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Protect & Promote Your BrandWe give you peace of mind by taking a complete view of online portfolios, from domain name management, DNS and new gTLDs to social media usernames and SSL certificates.

Monitor Your BrandOur advanced tools and skilled analysts are on constant lookout for infringements so you can take fast action against them.

Enforce Your RightsOur success rate for recovering digital

assets, removing infringing content and

enforcing takedowns is exceptional.

Clients choose CSC for our first-class service*, our

global reach and the value of our complimentary,

expert advice. *CSC is ranked #1 for service quality by World Trademark Review. We received a Gold award for

our Trademark Search and Watch services.

Digital Brand Protection from the Experts

The digital world changes fast, with new opportunities and threats emerging all the time. Against this backdrop, managing and protecting an online brand portfolio is a major, non-stop challenge. It’s also one of

the most serious commercial priorities of the modern world.

CSC® Digital Brand Services exists to take care of your digital assets. A world leader in online

brand protection, we protect your reputation in this dynamic space and enhance the value of

your intellectual property.

With more than 1.6 million domains under management, we help more than half of the Best

Global Brands (Interbrand®) make the most of the digital world.

Because the digital world changes so fast, the task of managing your brands online never

stops. It’s easier, more effective and less costly with an expert partner by your side.



Our protection services ensure you have the correct brands registered in the right places online, with the appropriate levels of security. With CSC, you’ll spend your brand protection budget where it matters. Our web-based CSCDomainManagerSM platform enables you to manage your entire digital brand portfolio in one place for a complete view of your online assets. We’re also unique in that our services cover all types of digital intellectual property, from domain names and new gTLDs to social media usernames

and SSL certificates.

Protect & Promote Your Brand

Domain Name Management

Define and protect your place on the web

As an ICANN-accredited domain name registrar and the world leader in corporate domain name management, we have all the tools your company needs to keep its domain names secure. We offer registrations in all available gTLDs and most country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), including internationalized domain names (IDNs) in scripts such as Chinese and Arabic. IP validation and configurable user setups provide superior levels of security. For mission-critical domains we offer “never down” DNS services and a CSC MultiLock service that adds three-party manual authentication to protect your most valuable properties.

New gTLD solutions ICANN’s New gTLD program is the biggest expansion of digital real estate since the Internet began. CSC is a registrar for these new domains and our systems can help you accurately identify which domains you should register within the New gTLDs.

Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) service As an authorized TMCH agent, we can help you identify the right trademarks to register in the TMCH so you’ll know when someone is trying to use your brand in conjunction with a New gTLD. CSC can help you through the entire, complex TMCH process.

DPML blocking As an accredited registrar with Donuts and Rightside, CSC can bring our clients the benefits of the Domain Protected Marks List (DPML) program.

Domain Name System (DNS) Services

A stable, secure platform for your online assets

Your company’s Internet presence is only as good as the infrastructure behind it. That’s why the world’s most valuable brands trust CSC® Digital Brand Services for Domain Name System (DNS) services.

With a “never-down” guarantee, our enterprise-class DNS services offer the stability you expect and the security you need when running your business online and servicing clients around the world. Our DNS services are provided in partnership with Verisign, which maintains the most robust DNS infrastructure on the planet. Given how important DNS is to your web-based operations—and the increasing risks of cybercrime and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks—you’ll be relieved to know that our partnership with Verisign puts the reliability, scalability and global distribution of the world’s best DNS infrastructure on your side.

Digital Certificates

Create a secure online environment

Your customers deserve the most stringent security measures available whenever they shop, bank or communicate online. That’s why more and more companies depend on CSC® Digital Brand Services for secure sockets layer (SSL) digital certificates. Our TrustedSecure® and Symantec® certificates create a safe, encrypted environment for all your online customer transactions. CSC offers both standard and Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates, all with industry-leading 256-bit encryption and unsurpassed browser recognition. We fulfill orders quickly and provide tools that make it easy for our clients to manage even the largest certificate portfolios. And when you use CSC Basic DNS in conjunction with our TrustedSecure certificates, the validation process is automated for you.

Social Media Username Registration

Protect your social footprint

Because the social media landscape is changing so rapidly, companies often find out too late that their trademarks and brand names have been claimed by third parties. It can then take considerable time and expense to get them back. The impact of losing social media usernames, also known as ‘vanity URLs,’ can also be costly. Our subscription-based Social Media Username Registration service offers an effective, worry-free way to register and maintain vanity URLs at key social media sites as well as new and emerging ones. This service will help ensure that your company always has a branded footprint on the most important social media networks—for marketing campaigns, customer interaction, brand launches and defensive purposes. With CSC, you can manage vanity URLs alongside your other digital assets using CSCDomainManager.

Trademark Search

Get ahead of the game

CSC was the first provider capable of searching the entire Internet for trademarks, and we continue to lead the field. All of our searches feature complete and current data retrieved directly from official trademark office sources. For rapid trademark screening by your in-house team, we offer an easy-to-use, self-service portal. Or, when you want to remove time and personnel burdens, our highly trained analysts are available to handle all of your research requests. We received a Gold award for our Trademark Search and Watch services from World Trademark Review.

Monitor Your Brand

In the digital age, more channels give you more ways to reach your customers. They also increase the risk of brand infringement. Companies seeking to defend their trademarks and online assets need to manage and mitigate risk across all digital channels. Our brand monitoring solutions are flexible and the content they provide is highly actionable. We can detect brand infringements and content misuse across a range of digital channels in a way that matches your areas of highest risk. With our NameProtect® monitoring application, CSC Digital Brand Services has created the first unified monitoring platform, allowing you to maintain and manage information in one place. We also provide robust enforcement tools to help you protect and enforce your brand rights.

Domain Name Monitoring

Look out for potential infringements

Our domain name monitoring service monitors new registrations for potential infringements against your trademarks. Using industry-leading tools, we overcome the technical and legal complexities involved in searching for new registrations that match your trademarks (including close matches and typosquatting) with options for covering all available gTLDs (including .brand), most ccTLDs (over 700+ extensions) and internationalized domain names (IDNs). We identify, categorize and prioritize results based on domain and web category, website activity, registrant and geographical factors.

Internet Monitoring

Keep your clients’ data safe from cybercriminals

Phishing remains an all-too common vehicle for credit card fraud and identity theft, with scams costing the global economy billions every year. CSC’s Phishing Detection services help prevent and mitigate phishing attacks and online fraud through authentication and fast takedown. Our team works with you to tailor a solution to your security needs and reporting requirements.

Mobile App Monitoring

Keep track of your brands in the mobile app space

Mobile apps are big business, but they’ve also become targets for brand abuse and exploitation. And because app development can be outsourced, it’s difficult for large organizations to get an overview of their portfolios. CSC’s Mobile App Monitoring service monitors the mobile app environment and manages your mobile apps centrally so you can quickly detect unauthorized uses and take rapid enforcement action against them.

Internet Monitoring

Detect infringing content

Internet content is growing and constantly changing, compelling brand holders to be vigilant in their monitoring efforts. However, in-house methods for monitoring infringing content require time, effort, and money. CSC’s Internet Monitoring services combine our proprietary technology and intellectual property expertise to help you proactively monitor, prioritize, and manage infringements and enforce your rights as a brand owner. Along with textual content, our service offers robust image-recognition capabilities to search for infringing content independent of text.

Trademark Watching

Monitor trademarks worldwide

This service allows you to systematically uncover potential conflicts involving newly published trademark applications on a global basis. We screen the gazettes of more than 170 jurisdictions, and newly filed marks are delivered in a timely manner to help you make the right business decisions. CSC offers the only watch service where results are reviewed for relevance by experienced trademark research analysts. Additionally, we provide timely notification of jurisdiction opposition so you never miss a deadline.

Social Media Monitoring

Listen in on conversations about your brand

CSC’s Social Media Monitoring service helps you track what consumers are saying about your brands in the fast-growing social media realm. This subscription-based service identifies, tracks and consolidates all social media mentions of the keyword you choose. Data is refreshed every four hours, every day, or every week, according to your needs.

Marketplace Monitoring

Uncover illegal and unauthorized online sales

Counterfeiting is a crime that has become more prevalent in the digital environment. It steals from companies. It leaves customers disappointed. And it damages brands. In partnership with OpSec Security Inc., CSC aims to prevent counterfeiters from profiting from your brand. Our Marketplace Monitoring service uncovers illegal and unauthorized online sales and halts piracy of digital assets. We evaluate brand portfolios, identify key marketplaces and geographies, and focus on the associated risks.

Enforce Your Rights

The battle against online infringements is fought across multiple fronts—from domain names to social networks to mobile app stores. Given this complexity, brand owners need an effective means of recovering web resources from infringers and removing infringing content without the expense and time required by judicial processes. That’s why CSC® Digital Brand Services offers the widest range of Online Brand Enforcement and Domain Name Acquisition services available today.

Domain Name Recovery

Get your property back

We help customers identify infringing domain names and prioritize them for recovery action. Options include researched and fully customized demand letters as well as Uniform Domain Name Dispute-Resolution (UDRP) and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) program complaints. We are the largest UDRP and DRP filer with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and enjoy a near-perfect success rate. In some cases, we enable the recovery of hundreds of infringing domains with a single enforcement action. We manage basic enforcement cases faster, at a fraction of the typical cost, and with an exceptional success rate.

Domain Name Acquisition

Acquiring strategic properties

Where a domain name is legitimately owned by a third party, our Domain Recovery team can also negotiate a domain name acquisition and help you achieve the best-possible price. CSC’s Domain Name Acquisition services provide you with a convenient, by-proxy way to conduct inquiries about domain names by establishing contact with their current registrants. We offer either basic or premium acquisition services depending on your requirements.

New gTLD Enforcement

Uphold your rights in New gTLDs

CSC can help customers file URS (Uniform Rapid Suspension) system complaints. The URS offers a lower-cost, faster path to relief for rights holders experiencing clear-cut cases of infringement caused by domain name registrations. When successful, this dispute-resolution policy can be used to suspend offending domain names.

Phishing Takedown

Industry-leading response times

With the industry’s fastest-documented takedown times, we help you minimize the damage from phishing and online fraud. Unlike other service providers, we monitor the email channel proactively for fraudulent activity. Email authentication is an important weapon in the fight against cybercriminals and can reduce your exposure to phishing attacks.

Online Brand Abuse Service

Remove infringing content

According to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), online service providers such as Google®, Facebook®, Twitter®, Pinterest®, Yahoo®, eBay®, etc., are not responsible for infringements conducted through their platforms but are still obliged to act once someone has brought an infringement to their attention. We can help you file this kind of complaint and assist with content removal.

Marketplace Enforcement

Every counterfeit sale is a risk to your brand

We take fast action when your intellectual property is abused. We remove illegal listings or postings from online auctions and trade boards and take special note of sellers who are engaged in multiple markets or have the potential to shift high volumes of consumer goods. Our enforcement analysts contact questionable sellers and stay on the trail of unresponsive parties. Technology is crucial, too. Our portal sends notices of copyright infringement to offending online marketplaces automatically.

Full-Spectrum Service

The Brand Advisory Team works across the full

spectrum of online brand management to help you

to optimize, protect and promote your brands:

• New gTLD Consulting

• Domain Name Strategy

• Social Media URL Strategy

• Domain Portfolio Optimization

• Digital Channel Risk Analysis

• Digital Brand Analytics and ROI

• DNS and SSL Analysis

• Acquisition & Recovery Strategy

• MultiLock Analysis

• Domain Divestiture Services

Comprising legal, IT and digital marketing

professionals, the Brand Advisory Team can

analyze your brand portfolio from ccTLDs, gTLDs,

and New gTLDs to social media usernames and

mobile apps. They are then able to make a range

of recommendations depending on their findings

and your needs. This could be as simple as lapsing

or registering particular domains—or it could

encompass an entire digital optimization strategy.

Brand Advisory Services Expert consulting, free of charge

for CSC clients

Every day we see opportunities for major organizations to improve their digital brand portfolios. And with the arrival of New gTLDs, this fast-moving area just got more complicated. By calling on the services of our expert Brand Advisory Team, CSC clients can ensure they are

working to the latest and best practices - at no additional cost.

About CSC Digital Brand ServicesThe world leader in digital brand services

CSC® Digital Brand Services helps businesses thrive online. One of the world’s largest corporate domain name registrars, CSC is also the leading provider of services related to ICANN’s New gTLD program, representing more than one third of all “dot brand” domain applicants. CSC offers SSL certificates for safe online transactions; enterprise DNS services; social media username services; trademark search and monitoring services; and a broad range of Internet monitoring and enforcement tools designed to assert intellectual property rights. CSC’s award-winning customer support and superior technological assets enable companies to maximize the value of their brands, expand into new markets, and counter

emerging online threats.

“CSC was able to get to grips quickly with the

various Allianz brands in the UK and advise us

on different brand strategies. Together with their

competitive pricing, their service model and

self-service portal, this made them an attractive

choice for us.”

Andy Cottrell Legal Counsel at Allianz Insurance

“It’s complex to manage a large portfolio of

domains, which is why we decided to outsource

to CSC. They were a key player in the New gTLD

process, helping us identify how to introduce the

.sas domain then manage the registration process.”

Massimo Pascotto Head of Innovation and Digital Solutions at SAS

(Scandinavian Airlines)

“The reality far exceeded the promise…

impressive efficiency!”

Jérôme Gast Head of Digital Marketing at Arkopharma

Watch client testimonials here

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