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Instructor: Muhammad Shahzad

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Goal Of this Course

• To provide a practical, realistic fundamental understanding of the entire field

- To explore the breadth of computer science

- Enough depth will be included for every topics

- To work on computers and their related fields with deeper understanding;

- To keep track of technologies, theories and applications in the future

Chapter 0


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Chapter 0: Introduction

• 0.1 The Role of Algorithms• 0.2 The Origins of Computing Machines• 0.3 The Science of Algorithms• 0.4 Abstraction• 0.5 An Outline of Our Study

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• Algorithm: A set of steps that defines how a task is performed (ordered set with unambiguous, executable and terminable properties)

• Program: A representation of an algorithm• Programming: The process of developing a program• Software: Programs and algorithms.• Hardware: Equipment

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History of Algorithms

• The study of algorithms was originally a subject in mathematics.

• Early examples of algorithms– Long division algorithm– Euclidean Algorithm

• Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem: Some problems cannot be solved by algorithms.

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Figure 0.2 The Euclidean algorithm

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Figure 0.2 The Euclidean algorithm


Operations ;(to solve problem)


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Figure 0.2 The Euclidean algorithm


Operations ;(to solve problem)



Unambiguous (clear);



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Origins of Computing Machines

• Early computing devices– Abacus: positions of beads represent numbers– Gear-based machines (1600s-1800s)

• Positions of gears represent numbers

• Blaise Pascal, Wilhelm Leibniz, Charles Babbage

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Figure 0.3 An Abacus


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Early Data Storage

• Punched cards– First used in Jacquard Loom

(1801) to store patterns for weaving cloth

– Stored programs in Babbage’s Analytical Engine

– Popular through the 1970’s

• Gear positions

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Early Computers

• Based on mechanical relays– 1940: Stibitz at Bell Laboratories– 1944: Mark I: Howard Aiken and IBM at Harvard

• Based on vacuum tubes– 1937-1941: Atanasoff-Berry at Iowa State– 1940s: Colossus: secret German code-breaker– 1940s: ENIAC: Mauchly & Eckert at U. of Penn.

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Figure 0.4 The Mark I computer

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Personal Computers

– First used by hobbyists– IBM introduced the PC in 1981

• Accepted by business

• Became the standard hardware design for most desktop computers

• Most PCs use software from Microsoft

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Computer Science

• The science of algorithms• Scope of computer science is broad, drawing

from other subjects, including– Mathematics– Engineering– Psychology– Business Administration– Linguistics

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Central Questions of Computer Science

• Which problems can be solved by algorithmic processes?

• How can algorithm discovery be made easier?• How can techniques of representing and

communicating algorithms be improved?• How can our knowledge of algorithms and technology

be applied to provide better machines?• How can characteristics of different algorithms be

analyzed and compared?

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Figure 0.5 The central role of algorithms in computer science

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• Abstraction: The distinction between the external properties of an entity and the details of the entity’s internal composition

• Abstract tool: A “component” that can be used without concern for the component’s internal properties

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An example of the abstraction of a communication network

A sub network

B sub network



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Outline of Our Study

• Chapter 1: Data Storage

• Chapter 2: Data Manipulation

• Chapter 3: Operating Systems

• Chapter 4: Networks and the Internet

• Chapter 5: Algorithms

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Outline of Our Study (continued)

• Chapter 6: Programming Languages

• Chapter 7: Software Engineering

• Chapter 8: Data Abstractions

• Chapter 9: Database Systems

• Chapter 10: Artificial Intelligence

• Chapter 11: Theory of Computation

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Outline of this course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-24

Outline of this course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-25

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-26

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-27

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-28

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-29

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-30

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-31

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-32

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-33

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:





© 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 0-34

Outline of course

From Concrete to Abstract

Algorithms (Ch. 5) CS4520/6520

Theory of Computation (Ch. 11) CS8540/8550 …

Data Representation and Storage (Ch. 1)

Computer Architecture (Ch. 2) CS4210/6210/8210

Operating System (Ch. 3) CS4320/6320/8320

Network and Internet (Ch. 4) CS4220/6220/8220

Practice 1: Static Web design

Programming Language (Ch. 6) …

Data Structure (Ch. 8) CS3410

Database System (Ch. 9) CS4710/6710/8710/8711

Software Engineering (Ch. 7) CS4350/6350/8350

Practice 2: Dynamic Web design


Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 10) CS4810/6810

Scientific Computing such as BioinformaticsCS6630/8630

Sensor Network

Human-Computer Interaction Computer graphics

Parallel and Distributing Computing CS4310/6310/8530

Advanced Topics:



