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Assignment One(task 1): The childcare and family accommodation and assistance services provide assistance to culturally diverse families and education to small children. One of the services receiving family includes Torres Strait Islanders family that is culturally diverse. The people of this culture are considered as seafaring people having a complex cultural distinction from the rest of the Australia. Their main food comprises the turtle, crayfish, crabs, and other seafood in addition to wild vegetable and fruits (Gov.Au, 2015). The main languages are the Western central Torres Strait Language, or else Kala Lagaw Ya plus the Meriam Mir is usually spoken in the eastern islands. The health issues are related with the Obesity, Asthma, alcohol-related mental in addition to behavioural disorders. The family value includes the health with holistic approach plus self-determination, sympathetic structure, however, the issues regarding the trauma and loss from the historical perspective is still present. The centrality of kinship is also present as a major family value in celebration of events. Significant celebration or events include the National Apology on February 12th, National Close the Gap Day on March 21st, National Sorry Day on May 26th, National Reconciliation Week on 27th May 3rd June and The Coming of the Light Festival on July 1st and others (QLD, 2015). Here Is Given Some Common Words Showing Difference among Language:

Source: SNAICC, 2014

Potential Impact of Service Providers Culture on the Culturally Diverse Family(task 2):There are various impacts that can potentially harm the working or services relationship between culturally diverse entities. According to National Indigenous Reform Agreement, (NIRA) service provider must acknowledge important aspect to better handle probable situation and community issues (SNAICC, 2013). However, as a services provider one must know its limitation and should have higher acceptability ratio of other opinion, culture and norms, etc. Nevertheless, the major impact that can potentially harm the association would include conflict, squabble, misunderstanding, issues and even termination of services (ABS, 2015). However, on the positive end, it can also enhance the acquaintances regarding cultural diversity, enhance the tolerance level, and provide an opportunity for better adjustments in particular situations (Qifvls, 2013). Aptitude Required for Better Relationship Maintenance(task3):There seems to be varied skills and acquaintances required intended for the superior services deliverance and better interaction and assistance with culturally diverse family. According to the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) organization the skill set includes the better acknowledgement regarding various customs, norms, family values, common perception, language understanding, practices acknowledgment etc.

Source: QLD, 2015By knowing ones language or customs help in displaying a better and respectful behaviours that assist in encouragement of superior collaboration and communication establishment (Gov.AU, 2014). Resources/Strategies Available for the Better Accommodation intended for Health and Additional Requirements(task 4):For the better welcoming and family assistance in accommodation and cultural adjustments, Australian nongovernmental support programs are one of the major resources. SNAICC, the national non-government body that is associated with the provision of Aboriginal in addition to Torres Strait Islander kids plus their families regarding various matter like housing, education, health and other Indigenous association (SNAICC, 2010). Cultural competence training strategy would be helpful for the understanding of cultural differences thus, help in better welcoming approach provision for culturally diverse children and families (HFRP, 2015). Assignment One; Activity 1: Statements:Here are given the specified statements given by the governmental and authoritative organizations in order to create and maintain best culturally diverse elements into practices. Statement Concerning Reverence for Cultural Diversity in Association with Families:Respect the uniqueness of each family and strive to learn about their culture, structure, lifestyle, customs, language, beliefs and kinship systems (Early Childhood Australia, 2015)Practical Implications:Provision of culturally competent training to the service provider, educators and associated people is considered to be highly beneficial intended for fostering mutual relationship and respect establishment among diverse cultural groups (HFRP, 2015).Statement Concerning Reverence for Cultural Diversity in Association with Children:Work to ensure children are not discriminated against on the basis of gender, age, ability, economic status, family structure, lifestyle, ethnicity, religion, language, culture, or national origin (Early Childhood Australia, 2015).Practical Implications:Strict Implication of the human rights, child laws, anti discriminatory regulations into the working practices are important to reduce and exclude the differences exist among behaviour of individuals in relations to handling and educating diverse children (ABS, 2015).

