Download - Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Page 1: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.


Josef Zelenka

University of Hradec Kralove

The Czech Republic

Page 2: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Cryptology – basic terms• cryptology - the science that includes both cryptography and

cryptanalysis, and sometimes is said to include steganography• cryptography - the transformation of ordinary text (plaintext,

message, cleartext) into coded form (ciphertext) by encryption and the transformation of ciphertext into plaintext by decryption. Cryptography can be used to support digital signature, key management or key exchange, and data and communications privacy

• cryptanalysis - the analysis of a cryptographic system and/or its inputs and outputs to derive confidential variables and/or sensitive data including plaintext

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• plaintext (message) – original text which is not encrypted; shortly P or M (in schemes, formulas)

• ciphertext – encrypted plaintext; shortly C• sender - entity in a bilateral communication which is the

legitimate transmitter of information• receiver - entity in a bilateral communication which is

the intended recipient of information• adversary - entity in a bilateral communication which is

neither the sender nor receiver, and which tries to defeat the information security service being provided between the sender and receiver. Various other synonymous names: enemy, attacker, opponent, tapper, eavesdropper, intruder, and interloper.

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Comments to history of cryptology• very long history – more than 4.000 years• ancient Egypt, India (Kámasútra), Summer – changes of

letters, steganography (hidden of message)• ancient Greece – steganography, transposition ciphers, codes

(difference between code and cipher)• ancient Roma – Caesar cipher, encrypted communication

with troops• from 855 – description and theory of „classical“

cryptosystems• from 1500 Europe centre of cryptology development• World War I and II – cryptology „write history“ (battle near

Midway – break Japan purple code, break Germany Enigma –battle against Germany submarines)

• war Israel – Egypt• nowadays – E-business, diplomacy, banks, armies …

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From - to Characteristic

ancient time - 15 century Codes, simple (classic“) ciphers, hidden messages

15 century – beginning of 20 century

Advanced simple ciphers, cryptanalysis of simple ciphers, basis of cryptology theory

20 century Complex theory, development of mechanic and electronic ciphering machines, modern symmetric and new asymmetric cryptology, cryptographic protocols, massive application of cryptology as one from the „building stones“ of the modern society

21 century Alternative computers, quantum cryptology?, probability cryptology

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Information security - targets• privacy (confidentiality) - keeping information secret from all

but those who are authorized to see it. There are numerous approaches to providing confidentiality, ranging from physical protection to mathematical algorithms which render data unintelligible.

• data integrity - ensuring information has not been altered by unauthorized or unknown means. To assure data integrity, one must have the ability to detect data manipulation by unauthorized parties. Data manipulation includes such things as insertion, deletion, and substitution.

• non-repudiation - preventing the denial of previous commitments or actions

• authorization - conveyance, to another entity, of official sanction to do or be something. Two major classes: entity authentication and data origin authentication.

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• cryptographic algorithm - an algorithm that employs the science of cryptography, including encryption algorithms, cryptographic hash algorithms, digital signature algorithms, and key agreement algorithms

• cryptographic key - usually shortened to just „key“. An input parameter that varies the transformation performed by a cryptographic algorithm.

• cryptographic system - a set of cryptographic algorithms together with the key management processes that support use of the algorithms in some application context

• block cipher - encryption scheme which breaks up the plaintext messages to be transmitted into strings (called blocks) of a fixed length t over an alphabet A, and encrypts one block at a time

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• a hash function is a computationally efficient function mapping binary strings of arbitrary length to binary strings of some fixed length, called hash-values.

• a cryptographic protocol (protocol) is a distributed algorithm defined by a sequence of steps precisely specifying the actions required of two or more entities to achieve a specific security objective.

• a key management is the set of processes and mechanisms which support key establishment and the maintenance of ongoing keying relationships between parties, including replacing older keys with new keys as necessary.

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Cryptology – basic principles

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Kerckhoffs’ desiderata, a set of requirements for cipher systems (1883)

• the system should be, if not theoretically unbreakable, unbreakable in practice;

• compromise of the system details should not inconvenience the correspondents;

• the key should be remember able without notes and easily changed;

• the cryptogram should be transmissible by telegraph;• the encryption apparatus should be portable and

operable by a single person; • the system should be easy, requiring neither the

knowledge of a long list of rules nor mental strain.

