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St Petersburg...The Russian city that puts the grand into grandeur

Latest Newsfrom across the CMV fleet

Win a Cruise for Two!aboard our new flagship

Exclusively for CMV customers Spring 2015


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Autumn the MedJoin Azores on a fascinating quest to experience and savour ancientsites, cultural wonders, historic landmarks and picturesque islands. This wonderful eleven night sailing from Livorno or Venicein Italy highlights the Mediterranean at its very best, delighting youwith eight varied ports of call. Renowned cities including Romeand Venice, idyllic islands and heritage sites sites, such as Ephesus and ancient Olympia, vie for your attention alongsidesuch natural phenomena as spectacular Santorini.

Fly from Gatwick or Manchester to Pisa and transfer to Livorno(Italy) - Civitavecchia for Rome (Italy) - Messina (Sicily) - Santorini -Mykonos - Kusadasi for Ephesus - Piraeus for Athens -Katakolonfor Olympia - Corfu - Korcula (Croatia) - Venice (overnight Italy). Flyfrom Venice to the UK.

There’s a choice of departure dates: Thursday, 17th September 2015, Monday, 28th September 2015*, Friday, 9th October 2015 and Tuesday, 20th October 2015*.

Current fares are from an unbelievable £799 per personplus full Columbus Club on board benefits.

*itinerary operates in reverse +cruise ends in Genoa.

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Message in a bottle

Sara Macefield has been

a travel journalist for

more than 20 years and

specialises in writing about

the cruise industry. Having

sailed along rivers and

oceans across the globe,

she now contributes to

leading consumer and

trade publications, regularly

writing for national news-

papers including the

Daily and Sunday

Telegraph, Daily Express

and The Times.

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“Let Compass be your guide tothe latest exciting news and views

of Cruise & Maritime Voyages.”

2015 is turning into a year to remember for us here at CMVwith a new ship and exciting itineraries making their debut.

The naming of our impressive new flagship Magellan by TVpersonality Gloria Hunniford was a stunning occasion (page6) filled with glitz and glamour that promises to continuethroughout the year as we celebrate the 50th anniversary ofour ever-popular ship Marco Polo.

Next January will see this classic vessel embark on a 54night glamorous escape to South America (page 14), whilecloser to home we are stepping up sailings from a trio ofScottish ports.

Looking further ahead, the world is truly our oyster as we unveil our first global circumnavigation sailing aboardMagellan. This 120 night world cruise, departing in January2017, promises to be a voyage to remember and for thosewho cannot spare the time, there’s a chance to book sectors; around Australia, cruising through Asia or island-hopping in the Caribbean (page 28).

And talking of Caribbean, we take a look at the stunningGrenadine islands (page 24), one of the region’s hideawaysthat will appeal to budding Robinson Crusoes yearning fora tropical escape far from the madding crowds.

It’s a different story for St Petersburg, whose glorious treas-ures are an irresistible draw for millions of visitors every year,but we draw back the curtain on the most captivating attrac-tions that make this Russian jewel so appealing (page 18).

Such contrasting destinations bring a rich flavour to ourgrowing range of sailings that now truly stretch around theworld. Jules Verne eat your heart out!

Cruise & Maritime Voyages - A truly international operation

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More cruises from Scotland!For 2016, we are delighted to present an exciting Scottishcruise programme aboard Magellan and Marco Polo. A total of ten wonderful ‘no fly’ cruising holidays sailingfrom Leith, Greenock and Dundee provide a wide choiceand unparalleled convenience for those living north of the border. You’ll find carefully prepared itineraries to destinations as diverse as Iceland, Baltic cities, Russia,Norway, the Scottish isles and the Faroe Islands. Whytravel all the way to Southampton when you can startyour cruise from Dundee, Edinburgh or Glasgow? We anticipate that demand for these cruises will be high, sobe sure to book early.


Dear ReaderWelcome to the spring issue of Compass.

It’s all systems go here at CMV as we continue to expand and

develop our business, ensuring there continues to be a small to

medium sized and more traditional cruise ship alternative to the

large and impersonal mega resort ships now dominating the

market. The wonderful image on page 23 kindly supplied by Mrs

Karen Bradbury, of Marco Polo anchored alongside Britannia in the

Norwegian Fjords, perfectly illustrates the stark contrast!

We were delighted to take delivery of our new flagship Magellan in

January and on Thursday 12th March she played host to an

amazing launch party and naming ceremony at her home port of

Tilbury. We even managed to close the River Thames for 30

minutes for a spectacular firework display lighting up the skies

across both the banks of the Thames. 1200 industry guests from

around the world including some of our most travelled Columbus

Club members joined us for a truly memorable day as Magellan

was named by the delightful and charismatic broadcasting

personality, Gloria Hunniford.