Statement Regarding Cross Cultural Acknowledgement and Association by Children:Providing for continuity in experiences and enabling children to have successful transition. (Acecqa, 2009). Practical Implications:It is highly important for the smaller children to provide them with an environment that enhance their learning and experience towards various, visible objects, customs, behaviours, language and culture. The more the knowledge is provided in visible forms such as education through video and audio methods the more would be cognitive learning increase. Thus, experiencing and celebrating specific cultural days, language, behaviour and customs would help in successful transition (Acecqa, 2009).Statement Regarding Execution of Inclusive Education Experiences:Acknowledge and support the personal strengths, professional knowledge, diversity and experience which students bring to the learning environment (Early Childhood Australia, 2015).Practical Implications:Knowledge sharing, storytelling, audio and visual presentation, cultural books, and various other aspects enhance the knowledge of culturally diverse people about another ethnicity or culture. Being a professional it turn out to be a major responsibility to provide students an inclusive learning environment that gives respect to every difference in particular. It assists in enhancing the tolerance level intended for inclusivity acceptance in the adults and knowledge and understanding in younger ones (Sterling & Huckle, 2014).

Statements Regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders cultural implication and Historical Perspective:Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have lived in Australia for tens of thousands of levels and experiences can be viewed through historical, social and political lenses (Vcaa.vic, 2015)Practical Implications:The historical, social and cultural relationship of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is the important part of Australian history and culture itself. It has become important to better understand the differences among the westernized Australians and traditional associates in order to better develop relationship and a sense of belongingness among each other. It helps in the better maintenance of the cultural features and historical background with fast moving generations. Thus, cultural education, training regarding rehabilitations, health and other aspects depends on the better acknowledgement of the cultural differences that augment collaboration, transition, learning, progress and traditions at one place (ABS, 2015).

Assignment 1; Activity 2:Historical Issues of Aboriginal people commencing Regional or State Services:According to ABS, (2015) there are various factor present associated with tradition and historical issues that impact cultural presence of the diverse grouping in contemporary environment. Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders both have along historical stories regarding issues and conflicts. During 1936 the Maritime strike created issues between government and islanders. However after the Aboriginal Protection Act of 1939 the issues got more complicated due to the aboriginals were given priority over islanders opportunities. Thus, from the 1960s migration and 1980s call of independence to the 1992s Meriam possession of the island has impacted the communities evidently. The governmental and regional issues regarding land, budget, and ownership indirectly created varied issues regarding Racism, cultural differences, aggression and other issues. According to the Ways Forward report (1995) the historical issues have influenced the aboriginal and islander both drastically and the results arrived in speculation of racism, lack of acknowledgment commencing Torres Strait Islanders existence such as distinguished in addition to unique cultural cluster. In addition, inappropriate representation, prohibiting plus antagonism commencing Aboriginal groups whilst endeavour to obtain services (Acecqa, 2009).Aboriginal Concept of Family and Community:Family and kinship:According to the Firestone et al., (2014) the Aboriginal kinship in addition to family arrangement are highly unified, interconnected and consistent plus it also forces relationships and associations that attach Aboriginal people collectively in entire Australia. The conceptions of the Aboriginal families are related with the speculations of the psychological plus emotional assistance to each other. People are not only concerned for the aboriginal individuals however, for other ethnicities as well. Aborigines people are found to be following European communal penchant in favour of nuclear ancestors by means of few kinship errands. In addition, WWT, (2015) stated that Aboriginal family compulsions frequently observed as nepotism through former Australians, may perhaps reflects cultural values, concerning kinship accountabilities, a sense of sharing and family support in particular.Impact of Historical Dilemmas and Cultural Aspects on Aboriginal Contribution towards Work:The impact of the historical issues reflects on personal and professional behaviour of people and these influences can be observed through the Workplace behaviour of aboriginals and communication way evidently. Resist speaking in group meetings and presentation in condition of only their existence in the group as aboriginal. They feel it obligatory to work more than the working hour to complete the work or to support their kinship grouping and family. Communication influenced in front of racist people or culturally diverse working environment. Aboriginal perspective towards the other clientele is holistic that is exclusive of a lot of the functional limitations so as European/Western culture (Ndcoaware, 2014).

