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Introduction To C++

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Overview Of A Computer

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The Hardware

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The Memory

• Memory is addressed by byte

• In our Windows machines 1 byte = 8 bits

• Each bit can be 0 or 1

• Memory can hold

• Program instructions

• Data










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Memory II

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The Memory

Program Instructions


• Memory is split into space for program instructions and for data

• Data space is usually further subdivided

• Static/constant

• Stack• Heap

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CPU And Memory

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The CPU Program Counter

Instruction register

Other Registers

Other Registers

Other Registers




• In our Windows machines these registers are 32 bits wide

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The OS

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• Operating System

• Windows• Linux

• Applications• Editor• Compiler• The

programs we will write

= Software


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Developing C++ Programs

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• Steps to develop a program– Write C++ instructions, store in source-code file– The following two steps are usually automated

• Use compiler to turn source into object code• Use linker to create executable

– Use a debugger to examine and test program

• Standalone tools vs. an IDE– Integrated Development Environment combines

tools– You should know how to use individual tools

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Compile, Link, Execute

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SourceSourceCodeCode PreprocessorPreprocessorPreprocessorPreprocessor CompilerCompilerCompilerCompiler






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Comments• Way to leave notes in your code

– Ignored by compiler• You should use them liberally

• 2 types– Single line //

• Everything after the double slash is a comment up to the end of the line

– Multi-line /* */• /* everything between • Is a comment */

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Required for homework• All assignments must have comments at

the top of each page!

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• Failure to add comments to your assignments can result in a 0 grade

/*Name: Glenn StevensonSID#: 1234567Date: todays dateLab #: 1Description: you can simply copy and paste from the assignment descript itself


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Functions & main

• C++ is typically a cooperating group of functions– Functions

• Like a small program within a large program– Used to perform a specific task

• main – function where your program begins– Your program must have a main function

• Programs need a place to start• Program will not link without a main function

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Anatomy of main

• C++ is a case Sensitive language

• Function Header– First line of function

• Function Body– Code between opening and

closing braces• All blocks have an opening

and a closing brace

• Return Statement– What this function returns

• Where does in return to?

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Statements / Blocks

• Statements– Any valid line of C++ code

• Statements are terminated by a semicolon– Can span multiple lines compiler looks for ; as a marker

» Compiler generates an error when a statement is not terminated by a semicolon

• Blocks– Any code that has an opening & closing brace

• Not terminated by a semicolon– Function main has opening and closing brace

» Function body then is a block of code

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Our First Program!

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// myfirst.cpp - A simple C++ program

#include <iostream> // Preprocessor statement using namespace std; // Make cout visibleint main() // Function header{ cout << "Hi, my name is Glenn Stevenson"; cout << "\n"; return 0;}

// myfirst.cpp - A simple C++ program

#include <iostream> // Preprocessor statement using namespace std; // Make cout visibleint main() // Function header{ cout << "Hi, my name is Glenn Stevenson"; cout << "\n"; return 0;}

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Ananlyizing myFirst.cpp

• #include <iostream>– Has definitions input and output streams

• C++ has much functionality included

• using namespace std;– Use built functionality from standard library

• int main()– Function header of main followed by the body of main (code

between the baces)• cout << “Hi my name is Glenn Stevenson”;

– cout puts information to screen • cout << “\n”;

– Moves the cursor to the next line on the console window• Called an escape character, more about that later

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What is wrong with this code?

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// myfirst.cpp - A simple C++ program

#include <iostream> // Preprocessor statement using namespace std; // Make cout visibleint Main(); // Function header{ cout << "Hi, my name is Glenn Stevenson"; cout << "\n"; return 0;};

// myfirst.cpp - A simple C++ program

#include <iostream> // Preprocessor statement using namespace std; // Make cout visibleint Main(); // Function header{ cout << "Hi, my name is Glenn Stevenson"; cout << "\n"; return 0;};

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The preprocessor

• Separate program called CPP [C Pre-Processor]– Massages source code before giving it to compiler– Preprocessor instructions are called directives – Preprocessor directives all begin with #

• The #include <iostream> directive says– "Send the declarations and definitions in the iostream

header to the compiler at this point"– What is a "header"?