The very strong level of interest for Magellan has really exceeded

our expectations and for the many Marco Polo fans among our club

members, you’ll be pleased to know that bookings for our iconic

lady’s 50th birthday year have also exceeded our expectations!

Whoever said that interest for smaller ship cruising is waning?

We took delivery of the elegant Azores earlier this year and she is a

welcome addition to our fleet. She will be renamed Astoria for 2017

and will operate from Bristol in the spring and then under charter

on the French market. Our fourth ship, the stylish Astor, has just

arrived back in Europe from a second successful Australian season

and will operate in Germany before returning down under on a

sell-out southbound voyage this Autumn.

Our new summer 2016 and winter 2016-17 programmes are once

again packed with a wide choice of great value cruises as we con-

tinue to operate from 8 convenient ports around the British Isles.

The highlight of our new programme is Magellan's 120 night Grand

Maiden Round the World cruise departing from Tilbury on 5th

anuary 2017. A wonderful itinerary and the ultimate cruising

experience spanning the globe over an amazing four month journey

to some truly stunning destinations. Various shorter duration sector

options are available.

Thank you for your tremendous support and custom and

Happy Cruising!

Chris Coates

Commercial Director

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Cruise & Maritime Voyages givesPort of Tyne the thumbs up!

Cruise and Maritime Voyages is delighted to be cruisingfrom Newcastle. The Port of Tyne offers good facilitiesfor checking in and disembarking passengers with easyaccess for those living in the North East. In addition to theever popular Marco Polo, CMV passengers from this partof the UK can now sail from Newcastle on our new flagship Magellan on three 7 night Springtime Fjordlandcruises. For the Port of Tyne, Magellan’s call on 28thMarch was the first cruise call of the year.

Pictured are Susan Wear, Port of Tyne Director of Commercial Affairs, exchanging gifts with Mike Hall, CMVHead of Marketing.

A Little Bird Told Us...Our picks from Twitter Tweet us! @cmvoyages

John Challis @BeingBoycie Anyone fancy a little river cruise with me and Marlene and Jeffrey Holland? Book it sooner toavoid disappointment!

Gary Andrews @GaryAndrews77 Very pleasant mini-cruise on @CMVastor from Tilbury to Bremerhaven last week. Definitelybest food in fleet

MV Azores @MVAzores A sunny sea day, John Turkington talks about the end of the Viking World & Viking Magic, a fun Quizwith a Twist to enjoy later

Gill @CatnapMistress @cmvoyages Wow Bergen and Sunny aren't two words you often see together!

Barry Milford @barrydwm Back to UK tomorrow after our cruise on @CMVoyages m/v Azores trip to Spain and Portugal.

CMV Plus – all inclusive drinks packageWe have always offered a range of gift packages includinga popular wine package. However, following requestsfrom many Columbus Club members and following a trialperiod on board Magellan, we are delighted to offer thenew CMV Plus all inclusive drinks package on Marco Poloand Azores. This package costs just £17 per person perday and enables you to budget your drink costs and avoidany surprise bar bills at the end of your cruise.

CMV Plus includes house wine, draught beer and softdrinks by the glass during meals hours in the restaurants,and draught beer, house wine, cocktails and other alcoholic drinks by the glass from allbars during opening hours, except premium brands. Soft drinks and juicesare also included. The package can bepre-requested in advance or purchasedon board within the first 24 hours of embarking. The cost will becharged to your on board account. Full details will be sent with your pre-sailing information.


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Magellan The dawn of an exciting new era in

traditional British cruising

On 12th March, Magellan was formerly named by TV

personality Gloria Hunniford and blessed by the Rev Phil

Wright at a special launch ceremony and party attended by

members of the travel trade and media. Guests of honour

were 28 diamond and platinum Columbus Club members

who, between them, have accumulated some 4,260 nights

sailing with CMV. We salute you all and thank you for your

continued loyalty.

“Beautiful ship, wonderful food and you couldn't ask

more of your staff.”

Kate Miello, Mail Newspapers

Grace Ashaye @GraceAshaye77Fab night on the #MagellanLaunch ....lovely peeps in the #travel #industry

#Fragile #friday but still working throughthe golden list

Sarah Bella Romano @sarahbel80 What a fantastic event

#Magellanlaunch lovely ship, attentiveservice, fireworks, #GloriaHunniford

Brilliant naming ceremony I won't forget

Richard Wallace @rvw365Thank you to all my friends at

@CMVoyages for a great day at the#MagellanLaunch She's a beautiful ship

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Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521)

Ferdinand Magellan was one of the great explorers of his era.

He was the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean and

played a crucial role in the first circumnavigation of the world.

Born in 1480 into a noble Portuguese family, Magellan’s

parents died when he was still a boy. In 1505, he enlisted in

the fleet of the Portuguese viceroy to the Indies and spent the

following years involved in a series of expeditions in India and

Africa. In 1511, he was with the fleet that conquered Malacca

on the Malay Peninsula, gaining control of the most important

trade routes in the region. He also explored the islands of

present-day Indonesia as far east as the Moluccas (also known

as the Spice Islands).

After a disagreement with the Portuguese king, Magellan went

to Spain and enlisted the Spanish king's support for an

expedition to reach the Moluccas by sailing westwards to gain

a share in the valuable spice trade for Spain. In September

1519 he set out with a fleet of five vessels and, in spite of a

Gloria Hunniford addresses the guests Unveiling the ship’s plaque

Kensington Restaurant

Cocktails with a smile!


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“This is a different style of cruising - simple, stylish and without the mega-resort

feel of new ships.”

Deborah Stone, Sunday Express

mutinous crew, rough weather, scurvy, a desperate lack of

provisions and unknown waters, Magellan’s expedition became

the first to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean.

The passage was made through the straits at the southern

point of South America which were later named after him.

Now with only three ships, Magellan sailed on into the Pacific

with rapidly diminishing supplies, leading to many of the crew

dying of starvation and scurvy. They then sailed on to the

Philippines and eventually a single ship reached Spain in

September 1522, having completed the first ever circumnav-

igation of the globe. Magellan himself did not complete the

entire voyage, as he was killed after becoming involved in a

local battle in the Philippines. However, the expedition reached

a region of Southeast Asia which Magellan had sailed on

previous voyages travelling east. Magellan thereby achieved a

nearly complete personal circumnavigation of the globe.

Baked Alaska parade

The Godmother enjoying meeting some VIPsCaptain’s Club

Sinatra’s Lounge Bar


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The Cruise of a Laugh-Time...


John Challis

Sue Holderness

Sue Hodge

Jeffrey Holland

Great European Rivers & Medieval CitiesMarco Polo sails from London, Tilbury, 24th October 2015, 6 nights

Great European Rivers & Medieval CitiesMarco Polo sails from London, Tilbury, 24th October 2015, 6 nights

Great European Rivers & Medieval CitiesMarco Polo sails from London, Tilbury, 24th October 2015, 6 nights

Great European Rivers & Medieval CitiesMarco Polo sails from London, Tilbury, 24th October 2015, 6 nights

Sail to delightful Amsterdam with its canals, bridges and famousmuseums before navigating the Scheldt River and calling at elegant Antwerp, home to the painter Rubens, with its impressive cathedral, medieval buildings and delightful boutiques. Cruise theRiver Seine for an overnight stay in historic Rouen the ‘city of ahundred spires’ and finally charming Honfleur to capture the spiritof Normandy.

Enjoy this unusual cruise itinerary along scenic rivers to some ofEurope’s most delightful and historic cities. At the same time,join the stars from some of television’s most classic and best-loved comedy series on a cruise bursting with interviews, behindthe scenes glimpses and plenty of laughs! Intimate Marco Polooffers the chance to meet the stars in person. After the success

of last year’s ‘Comedy Legends’ voyage, we once again invite

you to enjoy the cruise of a laugh-time!

John Challis (Only Fools & Horses; Green Green Grass; OneFoot in the Grave; Open All Hours; Last of the Summer Wine;Benidorm); Sue Holderness (Only Fools and Horses; The GreenGreen Grass; Bless This House): Jeffrey Holland (Hi-De-Hi; YouRang M`Lord; Oh Dr Beeching!): Sue Hodge (Allo, Allo!).

More information about these and other Themed Cruises is

available online at: & Maritime Voyages reserve the right to change or

substitute performers.

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It’s more than 20 years since Sarah joined the travel industry, and 11 yearssince she jumped aboard at CMV. Now she has been appointed managerof our new Columbus Club loyalty scheme, she tells us what benefits dedicated CMV customers can look forward to...

Q You’ve worked in the travel industry for a long time. What prompted your jump from

business travel into the world of cruising with CMV?

I was really interested to see what the other side of the industry was like, so having

worked with business people for many years I took a leap of faith to the other side.

Q What were the biggest differences of working for a cruise line and what were the greatest


The biggest change was the sudden jump in the number of people I was handling.

I went from dealing with bookings of just one or two customers, where it was my

job to ensure their hotels and flights were arranged, to being responsible for

between 400 and 800 passengers, making sure they had their documentation, and

that we had all their information to pass on to the ship.

Q You spent much of your time in reservations and customer services for CMV. What were

the high points and low points? Any amusing stories to tell?

My main highlight was the buzz that comes from making a very large booking

or knowing I’ve been of real help to one of our customers. I loved it if I booked

a suite on CMV’s 42-night cruise to the Amazon, and it was immensely gratify-

ing to know that if a passenger had a problem, I could keep them calm and

make sure everything ran smoothly for them. This was particularly true for pas-

sengers with medical issues, where I ensured that everything they needed was

in place and ready for their cruise. There weren’t any low points - I enjoyed

every minute. The funniest moments were the amusing questions some guests

asked. There were some classics, such as: “Will we be able to see the fish from

our cabin” or “ Can we take our car with us” and “Do the crew sleep onboard.”.

Q What have been the biggest changes at CMV since you started working for the line 11

years ago?

It seems hard to imagine, but when I joined the company there were just four

members of staff – now there are more than 100! But, back then, we were a very

small operation and not many people had heard of us. It’s a different story today.

Now, when someone asks where I work and I tell them it’s Cruise & Maritime

Voyages, people are aware of us. This only goes to show how much the company

has grown and raised its profile in that time.

Q Tell us about your new role as manager of Columbus Club. What will it involve and what

loyalty treats can customers expect?

I will be looking after Columbus Club members and ensuring that all their

benefits are in place on board. I will also be in constant contact with the ships to

check everything is going well. If there are any issues, no matter how small, I will

try to resolve them as soon as possible. After all, I want to keep everyone happy

and encourage them to book with us again! There are some fantastic deals at the

moment with future cruise discounts, onboard discounts and great annual

insurance rates too. Watch this space for more special offers to come!

Q Has working in cruising rubbed off on your own holidays? Have you taken your three sons


No, I haven’t taken the boys on a cruise yet. I’m not sure the cruising industry is

ready for them! My partner and I have been on a few cruises; it’s a good chance

for us to have a break. My favourite place by far is the Norwegian Fjords with its

stunning scenery of mountains and waterfalls. It really is a destination not to be


Sarah Kilduff



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Spinning a yarn in Eidfjord

Norwegian weather being what it is, knitting isn’t just apastime in Eidfjord; it’s a necessity! The women in the village, who enjoy the social aspect of knitting in a group,are extremely proud of their knitting skills and were keento show them off for this project – and raise money for charity to boot. The challenge, set by the tourist information centre, was to knit for the 17 trees that line astreet close to the pier where their office is situated.

Passengers aboard Magellan were invited to join the challenge and knit for tree no.7. Wool and knitting needleswere supplied and the challenge was eagerly met by Magellan’s group of skilled and speedy knitting enthusiasts. Our knitters did such a good job, we’ve beenoffered four trees for next year’s challenge!

From the land Down Under…Astor’s second season based in Australia was a resounding success.

This magnificent and unique cruise liner is attracting both first-time

cruisers, plus those who have experienced the larger mega-ships.

Neither have been able to resist her intimate ‘country house’ warmth.

Astor turned on an exciting summer season, operating 18 itineraries

from her homeport of Fremantle, which services Perth, Western

Australia. Perth is the ideal place for a cruise ship to call home during

an Australian summer – with perfect weather; warm days, cooler

nights and ‘almost’ no rain.

Astor’s schedule was structured around three popular celebration

cruises - Christmas in Bali (10 nights); New Year (three nights); and

the day of celebration for the country’s founding, Australia Day (26th

January - also three nights). The 35 night circumnavigation of the

Australian continent was also a highlight voyage. Also, during this last

season, CMV opened up cruising to the magnificent areas of Albany

and Esperance, in Western Australia’s spectacular South-West.

The feedback from passengers has been overwhelmingly positive; with

94 per cent of guests rating their overall combined experience as being

either ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’. This has translated into a very high

repeat guest ratio, with many returning for second, third and even

fourth cruises.

Sales for 2015/16 are already strong. The Southbound Voyage, from

London Tilbury to Fremantle in October, via the Panama Canal is

already full and on waitlist only. The lure of visits to Acapulco, French

Polynesia, Auckland, Sydney and Adelaide and a strong early booking

offer has proved to be extremely tempting. Many guests are then

returning to the UK in March 2016 on Astor’s voyage via South Africa

to complete a Round the World experience. What a wonderful way to

spend the European winter?

The 35-night Far East Treasures cruise departing 3rd February 2016,

heads from Perth to Singapore, then on to Borneo, Brunei, Hong

Kong (overnight), Halong Bay, Vietnam (overnight for tours to Hanoi),

Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon - overnight), before visiting

Bali - the Island of the Gods.

To end her 2015/16 season, Astor’s Northbound Voyage is just as

exciting as any of the others being offered, with guests sailing 38

nights via Mauritius, Reunion island, Durban, Mossel Bay, Cape Town,

Ascension Island, Casablanca and Lisbon enroute back to Tilbury.

