses are prepared by CB in collaboration with high school teachers and college

instructors while Ethiopian Prep courses are prepared by the MOE participating teachers also.

Compared to the Ethiopian Prep courses, AP courses are more challenging. Also, the role of

the teacher in course development is very high for AP courses than the Ethiopian Prep courses

that are more prescriptive and has low teacher participation in course development. In the

case of AP, the exams are standardized examinations, unlike Ethiopian Prep exams that are

nationally prepared by MOE.

Similar to IB, the Ethiopian Prep courses are a fully-fledged curriculum. Unlike IB,

Ethiopian PP courses are local. IB is an internationally prepared and recognized curriculum.

Also, the IB curriculum is so broad that it is designed for elementary school, junior school,

and secondary schools while the Ethiopian Prep curriculum is prepared only for grade 11 and

12 students. Compared to the Ethiopian Prep, the IB curriculum is challenging. IB courses

have college credits, unlike Prep courses. Also, the assessment system for IB uses

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standardized testing while Prep is not. The role of teachers in curriculum development is very

high for IB compared to Ethiopian PP.

The effect of the Ethiopian Prep curriculum on students’ learning outcomes is also

studied by some studies in Ethiopia. Since the Ethiopian Prep curriculum has been applied in

Ethiopia, very few studies have been conducted on its effect on student preparedness for

college. These studies reported controversial findings on its rigor in preparing ready students

for college compared to the former Socialist system’s Freshman Program Complete (FPC)

curriculum. For example, Regassa (2005) compared the reading ability of the former FPC

students and Prep complete students and found that FPC students outperformed Prep complete

students in reading comprehension. Demewoz et al (2005) also conducted a comparative

study on the Prep and FPC students on their self-efficacy and academic achievement and

reported that Prep students and FPC students differed to a statistically significant extent in

academic self-concept and academic achievement in favor of the latter.

The assessment The AP’s exam development procedure was observed in this study. The content specifications

are determined for the courses during the development of AP courses. Deciding the general

content of the examination and the ability level to be tested for each AP course is the

responsibility of the test Development Committee (DC). The examination is constructed by

being guided by the topic percentages from the AP course descriptions for the distribution of

questions. The representative committee from secondary schools, college, and university level

teachers work in cooperation with Educational Testing System (ETS), content specialists, and

psychometricians to validate that the exam scores are meaningful from year to year and from

student to student (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

The validity studies are conducted for the AP curriculum to validate the AP courses for

college credit by measuring the comparability of content knowledge and processes required

for the students to master the introductory-level college courses. The multiple-choice tests are

constructed and pre-tested by DC in university classes to obtain some measure of the

difficulty level and comparability with university courses. The AP’s DC works to design a

multiple-choice section so that the average raw score is between 40 and 60 percent of the

maximum possible raw score. During test development, test items with varying levels of

difficulty are included in the examination. To make it clear that distinctions will be made

between students earning grades of 2 and 3 on the one hand, and 3 and 4 on the other, many

questions of medium difficulty are used (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

In order to create a linkage between the current form of the examination and the previous

forms, a few previously administered test items are included. This is also aimed at

maintaining reliability from year to year and examination to examination. The committee

writes, selects, reviews, and refines free-response questions (Hughes, 2006; National

Research Council, 2002).

AP’s DC members work with AP content experts and ETS statisticians to determine

which item type and format is best for assessing a given topic or skill area. As questions are

being written and refined, the DC proposes preliminary scoring standards that are based on

consistent criteria from year to year. In addition, the committee develops a formula for

assigning composite scores based on differential weights for the multiple-choice and free-

response questions (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

Another issue discussed in AP’s assessment is scoring AP examinations. During scoring,

the number of correct and incorrect answers in the multiple-choice section of the AP exam is

identified. A correction for guessing is also applied. During AP readings, usually held at

college campuses, faculty consultants score the free-response questions. The creation of