• "Family" of declarations and definitions• Normally stored in a file (or translation unit as it is called in C+

+), but doesn't have to be

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The Preprocessor II

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#include <iostream> // Preprocessor statement #include <iostream> // Preprocessor statement


SourceSourceCodeCode PreprocessorPreprocessorPreprocessorPreprocessor CompilerCompilerCompilerCompiler




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The Preprocessor III

• Traditional [C-style] headers all end in .h• Standard C++ headers:

– Don't have ".h" suffix– Don't necessarily refer to file names– Older [pre-IS0] compilers won't support

• Under Turbo C++, for instance, you write:– #include <iostream.h>– And don’t get namespace functionality

• Do not use the C-style headers– C++ Style Guide 7.1.1

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The Standard Headers

• 51 headers available in Standard C++– 18 ANSI C Standard library headers

• Available in traditional and new styles• <stdio.h> and <cstdio>

– 13 Standard Template Library [STL] headers• Collections and algorithms [generic programming]

– 9 Input/Output [I/0] stream headers– String, exception, memory management, and

various data structure classes not in the STL

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• A namespace defines a region where names are valid– In C, all function names are "global"– Headers combine functions into "families"– Namespaces combine families into "neighborhoods"

• All Standard C++ library functions and objects are in the std namespace– C library functions also in std with new headers

• Some older compilers have not fully implemented this

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using namespace std; // Make cout visibleusing namespace std; // Make cout visible

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Namespaces II

• To use a function in a namespace – Prefix it with namespace and :: [scope


• Example: using the standard sqrt() function– #include <cmath> // In std namespace

double ans = std::sqrt(5.25);

• In this class, you'll often import entire std namespace– "Import" with using namespace declaration

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Literals • Called literals because they are values that are

literally stated– 1 // integer literal – whole number– 2.2 // floating point literal– .3 // floating point literal– 'h‘ // single character literal– "Hello“ // string literal

• Don’t confuse single characters for strings!– This is not legal ‘hello’ and– ‘h’ is different from “h”

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C++ Output

• I/O is supplied as part of the standard library– Definitions found in the <iostream> header– Standard I/O is represented as a stream– cout uses the stream extraction operator

• << notice that it points at cout!

– Can use many insertion operators to separate types• Cout << “hello my lucky number is “ << 7 << endl;

– endl does the same thing as “\n”» Moves cursor to next line on console window

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cout << "Hi, my name is Glenn Stevenson"; cout << "Hi, my name is Glenn Stevenson";

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Changing Numbers With cout

• You can output numbers in many formats– Send format type to cout– Hexadecimal – Base 16

• cout << hex << 16 << endl;– Outputs 10 because 10 is 16 in hex

– Octal – Base 8• cout << oct << 9 << endl;

– Outputs 10 because 9 is 10 in octal

– Decimal – Base 10• cout << dec << 10 << endl;

– Outputs 10

– Will output desired format until changed or program ends

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What is a stream?

• Streams are abstract information flows– Data flows into your program from a source– Your program processes the data– Information flows out of your program to a sink

• Sending info to a sink is called writing• Getting info from a source is called reading

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SinkSource Data Data Data


14OOP01.WMF Figure 14-1 Sources, streams and sinks

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Standard streams

• C++ initially creates at least 3 stream objects– Also known as standard input, output, and error– cin : input connected to the keyboard– cout : output connected to the monitor– cerr : output connected to the monitor

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Standard InputYour


Standard Output

Standard Error






14OOP03.WMF Figure 14-3 Standard input, standard output, standard erro

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Formatting your code

• C++ is a free-form language– Interchangably use spaces, tabs and newlines main() { cout << "Hi"; return 0; }

main ( ) {cout <<"Hi" ;

return 0 ; }

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Formatting II

• Cannot use whitespace between parts of a token– A token is one or more characters with a single

meaning• /*, */, <<, // are all tokens• Keywords like int and return are tokens

– Here are some uses of illegal whitespace with tokensin t main( ) { cout < < "Hi" ; ret urn 0; }

– You cannot put a literal newline in a stringcout << “This is illegal”;cout << “But this ”

“is legal!”;

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Code Formatting III

• Must use whitespace to separate some tokens– cout<<"Hello there"; // Not required– intmain(){return0;} // Spaces needed

int main(){return 0;} // OKint main(){return(0);} // OK

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Values & Variables

• Values are discrete quantities of data– Here are some values:

• 1, 3.1459, “Glenn”, D, true

– Values represent different kinds of things• In programming, this is called a value's type• integers, real, text [strings], characters, Boolean

• Variables are:– Named storage locations that hold values– Every variable holds a value of a certain type

• The type defines the legal operations and the required memory to store it (size)

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Declaring Variables

• C++ has two statements devoted to variables– Declaration statements and assignment statements

• A declaration statement specifies:– The name of memory location– The kind of thing (type) stored at the location

int fleas;

– This creates an integer variable named fleas• The compiler sets aside memory to store an int