If you do have the opportunity to cruise on board Astor in Australia

during the northern winter, we are confident that we have an itinerary

that will suit your needs and tastes. A warm and friendly ‘Down Under’

welcome awaits.

Grant Hunter


CMV Australia


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The largest cruise ship to sail from Dundee...

Marking the occasion of the first departure of Magellanfrom the Port of Dundee are the Lord Provost Bob Duncan, CMV Commercial Director Chris Coates and Stuart Wallace of Forth Ports.

Stuart Wallace, Divisional Director, Forth Ports (owners ofthe Port of Dundee) said: ‘We are thrilled that Cruise andMaritime Voyages are increasing their departures with sailings from the Port of Dundee. The cruise business in Dundee is growing year on year and the city itself is undergoing many changes, including the new £1 billionrenovation of the city’s waterfront.’

Following a sell-out season of spring cruises fromDundee, we will be offering more cruises from the Scottishport in 2016. Great news for our Columbus Club members in Scotland.

250 countries and counting!

Worldwide traveller and retired salesman Kristanto Prantoto, recently enjoyed a CMV Northern Lights cruiseaboard Marco Polo. Born in Jakarta, Kristanto, who always travels with his wife, has spent most of his adultlife in the US where he has travelled extensively. Since hisfirst visit to Singapore, aged 27, he has visited almost 250countries, some of which he has returned to up to 10times. Kristanto generally likes to visit up to five countriesduring each trip, which makes cruising an ideal choice.He has now taken 36 cruises and relishes the contrastingflavours of the many countries and cultures he has experienced on each one. He has also travelled aboardCMV’s Astor and praised the ships and their crew for thequality of entertainment and service. Kristanto, who hassince returned to live in Jakarta, is already planning hisnext cruise aboard Marco Polo where he could amass afurther 13 countries to his travelogue!

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Discover and exploreVisiting new destinations around the world is always anexciting prospect and to enhance the enjoyment of ourcruises, our optional shore excursions are designed toshow you the highlights of each port of call. There are several advantages to participating in these.

We work hard to negotiate competitive selling prices andcan assure you that all excursions and activities are operated under the management of responsible and experienced local ground-handling agencies, which holdthe appropriate insurance cover to offer such services.

All guests joining our shore excursions have the peace ofmind that they will return to the ship before it sails. And if the ship is unable to call at a specific port for variousreasons including bad weather all guests registered onour excursions will receive a full refund.

A dedicated shore excursion team is on board all ourships. They are there to assist you with your choice of

excursions and ensure smooth disembarkation and excursion operation in every port of call. If the itinerary orcall timings change during the cruise, the shore excursionteam will make the necessary amendments with the local agents to ensure the shore excursion programmecontinues to operate with as little disruption as possible.

Shore excursion information is sent approximately 12weeks prior to departure in a Pre-Sailing Pack along withother important pre-cruise information. Shore excursionswill then be available to view and pre-register onlinethrough Manage My Cruise on our website. Here youhave the ability to print or view a confirmation of pre-registrations. Payments for shore excursions are chargedto your ship board account payable at the end of yourcruise, which helps to spread the overall cost.

As numbers on some tours may be limited, we highly recommend that you take advantage of the pre-registration service to ensure you do not miss out. If youhave any queries, our dedicated team here in the UK willbe happy to assist you.

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• An overnight stay in Rio offers the chance to experience the

colour and rhythm of a samba show and perhaps ride the Sugarloaf

Mountain cable car, as James Bond did in the film Moonraker.

• In Buenos Aires, walk in the footsteps of Eva Peron to discover

the main sights of this elegant city, full of culture, history and

evocative reminders of Argentina's legendary first lady.

• Visit the museum in Port Stanley, capital of the Falkland Islands

since 1845, where the islands’ life, community spirit and 1982

conflict are chronicled.

• From Punta Arenas, perhaps visit a penguin colony before

cruising the Strait of Magellan, the safest route between the Atlantic

and Pacific oceans before the opening of the Panama Canal.

• Discover the ‘tip of the world’ at Ushuaia, set against the spec-

tacular Fuegan Andes. Take the chairlift to view Glacier Martial and

the striking panorama of the Beagle Channel.

• Take a shore excursion from Puerto Madryn to Peninsula Valdes,

considered one of the world's best locations to see nature's largest

marine animals.. in their natural environment.


Voyage to the tip of the world...

Throughout her 50 year history, Marco Polo has sailed the seven

seas and taken thousands of her guests on cruises near and far.

Originally built as a transatlantic liner, Marco Polo is renowned for

her exploration voyages to destinations from the Arctic to Antarctica.