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detailed scoring guidelines is given due attention to ensure a consistent scoring system for

free-response items. All faculty consultants are trained for this purpose, and various ‘checks

and balances’ are applied throughout the AP reading. Composite scores are created using

formulas developed by DC. A five-point scale for awarding final grades on the examinations

is used in AP assessment. Those who earn a score of 3, 4, or 5 are described as qualified for

the credit and/or enrollment in advanced courses at colleges and universities. Boundaries for

awarding AP grades, however, are reset annually at a grade-setting session for each

examination (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

The IB’s assessment procedure is also studied. The written external assessment is

administered globally in May of each year. The external examination opts to assess core

knowledge and optional contents. The teacher’s formative assessment of the student’s

practical skills (i.e., laboratory works in science subjects and portfolios in mathematics

subjects) is analyzed against established assessment criteria. The teachers conduct the

formative assessments during the teaching-learning process at schools being externally

moderated by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The external and internal

assessments are 76% and 24% of the final exam mark, respectively, in the experimental

sciences. The IB teachers submit both internal assessment marks and a predicted final

examination grade of all students they teach. The internal assessment component covers skills

that cannot be demonstrated satisfactorily within the context of a written examination

(Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

An issue discussed in the IB assessment procedure is developing IB assessments. Exams

for all IB courses are written by chief examiners and deputies and are checked and approved

by the exam board. Within a situation that is organized and managed by the IBO academic

staff, examination teams prepare the exams for each of the administrations. For Standard

Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) courses in a subject area, separate exams are prepared.

Single senior examiners normally write individual exam questions. These exam questions are

directly linked throughout the exam development process to the assessment and the objectives

to be measured as outlined in the program guides for each subject (National Research Council

2002). For some reasons, such as the difficulty of finding an appropriate trial group of test-

takers without the probability of compromising security, the test questions are not field-tested.

Rather, new test questions are written for each examination period. The test items are not

banked, and for this reason, the examination team plans to prepare a different form of

examination for each session of exams. Also, the new examination needs to be the same

standard of demand as in previous sessions. Both the CB and the IBO do not make use of

systematic validity studies on the cognitive characteristics of the exams. The IB curriculum

team specifies and describes the internal assessment criteria as a part of the curriculum

development and review process in each subject. The examiners in each subject periodically

meet to develop common understandings on how to assess each of the criteria. Through

program materials and training, the IBO describes the assessment procedures to teachers and

moderators in each subject (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

Periodically, the assessment structure for each subject is reviewed as a part of an overall

curriculum review. The Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) also develops proposals for

revisions of the assessments following a procedure similar to that is stated for curriculum

review. Then, the proposals are reviewed by the Diploma Review Committee (DRC). The

chief examiners representing each subject group and senior academic staff from the IBO are

members of DRC. After each exam session, students’ responses are analyzed to determine

that they fit expectations for each question. In addition, all IB teachers are asked to complete

feedback forms after the examinations. They answer question items about both the emphasis

of the exam and the content and form of individual items. Emphasis is given to teachers’

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feedbacks on the appropriateness of exam papers in hitting the intended objectives. The

information gained in this way contributes to the exam development process for future

sessions (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

The second issue raised under the IB assessment procedure is scoring IB assessments.

The IB follows a criterion-referenced grading system. Each test taker’s performance is

measured depending on seven scale grade descriptors. These grade descriptors are prepared in

the form of levels of achievement that students are required to achieve. The levels of

achievement are strongly related to the objectives of the course and are specified for

experimental sciences and mathematics areas. The descriptors apply in the same manner to

both HL and SL exams. Grade descriptors are, for example, 7 (excellent performance), 4

(satisfactory performance), and 1 (poor performance) for the experimental sciences are used

(Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

Reporting IB examination results is the third issue discussed under the IB assessment

procedure. The IB Curriculum and Assessment Centre (IBCA) sends exam results directly to

secondary schools. The schools ensure the communication of the test results to students.

Also, the IBO office of a country communicates the results to colleges and universities. A

profile of students’ grades is also available to schools for each examination period. The

profile is available only for candidates whose examinations are entered by a corresponding

school and includes predicted grades; examination grades, including marks for each paper;

and internal assessment grades, showing any adjustments made. Twenty-four hours after the

testing date, teachers are allowed to use all sections of the exam in their classrooms (Hughes,

2006; National Research Council, 2002).

