Download - CRM Handbook Draft

  • CRM



  • INTRODUCTION. This book provides users with step-by-step instructions on how to make the most of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. The Handbook of CRM is your go-to guide with instructions and CRM tips and is intended to provide users with a ready reference.

    CRM is a tool that captures data about customers and potential customers, which strengthens our ability to interact with them on a more unique and personal level. CRM helps us to create a better experiences for our customers and a more accurate prospecting process, which results in more wins and leads converted. And who wouldnt want that?

    Information-Enabled Relationship Marketing


    Track, monitor, and record all activities

    Add contacts to monthly marketing lists

    Identify changes in buying behaviours ( risk/opportunity)

    Proactive Account Maintenance


    Query-based mapping feature! ie. Account and prospect distribution

    Branch patch maps

    Industry classification of account and prospect base

    Quarterly target tracking

    Custom activities including video brochure & planted tree











  • DASHBOARDS. For a quick snapshot of your branch, check the Dashboards. These are an easy-to-read, real-time interface which shows a visual representation of your branchs current status and historical trends.

    In order to access your branchs dashboards, go to the BRANCH screen by selecting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM drop-down menu in the top left corner of the opening screen and then selecting DASHBOARDS.

    Under the drop-down menu, a user can select which dashboard they wish to view- managers have 3 available dashboards in CRM. The Branch 000 Dashboard is a general overview of the branchs performance, while the Branch 000 Goals Dashboard relates directly to the quarterly targets which were agreed upon by both the branch and Business Development. The Branch 000 Patch Map Dashboard shows the patch associated with your branch including the market share.

    1. Branch 000 Dashboard - General Performance Snapshot

    This Dashboard has 6 areas of valuable information specific to the data of each branch.

    Cash Quote Win/Loss Ratio

    -My Branch

    Cash Quote Win/Loss Ratio -All Branches

    Accounts with Greatest

    Increase in Sales

    Your Branchs Open Quotes

    Estimated vs. Actual CASH

    Quote Revenue

    Accounts with Greatest Decrease in


  • Shows the Current Goal

    (Q3 Target)

    This graph shows the

    percentage achieved of

    todays target

    Shows the generated

    and produced revenue YTD

    A monthly comparison of the generated vs. produced


    Outlines the # of businesses in your patch, your branchs

    accounts wihtin

    the patch, & further

    the market share of that

    specific patch boundary.

    Branch Patch Map

    2. Branch 000 Goal Dashboard - Specific to the Targets set in Q3

    3. Branch 000 Patch Map

    By selecting the fly-out button on each chart, users can see graphcs/charts more easily.



  • BRANCH VIEWS. A view in CRM is essentially a filtered list that is created programmatically through a Saved Query (Advanced Find).

    In order to access the views page, a user must navigate to the BIZDEV screen by selecting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM drop-down menu in the top left corner of the opening screen and selecting Companies.

    There are currently 3 saved views in CRM for each branch.

    1. Branch 000: All Accounts

    Shows a list of your branch accounts (both active and inactive) with specified columns.

    2. Branch 000: All Active Accounts

    Shows a list of current branch accounts who have purchased at least once, in the current year.

    3. Branch 000: All Prospects

    Shows a list of all your branches prospects which is classified by Industry.


    Please take note of the column Change in Sales this will give managers a good idea on which accounts are on par with YTD active spending. If there are negative numbers under Change in Sales, this should encourage managers to check the Risk Report on a Company Record and further analyize why that is occurring.

  • A user can create their own default view by clicking the pushpin icon directly left of the title of the view (within the drop down menu). You may choose which saved view you would prefer as a default screen.

    Note: Prospects cannot be accessed through SOP. In order to view a list of your branches qualified prospects, you must use CRM!

    Tip! You can create your own personalized views through creating an advanced find (as outlined in the Advanced Find Chapter).


  • MAPS & CHARTS. The Charts and Map feature presents data in a more insightful and visual way where users can gain real-time business insight.


    The query-based mapping feature is new in CRM and will allow a user to see a map from a saved view (an advanced find). This will give users the opportunity to analyze account and prospect distri-bution for a branch (which are current saved views in the system), or alternatively, create their own advanced find and save as a view to see their own custom map.

    In order to access the maps, a user must navigate to the BIZDEV screen by selecting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM drop-down menu in the top left corner of the opening screen and then selecting Companies.

    1. As mentioned in the earlier chapter, there are currently 3 saved views in CRM for each branch, which means 3 available maps.

    2. On the right side of the screen, select the Charts panel. The screen should fly out; you can click the expand/collapse button to see a better view.

    3. Ensure you have selected Account Locations in the drop down menu under System Charts.

  • 4. A map will then display whichever view filter you choose (ie. All Accounts, All Active Accounts, or All Prospects).


    Managers can also see a visual representation of the following 8 categories:

    1. Account Activations Per Month (Current Year)2. Account Locations (MAPS)3. Accounts with Greatest Decrease in Sales4. Accounts with Greatest Increase in Sales5. Active vs. Inactive Accounts (Current Year)6. Companies by Risk Score7. Industry Composition 8. New Companies by Month

    Below is an example of the Industry Composition chart showing a branchs prospect/account distribution per industry.


  • ADDING PROSPECTS. CRM is an amazing resource for tracking and developing prospective business. It allows managers to you see their full range of prospects all in one area (Company View, Branch 000: All Prospects). CRM has an easy to use portal where you can submit new business leads, either a company or contact to be worked on by your BD team or yourself.


    Go to the BIZ DEV screen by selecting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM dropdown menu in the top left corner of the screen and then selecting Companies. In the top left of the screen, select New and fill out the pertinent information (company name, branch, phone number, address and industry).

    1. 2.

    When you save this information, a new company profile will be created in CRM, ready to action with marketing campaigns, activities or phone calls.

    Tip! Before adding a *new* company, do a quick search to see if a record already exists. Please be aware of duplicate records.


    When creating a new company prospect in CRM it is easiest to add contacts while on the company record.

    If a company record already exists in CRM and you wish to add a new contact, search for the desired prospect in Companies search bar and follow the same process.

    When adding companies or contacts, it is required that you re-assign the ownership of that contact to the desired branch management team. Only teams should be an owner of a company or contact. To check if you as a user own any company/contact, search using an advanced find.

    Note: Only teams should be an owner of a company or contact. To check if you as a user own any company/contact, search using an advanced find.

    Tip! When you re-assign the ownership of a company, the contacts belonging to that company are automatically changed as well.


  • ADVANCED FINDS. An Advanced Find in CRM allows a user to search for records, system-wide. It is an excellent resource for organizing information with its query and filtering capabilities. Advanced Find can be as simple as finding all companies assigned to your branch, or as complicated as finding companies added between May-August that contain the word LLP.

    In order to access the Advanced Find feature, a user must navigate to the BIZDEV screen by selecting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM drop-down menu in the top left corner of the opening screen and then selecting Advanced Find.

    1. Go to Advanced Find.

    2. Specify what to search for.

    a. In the Look for list, select a record type. The most common records searched are Companies, Contacts, Marketing Lists, Activities, and Opportunities.

    b. Choose Select to define search criteria: field (for example, Account Name or City), the query relational operator (Part of an expression (for example is equal to or contains) that defines how a specified attribute should be compared with a value.), and the values to locate (for example, Toronto or Email).

    You can select fields from the current record type, or from related records. For example, an account might have many related contact records.

    At the bottom of the Select list, the Related section shows related record types. For example, most record types have a related Notes record type. To select fields from a related record type, select field, and a new Select link appears.

  • 3. Specify the columns to include in the search results.

    a. Choose Edit Columns, and then choose Add Columns.

    b. Select the record type that includes the columns you want to add. (ex. Account Number, This Year Sales To Date, etc. )

    c. Select the columns you want to add, and then choose OK.

    4. Specify the sort order.

    a. Choose Edit Columns. b. Choose Configure Sorting. c. Specify the column to sort on, specify the sort order, and then choose OK. d. Choose OK.

    5. Choose Results. Below is an example query looking for Branch 0s Accounts who have spent more than $200.00 this year.

    Tip! Advanced Finds can be saved and shared. To save the query for future use, select save as and name it.