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block cipher – often any rounds• advantages – high level of the diffusion

(dependence of plaintext on plaintext), low propensity to non-authorised modifications and misusage (its difficult to find the structure of plaintext; for example what was heading of message), often is possible manage security through lengthen block and key

• disadvantages – retardation during encryption, error propagation (typical is influence on the whole block, or by the method of feedback on longer part of message), usually slower than stream ciphers, usually more complicated implementation

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stream cipher – symbol of plaintext is immediately change on symbol of ciphertext, ciphertext depend on given symbol, key and algorithm, by feedback on other previous symbols and/or input vectors

• advantages – speed, error don't propagate• disadvantages – low level of diffusion, propensity

to modification and misuse (for example number of account – although was not deciphered it can be connected to another message)

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Cryptology – „classic“ ciphers

• the substitution ciphers (stream, symmetric)

• the transposition ciphers (block)

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The substitution ciphers

• block/stream ciphers which replace symbols (or groups of symbols) by other symbols or groups of symbols

• simple substitution cipher (mono-alphabetic substitution cipher) – the same substitution of one letter to one another letter– N! is key space where N is number of letters in alphabet; brute

force attack is difficult/impossible); for 26 letters is 26! = 4 . 1026 keys; if you examine 1000.000 keys per second still you must compute 1,27. 1013 years – age of universe is app. 1,5.1010 years

– it is insecure – in ciphertext distribution of letters is the same as in plaintext (in the given language) – cryptoanalysis can combine frequency analysis of ciphertext (see Fig.1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3) and ad hoc method

– there are possibilities to strengthen an algorithm - homophonic substitution cipher, polyalphabetic substitution cipher

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Fig. 1 Frequency of distribution of letters of Czech and English language /5/











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Fig. 2 Frequency of distribution of letters chosen languages /5/













Czech Slowak English German

French Italy Spanish Portugal

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Fig. 3 Frequency of distribution of letters of Czech language /5/









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The substitution ciphers – the trivial shift cipher/Caesar cipher

• alphabetic shift through k characters for some fixed k

• Key space only n where n is the number of letters of alphabet

• cryptanalysis is trivial:– Brute force attack– Frequency analysis – to find most frequently letter

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Th substitution ciphers - polygram substitution

• groups of characters being substituted by other groups of characters

• e.g. sequences of two plaintext characters (digrams) may be replaced by other digrams. In the same way the sequences of three plaintext characters (trigrams) can be replaced by other trigrams, or more generally using n-grams.

• In full digram substitution over an alphabet of 26 characters, the key may be any of the 262 digrams, arranged in a table with row and column indices corresponding to the first and second characters in the digram, and the table entries being the ciphertext digrams substituted for the plaintext pairs. There are then (262)! keys.

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The substitution ciphers - polyalphabetic cipher

• variants of polyalphabetic cipher were used through centuries including the World War II (for example the legendary Enigma)

• examples of variants:

– Vigenére cipher

– Polyalphabetic cipher machines and rotors

• flatter distribution of letters using polyalphabetic cipher is clear from Fig. 4

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Fig. 4 Flatter distribution of letters using polyalphabetic cipher /7/








0,07frequency ofaccidence


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The substitution ciphers - homophonic substitution cipher

• algorithm uses substitution of one letter to another letter but for frequent letters this substituted letters are randomly chosen from the set of two, three or more letters

• as a result there is a „flatter“ distribution of letter frequencies and frequency analysis is difficult

• examples – E as a most frequent letter (e.g. English, Czech) is substituted by four letters, A by three letters etc.

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The substitution ciphers - Vernam Cipher

• synonyms: a one-time system or a one-time pad• Vernam cipher over the binary alphabet is defined by ci = miki for

i = 1; 2; 3…; where m1;m2;m3; … are the plaintext digits, k1; k2; k3; . (the keystream) are the key digits, c1; c2; c3; . are the ciphertext digits, and is the XOR function (bitwise addition modulo 2). Decryption is defined by mi = ciki. If the keystream digits are generated independently and randomly, the Vernam cipher is called a one-time pad, and is unconditionally secure against a ciphertext-only attack.

• Conditions of safety: – the key can be used only one time– the key is the same length as a message– the key must be delivered through the secret channel– to destroy key after usage– the key must be a sequence of random digits generated in natural

processes not generated via pseudorandom generators

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Scheme of the binary Vernam cipher







The same key stream of random numbers

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The substitution ciphers - Vernam Cipher

• characteristics of synchronous stream ciphers:

– synchronization requirements

– no error propagation – a ciphertext digit, that is modified (but not deleted) during transmission, does not affect the decryption of other ciphertext digits

– sensibility to active attacks – there must be control mechanisms of message change (for example hash of message)

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The Symmetric Cryptology

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The chosen symmetric algorithms

Name Typical characteristics

IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)

key 128 b, block 64 b, patented, part of PGP, good diffusion, safety, high speed

DES (Data Encryption Standard)

key 64 b (but only 56 b ciphering), block 64 b, based on Feistel networks, until 1977 American standard for the symmetric encryption, at 2000 replaced by AES

3DES (Triple DES)

key 112 or 168 b, block 64 b, strengthen variant of DES (DES used three times, first and third step ciphering, second deciphering

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The chosen symmetric algorithms

Name Typical characteristics

Blowfish Key from 32 to 448 b, block 64 b, author Schneier 1993, based on Feistel networks

FEAL (Fast Data Encryption Algorithm)

key 64 b, block 64 b, created in Japan (Nippon Telegraph a Telephone Corporation) 1986, based on Feistel networks, was enhanced through more rounds

Gost 28147-89 (Gosudarstvěnnyj standart)

key 256 b, block 64 b, 32 rounds, from 1989 Russian cryptographic standard for the state administration, based on Feistel networks

Other symmetric algorithms: SAFER, RC5, LOKI’89, CAST, 3-WAY, SHARK, SKIPJACK, RC2…

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DES – the basic characteristics

• based on Feistel networks – scheme• operation (see scheme on next page) – substitution in S-boxes

(mixture of right side, subkeys), generation different subkeys for every round, permutation, mixture of left and right side

• only 56b long key (the exhaustive search app. hours), role of NIST

• well defined S-boxes– safety against linear and differential cryptanalysis

• 25 year used as a standard for non high-secret data• existence of weak keys and semi-weak keys

– a DES weak key is a key K such that EK(EK(x)) = x for all x– a pair of DES semi-weak keys is a pair (K1;K2) with EK1(EK2 (x)) = x

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DES – the function of the right side

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plaintext ciphertext K1 K2 K3



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AuthorsVincent Rijmen – COSIC BelgiumJoan Daemen – Proton World Belgium

The reasons: DES is not safe and is breakable in the real time3DES – safe but slowThe beginning of Rijndael – the end of 1996 1997 – the first attempts of AES

NIST - National Institute of Science and Technology (1998 - 15, 1999 - 5 algorithm)FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard AES – Advanced Encryption Standard (october 2000 chosen Rijndael)

The new cryptographic standard - AES (Rijndael) /4/

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Key and block sizecan be 128b, 192b, or 256b (16B, 24B, or 32B)

Rijndael - AES

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Rijndael - AES

The number of roundsdepends on the key and block size and can be 10, 12, 14 – see table below

Nb …. Number of bytes of block of dataNk …. Number of bytes of key

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Rijndael - AES


New key for each roundspecial expansion procedure creates a big key from which

generates round keysTheir lenght is: block size * (number of round + 1)

Example: for 128b blok and 10 rounds it is 1408b block of data

big key is divided in different round keys in this way:

first key first N bitssecond key next N bits etc.

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Rijndael - AES

The algorithm

10, 12, or 14 roundsEncryption and decryption have 4 byte oriented transformation steps (procedures).

ciphering decipheringByteSub – nonlinearityShiftRow – intracolumn dispersionMixColumn – intercolumn dispersionRound key addition – addition of

round key

Round key addition – addition of round key

InvMixColumn - intercolumn dispersion

InvShiftRow - intracolumn dispersion

InvByteSub – non-linearity

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Rijndael - AES


ByteSub transformation has two steps:•multiplicative inversion•afinne transformation

Bytes are transformed via S-box which is the only one for the algorithm.As a result there is a high non-linearity in the block.

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Rijndael - AES

ShiftRow This function moves rows of matrix to different positions

Nb C1 C2 C3

4 1 2 3

6 1 2 3

8 1 3 4

Nb – size of block data

C1,C2,C3 – move in 1., 2. and 3. row (from 0)

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Rijndael - AES


Collums are multiplied by polynom ‘03’x3 + ‘01’x2 + ‘01’x + ‘02’ and divided modulo x4 + 1

As a result there is a high intercolumn dispersion in the block.

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Rijndael - AES

The round key addition

Here originates dependence of round function on round key.It is used merely XOR operation.

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Rijndael - AES

SafetyAlgorithm will be tested every 5 years

Their structure eliminates weak keys.

It is safe against linear and differential cryptanalysis and the other known crypto analytical attacks include brute force attack.

Speed128b key and 128b block of data, Pentium 200MHz, implementation Visual C++ - 70Mb/s

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Advantages of the symmetric-key cryptography

• can be designed to have high rates of data throughput - some hardware implementations achieve encryption rates of hundreds of megabytes per second, while software implementations may attain throughput rates in the megabytes per second

• keys for symmetric-key ciphers are relatively short• can be composed to produce stronger ciphers. Simple

transformations which are easy to analyse, and can be used to construct strong product ciphers.

• have an extensive history

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Disadvantages of the symmetric-key cryptography

• in a bilateral communication, the key must remain secret at both ends

• in a large network, there are many key pairs to be managed

• In a bilateral communication between entities A and B, sound cryptographic practice dictates that the key be changed frequently, and perhaps for each communication session.

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Asymmetric cryptography

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Basic commentaries

• Definition: encryption scheme is asymmetric if there are minimum two keys one for the encryption and second one for the decryption

• asymmetric cryptography is not the same as the public-key cryptography• Definition: public-key cryptography is encryption scheme where there are

minimum two keys, one for the encryption and second one for the decryption (secret key), and at the same time key for the encryption (public key) could be published

• the basic principle of the public-key cryptography: one public and one private key, often authenticity connected with the public key (role of CA – certification authority)

• the public-key encryption is most commonly used in practice:– for the transport of keys subsequently used for bulk data encryption by

symmetric algorithms and other applications including data integrity and authentication

– for encrypting small data items such as credit card numbers and PIN's– to provide authentication guarantees in entity authentication (the digital

signatures)• scheme of asymmetric cryptosystem

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Basis of safetybasic question: is possible to compute secret key from public key?different safety basis for different algorithmsany class of problems have the similar computational difficulty (for

example the integer factorisation problem and the discrete logarithm problem)– the integer factorisation problem– the discrete logarithm problem– the generalized discrete logarithm problem– subset sum problem– linear code decoding problem

most often is discussed the integer factorisation problem (RSA, Rabin, Blum-Goldwasser probabilistic)

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The chosen algorithms

RSA (Rivest – Shamir – Adleman)

most used cipher in the field of digital signatures and hybrid cryptology, simple algorithm, but relatively slow (high exponents, modular arithmetics)

ECDSA digital signatures, based on elliptic curves (shorter keys)

D-H (Diffie – Hellman)

key exchange

ElGamal ciphering; safety - the discrete logarithm problem, Diffie-Hellman problem

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The chosen algorithms

DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)

digital signatures; safety - the discrete logarithm problem

Rabin encryption; safety - the integer factorisation problem

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Mathematical principles - primality

• number of primes: N = n/ln (n) • the primality testing vs. factoring - the problem of deciding

whether an integer is composite or prime seems to be, in general, much easier than the factoring problem

• the probabilistic primality tests– Fermat’s test (if n is a prime and a is any integer, 1

a n-1, then an-1 1 (mod n); a is called a Fermat witness for n; problem - Carmichael numbers:

– Carmichael numbers: n is a composite integer such that an-1 1 (mod n) for all integers a which satisfy gcd (a; n)=1

– Solovay-Strassen test– Miller-Rabin test

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• nowadays as standard for asymmetric cryptology• digital signatures and hybrid cryptology• encryption is slow – safety is based on difficulty of the integer

factorisation problem when integer has more than 200 decimal ciphers, and this order can have exponents in integer modular exponentiation:

C=Me mod (n)

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Encryption and decryptionB encrypts a message m for A, which A decrypts

EncryptionB should do the following:(a) Obtain A’s authentic public key (n; e).(b) Represent the message as an integer m in the interval [0; n - 1].(c) Compute c = me mod n(d) Send the ciphertext c to A.

Decryptionto recover plaintext m from c, A should do the following:(a) Use the private key d to recover m = cd mod n.

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Key generation for RSA public-key encryption:

• generate two large random (and distinct) primes p and q, each roughly the same size

• compute n = pq and = (p - 1) (q - 1)• select a random integer e, 1 < e < , such that gcd(e; ) = 1• use the extended Euclidean algorithm to compute the unique

integer d, 1 < d < , such that ed 1 (mod )• public key is (n; e); private key is d

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Definition: the integers e and d in RSA key generation are called the encryption exponent and the decryption exponent, respectively, while n is called the modulus


The problem of computing the RSA decryption exponent d from the public key (n; e), and the problem of factoring n, are computationally equivalent.

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RSA – security problems

• Small encryption exponent e• Small decryption exponent d• Common modulus attack (but knowledge of any (ei; di) pair allows for the

factorisation of the modulus n)

How to choice p and q• 1024-bit or larger moduli should be used• p and q should be about the same bit length, and sufficiently large. For

example, if a 1024-bit modulus n is to be used, then each of p and q should be about 512 bits in length.

• difference (p − q) should not be too small. If d (p − q) is small, then p q and hence p sqrt (n). Thus, n could be factored efficiently simply by trial division by all odd integers close to sqrt (n). If p and q are chosen at random, then p − q will be appropriately large with overwhelming probability.

• Use strong primes???

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RSA – security problems

the strong primes:

A prime p is said to be a strong prime if the following three conditions are fulfilled:

• p - 1 has a large prime factor, denoted r;

• p + 1 has a large prime factor;

• r - 1 has a large prime factor

• there is no especial reason for requiring the use of strong primes in RSA key generation

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Advantages of the asymmetric-key cryptography

• Only the private key must be kept secret (authenticity of public keys must, however, be guaranteed).

• Depending on the mode of usage, a private key/public key pair may remain unchanged for considerable periods of time, e.g., many sessions (even several years).

• Many public-key schemes yield relatively efficient digital signature mechanisms.

• In a large network, the number of keys necessary may be considerably smaller than in the symmetric-key scenario.

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Disadvantages of the asymmetric-key cryptography

• Throughput rates for the most popular public-key encryption methods are several orders of magnitude slower than the best known symmetric-key schemes.

• Key sizes are typically much larger than those required for symmetric-key encryption

• No public-key scheme has been proven to be secure (the same can be said for block ciphers). The most effective public-key encryption schemes found to date have their security based on the presumed difficulty of a small set of number-theoretic problems.

• Public-key cryptography does not have as extensive a history as symmetric-key encryption, being discovered only in the mid 1970s.

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Hybrid cryptology

• suitable combination of advantages of symmetric and asymmetric cryptology

• scheme of hybrid cryptosystem• solve problems: speed of algorithms, key

management, authorisation of communicating parties, level of safety, digital signatures (data string which associates a message (in digital form) with some originating entity)

• detailed scheme

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Principles /6/



secret key


secret key



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Examples /8/Secret message M1• „Steganography is the art and science of communicating in a way

which hides the existence of the communication. In contrast to cryptography, where the “enemy” is allowed to detect, intercept and modify messages without being able to violate certain security premises guaranteed by a cryptosystem, the goal of steganography is to hide messages inside other “harm-less” messages in a way that does not allow any “enemy” to even detect that there is a second secret message present [Markus Kuhn 1995].“

• Secret picture M2

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Examples /8/Cover picture C1

Cover picture C2

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Examples /8/M1 + C1

M2 + C2

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Examples – lingvistic steganography /9/

• News Eight Weather: Tonight increasing snow. Unexpected precipitation smothers eastern towns. Be extremely cautious and use snowtires especially heading east. The highways are knowingly slippery. Highway evacuation is suspected. Police report emergency situations in downtown ending near Tuesday.