Assessments in the Ethiopian Prep program were also compared with others. The grade

11 and 12 classroom assessment is accomplished in two ways. Firstly, the continuous

assessment that monitors students’ learning throughout a semester is applied in the class. This

assessment accounts for 60% of all classroom assessments. The final exam (i.e., 40%) is also

administered at the end of a semester. For grades 11 and 12, these procedures of formative

and summative assessments are applied to make up the final preparatory school transcript of

the students (MOE, 2009).

The second exam is prepared by the National Educational Assessments and Evaluations

Agency (NEAEA) at the end of grade 12. This assessment is aimed at screening the students

for higher education entry. When it is compared to AP and IB, the Ethiopian Higher

Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE) has differences. Firstly, the EHEEE is all

objective type examination, unlike AP in which 50 percent of the mark is given for essay

items. Secondly, EHEEE is totally centrally prepared. In the case of IB’s experimental

sciences, however, the external and internal assessments make up 76 percent and 24 percent

of the final exam mark, respectively.

The process of developing the EHEEE is also discussed in the assessment procedure in

the Ethiopian Prep program. The EHEEE is prepared by the NEAEA. The two directors,

Exam Preparation and Placement Directorates monitored by NAEA’s Vice Director are

accountable for EHEEE preparation, validation, administration, and scoring and placement

decision. A committee consisting of the test preparation specialists, subject specialists,

curriculum specialists, and experienced teachers prepares the EHEEE. The test items are

constructed depending on the objectives of courses and content sampling using the table of

specifications. In addition, the percentage of the items with their difficulty level, for instance,

30 % easier items, 50% items with medium difficulty level, and 20% of items with high item

difficulty index, are included in the examination. Before administration, the items are pilot

tested and item analysis is conducted in order to maintain the test quality. During the item

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analysis, the test experts and the experienced teachers in each subject carefully observe the

quality of the items (NAEA, 2009; MOE, 2009).

Unlike IB, AP, and Ethiopian Prep courses, the assessment of DE courses is through

course grading that is accomplished by the instructors. This is because the DE courses are

college courses. As college courses, Ethiopian prep courses’ assessment process must also

have any relation with colleges like DE courses. However, it is completely disconnected from

its ties with the college experience. The Ethiopian Prep curriculum reviews that have been

conducted in five years interval, did not describe any criteria by which the college standard of

these courses have been maintained.

The EHEEE test administration process was also discussed. The administration process is

accomplished by selected coordinators and invigilators assigned to every school in the

country. After administration, the answer sheets are collected and categorized by the type of

exam taker, subject type, and by booklet code and packed by the invigilators. Then, the

carefully packed answer sheets are submitted to the NEAEA (NEAEA, 2009).

The scoring system in the Ethiopian EHEEE is accomplished through a computerized

system. The Optical Mark Reader assists the scoring system. The evaluation is, like IB, a

criterion-referenced. In the EHEEE’s case, rather than calculating the Cumulative Grade Point

Average (CGPA) for each examinee, the total percentages of marks earned from each subject

are added, converted to percent for each of the courses, and added up to become the final

score. Then, the cutting score is determined depending on the intake capacity of universities,

resource availabilities, gender, special need students, and the minorities by region (NAEA,


Instructional process. When the instructional process in the AP program is studied, what to

teach and how to teach is decided by teachers every day. Many factors influence these

decisions: teaching philosophies, experience, the teacher’s educational background and

familiarity with various topics in a discipline, and student outcomes (Hughes, 2006; National

Research Council, 2002).

The AP’s course descriptions and teachers’ guides are unique when they are compared

with others. The AP course description prepares content outlines and the descriptions of

course objectives, while still encourages teachers to flexibly develop their own lesson plans,

syllabi, and then bring their creativity to the AP classroom. The guidelines given to the DC

for AP science courses include a charge to assess knowledge about laboratories and

experimentation. For instance, one of the free-response questions on each AP science

examination will be a laboratory question (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

The instructional process in the IB program is also studied. The instructional process

differs from classroom to classroom concerning what is taught in an IB course, how much of

the topic list is covered, how much time is budgeted to different topics in IB courses, and

what instructional methodologies are used. However, the detail provided in the IB guide in

terms of expected student outcomes directs teachers toward the use of specific instructional

strategies. Whenever possible, teachers are made responsible for building internal assessment

tasks into classroom teaching. Internal assessment activities ought to form a part of the

learning experience of the learners and should not be regarded as additional to the teaching

schedule (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council, 2002).