Assignment Two: For the higher learning and superior experiential education among the children strategic, understanding and fun oriented approach is required. Every child is different from each other so as their understanding level and interest aspects. According to Hughes, (2015) provision of active learning environment is highly significant intended for childs learning procedure. Being a service provider of the early child education specifically in the diverse and culturally different ambience, it becomes important to proffer a unique, exclusive and active learning atmosphere.For this, the activity of learning and educating by video and objects models is considered to be appropriate. Utilization of five senses in learning process enhances the erudition pace and child gets acquainted with the new things, objects, and customs rapidly. This activity is great for the early childhood learning however there are some of the resources required for the effective implementation of the program activity. First of all, the educational time is required to be breakdown into segments to exclude the risk of child boredom in learning phase. In addition, superior input and attention is also required as well as the educators who have greater knowledge and experience regarding handling of diverse children would better implement the activity (CFK, 2015). The superior communication and understating level would also help in effective provision of the children in learning process. The traditional approach of providing education through using illustrative style is replaced by showing and displaying things to enhance the learning level among child. This, modifications has certainly enhanced the transition, adjustment and learning in diverse stipulations. Moreover, the behaviour of the children during the learning timing and gaming period, any issue or act that should be concerned is effectively communicated with the parents and families via email, telecommunication or face to face meetings. It is, to better mitigate the factor obstructing learning process of children in diverse environment and learning arrangements (SNAICC, 2010).For the appreciation of the natural environment on the childs learning and creating love for the nature in their mind various activities are utilized. It include the learning environment full of natural possessions like flowers, plants, or bird feeder as it helps in establishment of sympathetic and interesting emotions in child. Involvement is also done via playing games like treasure hunting in which natural objects like leaves, stones, twigs, and seeds should be discovered by child. Like every early education service provider, the philosophy (Eeccc, 2015). The service philosophy of the organization depends on the responsive, progressive, and educational program provision. The curriculum represent the professional approach that enhances through the active learning experience, varied approaches and educational processes, The culturally competent staff assist in the enhancement of children knowledge and make them a responsible and collaborative individual by enhancing their recognition towards natural objects and social activities. Assignment Three:According to Child-Development, (2014) the learning process in child cognitive brain starts in the early 5 years of birth more comprehensively. Children tend to imitate what they see and observe from their environment whether from family or school or learning environment. Thus, as per the case study, Linda being sustainability oriented and highly responsible citizen and educator introduced an ethical and environmental friendly activity thus, it is required to be continued as well. This will impact positive on the child brain regarding non wastage of food, water and other material and will help in continuing these activities throughout their lives (Case Study). Linda has involved other teachers and educator to start practicing the new activity of water storage for plant watering and fruit traces in the compost pit. However, she has not explained the real reason of the activity which resulted in the teachers antagonism towards this activity. Thus, it would be better if Linda first explain the situation and its impacts to the teachers and provide information regarding her experience to make them feel comfortable and happy towards the green activity provision at the school. On the other hand, Linda can enhance the involvement of children by involving them into collection of water and throwing fruit traces into compost pit by their selves and the result should be shown to children as well. It will somewhere impact on the learning behaviour of children. The new activity execution will enhance the positivity, love and responsibility towards natural resources not only in the childrens learning but on the other teachers as well (Case Study).Assignment Three; Activity 1:Workplace Assessment:Here is presented a self assessment regarding the workplace practices and their fulfilment or non fulfilment of the quality areas obliged by National Quality Standards for Child Education and child Care and School age Care (NSQ) appropriately Information Assembled (Early Childhood Australia,. 2015). Parents: The parents provided information regarding the childs satisfied and contended attitude after coming from school and their teacher collaboration is also found to be flexible and concerted.Children: Usually children look satisfied, happy and often the interest level of the children regarding various things is higher. However, sometime issue in understating due to verbal and non verbal communication approaches (Eeccc, 2015). Staff Members: These are highly supportive towards the better nurturing of diverse children learning process and positive attitude is demonstrated through their behaviour. However, sometime issues rose among learning activities execution like involvement in social activities of planting etc. Community: Community is found to be quite supportive in providing assistance and support for the culturally diverse families and children. However, varied issues regarding racism and unethical behaviour damage the learning procedure. However, due to the strict policies execution has minimized these issues in educational organization as well (Early Childhood Australia, 2015).Strengths:Here are given the major strength of the organization: Superior communication Higher collaboration Inclusive learning environment Happy children behaviour Family Trust and ConfidenceIssues:Here are the main issues that require a more holistic approach for resolution. Conflict of Interest Working practices and learning criterions differentiation Racisms LanguageRecommendations:As per the guidelines provided by Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Standards here are given recommendations for betterment of services: Increase the educational level intended for the elevation of tolerance level among staff as per the cultural diversity aspects (Early Childhood Australia,. 2015). Provide cultural competence training to staff. Increase communication among parents and teacher to better provide learning environment in the school and home for superior learning. Educate staff and children both for language understanding through various educational approaches (Early Childhood Australia, 2015).