• first letters hide message: Newt is upset because he thinks he is President

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Examples – linguistic steganography

Cestovní ruch je komplexní a mnoha oblastmi a z mnoha hledisek se prolínající společenský jev bez jakýchkoli pevně stanovitelných hranic, který je synergickým souhrnem všech jevů, vztahů a dopadů v časoprostorovém kontextu, souvisejících s narůstající mobilitou lidí motivovanou uspokojováním jejich potřeb v oblasti využití volného času, rekreace, cestování, poznání, sociální, kulturní a v dalších oblastech. Jevovou náplní cestovního ruchu jsou především souhrnné aktivity účastníků cestovního ruchu, procesy související s budováním a provozováním zařízení, které poskytují služby pro účastníky cestovního ruchu, aktivity spojené s rozvojem a ochranou zdrojů pro cestovní ruch, souhrn politických a veřejně – správních aktivit (politika, propagace a regulace cestovního ruchu, mezinárodní spolupráce apod.) a současně i reakce místní komunity a místních ekosystémů (zpětná vazba) na uvedené aktivity

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Examples – linguistic steganography

Cestovní ruch je komplexní a mnoha oblastmi a z mnoha hledisek se prolínající společenský jev bez jakýchkoli pevně stanovitelných hranic, který je synergickým souhrnem všech jevů, vztahů a dopadů v časoprostorovém kontextu, souvisejících s narůstající mobilitou lidí motivovanou uspokojováním jejich potřeb v oblasti využití volného času, rekreace, cestování, poznání, sociální, kulturní a v dalších oblastech. Jevovou náplní cestovního ruchu jsou především souhrnné aktivity účastníků cestovního ruchu, procesy související s budováním a provozováním zařízení, které poskytují služby pro účastníky cestovního ruchu, aktivity spojené s rozvojem a ochranou zdrojů pro cestovní ruch, souhrn politických a veřejně – správních aktivit (politika, propagace a regulace cestovního ruchu, mezinárodní spolupráce apod.) a současně i reakce místní komunity a místních ekosystémů (zpětná vazba) na uvedené aktivity

(Times New Roman as a basic font and CG Times for message, message „vesmír se rozpíná“ – „the universe is spreading“)

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Marking - properties

robust marking system has the following properties:• Marks should not degrade the perceived quality of the work• Detecting the presence and/or value of a mark should require

knowledge of a secret• If multiple marks are inserted in a single object, then they

should not interfere with each other; moreover if different copies of an object are distributed with different marks, then different users should not be able to process their copies in order to generate a new copy that identities none of them

• The mark should survive all attacks that do not degrade the work's perceived quality, including re-sampling, re-quantisation, compression and especially combinations of these

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Cryptanalysis is much easier when /5, 7/:

1. There are apriori knowledge about plaintext – for example language in which the message could be written

2. Redundant information in plaintext – for example the structure of words, diacritics, own language redundancy

3. Knowledge of cryptographic system – for example the length and the structure of keys, dependence of ciphering time on length of the key, the way of deriving private key from public key

4. Failure in cryptographic protocol – for example the unsuitable way of signing of message without hashing of message, the repeated use of one-time key in Vernam cipher, the repeated use of the same moduli and different exponents in the RSA

5. Other specific knowledge – for example the access to the RSA public key enables specific form of brute force attack generating possible text and comparison with given ciphertext

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The basic cryptanalytic attacks• A ciphertext-only attack - the adversary (or cryptanalyst) tries to deduce

the decryption key or plaintext by only observing ciphertext. Any encryption scheme vulnerable to this type of attack is considered to be completely insecure.

• A known-plaintext attack - the adversary has a quantity of plaintext and corresponding ciphertext.

• A chosen-plaintext attack - the adversary chooses plaintext and is then given corresponding ciphertext. Subsequently, the adversary uses any information deduced in order to recover plaintext corresponding to previously unseen ciphertext.