In January 2016, Marco Polo will set sail on yet another amazing

voyage of discovery all the way to South America. This epic 54 night

adventure is the perfect way to escape January and February here

in the UK and enjoy some winter sunshine and a cornucopia of

fascinating ports of call.

Discover pulsating Rio de Janeiro, vibrant Buenos Aires and colonial

Montevideo before reaching the remote Falkland Islands. At last

you will reach Punta Arenas at the foot of Patagonia, and Ushuaia

- the world’s southernmost city and gateway to spectacular Tierra

del Fuego.

Here are just a few of the highlights...

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te thatwheelchairs are not suitable for use on board and that wheelchair assistance will not beavailable at the port for our on board events.

Celebrate Marco Polo’s 50 years of Ocean Travel!

A must for all past and present passengers and admirers of the ship!

Anniversary BookSavour this definitive history of one of the iconic ocean

liners of our time and celebrate the fifty years since her

maiden voyage in 1965. This carefully researched and

profusely illustrated book covers every aspect of her career

and features a number of rare images from her early Soviet

days as well as photographs and ephemera from private

collections and the Cruise & Maritime archives.

Size: 250mm x 230mm. 96 pages and 130 photographs.

Retail Price £15.99 Columbus Club Members £13.99

Plus £1.50 for postage & packing

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Captain Nikolaos Michaloliakos has the sea running through his veins, having served in the Greek Naval Special Forces and worked on board a string of cruise ships over nearly two decades. He recalls what broughthim to CMV and reveals his personal highlights of Marco Polo's anniversary year.

Q Your time spent with Greece’s elite Navy Seals sounds intriguing; what were you doing

and how did you end up serving with them in the first place?

Where I come from in Lakonia, all men have to serve in the Hellenic Special Forces and

I spent three years in the amphibious destroyer team, where I was a trainer. On leaving,

you are expected to report back every two years to be physically reassessed and to

update your knowledge during a series of tests known as Devil Week. As I am a ship’s

captain, I can report back between one and three years, but it is important to me to

ensure that I maintain my status of readiness.

Q Did this lead you into your cruise career? How did this start and when did you become


I’ve always wanted to be near the sea. Many of my relatives are captains and I became

one in 2007. Before then, I worked on every type of vessel; from super-tankers, bulk

carriers and the second-biggest gas tanker in the world to general cargo vessels and

passenger ferries. I have spent 23 years at sea and the last 17 in the cruise industry.

Q During your time at sea, what are your most memorable moment and what have been

your favourite ports?

I remember an occasion on the Libyan coast when we managed to rescue all the

passengers off a small cargo vessel, which was sinking in stormy weather. As for my

favourite ports, I think Santorini is one of the most beautiful islands in the world with

the best sunrises and sunsets in the Mediterranean. I also love the beautiful surround-

ings of the Svartisen Glacier in Norway and the Norwegian fjords, plus the glorious

history and architecture of St Petersburg.

Q When did you join CMV and how long have you been captain of Marco Polo? As this

year marks the ship’s 50th anniversary, what are you looking forward to most about the

celebrations and sailings?

I joined CMV in 2011 and have been captain of Marco Polo for the last eight months. I

think this year’s celebrations present a unique opportunity for our guests to experience

something very special, especially on our Canada Commemorative voyages, and it is a

great honour for me to be on board as captain.

Q The Commemorative anniversary voyages to Canada are one of the key points of the

year. What do you think will be the highlight of these sailings – and what do you expect to

be the most challenging?

In Greenland, it will be the fabulous mountains, fjords and icebergs, while in Canada

guests can enjoy this vast unspoilt wilderness – all exciting factors that will make this

more of an exciting expedition. I am hoping we will spot a blue iceberg during our

voyage as I have sailed around the world three times and never seen one.

Q How do you like to relax when you are away from Marco Polo?

I love to return to Sparta in my native Lakonia and spend my time diving and fishing.

My three-year-old son is already learning to swim, and I can’t wait to teach him to

dive. I’m also a big chess fan and each year I organise matches with my friends.

Captain Nikolaos Michaloliakos

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“There's a legend in Russia that Saint Petersburg was constructed in the blue heavens and lowered down in one piece 'for how otherwise could a city so beautiful exist...”

Words alone cannot do justice to the breath-taking

extravagance of the Imperial splendours of St Petersburg.

This Russian city puts the grand into grandeur with its

awe-inspiring collection of ornate palaces, museums and

cathedrals that rose to royal glory under the Russian tsars

and survived the subsequent Bolshevik Revolution of

1917 and, more recently, decades of Communist rule.

There is no shortage of tourist sights in this former capital.

In fact, visitors need plenty of time to appreciate what this

grand city has to offer, which is why CMV ships always

stay overnight, giving guests two days to explore. One of

the best ways for cruise passengers to discover St

Petersburg is on cruise line excursions as UK passport-

holders are covered free of charge by the ship’s group

visa. Those wanting to go ashore independently need

their own visa, and this has to be arranged in advance.

