Download - Conference of European Churches Church & Society Commission TRAINING ON CHILDREN’S RIGHTS.


Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission



Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

About the Human Rights Concept 

History of development of Human Rights

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Children’s Rights as fundamental Human Rights


Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Sharing Session 

Do you have personal experiences related to (limitations of) Children’s Rights?

Are you aware of events or cases of other persons or religious organisations related to this issue?

Which issues play a role in discussions in your society in which the wish to restrict or defend Children’s Rights is at stake?

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Theological Reflection on the issue of Children’s Rights

Children as the “image of God” 

Biblical and theological issues;

Children are also endowed by God with a unique dignity;

Children of God is a concept of Christian existence;

Jesus blesses the children: they give an example to adults how to receive the kingdom of God. (Marc 10:13-16).

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

What are the Present Challenges related to

Children’s Rights in Society?

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Article 8 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) States Parties undertake to respect the right of the child

to preserve his or her identity, including nationality, name and family relations as recognised by law without unlawful interference;

Where a child is illegally deprived of some or all of the elements of his or her identity, States Parties shall provide appropriate assistance and protection, with a view to re-establishing speedily his or her identity.

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Child Abuse  




Responsibility of the State for treatment and punishment in the private sphere

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Prohibition of Forced Labour

Children’s slavery

Children and work

Children and military service

Rights of children with immigration, asylum seekers and refugee status

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Rights to Education

Child and education

Access to (free) education

Rights to religious and philosophical education

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Legal Tools for Children’s Rights in the UN System

  The United Nations

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) (1989)

World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990)

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Legal Tools for Children’s Rights in the Council of Europe System I

Council of Europe :

European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights, Strasbourg, 25.1.1996

Recommendation Rec (2002)12 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on education for democratic citizenship

Resolution 1193 (1999) on Second-chance schools – or how to combat unemployment and exclusion by means of education and training

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Legal Tools for Children’s Rights in the Council of Europe System II

Council of Europe :

Recommendation 1346 (1997) on Human Rights education

Recommendation 1346 (1997) of the Parliamentary Assembly Human Rights Education

Recommendation 1849 (2008) for the promotion of a culture of democracy and Human Rights through teacher education

Conference of European ChurchesChurch & Society Commission

Proposal for Action to Strengthen Children’s Rights 

Including children as full members and participants in the common life of the church;

Supporting the formation of loving and safe families;

 Promoting quality of religious education within church;

 Promoting physically and emotionally safe environments;

 Enhancing research initiatives.