






















PAVIMIENTO / FLOOR COVERINGS Crema Grecia Classico, Authentic 1L Bronze 24x220x1,35 cm by L’ ANTIC COLONIALREVESTIMIENTO / WALL COVERINGS Crema Grecia Classico by L’ ANTIC COLONIAL

TECHO / CEILING COVERINGS Authentic 1L Chrome 24x220x1,35 cm by L’ ANTIC COLONIALCOCINA / KITCHEN PREMIUM E7.30 Roble Authentic Chrome by GAMADECOR











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customer care (+34) 901 100 201w w w . a n t i c c o l o n i a l . c o m



14 9TH ARCHITECTURE AND INTERIOR DESIGN PRIZES 2016A gala dinner was held at the Ritz Hotel the highlight of which was, as it isevery year, the much-anticipated awards ceremony.20 PRIZES Read all the details about the winning projects in the twocategories: Projects for the Future and Finished Projects.

24 ZAHA HADID Noken presented the impressive collection designed bythis architect for the bathroom firm, and we publish one of the latest interviewswith Hadid who won the Pritzker Prize in 2004.

28 23RD INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE SHOW The eightfirms of Porcelanosa Group introduce their most outstanding new products tothe public with high-tech and premium materials taking pride of place.

38 FOSTER+PARTNERS If you want to know what the TONO bathroomset designed by this London studio for the Group is like, keep reading.

40 VV BOLNUEVO CASA FLOTANTE The Muher studio reshapes a houseperched on a cliff on the coast of Murcia.


66 CITIES & ARCHITECTS Travel to seven of the most innovative cities inthe world following in the wake of seven incredibly talented architects. FromTadao Ando’s almost artisanal purity to Jean Nouvel’s exquisite mise en scene.

74 CASA LA ILLA Miralbo Urbana surprises again with a luxury villa withspectacular finishes in materials from Porcelanosa Group.

80 QUIQUE DACOSTA Get a look at the kitchen that was designed by thisthree-Michelin-starred chef and Gamadecor.


100 INTERVIEW WITH LUIS FERNÁNDEZ-VEGA SANZ He presentshis new medical facilities and speaks about his two foundations.


106 TALKING ABOUT... Architect Renzo Piano’s first residential project inAmerica: Eighty Seven Park, in Miami Beach.

















COVER PHOTOS: 1. Norman Foster / Photo: Manolo Yllera2. Rafael Moneo / Photo: Javier Arcenillas3. Daniel Libeskind / Photo: Stefan Ruiz4. Renzo Piano / Photo: Stefano Goldberg5. Zaha Hadid / Photo: Mary McCartney6. Souto de Moura / Photo: Augusto Brázio7. Jean Nouvel / Photo: Gaston Bergeret 8. Tadao Ando / Photo: Getty 9. Richard Rogers / Photo: Benedict Johnson10. Patricia Urquiola / Photo: Manolo Yllera11. Lázaro Rosa-Violán / Photo: Daniel Alea12. Quique Dacosta / Photo: Susana MartínezConcept sketch: ©Norman Foster.

Architects, designers, interior designers. They are theprotagonists of a vital and dynamic sector, of a world in whichprojects emerge from dreams, become ideas and come truethanks to the work of hundreds, of thousands of professionals.A sector in which big names move ideas and investments, andwhich combines culture, technology, industry and marketing.A world made up of beautiful work with enormous socialimport that leaves no one unmoved. And here, right at itsheart, is Porcelanosa Group and its eight brands, workingwith the protagonists in the sector to make the most ambitiousand avant-garde projects come come to life – those whichposition us as a global benchmark.Evidence of this is the success of the PorcelanosaArchitecture and Interior Design Prizes, already in their9th edition. Via these awards, Porcelanosa Group payshomage to the architects and designers who, with theirbrilliant talent and their vision of the future, aim to design aworld of beauty and balance, and achieve it.

EDITORIAL BOARDCristina Colonques

Francisco PerisFélix Balado

PUBLISHEREdiciones Condé Nast S.A.


ART & DESIGN DIRECTORVital R. García Tardón

TRANSLATORSPaloma Gil (English)

Geneviève Naud (French)Lionbridge (Russian / Polish)

Asia Idiomas (Chinese)Pichamonch Pintola (Thai)

COPY EDITORMonique Fuller (English)

COORDINATIONMarta Sahelices (Project Coordinator)

Andrea Morán (Print Edition)Sara Morillo and Bettina Dubcovsky


PHOTOGRAPHERSRubén Poré, Sergio Martínez, Jose Luis

Abad, IDP, Juan de la Cruz Megías

PRODUCTIONFrancisco Morote (Director)

Rosana VicenteJuan Ignacio Bocos

Fernando Bohúa

RESEARCHReyes Domínguez (Director)

Eva Vergarachea

PHOTO LABEspacio y Punto

PRINTINGA.G.S. & Altair Impresia

BINDINGFelipe Méndez

Catalogue no.: M-39590-2012

Big names



Only the fish are missing

The Paloma Cañizares studio isa multidisciplinary company thatbegan working on architecture and

interior design projects in 2005. With thecrisis, which first affected us in 2009,came opportunities and projects that wereall about diversifying and venturing intofields that were as unknown as they werefascinating.

At the core of my work I have alwaysviewed creative possibilities separatelyfrom whatever means of expression orbudgets were available. Thus, a first facetwas my experience as a teacher, lecturingfor the IED degree in Interior Design, andas a tutor for the postgraduate course inCreativity and Research (EDL) at the samedesign school. Another – more unusual– facet was the creation of a designedition brand ( that,from the outset, has brought to light thetalent of young and unknown designers.This business line, which values creativityabove everything else, is in stark contrastto a project with a French multinational(specialised in DIY and selling homewares)for which we are a trend consultant andcoordinate their departments related tointerior decoration. This was a challengethat I could not resist, and soon we willsee the fruit of this collaboration thataims to improve the design quality of itsproducts. The future looks exciting andwith these different lines of work we canmodify, suggest and develop anything:from a handle, wallpaper and textiles, toexperimental pieces in resin, artisanal workwith ceramists, furniture, indoor spaces andarchitecture – from things on the tiniestscale to the largest. Everything is important.



Drawing inspiration from nature, as they always do,the bothers Fernando and Humberto Campana havecreated Aquário, the new cabinet by BD Barcelona.“Aquariums were our inspiration when we designedthis piece,” says Fernando, the younger of theBrazilian designers. For his part, Humberto admits thatcombining things is what he most enjoys: “We lovecreating hybrids using two different materials, onewarm and the other cold. This has become a part ofour vocabulary when it comes to designing. We alsowanted to play with the idea of different weights, withthe light look of glass, and the solid look of wood: thesubtleness of the former and the physical presence ofthe latter.” Aquário is made of wood – ash or stainedpine – and coloured glass. The shelves inside are alsoof glass to maintain the transparency of the materialand for light to pass through it. The Campanas opened their studio in São Paulo (Brazil) in1983 and, very quickly, they were internationally acclaimed for their original furniture like theirVermelha and Favela chairs. Thanks to that recognition, they have been able to collaborate withfirms such as Alessi, Baccarat, Camper, Cosentino, Edra, Fendi, Grendene, H. Stern, Lacoste,Louis Vuitton, Moleskine, Skitsch and Venini, to name just a few. Today, they have extended theiractivity to the fields of interior design, architecture, landscape gardening, set design, fashion,and art collaborations. The work of the Campanas – whose creations all have a Brazilian feelto them – involves the transformation, reinvention and integration of artisanal work into anindustrial production. Colours, combinations and creative chaos.

ILLUMINATED ZOOIsidro Ferrer (Madrid, 1963),together with LZFLamps (, lights us up with hisElephant and his Fish, two hugestanding lamps (standing, ofcourse, as they have legs) fromthe Funny Farm collection. Hand-crafted completely in wood, theselight sculptures – as tall as a person, and fun

yet elegant – are ideal for any ambiance. The Elephant, with itscolossal ears and trunk, emits its light from its gentle heart, and theFish, from the intimate depths of its body.

customer service line:0800 915 4000



The art of getting customers to fall in love

Once upon a time, there was a tile. Atile that evolved, enduring thanklesstimes in architecture until it became

an essential design element in its own right.We are creatures of habit, and our firstimpression is always based on a projectedimage – and this also applies to our specificfield: the world of design. Everythingdepends on how we see a product or aspace. The strongest curiosity we can feelis perhaps that which makes us run ourhand over a surface. Until today, we haveregarded tile cladding as a mere carapacefor objects or spaces – and has often notbeen very appealing from an aestheticalpoint of view. Seen as something practicaland useful, there to protect an interior fromexterior attacks, from acts of vandalism,from wear and tear or time – and that,without a break, relentlessly continues,ending up devouring everything.

But times have changed, and todayour doors open onto a more aestheticallypleasing and attractive world; one thatis indisputably more useful. We nowdress spaces that used to seemunavoidably boring or ugly. Geometricalpatterns, fashionable colours, irregularsurfaces… In a nutshell, a new way ofdressing or cladding our home interiorswith a bit of limitless creativity. Andwe should not forget that they have apersonality of their own. Long live thesenew ways of designing!



TileStyle, Porcelanosa Group’s flagship showroom in Dublin has been awardedthe 2016 Bathroom Retailer of the Year Prize in the United Kingdom and Ireland.A prize that was presented at the influential KBBReview Retail & Design Awardsand celebrated at a grand party at Birmingham’s Hilton Metropole Hotel, hosted byrenowned comedian Dara O’Briain. Tony Murphy, the proud Sales Director of the Irishshowroom could not hide his feelings when he got onto the stage to collect the award:“We are all absolutely thrilled. It is great being recognised in this important way byour own industry. Having won the honour of being regarded as ‘the 2016 NationalRetail Shop of the Year’ is the proof that this will be a fantastic year for TileStyle!”The professional space at TileStyle in Ballymount reflects a seamless know-how oftechnique, creativity and artwhen it comes to showcasingeverything needed for a dreambathroom: from ceramicsto wooden floors – withnatural stone, hand basins,toilets, showers and all otheraccessories in between.Congratulations!







FOREVER,ZAHA HADIDOriginally published inXL version, the bookZaha Hadid. CompleteWorks 1979–2009 (Tascheneds.) is now availablein commercial format sothat we can all have amemento of Zaha Hadid(Baghdad 1950, Miami2016) in our homes.

The TileStyleshowroom, in Dublin,won the 2016Bathroom Retailer ofthe Year prize at thefamous KBBReviewRetail & DesignAwards.

Mona Hatoum at the Tate Modern

PROTAGONISTSNEWS ART Texts: Bettina Dubcovsky


The Louvre Museum in Paris and theRijksmuseum in Amsterdam have jointly

acquired and will alternately exhibit the portraitsof Maerten Soolmans and his wife, Oopjen

Coppit, painted by Rembrandt van Rijn in1634. These paintings, which have been in

private collections for four centuries, nowmake their public debut and will be exhibited at

the Dutch museum for three months startingin June. Then, the famous couple, eternallyunited, will travel to Paris and will always be

close by for the public to see.


This is the biggest exhibition that Londonhad devoted to Mona Hatoum (Beirut,1952) and it is certainly high time. TheTate Modern presents a tour that embraces35 years of work by this Lebanese artistof Palestinian descent, based in Londonsince 1975 – the year when war broke outin Lebanon. Art then became her shelter.When she started in the ‘80s, she createdemotional videos and performancesfocused on the impact that bodies have onthe eyes of others. In the ‘90s, exploringthe possibilities of large-scale installations,

she went further by prompting the reactions of viewers as she engaged them to take inthe conflicting emotions with which she still works today. She started taking familiar, daily,domestic objects such as chairs, kitchen utensils or tools and transforming them into foreignobjects: for instance, hand-grenades (made of plastic or aluminium), barbed wire and electricfences, and other “dangerous” objects that generate feelings of strangeness and threat. Herwork forces us to think, to reflect, then to simply enjoy ourselves. Via metaphors of violence,oppression, and voyeurism, Hatoum – who draws inspiration from the neatness of minimalismand conceptualism – subverts them and elaborates on the arguments, contradictions andcomplexities of international politics, while also addressing the human body, family and women– doing so through juxtapositions of opposites. The exhibition at the Tate Modern, a largemirror for Hatoum’s work, showcases a selection of her most emblematic installations and 35drawings based on her political vision and concept of aesthetics.

























































Photo: Portrait of Maerten Soolmans (1634). Acquired by The Netherlandsfor the Rijksmuseum. Portrait of Oopjen Coppit (1634). Acquired by France for the

Louvre Museum. © RMN-Grand Palais / Mathieu Rabeau

Until 2014, almost invariablyalone in my studio, I created mysmall-format collages. Later, a

chance encounter, one of those crucialturning points in life, launched me intoa new world – the world of theatre setsand costume design. For many, the linkbetween collage and theatre may be hazy,yet for me it is like going beyond simplytravelling on a single trip.

The materials, spaces, dimensions,light... The starting point of both ways ofworking is the same: the mind. Everythingbegins with the search for ideas, inventingworlds, stories, concepts... They appearto be quite different formats, but bothare all about creating worlds. Each blanksheet of paper is a challenge – just likean empty stage. A door that leads to anunknown world and opens in front ofme… and every time, without a secondthought, I leap inside. P












AN INTERNATIONALLYRENOWNEDCOMPETITIONThe gala dinner and awards ceremony of Porcelanosa Group’s Architectureand Interior Design Prizes were held, for the second year in a row,in the Salón Real at Madrid’s Ritz Hotel. At this 9th edition, it brought together,once again, the world’s most esteemed architects.


Last 11 May, Madrid’s history-laden Ritz Hotel rolled out thered carpet for the awards ceremony of the 9th Architectureand Interior Design PORCELANOSA Group Prizes. It wasa splendid conclusion to this renowned competition that this yearrecognised yet again the path of great professionals and studentswho are trying to change the world with their exceptional andcutting-edge projects.

This 9th edition of the awards recognised the professionalismand know-how of the work included in the categories of FinishedProjects and Projects for the Future (in turn with categoriesfor Professionals and Students). In the latter category, whichconsisted of the design of a concept store, the prize was won bystudent Ángela Acevedo del Álamo from the Escuela Vinsac, whopresented The Wave, a vibrant space devoted to culture in whichthe mineral compact Solid Surface Krion® played a leading role.

In the professional category of Projects for the Future,

the prize went to Héctor Romero García, from Estudio Volteo,who presented a futuristic concept store based on the world ofrobotics.

The prize in the Finished Projects category was won by JaimeSanahuja, Juan Trilles, Erik Herrera, Javier Poyatos and MiguelBartolomé, from the renowned Sanahuja & Partners architecturestudio for their admirable restructuring of the Paseo Vista Alegrein Alcossebre, Castellón. The project included both the renovationof the tourist information office and the pedestrianisation of theroad that incorporated the quality and exceptional durability oftechnical porcelain stoneware by Urbatek.

Special mentions were awarded to the Miralbo Urbana studiofor its use of materials from Porcelanosa Group for its LaIlla project; Teresa Marzo, architect of the Vía Célere real estatecompany, for her energy-efficient design of this company’s newfacilities, and the Cabinet Jean-Pierre Meignan architecture studio

for the best façade of the year, thatof the Global Innovation Centre ofthe Roullier group in Saint Malo.

Additionally, a moving tributewas paid to two great professionalcareers: architect Andrés PereaOrtega, who won an honoraryprize for his contribution tothe development of Spanisharchitecture, and a posthumousaward to Anglo-Iranian architectZaha Hadid, from Zaha HadidDesign, for her contribution to theworld of architecture.

The awards ceremony, heldat the luxurious Ritz Hotel, wasattended by approximately 220people including the finalists andwinners, managing directors of allthe Group’s firms, and clients andprofessionals from all over Spainand abroad – the USA, the UK andFrance. The host for the eveningwas PORCELANOSA Group’sCEO María José Soriano.

In addition to the dinner andawards ceremony, the publicenjoyed an elegant cocktail partyin one of the halls adjoiningthe Salón Real.


From left to right,for every photo1. Victor Nebot and CarlosSerra, from Mercader deIndias; Ángel Fito, fromFran Silvestre Architects;José Martí, from RStudio;José María Colonques,Porcelanosa Director inValencia; M. Ángeles Ros,from RStudio; FranciscoFernández, MahrusnAlmariami, and Adel Alshekh.2. Gaspar Sánchez Moro,from GSM Architects,with José Antonio Pérez,Managing Director ofPorcelanosa Madrid.3. Eduard Permanyer, fromTDA Arquitectura, witharchitect Ana Riera andFidel Santiago, ManagingDirector of PorcelanosaCatalunya.4. Marta Aguado Rubio andSantos Montoro.5. Juan Beldarrain, MónicaSan Juan Zabaleta andÁlvaro Montejo, ManagingDirector of Jorge FernándezCerámicas.6. Konstantino Tousidonis,Ángel Ramos and FernandoMena, from TousidonisAnisi Arquitectura, withRomán Fernández, fromPorcelanosa Sevilla.7. Andrés Perea and PilarMoreno Artero.8. Antonio Valldecabres,Regional Manager ofBanco Santander, with hiswife, Montserrat Llull, andAnna Colonques, CFO ofPorcelanosa Group.

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From left to right,for every photo11. Cristina Colonques,Communications &Marketing Director ofPorcelanosa Group; RamónEsteve and Marta Riopérez,from Hearst.12. José Antonio MonasterioAsteinza, from Gesarqus.13. Mª Ángeles Ros, fromRStudio.14. Interior designer JavierYagüe with Joaquín Ruiz,from Porcelanosa Madrid,and Josep Peset, fromUrbatek.15. Craig Biggins, GillianSmith and SophieNicholson.16. Architect Andrés Perea.17. Santiago Manent, fromPorcelanosa USA.18. Pablo Ruiz, ManagingDirector of Urbatek.19. Brian Dumervil, IleanaZayas-Bazan and AndreaFinger.20. Kyle Moore.21. Manuel Herrera, fromMuher, with EduardoMeneses.22. Jim Bartlet.23. Jacinto Fernandez,architect from Daimiel.24. Sebastien Salch, fromPorcelanosa Ouest, andarchitect Jean PierreMeignan.




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9. Pilar Marcos, DiseñoInterior Director; DavidQuesada, Editor-in-Chiefof Architectura y Diseño;Rosana García, fromHavasmedia, MarcelBenedito, Editor of CasaViva; Marta Riopérez, Editorof Nuevo Estilo and ElleDécor; Cristina Colonques,Communications &Marketing Director ofPorcelanosa Group; CarmenLlopis, Editor of ON Diseño;Ino Henríquez, ManagingDirector of Infoedita; andEnric Pastor, Editor of AD.10. Julio Touza, fromTouza Architects; ArianeSteinbeck, GeneralDirector of RPW Design;Jean Jacques Ory, fromStudios d’Architecture Ory& Associés; Scott Ziegler,from Ziegler CooperArchitects; María JoséSoriano, Porcelanosa’sCEO; Cristina Colonques,Communications &Marketing Director ofPorcelanosa Group; andarchitect Ramón Esteve.


From left to rightfor every photo1. Cristina Colonques,Communications &Marketing Director ofPorcelanosa Group.2. Mª José Soriano withScott Ziegler.3. Mahrusn Almariami andAdel Alshekh.4. Jean-Pierre Meignan,Catherine Ory and JeanJacques Ory.5. Alexis García, fromNoken, with ChristosPassas and ChristianGibbon, from Zaha HadidArchitects.6. Architect Rafael Robledo.7. Andrea Gourdine, BrianDumervil and Bryan Lutz.8. José Antonio Pérez,Managing Director ofPorcelanosa Madrid, witharchitect Héctor RuízVelázquez.9. Kerry Kopasek, JimBartlett and Eric May.10. Marar Nogueira López,architect and partner ofthe Cimbra Architectsarchitecture studio, and LuisMiguel Santurde López,Technical Director of Blanco.11. Vicente Dalmau Cebrián-Sagarriga and Sandra delRío, Editor of the CondéNast Traveler magazineand Editorial Director ofthe Lifestyle&Porcelanosamagazine.12. Cristina Colonques andBárbara Rubio.13. José Mª Colonques,Anna Colonques andMauricio Inglada, ManagingDirector of L’Antic Colonial.14. Ramón Esteve, JaimeSanahuja, from Sanahuja &Partners, winners for theirFinished Project, and JulioTouza.15. Mª José Soriano withChristos Passas, from ZahaHadid, who received aposthumous honorary prizeawarded to the architect.16. Anna Colonques withAndrés Perea.17. Mª José Soriano withChristian Gibbon, from ZahaHadid Architects.18. Ángela Acevedo delÁlamo, from Escuela Vinsac,received the prize for bestProject for the Future in theStudent category from JeanJacques Ory.19. Scott Ziegler andAriane Steinbeck presentedHéctor Romero García, fromEstudio Volteo, the prizefor the best Project for theFuture in the Professionalcategory.

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2320. Tania Pérez, directoracreativa de Miralbo Urbana,recogía la mención especialpor su Villa La Illa de manosde Mauricio Inglada.21. Jean-Pierre Meignan,Director del CabinetJean-Pierre Meignan, eIsabelle Herve, Directorade Comunicación del C.R.I.Rouiller, recogen la mencióna mejor fachada del año dela mano de Ramiro Llop,Gerente de Systempool.22. Teresa Marzo, de VíaCélere, recoge el galardónde la mano de ManuelRubert, Gerente de Noken.23. Foto de familia de losgalardonados.

2320. Tania Pérez, CreativeDirector of Miralbo Urbana,received a special mentionfor her Villa La Illa fromMauricio Inglada.21. Jean-Pierre Meignan,Director of Cabinet Jean-Pierre Meignan, and IsabelleHerve, CommunicationDirector of C.R.I. Rouiller,received a mention for thebest façade of the yearfrom Ramiro Llop, ManagingDirector of Systempool.22. Teresa Marzo, fromVía Célere, received theaward from Manuel Rubert,Managing Director ofNoken.23. A group photo of thewinners.


Héctor Romero GarcíaVOLTEO


CONCEPT STORE. Se trata de un espacio comercial dedicadoal mundo de la robótica donde probar e interactuar con los diferentesmecanismos, robots, prototipos, drones, pequeños barcos yvehículos de radio control.

El concepto del diseño gira en torno a una ‘piel’ o ‘membrana’ quelo recubre todo, conformando las zonas debido a unas determinadasincisiones en su superficie. Estos cortes dan lugar a formas que creanbaldas expositoras, albergan iluminación, separan ambientes, etc.

Gracias a las propiedades termo-curvables del Krion®, esta ‘membrana’adquiere un aspecto elástico, característica que se acentúa en lostechos de donde cuelgan unas lámparas y proyectores con forma de clip(realizados en aluminio cromado Butech), que juntan los simulados cortes,dejando filtrar luz intencionadamente. Debajo de esta ‘piel’, la superficie

está grabada con un patrón de textura que simula un circuito electrónico.Un robot da la bienvenida e informa de la distribución al visitante:

zona expositiva, zona polivalente con mesas (para talleres didácticos,ponencias, coloquios, etc.), zona de estanque con agua y otro con arenapara probar productos, zona de lectura y zona de mesas para probarrobots. Diferentes modelos de gres porcelánico técnico de Urbatek hansido aplicados en la zona perimetral de la planta baja, en el taller didácticoy en la zona central y baja. Unos muebles elaborados en Krion®, conforma de cadena, separan ambientes y sirven de asiento o exposición.

Tras pasar la ‘membrana’ del núcleo central, en el perímetro de la plantabaja, se ubica la zona de exposición audiovisual donde se mostraríanretrospectivas y evolución de la robótica. Además, por una cintatransportadora desfilarían los últimos modelos.

En planta superior están el restaurante (con cocina Gamadecor E2·30Blanco texturado y pavimento Wet Technic 1L Bristol, de L’Antic Colonial),los aseos (con elementos de la serie Lounge de Noken), el taller detrabajo y reparación y la oficina de empleados (con revestimiento VetroBlanco y pavimento Ascot Olivo, de Porcelanosa).


Héctor Romero GarcíaVOLTEO


CONCEPT STORE. This is a shopping space devoted to theworld of robotics where you can try out and interact with the differentmechanisms, robots, prototypes, drones, small radio-controlled modelships and vehicles.

The idea of the design revolves around a sort of ‘skin’ or ‘membrane’that covers everything, with the different areas created by the incisionsthat slash the surface. These cuts become shapes that are display shelves,can be used for lighting, and also divide the different ambiences, etc.

Thanks to the thermo-curving properties of Krion®, this ‘membrane’takes on an elastic look – this is most notable on the ceilings from whichlamps and clip-like projectors (made in chromed aluminium by Butech)hang. The latter look as if they are holding the simulated cuts together,allowing light to intentionally enter through the slits. Underneath this‘skin’, the surface is engraved with a textured pattern that simulates anelectronic circuit.

A robot welcomes visitors and informs them of the layout of the shop:a display area; a multi-purpose area with tables (for learning workshops,talks, discussions, etc.); an area with a pond filled with water and anotherwith sand where products are tried out; a reading area; and an area withtables on which robots are also tried out. Different technical porcelainstoneware tiles by Urbatek were installed on the ground floor surroundingarea, the learning workshop and the central and lower areas. Thefurniture, in Krion®, shaped like a chain, divides the different ambiencesand is used as seating or for displaying products.

Once outside the ‘membrane’ of the central core, visitors enter theaudio-visual showroom area, where retrospectives and exhibitions onthe evolution of robotics can be set up. In addition, the latest models areparaded on a conveyor belt.

On the upper floor are the restaurant (with a textured White E2·30kitchen by Gamadecor and Wet Technic 1L Bristol floor, by L’AnticColonial), the bathrooms (with elements from the Lounge series byNoken), the repair workshop and the staff office (clad with White Vetroand an Ascot Olivo floor, by Porcelanosa).


Ángela Acevedo del ÁlamoESCUELA VINSAC


THE WAVE. Esta librería-restaurante situada enDubái descansará en una plataforma sobre el aguay se comunicará con tierra firme a través de unapasarela. Destaca la claridad y la frescura del colorblanco Krion® con el que se ha realizado la estructuracontinua de fachada y cubierta (dejando dos muroscortina en la fachada anterior y posterior), que secontrarresta, y a la vez equilibra, con la calidez dela madera del pavimento: Par-Ker cerámico OxfordCastaño Antislip, de Pocelanosa, para la plataformaexterior y madera natural Modern Mult. Ceniza, deL’Antic Colonial, para la zona de exposición y venta. Elcolor azul –de luces led– que desprende el mobiliarioen Krion® blanco retroiluminado (mostrador, barradel bar, isla de la cocina, etc.), así como el de lasiluminaciones perimetrales e indirectas, da el toquefinal de armonía al conjunto. El interior del local searticula en torno a un eje central, con un cilindroque alberga los aseos (con pavimento SamoaAntracita, de Porcelanosa, y revestimiento XlightEmotion Snow, de Urbatek, y Liston Oxford Acero,de Porcelanosa), el restaurante y la cocina (conpavimento Glasgow Silver Lapado, de Porcelanosa, yrevestimiento Xlight Basic Steel, de Urbatek): tantoa mano derecha como a mano izquierda tenemosun mostrador de atención y venta al público y unazona de exposición de libros (rodeada con pavimentoTown White Nature, de Urbatek). Junto al cilindro sedisponen las mesas y la barra del bar, así como unárea de descanso, lectura y wi-fi.


Ángela Acevedo del ÁlamoVINSAC SCHOOL


THE WAVE. This bookstore-restaurant inDubai will be set on a platform over the waterand will be connected to the land via a gangway.The spectacular brightness and freshness ofthe white Krion® of the continuous façade androof structure (with two curtain walls on boththe front and back façades) are in contrastto – and also balanced by – the warmth of theoutdoor wooden flooring of the platform in Par-ker Chestnut non-slip Oxford ceramic tiles, byPorcelanosa, and Ash Modern Mult natural wood,by L’Antic Colonial, in the display and sales area.The blue of the LED lights emanating from thefurniture in white back-lit Krion® (worktop, bar,kitchen islands, etc.), and the indirect lightingof the perimeter adds a final harmonious touchto the whole. The interior revolves arounda central axis that is a cylinder housing thebathrooms (with Samoa Anthracite flooring, byPorcelanosa, and wall cladding in Xlight EmotionSnow, by Urbatek, and Steel Liston Oxford, byPorcelanosa), the restaurant and kitchen (withGlasgow Silver Lapado floor, by Porcelanosa,and Xlight Basic Steel cladding, by Urbatek).On both the right and left are customer serviceand sales counters and a book display area(surrounded by White Town Nature flooring, byUrbatek). Next to the cylinder are the bar tablesand countertop, as well as a place to relax, and areading and Wi-Fi area.

SANAHUJA & PARTNERSJaime Sanahuja, Juan Trilles, Erik Herrera, Javier Poyatos y Miguel Bartolomé


PLAN URBANÍSTICO DE DESARROLLO TURÍSTICO,ALCOSSEBRE. Este proyecto se enmarca dentro de un PlanEstratégico de Diseño Turístico –en convenio con la UniversidadPolitécnica de Valencia– y su finalidad es la de potenciar el turismode Alcossebre (en la provincia de Castellón) a través de pequeñasactuaciones urbanísticas, arquitectónicas y de diseño que pongan envalor zonas urbanas de gran potencial turístico con una visión global.

El estudio Sanahuja&Partners abordó esta intervención enel Paseo Vista Alegre, una vía junto al paseo marítimo que, sin duda,soportaba un tráfico demasiado intenso. También se ocupó de renovarla oficina de turismo, segundo elemento en el que se centra el proyecto.Plantearon eliminar el tráfico rodado permanente de la calle, peatonalizarel vial y dotar a dicha oficina de un aspecto más contemporáneo acordecon la nueva intervención.

Como resultado de la implantación de este plan ha surgido un espaciode referencia dentro de la ciudad, potenciando el desarrollo del turismomediante una zona de ocio ahora totalmente para el ciudadano y con eldiseño como valor añadido de esta actuación urbanística y arquitectónica.Otro de los aspectos fundamentales perseguido por el estudio ha sidoel de apoyar el sector de la construcción local, escogiendo a contratistasde la zona y eligiendo materiales cerámicos de empresas cercanas, comoel porcelánico técnico de la colección Avenue, de Urbatek (en múltiplescombinaciones de formatos y acabados), con el que pavimentaron los1.500 m² que componen el paseo marítimo./

SANAHUJA & PARTNERSJaime Sanahuja, Juan Trilles, Erik Herrera, Javier Poyatos and Miguel Bartolomé


ALCOSSEBRE’S STRATEGIC TOURISM DESIGN PLAN.This project is part of a Strategic Tourism Design Plan – carried out incollaboration with Valencia’s Polytechnic University – whose aim is toenergise tourism in Alcossebre (in the province of Castellón) via a globalapproach and small-scale town-planning, architectural and design ideasthat enhance urban areas that have a high touristic potential.

The Sanahuja&Partners studio undertook this work on Paseo VistaAlegre, a street along the seafront promenade that had too muchvehicular traffic. The studio also renovated the tourist information office –the second part of the project. They wanted to eliminate permanent roadtraffic from the street, pedestrianise it and endow the tourist office with amore contemporary look in line with the new design.

As a result of the implementation of this plan, a benchmark spacehas emerged in the town. Enhancing the development of its tourism

industry with a leisure area now just for people, this town-planning andarchitecture project also has the added value of design. Another essentialgoal of the studio was to support the construction industry in the area bychoosing local contractors and ceramic materials from nearby companies,such as the technical porcelain stoneware from the Avenue collection, byUrbatek (in multiple combinations of formats and finishes) – with whichthey paved the 1,500-m² seafront promenade./


De forma repentina, la prestigiosa arquitecta anglo-iraquífallecía en Miami a los 65 años dejando atrás un legadodeconstructivo en el que la arquitectura parecía no tener límites.Por algo fue la primera mujer en recibir el Premio Pritzker.Orgánicos, no lineales y emocionales ante todo, sus diseñosabarcaban campos tan dispares como el de las joyas, losbarcos, los muebles e, incluso, la ropa. Para Noken desarrollóuna colección de baño que no dejará indiferente a nadie.

HadidZAHACuando a finales del mes de marzo Zaha Ha-

did nos hacía llegar sus impresiones acerca decómo había sido su colaboración con Nokenpara dar forma a VITAE (la colección que la ar-quitecta había concebido para la firma de ba-ños), no podíamos imaginar que, primero, fueraa ser una de sus últimas entrevistas y, segundo,que estos sorprendentes elementos pasarían aformar parte del catálogo de últimos diseños alos que la arquitecta daría forma antes de falle-cer. Por el contrario, de lo que siempre estuvimosseguros es de que VITAE, cuyo origen se sostie-ne en la esencia natural del significado latino desu nombre (‘vida’), iba a cosechar gran cantidadde premios, tal y como pudimos comprobar en elSalone del Mobile de Milán, donde –ya de formapóstuma– se alzó con el i-Novo Design Award aldiseño más innovador del certamen.

El jurado que le otorgó el Premio Pritzker en

2004 fue el primero en evidenciar cómo el ta-lento de Hadid se topó durante años con unastécnicas constructivas obsoletas que imposibi-litaron la realización de sus proyectos hasta lallegada de los sistemas informáticos actuales.De ahí la importancia del matrimonio entre unaidea brillante y las nuevas tecnologías, como elque hubo entre Zaha Hadid y Noken para crearVITAE, un concepto de baño integral con lasgarantías del Grupo Porcelanosa y ese toquevanguardista siempre presente en las obras dequien por fin había recibido el año pasado la Me-dalla de Oro de la RIBA.

Hoy, al frente del estudio Zaha Hadid Archi-tects permanece su socio, Patrik Schumacher,quien estamos seguros perpetuará su legado,siempre con la intención de ir un paso más alláen el mundo de la arquitectura global (


The renowned Anglo-Iraqi architect who passed away suddenly,at the age of 65, left behind a deconstructive legacy in whicharchitecture appeared to have no limits. It is not a coincidencethat she was the first woman to receive a Pritzker Prize.Organic, non-lineal and – above all – emotional, her designsembraced such disparate fields as jewellery, yachts, furniture,and even clothes. For Noken, she developed a bathroomcollection that will leave everyone with something to talk about.

HadidZAHAWhen, at the end of last March Zaha Hadid

sent us her impressions about her collaborationwith Noken to create VITAE (the collection thatthe architect designed for the bathroom firm), wenever imagined that, firstly, it would be one of herlast interviews, and secondly, these surprisingelements would be the last designs she createdbefore passing away. On the contrary, what wewere sure of was that VITAE, whose origin lies inthe natural essence of the meaning of the Latinword (life), would garner a vast array of prizes, aswe saw at the Milan Salone del Mobile, where– posthumously – she won the i-Novo DesignAward for the most innovative design at the fair.

The panel of judges who awarded her thePritzker Prize in 2004 was the first to reflect how

Hadid’s talent had – for years – come up againstobsolete constructive techniques that preventedher from undertaking her projects… until today’scomputer systems made them possible. Hencethe importance of intertwining a brilliant idea andthe latest technologies, as was the case of ZahaHadid and Noken when creating VITAE – a totalbathroom concept with the quality hallmark ofPorcelanosa Group and the avant-garde touchalways present in the works of someone who,last year finally received the RIBA Gold Medal.

Today, her partner Patrik Schumacher headsZaha Hadid Architects, a man who – we are sure –will carry on her legacy and aim of always takinga step beyond in the world of global architecture(













Arriba, junto a estaslíneas. Grifo mezcladormonomando VITAE consistema de ahorro ECO (uncaudal máximo de 5 l/min).El aireador cuenta con lacertificación americanaWatersense como garantíade un producto respetuosocon el medio ambiente.Destaca el sistemainnovador de aperturay cierre, que busca elequilibrio entre ergonomíay diseño.Derecha, de arriba abajo,junto a estas líneas.Sorprendente conjunto debaño cuyas líneas evocanel flujo del agua al acariciarlas conchas marinas.Las dimensiones y lageometría de las piezas decerámica son el resultadode un cuidadoso procesoartesanal: lavabos, estantes,inodoro y bidé (la coleccióntambién cuenta con unabañera).El concepto VITAE incluyeun espectacular espejocon iluminación LED pararebajar el consumo deenergía y mantener la líneaECO de la colección.Abajo, a la derecha.Detalle del inodoro y bidésuspendidos de la colecciónVITAE.

Directly above. VITAEmixer tap with ECOwater-saving system(5 l/min. maximal flow).The aerator is AmericanWaterSense certification,which guarantees it to bea product that respectsthe environment. It has astrikingly innovative openingand closing system andachieves a balance betweenergonomics and design.Right, from top to bottom.A surprising bathroom suitewhose lines evoke theway water flows throughseashells. The dimensionsand geometry of theceramic units are the resultof a meticulous artisanalprocess: hand basins,shelves, toilet and bidet(the collection also has abathtub).The VITAE concept includesa spectacular mirror withLED lights to reduce energyconsumption and to be inline with the ECO aspect ofthe collection.Below right. A detail of thesuspended toilet and bidetfrom the VITAE collection.

¿Cómo surge la colaboración con Noken,del Grupo Porcelanosa?Ya habíamos trabajado junto al Grupo Porcelano-sa en distintos proyectos antes de que surgierala idea de esta colaboración. Esta vez ha sido eldeseo mutuo de experimentar con las ideas delimpieza y baño, y de dar nueva fuerza al diseñode esos objetos.

¿Cuál ha sido la inspiración para crear lalínea de grifería de la colección VITAE?La inspiración procede de las conchas marinas.Su forma nos fascina desde siempre: lo bien quefuncionan en el agua y cómo el agua fluye a tra-vés de ellas.

¿Recreas en esta colección elementosdistintivos del universo Zaha Hadid, de tusgrandes arquitecturas?Nuestro trabajo suele ser muy curvilíneo yorgánico, y por eso creo que hay una conexiónmuy clara con la perspectiva estilística que hadesarrollado ZH. En este sentido, la escalaen realidad no es una restricción; esta fluidezde líneas puede verse en muchos proyectosnuestros.

Cuando vimos los bocetos de esta colec-ción, inmediatamente comprendimos queestábamos ante un objeto bello que tras-

cendía la escala de lo útil. ¿Qué peso tienela estética cuando se trata de realizar unalínea para el cuarto de baño?Es muy importante: las ideas de la belleza y lahigiene se encuentran estrechamente entrelaza-das en la tradición clásica. Queríamos redescu-brir esos conceptos en el diseño de estos obje-tos de cuarto de baño.

¿Qué factores han influido a la hora deplantear este trabajo?Se trataba de desarrollar más estos objetos yllevar al mercado algo útil y bonito.

¿Te ha parecido interesante la experien-cia con el Grupo Porcelanosa, una de lasempresas que más cuidan el diseño y la tec-nología sin perder de vista la sostenibilidadambiental?Nos ha encantado trabajar con Porcelanosapor su gran experiencia y preparación, perotambién por su capacidad de superar el retode trabajar juntos. ¡Una colaboración cien porcien apasionante! /



ENTREVISTA La arquitecta le contó a Lifestyle cómo fue su colaboración con el Grupo Porcelanosa.







How did your collaboration with Noken, ofPorcelanosa Group, come about?We have been collaborating on different projectswith Porcelanosa Group, before the idea forthis collaboration came about. This was really amutual wish to experiment with the idea of washingand bathing and to reinvigorate the design of suchobjects.

What was your inspiration for the creationof the VITAE collection range of taps?The inspiration came from looking at sea shells.They have long fascinated us morphologically;how they work so well in water and how waterflows through them.

Does this collection bring together anydistinctive elements from the world of ZahaHadid, from your big architectural projects?Our work is usually very curvilinear and organic,so I think there is a very clear connection withthe stylistic outlook that ZH has developed. Thescale in these terms is not really a restriction– you can see these fluid characteristics in manyof our projects.

When we looked at the sketches for thiscollection, we immediately understood thatwe had a beautiful object before us, onethat went beyond just utility. How important

are aesthetics when it comes to creating abathroom line?Very important, the ideas of beauty and hygieneare very closely interlinked in classical terms.We wanted to re-encounter those notions in thedesign of these bathroom objects.

What factors influenced you when you setabout approaching this project?

It’s really about advancing the developmentof these objects and bringing to the marketsomething useful and beautiful.

Did you find that working with Porcela-nosa Group – a company that cares greatlyabout design and technology but for whichenvironmental sustainability is vital – wasan interesting experience?We enjoyed working with Porcelanosa becauseof their great expertise but also their ability towork with us to overcome challenges. Thoroughlyexciting collaboration! /





INTERVIEW The architect told Lifestyle about her collaboration with Porcelanosa Group.























Cuatro ambientes en los que se combinan materiales de calidad y el diseño de interiores más exquisito.

Una cocina cuya isla central se abre y cierra de forma electrónica para ocultar elementos.

Los revestimientos cerámicos de aspecto metalizado conquistan las paredes del lobby de un hotel.

Las columnas de ducha digitales de la colección MOOD siguen conquistando por su aspecto vanguardista.

El efecto hormigón y el efecto mármol llegan al pavimento más transitado gracias al gres porcelánico técnico.

El estudio Lázaro Rosa-Violán crea dos colecciones de baño con sensualidad antigua y tecnología moderna.

Un nuevo revestimiento continuo viste los espacios con alta resistencia y flexibilidad y un mínimo espesor de aplicación.

En el showroom de Krion® diferentes espacios recrean las posibilidades del solid surface, también en ambientes premium.













Four ambiences combining quality materials and the most beautiful interior design.

A kitchen whose central island opens and closes electronically to conceal elements.

Ceramic cladding with a metallic look embellishes a hotel’s lobby walls.

Digital shower columns from the MOOD collection still captivate for their contemporary look.

The look of concrete and marble is now here for floors with high foot traffic thanks to technical porcelain stoneware.

The Lázaro Rosa-Violán studio creates two bathroom collections that combine bygone sensuality with modern technology.

A new highly resilient, continuous, flexible cladding of minimal depth to be applied to spaces without removing the previous material.

At the Krion® showroom, different spaces display the possibilities of this solid surface, also for Premium ambiences.



La exposición recreó cuatro ambientes diferentes en los que los materiales de lafirma vestían los espacios con distinción y belleza: un club social de montaña, unrestaurante japonés con tienda gourmet, una sastrería inglesa donde loclásico se actualizaba y un loft ideado por Ramón Esteve para poner de manifiestola exclusividad de los materiales Premium Collection by Porcelanosa.

Arriba, junto a estas líneas.Sala de juegos y baño delclub social de esquí SaintMoritz. El primero de losespacios, con revestimientocerámico texturado yaspecto de madera ListonChelsea Camel31,6x90 cm, que simulalas raíces más puras

de este material. Suacabado mate, cuidadatexturada, relieve y originalcomposición en forma delistones lo acercan más alverdadero aspecto de lamadera natural.En el baño, por su parte,destaca el revestimientohidráulico Dover Antique31,6x90 cm combinadocon el modelo Dover Nieve31,6x90 cm.El pavimento se trata

del modelo BluestoneSilver 59,6x59,6 cm, quese inspira en la piedraazulada compuesta porrocas sedimentarias comola arenisca o la caliza. Suacabado vintage envejecidoes mate rectificado.Derecha, junto a estaslíneas. Japan Restaurant

Store Otto, cuya pared hasido revestida con elmodelo Forest Slate31,6x59,2 cm. En elpavimento se combina elChelsea Camel en lasmedidas 29,4x180 cmy 19,3x180 cm: gresporcelánico rectificado,que cuentan con un gradomedio de destonificacióny textura y relieve que leacerca más, si cabe, a lamadera natural.



This exhibition created four different ambiences in which the materials by this firmdressed the spaces with elegance and beauty: a mountaineering social club; a Japaneserestaurant with a gourmet shop; an English tailor’s with an updated classic style;and a loft designed by Ramón Esteve. All highlighted by the exclusivity of the materialsfrom the Premium Collection by Porcelanosa.

Above. Games room andbathroom at the SaintMoritz’s ski social club.The top space, in texturedceramic cladding thatlooks like wood, ListonChelsea Camel,31.6 x 90 cm, evokes thepurest feel of this material.Its matte finish, delicatelytextured quality, reliefand original strip-likecomposition make it lookvery much like real wood. In

the bathroom, DoverAntique, 31.6 x 90 cm,hydraulic cladding iscombined with DoverNieve, 31.6 x 90 cm.The floor is in BluestoneSilver, 59.6 x 59.6 cm,inspired by the bluish hue ofsedimentary rocks suchas sandstone and limestone.It has a ground matte,aged vintage finish.Right. Japanese RestaurantStore Otto, with wall

cladding in Forest Slatetiles, 31.6 x 59.2 cm.The floor is in ChelseaCamel that combines29.4 x 180 cm and19.3 x 180 cm sizes:ground porcelain stoneware,with a moderately bleachedlook and texture andgrain-like relief that looksincredibly like natural wood.

Arriba, junto a estaslíneas. Casa Premiumideada en forma de loft porRamón Esteve, conuna cocina de conceptoabierto y una chimeneade diseño rodeada porel pavimento BluestoneSilver 80x80 cm. En elvestidor de la habitación, elBluestone Topo 80x80 cmha sido aplicado tanto enla pared como en el suelo.Izquierda, de arriba abajo,junto a estas líneas.Sastrería inglesa Hampton.En la fachada se haaplicado el modelo BostonStone 59,6x180 cm.A través de la puerta deentrada se percibe elpavimento ChelseaNut 29,4x180 cm/19,3x180 cm encombinación con elrevestimiento ListonChelsea Nut31,6x90 cm. Ya en elinterior, los maniquíesdescansan sobre elpavimento Boston Stone59,6x59,6 cm.

Above. A Premium Homeby Ramón Estevedesigned to look like a loft;it has an open-plankitchen and a designerfireplace surrounded byBluestone Silver floor tiles,80 x 80 cm. The walk-inwardrobe in the bedroomhas Bluestone Topocladding, 80 x 80 cm, bothon the wall and floor.Left, from top to bottom.The English tailor,Hampton. The façade isclad in Boston Stone,59.6 x 180 cm. Seen fromthe main door is ChelseaNut flooring, 29.4 x 180 cm/19.3 x 180 cm, combinedwith Liston ChelseaNut, 31.6 x 90 cm wallcladding. Inside, themannequins pose onBoston Stone flooring,59.6 x 59.6 cm.


El gres porcelánico técnico de Urbatek se apunta a las nuevastendencias de interiorismo y viste su aspecto bien de efectohormigón al estilo industrial bien con la belleza de las vetas delos mármoles y la luminosidad del acabado pulido.

La firma especialista en cocinas apuesta poruna isla central con sistema electrónico deapertura para ocultar los electrodomésticos,el lavabo y el espacio de trabajo.



Arriba y a la izquierdadel texto. Modelo decocina Evolution E7.90,perteneciente a la serieEmotions, con frentes enRoble Puro que luce unacabado rustificado.Está equipada con un

Izquierda. Salón conpavimento Cover Silver80x80 cm (11mm) enacabado natural.Arriba. En este espacioel pavimento se trata delmodelo Marble Calacatta(119 x 119 cm x (12 mm).Derecha. Detalle delMarble Calacatta(119 x 119 cm x (12 mm)donde se percibe elefecto espejo sobre lapieza con un 72% dereflexión de la luz.

sistema electrónico quepermite la apertura ycierre de la encimera quecompone la isla central –enforma de cubo– para asíocultar tanto el lavabo comolos electrodomésticos y elespacio de trabajo.


Technical porcelain stoneware by Urbatek follows new interiordesign trends and goes for either the industrial look of concrete orthe beauty of veined marble and a luminous polished finish.

This firm, specialised in kitchens, opts fora central island with an electronic openingand closing system so that appliances, sinkand work space can be concealed.



Above and left. EvolutionE7.90 kitchen, from theEmotions series, withfronts in Pure Oak with arustic finish. The worktopis fitted with an electronicopening and closing systemthat forms the centralisland – sort of like a cube– to conceal the sink, theappliances and workspace.

Left. Living roomwith Cover Silver flooring,80 x 80 cm (11mm),in natural finish.Above. This floor isMarble Calacatta tiles,119 x 119 cm x (12 mm).Right. Detail of MarbleCalacatta tiles,119 x 119 cm x (12 mm),with light reflectioncapacity of 72% to give amirrored effect.

Los baños de L’Antic Colonial adaptan los materiales nobles, como la piedranatural, a los gustos más actuales, con geometrías de formas imposibles y lavabosque recuerdan a otras épocas donde la funcionalidad y la pureza de líneasprimaban sobre cualquier aspecto.

L’Antic Colonial

LÁZARO ROSA-VIOLÁNCalificar el trabajo de este diseñador de interiores comovintage o industrial sería demasiado mundano para definircada una de las aristas que componen una completageometría donde la mezcla y la reinterpretación de estiloses su leit motiv. Pasado y presente convergen en cada unode sus proyectos con la intención de adaptarse a los gustosy necesidades de cada cliente. En este caso, con SaintGermain y Saint Denis, el estudio Lázaro Rosa-Violán hacreado junto a L’Antic Colonial dos colecciones con la calidaddel mármol y un aspecto actual y retro por igual.

Arriba. El lavabo SaintGermain, del estudioLázaro Rosa-Violán,combina el mármol blancoy negro con estructurasmetálicas cromadas.De corte más clásico, esun lavabo de grandesproporciones y aristassuaves que se puede

combinar con un pedestal,también de piedra natural, ocon una estructura metálica.Arriba, junto a estas líneas.Saint Denis es un lavabomural también diseñadopor el estudio Lázaro Rosa-Violán que muestra un estilomás vintage: realizado enuna única pieza de mármolque integra un copeteen el que se instalan losgrifos. Completan ambascolecciones diferentes

espejos de estructurametálica, que –dependiendodel modelo– contienenpequeñas piezas de mármol.Izquierda. Lavabo Minim,de Ramón Esteve, queviene a completar laserie, en esta ocasión,combinando piedra ymadera.





L’Antic Colonial’s bathrooms adapt quality materials such as natural stone to the mostmodern tastes; their apparently impossible geometric shapes and their hand basins –that evoke those of the past – are first and foremost functional and stylish.

L’Antic Colonial

LÁZARO ROSA-VIOLÁNQualifying the work of this interior designer as vintageor industrial would be too prosaic to define all theparticular sides that make up a whole whose mixing andreinterpretation of styles is its leitmotiv. Past andpresent converge in each of his projects which he adapts tothe tastes and needs of each particular client. In this case,with Saint Germain and Saint Denis, the LázaroRosa-Violán studio has created, jointly with L’Antic Colonial,two collections that have both the quality of marble anda modern yet retro look.

Top. Saint Germain handbasin, by the Lázaro Rosa-Violán studio, combinesblack and white marblewith chromed metalstructures. More classicin style is this large handbasin with gently-curved

edges that can standeither on a pedestal, also innatural stone, or in a metalstructure.Above. Saint Denis is awall-mounted hand basinalso designed by theLázaro Rosa-Violán studioand is more vintage instyle: made from a singlepiece of marble, the tapsare installed on its uppersection. Both collectionsare completed with mirrors

mounted in differentmetallic-structures, some ofwhich are inlaid with smallmarble pieces.Left. The Minim handbasin combining stone andwood, by Ramón Esteve,completes the series.







Ramón Esteve fue el encargado de dar identidad al showroom de Veniscon materiales High-Tech incluidos en el catálogo de PorcelanosaPremium Collection: concibió el lobby de un hotel con una cerámicametalizada, texturizada y de formatos más conceptuales.


Arriba. Revestimientocerámico PrismaBronze 33,3x100 cm(x9,2 mm). Contemporáneay vanguardista, estacolección de prismasirregulares einterconectados reviste lapared con relieve, perocon la peculiaridadde poseer un tacto muysuave y liso.

Izquierda. Gracias a losformatos técnicos esposible revestir las paredescon modelos como elArtis Silver 33,3x100 cm(x9,2 mm) y conseguiresa continuidad tanapreciada la hora dediseñar espacios.Abajo. Ramón Esteveinnova revistiendo elexterior de la chimenea

con el nuevo y texturizadomodelo monoporosaen acabado mate-brilloConcept Gris Lined22x90 cm (10,5 mm).A través del huecode la misma se puedever el modelo ArtisSilver 33,3x100 cm(x9,2 mm) mm) que revistela pared del fondo de laestancia.


Using High-Tech materials from the Porcelanosa Premium Collectioncatalogue, Ramón Esteve was entrusted with the design of the Venisshowroom: he designed a hotel lobby in metallic, textured ceramicsthat are very conceptual.


Above. Bronze Prismceramic cladding,33.3 x 100 cm (x 9.2 mm).Contemporary and state-of-the-art, this collectionof irregularly-shapedinterconnected prisms givestexture to the wall yet isdelightfully silky and smoothto the touch.

Left. Thanks to technicalformats, walls can beclad with Artis Silver,33.3 x 100 cm (x 9.2 mm),to achieve continuitythat is highly appreciatedwhen it comes to designingspaces.Below. Ramón Esteve’sinnovative cladding aroundthe fireplace, in the newtextured Grey Lined

Concept, 22 x 90 cm(10.5 mm), mono-poroustiles with shiny-matte finish.The fireplace openingallows the back wall of theroom to be seen – clad inArtis Silver, 33.3 x 100 cm(x 9.2 mm).

Siempre atenta a las necesidades más funcionales y técnicas delmercado de la arquitectura global, la marca Butech lanza un nuevorevestimiento continuo con aspecto de microcemento mate quecumple las expectativas de los nuevos gustos decorativos.


En esta página. Micro-stuk, de Butech, es un tipode revestimiento continuode altas prestacionesy gran valor decorativo.Desarrollado a partir demorteros finos de cementocon polímeros de altaresistencia, este nuevomaterial se caracteriza porsu extrema resistencia yflexibilidad con un mínimoespesor de aplicación(2 mm). Aplicable sobreotros revestimientos sinnecesidad de retirar elmaterial existente, esresistente al fuego y enfunción de las necesidadeses posible impermeabilizarlo.De aspecto mate, loscolores disponibles son:White, Beige, Moka, Greyy Cement.