– The amount of memory for an int is implementation dependent

• Makes sure that you use variable appropriately• Cannot store a string in fleas, for instance

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Variable Definition I

• I like to think of the compiler taking a box of the correct size for the type of variable (a variable can be from 1 to n bytes in size), and writing the name, type of variable and its address on the outside.– The box will hold the value of the variable when it’s

used.• The boxes are then stacked away in storage

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Name: iType: intAddress: 5000

Name: chType: charAddress: 5004

Name: rType: doubleAddress: 5005

4 byte box 1 byte box 8 byte box

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Variable Definition II

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5000 …x

5001 …5002 …5003 …

5004 … ch

5005 …

r5006 …5007 … …

x int 5000ch char 5004r double 5005

x int 5000ch char 5004r double 5005

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• An LValue is nothing more than something that is to the left of the equal sign. – Since values get assigned from right to left, the

lvalue must alway be a variable . • This means that you cannot do something like this:

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int x = 30;25 = x; //Can’t Do this

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Variable Naming Rules • Variable names can consist of letters,

numbers, and the underscore but cannot begin with a number.

• They can also not be a C++ keyword like if, else, for, etc.

• Variable names cannot contain a space character.

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int my Var; // This is not validint myVar; // This is valid

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Naming Conventions• Naming conventions have changed over the

years it used to be that if you had a variable name that had two words in it you would separate the words with an underscore. – int my_int_variable;

• Later people starting capitalizing every word. – int MyIntVariable;

• Currently, the convention is to capitalize from the second word on:– int myIntVariable;

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Number Types

• C++ has several number types in two categories– Integral

• Counting numbers – Signed – Unsigned

– Floating-point• Real numbers (numbers with a fractional part)

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Numeric Type Sizes

Name Bytes Range Digitsshort (also called short int)

2 -32,767 to +32,767 N/A

int 4 -2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647


long (also called long int)

4 -2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647


float 4 10-38 to 10+38 7

double 8 10-308 to 10+308 Approximately 15

long double 10 10-4932 to 10+4932 Approximately 19

char 1 All ASCII Characters N/A

bool 1 true, false N/A

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Losing Precision• Copying values from one type of a variable

to another type can force a loss of data.

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double d = 33.456;int x;x = d;

• x holds an integer value and the code is attempting to store double in it. – These are different size buckets!

• the double will get truncated to an integer– The value stored in x is 33.

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Losing Precision II

• You can put smaller values into bigger buckets because they will fit: .

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double d;int x = 30;d = x; //This is fine, no loss of data

• You may actually want to store a large value in a small bucket. – You can do this without the compiler

complaining by casting the value. – Future topic

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Binary Numbers

• Unsigned (positive) binary integers– Converting a binary number to decimal

• Each binary digit represents a power of 2• Just like decimal digits represent power of 10

– So what is 10110101 binary in decimal?• 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 •• 1 0 1 1 0 1 0


128 0 32 16 0 4 0 1

• = 181

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Binary Numbers II

• So what’s 0x608bfa05 in decimal?• 5 x 160 = 5 x 1 = 5

0 x 161 = 0 x 16 = 0A x 162 = 10 x 256 = 2,560F x 163 = 15 x 4096 = 61,440B x 164 = 11 x 65536 = 720,8968 x 165 = 8 x 1048576 = 8,388,6080 x 166 = 0 x 16777216 = 06 x 167 = 6 x 268435456 =1,610,612,736

1,619,786,245• So 01100000100010111111101000000101

= 014042775005 = 0x608bfa05 = 1,619,786,245

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Binary Numbers III

• Converting a decimal number to binary– Find largest power of 2 and subtract; repeat– Example: Decimal 89 as binary

• Largest power of 2 is 64 : 0100-0000• Subtract 64 from 89 = 25• Find next power of 2 [16] : 0101-0000• Subtract 16 from 25 = 9• Find next power of 2 [8] : 0101-1000• Subtract 8 from 9 = 1• Find next power of 2 [1] : 0101-1001• = 0x59

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Binary Number IV

• A way with a lot less work – convert to hex first– Find the largest power of 16 and subtract the multiples– Example: Decimal 89 as binary

• Largest power of 16 is 16: 0x50• Subtract 5 * 16 from 89 = 9• Next smallest power of 16 is 1: 0x59• Subtract 9 * 1 from 9 = 0• Convert hex to binary by inspection

– = 0101 1001

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Binary Numbers V

• An easier way to convert– In Windows there is a calculator application (usually in the

accessories group)• Make certain that the scientific option is selected under the view

menu• Use the Hex, Oct, Dec and Bin radio buttons to convert numbers

• You’re probably now wondering why do I need to know this stuff???– C++, like it predecessor C, can do low-level programming

• You can “bit-twiddle” which is frequently necessary when dealing with hardware and systems programming

– When examining memory the addresses and values are normally displayed in hex

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Binary Numbers VI

• How can signed binary integers be stored?– One scheme is called sign-magnitude method– Give up a bit to represent sign (0 = positive)– Remaining bits represent magnitude– 1011 - 0101

= - (32 + 16 + 4 + 1) = -53

– Not generally used because of the two-zeros problem

– 0000-0000 = +0 1000-0000 = -0

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Binary Numbers VII

• One’s complement– MSB [most-significant-bit] is used for sign bit– If it is set, then one's complement is used to calculate

the magnitude of negative number– One’s complement:

• Reverse every bit (0 1 and 1 0)– Also called complement

• Interpret result as an unsigned number• Place minus sign in front of answer

– Still results in two zeros• 0000 – 0000 = +0• 1111 – 1111 = -0

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Binary Numbers VII

• Two's complement results in one zero– MSB [most-significant-bit] is used for sign bit– If it is set, then two's complement is used to

calculate the magnitude of negative number– Two's complement:

• Reverse every bit [simple, or one's complement]• Add one to the result• Interpret result as an unsigned number• Place minus sign in front of answer

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Binary Numbers VIII

• Wait a minute, how do I add 1 in binary?– 0 0 1

+0 +1 +10 1 10

– 1 + 1 = 0 carry 1

– So– 1011

+ 11100

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Binary Numbers IX

• Wait a minute, how do I add 1 in binary?– 0 0 1

+0 +1 +10 1 10

• 1 + 1 = 0 carry 1

– So– 1011

+ 11100

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Binary Numbers X

• Signed binary to decimal examples– 0000-0011 = + 3– MSB is clear - treat as positive unsigned– 1000-0011 = ???– MSB set - negative-perform two's complement

• 1. Reverse all of the bits : 0111-1100• 2. Add one to result : 0111-1101• 3. Interpret result : 64+32+16+8+4+1 = 125• 4. Add minus sign : -125

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Binary Numbers XI

• How to convert negative decimal numbers– 1. Convert absolute value to binary– 2. Perform two's complement on result

• Example: convert -59 to binary– 1. Binary magnitude (59)– 0011-1011– 2. Perform two's complement– 1100-0100

+ 1 1100-0101

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Integral Number Types

• C++ Built-in Integral types– char, unsigned char, and signed char– short and unsigned short– int and unsigned int (or unsigned)– long, unsigned long

• In this course we will use int primarily– On our 32-bit machines it takes 32-bits or 4 bytes to

store an int– Range

• -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

– climits header defines limits

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The int data type I

• "Basic" integer is a signed whole number– Size depends upon underlying platform– On 16-bit systems - 16-bit int– Today, almost all systems are 32 bit, tomorrow 64?

• Integer modifiers include:– long [at least 32 bits, never smaller than int]– short [at least 16 bits, never larger than int]– unsigned [only positive numbers]– Use of modifiers implicitly assumes type int

e.g. long x; is equivalent to long int x;– char one byte – may be signed do or unsigned

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int data type II

• How is an int stored in my computer– It depends on your processor

• Intel processors use “Little Endian”– Two byte words stored least significant word first with each word

stored least significant byte first

– So 0x608bfa05 would be stored in memory as 05 fa 8b 60

• Many other processors use “Big Endian”– Words and bytes are stored most significant word and byte first

– So 0x608bfa05 would be stored in memory as 60 8b fa 05

– If you use a memory dump to debug, this is what you will see

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The sizeof operator

• C++ mandates size "relationships"• How can you find actual size of object?

– Use the sizeof operator (note operator - not a function)

– Returns size in "bytes" [usually 8 or 16 bits per byte – implementation dependent]

• cout << "sizeof 123 = " << sizeof 123;cout << "sizeof a = " << sizeof a;

– Parentheses required when using a type-name• cout << "sizeof (int) = " << sizeof (int);

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Floating Point Number Types

• C++ Built-in Floating-point types– float– double– long double

• In this course we will primarily use double– On our 32-bit machines it takes 128 bits or 8 bytes to

store a double– Range

• 2.2250738585072014e-308 to 1.7976931348623158e+308– Precision

• 15 digits– cfloat header defines limits

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Scientific Notation

• Also sometimes called Exponential Notation• Usually used to express very large or very small numbers

– speed of light in a vacuum = 2.99 x 108 meters/sec – Distance to Alpha Centauri = 5.863 x 1012 miles– Size of a hydrogen atom ≈ 10-10 meters– Mass of an electron = 9.11 x 10-31 kg– Number of atoms in the entire universe ≈ 1080

• Expressed by a sign followed by a single digit followed by a decimal fraction followed by a power of ten– The single digit plus the fraction is called the mantissa– The power of ten is called the exponent

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Scientific Notation II

• So 7.3125 (7 5/16) is– 111.0101– We can write this as– 1.110101 x 22– In this case

• the sign is positive• the mantissa is 1.110101• the exponent is 2

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Scientific Notation III

• 0.1875 (3/16) is– 0.0011 or

1.1 x 2-3– In this case

• the sign is positive• the mantissa is 1.1• the exponent is -3

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Scientific Notation IV

• And -55.25 is– -110111.01 or

-1.1011101 x 25– In this case

• the sign is negative• the mantissa is 1.1011101• the exponent is 5

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Scientific Notation V

• What about 1.1?– 1.000110011001100110011001100…– 0.1 cannot be exactly represented as a binary

fraction• This is similar to 1/3 not being able to be exactly

represented as a decimal fraction: 0.333333333333…

• This is referred to as representational error

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Scientific Notation VI

• So how do we store these numbers in our computer?– There are several conventions

• Most common is IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standard

– Real*4 sign bit + 8-bit exponent + 23 bit mantissa– Real*8 sign bit + 11-bit exponent + 52 bit mantissa– Real*10 sign bit + 15-bit exponent + 64 bit mantissa

Real*4 Real*8 Real*10

Precision (min) 6 digits 15 digits 18 digits

Max Exponent 38 308 4932

Min Exponent -37 -307 -4931

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Arithmetic Operators

Operator Meaning

+ Add

- Subtract

* Multiply

/ Divide

% Modulous

• int x = 3, y = 0;• y = x + 6;• y = x – 2;• y = x * 2• y = 6 / x;• Y = 6 % 3;

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10 % 3 results in 1 Because 10 / 3 = 3 with a remainder of 1 12 % 7 results in 5 Because 12 / 7 = 1 with a remainder of 5 20% 5 results in 0 Because 20 / 5 = 4 with a remainder of 0

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Shortcut Notation

int x = 4; Equivalent Value

x+=5; x = x + 5 9

x-=1; x = x -1; 3

x*=5; x = x * 5; 20

x/=2 x = x / 2 4

x%=3 x = x % 3 1

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Escape Characters• A character pair that you can put into a string to perform an action.

\n Newline

\r Move the cursor back to the beginning of the line

\t Insert a tab

\\ Insert a single backslash

\’ Single quote

/” Double quote

Below are not commonly used

\v Vertical tab

\b backspace

\f Form feed

\? Questions mark

Glenn Stevenson CSIS 113A MSJC


cout<<“hello” << endl;

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• A read only variable– It cannot be changed programmatically

• Example: PI

• Use const keyword– const double PI = 3.14159265 ;

• By convention– const variables should be ALL CAPS

Glenn Stevenson CSIS 113A MSJC

Page 69: CSIS 113A Introduction To C++ Glenn Stevenson CSIS 113A MSJC.

C Typecasting• Used to intentionally convert numbers

– From one type to another• Can store small value in a larger bucket• Cannot store larger value in smaller bucket

– Possible loss of data

Glenn Stevenson CSIS 113A MSJC

int x = 0;double z = 33.345;x = z; // x now holds 33. Value is truncated & compiler // warning possible compiler error

x = (int) z; //Temporarily converts z to an int. Still truncates but // no error or warning

x = static_cast<int> z ; // c++ cast covered later

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Shorthand operators

• Called unary operators– They operate on a single variable!– ++ // increments a variable by one– -- // decrements a variable by one

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int x = 3;int y = 2;

x++; // x is now 4y--; // y is now 1

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Post & Pre Increment/ Decrement

• Can apply shorthand operators 2 ways– Before variable ++x– After Variable x++– Whats the difference?

• Consider:

Glenn Stevenson CSIS 113A MSJC

int x = 2;int y = 0;y = 1 * x++; // What does y equal here?

y = 1 * ++x; // Now what does y equal

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Coding Style

• You should adopt a coding style that makes your code readable. – Typically, you should indent whenever a block

of code starts. and move it back when the block ends.

• How far you indent depends on your preference. – I prefer 3 spaces. Some people like to do a tab, and still

others like 4 spaces. Whatever you decide, be consistent.

Glenn Stevenson CSIS 113A MSJC

Int main(){ cout << “Hello World” << endl; // Notice indent}