The IB Programme guides and teaching notes are used by IB teachers in teaching. The

general guidance on instruction is given by IB program guides but the guides also offer

detailed suggestions about instructional strategies. The objectives for students are listed in the

program guides. Notes for teaching each topic in all subjects offer suggestions for teachers

while underlining that it is not a must that these suggestions be accurately followed.

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The use of action verbs in the science assessment statements informs teachers about the

depth of treatment required. Depending on that, teachers make decisions about the best way to

prepare their students for the required outcomes (Hughes, 2006; National Research Council,

2002). In specifying aspects of a subject to be assessed, the IB internal assessment criteria

require that teachers should structure the classroom and laboratory environment so that

students have the chance to acquire and practice the skills needed (Hughes, 2006; National

Research Council, 2002).

When the instructional process in the Ethiopian Prep is compared with others, unlike the

AP and IB courses, encouraging the teachers’ decision-making is minimal in Prep

instructional guides. The teachers follow the prescribed curriculum. They add a lower

contribution to the context of students’ learning. The rigidity of the Prep curriculum made the

teachers the followers of the prescribed curriculum and the teaching-learning process non-

adjustable to the pace of student learning.

Teachers have two guides that use during their preparation for a class: the Plasma TV

Teacher Guide and students’ textbook teacher guide. Using these guides and other references,

teachers prepare themselves for the class depending on the lesson objectives and contents of

the day. The teachers also have to prepare their lesson plan that corresponds to the plasma TV

lesson or they can prepare their lesson plan and teach without the Plasma TV.

The Ethiopian prep curriculum follows the student-centered outcomes-based philosophy.

The minimum expected competencies for each topic are stated in the syllabus. The teachers

are expected to skillfully organize their teaching towards enabling the students to meet these

minimum learning standards or outcomes. The assessment process is stated to be a continuous

assessment with a percentage of assessment to be shared by a summative final exam test.

One of the strong sides of Plasma TV is that it demonstrates some teaching experiences

that are not accessible to the teachers. Some laboratory experiences and other learning

experiences that cannot be presented in the class by the teacher are demonstrated by the

Plasma TV teachers.

The weakness is that the Plasma TV learning experiences are rigid and not adjustable to

the pace of student learning. For this reason, the students are always felt boring because they

skip many Plasma lessons without understanding well. On the other hand, the English

language proficiency of the students also highly determined the extent to which the students

understand what is taught by the Plasma TV teachers.

Conclusions The Ethiopian Prep curriculum was compared with other college readiness curricula

depending on the criteria, such as the curriculum, settings for delivery, student participation,

instructor eligibility and training, course content, assessment, and instructional process.

These college readiness curricula are compared depending on their theories of

curriculum, the shift from the traditional content-based curriculum theory to the modern

holistic and competency approach to curriculum development is reflected in all college

readiness curricula including the Ethiopian Prep curriculum. Regarding this, Gray et al (2014)

stated that most of the curriculum reforms emphasize assessment-driven, goal-directed,

competency, and fact-based forms of learning. All of the accelerating programs are also

gradually transforming from elite to more inclusive.

In order to prepare young people for the changing needs of adult and working life, an

increasing emphasis is now given to new “key” skills and knowledge. Approaches to ensure

that the “essential” elements are included in school curricula include student entitlement,

establishing compulsory requirements, and mobilizing consumer pressure (Hughes, 2006). In

Ethiopia, the curriculum revision (MoE, 2009) was guided by the identification of the core

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competencies, curriculum standards, deriving of the contents, and assessment from these

standards depending on the minimum competencies that should be achieved.

The researchers also tried to observe the breadth of high school curriculum maps in some

high schools over the world compared to the Ethiopian Prep curriculum contents. The general

interpretation shows the researchers that the breadth and depth of the curriculum contents

show variety from country to country. For instance, one of the curricula observed was china’s

current holistic competency-based curriculum (Wang, 2019) in which the breath of the

curriculum touches almost all holistic nature of modern human development. In addition to

the breadth of the curriculum, china’s curriculum highly emphasizes closing the gaps between

theory and practice. For instance, high school students take a long time in practicum. Gray et

al (2014) also stated that most developed countries around the world give great emphasis to

Language (Literacy), Mathematics, and Science. This is also true in the Ethiopian case,

although the depth, breadth, and level of experiencing these courses may be affected by so

many contextual factors. Compared to other programs, the IB, in addition to its emphasis on

Language (Literacy), Mathematics and Science, is specifically opted to produce inquiring,

knowledgeable and the young who cares for people and who creates a suitable, more peaceful

world through intercultural respect and understanding.