Always ready to fulfil the most practical and technical needsof today’s global architecture market, Butech launches a newcontinuous cladding with a matte microcement look that meets theexpectations of the latest tastes in interior design.


This page. Micro-stuk, byButech, is a continuousand very decorative high-performance cladding.Made from fine mortarcement and high-strengthpolymers, this new materialis extremely resilient andflexible and can be appliedwith a minimal thickness(2 mm). It can be appliedto surfaces without havingto remove the previousmaterial, is fire resistantand, if necessary, can bewaterproofed. In a mattefinish, the available coloursare: White, Beige, Mocha,Grey and Cement.


En esta ocasión, la firma especialista enambientes de baño ha querido destacar lasinnovadoras y coloridas columnas de baño dela colección MOOD, ideada por Rogers StirkHarbour + Partners, en colaboración con elestudio español Luis Vidal + Architects.


RICHARD ROGERSEl Premio Pritzker dearquitectura 2007, al frentedel estudio de arquitecturaRogers Stirk Harbour +Partners, ha creado paraNoken, junto al estudioespañol Luis Vidal +Architects, la galardonadacolección MOOD, unnuevo concepto modularde equipamiento de bañocon una estética innovadoray una paleta de coloresvibrante que se amplía ycompleta cada año.

A la izquierda. Dosambientes con lacolumna de ducha digitaltermostática de la colecciónMOOD en cromo. Destacala pantalla donde el usuariopuede ver la temperaturay caudal del agua mientrasse ducha. Además, incluyevarios programas paradisfrutar de la sensaciónde un spa en el hogar (EcoRelax, Sensation y WakeUp). Otro valor añadido essu concepto ecológico: sepodrá limitar el consumode agua o energía con losprogramas Eco Water o EcoEnergy. La composición deducha se combina con elpanel de accesorios Krion®

Navy, en un ambiente, yKrion® Snow, en el otro(se podrá elegir entre unaselección de accesoriospara él). En este caso: unabandeja portaobjetos y lamaneta de ducha MOODcon 2 funciones.Abajo. Tanto la columnade ducha MOOD comolos demás elementos dela serie se presentan enacabado blanco brillo,combinado con Krion®









This firm specialised in bathroom ambienceswanted to highlight the innovative and colourfulshower columns from the MOOD collectiondesigned by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners,in collaboration with the Spanish Luis Vidal +Architects studio.


RICHARD ROGERSThe winner of 2004 PritzkerPrize for Architectureand head of the RogersStirk Harbour + Partnersarchitecture studio hascreated for Noken – inconjunction with the LuisVidal + Architects studio –the award-winning MOODcollection, a new modularconcept of bathroom fittingswith innovative aestheticsand a vibrant range ofcolours that expands andis more complete every year.

Left. Two ambiences withdigital thermostatic showercolumns from the MOODcollection in chrome. Notethe special screen thatdisplays both the watertemperature and flow whilethe user is having a shower.In addition, it includesseveral programmes forenjoying the feel of aspa at home (Eco Relax,Sensation and Wake Up).Another added value is itseco-friendly aspect: theEco Water or Eco Energyprogrammes reduce waterand energy consumption.The shower space iscombined with a NavyKrion® accessory panelin one of the ambiences,and a Snow Krion® onein the other (a selectionof accessories can bechosen). This photo showsan accessory basket and aMOOD handheld showerwith 2 functions.Below. Both the MOODshower column and theother elements in the serieshave a glossy white finishcombined with YellowKrion® .







El equipo de Systempool ha querido demostrar con el diseño de diferentes ambientes ensu showroom, además de su profesionalidad, los variados y diferentes usos con los que elKrion® puede mejorar cualquier espacio, incluidos los más premium.

Krion® by Systempool

Arriba. Zona Retail ideadaen el showroom de Krion®,dividida en tres ambientesPremium: una boutiquede ropa, una pastelería yuna perfumería, todos conKrion® como principal yúnica estrella.Izquierda. Una de lascocinas de la zona Homedel showroom. Realizadaen uno de los nuevoscolores de la colecciónAsteroid de Krion®,inspirada en el universo ysu infinidad de asteroidespara integrar, en la base desu superficie, una serie decúmulos armoniosamentedistribuidos. Sus coloresson de tonalidadessimilares al color de la base,constituyendo unaoriginal y apacibleatmósfera actual y detendencia. El resultado finalde esta compaginación deefectos y cúmulos sobre labase del Solid Surfaceno es otra que la emulaciónde una tímida sensaciónde bruma que recuerda alas celestiales nebulosas.

The different displays included in the showroom by the Systempool team are proof of theirprofessionalism, but also the varied and different uses with which Krion® can improve anyspace – including the most luxurious top-quality ambiences.

Krion® by Systempool

Above. The retail areadesigned for the Krion®

showroom, divided intothree top-quality ambiences:a boutique, a cake shop anda perfumery; all have Krion®

as the one and only star.Left. One of the kitchens ofthe showroom’s Home area.One of the new coloursfrom the Krion®Asteroidcollection; inspired by theuniverse and its endlessasteroids, this surfacecontains harmoniouslyarranged clusters ofmicroparticles. The coloursused are similar to thoseof the main colour andoffer an original and calmyet contemporary andfashionable look. The endresult of this combinationof effects and clusters ofthe Solid Surface worktopemulates a soft mistreminiscent of nebulae inthe sky at night.


No es la primera vez que colaboran juntos (el estudiode arquitectura fue el encargado de la rehabilitación de laflagship de la empresa española en Nueva York), pero larelación entre el Grupo Porcelanosa y Foster + Partnersha ido un paso más allá con objeto de crear la nueva SerieTONO. Un conjunto de baño de carácter integral –cuyoselementos estarán incluidos dentro del catálogo PremiumCollection– con el que el Grupo Porcelanosa ofrecerá laposibilidad de elegir los diseños ideados por Foster+ Partners en una extensa paleta de materiales y acabados.

La forma y esencia de la Serie TONO será genuinamenteFoster + Partners, en cuyo desarrollo confluirán las formasgeométricas puras, predominantemente el circulo y la línearecta, con una interpretación casi minimalista de cada unode los elementos. Cualidades que destacan especialmenteal percibir la practicidad y facilidad de uso de la serie. Tam-bién los criterios de sostenibilidad en cuanto al uso y ciclo

La Serie TONO estarácompuesta por lavabos,lavamanos y encimeras,griferías de pared y sobreencimera, una columnade ducha, rociadores yuna tele ducha, cajones,espejos, bancos, platos deducha, bañeras exentaso de encastre, un inodoroy un bidet, mamparas ydiferentes complementos,como colgadores, cajas,bandejas y mueblesauxiliares. Los lavabos,lavamanos y encimeraspodrán ser elaboradosen Krion®, cerámica o encuatro acabados diferentesde piedra natural. Loscajones y bancos serán demadera natural de nogal,fresno o maple. Al igual quelos espejos, a los que se leañaden cuatro acabados enpiedra natural. Las griferías,rociadores, columna deducha y mampara seránde latón cromado conacabados en oro, cobre ycromo negro. Los platos deducha serán fabricados enKrion® y cuatro acabadosde piedra natural. Por suparte, las bañeras luciránaspecto de Krion®, acrílicoo de uno de los cuatroacabados en piedra naturaldisponibles. El inodoro yel bidet se producirán encerámica sanitaria.

Foster+Partnersde vida del producto han estado presentes desde la propiaconcepción de cada uno de los elementos.

Han participado en este proyecto L’Antic Colonial, NokenDesign y Krion® de Systempool, firmas que se han hechocargo del desarrollo de los productos en sus respectivosmateriales habituales y que, al mismo tiempo, han trabajadoen estrecha colaboración con la división de Diseño Indus-trial de Foster + Partners para así lograr una propuesta úni-ca, totalmente coordinada y con los más altos estándaresde calidad, diseño e innovación.

Un proyecto de estas dimensiones y características gene-ra múltiples retos nada frecuentes en el diseño de otro tipode productos, motivo por el que el enfoque holístico de Fos-ter + Partners ( ha sido determinan-te a la hora de desarrollarlo. Que cada compañía colaborasey compartiese lo mejor de su experiencia ha generado losmejores resultados en cada área del proyecto./

Crea la Serie TONO para Porcelanosa


This is not the first time that the two firms have colla-borated (the architecture studio was entrusted with therefurbishment of the Spanish company’s flagship store inNew York), but the relationship between Porcelanosa Groupand Foster + Partners has taken a step further in order tocreate the new TONO Series. A bathroom set of the utmostquality – whose elements will be included in the PremiumCollection catalogue – where Porcelanosa Group will offera choice of designs by Foster + Partners in a wide range ofmaterials and finishes.

The form and essence of the TONO Series will be a trueFoster + Partners creation. Pure geometric shapes,mainly the circle and the straight line, will converge with analmost minimalistic rendering in the design of each of theelements of the series. Qualities that are especiallyoutstanding given the practical character and warmth of this

The TONO Series willconsist of hand basins,sinks and countertops, wall-mounted and countertoptaps, a shower column, arainshower and a hand-heldshower, drawers, mirrors,benches, shower trays,freestanding or built-inbathtubs, a toilet and abidet, screens and differentaccessories such as hooks,boxes, trays and auxiliaryfurniture.The hand basins, sinksand countertops will be inKrion®, ceramic or differentnatural stone finishes. Thedrawers and benches willbe in walnut, ash or maplenatural wood. The mirrorframes will be in fournatural stone finishes. Thetaps, rainshower, showercolumn and screen will bein chromed brass with gold,copper and black chromefinishes. The shower trayswill be in Krion® and fournatural stone finishes. Thebathtubs will be in Krion®,either in acrylic or oneof the four natural stonefinishes available. The toiletand the bidet will be madein ceramic sanitary ware.

Foster+Partnersseries. Sustainability standards concerning product use andlife cycle were also kept in mind from the very outset.

This project involved L’Antic Colonial, Noken Design andKrion® by Systempool, firms that have undertaken thedevelopment of the products in their respective usual materialsand which, at the same time, worked in close collaborationwith Foster + Partners’ Industrial Design division in order tooffer something unique, fully coordinated and with the highestpossible levels of quality, design and innovation.

A project with these dimensions and characteristics bringsabout multiple challenges not often encountered whendesigning other kinds of products. The holistic approachadopted by Foster + Partners ( wasdecisive when it came to developing it. The fact that eachcompany collaborated and shared their best respectiveexperience gave the best results for every part of the project./

Create the TONO Series for Porcelanosa



LIVING AFLOATOn the coast of Murcia, the Muher studio sculpted a house whichopens onto Nature and to the Mediterranean, with a personality shapedby poetic volumes and lines achieved with flexible Krion®.


The top floor is totally open plan which allows for anin-&-out flow, a leitmotiv of the Muher studio. Inside: whitemicrocement. Outside: technical Black Avenue porcelainstoneware, 30 x 60 cm, by Urbatek, for the cladding ofthe infinity swimming pool.

En el sentido de las agujas del reloj, desde arriba a la izquierda. Pasarela de acceso al solárium. Y pasarela de acceso a laplanta principal. Ambas con tarima exterior Slyledeck Plus Brown 14,4x210x2,2 cm, de L’Antic Colonial. Detalle de una de lasterrazas, con barandilla de cristal e impresionantes vistas al Mediterráneo. También con tarima exterior Slyledeck Plus Brown14,4x210x2,2 cm, de L’Antic Colonial. Contraste entre la fachada interior, toda acristalada y sin muros, y la fachada exterior,más opaca, pero rodeada de vegetación.

Clockwise, from top left. Gangway to access the solarium. Gangway to the main floor. Both gangways are inSlyledeck Plus Brown exterior decking, 14.4 x 210 x 2.2 cm, by L’Antic Colonial. Detail of the glass railing and impressiveviews to the Mediterranean from a terrace, Slyledeck Plus Brown exterior decking, 14.4 x 210 x 2.2 cm,by L’Antic Colonial. The contrast between the wall-free glass façade that overlooks the sea, and the back façade, that ismore solid looking and surrounded by vegetation.

Está a medio camino entre ser un chalet para-disíaco de vacaciones o una isla rodeada deagua, incluso podría parecerse a un barco. Peroesta vivienda arraigada sobre un acantilado de lacosta murciana, abierta a la inmensidad del mar,es una composición poética, una obra de arte enla que cada mínimo detalle tiene un porqué. Sus180 metros cuadrados, casi intangibles por estarrodeados de grandes ventanales de cristal que seabren al interior y el exterior, eran originalmente losde una casa de volúmenes cúbicos de los años 40que pasaba desapercibida. Fue entonces cuandoaparecieron en escena los arquitectos Francis-ca Muñoz y Manuel Herrera del estudio Muherque, a petición de sus propietarios, un matrimoniojoven con niños, le metieron mano, nunca mejordicho. “Cuando la gente nos encarga un proyec-to sabe que está hablando con artistas, así quesolo nos cuentan sus necesidades: ‘Quiero tresdormitorios, una sala de juegos, una piscina y unplanchero’, y el resto lo dejan en nuestras manos”,nos explica Muñoz. En este caso, tratándose de unterreno protegido por la Ley de Costas, los arqui-tectos, imposibilitados de hacer una obra desdecero, se enfocaron en rehabilitar el viejo edificio.Lo primero que hicieron fue vaciarlo totalmentede sus paredes, reconstruyéndolas con cristal yforrando todos los muros de alrededor con piedra.Luego abrieron una terraza con una piscina dedoble altura que, revestida de gres en azul oscurodegradado de Urbatek, parece fundirse con elMediterráneo, de ahí que la vista pueda comparar-se con la que se tiene desde una nave. “Recuerdaa un barco, porque accedes a ella por una pasare-la y tienes el mar de frente. Luego, cuando bajasves un río y ya, cuando desciendes al sótano, teencuentras con lo que podrían ser las clarabo-yas de la embarcación, desde donde disfrutar delfondo submarino de la piscina, que por los azulesparece el marino”, subraya Manuel. Y más aún alcolocar en la vivienda, con pavimento de micro-cemento blanco, un suelo de lamas de madera

Halfway between a paradise holiday homeand an island surrounded by water, it evenresembles a ship. But this house, perched ona cliff on Murcia’s coast, overlooks the widehorizon of the sea. It is a poetic composition,a work of art whose every detail, no matterhow small, is there for a reason. Its 180square metres – almost intangible as thehouse is enveloped by huge glass windowsthat can look both inwards and outwards– were originally an unremarkable housedesigned in the cubic style of the ‘40s. Andthen architects Francisca Muñoz and ManuelHerrera, of the Muher studio, came on thescene when its owners, a young couple withchildren, decided to overhaul it, quite literally.“When people commission us with a project,they know that they are dealing with artists,so they just have to tell us their needs: “I wantthree bedrooms, a games room, a swimmingpool and an ironing room,” and they just leavethe rest to us,” explains Muñoz. In this case, thisis an area protected by the Coastal Act andas the architects could not start from scratchthey focused instead on reconditioning the oldbuilding. They demolished all the walls andreconstructed them in glass, cladding all theoutdoor walls with stone. Then they extendedthe terrace and clad the swimming pool indegraded dark blue ceramic tile by Urbatekto make it look as if it were melting into theMediterranean: the views can be compared tothe horizon of the sea as seen from a ship.“It resembles a ship, since you access it via agangway and the sea is in front of you. Then,when you descend, you see a river, and if yougo down to the basement, you find what looklike a ship’s portholes where you can see thebottom of the swimming pool, whose beautifulblueness makes it look like the seabed,”highlights Manuel. This idea is reinforced bya floor of white microcement and Styledeck

de Styledeck Plus Brown, de L’Antic colonial(que por cierto no requieren mantenimiento algu-no), que se extiende como una alfombra desdeel interior hasta la terraza. Con ello se consigueacrecentar esa sensación algo playera de estar enuna isla o flotando: toda la vivienda parece desem-bocar en el mar y de ahí su nombre, Casa Flotante.

Una de las señas de identidad del estudioMuher es su casi obsesión por respetar e integrarsus proyectos en la naturaleza, siguiendo el lemade que una obra, por muy bonita que sea, no debeestropear el paisaje, sino sublimarlo. Y si en la par-te delantera se toparon con la magnanimidad delMare Nostrum, en la posterior, que es por dondese accede a través de un pasarela de lo más náu-

tica, optaron por crear un jardín lleno de vegeta-ción, palmeras incluidas. “Envolvimos la casa conla propia arquitectura del paisaje”, explica Herrera.“Gestamos todo lo que es la volumetría de piedradel jardín para escalonarlo, con mucho verde y conuna gran lámina de agua arriba, a modo de estan-que”, puntualiza Francisca. En cuanto a la paleta ala que recurrieron los arquitectos, también destacapor su discreción: el blanco y el gris ceden el pro-tagonismo al turquesa del mar.

La primera planta, toda construida con micro-cemento blanco y absolutamente diáfana, sintabiques y con vidrios empotrados sin carpintería,cobija el salón comedor, la terraza, un aseo deinvitados, la cocina y la piscina; arriba hay un solá-

Brown Plus wooden slats by L’Antic Colonial(which, conveniently, are completely low-maintenance). Spreading out like a carpet fromthe interior to the terrace, they make you feellike you are at the beach, as if you were on anisland, or floating: the whole house appears toflow towards the sea. This is why it is calledCasa Flotante [Houseboat].

A hallmark of the Muher studio is itsnear obsession for respecting Nature andintegrating it into its projects, following themotto that a project, no matter how beautiful,must never damage the landscape but mustenhance it. If at the front they encounteredthe enormousness of the Mediterranean, at

the back – where a truly nautical gangwayleads into the house – they decided to createa garden with luxuriant vegetation includingpalm trees. “We wrapped the house in thearchitecture of the landscape itself,” explainsHerrera. “We used all the stone volumes ofthe garden to terrace it, using lots of greeneryand a vast sheet of water, sort of like a pond,above,” specifies Francisca. As for the paletteof colours used by the architects, it is alsooutstandingly subtle: white and grey leave theleading role to the turquoise sea.

The fully open-plan first floor is entirely ofwhite microcement, has frameless windowsand no partitions. The living-dining room is here,

En el sentido de las agujas del reloj, desde arriba a la derecha. Cocina con mobiliario Gamadecor en la planta principal, conuna isla central realizada en Krion® blanco y grifería monomando LOOP, de Noken. En la terraza, tarima exterior SlyledeckPlus Brown 14,4x210x2,2 cm, de L’Antic Colonial. Los dormitorios han sido situados en la planta baja. En el principal, lasparedes de vidrio dejan ver el fondo de la piscina, incluso en la zona de la ducha, equipada con mampara Neo, de Systempool.Lavabo Buddha en mármol negro Marquina, de L’Antic Colonial, con grifería Lounge, de Noken, frente a un hueco quepermite vislumbrar el jardín de estilo balinés. Cocina con puertas de Krion® retroiluminadas. Mobiliario diseñado por el estudioen Krion® blanco, también retroiluminado. Escalera de acceso a la planta baja.

Clockwise, from top right. Kitchen on the main floor with Gamadecor furniture and a central island in white Krion® andLOOP mixer tap, by Noken. On the terrace, Slyledeck Plus Brown exterior decking, 14.4 x 210 x 2.2 cm, by L’Antic Colonial.The bedrooms are on the ground floor. The glass walls of the main bedroom give onto the bottom of the swimming pool, as doesthe shower area – fitted with a Neo shower screen, by Systempool. Buddha hand basin in black Marquina marble,by L’Antic Colonial, with Lounge taps, by Noken, in front of an opening through which a Balinese-style garden can be seen.Kitchen, with backlit Krion® doors. Furniture, also backlit, designed by the studio in white Krion®. Stairs to the ground floor.

En el sentido de las agujas del reloj, desde arriba a la izquierda. La piscina de la Casa Flotante está situada en la plantaprincipal y ha sido revestida con gres porcelánico técnico Avenue Black Texture 29,7x59,6 cm x10,4 mm, de Urbatek, conun acabado semi-abujardado que le aporta una textura única. En la terraza llama la atención la ubicación de una de las zonasde descanso, en una cavidad del muro que abraza a la propiedad. En la zona menos profunda de la piscina de doble altura sehan instalado hamacas diseñadas por el estudio en Krion® blanco. Dos detalles del jacuzzi instalado en el solárium, en gresporcelánico técnico Avenue Black Texture 29,7x59,6 cm x10,4 mm, de Urbatek, y desde el que discurre una suave cascadade agua rebosante hasta la piscina inferior. Planta principal y piscina.

Clockwise, from top left. The swimming pool on the main floor of Casa Flotante is in Avenue Black Texture technical porcelainstoneware, 29.7 x 59.6 cm x 10.4 mm, by Urbatek, with a semi bush-hammered finish for a unique texture. A fabulous restarea of the terrace is in a recessed part of the wall that wraps around the property. In the shallow end of the swimming pool is achaise-longue designed by the studio in white Krion®. Two details of the Jacuzzi in the solarium, in Avenue Black Texture greytechnical porcelain stoneware, 29.7 x 59.6 cm x 10.4 mm, by Urbatek – from which a gentle cascade of water flows into theswimming pool below. Main floor and swimming pool.

rium con jacuzzi cuya agua cae en cascada haciala piscina. En la altura menos uno se encuen-tran el dormitorio principal y las habitaciones delos niños. Allí, las paredes también acristaladas,permiten contemplar el fondo de la piscina tanazul como si del marino se tratara. “Cuando entrael sol del mediodía sobre la superficie del agua,desde los dormitorios se ven los reflejos de la luz,lo que te da la sensación de que estás dentro deuna pecera”, subraya Herrera. Aquí, la ducha delmatrimonio con una mampara Systempool es laestrella de la planta al siluetearse con las lucesque atraviesan el vidrio y los destellos del agua.Finalmente en el sótano, hay una sala de juegosy televisión, la zona de servicio con su lavanderíay toda la maquinaria de la piscina.

Respecto al mobiliario, todos los mueblesretroiluminados han sido diseñados por los arqui-tectos y comulgan con el precepto de una presen-cia silenciosa. Han sido elaborados con el solidsurface Krion® blanco. “Nos encanta trabajar conél, te permite toda la creatividad que te puedasimaginar y es de una flexibilidad absoluta. Con élhacemos arquitectura, escultura y diseño”, comen-ta sonriendo Manuel. El estudio recurrió al mismomaterial para la cocina abierta en una isla centralcombinada con mobiliario de Gamadecor.

¡Hasta las barandillas son de vidrio! Lo cierto esque en esta casa paradisíaca, arquitectónicamen-te pura, racionalista y sublime, paradójicamentelos elementos arquitectónicos son mínimos, elpaisaje es lo más potente. Lo único que se puedehacer al respecto es disfrutarla sin más./

along with the terrace, a guest bathroom, thekitchen and the swimming pool. Upstairs is asolarium with a Jacuzzi whose water cascadesinto the swimming pool below. On the groundfloor are the main bedroom and the children’sbedrooms, whose glass walls let you see thebottom of the swimming pool that is as blue asthe seabed. “When the midday sun shines on thesurface of the water, you can see the reflectionsfrom the bedroom and you feel like you are insidean aquarium,” says Herrera. Here, the couple’sshower, with a Systempool screen, is the starelement of the entire floor as it is bathed in theglinting light and reflections that traverse theglass. Finally, in the basement are the games andTV room, the service area with a laundry, and theswimming-pool pump room.

To imbue the interior with a feeling ofsilence, all the backlit furniture was designedby the architects in the solid surface of whiteKrion®. “We love working with this material as itallows for enormous freedom for creativity andimagination and it is totally flexible. We use it in allour architecture, sculpture and design projects,”remarks Manuel, smiling. The studio chosethe same material for the central island in theopen kitchen and combined it with Gamadecorfurniture.

Even the railings were made of glass! The truthis, this heavenly house that is so architecturallypure, rationalist and sublime, has paradoxicallyvery few architectural elements and thelandscape is the most powerful one. It is pureenjoyment!/



PERFECT MORNINGSThis is a fabulous hotel with the kind of surroundings that lead theway day after day. The Viñas de Lárrede hotel, whose name comesfrom the delightful 10th-century village where it stands, is located in aunique landscape: by the Gállego River – at the doors of the AragonesePyrenees – and flanked by the Torraza, a stunning watchtoweratop a hill, and the Romanesque Church of San Pedro de Lárrede.

En esta página, arriba.Vista a través de un huecode la celosía exterior, con eltorreón vigía conocido comola Torraza al fondo.En esta página, abajo.Terraza de la habitaciónPremium María.En la otra página, en lacolumna de la izquierdade arriba abajo. Zona dela chimenea en el salón,con parquet de maderanatural Legend 1L Light26x220x1,5 cm, de L’AnticColonial. Suite Ana,con el mismo modelo deparquet de madera naturalde L’Antic Colonial. Halldel hotel, con pavimentoSton-Ker ArizonaArena 43,5x65,9 cm, dePorcelanosa.

Aparte de que sus vistas son sencillamente exquisitas y enamoran, el pro-pio alojamiento rural es un lugar en el que, si pudiera, el visitante se quedaríaa vivir. Se trata de una casa construida con materiales nobles que luce unafachada de piedra recuperada de una antigua casona derruida. Un exterior conhistoria en el que se aprecian las huellas que la meteorología ha ido labrandoen él, donde la madera de alerce proveniente de Siberia ha sido combinadacon amplios ventanales que miran a los picos del Valle, de más de 3.000metros de altura. Dentro, la atmósfera de serenidad es la gran anfitriona deeste hospitalario lugar. Como en toda casa de campo que se precie –con esadualidad tan apreciada de vida exterior e interior– una gran chimenea nos dala bienvenida al salón, muy de agradecer en los largos meses de invierno. Allítambién nos espera un maravilloso sofá, que sin duda adoptaremos durante

nuestra estancia para recuperar el deleite por esas viejas costumbres ya en desuso, como sonlas tertulias, lectura, juegos y las charlas al calor de la hoguera. Lo mismo ocurre con el porchey sus sillones de mimbre, de madera decapada, y esos románticos y elegantes bancos de hierro.El ambiente distinguido de este rincón es idóneo para saborear un aperitivo mientras charla-mos o nos embelesamos con el paisaje. En cuanto a las habitaciones, ofrece 17 bautizadascon nombres femeninos, como las suites Ana, Inés o María Luisa. Cada una de ellas, con unacálida decoración sin estridencias para no rivalizar con la naturaleza exterior, tiene su propiapersonalidad. En lo gastronómico la sorpresa nos la da el chef Toni Polca y su cocina basada enlos productos de la propia finca y autóctonos de la zona, premiando en cada plato la estaciona-lidad y frescura del género: las carnes de los valles, las verduras de la finca y de los hortelanoslocales, los sabrosos guisos cocinados a fuego lento o el pescado recién traído del Cantábrico.