• special types:– rubber-hose cryptanalysis– corruption cryptanalysis

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Cryptoanalysis and the key space

• An encryption scheme can be broken by trying all possible keys to see which one the communicating parties are using (assuming that the class of encryption functions is public knowledge). This is called an exhaustive search of the key space. It follows then that the number of keys (i.e. the size of the key space) should be large enough to make this approach computationally infeasible. It is the objective of a designer of an encryption scheme that this be the best approach to break the system.

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Cryptanalysis of the classical ciphers

• language statistics• method of Kasiski – the number of mono-

alphabetic substitution in polyalphabetic substitution; the number of characters between the beginning of the repeated ciphertext segments is a multiple of the keyword length

• index of coincidence - an alternative to Kasiski’s method

Page 73: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Cryptanalysis of the classical ciphers

language index of coincidence language index of coincidence English 0,066895 Holland 0,079805 Danish 0,070731 German 0,076667 Finnish 0,073796 Italy 0,073294 French 0,074604 Russian 0,056074 Spanish 0,076613 Slovak 0,06027

index of coincidence of the chosen languages /7/

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Cryptanalysis of the classical ciphers

index of coincidence in the dependence of key length /7/

key length I(C)*100000 key length I(C)*100000 1. 6027 1. 4044 2. 4936 2. 4028 3. 4573 3. 4014 4. 4391 4. 4002 5. 4282 5. 3991 6. 4295 6. 3982 7. 4157 7. 3974 8. 4119 8. 3967 9. 4088 9. 3961 10. 4064 10. 3955

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Brute force attack

• Only one against high quality algorithms• Can be supported by other techniques which reduce key space (differential

cryptanalysis, linear cryptanalysis, timing attack, meet-in-the middle attack etc.)• The most known is attack using all keys from the key space (variant of attack

against key space) but there are many other variants not only against key space but other characteristics of algorithms:– Attack generating ciphertext above possible texts and comparison ciphertext

and database of generated ciphertext (mainly against cryptography with public key, hash function)

– Factorisation of module – attack against key in RSA– Finding of discrete logarithm

• What to do against brute force attack:– Long key– Long block (against accompanied methods)– Random numbers at part of block– To analyse progress in alternative computing– To publish algorithms

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Brute force attack

• New possible techniques, methods:

– Quantum computers

– DNA computers

– Different versions of the parallel computing (partly as ideas):

• Biological computer

• Chinese lottery

• Users of internet

• Computer viruses

Page 77: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Brute force attack - quantum computers

• Most progressive technology (high speed, new concept of computing) but…

• High technology difficulties – low temperatures, high stability of laser pulses, errors and their detection etc.

• Last year – factorisation of number 15

Initial conditions Development

in time

Detection of final state

Page 78: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Attacks against protocols (Menezes et al)• known-key attack. In this attack an adversary obtains some keys used

previously and then uses this information to determine new keys.• replay. In this attack an adversary records a communication session and

replays the entire session, or a portion thereof, at some later point in time.

• impersonation. Here an adversary assumes the identity of one of the legitimate parties in a network.

• dictionary. This is usually an attack against passwords. Typically, a password is stored in a computer file as the image of an unkeyed hash function. When a user logs on and enters a password, it is hashed and the image is compared to the stored value. An adversary can take a list of probable passwords, hash all entries in this list, and then compare this to the list of true encrypted passwords with the hope of finding matches.

• forward search. This attack is similar in spirit to the dictionary attack and is used to decrypt messages.