Founded in 1703 by Peter the Great and built on a series

of islands in the Neva River connected by iron and stone

bridges, St Petersburg is overflowing with cultural gems,

inevitably spiced up with accompanying tales of murder,

mayhem and intrigue. The top draw is undoubtedly the

famous Hermitage Museum, housed in the 18th century


The glorious city of the Tsars

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St PetersburgSt Petersburg19cruise and maritime voyages

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Baroque Winter Palace, which could easily take days to

explore on its own. Dating from 1764, when it was

founded by Catherine the Great, it is one of the world’s

largest and foremost art museums, boasting more than

three million exhibits housed in at least 1,000 rooms.

Trying to tackle this alone is a mind-blowing task, but

guided tours ensure visitors don’t miss highlights that

include masterpieces by Leonardo Da Vinci, Titian and


Catherine Palace, a short drive from the city near the town

of Pushkin, is another unmissable sight. Named after

Catherine I, consort of Peter the Great, this 18th Century

treasure chest promises to take your breath away, with

its stately blue and white façade stretching nearly 1,000

feet. Inside is no less impressive with a collection of grand

rooms, culminating in the Great Hall, famous for its

opulent fairytale-style interior, while outside lies the vast

sweep of landscaped gardens and parklands.


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City tours include a number of St Petersburg’s main

attractions, such as the impressive Church of the Saviour

on Spilled Blood, also known as the Church of the

Resurrection, built to resemble St Basil’s Cathedral

in Moscow on the spot where Tsar Alexander II was

assassinated. Nearby is the magnificent St Isaac’s

Cathedral, similar to St Peter’s in Rome with a large dome

covered with more than 200 pounds of gold, while the

ornate interior is decorated with more than 30 types of

marble, mosaics, ceiling murals and sculptures.

Don’t miss the stunning Peterhof Palace, St Petersburg’s

answer to Versailles located 22 miles from the city. Built

by Peter the Great in the early 18th Century to rival the

French palace it is renowned as the grandest of the tsars’

summer retreats with its 300-acre park-like grounds,

sprinkled with statues and spectacular fountains.

Evenings ashore in St Petersburg are no less captivating.

Enjoy a classical ballet performance in one of the many

grand venues across the city or take a cruise along the

rivers and canals to gain a different perspective of the

so-called Venice of the North.

Whether it is seen from land or water, this is a city that

cannot fail to impress.

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Across;1. Isthmus of Panama 6. Guanabara Bay 8. Peru. 12. Portuguese 13. Bolivia 14.

Venezuela 15. Juan PeronDown:2. Twelve 3. Uruguay 4. Amerigo Vespucci 5. Real 7.

Andes. 9.Guinea Pig 10. Cape Horn 11. Amazon

Coffee time...Across1. Landbridge joining North and

South America (7,2,6)6. Bay at the foot of Sugarloaf

Mountain (9, 3)8. UK's favourite bear hails from

this country (4)12. Most spoken language in South

America (9)13. Butch and Sundance's

bolthole (7)14. Montevideo is the capital of

which Country (9)15. Evita’s husband (4,5)

Down2. Number of independent countries

in South America (6)3. Footballer, Luis Suarez, plays for

this country (7)4. Italian explorer who discovered

South America (7,8)5. Brazilian currency (4)7. South American mountain

range (5)9. Local delicacy kept as pets in

the UK (6,3)10. Most southerly point of South

America (4,4)11. Home of the world's largest

natural resource (6)

Columbus Club members’ competitionWin an Amsterdam & Antwerp weekendbreak for two

Enjoy a three night cruise aboard our flagship, Magellan, which will take you to

two of Europe’s most delightful cities, Amsterdam and Antwerp.

Stroll alongside pretty tree-lined canals, admire graceful gabled houses and visit

world-famous museums in the popular Dutch city of Amsterdam.

This is followed by a day in historic Antwerp with its eye-catching architecture,

sculpted streets and picturesque galleries. Be sure to bring home some

delicious Belgian chocolates!

To win this superb weekend for two, simply tell us from which European country did the explorer, Ferdinand Magellan, hail from?

a) Portugal b) Spain c) Italy

To enter, visit: and conditions: Competition closes 23.59 on 31st of July 2015. There is one prize of a three night Amsterdam & Antwerp weekend for two departing London Tilbury 3rd September 2015. The winner will be randomly drawn from all correct answers and contacted Tuesday 2nd August 2015. Winner and guest must be 18 years or over. Competitionnot open to CMV staff or travel trade employees. The prize is not transferable and there is no cash alternative. Offer open to Columbus Club members only.