Ya se sabe que en el Pirineo es difícil aburrirse. A media hora del hotel nos encontramoscon la estación de esquí más grande de España, Formigal-Panticosa, y para los amantes delGolf, a tan solo a cinco minutos están los campos de Las Margas, Badaguás y Guara. Asimis-mo, es una zona atractiva para montar a caballo o en bici o para visitar el Vallée d’Ossau, enel Pirineo francés, y disfrutar del Petit train d’Artouste, el tren más alto de Europa. Y tras eldeporte o los largos paseos y caminatas Viñas de Lárrede nos tiene reservado un pequeño spapara regalarnos momentos de serenidad, calma, relax y así recuperar la energía, mediante lahidroterapia, compuesto de bañera de hidromasaje, hammam y duchas de contraste de aguas.Algo que también podemos practicar, en épocas más cálidas, en la piscina exterior con susvistas, vegetación y montañas en una línea de horizonte lejana.

Lárrede es uno de esos rincones del mundo que tienen algo mágico por su enclave, su luz,su olor a campo y sus casas del siglo X, que nos transportan fácilmente al pasado. Y el hotelViñas de Lárrede es un refugio lejos del mundanal ruido para reunirnos con la familia y losamigos, compartiendo mesa y vivencias. Un alojamiento en el que sentirse cómodo es obligadoo, mejor dicho, algo tan natural como el aire puro que se respira en la zona./

This page, above. Viewthrough an opening in theexterior lattice, with thewatchtower known as theTorraza in the background.This page, below. Terraceof the María Premium room.Opposite, left column fromtop to bottom. Fireplace inthe living room, in Legend1L Light natural woodparquet, 26 x 220 x 1.5 cm,by L’Antic Colonial. AnaSuite, in the same naturalwood parquet by L’AnticColonial. Hotel lobby, withSand Arizona Ston-Kerfloor tiles, 43.5 x 65.9 cm,by Porcelanosa.

Aside from being simply stunning and having gorgeous views, thiscountry hotel is a place in which, if they could, visitors would stay onand live here. Built with top-quality materials, it boasts a façade of stonereclaimed from an old demolished manor house. On its history-ladenexterior, the marks carved by weather can still be seen. Siberian larchis combined here with large windows overlooking the 3,000-metre-highpeaks across the valley. Inside, a calm atmosphere welcomes you tothis place. As in every self-respecting country house – endowed withthat wonderful dual indoor/outdoor life – a big fireplace that is muchappreciated in the long winter months welcomes you into the living room.There, a wonderful sofa also awaits you – no doubt, to be used duringyour stay to enjoy delightfully old, almost-forgotten customs such as

reading, playing board games and chatting in front of the fireplace. The same applies tothe veranda in bleached wood, its wicker armchairs and romantic, elegant wrought-ironbenches. The refined ambience here is perfect for a delicious snack while talking oradmiring the landscape. There are 17 rooms, each with a woman’s name, like the Ana,Inés and María Luisa suites. Each of them has a warm décor, with no frilliness – so as notto steal the limelight from the natural beauty of the surroundings – and a personality oftheir own. As for the cuisine, the surprise is to be found in chef Toni Polca, whose foodis based on the produce grown in the hotel’s vegetable garden as well as locally. Eachdish is enhanced by the seasonality and the freshness of the ingredients: meat from thevalleys, vegetables from the property and local growers, tasty, slow-cooked stews andfish brought in daily from the Cantabrian Sea.

You can’t get bored in the Pyrenees. Half an hour from the hotel is the largest ski resort inSpain, Formigal-Panticosa; and golf lovers have Las Margas, Badaguás and Guara coursesjust five minutes away. This area is also good for horse riding and cycling, and you can visitthe Vallée d’Ossau, in the French Pyrenees, and enjoy the Petit train d’Artouste, the highesttrain in Europe. And after doing some sport or going for a long walk or trek, Viñas de Lárredehas a small spa where you can indulge in a feeling of serenity, calm and relaxation, andrecover your energy with hydrotherapy. It offers a whirlpool bath, a hamman and contrastshowers. In the warmer months, you can also relax by the outdoor swimming pool withwonderful views, beautiful vegetation and the mountains on the distant horizon.

Lárrede is one of those small, unique places whose magic springs from its location, thelight, the smell of countryside, and the 10th-century houses in the village that transportyou easily back to the past. The Viñas de Lárrede hotel – a haven far from the maddingcrowd – is a place to enjoy with family and friends, to share meals and experiences withthem. It is a hotel that believes comfort is a must – or rather, is as natural as the pureair of the area. /

Arriba. Salón, con parquet demadera natural Legend 1LLight 26x220x1,5 cm,de L’Antic Colonial. Arriba,junto a estas líneas.Baño de la suite Ana, conrevestimiento FlorenciaNatural NP 33,3x100 cm, deVenis, pavimento NewportDark Gray 59,6x59,6 cm,de Venis, lavabos de apoyoClip Square Blanco 55 cm,inodoro (con asiento Soft-close) y bidé suspendidos dela serie Hotels, bañeracon equipamiento MinimalXL y grifería de la serieConcept, todo de Noken.Izquierda, junto aestas líneas. Baño conrevestimiento FlorenciaNatural NP 33,3x100 cm,de Venis, y lavabos BubbleApoyo Blanco y griferíaConcept, de Noken.

Above. The living room, inLegend 1L Light naturalwood parquet, 26 x 220 x1.5 cm, by L’Antic Colonial.Above centre. Bathroom inAna Suite, with FlorenciaNatural NP cladding, 33.3x 100 cm, by Venis, andNewport Dark Gray floortiles, 59.6 x 59.6 cm, byVenis, white 55-cm ClipSquare hand basins onthe countertop, suspendedtoilet (with Soft-close seat)and bidet from the Hotelsseries, bathtub with MinimalXL fittings and taps fromthe Concept series, allby Noken.Left. Bathroom withFlorencia Natural NPcladding, 33.3 x 100 cm, byVenis, Bubble white handbasins on countertop andConcept taps, by Noken.


En el sentido de las agujas del reloj, desde arribaa la izquierda. Recepción del hotel, donde se percibe a laperfección el diseño ‘Masquerade’, con revestimientoSea Silver 33,3x100 cm, de Venis. Suite Extreme WOW,con las mejores vistas de toda la ciudad. Piscinaen el interior del Away Spa. Exterior del W Mexico City,situado en la exclusiva colonia Polanco.


Clockwise, from top left. Hotel reception, displayinga ‘Masquerade’ design with Sea Silver, 33.3 x 100 cm,wall tiles, by Venis. The best views of the city fromthe Extreme WOW Suite. Swimming pool at the AwaySpa. Outside the W Mexico City, in the exclusive Polanconeighbourhood.


THE LAW OF DESIREIf the W hotels have a truly distinctive characteristic it is the relaxed

pace at which its guests move around in them. Always faithful togood architecture, design, fashion and music, they enchant their visitors.

People fall in love with W hotels not onlybecause of their attractive interiors, but alsofor the freshness and warmth they find insidethat is guaranteed by their Whatever/Wheneverservice – which can be defined as something like“Whatever you want. Whenever you want it.” Somuch so that this hotel chain warns: “Imaginationsets our limits (provided it is legal and doesnot offend).” The W Mexico City – an elegant

skyscraper off the Paseo de la Reforma in theexclusive neighbourhood of Polanco, surroundedby modern shops, art galleries, and in the heartof the city’s nightlife – is not only an exception,but goes way beyond. The Nemaworkshop studioin New York – a ‘band’ of architects addicted tobold concepts, and headed by Anurag Nema– designed the hotel with a certain playfulspirit. Their idea was – starting from the LivingRoom Bar – to transform the spaces into a‘Masquerade’: a sort of game of hide-and-seekalong the lines of ‘now you see me, now you don’t’.Full of winding, reflective surfaces by Venis, withilluminated, faceted surfaces, it invites guests toexplore and discover the hotel’s different spaces.

All 237 rooms are totally technologically

Clockwise, from top left.The Living Room Bar, withSea Silver cladding,33.3 x 100 cm, by Venis,as well as on the staircasewall; Black Lavagna,120 x 59.6 cm, by Venis,elsewhere. Terrace,courtyard terrace andentrance to the J by JoséAndrés restaurant.The hotel lounge, ready fora cocktail party.

Clockwise, from topleft. The Fabulous room,decorated with floor toceiling photograph murals.Incredible views of thecity from a Standard room.The countertops of thebathroom in the bar areaare in white Lux 4101Krion®, by Systempool.Extreme WOW Suite, withtwo terraces, a projectionscreen in the living roomfitted with a surround-soundsystem, and a table in thedining room for privatelunches.

se te concederá), todo lo tienes al alcance de lamano. En cuanto a la decoración de estos espa-cios, se distinguen por una serie de fotografíasque, al tiempo que nos cuentan momentos de lahistoria de México (eso sí, al estilo W), trasmi-ten una gran pasión por la moda. Y hablando deltoque local, todo el establecimiento está marca-do por la paleta de colores típicos de las obrasde Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera.

Otro de sus aciertos es el tema de la gastro-nomía bajo la batuta de José Andrés y su restau-rante J by José Andrés, que supone el debut delchef español en un hotel W. En él ofrece clásicosde la cocina española, pero sublimados, como esel caso de la coca española cubierta con erizo de

mar, por supuesto, el jamón ibérico y el clásicohuevo frito… servido con caviar. Y si de tantogusto nos pasamos con la comida, tenemos muya mano el AWAY® Spa, con equipos de alta tec-nología y vistas relajantes de las copas de losárboles de Polanco, solárium, una sala de vapor,una bañera de hidromasajes y una sauna.

El W Mexico City –con sus cinco estrellas–rebosa arquitectura de vanguardia, un diseño deinteriores contemporáneo y una sensación desentirte como en casa./

equipped (again, “ask and you shall receive”):everything is within hand’s reach. As regards thedécor of these spaces, they are all graced witha series of photographs that illustrate certainmoments during Mexico’s history (à la W, ofcourse) while at the same time conveying a greatlove of fashion. And talking of a feel for all thingslocal, the colours used for the hotel include thosethat are reminiscent of paintings by Frida Kahloand Diego Rivera.

Another of the W Mexico City’s successesis its culinary side and the J by José Andrésrestaurant, run by José Andrés: the debut of theSpanish chef at a W hotel. Traditional Spanishdishes are served here but he elevates them

– as is the case with his Spanish coca [a sortof savoury pastry] topped with sea urchin andof course Iberian ham, or a dish of classic friedeggs… served with caviar. And if we eat a littlebit too much, we can always head to the AWAY®Spa that has cutting-edge equipment, a solarium,a steam room, a whirlpool bath and a sauna andcalming views of Polanco’s treetops.

The five-star W Mexico City overflows withstate-of the-art architecture, contemporary interiordesign and a feel-at-home atmosphere./


En el sentido de las agujasdel reloj, desde arriba ala izquierda. Fachada de

ladrillo del hotel, declaradomonumento de interés

cultural por el MinisterioColombiano de Cultura.

Castanyoles, un conceptoabierto de restaurante y barde tapas diseñado por SaúlSasson. Entrada del hotel.

En la otra página.Detalle de la bella escalera

del hotel Casa Medina.

El Four Seasons Hotel Casa Medina Bogotáposee dos atributos innegables: ser uno de losmás refinados de la capital colombiana y habersido declarado en 1984 patrimonio arquitectóni-co de la ciudad. El nacimiento de Casa Medina seremonta a 1946, cuando el arquitecto SantiagoMedina Mejía, muy empapado por lo que habíavisto en Francia durante los 20 años que resi-dió en este país, tuvo la osada idea de construirapartamentos en una zona privilegiada y reserva-da para enormes casas destinadas a importantesfamilias. Y así se lanzó a mezclar las tendenciaseuropeas más en boga de la época con las carac-

Sabor colonialEl Four Seasons Casa Medina, uno de los mejores hoteles de Bogotá,

fusiona la modernidad de los materiales del Grupo Porcelanosa con la historia y clasicismode piezas artesanales de comienzos del siglo pasado. Un cóctel exquisito.

Four SeaSonS Hotel caSa Medina bogotá

terísticas nativas de su tierra natal. A esto hayque sumarle su obsesión perfeccionista por cui-dar los más pequeños detalles: como los trabajosartesanales de talla en madera (en las puertasde habitaciones y salones y en los techos de laúltima planta), la forja de barandales y balaustra-das, las intrincadas columnas de piedra talladas amano y hierro forjado y la utilización de materia-les eximios, como piezas de conventos colonialesdemolidos que aún se puede contemplar en elhotel. De hecho, todavía se conservan por su granvalor muebles originales de aquella época.

El Four Seasons Hotel Casa Medina Bogotá,


Clockwise, from top left.Brick façade of the hotel,declared a monument ofcultural interest by theColombian Ministry ofCulture. Castanyoles, a

restaurant with an open-plan concept and tapas bardesigned by Saúl Sasson.

The hotel entrance.Opposite. Detail of the

beautiful staircase at theCasa Medina hotel.

The Four Seasons Hotel Casa Medina Bogotáhas two undeniable attributes: it is one of themost refined hotels in the Colombian capital, andit was declared part of the city’s architecturalheritage in 1984. The origin of Casa Medinadates back to 1946, when architect SantiagoMedina Mejía, heavily influenced by everything hehad seen in France during the 20 years he spentthere, had the daring idea of building apartmentsin an exclusive area of huge mansions owned byimportant families. Thus, he started to combinethe most fashionable European trends of the day

COLONIAL FLAVOURThe Four Seasons Casa Medina, one of the best hotels in Bogotá,

combines Porcelanosa Group’s cutting-edge materials with the history and classicismof early 20th-century hand-crafted objects. An exquisite blend.


with the local flavour of his native land. Addedto this was Medina Mejía’s perfectionist’sobsession for the smallest details – includingartisanal woodcarving (on the doors to roomsand halls; on the ceilings on the top floor), theironwork of the banisters and balustrades, theintricate columns of hand-carved stone andwrought iron, and the use of quality antiquematerials – such as furniture from old, now-demolished convents which is still found in thehotel. In fact, those original pieces of furnitureare considered invaluable.

ubicado en la zona de Chapinero, Zona G (G degastronomía), pletórica de lugares para comer,se distingue por su estilo de respetuosa fusiónentre lo clásico y los toques modernos. Relati-vamente pequeño, tiene 64 habitaciones (conparquet de madera natural de L’Antic Colonial),incluidas 17 suites, y un penthouse con cocinade 108 m². A ninguna le faltan sus vigas demadera y un cierto aire colonial, aunque no haydos iguales. También posee amplios espacios dereunión (muy útiles al estar casi en pleno corazónfinanciero de Colombia) y áreas comunes, comoun increíble jardín interior.

El restaurante Castanyoles Raciones y Tapas(su nombre es un guiño a las castañuelas), decocina española, ocupa un exuberante patio inte-rior con atrio de cristal y una terraza cubierta que

da sobre la calle pero que está concienzudamen-te protegida del ruido. En su bar, amén de unaamplísima variedad de cócteles exquisitos, hayuna bodega en la que difícilmente no encontra-remos el vino deseado. Por otra parte, Los Rosa-les es un comedor privado con espacio para 24comensales, pensado para comidas de negocioso celebraciones. A todo esto hay que sumarleun spa, de esos de los que uno no quisiera mar-charse nunca por sus cuidados y personalizadostratamientos, y un gimnasio de 74 m².

Todos los viajeros que han pasado por el FourSeasons Hotel Casa Medina Bogotá no solo hanpuesto el establecimiento por las nubes, sino quecoinciden en catalogar como excelente el tratorecibido por parte de todo el equipo de profesio-nales que trabaja en él./

En el sentido de las agujasdel reloj, desde arriba ala izquierda. Detalle devarios arcos de ladrillo y

de una columna de piedraoriginales. Habitación

Premier, donde destacan lasvigas de madera

y el espíritu colonialdel mobiliario (con parquet

de madera naturalPiccola 1L Scuro

9x109x1,4 cm, de L’AnticColonial). Recepción del

hotel, con un impresionantemostrador de madera

tallado a mano. Espaciodentro del spa, con

tratamientos inspirados enterapias locales.

The Four Seasons Hotel Casa MedinaBogotá, located in the Chapinero area – in the GZone (G for gastronomy) that is full of eateries– is characterised by a style that respectfullycombines the traditional with modern touches.It is relatively small and has only 64 rooms(with floors in natural wood parquet by L’AnticColonial) – including17 suites, and a 108-m² penthouse with kitchen. All of them havewooden beams and a certain colonial feel,although no two are alike. The hotel also hasample meeting spaces (very convenient, asthe hotel is located in the heart of Colombia’sfinancial district), and common areas, such as itsfabulous courtyard garden.

The Castanyoles Raciones y Tapas restaurant(its name refers to castanets) serves Spanish

food in an exuberant interior courtyard with aglass foyer and a thoroughly sound-proofedroofed terrace that overlooks the street. The baroffers a very wide variety of delicious cocktailsand there is also a massive wine cellar wherethey will most likely have any wine you name.In addition, Los Rosales is a private diningroom that can seat 24 people and is perfect forbusiness lunches or celebrations. There is also a74-m² gym and a spa of the kind that you neverwant to leave thanks to its personalised care andtreatments.

All travellers who have stayed at the FourSeasons Hotel Casa Medina Bogotá have notonly sung its praises, but they also agree on theexcellence of the service they received from theentire team of professionals that work here./

Clockwise, from top left.Detail of several brick

arches and a stone column,all of them original.The Premier Room,

with spectacular woodenbeams and furniture with a

colonial feel(with Piccola 1L Scuro

natural wood parquet tiles,9 x 109 x 1.4 cm, by L’Antic

Colonial).The hotel reception, with

an impressive hand-carvedwooden desk.

A view of the spa, withtreatments inspired by local



Sin lugar a dudas este sería el esce-nario ideal para escribir nuestra propiaversión de Memorias de África, aunqueel rinoceronte que nos da la bienvenidaa la entrada –que dio lugar al nombredel establecimiento– es una pieza únicacedida por el famoso museo de maderaexótica de Chiang Mai (Tailandia).

El encanto de The Rhino Resort Hotel& Spa reside en su localización: en Saly,Senegal, un pueblo seguro y con mara-villosas playas de arena, palmeras, sol,restaurantes, balnearios, campos de golf...siempre con esa esencia que trasmite latradición del lugar. Aquí se respira Áfricay su cultura.

Inaugurado en 2009, este exquisi-to ‘refugio’ ha sido reconocido como elMejor Hotel Spa del Mundo, tres veces

AGUAS DE SENEGALEl cinco estrellas The Rhino Resort Hotel & Spa es

pequeño –si tenemos en cuenta que solo tiene41 habitaciones, incluyendo seis suites– pero, al mismo

tiempo, monumental en su hospitalidad.


consecutivas (2012-2013, 2014-2015y 2015-2016) por International HotelAwards y World Luxury Hotel Awards.Dispone de todo los que sus clientesnecesitan para sentirse a gusto: dosestilizadas piscinas exteriores, una granterraza para desconectar del mundanalbullicio, dos restaurantes al aire libre:L’Orchidée (en un entorno intimo) y LeBambou (más informal), ambos con sun-tuosos desayunos buffet y comida inter-nacional a la carta, un bar con una enor-me variedad de bebidas de toda clase,un salón de belleza con servicio de pelu-quería y una sala de conferencias equi-pada con capacidad para 250 personas.Presume de poseer el spa más grandede África occidental –con más de 490m² repartidos en dos plantas–, que cuen-

Arriba. Piscina Blue Lagoon, perfecta por suscamas balinesas y por la vegetación que la rodea.También la rodea el revestimiento Delhi NaturalHome, de L’Antic Colonial. La fachada exteriorha sido revestida con Air Slate, la nueva lámina depiedra natural flexible de L’Antic Colonial. En laotra página. Escultura de un elefante en el hotel.


Without a doubt, this would be an idealplace to write our own version of Outof Africa, even though the rhinocerosthat welcomes us at the entrance –from which the hotel took its name– is a unique exhibit from the famousmuseum of exotic woodwork in ChiangMai (Thailand).

The charm of The Rhino Resort Hotel& Spa lies in its location: in Saly, a safeSenegalese village with wonderfulsandy beaches, palm trees, sunlight,restaurants, spas, golf courses and…always the essence conveyed by its localtraditions. Africa and its culture can bebreathed here.

Opened in 2009, this delightful“refuge” has been recognised as theBest Hotel Spa in the World three years

SENEGAL WATERSThe Rhino Resort Hotel & Spa is a small

five-star hotel – it only has 41 rooms, including six suites.But, its hospitality is monumental.


in a row (2012-2013, 2014-2015 and2015-2016) by the International HotelAwards and the World Luxury HotelAwards. It has everything guests need tofeel comfortable: two beautiful outdoorswimming pools, a big terrace to unwindand relax, two open-air restaurants –L’Orchidée (with a cosy atmosphere)and Le Bambou (more casual), bothoffering sumptuous buffet breakfastsand international à la carte cuisine – abar with a very wide range of all kindsof drinks, a beauty parlour includinga hairdresser’s and a well-equippedconference hall that seat 250 people. Itboasts the biggest spa in West Africa –over 490 m² over two floors – featuringa cascade with a flow of 200,000litres of water per hour, a hammam,

Above. Blue Lagoon swimming pool, perfectthanks to its Bali beds and surrounding vegetation.Also around it, Delhi Natural Home tiles, byL’Antic Colonial. The exterior façade was clad withAir Slate – new flexible natural stone laminatetiles by L’Antic Colonial. Opposite. Sculpture ofan elephant at the hotel.

En el sentido de lasagujas del reloj, desdearriba. Zona de aguas delspa. Suite Presidencial,con revestimiento DelhiNatural Home, de L’AnticColonial. Sala de reunionescon pavimento MontrealVintage 14,3x90 cmy 22x90 cm, de Venis,y revestimiento XLight100x300, de Urbatek.Detalle del baño de la suite.

Clockwise, from top. Spawater area. PresidentialSuite, with Delhi NaturalHome cladding, by L’AnticColonial; Meeting hallwith flooring in MontrealVintage tiles, 14.3 x 90 cmand 22 x 90 cm, by Venis,and XLight wall cladding,100 x 300 cm, by Urbatek.A detail of the suite’sbathroom.

ta con una cascada que lanza 200.000litros de agua por hora, hammam, jacuzzisy toda clase de masajes y tratamientoscorporales y terapéuticos.

Las habitaciones, con mármoles ymaderas de primera calidad, tienen esepunto étnico que nos recuerda dóndeestamos. Las onduladas y bellas lámpa-ras junto a las camas están elaboradascon lianas taowan, plantas que cuandose secan se quedan totalmente rígidas.Por cierto, las sábanas, las almohadasy los edredones son de puro algodónegipcio. Además, en cada estancia cuel-ga una obra del artista tailandés YuttanaYutain –realizada con pincel de bambúy carboncillo– que representa una tribuafricana. Todas, sin excepción, tienenuna lanza auténtica, recuperada a lo lar-go de los numerosos viajes realizados acada rincón del continente de ébano…

Y si hablamos de la suite presidencial,el recatado lujo se extiende a lo largo yancho de un duplex de 350 m².

En cuanto a los atractivos turísticos,por su estratégica ubicación, el hotelofrece fácil acceso a una amplia varie-dad de actividades: desde recorridos enmoto quads o buggies por la Reserva deSomone, Brousse o el Parque de las Avesexóticas, a montar a caballo por la pla-ya, jet ski, jugar al golf o visitar la faunasalvaje en la Reserva de Bandia. En Salydesconocen el sentido de la palabra abu-rrimiento. A dos pasos se puede disfrutarde la Riviera Senegalesa, la isla de Gorea,los Pink Lake (lagos auténticamente decolor rosa) y, hacia el sur, se encuentraDakar, la ajetreada capital. Un sencilloaperitivo que demuestra que todo lo querodea al The Rhino Resort Hotel & Spa essencillamente belleza./

Jacuzzis and all sorts of massages andtherapeutic body treatments.

The hotel rooms, in top qualitymarble and wood, have an ethnic touchthat reminds us of where we are. Thebeautiful, curly lamps by the beds aremade from taowan lianas – a plant that,when it dries, becomes entirely rigid. Thesheets, pillows and eiderdowns are pureEgyptian cotton. In addition, each roomis decorated with a picture by Thai artistYuttana Yutain – drawn with a bamboobrush and charcoal – and each onerepresents an African tribe. In all therooms, with no exception, is an authenticspear, found during the many trips madearound the Ebony Continent… Andwhen it comes to the Presidential Suite,

the hotel’s restrained luxury extendsover the entire 350-m² duplex.

As for tourist attractions, thanks to itsstrategic location the hotel offers easyaccess to a wide range of activities:from quad bikes or buggy tours of theSomone Lagoon Reserve, the villageof Brousse or the Exotic Bird Park, tohorse riding on the beach, jet skiing,golf, or excursions to the Bandia wildlifeReserve. In Saly they do not know themeaning of the word “boredom”. Closeby is the Senegalese Riviera, the islandof Gorea, the Pink Lakes (they reallyare pink) and, to the south, Dakar, thebusy capital: just a taste to show visitorsthat everything around The Rhino ResortHotel & Spa is simply beautiful./







&Si hay algo profundamente inspirador para un creador essu propio entorno, cargado de recuerdos, imágenes recurrentesy sueños cargados de líneas de colores. De la manode siete de los mejores arquitectos del mundo, recorremossus ciudades de origen –o de acogida– cuyos paisajesurbanos llevan impresa la huella de su incontestable talento.Porque si bien son las personas las que construyenel espíritu de una metrópoli, solo los genios son capaces deimaginarlas y dibujarlas con la magia de su creatividad.



&If there is something deeply inspiring for a designer it is theirown surroundings, brimming with memories, recurring imagesand dreams full of colourful shapes. Together with sevenof the best architects in the world, we visit their native – oradopted – cities whose urban landscapes carry the stamp oftheir undeniable talent. Because although it is people whobuild the spirit of big cities, it is only geniuses who are able toimagine and draw them with their magical creativity.










LondresNorman Foster

















El Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las ArtesLord Norman Foster está detrás de algunas delas joyas arquitectónicas de la City.El arquitecto británico ha declarado su amora la capital con impresionantes obras dearquitectura, como el Gran Patio del MuseoBritánico, los jardines de su nueva estructuraCrossrail Place y la sede de su prestigiosoestudio Foster + Partners. La torre 30 de StMary Axe, en pleno distrito financiero, ademásde ser uno de los edificios más altos deLondres, ya forma parte del imaginario urbano.Por razones evidentes, los londinenses hanpuesto el cariñoso sobrenombre de Gherkin(‘pepinillo’) a este edificio inteligente diseñadopara respetar el medio ambiente. Otra de lasjoyas firmadas por Foster, ganador del PremioPritzker en 1999, es el estadio Wembley. Suacabado impecable y su espectacular arcohacen de él una visita obligada en la capitalinglesa. Cuando se abrió al público, estaestructura capaz de cobijar hasta 90.000almas se convirtió en el mayor estadio delmundo con todas las gradas cubiertas. Antesde despedirnos de la ciudad, disfrutamos deuna panorámica del City Hall, diseñado porFoster + Partners en la orilla meridional delTámesis; su construcción supuso un puntode inflexión en la transformación del paisajeurbano capitalino.