Assignment 3 Activity 3:Quality Improvement Plan:According to Sterling & Huckle, (2014) educational criterion for the enhancement of the children knowledge depends totally on the enhancement of the expertise of the teachers. The younger and school going children dont have the ability to understand the impact of various learning factors. Teacher, educator is considered to be one of the major elements that can mould pessimistic factors into affirmative one for the betterment of the children education. However, it totally depends on their own capability, understanding, education, cultural tolerance and related factor to provide neutral, beneficial and superior services for the childrens education, future and personality development. Thus, the quality area that has been selected for the enhancement of the quality is related with the expertise creation among teachers so that they turned out to be highly competitive and understanding fostering superior learning environment for small children in particular (SNAICC, 2010).These are the quality areas that require improvement in particular. Development of improved skills in order to utilize suitable evaluation of young children intended for effective education and personality development. To enhance communication and working with the childrens families specifically culturally diverse families (Eeccc, 2015). Enhanced skills, aptitude and expertise regarding better acknowledging and resolution intended for addressing childrens demanding attitude and behaviour. To enhance additional comfort in addition to skills in functioning by means of culturally plus linguistically diverse children during educational period (CFK, 2015).

Factors To Be Consider For Quality And Improvement In Educational Program:

Trained early childhood educational faculty

Superior specialized development chances for Teachers

Accreditation intended for eminence and development

Research based Practise Execution

Field wide consensus

Source: ECRP, 2015Criterion to be implemented for improvement: Training and Development opportunities for the teachers to enhance their capabilities regarding varied languages and culture. Redesigning as well as development of new coursesand learning activities to enhance quality education (Gov.Au, 2015). Teachers and students supplementary association with the field experiences in order to develop higher experiential learning and help in cultural adjustments and transition. Strict policies implementation is of the national quality standards and governmental obligation to enhance quality education. It is important to have a superior no of facility related to the Early Childhood for the effective educational experience. It also required that teachers practice research based activities that have been proven as excellent for childhood learning (ECRP, 2015). Opportunities rearing Accreditation program are also indispensible for quality improvement in particular. It can be via executed via commitment in self-study activity or through capitulation of request intended for accreditation. Sharing of knowledge through various graduates and early childhood educational diplomas and other educational methods should employ with the NAEYSs status and information to better implement quality program alterations and activities of improvement (ECRP, 2015).

Portfolio 1:Portfolio Resource Booklet:Here is given the portfolio resource booklet intended for the enhancement of the organizational learning, knowledge, cultural competence and collaboration. Communication and Development of Relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders:Effective communication is considered to be highly effective and crucial for the creation of better relationship and association among working environments. According to Green et al., (2014) effective cross cultural communication skill development is necessary as the increased globalization and interaction among culturally diverse people has become major requirement to create environmental, social and political peace. Thus, In Australia, there is a significant requirement present regarding effective two way communication with indigenous as well non indigenous individuals among the hospital, schools, organization and in general stipulations. As the Aboriginal and Islanders events as Sorry Day and NAIDOC are also celebrated on the national level by the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI, 2015). On the health and educational sector it is important to know about the history, customs and language in order to better provide services to aboriginal and Torres Islanders people. There are various diseases like obesity, asthma, trauma, drinking related issues is related with Aboriginals and Torres Islander people thus, and effective communication is also required to provide health services to the people. Moreover, there are various support agencies, governmental and nongovernmental organizations working for the superior services provision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (QLD, 2015). It includes the names of: Early Childhood Australia. Early Education & Child Care Centre. Department for Communities and Social Inclusion. Early Childhood Research & Practice. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care. Australian Childrens Education & Care Quality Authority. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Islander Studies.Here are given some strategies to better provide ability for effective communication among clientele, co-workers, patients, and children and to better mitigate the issues regarding cross cultural misunderstandings. First of all, aboriginal and Torres Islander people should be provided with an effective, flexible and open environment so that can feel better and communicate effectively in response. It can be done via including some signage, architectural work as well as visual cues to shown welcoming ambience (QLD, 2013). For effective communication it is important to shown flexible behaviour through non verbal communication. It includes smiling and nodding gesture in particular. Create association prior to coming on the main agenda like share information regarding personal credentials, family or work in organization (Green et al., 2014). Due to Aboriginal and Islanders non usage of the common and Standard Australian English language and it is basically their third or fourth dialect so stop asking questions in high class English. In addition, dont expect answers in expert English rather show attentive behaviour to shown flexibility. It is important on the health sector specifically to use interpreter person in case of non understanding of the aboriginal or islander language to better communicate the health issues. However, it should also be make sure that the information that is passing is accurate o not. Provide an open and comfortable environment that doesnt make Aboriginal and Islander people ashamed regarding anything to avoid miscommunication due to cultural differences. Dont discuss personal issues and problem into public to avoid feeling of embarrassment (QLD, 2013). Dont look straight into eyes as this can be understood as disrespecting in aboriginals and islanders. Dont try to answer in the same style or accent as they can perceive it mimicry or a condition of making fun. In addition, dont talk about the things you dont now about culture aspect to avoid creating misunderstand among clients (QLD, 2013). Try to learn their language help in better understating of the children concerns thus, teachers should be provided with training to better handle their relation with children and families.