Regarding the breadth and depth, the Ethiopian Prep curriculum shows problems. For

instance, some contents such as theology, music, and fine arts are very important ones that are

missed. The depth of the curriculum is not to the expected standard. For instance, regardless

of their high importance for students, the depth of technology courses such as IT, and

computer science is not adequate in the Ethiopian Prep curriculum. This is also partially

caused by the shortage of resources. For these gaps, schools and universities are facing

problems in responding to the effect of COVID-19 in their teaching-learning at this time. It is

found so difficult to train teachers and students to use technology at this time. For these

reasons, as a holistic competency-based curriculum, the Ethiopian Prep curriculum did not

reach an expected breadth and depth; and it is not in the standard of closing the gap between

theory and practice.

Another big problem in the Ethiopian Prep curriculum theory is observed in its role of

exposing students to the college experience. Compared to the other three curricular

innovations for college readiness, the Ethiopian Prep is completely detached from the college

experience. Although the Prep courses moved down to grades 11 and 12 with the intent that

they expose students to college academic rigor and expectations, in practice, they are

completely disconnected from the college experience.

As a curriculum, the Ethiopian Prep is a fully-fledged curriculum like IB, and unlike AP

and other DE courses. Unlike the AP and IB courses that are developed by CB and IBO

respectively, the Ethiopian Prep courses are assumed to be the former university introductory

freshman courses. Also, the AP and IB courses have similar pre-requisite courses in grades 9

and 10 (e.g., AP Math for grades 9 and 10) whereas the Ethiopian Prep has no such pre-

requisite similar courses in the lower grades. Additionally, AP and IB course development has

another significant difference from the Ethiopian Prep curriculum design and implementation.

Guided by clear objectives, content outlines, and assessment processes, the schools

implement, add, and reshape the curriculum in their local context during the implementation

in the case of IB and AP. For these reasons, for IB and AP, the curriculum may show

differences across schools.

Although the curriculum can show differences in design and implementation, the IB and

AP standardized assessment is centrally prepared depending on the objectives of the

curriculum contents. The central development of the objectives, the course contents, and

assessment criteria is updated year to year depending on the timely inputs from local schools

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contexts, unlike the Ethiopian Prep curriculum revision that is accomplished once in five

years. For these reasons, the curriculum is highly flexible and adaptable to the local contexts

compared to the Ethiopian Prep curriculum. The vertical design of the IB and AP curriculum

is also very strong compared to the Ethiopian Prep curriculum. The Ethiopian Prep curriculum

seems weakly built on its pre-requisites since the curriculum is said to be migrated down to

grades 11 and 12 from college. Almost all responsibility of the curriculum revision is rested

on the shoulder of the MOE and the teachers have low contributions in curriculum

development, unlike the IB and AP courses in which the teachers have the highest role in

curriculum design and implementation. Thus, the Ethiopian Prep curriculum is a more

prescribed one compared to the others.

The setting for the delivery of the courses is also another factor that differentiates these

courses. For instance, DE courses are college courses that can be delivered either in college or

in high school settings. Similarly, the Ethiopian Prep courses are college courses that

migrated down to grades 11 and 12 and are taught by high school teachers. The IB and AP

courses, like Ethiopian Prep courses, are taught by high school teachers. However, DE

courses are taught either by college instructors on college campuses or taught by college

instructors in high schools. The critics on AP and IB courses are also there on their potential

to expose the students to the college experience. The critics stated that, firstly, the courses are

taught in high schools by high school teachers. In addition, although the courses are believed

to be rigorous enough and equivalent to college courses, some critics doubt these courses’

role as preparing the students for college.