Porcelanosa en LondresHace apenas dos años, el espacio londinense dePorcelanosa, situado en Fulham, fue sometido auna ambiciosa y profunda remodelación con elobjetivo de ampliar y mejorar el área dedicada alequipamiento de cocinas, donde lucen modelosde Emotions de Gamadecor. Con una superficiede 750 m2 distribuidos en tres alturas, la tiendase ubica en una de las vías más transitadas de laorilla norte del Támesis, al suroeste de Londres,y próxima al Wandsworth Bridge.

En el sentido de las agujasdel reloj, desde arriba a laizquierda. Great Court en elBritish Museum. El colosalWembley National Stadiumes otro de los grandeshitos de Foster en la City.Crossrail Station and Retail,en Canary Wharf. City Hallde Londres, obra de Foster+ Partners.En la página anterior.Boceto conceptual de 30St Mary Axe, por NormanFoster.

LondonNorman Foster





















Lord Norman Foster, who won a Prince ofAsturias Prize in the Art category, is behindsome of the City of London’s architecturalgems. The British architect declared his lovefor the capital with his imposing works ofarchitecture such as the Great Court at theBritish Museum, the new park at CrossrailPlace as well as the headquarters of hisrenowned Foster + Partners studio. The 30St Mary Axe, right in the heart of the financialarea, aside from being one of the tallestbuildings in London, is already a part of thecity’s soul. As a term of endearment and forother obvious reasons, Londoners dubbedthis intelligent building – designed to respectnatural environment – “the Gherkin”. Another ofthe masterpieces by Foster, the 1999 PritzkerPrize winner, is Wembley Stadium. Its flawlessfinish and dramatic arch makes visiting it amust-see when in the English capital. Whenit was opened to the public, the 90,000-seatstructure became the world’s biggest stadiumwith a roof covering all seats. Before leavingthe city, enjoy a panoramic view of the Cityfrom City Hall on the south bank designedby Foster + Partners marking a turning pointin the transformation of the capital’s urbanlandscape.

Porcelanosa in LondonBarely two years ago, Porcelanosa’s spacein London, located in Fulham, underwent anambitious and in-depth refurbishmentwith the aim of enlarging and improving thearea devoted to kitchen design – where anumber of Emotions by Gamadecor kitchens areshowcased. Measuring 750 m² and spread overthree floors, the shop is located on one of thebusiest streets on the north bank of the Thamesand close to Wandsworth Bridge.

Clockwise, from top left.Great Court at the BritishMuseum; the formidableWembley National Stadiumis another of the greatlandmarks by Foster inthe city; Crossrail Stationand Retail, Canary Wharf;London’s City Hall wasdesigned by Foster +Partners.Previous page. Conceptsketch of 30 St Mary Axe,by Norman Foster.


Nueva YorkDaniel Libeskind

Porcelanosa en Nueva YorkLa extraordinaria inauguración, tanto por su puesta enescena como por la acogida internacional, del buque insigniadel Grupo Porcelanosa en la Gran Manzana marcó un hitoen la historia de la empresa. En pleno barrio de FlatironDistrict, el evento reunió a 700 célebres invitados de másde 80 países, como Carolina Herrera, Nieves Álvarez y, porsupuesto, Isabel Preysler. El nuevo espacio, firmado porNorman Foster, cuenta con 2.000 m2 en seis alturas.

Se puede decir que Daniel Libeskind le ha devuelto a NuevaYork la energía de finales del siglo XX. El nuevo World TradeCenter, sobre la base del desaparecido en 2001, con su elegantey prodigiosa altura ha inyectado esperanzas a una metrópoli queno cesa en su voluntad de evolucionar. El estadounidense, deorigen judío, ha captado el espíritu renovador de su ciudad deadopción desde 1959 con una estremecedora delicadeza: “Meda la sensación de haber vivido intensamente. Pienso en misconstrucciones desde la memoria y con un sentido simbólico”.Gracias a esa impronta emocional ganó en 2003 la adjudicaciónde la reconstrucción de la Zona Cero con su Torre de la Libertad.En la misma línea, el High Line –el gran parque sobre una víaferroviaria– y el nuevo museo Whitney, en el Meatpacking District,y que recuerda a una antigua fábrica, demuestran una vez más queNueva York no se acaba nunca.

Arriba. Daniel Libeskinddetrás del nuevo WorldTrade Center (a su derecha).Arriba, de izquierda aderecha. Panorámica delnuevo Museo Whitney. Untramo del vanguardistaHigh Line, el paseo verdeconstruido sobre unaantigua vía ferroviaria. Lostres son referentes de laNueva York de la segundadécada del siglo XXI.













New YorkDaniel Libeskind

Porcelanosa in New YorkBoth for its mise en scene and its international welcome, theextraordinary inauguration of Porcelanosa Group’s flagshipin the Big Apple marked a milestone in the company’shistory. Right in the heart of the Flatiron District, the eventbrought together 700 famous guests from over 80 countries,including Carolina Herrera, Nieves Álvarez and, of course,Isabel Preysler. This new 2,000 m² space, designed by Foster+ Partners, is laid out over six floors.

You could say that Daniel Libeskind has brought back to New Yorkthe energy it had at the end of the 20th century. The new World TradeCenter – built on the plot of the previous one that was destroyed in2001 – has, thanks to its elegance and extraordinary height, broughtnew hope to a big ever-evolving city. This Jewish American architectcaptured – with great subtlety – the innovative spirit of the citythat has been his home since 1959: “I have the feeling that I haveled a full life. When I design my constructions, I try to imbue themwith echoes of the past and a sense of symbolism.” This profoundapproach earned him the contract for the reconstruction of GroundZero in 2003 where he built his Freedom Tower. Along the samelines are the High Line – a vast park built on old railway tracks –and the new Whitney Museum, reminiscent of an old factory in theMeatpacking District, that once again show that New York is limitless.

Above. Daniel Libeskindand a photo of thenew World Trade Center(on his right).Above, from left to right.A view of the new WhitneyMuseum; a stretch ofthe renewed High Line,a green park built on oldrailway tracks. All three areNew York landmarks fromthe second decade of the21st century.

















ParísJean Nouvel


La última polémica del rey de la arquitecturamoderna ha ocurrido a escasa distancia de suestudio parisino. La acogida de la última obrade Jean Nouvel, la Filarmónica, ha sido cuantomenos sonora. El Gaudí de la arquitecturafrancesa, y premio Pritzker 2008, confiesa quele otorga un papel protagonista a aspectoscomo la ubicación y entorno: “Me gustaconstruir en un lugar donde yo mismo fueracapaz de vivir”. París es el campo de pruebas –yde éxitos– de su portentosa puesta en escena.Destaca el emblemático edificio del Instituto delMundo Árabe, erigido en 1987 por el arquitectogalo, dedicado a la diversidad e influencia dela civilización arabo-islámica. Otra de sus joyasparisinas es la Fundación Cartier, donde ponede manifiesto una de sus señas de identidad:los muros vegetales, alimentados de árbolesy flores que crecen en vertical. Y no podemosolvidar la mencionada Filarmónica –y quizá laque más ha dado que hablar– que sintetizala fama que le precede: el arquitecto-filósoforevoluciona, deslumbra, enamora, levantapolémicas y ama París.

Porcelanosa en ParísDesde noviembre de 2014, la Ciudad de laLuz cuenta con tienda Porcelanosa. Desdesu apertura ha despertado el interés de losexpertos galos por su amplia propuesta.Con un cuidado diseño de Jorge Belloch,la sede de Rue du Bac (barrio de Saint-Germain-des-Prés) se presenta como unespacio pensado para ofrecer una ampliavisión de las soluciones constructivas y loúltimo en materiales. El punto fuerte delespacio reside precisamente en el diseño,donde destaca los equipamientos parabaño y griferías Noken y Systempool y losrevestimientos cerámicos de Porcelanosa,Venis y Urbatek.

Arriba, de izda a dcha.El portentoso Institutodel Mundo Árabe y laFilarmónica, las huellasarquitectónicas del artistaen su ciudad natal. A laizquierda. Exterior deledificio de la no exenta depolémica Filarmónica.















ParisJean Nouvel


The latest controversy caused by the “Kingof modern architecture” is very near his studioin the French capital. Jean Nouvel’s latest work:the Philharmonie de Paris has been – to saythe least – very talked about. The Gaudí ofFrench architecture and winner of the 2008Pritzker Prize, claims that he gives the utmostimportance to considerations such as locationand surroundings: “I prefer building in a placewhere I myself would enjoy living.” Paris is thetesting field – and a successful one – of hissuperb mise en scene. His iconic building forthe Arab World Institute is outstanding; builtin 1987, it displays the diversity and influenceof Arab Islamic civilisation. Another of hismasterworks in Paris is the Cartier Foundationthat includes one of his personal hallmarks:a vertical garden with trees and flowers allgrowing upwards. We must refer again to theabove-mentioned Philharmonie – perhapsthis has been the most discussed of hisworks – as it won him international fame asthe controversial architect-philosopher whorevolutionises, dazzles and captivates… andwho loves Paris.

Porcelanosa in ParisThe City of Light has had a Porcelanosa shopsince November 2014. Since it opened it hasaroused the interest of French experts thanksto its wide range of products. Inside this shopon the Rue du Bac (in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district) the meticulous space designedby Jorge Belloch is a vast showcase of thelatest construction solutions and materials.The space’s main asset lies precisely in itsdesign – don’t miss the bathroom and tapsby Noken and Systempool, and the ceramiccladdings by Porcelanosa, Venis and Urbatek.

Above, from left to right.The fabulous architectureof the Arab World Instituteand the Philharmonie arethe hallmarks of the artist inhis native city; the outsideof the – also controversial –building of the Philharmoniede Paris.




















MadridRafael Moneo

El genio detrás del Kursaal donostiarra o delsueco Moderna Museet fue reconocido ya en1961 con el Premio Nacional de Arquitectura yes a día de hoy el único Pritzker español. Comosucede con los creadores que marcan la histo-ria, las obras del arquitecto de Tudela generanpolémica y adoración en dosis similares. Suyasson la sede de Bankinter en Madrid y la mayús-cula remodelación del edificio de los Jerónimosdel museo del Prado, uno de los hitos museísti-cos madrileños, de la que asegura: “Consideroque aquí empleé la solución más adecuadapara establecer una relación entre el edificiooriginal y el nuevo espacio: los Jerónimos.Me satisface observar cómo los visitantes semueven con facilidad en lo que supuso un granreto arquitectónico”. Del mismo modo, el PremioNacional de Arquitectura 2015 asumió el pro-yecto de rehabilitación de Atocha. Además dela icónica cúpula de la estación de cercanías, elparadisiaco jardín tropical de la nave central essin duda la gran aportación del creador al bien-estar de los viajeros durante las esperas delAVE. El Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza tambiénha pasado por el sólido tamiz del navarro.








Porcelanosa en MadridCon cinco puntos de venta en la ciudad, destacan su sede de la calle Ortega y Gasset, en elepicentro del noble barrio de Salamanca, y la que se encuentra en la kilométrica calle Alcalá,que ofrecen en generosos y diáfanos espacios las últimas tendencias en revestimientos,mobiliario de cocina y azulejos de lujo para baños y cocinas, entre otros productos.

De arriba a abajo. Eledificio de los Jerónimosdel Prado y el jardín tropicalde la estación de Atocha,ambos rehabilitados desdeel estudio de Rafael Moneo.A la izquierda. El Palaciode Cristal, custodiado porel entorno verde del Retiroy la cúpula de la estaciónde cercanías de la Atocha,también fruto del talento delarquitecto de Tudela.


MadridRafael Moneo

The genius behind San Sebastián’s Kursaal[Conventions and Auditorium Palace] and theSwedish Moderna Museet had already won Spain’sNational Prize for Architecture back in 1961;today he is the only Spanish winner of a PritzkerPrize. As happens with all artists who leave theirmark on history, the work by this architect fromTudela generates controversy and admiration inequal amounts. He designed Bankinter’s Madridheadquarters as well as the vast renovation ofthe Prado Museum’s wing next to Los JerónimosChurch, one of Madrid’s landmark museums,of which he remarks: “I consider that I used themost suitable solution here for establishing arelationship between the original building and thenew space: Los Jerónimos. It makes me happyto see how visitors can move about easily in whatwas a big architectural challenge.” The winner ofthe 2015 Spanish National Prize for Architectureundertook the renovation of the Atocha project.The iconic cupola enjoyed by commuters that usethis train station, together with the paradise-liketropical garden in the central section are a greatcontribution by this creator for the wellbeingof travellers as they wait for their high-speedtrain. The extension of the Thyssen-BornemiszaMuseum was also the work of this brilliant architectfrom Navarre.







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Porcelanosa in MadridWith five points of sale in the city, the most outstanding ones are the Ortega y Gasset mainretail shop – in the centre of the elegant Salamanca district – and the one on the verylong Calle Alcalá; both have large, open-plan spaces and offer the latest trends in claddings,kitchen furniture and luxury tiles for bathrooms and kitchens, among other products.

From top to bottom. ThePrado’s new wing next toLos Jerónimos Churchand the tropical gardenin Atocha Station, bothrenovated by the RafaelMoneo studio.Left. The “Crystal Palace”surrounded by the greenvegetation of the RetiroPark, and the cupola atAtocha commuter station,also the work of thetalented architect fromTudela.

MilánPatricia Urquiola












Porcelanosa en MilánEl pasado año, Porcelanosa abría al público un nuevo concepto de tienda en ViaMarghera, en pleno centro de Milán. En una de las áreas comerciales de la ciudad,el espacio comparte barrio con las mejores firmas de diseño y moda.Organizada en dos plantas, se divide en un área ‘emocional’ y otra de trabajo.

En el sentido de las agujasdel reloj, empezando desdearriba a la izquierda. Piezade la colección Credenzaen el Spazio Pontaccio. Unade las estancias de RoomMate Giulia. Catedral deMilán. Museo del TeatroScala y el estandarte de laelegancia de la Galería deVíctor Manuel II.

La arquitecta y diseñadora de interiores ovetense decidió fijar suresidencia, y su exitoso estudio en 2001, en Milán. Urquiola, pionera enampliar las miras como arquitecta, dedica su tiempo y talento al diseño deproductos, interiores, instalaciones y conceptos. Su mentor, Achille Cas-tiglioni, le inspiró a la hora de dirigirse hacia esta renovada versatilidad.Milán es algo así como su espacio de exposición más representativo yrevelador. En el vanguardista Spazio Pontaccio podrás hacerte con algunade las exquisitas piezas de la colección Credenza. Si haces noche en laciudad, el Room Mate Giulia, con 85 habitaciones y a pocos metros de laPiazza del Duomo, fue diseñado por la española, inspirada en Giulia, unaimaginaria y fascinante escenógrafa del Teatro de la Scala, el extraordi-nario edificio de la ópera emblema de la resistencia local ante los austro-húngaros. Junto a la imponente catedral gótica (siglo XIV) y la Galería deVíctor Manuel II, forman la triada obligatoria milanesa.

MilanPatricia Urquiola
















Porcelanosa in MilanLast year, Porcelanosa opened a new shop concept to the public on Via Marghera, in theheart of Milan. In one of the city’s shopping areas, the showroom shares the neighbourhoodwith the best designers and fashion firms. Laid out over two floors, it has an imaginativedisplay area, as well as an area for materials and offering technical solutions.

Clockwise, from top left.A piece from the Credenzacollection at SpazioPontaccio; one of Milan’sRoom Mate rooms; Milan’scathedral; the Museumat the Teatro alla Scala anda benchmark of elegance;the Vittorio Emanuele IIGallery.

In 2001, this architect and interior designer from Oviedo decided to settledown and live in Milan, and take her successful studio with her. Urquiola,a pioneer who has broadened horizons as an architect, devotes her timeand talent to designing products, interiors, installations and concepts. Hermentor, Achille Castiglioni, was an inspiration for her on her path towards anew versatility for her most recent works. The city of Milan itself is probablyher most representative and revealing exhibition space. In the avant-gardeSpazio Pontaccio design boutique are a number of superb pieces from theCredenza collection. If you stay in the city, enjoy the 85-room Room MateGiulia Hotel that is just a few steps from Piazza del Duomo. The hotel wasdesigned by the Spanish architect who was inspired by Giulia, an imaginaryand fascinating stage designer for the Teatro alla Scala, the extraordinaryopera house – an emblem of the local resistance to the Austro-Hungarians.Together with the imposing gothic cathedral (14th-century) and the VittorioEmanuele II Gallery, they form a must-visit trio in Milan.


OportoSouto de Moura

El Premio Pritzker 2011 y Wolf 2013ha apostado por el compromiso y laprecisión en su extensa y formidabletrayectoria. El estudio del arquitecto (ydocente en la Universidad de Oporto),con un equipo de 30 personas, llevaa cabo proyectos cuyo último fin es laplena integración con el entorno urbano,gracias al empleo de materiales locales.Sus huellas artísticas se pueden ver enla bella ciudad lusa, como la Casa delCine del cineasta Manoel de Oliveira, elcentro de documentación o interpreta-ción de su obra. Pero si hay un cordónumbilical entre Moura y Oporto es elmetro, concretamente la Estación deCasa da Música. En su particular revo-lución estética, la ciudad lusa escondetesoros al aire libre, como la rua das Flo-res, un lugar para entender el verdaderosignificado de la saudade, y rinconesdeliciosos como la librería Lello e Irmão,una de las más bellas del mundo.












Porcelanosa en OportoPorcelanosa Porto-Comércio de Materiais de Construção fue inaugurado hace ya 16años por la que sigue siendo embajadora de la firma en 2016: Isabel Preysler, imagende la empresa de Vila-Real desde hace más de 30 años. Este amplio almacén seencuentra situado en la Rue Engenheiro Luís Delgado Dos Santos 76.

Arriba. La librería Lello eIrmão, un vergel literariodonde dicen se inspiróJ.K.Rowling para uno de loslibros de Harry Potter.A la izquierda. La estaciónde Casa da Música,diseñada por Souto deMoura, forma parte de lared ferroviaria de Oporto ytienda típica Comer echorar por mais.


PortoSouto de Moura

The winner of the 2011 Pritzkerand 2013 Wolf Prizes has opted forcommitment and precision in his vastand formidable career. The studio of thisarchitect (who is also a lecturer at PortoUniversity) has a team of 30 peopleand works on projects whose ultimateobjective is to fully integrate buildingsinto their urban environs by using localmaterials. His artistic hallmark can beseen in this beautiful Portuguese city atthe Manoel de Oliveira Cinema House,the centre that documents and interpretshis work. However, if there is an essentialbond between Moura and Porto, it is themetro – specifically, the station of Casa daMúsica. Thanks to his particular aestheticrevolution, this Portuguese city boastsoutdoor treasures such as the Rua dasFlores – where one can understand thetrue meaning of saudade – and delightfulplaces such as the Lello e Irmão bookshop –one of the most beautiful in the world.
















Porcelanosa in PortoPorcelanosa Porto-Comércio de Materiais de Construção was inaugurated16 years ago by the woman who is still the firm’s ambassador: Isabel Preysler, the faceof this company from Vila-Real for over 30 years. This large showroom is locatedon Rue Engenheiro Luís Delgado Dos Santos 76.

Above. The Lello e Irmãobookshop – a literarygarden from which J. K.Rowling is said to havedrawn inspiration for one ofher Harry Potter books.Left. The Casa da Músicametro station designed bySouto de Moura is part ofPorto’s urban rail network; atraditional Comer e chorarpor mais shop.

TokioTadao Ando







Sus casi cinco décadas de trayectoria,varios reconocimientos, como el Pritzker, unaformación eminentemente autodidacta y unestilo sencillo heredero de su cultura japonesasitúan a Tadao Ando en lo alto del panoramamundial. Nacido en Osaka, la sobriedad yelegancia de sus obras son resultado, como élsuele afirmar, del valor que le procura el méritoautodidacta. Su apego a la luz natural, a lasformas geométricas y a la naturalidad de suslíneas se ven reflejados en sus obras tokiotas.En 2006, y tras una década de construcción,Ando dio por terminada una de sus últimasobras: Omotesando Hills, un complejocomercial de 130 tiendas y 38 apartamentosque proyecta el carácter de Ando de los 90,momento en el que creó su estudio Tadao AndoArchitects & Associates. Tokio, con su infinitojuego de contrastes, ofrece en apenas minutos–lo que duran los trayectos en la sofisticadared de metro– paisajes repletos de cerezos enflor o edificios como el 21_21 Design Sight,el museo del diseño, en el distrito de TokioMidtown. Inaugurado en 2007, el espacio naciódel trabajo colectivo de Issey Miyake, IsamuNoguchi y Tadao Ando./

Porcelanosa y JapónDurante la pasada XXIII Muestra Internacionalde Arquitectura Global, Porcelanosa diseñóun restaurante con zona gourmet inspirado eninteriores nipones. El espacio efímero llamadoJapan Restaurant Store Otto contó con unapared revestida con el atractivo modelo ForestSlate y con un pavimento cerámico que imitabaa la perfección el aspecto de la madera natural(modelo Chelsea Camel).

En el sentido de las agujasdel reloj, empezando porarriba izquierda. El centrocomercial de OmotesandoHills, diseño de TadaoAndo, exterior del museodel diseño 21_21 DesignSight, en Roppongi, lacéntrica estación de metrode Shibuya y panorámica dela ciudad de Tokio en plenafloración de los cerezosentre el paisaje urbano.

TokyoTadao Ando











A career spanning almost five decades,several prizes – such as a Pritzker – a mainlyself-taught man with a simple style inheritedfrom his Japanese culture are all traits thathave placed Tadao Ando at the top of theinternational architecture scene. Born in Osaka,his sober, elegant work is the result, as heoften says, of the value added from the talentof being self-taught. His love for natural light,geometric forms and natural lines can beseen in his work in Tokyo. In 2006, and after adecade of construction work, Ando completedOmotesando Hills, a shopping centre with 130shops and 38 apartments that reflects Ando’spersonality of the 90s – the time when heopened his Tadao Ando Architects & Associatesstudio. Tokyo, with its endless play of contrasts,offers in just a few minutes – a short trip on thesophisticated metro – landscapes filled withcherry trees in bloom or buildings such as the21_21 Design Sight, the design museum inTokyo’s Midtown district. Opened in 2007, thespace was the collective work of Issey Miyake,Isamu Noguchi and Tadao Ando.

Porcelanosa and JapanDuring the past 23th International Show ofGlobal Architecture, Porcelanosa designeda restaurant with a gourmet area inspired byJapanese interiors. A wall of the pop-up spacecalled Japan Restaurant Store Otto was cladin beautiful Forest Slate tiles, with ceramicflooring that looked just like natural wood(Chelsea Camel tiles).

Clockwise, from aboveleft. The OmotesandoHills shopping centre byTadao Ando; outside the21_21 Design Sight designmuseum in Roppongi;Shibuya’s undergroundstation in the city centre;and a panoramic view ofTokyo with cherry treesin bloom amid an urbanlandscape.


LA VILLA Y EL MARDesde su privilegiada ubicación en primera línea de mar,

entre la cala Sardinera y el Portitxol, hasta el diseño de los acabados de lujo delGrupo Porcelanosa, La Illa es una vivienda única en La Costa Blanca.



THE VILLA AND THE SEAFrom its ideal seafront location between the Sardinera cove

and Portitxol to its design with luxury finishes from Grupo Porcelanosa,La Illa is a house that is unique on the Costa Blanca.


Arriba e izquierda. Infinity poolde La Illa, rodeada de la piedranatural Crema Grecia, deL’Antic Colonial.En la otra página. Tres detallesde la fachada exterior, muchomás opaca para facilitar laprivacidad. En la construcciónde la fachada típica de la zonahan intervenido exclusivamentemateriales de la firma Butech: eladhesivo cementoso tecnológicotipo C2 TE fr-one y Unilax.

Above left. Infinity poolat La Illa, surrounded byCream Grecia naturalstone tiles, by L’AnticColonial.Opposite. Three detailsof the exterior façade,very opaque for privacy.The construction of thisfaçade, typical of the area,was made exclusively inmaterials from the firmButech, the cement-liketechnological adhesive C2TE fr-one and Unilax.

En el sentido de lasagujas del reloj, desdearriba. Salón y comedorde la planta principal,con increíbles vistas alMediterráneo y pavimentode piedra natural CremaGrecia, de L’Antic Colonial.Pérgola de madera dela terraza. Acceso a lavivienda, con muros depiedra natural, detallesen madera y vegetacióntropical.

Clockwise, from top.Living room and diningroom on the ground floorwith incredible views ofthe Mediterranean Sea,with Cream Grecia naturalstone flooring, by L’AnticColonial. Wooden pergolaover the terrace.Access to the house, withwalls in natural stone,tropical vegetation anddetails in wood.

En un rincón secreto de la costa norte de Alicante se ubica La Illa, unavivienda de lujo que ocupa una privilegiada parcela en primera línea de mar.Encaramada en el acantilado de Portitxol (Jávea), cerca de la cala Sardi-nera y la playa de la Barraca, esta villa de lujo presume de una imponentefachada de mármol natural tratado artesanalmente pieza por pieza que secierra hacia la calle –para dar privacidad a la vivienda– y se abre en grandessuperficies acristaladas a unas espectaculares vistas al mar.

Distribuida en tres plantas, La Illa obtuvo una mención especial en la cate-goría de Proyectos Realizados, en la IX edición de los Premios Arquitecturae Interiorismo 2016 del Grupo Porcelanosa, por el uso de los materiales delgrupo castellonense en su diseño. Diseño ideado por Tania Pérez, directoracreativa de Miralbo Urbana (, la empresa constructora líder en

el mercado de las propiedades de lujo en Jávea y La Costa Blanca quesuele tener siempre 12 o 14 villas en marcha. Ella, con su exquisita visióny gusto, aporta a estos hogares ‘premium’ la estética contemporánea tandemandada en la actualidad, pero puntualiza: “Miralbo solo apuesta por unacosa, que el cliente encuentre en su hogar todo lo que desea. Cada unode nuestros proyectos es único y está pensado exclusivamente para uncliente en concreto. Puedes, por ejemplo, dar prioridad a que los acabadosde sean de lujo, pero esto no funcionará si antes no has tenido en cuentasi el cliente desea vivir en un espacio diáfano o más acogedor”.

En La Illa (que toma su nombre del islote homónimo al que mira directa-mente gracias a su orientación sur), el idílico entorno se disfruta a través deunos inmensos ventanales desde donde, además del Mediterráneo y el Cap

Izquierda. Cocina de diseñoen la planta principal, conpavimento de piedra naturalCrema Grecia, de L’AnticColonial.Abajo. Escalera de accesoa la planta baja, nivel conpavimento BangalorePulido 60x60 cm, deL’Antic Colonial.

In a secluded place on Alicante’s north coast stands La Illa, a luxuryhouse built on a superb plot overlooking the sea. Atop the Portitxol cliff(Jávea) and close to the Sardinera cove and the beach of La Barraca,this luxury villa boasts an imposing façade in natural marble – each pieceworked by artisans – that offers total privacy from the street and large glasswalls that give onto spectacular views to the sea.

Laid out over three floors, La Illa received a special mention in the FinishedProjects category at the 2016 Porcelanosa Group Architecture and InteriorDesign Prizes – its 9th edition – for its use of materials from this Castellón-based Group for its design. Tania Pérez, Creative Director of Miralbo Urbana(, the leading construction company for the luxury propertymarket in Jávea and the Costa Blanca, usually has 12 or 14 constructions

on the go at the same time. She creates designs with exquisite vision andtaste, and always imbues these select houses with contemporary aestheticsthat are very much in demand today. However, she points out: “Miralbo hasa single objective; that our clients find everything they want in their homes.All of our projects are unique and are designed exclusively for each specificclient. For instance, while priority can be given to luxury finishes, we will nothave succeeded if that particular client wanted to live in an open-space home– or a cosier one – and we didn’t take that preference into account.”

At La Illa (whose name comes from the homonymous islet that itoverlooks to the south), the idyllic surroundings are enjoyed thanks to itshuge windows from which, in addition to the Mediterranean and Cap Marti,the islands of Ibiza and Formentera can be glimpsed on clear, sunny days.

Left. The designerkitchen on the ground floorwith Cream Grecianatural stone flooring,by L’Antic Colonial.Below. Stairs to theground floor, andPolished Bangaloreflooring, 60 x 60 cm, byL’Antic Colonial.

Arriba. Jardín inglés de lazona del sótano, espaciocon pavimento BangalorePulido 60x60 cm, deL’Antic Colonial.Derecha. Uno de los bañosde la villa, con revestimientode gres porcelánico deUrbatek XLIGHT NVY300x100 cm, mueblesCiclo, de Gamadecor,grifería de la serie Lounge,de Noken y sanitarioEssence C, de Noken.Abajo, de izquierda aderecha. Baño turco,creado en su totalidadcon Krion®, y el spa en elque se integra, equipadotambién con sauna secay pediluvio. El pavimentose trata del modeloBangalore Pulido 60x60cm, de L’Antic Colonial, y elmueble de baño Ciclo es deGamadecor.

Above. The English gardenseen from the basement,a space with PolishedBangalore floor tiles,60 x 60 cm, by L’AnticColonial.Right. One of thebathrooms in the villa withXLIGHT NVY porcelainstoneware by Urbatek,300 x 100 cm; Ciclofurniture, by Gamadecor;taps from the Loungeseries, by Noken; andEssence C toilet, byNoken.Below, from left to right.Hamman all in Krion®,and the spa, also equippedwith a sauna and a footbath. The floor is inPolished Bangaloretiles, 60 x 60 cm, byL’Antic Colonial; and theCiclo bathroom unit is byGamadecor.

Marti, es posible atisbar, en los días soleados, las islas de Ibiza y Formentera.En la planta principal el salón –de dos alturas– recibe con amplios espa-

cios, mucha luz y una enorme chimenea que acapara todas las miradas. Lacocina, equipada con las últimas tecnologías, y el comedor están separadosdel salón por la escalera de acceso a las otras plantas.

En esta misma altura destaca la terraza, con barbacoa, una pérgola demadera y una inmensa infinity pool de diseño cuyo azul se funde con el delmar. “Lo más importante era conseguir que los materiales permitieran unaplena simbiosis con el entorno, y un claro ejemplo de esto es la utilizaciónde piedras naturales y maderas para los acabados exteriores y las zonasde piscina y barbacoa”, comenta Tania Pérez al respecto.

La master suite del primer piso quizás se el espacio más impresionante

de la vivienda. El vestidor y el baño de lujo así lo atestiguan. Más si tenemosen cuenta que se ha aprovechado uno de los vanos para situar justo enfren-te la bañera, que pasa a convertirse en uno de los rincones privados másespeciales de la villa. Otras dos suites completan los espacios de este piso.

Peculiar es el jardín inglés del sótano, donde también se sitúa la sala deocio, la bodega de piedra natural, un garaje para cinco vehículos y el spa:con sauna seca, pediluvio y un baño turco creado en su totalidad con Krion®.Cabe puntualizar que rodea a la propiedad un denso jardín tropical de diseño.

“Siempre hay soluciones cuando uno habla de Porcelanosa”, así concluyela directora creativa de Miralbo Urbana cuando se refiere a la sinergia y albuen entendimiento entre ambas empresas a la hora de diseñar y dar formaa esta villa de lujo./

Izquierda. Impresionantevistas desde la master suite,con pavimento LinkfloorOAK White 30,5x123 cm,de L’Antic Colonial.Abajo, a la izquierda.Baño de la master suite,con pavimento LinkfloorOAK White 30,5x123cm, de L’Antic Colonial,revestimiento de gresporcelánico de UrbatekXLIGHT NVY 300x100cm, muebles Ciclo, deGamadecor, y grifería de laserie Lounge, de Noken.Abajo, a la derecha. Otrode los baños de la villa,con revestimiento UrbatekXLIGHT NVY 300x100cm y muebles Ciclo, deGamadecor.

On the ground floor, the large spaces of the split-level living room are floodedwith sunlight, and the enormous fireplace catches everyone’s eye. The kitchen– equipped with the latest technologies – and the dining room are separatedfrom the living room by a staircase that leads to the upper floors.

The most stunning elements on the ground floor are a terrace withbarbecue, a wooden pergola and an immense, blue, designer infinity poolthat blends with the sea. “What was paramount for us was to fully integratethe materials into the surroundings, and a clear example of this is our useof different types of natural stone and wood for the exterior finishes, theswimming pool and barbecue area,” remarks Tania Pérez.

The master suite on the first floor is perhaps the most impressive roomin the house thanks to its walk-in wardrobe and its luxurious bathroom; the

latter is all the more impressive if one takes into account the niche wherethe bathtub is, taking advantage of this space and turning it into one themost special and intimate places in the villa. Two additional suites completethe rooms on this floor.

The English garden seen from the basement is highly unusual: on thisfloor are also a leisure room and a natural stone cellar, a garage with spacefor five vehicles, and the spa: with a sauna, a foot bath and a hamman all inKrion®. A lush tropical landscaped garden surrounds the property.

“If you think ‘Porcelanosa’ you can always find solutions,” concludes theCreative Director of Miralbo Urbana, referring to the synergy and seamlessunderstanding between both companies when it came to designing andbreathing life into this luxury villa./

Left. Impressive viewsfrom the master suite, withLinkfloor OAK White floortiles, 30.5 x 123 cm, byL’Antic Colonial.Below left. The mastersuite’s bathroom, withLinkfloor OAK White floor,30.5 x 123 cm, by L’AnticColonial; UrbatekXLIGHT NVY porcelainstoneware cladding,300 x 100 cm; Ciclofurniture, by Gamadecor;and taps from the Loungeseries, by Noken.Below right. Anotherbathroom in the villa withUrbatek XLIGHT NVYcladding, 300 x 100 cm;and Ciclo furniture, byGamadecor.

Casi como la tecnología, el mundo del chef y sus posibilidades,en cuanto a infraestructura y nuevos descubrimientos culinarios, esimparable. Al parecer, cocinar ya no es lo que era ¿Exige un cons-tante reciclaje? Los chef de hoy saben mucho más que de cocina.Todo está en constante cambio, los métodos, la tecnología y cómo se ali-mentan las personas. Además, todo ello apli-cado a la alta cocina, tal y como se expresa enEspaña, es muy diferente. Vamos más allá detransformar productos y crear armonías. Trata-mos de crear una historia desde la experienciade comer. Al final, solamente somos cocineros,pero abiertos a otras disciplinas, al diálogo, a lainnovación y a la colaboración.

¿Cocinar es equiparable a pintar un cua-dro o componer música?Son actividades absolutamente distintas, perotienen muchas cosas en común más allá delo que representan y cómo se expresan. Y esque los códigos son similares cuando lo quese quiere es crear un diálogo y la disciplina esun lenguaje. La inspiración, los sentimientos,la cultura, la evolución, el conocimiento de lamateria que cada uno desarrolla están presen-tes y son comunes. Puedes sentar a dialogaren una mesa a músicos, pintores, arquitectos,


chefs y diseñadores, que si su acción es innovadora hablarán un lenguajecomún y se entenderán a pesar de que sus instrumentos sean diferentes.

Tu cocina, ¿qué clase de pintura y de música sería?Vendría del flamenco en música, y del paisaje figurativo y del impresionismoen pintura. Pero la evolución habría sido como ha pasado en mi cocina, quehemos creado tres estilos y hemos transitado por líneas que me han hechocrecer como cocinero y encontrar hoy una expresión innovadora e intimista.

¿Ha habido alguien que alguna vez te haya dado un consejo valio-so que nunca olvidas?Cada consejo que ha venido desde el respeto, el cariño y la buena voluntad,lo he hecho mío. Y en ese sentido soy agradecido, porque esa perspectivasobre mi obra y persona me ayudó y me ayudará a ser mejor de una manerahumana y natural.

¿Cuál crees que ha sido tu gran hallazgo para estar donde estás?Darme cuenta de que soy un obrero de la cocina. Mis acciones han de estarsiempre vinculadas al respeto por un oficio que me lo ha dado todo. Deboser respetuoso y así estas acciones mejorarán en la medida de lo posible.

¿Y con la cocina Gamadecor?Hemos conseguido llevar a casa los gestos y el automatismo de una cocinaprofesional. Unimos materiales de última tecnología con otros naturales querespiran una atmósfera orgánica e innovadora. Además, hemos introduci-do tecnología precisa que encontramos en la cocina de un tres estrellasMichelin solo que en dimensiones domésticas y, sobre todo, una atmósferamuy cercana a la de mi casa. Los cantos redondeados son como los de mipropio restaurante. Estoy muy orgulloso de este trabajo y de los avances




De la unión del equipo de profesionales Gamadecor y del chef tresestrellas Michelin surge la Cocina Porcelanosa by Quique Dacosta, unmoderno equipamiento tan innovador como acogedor con el que devolvera este espacio del hogar la importancia que se merece.

Almost like technology, the world of chefs and its possibilities isunstoppable in terms of infrastructure and new food discoveries.It appears that cooking no longer is what it used to be. Does itrequire a constant recycling of oneself? Today’s chefs know aboutmuch more than just cooking. Everything is constantly changing – themethods, the technology and the way peopleeat. Furthermore, when all of this is applied tothe kind of haute cuisine as we understandit in Spain, it is very different. Here, we goway beyond transforming ingredients andcreating harmony. We try to create a story viathe experience of eating. In the end, we arejust cooks, but open to other disciplines, toconversation, innovation and collaboration.

Is cooking comparable to painting apicture or composing music? They areabsolutely different activities, but they havemany things in common beyond what theyrepresent and how they are expressed. Theattitude is similar when the goal is to create adialogue and discipline is the language used:inspiration, feelings, culture, evolution, havinga good feel for what you are developing … allthese things are present and are common tous. You can sit musicians, painters, architectsand designers at a table to talk, and if they are


each innovative in their own field, they will speak a common language andunderstand each other despite their using each different instruments.

What kind of painting and music would your food be? It would haveits roots in flamenco music, and in the figurative landscape paintings byimpressionist artists. However, its evolution would have been – as it hasbeen in my cooking – always creating a new style, and evolving along linesthat made me grow as a cook and the manner in which I today expressmyself in an innovative and personal way.

Has anybody ever given you valuable advice that you have neverforgotten? I have taken each and every piece of advice that stemmed fromrespect, love and goodwill. I thus feel grateful, because that perspective ofmy work and myself helped me, and will help me, to be better as a personin a natural way.

What do you think your big discovery has been to reach yourcurrent position? Realising that my work is in the kitchen. My food shouldbe always linked to a respect for this job that means so much to me. If I amrespectful, my cooking will improve accordingly.

And what about Gamadecor’s kitchen? We have managed to bringinto the home the rituals and automated quality of a professional kitchen.We have brought together cutting-edge technological materials with naturalones that offer an organic and innovative ambiance. In addition, we haveintroduced precision technology that can be found in the kitchen of a three-Michelin-starred chef, but on a smaller scale, and, above all, an atmospherevery similar to that of my home. The rounded edges are just like those in myown restaurant. I am very proud of this project and the advances we have








From the union of the Gamadecor professional team and this three-Michelin-starred chef comes the new Porcelanosa Kitchen by QuiqueDacosta; an innovative and modern design that also makes for a welcomingspace, affording this part of the home the importance it deserves.









que hemos aportado a los hogares. La cocina seconvierte en el corazón de la casa una vez más,alcanzando un protagonismo tal vez perdido.

¿Cuáles son los puntos clave para que unacocina sea perfecta?Que sea Porcelanosa (se ríe). Aunque me ríaes cierto. Los materiales y tecnología, ademásde la experiencia, hacen que hoy Porcelanosaostente el liderazgo que se merece. Además, losprofesionales de Gamadecor han conseguidoun confort que hace que una cocina sea ese lugarde la casa en el que te apetezca estar, compartiry cocinar.

¿Cómo ves la cocina del futuro?No me atrevo a adelantar un futuro lejano, siacaso uno más inmediato, y creo que la sumade tecnologías y materiales naturales es claveen él. Espacios funcionales y que aporten valorañadido a las casa y a la acción de cocinar. Veococinas orgánicas, sostenibles y que respeten elmedioambiente. Veo cocinas que transmitan losvalores y la actividad de cada casa.

¿Serías capaz de apañarte para cocinaralgo en una isla desierta?Qué mal me lo pones... Soy cocinero, así que conun cuchillo en la mano podría hacer algo...

Planes de cara al futuro.Disfrutar de la vida y mucho. Mis planes de futuroson muy similares a lo que hago en el presente,ser feliz en tu día a día es la mejor manera dellegar al futuro./

Cocina Porcelanosa byQuique Dacosta: integrauna isla con encimera deKrion®, además de frenteslacados en acabado blancoSnow y tiradores embutidosen Negro Metal.Posee una zona decolumnas que incorporafrentes retráctiles en robleCarbón rustificado paraocultar una bancada conzona de lavado, sistemade retroiluminaciónled en el entrepaños,electrodomésticosintegrados y, de nuevo,encimera de Krion®. Elárea de estanterías, conun acabado rechapado deroble Carbón rustificado,ha sido ornamentado yrematado con perfileríadecorativa, modeloNegro Metal. Todos loscostados decorativos estánfabricados en 50 mm deespesor, incluyendo cantosredondeados que otorganrobustez y continuidad aldiseño del conjunto.

Porcelanosa Grupo participó en el evento gastronómico mundialTaste of Paris 2016 con su último modelo de cocina, un exquisito yfuncional diseño realizado, de forma conjunta, por Gamadecor y Qui-que Dacosta. El chef tres estrellas Michelin quiso acercar esta nuevaserie de cocinas al gran público parisino mediante un sorprendenteshowcooking. Los presentes pudieron descubrir el mágico binomioformado por Porcelanosa y Quique Dacosta.

Porcelanosa Grupo con QuiqueDacosta en Taste of Paris...

provided homes with. The kitchen has once againbecome the heart of the home and recovered theprotagonism is had somehow lost.

What are the key elements of a perfectkitchen? It should be by Porcelanosa! (Helaughs) Even though I laugh, it’s still true. Thematerials and the technology, in addition to theexperience, are the reasons why Porcelanosatoday has the leading position it deserves. Inaddition, the Gamadecor professionals haveachieved a level of comfort that has turned thekitchen into the room in the home where you feellike staying, sharing and cooking.

How do you envision cooking in the future?I do not dare to predict the distant future – ifanything, the more immediate future might beeasier – but I believe that the sum of technologyand natural materials is key here: practicalspaces with an added value that enhanceboth the home and cooking itself. I envisionorganic, sustainable kitchens that respect theenvironment. I envision kitchens that convey thevalues and activity of each home.

Would you manage to cook on a desertisland? You paint a really bleak picture! I am acook so, given a knife, I might possibly be able torustle something up…

Plans for the future… Enjoying life, andquite a lot, at that. My plans for the future arevery similar to what I am doing at present; beinghappy in your day-to-day life is the best way ofreaching the future./

Porcelanosa kitchenby Quique Dacosta,integrates an island withworktop in Krion® andhas lacquered fronts inwhite Snow finish andembedded handles in BlackMetal. It has a columnedsection with sliding frontsin Carbón rustic texturedoak to conceal a benchwith sink area, backlit LEDsystem between the panels,integrated appliances and,again, a worktop in Krion®.The shelf divider, finishedin Carbón rustic texturedoak veneer is decoratedand finished with BlackMetal decorative edging.All decorative edgings aremade in a width of 50 mmand have rounded edges togive strength and continuityto the overall design.

Porcelanosa Group took part in the international food eventTaste of Paris 2016 with its latest kitchen, an elegant, practical designmade jointly by Gamadecor and Quique Dacosta. The three-Michelin-starred chef wanted to present this new series of kitchens to thegeneral public in Paris with a surprising live cooking demonstration.Those attending were able to get to know the magic duo ofPorcelanosa and Quique Dacosta.

Porcelanosa Group with QuiqueDacosta at Taste of Paris...

En el Salone del Mobile de Milán, las dosnuevas cocinas ideadas por Ramón Esteve paraGamadecor, Pepper y Saffron, proyectaron laelegancia, distinción y exclusividad de los pro-ductos Premium Collection by Porcelanosa.Pepper, con una gran isla central prismática enmadera clara Authentic Chrome y mármol depiedra natural Crema Grecia, de L’Antic Colo-nial, y un mueble bajo con fregadero. El fondoestaba cubierto con el revestimiento cerámicoFaces. La cocina Saffron, con una isla centralen piedra Habana Dark y madera de robleTorrefacto, posee un armario de puertasretráctiles y un interior con un acabado metá-lico cobre. La grifería incorporada fue UrbanStick cobre y destacó un chimenea prismáticaen acabado Airslate metal, la lámina de piedranatural de L’Antic Colonial.

...Y con Ramón Esteve ysus dos cocinas Premiumen EuroCucina 2016

Izquierda y abajo, juntoa estas líneas. Pepper esuna cocina de carácterdoméstico, con líneasesenciales y volúmenessencillos. Combina lamadera noble con lapiedra natural, ambosen tonalidades neutras ycolores suaves.Abajo. La cocina Saffroncuenta con un diseño decocina marcado por elequilibrio, la armonía de loselementos y un importanteimpacto estético.At Milan’s Salone del Mobile, the two new

kitchens – Pepper and Saffron – designedby Ramón Esteve for Gamadecor reflectedthe elegance, distinction and exclusivity of theproducts from the Premium Collection byPorcelanosa. Pepper, with a large centralisland shaped like a prism in AuthenticChrome light wood and Cream Grecia naturalstone marble, by L’Antic Colonial, includesa low unit with a sink. The background wallwas clad in Faces ceramic tiles. The Saffronkitchen, with a central island in HabanaDark stone and Torrefacto oak wood, has acupboard with sliding doors and interior metalfinish in copper. The taps are Urban Stickcopper, the prismatic fireplace has an Airslatemetal finish, and the natural stone slab isby L’Antic Colonial.

...and with RamónEsteve and his twoPremium kitchensat EuroCucina 2016

Left and below. Pepperis a home-style kitchenwith neat lines and simpleshapes. It combines qualitywood with natural stone,both in soft, neutral colours.Below. Balance andharmony, among thedifferent elements, prevailin the design of the Saffronkitchen to give a powerfullyaesthetic effect.


Junto a la avenida de Carlos III, la Plazadel Castillo y el parque de la Media Luna de laciudad de Pamplona, el Edificio Amaya (LivantoPromociones) presume de ubicación, y de aca-bados: los materiales –personalizables por lospropietarios– serán del Grupo Porcelanosa.

Gamadecor será quien se encargue deproveer las cocinas, en diferentes acabados ycolores, siempre con encimera de Krion®, fre-gadero integrado y frente continuado (revestidotambién con Krion®). Los grifos de este espa-cio, por su parte, serán de la marca Noken.Los armarios y vestidores también los proveeráGamadecor, que equipará las viviendas con laserie Fusion en acabados laminado piel.

El pavimento general de cada una de lasviviendas será de gres porcelánico rectificadoPar-ker, de Porcelanosa, con posibilidad deser sustituido por un laminado flotante de altadureza también del Grupo Porcelanosa.

En cuanto a los baños, lucirán cerámicasde gran formato de Porcelanosa hasta mediaaltura (excepto en la ducha o bañera, donde loharán hasta el techo). Los lavabos con encime-ra de Krion® serán de doble seno en el bañoprincipal y sencillo en el resto. Las griferíasmonomando y termostáticas (ecológicas en elbaño principal), los sanitarios suspendidos, losplatos de ducha y bañeras serán de Noken, lafirma especializa en baños del Grupo. System-pool completará los espacios con mamparasde cristal templado. Y lo mejor, todo al gusto decada propietario, gracias al Programa de Perso-nalización de las viviendas./

Acabados delujo en la mejorubicación

1. El pavimento cerámicode las viviendas será elmodelo Par-ker® Oxford,de Porcelanosa, que reflejala agradable presencia de lamadera natural.2. Armario de la serieFusion en acabadoslaminado piel, deGamadecor.3. Será posible instalar unacocina Emotions E1·90Caolín, de Gamadecor.4. Sanitarios suspendidosde la serie Hotels, deNoken.5. Encimera de lavabomodelo Kole, deSystempool, realizada enKrion®.6. Mampara Yove (quese caracterizada por sudepurado diseño) y plato deducha, de Systempool.7. Grifería ecológica modeloConcept, de Noken.


Next to Avenida de Carlos III, Plaza delCastillo and the park of Media Luna in thecity of Pamplona, the Edificio Amaya (LivantoPromociones) boasts a great location andfinishes: the materials – customisable by theowners – will be by Porcelanosa Group.

Gamadecor will be entrusted to supply thekitchens in different finishes and colours –always with a worktop in Krion®, an embeddedsink and continuous fronts (also clad withKrion®). The kitchen taps will be by Noken.The wardrobes and walk-in wardrobes will bealso supplied by Gamadecor – the brand thatwill fit out the homes with its Fusion series inlaminated leather finishes.

The overall flooring of each home will bein Par-ker ground porcelain stoneware, byPorcelanosa, but, if the buyers prefer, caninstall floating, durable laminated tiles, also byPorcelanosa Group.

The bathroom will have large-format ceramictiles by Porcelanosa halfway up the wall(except in the shower or bathtub, where theywill extend to the ceiling). The hand basinswith a countertop in Krion® will be double inthe main bathroom and single in the others.Mixer and thermostatic taps (eco-friendly inthe main bathroom), suspended bathroomfittings, shower trays and bathtubs will be byNoken, the Group’s bathroom specialist firm.Systempool will complete these spaces withtempered glass shower screens. Best of all,everything will be to the owner’s taste thanks tothe home Customisation Programme./

Luxuryfinishes in thebest location

1. The ceramic flooringin these homes will be inPar-ker® Oxford tiles, byPorcelanosa, with thepleasing feel of naturalwood.2. Wardrobe from theFusion series withlaminated leather finishes,by Gamadecor.3. Customers will be ableto choose an EmotionsE1·90 Caolín kitchen, byGamadecor.4. Suspended bathroomunits from the Hotelsseries, by Noken.5. Kole hand basincountertop, by Systempool,in Krion®.6. YOVE shower screen(with a streamlined design)and tray, by Systempool.7. Eco-friendly Concepttaps, by Noken.

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1. Acceso al Pride Loungede Kenya Airways, en elaeropuerto de Nairobi, conpavimento Oxford Cognac14,3x90 cm y OxfordCognac 22x90 cm, dePorcelanosa.2. Zona de descanso enla entrada del BusinessLounge, inspirado en laselva tropical Kakamega,con pavimento Par-KerStone Flame Natural45x90 cm, de Venis.3. Dining Area (a laizquierda de la foto), conpavimento Sandstone45x90, de Venis; BusinessCenter (en el centro)y Formal Lounge (a laderecha), que sirve detransición entre la selva yel paisaje costero con sustonos púrpura y azules.4. Baño de una de lassalas, con pavimento,revestimiento y mosaicos dela colección Recife 31,6x90cm, de Porcelanosa.5. Family Lounge, inspiradoen la sabana.6. Napping Lounge, conformas de dunas en laalfombra y tonos tierra enlas camas para evocar eldesierto.7. Dining Area, basadaen los colores y la culturacostera: con textura dearena en las paredes,colores tierra en lasmesas y suelo (pavimentoSandstone 45x90, deVenis) y tejidos azulados.Destaca su contemporáneotecho con forma de panalde abejas.

Planning Interiors Limited (PIL), el estudio de diseño de interiores líderen el este de África, firma la remodelación de las dos nueva salas vipde la compañía Kenya Airways en el aeropuerto de Nairobi. Sus nom-bres son Pride Lounge y Simba Lounge y han obtenido el premio BestPublic Service Interior Africa, en los International Property Awards 2015celebrados en Londres. Tienen capacidad para 315 personas y los dife-rentes espacios de Pride Lounge han sido diseñados inspirándose enlos variados y peculiares ecosistemas keniatas. “Nuestro reto era crearun diseño que tuviera elementos de nuestro país, pero con un look y ungusto internacionales”, comentó al respecto Eugene Ngugi, CEO de PIL.Por su parte, Simba Lounge, en el otro extremo de la terminal, pretenderendir homenaje a la herencia africana basando parte de su diseño en lasmanyatta (cabañas) masái (

Todos los paisajes de Keniasin salir del aeropuerto

proyecTos / Kenya airways’ new Lounges



1. Access to KenyaAirways’ Pride Lounge atNairobi airport, withflooring in OxfordCognac tiles, combiningtheir 14.3 x 90 cm and22 x 90 cm sizes,respectively, byPorcelanosa.2. Rest area at the entranceto the Business Loungeinspired by the Kakamegatropical rainforest,with Par-Ker Stone FlameNatural flooring,45 x 90 cm, by Venis.3. Dining area (on the leftof the photo), withSandstone flooring,45 x 90 cm, by Venis; TheBusiness Center (in themiddle) and the FormalLounge (on the right) that– in purple and blue –acts as a transit spacebetween the jungle and thecoastal landscape.4. Bathroom of one ofthe rooms with flooring,cladding and mosaics fromthe Recife collection,31.6 x 90 cm, byPorcelanosa.5. Family Lounge, inspiredby the savannah.6. The Napping Lounge,with a dune-like designon the carpet and earthycolours for the beds,evokes the desert.7. The Dining area, based onthe colours and cultureof the coast: a sandy textureon the walls, earthy coloursfor the tables and flooring(Sandstone floor tiles,45 x 90 cm, by Venis)and blue fabrics. Itscontemporary ceiling,shaped like a beehive, isvery striking.

Planning Interiors Limited (PIL), a leading interior design studioin East Africa, took on the work of refurbishing the two new KenyaAirways VIP lounges at Nairobi airport. Called Pride Lounge and SimbaLounge, they were awarded the Best Public Service Interior Africa Prizeat the 2015 International Property Awards held in London. The spacecan hold 315 people, and the different parts of the Pride Lounge wereinspired by Kenya’s diverse and singular ecosystems. “Our challengewas to create a design that had some elements of our country, but alsoan international look and taste,” commented PIL’s CEO Eugene Ngugi.In turn, Simba Lounge, at the other end of the terminal, wanted to paytribute to their African heritage and based part of his design on Masaimanyatta cabins (

All of Kenya’s landscapeswithout leaving the airport




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1. Plano de ubicacióndel edificio.2 y 3. Fachada elaboradaen Krion® y Ston-ker.4. Los productos del GrupoPorcelanosa estaránpresentes también en elinterior, como el lavabode la colección Modul,fabricado en Krion® Stone,de Systempool.5. Infografía de uno de losbaños de la promoción,con revestimiento CenturyWhite 33,3x100 cm ypavimento Cascais Natural44x66 cm, ambos deVenis, inodoro Urban-C, deNoken, bañera Acore, deSystempool, lavabo Modulelaborado en Krion®, deSystempool, y mamparaInter 2B, también deSystempool.6. Otro baño, conrevestimiento BoulevardNatural 33,3x100 cm yContour Natural33,3x100 cm (en la zonade la ducha) y pavimentoBaltimore Natural59,6x59,6 cm yBaltimore Natural Antislip59,6x59,6 cm (en la zonade la ducha), inodoro y bidéUrban-C, de Noken,encimera Kole, en Krion®,y mampara Yove 9, ambasde Systempool.7. Encimera Kole 110, deSystempool, con toallerofrontal.8. Mampara de baño Yove 9,también de Systempool.

Más de 2.000 m² de terrazas son los quehan dado nombre a este proyecto residencialdel Grupo Inmoglaciar ( El‘apellido’ lo pone una localización inmejorable:frente al parque Felipe VI y el lago de Valdebe-bas (Madrid). De ahí que lo único que nos toqueaclarar de la promoción Las Terrazas del Lagoen Valdebebas sea que ha sido proyectada porel estudio de arquitectura Morph ( y que la gigantesca fachada curva, ideadapara aprovechar al máximo el mayor númerode horas de sol y así reducir el gasto energé-tico del edificio, estará construida con Krion®

y Ston-ker, ambos productos del GrupoPorcelanosa. En cuanto a los interiores de las 83 viviendas –algunas,las de las plantas más bajas, con terrazas de hasta 100 metros–, cabedestacar que el pavimento general será de laminado Lama Supreme24,3x220x0,8 cm de L’Antic Colonial, los lavabos de los baños estaránelaborados en Krion®, de Systempool, y tanto los pavimentos y revesti-mientos de los baños y cocinas, como los sanitarios, las duchas y bañera,también serán facilitados por el Grupo Porcelanosa./

Terrazas para aprovecharal máximo el sol madrileño

proyecTos / Las TerraZas DeL Lago


1. Layout of the plot.2 and 3. Façade in Krion®

and Ston-ker.4. Porcelanosa Groupproducts will also be usedin the interiors. An exampleof a hand basin from theModul collection, in StoneKrion®, by Systempool.5. Image of one ofthe bathrooms of thedevelopment, in WhiteCentury cladding,33.3 x 100 cm, andNatural Cascais floortiles, 44 x 66 cm, both byVenis; Urban-C toilet, byNoken; Acore bathtub,by Systempool; Modulhand basin in Krion®,by Systempool; andInter 2B screen, also bySystempool.6. Another bathroom,with Natural Boulevardcladding, 33.3 x 100 cm,and Natural Contour,33.3 x 100 cm (in theshower area);Natural Baltimore floor,59.6 x 59.6 cm, andNatural Non-SlipBaltimore, 59.6 x 59.6 cm(in the shower area);Urban-C toilet and bidet,by Noken; Kolecountertop in Krion®; andYove 9 screen, both bySystempool.7. Kole 110 countertop,by Systempool, with fronttowel rack.8. Yove 9 shower screen,also by Systempool.

More than 2,000 m² of terraces have lenttheir name to this residential Project by GrupoInmoglaciar ( Its “surname”comes from its unbeatable location: facingthe Felipe VI Park and the Valdebebas Lake(Madrid). Las Terrazas del Lago development inValdebebas, designed by the Morph architecturestudio ( has a gigantic curvedfaçade designed to make the most of thedaylight hours that will reduce the building’senergy consumption. It will be built in Krion®

and Ston-ker, both products fromPorcelanosa Group. With regard to the

interiors of the 83 homes – some of them, those on the lower floors, haveterraces of up to 100 metres – in general, the floors will be tiledin Lama Supreme, 24.3 x 220 x 0.8 cm, by L’Antic Colonial, the handbasins in the bathrooms will be in Krion®, by Systempool, and boththe floors and walls in the bathrooms and kitchens, as well asthe bathroom units, showers and bathtubs, will also be in productsfrom Porcelanosa Group./

Terraces to make the mostof Madrid’s sunlight







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The 1,500 m² that makeup the seafront promenadewere paved in technicalPORCELAIN STONEWAREwith textured finish fromthe Avenue collection,by Urbatek (allowing formoderate vehicular traffic),in 30 x 60 cm, 20 x 60 cm,and 10 x 60 cm formatsand in the colours Black,White and Grey.

A contemporaryspace forpedestrians


The pedestrianisation of the seafrontpromenade and the refurbishment of thetourist information office are two small urban,architectural design projects that are part ofAlcossebre’s Strategic Plan for Tourist Design– in conjunction with Valencia’s PolytechnicUniversity – whose goal is to further tourism inthis town in Castellón.

Designed by the Sanahuja&Partners studio(Juan Trilles, Erik Herrera and Javier Poyatosare its architects and designers), the projectson Paseo Vista Alegre aim to eliminate constantvehicular traffic from this street, pedestrianisingthe road and refurbishing the small touristinformation office to give it a contemporarylook. For the whole project the main materialsused were ceramics – fostering in the processthe area’s industrial sector. They chose theseceramic materials from nearby companies: forthe promenade paving they chose technicalporcelain stoneware tiles in different sizes andfinishes to generate a new urban fabric – allfrom the Avenue collection, by Urbatek. Theproject design for the tourist information officewas inspired by the lattice used in the ‘60s and‘70s for many of the seafront buildings on theMediterranean. They therefore installed whitelacquered ceramic lattice to create three semi-transparent walls of different lengths aroundthe building to enhance it. Lattices filter thelight, the view and the breeze, which improvethermal comfort and afford better light whilealso giving shape to a new urban landscape.With yet another type of ceramic tile, theycreated a ventilated façade to improve the dailyworking conditions at the tourist informationoffice, while also solving the aesthetic problemsof the existing doors and windows. It should bepointed out that this façade was designed topurify the air by eliminating NOx.

The developer of this specific project inAlcossebre (1,500 m² of paving and an 85-m²office) was the Council of Alcalá de Xivert, andObras y Construcciones Jesús Sales was theconstruction company./







Clockwise, from top.Outside the Aravaca Classdevelopment. (All projectsby Singular Cooperativahave garden areas, aswimming pool, children’splayground, a well-equippedgym, and even a barbecueon the roof). Living roomwith Par-Ker CanadaWhite Wash floor tiles,19.3 x 120 x 1.05 cm, byVenis, with an open kitchenin the background.A detail of a Par-KerCanada White Wash tile,19.3 x 120 x 1.05 cm, byVenis. Different views ofthe living room.

A truly singularcooperativebusiness


“Three things guarantee the sale of anyproperty: location, location, location” – theseare the ironic words of Lorenzo Peña, GeneralDirector of the Construction Division at Asentis,when he confides the secret to his success tous. Because selling, and selling a lot, is one ofthe strengths of this Madrid-based developerand construction company. Almost 100 percent of its projects are signed for even beforethe company has applied for the constructionpermits. The company has 800 homes thathave been managed as cooperatives since2012. How else, other than via a cooperative,would it be possible to put onto the marketthree-bedroomed flats in Majadahondafrom 190,000 Euros or in Las Rozas from239,000 Euros plus VAT?

In addition to this ideal formula basedon location, two further attractions make “apersonalised home”: “Our model includesbespoke finishes and a made-to-measureinterior layout. I believe that, as a cooperative,no one else has been able to offer such aflexible distribution so far. The contracts signedwith our clients include a floor plan that isprepared according to their requirementsand needs and built under the direction ofour team of 11 architects,” explains MatíasAlcojor, Marketing Director for Asentis-SingularCooperativa (the umbrella brand under whicheach cooperative is managed).

Concerning the customisation of the homes’interiors, Asentis has a remarkably large








Clockwise, from top.Kitchen floor in Par-KerCanada White Wash,19.3 x 120 x 1.05 cm, byVenis, and Extra WhiteBambú Real cladding, 33.3x 100 cm, also by Venis.Hand basin fully customisedin Krion®, by Systempool.Bathroom with WhiteCubica cladding,33.3 x 100 cm, combinedwith Crystal Dark33.3 x 100 cm, bothby Venis, and Par-KerCanada White Wash floor,19.3 x 120 x 1.05 cm, byVenis. Another bathroomdisplaying a selectionof this line of materials,Beige Madagascarcladding, 33.3 x 100 cm,and flooring in BeigeHampton, 14.3 x 90 cm,both by Venis.


250-m² showroom where clients can chooseeverything from kitchens to bathroom fittings,flooring and wall cladding. This is wherePorcelanosa Group comes in: the companyhas a strong presence in this showroom thathas been designed so that every client caninstall the best and most innovative materialson the market in their future homes. Soon, aservice called Asentis Custom Home will alsobe available, and clients will be able to getadvice on finishes using an on-line app. Thatway, no cooperative member needs to come allthe way to the town of Boadilla del Monte.

Some examples of this kind of “made-to-measure homes” designed by the owners arethe rooms featured in the photos here – spacesinside Aravaca Class, a housing developmentin Madrid that has already been deliveredto its buyers. Asentis is a company with 40years’ experience, and has 62 professionalsnow working on new developments in Madrid,Pozuelo, Las Rozas, Boadilla, Arroyomolinosand the city of Valencia (

The project was carriedout mainly in Snow White1100 Krion®. Fine stripsof Lux Pure Black 6901Krion® were also used toenhance the design whileendowing the lateral façadewith a feeling of movement.The system used for thisbuilding façade was K-FIX,a concealed anchoringsystem developed byButech for installing largeKrion® slabs on façades.

It is simply unthinkable to be in TimesSquare and not be enthralled by the festivalof lights, colours and neon that is socharacteristic of this place in Manhattan.This is why T-Mobile, for its new Americanflagship, used adhesive sheets to projectmessages, images and videos on itsshop windows: a strong dynamic look that isin stark contrast with the flawless white ofthe static Krion® façade. The FRCH DesignWorldwide architects – with the helpof Butech’s technical department for thisproject – included a backlit corporate logo infuchsia with fine lines in black Krion®.An alternative way to offer a different “face” tosuit a specific need yet without sacrificing theminimalist elegance of this solid surfaceby Systempool./

A versatile andminimalist façadethanks to Krion®


New shower tray concept with hidden drain for the most exclusive bathrooms.

Levelled surface Ultraslim Easy maintenance Waterproof


Clockwise, from top. Thefloors of the flats will bemostly in ground NaturalMisuri Par-Ker porcelainstoneware, 22 x 90 cm and14.3 x 90 cm, by Venis.The kitchen cladding will beWhite Glass PV, 31.6 x 90cm, by Porcelanosa, andthe floor Concrete GreyNature, 59.6 x 59.6 cm, byUrbatek. The walls of themain bathroom will be cladin Ivory Rhin, 33.3 x 100cm, by Venis; and thoseof the small bathroom,with Steel Rodano, 31.6x 90 cm, while the floorwill be in Steel Rodanotiles, 59.6 x 59.6 cm, byPorcelanosa. Noken willprovide hand basins fromthe Forma series; bathroomunits will be by AcroCompact; and taps willbe from the Hotels series.The Arquitect and LandStone shower trays, andthe Smart ThermostaticChrome shower columnswill be by Systempool.The infographic image ofthe outside of the LoiraResidential Developmentshows the open-airswimming pool, a children’splayground and a paddletennis court that willcomplete the commonareas.


Located in Valdebebas (a new urban areanortheast of Madrid), the Loira ResidentialDevelopment, by Premier Inmobiliaria(, is special for its ideallocation but also because it is a highly efficient,energy saving and low-polluting building.These environmentally responsible featuresare combined with excellent finishes in whichmaterials from Porcelanosa Group will cladfloors and walls to offer the most exclusivebathroom ambiences.

The Par-Ker porcelain stoneware byVenis will be specifically designed so that anunder-floor heating system can be installedin each flat. In the kitchen, technical porcelainstoneware by Urbatek will be combined withpristine White Glass cladding.

The bathrooms will have floors and wallsalso clad with Porcelanosa Group tiles, withfittings by Noken. The main bathrooms will havetwo circular Forma hand basins on a woodencountertop, with taps from the Hotels series. Thesmaller bathrooms will have the same materials,but with a single hand basin. Systempool willsupply its Arquitect and Land Stone showertrays and Smart shower columns./


S T U C G R E Y T E X T U R E 1 4 , 7 X 1 1 9 c m & 1 1 9 x 1 1 9 c m





































Th r ough - body Po r c e l a i n T i l e s b y PORCE LANOSA Group


Ophthalmology,a generational callingProfessor Luis Fernández-Vega Sanz, Medical Director of theOphthalmology Institute that carries his surname, belongs tothe fourth generation of a five-generation family of doctors thathas devoted itself to ophthalmology for more than 130 years.

In 1982, when he became Head Professor of Ophthalmologyat the Medical College of Oviedo University – at the age of 30– he was the youngest head professor in Spain. Today, as theMedical Director of the Ophthalmology Institute Fernández-Vega, he continues the family tradition, whose work hasmade this centre a national and international benchmark,while also opening up new paths for development such as hisnew headquarters in Madrid and two foundations with verydifferent – but equally important – objectives.

When did your clinic in Oviedo open, and what servicesdoes it offer?

The first phase, devoted to surgery, was built in 1997 andwas inaugurated back then by our current king, Felipe VI. Thesecond was opened in 2001, and its aim was to have a large

Clockwise, from topleft. Waiting room andreception of the Oviedoclinic. Reception androom at the new Madridheadquarters on CallePríncipe de Vergara.Another room and outsideview of the Fernández-VegaOphthalmology Institutein the capital city of thePrincipality of Asturias.Opposite. Professor LuisFernández-Vega Sanz.

area with surgeries and other rooms, such as the library orthe conference hall. The third phase, inaugurated in 2009 byTheir Majesties King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía, includedthe infrastructure we needed to carry out all our research andteaching projects. In total, the building covers almost 14,000 m2

devoted to research and treating all kinds of conditions. Everyyear, more than 100,000 people from all over the world cometo our centre to find a solution to their eye problems.

Besides the Institute, you have two foundations? Whatare their functions?

Yes, we have two foundations that share the desire tocontribute to a better society, although each of them acts in adifferent field. The Fernández-Vega Foundation (FFV) focusesits efforts on offering ophthalmological care to underprivilegedpeople and communities, both in Spain and abroad. It wasset up in 1996, and is funded by my family’s traditionalsponsorship in this field.

In addition, there is our Ophthalmological ResearchFoundation (FIO), established in April 2009 with a clearobjective: to progress in the understanding of the causes of

the conditions that lead to blindness and visual disturbancesin order to find new measures for prevention, diagnosis andfor medical-surgical treatment. The FIO faces the challengingtask of only conducting research – an initiative with very fewprecedents in the field of private medicine, not only in Spain, butalso in Europe. This important research work is possible thanksto the funds contributed by a number of organisations whobelieve in our project and to which I am enormously grateful.

You also have a clinic in Madrid.We have a new centre located on Calle Príncipe de Vergara

131 in Madrid as the former one, on the Plaza Marqués deSalamanca, had become too small for us. This one has beendesigned for conducting all kinds of consultations, while eyesurgery is carried out at our Oviedo centre. /









New Porcelanosa Group showroom in Saint-Étienne, and Porcelanosa Associate in Metz (FRANCE).


AUSTRALIANEW SOUTH WALESEARP BROS TILE - NEWCASTLE79-81 Parry St, Newcastle.T: +61 2 4925 4555 - F: +61 2 4962 2926EARP BROS TILE - SYDNEY666 Pacific Highway, Chatswood, SydneyT: +61 2 9410 3222 - F: +61 2 9410 2011PORCELANOSA KITCHENS55 Holt Street, Surry Hills, SydneyT: +61 2 9211 1998 - F: +61 2 9212 1330QUEENSLANDACE STONE & TILES48 Prospect St Fortitude Valley QLDBrisbaneT: +61 7 5493 3344 - F: +61 7 5493 3117TILESCOPE IMPORTSKilroe Street, BrisbaneT: +61 7 3371 5777 - F: +61 7 3371 5133SOUTH AUSTRALIAITALIA CERAMICS55 Glynburn Road, AdelaideT: +61 8 8336 2366 -F: +61 8 8336 9016TASMANIAROSSETTO TILING233 Murray Street, HobartT: +61 3 6231 2931 - F: +61 3 6231 5783ROSSETTO TILING80 Invermay Road, LauncestonT: +61 3 6326 4955 - F: +61 3 6326 6003VICTORIAEARP BROS TILE - MELBOURNE143-149 Abbotsford St, MelbourneT: +61 3 9328 8598 - F: +61 3 9348 9996MARBLETREND22 Jersey Road Bayswater, MelbourneT: +61 3 9729 0115 - F: +61 3 9729 0115WEST AUSTRALIAMIDDLE SWAN TRADING19B King Edward Rd, Osborne ParkT: +61 8 9445 1777 - F: +61 8 9446 3127

CANADANEW BRUNSWICKDOMINION TILE & SUPPLIES136 High St, MonctonT: +506 857 8906 -F : +506 857 4149BRITISH COLUMBIAFONTILE DISTRIBUTORS270 Terminal Avenue, VancouverT: +604 683 9358 - F: +604 683 6758ALBERTAPORCELANOSA CALGARY1334 11th Ave. SW, CalgaryT: (587) 349-2290

INDIABANGALOREKATTAHOPCOMS, MavalliT: +91 11 2670 3832 - F: +91 22 2670 0377HYDERABADSRUSHTIOpp G V K Mall, Road No 4T: +91 40 6668 2224 - F: +91 40 4220 3416KOLKATAJAIPUR MARBLE3, Upper wood St. (Theater Road)T: +91 33 2290 7755 - F: +91 33 2280 7787MUMBAIMILAGRONehru Nagar, Opp Hanuman Temple,Kanjurmarg (East)T: +91 22 2579 0686 - F: +91 22 2579 0684NEW DELHIDREAM HOMEM-51,’M’ Block Market, Greater Kailash,Part 2. T: +91 11 4272 0032LA CERAMICAB- 9/12, Rajouri Garden,New DelhiT: +91 11 25176090 - F: +91 11 257176092MARMO HOME PVT. LTD.5258, Shraddhanand Marg,New DelhiT: +91 11 47128800 - F: +91 11 23218728OYSTER BATH CONCEPTS PVT. LTD.D-73, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, DelhiT: +91 9811083946

NEW ZEALANDAUCKLANDJACOBSEN CREATIVE SURFACES228 Orakei Road, Remuera, AucklandT: +64 95241475TILE WAREHOUSE 286 Churc St, PenroseT: +64 649349550 -F: +64 6222112CANTERBURYJACOBSEN CREATIVE SURFACES2/60 Durham Street South, ChristchurchT: +64 95241475NEXT DORE102 Montreal St, ChristchurchT: +64 33669400 - F: +6433654406WELLINGTONJACOBSEN CREATIVE SURFACES1/23 Marion Street, WellingtonT: +64 95241475

SINGAPOREAAMOR PTE LTD120 Lower Delta Road #01-13 Cendex,Centre, Singapore.T: +65 6878 0200 - F: +65 6878 0500FERNANDO MARTIN BENITO31 Kaki Bukit Road 3, 06-13 Techlink,Singapore.T: +65 9780 1472 - F: +65 64621620HAFARY PRIVATE LIMITEDNo.105, Eunos Avenue 3, Singapore.T: +65 6604 7702 - F: +65 6253 4496

SOUTH AFRICAJOHANNESBURGAFRIKANO TILE & DECOR151 Industrial RdT: +27 8392333CLASSIC TRADINGShop G1, Woodmead CommercialPark Waterfall, Crescent, Woodmead,JohannesburgT: +27 11 656 0400 - F: +27 11 656 0403DURBANCLASSIC TRADINGUnit 12, 155 Rochdale Rd, Springfield ParkT: +27 31 577 8382 - F: +27 31 577 7056MAHARANI229 Inanda RoadT: +27 5777860CAPE TOWNKENZAN TILEST: +27 21 5108310 - F: +27 21 5108317

UNITED KINGDOMBERKSHIREPORCELANOSA SOUTH EAST7 Bridgewater Close, Berks, ReadingT: +44 08444 818 954F: +44 08444 818 964BRISTOLPORCELANOSA WESTERNLysander Road, Cribbs Causeway, BristolT: +44 0117 959 71 51F: +44 0117 959 71 55CAMBRIDGESHIREPORCELANOSA SOUTH EASTDukesmead, Werrington, PeterboroughT: +44 08444 818 957F: +08444 818 967DEVONPORCELANOSA WESTERN20 Trusham Road, Marsh Barton Ind,Est ExeterT: +44 01392 215 552F: +44 01392 215 557GIBRALTARLIFESTYLE DESIGN STUDIO LTD24-22 Ocean Village Promenade, OceanVillage, GibraltarT: +35020066390HERTFORDSHIREPORCELANOSA SOUTH EASTOtterspool Way, WatfordT: +44 08444 818 951F: +44 08444 818 961JERSEY ISLANDPASTELLA GROUPRue a la Dame, St. SaviourT: +44 01534 870167

F: +44 01534 723199LANARKSHIREPORCELANOSA SCOTLAND2 Rocep Drive, Braehead, GlasgowT: +44 0141 533 1000F: +44 0141 533 1007LANCASHIREPORCELANOSA NORTH WESTWater Street, ManchesterT: +44 0161 817 33 00F: +44 0161 817 33 01PORCELANOSA NORTH WEST850 Europa Boulevard, Westbrook, WarringtonT: +44 01925 237 807F: +44 01925 237 888LONDONPORCELANOSA SOUTH EASTWandsworth Bridge Road, FulhamT: +44 08444 818 952F: +44 08444 818 962PORCELANOSA SOUTH EAST93/99 Goswell Road, Clerkenwell, LondonT: +44 08444 818 959F: +44 08444 818 969MIDLOTHIANPORCELANOSA SCOTLANDUnit B Newbridge Industrial Estate,Cliftonhall Road, EdinburghT: +44 0131 335 38 83F: +44 0131 335 38 84NORFOLKPORCELANOSA SOUTH EASTAmsterdam Way, Norwich Airport,NorwichT: +44 08444 818 958F: +44 08444 818 968wNORTHUMBERLANDPORCELANOSA SCOTLANDUnit 1, 259 Scotswood Road,Newcastle Upon TyneT: +44 0191 272 5224F: +44 0191 272 2986NOTTINGHAMSHIREPORCELANOSA MIDLANDSNottingham Road Chilwell, NottinghamT: +44 0115 983 65 00F: +44 0115 983 65 65SOUTH GLAMORGANPORCELANOSA WESTERN360 Newport Road Cardiff, SouthT: +44 0292 0465 166F: +44 0292 0465 156SOUTH YORKSHIREPORCELANOSA YORKSHIREThe Carr, Carriage Drive, DoncasterT: +44 01302 30 47 13F: +44 01302 30 47 15PORCELANOSA YORKSHIRE2 Windsor Road, Meersbrook, SheffieldT: +44 0114 250 01 08F: +44 0114 255 22 65STAFFORDSHIREPORCELANOSA MIDLANDSRoman Way Retail Park Longford Island,Watling Street, CannockT: +44 01543 223025F: +44 01543 462959SUFFOLKPORCELANOSA SOUTH EAST101 Redbridge Road, Millbrook, SouthamptonT: +44 08444 818 956F: +44 08444 818 966SURREYPORCELANOSA SOUTH EASTMarshall House, 468-472 Purley Way,Waddon, CroydonT: +44 08444 818 953F: +44 08444 818 963WARWICKSHIREPORCELANOSA MIDLANDS600 Stratford Road, Shirley, SolihullT: +44 0121 746 64 64F: +44 0121 746 64 65WEST YORKSHIREPORCELANOSA YORKSHIRE24/26 Cross Stamford Street,Regent Street, LeedsT: +44 0113 24 44 223F: +44 0113 24 34 024

USACALIFORNIAPORCELANOSA ANAHEIM1301 S. State College Blvd. Suite E,AnaheimT: +1 714 772 3183 - F: +1 714 772 9851PORCELANOSA SAN FRANCISCO78 Division St, San FranciscoT: +1 415 593 7763 - F: +1 415 593 7664PORCELANOSA SAN JOSE391 East Brokaw Road, San JoseT: +1 408 467 9400 - F: +1 408 467 9410PORCELANOSA WEST HOLLYWOOD8900 Beverly Blvd, West HollywoodT: +1 310-300-2090CONNECTICUTPORCELANOSA RIVERSIDE1063 E Putnam AveRiversideT: +1 203 698 7618 - F: +1 203 698 7619FLORIDAPORCELANOSA MIAMI8700 N.W. 13th Terrace, MiamiT: +1 305 715 7153 - F: +1 305 592 6999PORCELANOSA POMPANO BEACH3400 N. Powerline Road, Pompano BeachT: +1 954 968 7666 - F: +1 954 968 7699GEORGIAPORCELANOSA ATLANTAPeachtree Hills Avenue 349, AtlantaT: +1 3057157153ILLINOISPORCELANOSA CHICAGOLuxe Home at the Merchandise Mart, 222Merchandise Mart Plz Suite 149, ChicagoT: +1 312 204 6220 - F: +1 312 204 6240MARYLANDPORCELANOSA ROCKVILLE11500 Rockville Pike, North BethesdaT: +1 301 294 8193MASSACHUSETTSPORCELANOSA BOSTON - BOSTON DESIGNCENTER1 Design Center Place, Suite 505, BostonT: +1 617-963-7666NEW JERSEYPORCELANOSA EAST BRUNSWICK252 Route 18 NorthEast, BrunswickT: +1 732 613 1915 - F: +1 732 613 9181PORCELANOSA PARAMUS65 Route 17 South, ParamusT: +1 201 712 0556 - F: +1 201 599 1520PORCELANOSA RAMSEY600 Rt 17 North, RamseyT: +1 201 995 1310 - F: +1 201 995 1960NEW YORKPORCELANOSA MANHATTAN FLAGSHIPSTORE202 Fifth Avenue, New York City.T: +1 646 751 1180PORCELANOSA NYDC200 Lexington Avenue. Suite 609, New YorkT: +1 212 252 7370PORCELANOSA WESTBURY775 Old Country Road, WestburyT: +1 516 338 0097 - F: +1 516 338 0098PENNSYLVANIAPORCELANOSA KING OF PRUSSIA645 W. Dekalb Pike (US Route 202), King ofPrussia, Montgomery CountyT: +1 484 751 0050 - F: +1 484 751 0047TEXASSPAÑOLO GALLERY1200 N. 10th Street, Suite E, McAllenT: +1 956 905 0244 - +1 956 907 5477F: +1 956 627 2522PORCELANOSA DALLASDecorative Design Center. 1617 Hi Line DriveSuite 415, DallasT: +1 214 377 2327 - F: +1 214 234 1340WASHINGTONPORCELANOSA SEATTLE88 Spring Street (Suite 120), Seattle