  • To share the Advanced Find with another user, select Saved Views, find youre previously saved query (Saved Views) and select Share

    Lastly, find the user or team you would like to share with highlight their editing capabilities. Select Share.


  • CREATING ACTIVITIES In CRM, you can use Activities to keep track of all your customer communications. For example, you can take notes, send email, make phone calls, send PMRBS, set up appointments, and assign yourself tasks so that you can stay up-to-date with customer news. These actions are all considered types of activities.


    The first step in the process is to find the company you would like to complete an activity for in Microsoft Dynamics.

    1. Go to the BIZ DEV screen by selecting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM dropdown menu in the top left corner of the screen and then selecting Companies.

    2. Search for the company in the search field locating at the top right of the interface by typing in the name of the company. Use the asterisk * where needed.

    3. After the company is found, select the company name. This will navigate to a new CRM interface displaying the company record entity.

    4. On the right half of the screen, navigate to the Activities header.

  • 5. To create an activity, select to look up all of the available activities.

    6. Select the desired activity. Fill out the pertinent information

    Tip! All Activities completed in CRM will integrate into your daily digest emails. Therefore, every activity in CRM completed the day before will be shown in the digest the next each morning. This allows managers to understand what actions the BizDev team has completed on specific accounts/prospects, ultimately enhancing the communication between you are your team.


  • EMAIL TRACKING. You can use Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook to track email messages. When you track an email message, a copy of that record is saved as an activity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and synchronized with the Outlook record. You can then view and edit that record in CRM for Outlook or CRM.

    Tracking records in CRM for Outlook is a manual process. This gives you the ability to keep your personal Outlook records separate from your CRM records. Tracking emails with customers is a great way to communicate with the Business Development team.


    1. The first step in the process is to find the chosen email you would like to track within Microsoft Outlook. Select the email.

    2. After the email is found, navigate to the tool bar in the top of the screen and select Set Regarding.

    *Please note, you should ALWAYS use the Set Regarding feature in Outlook, NOT Track.

    3. Select the More... option.

    4. This action will prompt an interface from CRM to open where you can search for the respective entity (Account or Prospect).

    5. Select the entity which relates to the chosen email. Ensure only one company name is chosen before selecting Add.

  • 6. In Microsoft Outlook, you can see a confirmation message at the bottom of the email as well as a tracking icon shown in your mailbox.


    1. The first step in the process is to find the email you would like to untrack within Microsoft Outlook.

    2. After the email is found, navigate to the tool bar in the top of the screen and select Untrack.

    3. This action will prompt an interface from CRM to open which will ask you to further ensure you wish to untrack the item. It will also ask if you wish to delete the record entirely.


  • MARKETING LISTS. The Marketing pane in CRM is an excellent tool for coordinating our marketing efforts. Users can see the current active marketing lists we have on the go and even add accounts or prospects to them.

    In order to access the Advanced Find feature, a user must navigate to the MARKETING screen by selecting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM drop-down menu in the top left corner of the opening screen and then selecting Marketing Lists.

    Business Development produces several mail pieces on a monthly basis. Below is a list of the standard contact-driven mailers we send out each month.

    1. General Awareness 5. Hospitality Services 2. Financial Services 6. Legal Services 3. Food Services 7. Light Manufacturings 4. Health Services 8. 3D Mailer NEW!

    These lists can be utilized strategically to send to new prospects and/or current customers in a targeted marketing capacity. You can add prospects/customers to these lists throughout the current month by selecting the desired Company, clicking on the desired Contact at that company, and clicking on the Add to a Marketing List tab.

    A mailer drops two weeks after the mailing list has been pulled and creates a custom activity on every CRM record associated with the list. This allows managers to know the exact date a mailing piece was delivered. As well, managers will also receive a notification affirming the mail piece was delivered through the custom activity displayed in the daily digest email.

    Managers can also create personal marketing lists to better organize their own successfully marketing campaigns. To do this, click new in the top left corner of the screen when in the Marketing Lists tab.

    Tip! By creating an advanced find in CRM, users can bulk add contact/companies to specific mailers.