The DE courses, however, expose students to the college experience for the reason that

they are delivered in college or high schools by college instructors, though they may lack a

vertical design. In Ethiopia’s case, the Prep courses have a disconnected nature from the

college experience, although the courses are said to be moved down from college to high

school. Moving the college introductory courses down to high school by itself did not

guarantee the exposure of students to the college experience. These are due to: 1) the courses

are not horizontally designed depending on their pre-requisites; 2) the students are taught by

high school teachers although the courses are believed to be college courses; 3) unlike IB and

AP, and DE, there are no partnerships between university, the MOE, and schools in terms of

curriculum development and test development. To cover this gap, the teachers of these

courses should be either trained in college teaching qualification level or they should be the

college instructors themselves. The former Ethiopian Socialist regime’s Freshman Program

curriculum allowed the students to take these migrated courses in college by college

instructors. Also, the students stayed in college experiencing college for one year before

choosing their fields of study. They also had enough time and adequate information to think

about and choose their fields that correspond to their career interests.

Another parameter by which the Ethiopian Prep is compared with other college readiness

programs is the student participation or eligibility criteria. Regarding student eligibility and

participation criteria, the Ethiopian Prep has homogeneous criteria for all schools. The

eligibility for Prep school entrance is set by the MOE for all schools depending on the gender,

the region, and the special need. Depending on these criteria, the MOE decides the cutting

GPA of the EGESLCE GPA for these groups. However, the IB and AP course participation

and eligibility criteria are targeted to high achieving students. One of the weaknesses of the

Ethiopian Prep program is its sole focus on Affirmative Action that targeted lowering college

entry scores to support the underrepresented and disadvantaged group’s college access. The

modern models of college readiness, however, in addition to using empirically developed

Affirmative Action models, focus on research-oriented early warning intervention systems

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and multidimensional, organized support systems to make these groups college-ready (Bragg

& Taylor, 2014; Gansemer-Topf et al, 2018).

The IB and AP programs are often criticized for their discrimination against minority

groups and low achieving students (Lakes & Donovan, 2018). Compared to AP and IB, DE

courses are well known for participating low-achieving and disadvantaged groups in college

preparatory experiences. To cover the discrimination nature of IB and AP against low

achieving and disadvantaged groups, the enhanced comprehensive DE programs, such as

middle and early college high schools have been established (Edmunds et al, 2010). These

schools are targeted on the inclusive tendency in exposing all members of citizens to the

college experience. They take on a holistic approach to support students to experience

college. On the contrary, although early college students graduate from high school at a

higher rate than those students from traditional schools, they are generally considered

similarly prepared for higher education with students from traditional high schools (Edmunds

et al, 2017).

In addition, the instructor eligibility and training was taken as one of the criteria by which

these college readiness programs have been compared in this study. For IB schools, the

profile of teachers is taken along with the schools’ profiles at the time when these IB schools

apply to become IB schools for IBO. For this reason, the IBO assumes that these schools have

competent teachers to teach IB courses. However, before teaching these courses, IB teachers

must take a 3-to-5 days’ workshop at IBO. Generally, IBO depends on the quality of the

schools that deliver IB courses in determining the competency level of teachers to teach the

courses. Also, CB does not certify teachers to teach AP courses. CB delivers some 1- to -2

day workshop to teachers, counselors, and administrators on the rudiments of AP courses’

teaching. Also, the AP teachers attend summer institutes to receive some training on the

pedagogy of AP courses. For these reasons, AP and IB programs are criticized for their less

emphasis on teachers’ quality.

The Ethiopian Prep teachers are normally those who are graduated with a three-year

Bachelor’s degree in teaching. The Ethiopian Prep teachers are not assigned to Prep classes as

soon as they are graduated. The teachers need some experience in teaching and a one-year

PGDT diploma in teaching before teaching Prep courses. The English language teachers also

need some training in language and language teaching before teaching Prep English language

courses. Years ago, the Ethiopian MOE started upgrading the Prep teachers’ qualification to

MA and this is good progress in the professional development of Prep teachers. This move

aligns with the assumption that if the Prep courses are college-level courses, the teachers

should be either college instructors or those teachers who have got college-level


The course content development also varies across these programs. Regarding the AP

program, the course description and topic outline for each of the contents is prepared by the

curriculum development committee summoned by CB. The major AP course topics on the

outline are accompanied by percentages. The subtopics are listed and provided for each major

topic. The objective of the topic outlining is to indicate the scope of the course; however, the

depth of contents and the orders in which the courses are taught are balanced and achieved by

the teachers. Depending on these outlines and other guides, the teachers take a major role in

shaping and implementing the curriculum. The major areas of emphasis are given for teachers

in the AP course development process especially in percentages. The percentage of the items

included in the examination also depends on this emphasis and percentage.

Internationally selected CRC takes responsibility for developing, implementing, and

achieving a vision in each subject. The primary responsibility for curriculum development is

also is rested on the shoulder of the IBCA. During curriculum reviews, IBCA staff works with

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the IB teachers who are selected from IB member schools from around the world. The

committees for all subjects in a discipline meet jointly at IBCA. The CRC identifies topics to

be included, reviews the assessment structure, and writes the assessment statements for each

topic. A major feature of IB curriculum review is the systematic participation of subject

classroom teachers in a consultative process. The teachers’ responses to questionnaires start

IB’s curriculum review process. In the questionnaire, the teachers are asked about the

instructional time spent on each topic in the syllabus and on laboratory work for each topic, as

well as about the technology resources accessible and available to them. The curriculum

committees in all subjects make revisions to the diploma guides for each subject. The revised

versions of the curriculum guides are posted on a password-protected Website for further

teacher review and comment before being published.

Generally, the Ethiopian prep curriculum revision follows four major steps: Needs

assessment; curriculum development, or writing the curriculum; implementation; and

monitoring, and evaluation. During the needs assessment, firstly, the task force that will

conduct and oversee the curriculum development is established. Secondly, this group will

conduct a situational analysis through desk research. Thirdly, this group conducts the needs

analysis and identifies the gaps to be filled in the new curriculum revision or development

(MoE 2009). The process of writing or developing the curriculum includes tasks such as

developing the national curriculum framework; determining minimum learning competencies,

flow charts, and syllabuses for each subject; and developing textbooks and teacher guides.

The activities accomplished during the implementation stage are delivering training of the

trainers (TOT) workshops to introduce the curriculum framework and the new curricular

materials. Monitoring and evaluation include the activities, such as conducting formative

evaluations of the curriculum and invitation of external evaluators for summative curriculum


Regarding the assessment process, the AP exam allocates 50 percent of the total time to

multiple-choice questions and the rest to free-response, essay, or problem-solving questions.

Students elect the colleges to which their AP scores can be reported for future admission. This

exam makes students show the mastery of the concepts and skills learned in the course,

enabling some students to continue, as freshmen, second-year work in the sequence at their

institution. They can also be registered for courses in other fields of study for which the

general course is a prerequisite.

Another criterion by which the programs were compared was the assessment process. In

the test development process, the AP test DC consists of university instructors whereas the

Ethiopian Prep CRC does not include college instructors. The AP course content is strictly

matched against the college introductory courses during development. The AP tests are also

pilot-tested and validated in the university campuses. Other than the assumption that the

Ethiopian Prep courses are college introductory-level courses, there are no tracks that show

the alignment of Prep courses with college introductory courses during the Ethiopian Prep

curriculum review. The curriculum revision at the five-year interval is also another weakness

compared to the IB and AP programs in which the yearly revisions guide continuous

curriculum updating. Also, both AP and IB standardized assessment formats have percentages

for objective and subjective items whereas EHEEE is totally objective type.

The DE courses, which are college courses like Ethiopian PP courses, have also a

significant difference from the Ethiopian PP program in their assessment system. DE courses

do not have an identity crisis in their belongingness. This means that they are college courses

as they are said to be; they are taught by university instructors, and their assessment is

completed through instructor course grading.

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Regarding the instructional process, the AP and IB give the highest responsibility for

teachers to shape, adjust, and implement the curriculum in the classroom settings. The

teachers are given general guidelines that include objectives, lists of contents, methods of

teaching, and assessment suggestions leaving the largest job to teachers. Compared to these

programs, the Ethiopian Prep follows a more prescriptive instructional process where

teachers’ role in reshaping and contextualizing the curriculum is low.


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Submitted: May, 10th, 2021

Accepted: July, 31st, 2021