WORLDWIDEALBANIA TiranaANGOLA LuandaALGERIA Alger/ OranARGENTINA Buenos Aires/Mar del Plata/ Mendoza/ Pilar/ Rosario

ARMENIA YerevanAUSTRIA Bruck/ Graz/ Hall/ Innsbruck/Leibnitz/ Linz/ Salzburgo/ Viena/ Vösendorf/Wels/AZERBAIJAN BakuBAHRAIN ManamaBANGLADESH DhakaBELGIUM Heist-op-den-BergBERMUDA PembrokeBOLIVIA Santa CruzBOSNIA-HERZEGOVINABijeljina/ Citluk/SarajevoBRAZIL Parana-Campo LargoBULGARIA Petrich/ Sofia/ VarnaBYELORUSSIA Gomel/MinskCAMBODIA Phnom PenhCHILE Santiago de Chile/ Viña del MarCHINA Beijing/ Changchun/ Changsha/Chongquing/ Dalian/ Foshan/ Fuzhou/Guangzhou/ Haikou/ Harbin/ Hangzhou/Hong Kong/ Jiangyin/ Jiaxing/ Nanjing/Ningbo/ Quindao/ Shanghai/ Shenyang/Shenzhen/ Tianjin/ Wuhan/ XianCOLOMBIA Barranquilla/ BogotaCONGO REPUBLIC KinshasaCOSTA RICA San José/ Santa AnaCROATIA Bakar/Dubrovnik/ Porec/Pula/ Rijeka/ Split/ Varazdin/ ZagrebCYPRUS Girne/ Limassol/ NicosiaCZECH REPUBLIC Brno/ Prague/Uherske Hradiste/ ZlinDENMARK Brabrand/Glostrup/OdenseDOMINICAN REPUBLICBávaro/ La Romana/ Santo Domingo/SantiagoECUADOR Guayaquil/ QuitoEGYPT CairoEL SALVADOR San SalvadorESTONIA TallinnETHIOPIA Addis AbabaFEDERAL REPUBLIC OFNIGERIA LagosFINLAND Espoo/ Hyvinkää/Hämeelinna/Joensuu/Jyväskylä/Kotka /Kouvola/Kuopio/Lahti/ Lappeenranta/Mikkeli/ Oulu/Pori/ Porvoo/ Raisio/ Rauma/Rovaniemi/Salo/Savonlinna/Seinäjoki/Tampere/ Vaasa/ VantaaFRANCE Ajaccio/ Andelnans/ Arcueil/Aubagne/ Augny/ Beaucouzé/ Besançon/Biguglia/ Boulazac/ Brest/ Cabestany/Chambray les Tours/ Champagne au Montd’Or/ Chasseneuil du Poitou/ Chenôve/Coignières/ Guerande/ La Chapelle SaintAubin/ La Roche Sur Yon/ Lezennes/Lorient/ Mandelieu la Napoule/Meaux/Merignac/ Mondeville/ Montigny/ Nîmes/Niza/ Orvault/ París/ Pérols/ Saint Grégoire- Rennes/ Saint Herblain/ Reunión/Saint Maur/ Saint-Etienne/ St Jouan desGuerets/ Tigery/ Toulouse/ Tourville laRivière/ Vannes/ Vendenheim/ Vert SaintDenis/ WittenheimFRENCH GUIANA CayenneGHANA Dzorwulu-AccraGEORGIA TbilisiGERMANY Aschaffenburg/ BadSalzuflen/ Baden Baden/ Bautzen/ Beeskow/Bergisch Gladbach/ Berlin/ Boffzen/Bonn/Bottrop/ Bruchsal/ Burgstädt/Crailsheim/ Dortmund/ Dossenheim/Elterlein/ Erkrath/ Frankfurt/ Freiburg/Fulda/ Gera/ Görlitz/ Hamburgo/Holzgerlingen/Karlstadt/ Kehl/ Koblenz/Kranichfeld/ Leverkusen/ Lichtenfels/Löbnitz/Lübeck/ Mainz/ Meschede/ Múnich/Münster/ Nordhausen/ Nuremberg/Offenburg/ Potsdam/ Radebeul/ Reutlingen/Ronnenberg/ Schramberg/ Stuttgart/Telgte/ Untergruppenbach/ Völklingen/Vs-Schwenningen/ Waiblingen/Weinsberg/Wiesbaden-Biebrich/ Würselen/ ZwethauGHANAGREECE Ática/ Athens/ Glifada/Ioannina/ Kastoria/ Katerini/Kefalonia/Larisa/ Lefkada/ Nafpaktos/ Patra/ Rodes/Serres/ Thessaloniki/ TrikalaGUADALOUPE (WEST

INDIES) Baie Mahault/ SaintBarthelemyGUATEMALA GuatemalaHAITI Puerto PríncipeHUNGARY Békéscsaba/ Budapest/Debrecen/ Eger/ Gyöngyös/ MiskolcICELAND ReykjavikINDONESIA Bandung/Jakarta/Semarang/ South Jakarta/SurabayaIRAQ Bagdag/ ErbilIRAN TeheranIRELAND Cork/ DublinISRAEL Beersheva/ Bethlehem/ BneyBrak/ Eilat/ Hadeera/ Haifa/ Jerusalem/Nazareth/ Raanana/ Ramat Gan/ Rishon leZion/ Tel Aviv/ Upper GalilyITALY Andria/ Bergamo/ Cassino/Corsico/ Milan/ Roma/ SassuoloIVORY COAST AbidjanJAPAN OsakaJORDAN AmmanKAZAKHSTAN Almaty/AstanaKYRGYZ REPUBLIC BishkekKOSOVO PristinaKUWAIT SafatLATVIA RigaLEBANON BeirutLIBYA Benghazi/ TripoliLITTHUANIA AlytusMACEDONIA SkopjeMALAYSIA Kolombong-Kota Kinabalu/Kuala Lumpur/ Penang/ Petaling Jaya/Seberang Prai TengahMALTA BirkirkaraMARTINIQUE (FRENCHANTILLAS) Le LamentinMAURITIUS Port LouisMEXICO Ciudad de MéxicoMOLDAVIA ChisinauMONACO MonacoMONGOLIA Ula AnbaatarMONTENEGRO PodgoricaMOROCCO Casablanca/ TangierNEPAL KatmanduNEDERLANDS AmsterdamNETHERLANDS ANTILLESSaint MaartenNICARAGUA ManaguaNORWAY Ålesund/ Bergen/ Drøbak/Elverum/ Fagernes/ Fredrikstad/Gjøvik/Gurskøy/ Hamar/ Kløfta/ Kopervik/Lierskogen/ Lysaker/Molde/ Moss/ Narvik/Nestuun/Oppdal /Oslo/ Sandefjord/Sandnes/ Skien/ Stavanger/ Tiller/ Tønsberg/Trondheim/OMAN MuscatPAKISTAN Lahora Cantt/ LahorePANAMA Panama CityPERU Lima/ Piura/ San IsidroPHILIPPINES ManilaPOLAND Bialystok/ Bielsko Biala/Bydgoszcz/ Czestochowa/ Gliwice/ GorzówWlkp/ Katowice/ Kalisz/Kielce/ Kolobrzeg/Konin/ Kraków/Leszno/ Lodz/ Lublin/Olsztyn/ Opole/ Ostrów Wlkp/ Poznan/Radom/ Ryvnik/Rzeszów/ Sopot/ Szczecin/Slupsk/ Tarnobrzeg/ Warszawa/ WroclawPORTUGAL Bragança/Chaves/Funchal/Lisboa/ Monçao/ Oporto/ PontaDelgada/ Praia da Vitória/ ViseuPRINCIPALITY OFANDORRAAndorra la VellaPUERTO RICO San Juan/ GuaynaboQATARRUMANIA Brasov/ Bucarest/Constanza/ Craiova/ Iasi/ Oradea/ PiatraNeamt/Pitesti/ PloiestiRUSSIA Ekaterinburg/Grozny/Irkutsk/Kaliningrad/Khabarovsk/ Khimki/ Krasnodar/Krasnoyarsk/Makhachkala/ Moscou/ Mytischi/Nizhny Novgorod/ Novorosiysk/ Novosibirsk/Pyatigorsk/ Rostov Na Donu/ Ryazan/Sochi/ St. Petersburg/ Stavropol/ Tyumen/Vladivistok/VolgogradSAUDI ARABIA Al Ahsa/ Dammam/Jeddah/ Riyadh/SENEGAL DakarSERBIA Belgrade/ Novi Sad


SLOVAKIA Bratislava/ KosiceSLOVENIA Ljubljana/ MariborSRI LANCA ColomboSYRIASOUTH KOREA Busan/ Seo-Gu/SeulSURINAME ParamariboSWEDEN Bromma/ Enköping/Danderyd/Göteborg/ Hässleholm/Katrineholm/ Malmö/ Mölndal/ Nyköping/UddevallaSWITZERLAND Arbon/ Aubonne/Basilea/ Biel/ Crissier/ Delémont/ Geneva/Grancia/Hägendorf/ Lausanne/Mendrisio/Rothenburg/ Rüti b. Büren/ Sevelen/Volketswil/ Yverdon-Les-Bains/ ZurichTAIWAN Kaohsiung/ Tainan/ Taichung/Taipei/THAILAND Bangkok/ Chiang Mai/Pathumthanee/ Prachuabkirikun/SamutsakonTUNISIA Gabes/ Hammam Sousse/Hammamet/ Menzel Hayet/ Tunis/ Cedex/Sfax/ SousseTURKEY IstambulTURKMENISTAN AshgabadUKRAINE Chernivtsi/Dnipropetrovsk/Donetsk/ Kharkiv/ Kiev/Kyiv/Lugansk/Lusk/Lviv/ Odessa/ Rivne/ Ternopil/UNITED ARAB EMIRATESDubaiURUGUAY Montevideo/ Punta del EsteUZBEKISTAN TashkentVENEZUELA Caracas/ ValenciaVIETNAM Hanoi/ Ho Chi Minh CityYEMEN SanaaYIBUTI Djibouti

SPAINA CORUÑANEIRA Y ORTEGAL, S.L.T: 981 326 532 - F: 981 324 951NEIRA Y ORTEGAL, S.L.T: 981 400 880 - F: 981 400 883PEREZ DOMINGUEZ PUEBLA, S.L.T: 981 830 214 - F: +981 279 431SUMINISTROS VIA-MAR, S.L.T: 981 279 431 - F: 981 279 431SUMINISTROS VIA-MAR, S.L.T: 981 772 190 - F: 981 774 257PORCELANOSAT: 981 509 270 - F: 981 819 334PORCELANOSAT: 981 897 595 - F: 981 530 901PORCELANOSAT: 981 569 230 - F: 981 569 230ÁLAVAJORGE FERNÁNDEZT: 945 254 755 - F: 945 259 668JORGE FERNÁNDEZT: 945 244 250 - F: 945 229 321ALBACETEOLIVARES MATERIALES DECONSTRUCCIÓNT: 967 138 105 - F: 967 138 023PORCELANOSAT: 967 243 658 - F: 967 193 465ALICANTEAZULEJOS JAVEAT: 965 791 036ELDECOT: 966 874 360 - F: 966 873 543HIJOS DE JUAN RIBEST: 965 730 419NOVA RECALT: 965 786 034SANEAMIENTOS COLÓNT: 965 331 891 - F: 965 524 210PORCELANOSAT: 965 109 561 - F: 965 106 965PORCELANOSAT: 966 610 676 - F: 966 610 700PORCELANOSAT: 965 656 200 - F: 965 655 644ALMERÍAPORCELANOSAT: 950 143 567- F: 950 142 067PORCELANOSAT: 950 325 575 - F: 950 338 651ASTURIASPORCELANORTE S.L.

T: 984 396 462PORCELANOSAT: 985 791 526 - F: 985 985 963ÁVILAPAVIMARSAT: 920 259 820 - F: 920 259 821BADAJOZGALLERY CERAMICT: 924 229 144 - F: 924 229 143JUBELT: 924 145 372MUNDO OBRAST: 924 551 264 - F: 924 551 264PORCELANOSAT: 924 330 218 - F: 924 330 315BARCELONAAMARGANTT: 937 671 416 - F: 937 627 488AMARGANTT: 937 600 112 - F: 937 600 411ANTONI PONTT: 938 228 088 - F: 938 250 786ARQUIMATT MATERIALS I DECORACIÓT: 679 531 877AZULEJOS SAN ANDRÉST: 933 455 102 - F: 933 461 015BADALONA GREST: 93 395 03 11 - F: 93 465 07 58COMERCIAL MAESTRO CANETT: 938 466 568 - F: 938 409 216COMERCIAL SOLSANT: 938 648 125 - F: 938 649 617COMERCIAL STCT: 31 593 137- F: 931 615 015CONSANT: 938 320 669 - F: 938 320 669CORRETJAT: 938 854 261 - F: 938 894 733FERRET I CASULLERAST: 93 890 14 19 - 93 817 03 53GARROT: 936 545 952 - F: 938 400 620HIJO DE FERNANDO ROCAT: 936 681 434 - F: 936 801 458J. RIERA MAGATZEM CONSTRUCCIÓJOAN DOTT: 938 504 646 - F: 938 504 286JODULT: 938 800 800 - T: 938 126 054LOFT CUINAT: 934 743 793 - F: 934 741 305MA-COT: 938 954 141 - F: 938 954 142MARESME GREST: 931 615 015MATERIALS CASSERREST: 938 213 770ORMATT: 937 591 139 - F: 937 502 076PLANELLT: 938 698 750 - F: 938 600 181PLANELLT: 938 060 240 - F: 938 060 239ROSA JORDANA RABETLLATT: 937 903 089 - F: 937 903 089SUMCOT: 938 933 066 - F: 938 936 004PORCELANOSAT: 932 642 500 - F: 932 007 036BURGOSBIGMAT FONTECHAT: 947 485 153 - F: 947 483 941GRUPO DISMAR DUEROT: 947 513 281 - F: 947 513 349JORGE FERNÁNDEZT: 947 323 351 - F: 947 314 589CÁCERESBIGMAT CAYUELAT: 927 515 198 - F: 927 147 266BIGMAT TEJEDAT: 924 41 0155 - F: 924 410 591GEMATT: 927430597GEMATT: 927316828MAGERVYSAT: 927 535 234 - F: 927 535 575PORCELANOSAT: 927 236 337 - F: 927 236 205

CÁDIZALMECORT: 956 120 776 - F: 956 120 776AZULGRIFT: 956 730 687 - F: 956 730 911DOCURRIT: 956 462 263 - F: 956 462 623PORCELANOSAT: 956 635 282 - F: 956 635 285PORCELANOSAT: 956 540 084 - F: 956 872 464PORCELANOSAT: 956 187 160 - F: 956 302 904PORCELANOSAT: 956 592 360 - F: 956 884 677CANTABRIAPORCELANOSAT: 942 352 510 - F: 942 352 638PORCELANOSAT: 942 835 026 - F: 942 881 787CASTELLÓNBUTECH BUILDING TECHNOLOGYT: 964 536 200 - F: 964 530 034GAMA-DECORT: 964 506 850 - F: 964 506 596L’ANTIC COLONIALT: 964 534 545 - F: 964 527 130NOKEN DESIGNT: 964 506 450 - F: 964 506 790PORCELANOSAT: 964 507 100 - T: 964 507 106PORCELANOSA GRUPOT: 964 507 140 - F: 964 507 147SYSTEM-POOLT: 964 506 464 - F: 964 506 481URBATEKT: 964 525 200 - F: 964 527 900VENIST: 964 507 700 - F: 964 507 719PORCELANOSAT: 964 239 162 - F: 964 238 930PORCELANOSAT: 964 506 800 - F: 964 525 418PORCELANOSAT: 964 400 944 - F: 964 400 650CEUTABAEZAT: 956 511 312 - F: 956 511 309CIUDAD REALPORCELANOSAT: 926 251 730 - F: 926 255 741CÓRDOBAACAIÑAS CABRERAT: 957 772 999 - F: 957 131 170ALMACENES MANOLIN Y LUIS S.L.T: 957 65 15 09 - F: 957 65 32 53AUDOS CERÁMICAS, S.L.T: 957 516 572COMERCIO DE MATERIAL DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y TRANSPORTEST: 957 372 775 - F: 957 372 775HORMIGONES SANFRANCISCO S.L.T: 957 140 181JUAN PRIETO E HIJOST: 957 177 693 - F: 957 177 335SANEAMIENTO Y REVESTIMIENTO JULIOT: 957 540 943PORCELANOSAT: 957 760 024 - F: 957 760 123CUENCAALMACENES PAÑOST: 967 498 000 - F: 967 498 000MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCIÓN MARTÍNEZORTEGAT: 969 380 708 - F: 969 380 708VICENTE DE LOS RIOST: 969 321 323 - F: 969 321 334VICOSAZT: 969 233 200 - F: 969 234 475GIRONAARC ARBUCIES CERAMIQUEST: 972 162 364 - F: 972 860 954BRECOR SLT: 972 336 062 - F: 972 358 482CARMONAT: 972 372 710 - F: 972 349 763FERRER CERVIÀT: 972 173 442 - F: 972 173 456FRIAS MATERIALS

T: 972 670 073 - F: 972 673 071FULCARA BRUGUE XAVIERT: 972 234 591 - F: 972 402 284GINESTAT: 972 320 529 - F: 972 321 616GIROPT: 972 393 200 - F: 972 393 071MATERIALES CREIXELLT: 972 300 628 - F: 972 610 772MERCAMATT: 972 612 027 - F: 972 302 146OLIVERAST: 972 594 131 - F: 972 594 552OLIVERAST: 972 672 259 - F: 972 672 255OLIVERAST: 972 694 704 - F: 972 693 003OLIVERAST: 972 468 119 - F: 972 468 123SERVIMAT INICIATIVEST: 972 780 524 - F: 972 780 827TG NOVA ARQUITECTURAT: 972 312 250 - F: 972 312 249GRANADATECMACERT: 958 253 081 - F: 958 183 367GUIPÚZCOAJORGE FERNÁNDEZT: 943 376 966 - F: 943 376 841HUELVAPORCELANOSAT: 959 543 600 - F: 959 237 951HUESCAAINSA - COMERCIAL CAMPODARVET: 974 500 267 - F: 974 500 865BERGES CENTRO COMERCIALT: 974 471 439 - F: 974 471 439PORCELANOSAT: 974 242 738 - F: 974 242 676ILLES BALEARSMACODORT: 971 658 210MAGATZEM SES FORQUEST: 971 662 114 - F: 971 662 816PORCELANOSAT: 971 507 650 - F: 971 507 656PORCELANOSAT: 971 554 502PORCELANOSAT: 971 430 667 - F: 971 297 094PORCELANOSAT: 971 317 292 - F: 971 317 293PORCELANOSAT: 971 630 219JAÉNGRUPO PEREA MORANTE S.L.T: 953 424 565HERNÁNDEZ GÁMEZT: 953 693 423 - F: 953 693 444HERNÁNDEZ GÁMEZT: 953 795 168 - F: 953 795 168MAT.CONST. Y SANEAMIENTOS HIJOSMARTÍN SÁNCHEZT: 953 454 167PAVIMENTOS AZUGRISAT: 953 582 963VIFERSANT: 953 391 413PORCELANOSAT: 953 280 757 - F: 953 284 035LA RIOJARIOJACERT: 941 286 021 - F: 941 202 271LAS PALMASPORCELANAS Y PAVIMENTOSCANARIOST: 928 472 949 - F: 928 472 944LEÓNDISEÑARTE BIERZO, S.L.T: 987 455 870PORCELANOSAT: 987 801 570 - F: 987 801 475LLEIDAJ. FARRÉT: 973 445 765 - F: 973 445 072MATERIALS GERMANS MAURIT: 973 232 139 - F: 973 247 943MATERIALS JORDI VILART: 973 482 077 - F: 973 482 373

MATERIALS PIRINEUT: 973 351 850 - F: 973 353 410PRETENSADOS RIBERAT: 973 690 063 - F: 973 690 400PRETENSADOS RIBERAT: 973 641 460 - F: 973 642 271PROMOCION DE PREFABRICADOSSL PMPT: 973 603 954 - F: 973 603 950PROMOCION DE PREFABRICADOSSL PMPT: 687 542 944PUJOL ELEMENTST: 973 202 350 - F: 973 203 113TARREGA NOUMAGT: 607 497 330VISAMATT: 973 801 035LUGOALMACENES BAHIA, S.L.T: 982 140 957 - F: 982 132 065ARIAS NADELA, S.L.T: 982 245 725ESTABLECIMIENTOS REY, S.L.T: 982 592 071SONIA GOMEZ GOMEZT: 982 44 12 49 - F: 982 44 03 31MADRIDPORCELANOSAT: 916 623 232 - F: 916 624 607PORCELANOSAT: 916 890 172 - F: 916 890 170PORCELANOSAT: 914 819 200 - F: 916 930 292PORCELANOSAT: 917 545 161 - F: 917 545 555PORCELANOSAT: 914 448 460 - F: 914 025 111MÁLAGAMARMOLERA RONDEÑA S.L.U.T: 952 872 225MATERIALES MUÑOZ PÉREZ S.L.T: 952 507 879 - F: 952 504 760PORCELANOSAT: 952 241 375 - F: 952 240 092PORCELANOSAT: 952 826 868 - F: 952 822 880MELILLAFERRETERIA MODERNA E HIJOS, S.L.T: 952 671 144 - F: 952 691 285MURCIAAZULEJOS ZAPATA PEÑALVER S.L.T: 968 135 480 - F: 968 135 000PORCELANOSAT: 968 705 647 - F: 968 705 648PORCELANOSAT: 968 478 130 - F: 968 470 820PORCELANOSAT: 968 879 527 - F: 968 831 725NAVARRACERÁMICAS CECILIO CHIVITET: 948 811 973 - F: 948 815 249MONTEJO CERÁMICAST: 948 239 065 - F: 948 230 503MONTEJO CERÁMICAST: 948 224 000 - F: 948 226 424MONTEJO CERÁMICAST: 948 848 365 - F: 948 848 573OURENSEBLANCO QUINTAST: 988 391 114 - F: 988 250 413JOSE R. PITEIRA, S.L.T: 988 271 071 - F: 988 274 780PALENCIACANTALAPIEDRAT: 979 706 421 - F: 979 702 652PONTEVEDRAALMACENES CANDA, S.L.T: 986 780 184 - F: 986 782 301ARCOLAR 2000, S.L.T: 986 580 114 - F: 986 592 513BLANCO QUINTAST: 986 288 041 - F: 986 486 316PREFABRICADOS DENA, S.L.T: 986 743 121 - F: 986 745 131PREFABRICADOS DENA, S.L.T: 986 702 041 - F: 986 733 415SANEAMIENTOS ROSALES, S.L.T: 986 702 041 - F: 986 702 080

SANEAMIENTOS ROSALES, S.L.T: 986 228 806SALAMANCAPORCELANOSAT: 923 243 811 - F: 923 123 414SANTA CRUZ DETENERIFEAFELSAT: 922 461 112 - F: 922 461 166AFELSAT: 922 412 143 - F: 922 420 012PORCELANAS Y PAVIMENTOS CANARIOST: 649 298 137PORCELANAS Y PAVIMENTOS CANARIOST: 922 209 595 - F: 922 209 596SEGOVIASEGOCERT: 921 172 426 - F: 921 171 828SEGOCERT: 921 444 122SEVILLAHERNÁNDEZ CARBALLOT: 955 800 473 - F: 955 801 439PORCELANOSAT: 954 260 540 - F: 954 528 681PORCELANOSAT: 954 152 792 - F: 954 153 188SORIAMC ODORICIOT: 975 233 228 - F: 975 232 188TARRAGONACOMERCIAL LLAURADOT: 977 400 387 - F: 977 400 052COMERCIAL STCT: 977 661 951COMERCIAL STCT: 977 312 502 - F: 977 317 211CONSTRUCCIONS CIUROT: 977 802 951 - F: 977 802 012EXPOMAT ALCOVERT: 977 760 476MATERIALS GISBERTT: 977 242 363MATERIALS GISBERTT: 977 500 306 - F: 977 501 550MONSERRATE ESTIL CERAMICT: 977 364 900 - F: 977 364 953RAMON MAGRIÑA BATALLAT: 977 600 210 - F: 977 603 302TINALEX ARTEVIUDA DE ANTONIO FONTT: 977 660 794 - F: 977 662 217TERUELGARGÓNT: 978 609 661 - F: 978 607 980TOLEDOPORCELANOSAT: 925 232 402 - F: 925 232 406VALENCIAPORCELANOSAT: 961 417 227 - F: 961 402 389PORCELANOSAT: 963 185 021 - F: 963 180 094PORCELANOSAT: 963 530 230 - F: 963 531 688VALLADOLIDPORCELANOSA CANTALAPIEDRAT: 983 217 010 - F: 983 200 921VIZCAYABILBUT: 946 731 158 - F: 946 733 265BILBUT: 944 218 625 - F: 944 218 879BILBUT: 944 113 018 - F: 944 128 637ZAMORAGONZALEZ Y GONZALEZ BERMAR S.LT: 980 633 484 - F: 980 637 552PAVIREMA, S.L.T: 980 690 772PORCELANOSAT: 980 519 283 - F: 980 529 404ZARAGOZAPORCELANOSAT: 876 269 500 - F: 876 269 389PORCELANOSAT: 976 930 800 - F: 976 930 603PORCELANOSAT: 976 403 131 - F: 976 300 094


A building that seems to float above thetrees – this is how Renzo Piano designed hisfirst residential project in the United States.Located in Miami Beach, north of North ShoreOpen Space Park, the Eighty Seven Parkproject is made up of 70 luxury flats with viewsof the Atlantic Ocean. The spacious terracesof each flat merge seamlessly with the indoorspaces and natural materials take on a leadingrole: American oak, Italian stone and a lot ofglass everywhere. Access to the building’scommon areas will be via a plant-filled glasslobby overlooking the outside garden anddecorated with photographs of different plantspecies. At the Enoteca bar, as a tribute to thelandscape, mixed drinks inspired by the worldof botany will be served, and there will neverbe a lack of interesting books in the library. Thefacilities will be completed by two swimmingpools surrounded by chaises longues, a spa, agym, a bar with direct access to the beach (theFugo Bar), and an infinity pool on the roof with360º views over the ocean and the park./

Architect Renzo Piano’sobjective was to minimisethe impact of the buildingon its surroundings (bycreating more green areas),while maximising the viewsof Harding Avenue andCollins Avenue all the wayto the ocean.














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The luxury of living in apark over the ocean








w w w . k r i o n . c o mk r i o n @ k r i o n . c o m

Binney Street - Boston, USAKRION® 6401 Red Fire