2 3 4


6 7









South American Crossword

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23share your images with us at

Images from Passengers

Please keep on submitting your images via Facebook:

John Wilkes - Azores in St Maarten

John Riley - Northern Lights on Marco Polo

Hilton Davis - Magellan

Erik Ask - Magellan in Eidfjord

Lynne Mitchell - Canaries Christmas Cruise

Christine Baxter - Magellan leaving port

Jenny Hunt - Magellan in Eidfjord

Joyce Low - Magellan in FlåmKaren Bradbury - Marco Polo and Britannia in Flåm


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GrenadinesYou won’t need a pirate ship...

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The beautiful Grenadine islands are one of the

Caribbean’s best-kept secrets. A world apart from

their larger and more commercialised neighbours,

this string of pretty isles strung like exotic jewels

from St Vincent in the north to Grenada in the

south, promise a perfect castaway island paradise.

You won’t find casinos and shopping malls here,

just the barefoot simplicity of island life reminiscent

of the Caribbean as it used to be, with peace and

tranquillity in abundance.

There are 32 islands in the Grenadines, though

only nine are inhabited with each offering its own

distinctive style and charm, along with crystal

clear waters and beautiful beaches of the finest

powder sand.

St Vincent is the largest and most developed of the

islands, with its capital Kingstown offering a

smattering of tourist shops and cafes along with

colourful markets. The island’s Botanical Gardens,

established in 1765, are renowned as one of the

oldest in the Western Hemisphere, while clues to

St Vincent’s British heritage are evident at Fort

Charlotte, a former British Garrison dating from

1806. But it is the scenery that makes this island

stand out. The verdant rainforest and rugged

terrain, dominated by the dormant La Soufriere

volcano which last erupted in 1979, make it ideal

hiking territory.

Hardy types can stride out on three-hour climbs

to the volcano’s 4,000ft summit, or take a gentler

route in the hope of spotting the elusive St Vincent

Parrot. But catamaran trips offer the perfect

vantage point from which to admire the island’s

mountainous landscape and also Wallilabou,

where the Pirates of the Caribbean movies

were filmed.

Nearby Bequia (pronounced Bequee) is an

engaging spot, with its charming main town of

Port Elizabeth a magnet for the yachtsmen who

sail through the islands. One of the highest points

is Mount Pleasant, offering some of the best views

out across the Caribbean Sea and other islands in

the Grenadines chain. Along its rugged Atlantic

shore is the Old Hegg Turtle Sanctuary, where


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hatchlings of endangered Hawksbill Turtles are

tended before being released into the sea.

At the Tobago Cays Marine Park, near the island

of Mayreau, visitors can splash out in the warm

turquoise waters that are home to wild Green and

Hawksbill turtles and swim freely with them and

other marine life in this protected area - regarded

as one of the best snorkelling spots in the


Grenada in the south is famous as the Caribbean

“Spice Island”, thanks to its fertile terrain where

nutmeg, cinnamon, cocoa and clove are grown

in abundance. Between these two points are

escapes such as Union Island, Canouan and

Palm Island, offering barefoot luxury at a number

of low-key retreats where the emphasis is on

chilling out and enjoying the best of what nature

has to offer.

With so many unspoilt natural treats on their

doorstep, you can see why these islands are

happy to keep a low profile. Sometimes secrets

are best shared only with the chosen few.

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Around the world in 120 days!

In Jules Verne’s acclaimed book published in1873, Phileas Fogg may have attempted tocircumnavigate the world in 80 days but on5th January 2017, Magellan will set sail fromLondon Tilbury on a ‘round the world’ voyageof a lifetime. As we want you to relax andsavour leisurely days at sea, carefree eveningsand the many incredible highlights, it will takea little longer than Mr Fogg’s trip. Escape thewinter and return home at the beginning ofMay on this 120 night grand journey.

Magellan is the ideal ship for such a voyagewith her spacious lounge areas, comfortableaccommodation and wide range of facilities.For most of this voyage, you will be able toenjoy warmer climes and therefore make fulluse of the expansive deck areas, swimmingpools and whirlpools.

This is the first time that CMV has presenteda ‘round the world’ itinerary and we hope thatmany of our loyal Columbus Club memberswill be among the first to reserve their place.Highlights include: the Caribbean, Mexico,French Polynesia, New Zealand, Australia,Bali, Borneo, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia,Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Oman,Egypt, the Holy Land, Greece and home viathe Mediterranean.

And, if you don’t fancy the entire circumnavi-gation, we are offering shorter sector cruisesand even the opportunity to mix and matchwith our voyage services to and from Australia on board Astor. Details can be foundin the new CMV 2016/17 brochure and on ourwebsite.



Magellan 2017

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