Portfolio 2; Page 1:Portfolio Resource Booklet Fostering Holistic Wellbeing and Development of Children:Development Fine and Gross Motor skills in children:According to Child-Development, (2015) it is important for the children development and wellbeing to better get skills and understanding of the various activities and become able to do it by their selves. Gross motor skill help in better performing daily working like walking, picking running etc and fine skills help in writing, cutting etc. Here is given a chart that would help in better fine and gross skills development (NCAC, 2008). Play Jar: Use the bilateral integration method by asking kids to open jar lid put something in and close it with or without help (Child-Development, 2015). Play Dough: It is a good and likable game by children and it also help in generating fine skills as squeezing and stretching etc. through hand. Finger Painting: Finger maintaining is another great option for enhancing the childs hand-eye harmonization plus physical dexterity. Play: Playgrounds with lots of passageway, ladders, and swings in addition to slides will provide physical exercise and will enhance the gross motor skills (NCAC, 2008).

Child Need of Privacy:An environment of flexibility that provides children privacy and area to enhance its thinking capabilities is important. Thus, things like pencil boxes and possessions holders with names of children help in associating their selves with their object and bring a sense of private acquisitions. In addition, however, sometime the educators are required to provide privacy to the children when they require it. Here is given the criterion that should be used while monitoring the requirement for privacy.

Source: OWFC, 2011In addition, according to Good-Start, (2014) the utilization of various resources including Tepees can be helpful however; the teachers and educator must have a sight of the children to avoid any risk. Moreover, for the social up bringing the educators are required to provide objects, things that enhance interaction among children and discuss about objects that create interest resulting higher communication. Opportunities for Understanding Ethical issues:According to Good-Start, (2014) there are various ethical issues and dilemmas present that are required to be addressed in front of school going and smaller children. The reason behind is to elevate a sense of doing good, ethical and right. Thus, children should be visited with the educationist guidance to the community parks and grounds in order to find any issues that require concern. One of the issues as the lost things should be given back to the owner. Childers are asked in this activity that what should they with the lost things. Thus, recognition and providing things back to the owner help building a positive association towards good and community work in children perception. Opportunities to Create Self Image and Identity:OWFC, (2011) demonstrated that emotional progression is as important as mental development, thus, it is highly important to provide children with an ability to develop a constructive self-identity and image. Thus, transition commencing residence to the school should be assisted by collaboration with children and provision of belongingness and emotional development. This can be attained via: An educational culture and ambience fostering value, admiration, respect to children. Focused time allocation commencing every child in the room (Green et al., 2014). Cultural diversity in addition to dissimilarities should be affirmatively addressed. Family participation should be encouraged along with contribution towards local community (Good-Start, 2014). Demonstration of caring behaviour, warmth, responsiveness and considerate to kids. Teaching and classification of individuals feelings and information regarding children concerning varied opinions (Good-Start, 2014).Opportunities Regarding Feeling Expression:It is important to provide children time, space in addition to aptitude to replicate an experience and develop feeling expression and release in accordance (Eeccc, 2015). Here are given methods to help in doing so:Proffer experience regarding interesting and wonderful objects. Varied question should be asked to create interest and help in encouragement of problem solving. Invite children to employ their mind's eye in addition to suppose dissimilar means (Child-Development, 2015). Proffer occasion to involve children in group learning courses. Provide sensory experiences to the child to enhance their ability of feeling release as watering plant for smelling and singing songs for listing and repeating (Good-Start, 2014).Opportunities to Involve Children in Technology and Science Experiences:Provide opportunities regarding better development sense regarding technology. It includes the use of video games, I pads utilization for learning process. It will help in creating recognition regarding technology optimization. In addition, utilization of neuroscience assistance for the creation of knowledge in brain requires association with the external environment. Thus, science fundamentals and process should be demonstrated via various activities as it helps in the better learning and acquisition. Here is the given the process to be used for technology experience in early education (Good-Start, 2014).