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Case study: Attacks against protocol for RSA• Alice have ciphertext C, where C me mod n and wish to read it; she

is looking for plaintext as a result of M Cd mod n. What are Alice knowledges: public key e, module n, C

• She choice random number r, rn, and compute x, y a t. • x re mod n y xc mod n t r–1 mod n• If x re mod n, than r xd mod n. Now she send to signature via

secret key y and return u yd mod n• Alice compute• tu r–1 yd mod n r–1 xd cd mod n r–1 r cd mod n cd mod n m• and although she does not known secret key she can read the message• Conclusion: • cryptographic protocol has the same importance as the message• never signature unknown message without use of hash function

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Case study: Attacks against protocol for RSA

• common modulus n• c1 me1 mod n• c2 me2 mod n• Alice know n, e1, e2, c1, c2 (modulus, public keys, unsuitable

encrypted same messages)• gcd (e1, e2) = 1 (definition – their connection to (p–1)*(q–1)),

she can find r and s so, that • re1 + se2 = 1, choice r0• compute• (c1–1)–r * c2s (me1 mod n)r * me2s mod n mre1+se2 mod n m

mod n

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Conclusion• nowadays cryptology offer a big amount of cryptographic

tools; these tools can be combine and optimally chose according targets

• symmetric and asymmetric cryptology have their typical advantages; advantages can be combine in the hybrid cryptology

• cryptographic protocol has for the safety of cryptosystem the same importance as the cryptographic algorithm

• role of the modern cryptology is not only in the privacy (or hidden) of messages but in ensuring data integrity (hash function), non-repudiation (digital signature) and authorization (digital signature, hash function)

• cryptology is a basis of E-business• cryptosystem has the same strong (safety) as the weakest

element (cryptographic algorithm, key management, cryptographic protocol)

• cryptology can be strong security service

Page 82: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.


1. Which method can you effectively use for cryptoanalysis of Caesar cipher?

– the frequency analysis of letters– ad hoc method– combination of ad hoc method and the frequency analysis of letters– brute force attack

2. Which method can you effectively use for cryptoanalysis of monoalphabetic cipher?

– the frequency analysis of letters– ad hoc method– combination of ad hoc method and the frequency analysis of letters– brute force attack

3. What is a basis of security of RSA?– Obscurity of algorithm– Difficulty of factorisation of large integer– Good secrecy of the key

Page 83: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Cryptology4. Which methods (principally) of proving primality are used in

cryptology? – Probability testing– Dividing by primes until sqrt (n)– Frequency analysis– Kasiski method5. Can you use frequent analysis for cryptanalysis of modern encryption

algorithms?6. What is advantage combining steganography and cryptology?7. Does exist theoretically unbrecable encryption algorithm?8. What kind of use has hash function in the cryptology? 9. What is the difference between electronic and digital signature?

Page 84: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Cryptology10. Can you compare the role of biometry and cryptology in the process of entity

authorisation?11. Why you use hash function in the cryptographic protocol for digital signature?12. What is difference between one-way function and pseudo-one-way function?13. Which knowledge you can use in the attack against „classic“ cryptosystems?14. Which knowledge you can use in the attack against modern cryptosystems?15. What is common brute force attack against symmetric cryptosystems and

asymmetric cryptosystems?16. What is a „dictionary attack? Can you describe their forms? What kind of

countermeasures you can made?17. What are the problems of frequent analysis of ciphertext?18. Can be used techniques of „classic“ crypographic algorithms used nowadays?

Page 85: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Cryptology19. What is the most important property of Vernam cipher?20. Why is so frequently discussed problem of factorising on

integers?21. What describe legislation about digital signature?

Page 86: Cryptology Josef Zelenka University of Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic.

Literature, information resources

1. Kahn: The Codebreakers2. Menezes, A. J., van Oorschot, P. C., Vanstone, S. A.: Handbook of

Applied Cryptography, CRC Press 19963. Schneier, B.: Applied Cryptography Second Edition: protocols,

algorithms, and source code in C, John Wiley & Sons, 19964. Daemen, J. - Rijmen, V.: The Rijndael Block Cipher, AES Proposal,

20005. Zelenka, J. et all: Ochrana dat. Kryptologie. Gaudeamus Hradec

Králové 20036. SIMMONS, G.J.: The Prisoners' Problem and the Subliminal Channel,

in Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings of Crypto ‘83, Plenum press, 1984, s. 51-67

7. Grošek O., Porubský Š: Šifrovanie, Grada 1992, ISBN 80-85424-62-28. JOHNSON, Neil F. Steganography [online], 2000 [cit. 2002-02-26], PETITCOLAS, Fabien A.P. History of Steganography [online], [cit.

2002-02-26], <>