Source: OWFC, 2011Challenging Environment:Provide play based learning experience to the children in order to create a sense of problem solving and risk taking among children. It includes games like Puzzle solving, building and construction, freeze and others. Thus, an environment with it lots of objects to be learned from and educators guidance is required (Good-Start, 2014).Opportunities for Complex Thinking:Involve childrens in role play and other similar activities to enhance their capability regarding thinking and acting as per the role requirement. In addition, storytelling through utilization of objects and materials and ask question in accordance for their increased involvement in complex thinking is also effective (CFK, 2015).Utilization of Everyday Material:Creative and productive material includes to enhance learning capability of the usage if various material into working is important as part of learning process. It includes (Child-Development, 2011). Wooden toys, plastic balls, cups, Coloured glass beads, Fur print material, Scarves, Baskets Soft toys Rattles (wooden or silver) Music boxes blocks Drop boxes Rings and basesListen and Response To Language:Provide an ambiance that provides learning through singing and poem plus rhyming so that children would become able to respond in accordance. However, the children family and educator are also required to learn specific things to pace up the learning process (OWFC, 2011). Opportunities to Engage Children with Diverse Cultures:Provide information through pictures, books, objects, stories and other audio and visual materials regarding culture to create a sense of belongingness and understanding various cultural aspects (OWFC, 2011).Environment Demonstrating Home Language and Standards Australian Language:home language in toddlers and small children doesnt only relate to complex home language however, it is the expression and way of behaving to express feeling of anger, happiness, etc. thus, in order to assure a sense of belonging to the kids it is important to provide them with resources that is related with home language whether they are familiar with Standard Australian English language or not. Thus, contribution from childrens family and teacher is the main requirement for communication support (ABS, 2015). Resources for Enhancing Image and Prints:Storytelling and showing pictures and prints related to the learning material enhance the ability to increase the understanding of the children. Thus, audio, visual and story reading with images is significant for early childhood learning process (Good-Start, 2014).Inclusive Curriculum:Executing quality curriculum efficiently in to the learning environment to bring excellence is important. Inclusive curriculum main requirement include the Curriculum decision making process that donate in every childs erudition plus progression result in association with individuality, alliance by means of commune, happiness, self-assurance at the same time as learner in addition to efficiency as communicators (Good-Start, 2014).Portfolio Three:Resources Providing Information Regarding:Implementation of NFQ:The following links website provides information regarding the implementation of NFQ in educational Sector: file:///C:/Users/02/Downloads/Working_with_Aboriginal_and_Torres_Strait_Islander_People_Literature_Review_2013.pdf Harmon, G. (2015). Australia as a higher education exporter. International Higher Education Smith, A., Latter, S., & Blenkinsopp, A. (2014). Safety and quality of nurse independent prescribing: a national study of experiences of education, continuing professional development clinical governance. Journal of advanced nursing, 70(11), 2506-2517.Quality Improvements Plan:The following link provides information regarding the implementation Quality Improvements Plan: and Revise Quality Improvements Plan: Hou, A. Y. C. (2014). Quality in cross-border higher education and challenges for the internationalization of national quality assurance agencies in the Asia-Pacific region: the Taiwanese experience. Studies in Higher Education, 39(1), 135-152.QIP in Education: and Rating Information: of Global Sustainability Issues: Sterling, S., & Huckle, J. (Eds.). (2014). Education for sustainability. Routledge.Sustainable Practices and Sustainable Strategies: Hou, A. Y. C. (2014). Quality in cross-border higher education and challenges for the internationalization of national quality assurance agencies in the Asia-Pacific region: the Taiwanese experience. Studies in Higher Education, 39(1), 135-152. Morris, J., Grimmer, K., Gilmore, L., Perera, C., Waddington, G., Kyle, G., ... & Murphy, K. (2014). Principles to guide sustainable implementation of extended-scope-of-practice physiotherapy workforce redesign initiatives in Australia: stakeholder perspectives, barriers, supports, and incentives. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 7, 249.Education Children knowledge Importance Of environment preservation: