Download - CRM 2011 Course Outline

Page 1: CRM 2011 Course Outline


IDCourse ID

Microsoft® Certification

NameDuration Deliverables



Microsoft Dynamics CRM

2011 Installation and


2 Days / 

16 Hours

- Microsoft Official Curriculum: 


- Course Completion Certificate 

  from KnowledgeWoods Consulting

− 80446AAdministering Microsoft

Dynamics CRM 2011

2 Days / 

16 Hours

- Microsoft Official Curriculum: 


- Course Completion Certificate 

  from KnowledgeWoods Consulting



Microsoft Dynamics CRM

2011 Customization and


3 Days / 

24 Hours

- Microsoft Official Curriculum: 


- Course Completion Certificate 

  from KnowledgeWoods Consulting



Extending Microsoft

Dynamics CRM 2011

3 Days / 

24 Hours

- Microsoft Official Curriculum: 


- Course Completion Certificate 

  from KnowledgeWoods Consulting







Microsoft Dynamics CRM

2011 Applications

4 Days / 

32 Hours

- Microsoft Official Curriculums: 

  80290A, 80291A, 80292A, 80293A

- Course Completion Certificate 

  from KnowledgeWoods Consulting

− 80445AReporting in Microsoft

Dynamics CRM 2011

1 Day /

 8 Hours

- Microsoft Official Curriculum: 


- Course Completion Certificate 

  from KnowledgeWoods Consulting

− 80444A

Workflow and Dialog

Processes in Microsoft

Dynamics CRM 2011

1 Day / 

8 Hours

- Microsoft Official Curriculum: 


- Course Completion Certificate 

  from KnowledgeWoods Consulting

− 80447A

Integrating Microsoft

Dynamics CRM 2011 with

Microsoft Office SharePoint

Server 2010

1 Day / 

8 Hours

- Microsoft Official Curriculum: 


- Course Completion Certificate 

  from KnowledgeWoods Consulting

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Course 80291A:

Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011Duration : 1 Day

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction


• Overview of the Sales Process in Microsoft Dynamics CRM• Core Records in the Sales Process• Tracking Competitors and Managing Sales Literature• Working with Leads• Working with Opportunities• Sales Processes, Workflows and Dialogs

Lab : Qualify and Convert Leads

Lab : Running a Dialog Process

Module 2: Working with the Product Catalog


• The Product Catalog and the Sales Process• Unit Groups• Adding and Maintaining Products• Creating, Maintaining and Using Price Lists

Lab : Create a Special Offer Price List

Lab : Use a Special Offer Price List for an Opportunity

Module 3: Sales Order Processing


• The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales Order Process• Opportunities, Quotes, and the Sales Process• Working with Orders• Working with Invoices

Lab : Create Multiple Quotes from an Opportunity

Lab : Convert a Quote to an Order

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Module 4: Analysis, Reporting and Goals

• Lessons• Analyzing Sales Information with Lists, Views and Charts• Working with Reports• Exporting Sales Information to Microsoft Office Excel• Creating and Managing Sales Goals• Creating Charts• Dashboards

Lab : Create a Sales Goal for Opportunities

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Course 80290A:

Marketing Automation in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction


• Benefits of Closed Loop Marketing• Creating and Using Marketing Lists• Marketing Campaigns and Quick Campaigns• Quick Campaigns• Introduction to Marketing Campaigns• Creating a Marketing Campaign• Creating and Using Campaign Templates• Importing Leads

Lab : Quick Campaigns

Lab : Create a Marketing Campaign

Module 2: Implementing and Managing Marketing Campaigns


• Campaigns, Campaign Activities and Marketing Lists• Creating and Using Email Templates• Sales Literature, Products and Price Lists• Distributing Campaign Activities• Capturing and Viewing Campaign Responses• Working with Campaign Responses

Lab : Create a Campaign Response

Module 3: Analysis, Reporting and Goals


• Analyzing Marketing Information with Lists, Views and Charts• Working with Reports• Creating and Managing Marketing Goals• Creating Charts• Customizing and Working with Dashboards

Lab : Create a Personal Chart for Appointments

Lab : Goal Management

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Course 80293A:

Service Scheduling in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction


• Service Scheduling Overview• Service Scheduling Scenarios• Service Scheduling Process• Working with Service Activities and the Service Calendar• Closing, Canceling, or Rescheduling a Service Activity• Using Charts and Reports to Analyze Service Activities

Lab : Create a Service Activity with a Selection Rule

Module 2: Advanced Topics


• Understanding the Service Activity Scheduling Engine• Resources, Services and Selection Rules• Incorporating Customer Preferences• Resource and Service Capacity Requirements• Understanding Sites and Same-Site Requirements

Lab : Schedule a Service with a Same-Site Requirement

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Course 80292A:

Service Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction


• Getting Started with Service Management• Cases and the Service Management Process• Queues and Contracts in Service Management• Working with Cases in the Case Grid

Lab : Assigning Cases and Default Queues

Module 2: Working with Cases and Contracts


• Creating Case Records• Working with Cases• Contracts and Contract Templates• Creating and Working with Contracts• Using Contracts with Cases

Lab : Resolving a Case with a Contract

Module 3: Using the Knowledge Base


• Article Templates• Creating, Approving and Publishing Articles• Using and Searching the Knowledge Base• Cases and Knowledge Base Articles

Lab : Managing Knowledge Base Articles

Module 4: Working with Teams and Queues


• Introduction to Teams• Introduction to Queues• Creating and Managing Queues• Working with Queues and Queue Items• Using Workflows with Queues

Lab : Routing Cases to Queues

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Module 5: Analysis, Reporting and Goals


• Service Management Reports• Service Management Charts and Dashboards• Goal Management for Service

Lab : Goal and Goal Metrics

PrerequisitesBefore attending the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Application courses, students must have:

• General working knowledge of customer relationship management• General understanding of business processes• General working knowledge of Microsoft Windows

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Course 80296A:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Installation and DeploymentDuration: 2 Days

Course Outline

Module 1: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Components


Microsoft Dynamics CRM Components Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Office Outlook Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions Microsoft Dynamics CRM Language Packs Microsoft SharePoint Internet Information Services Active Directory Internet Facing Deployment and Active Directory Federation Services

Module 2: Planning the Installation


Planning the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment Privileges for the Installation User Supported Server Technologies Hardware Requirements Software Requirements Active Directory and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Securing Network Traffic Microsoft Dynamics CRM Offerings

Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Installation


Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Architecture Components Installed During Server Setup Microsoft Dynamics CRM Website Required Installation Rights for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Server Installation Troubleshooting Post-Installation Tasks Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM using the Command Line

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Sample Data

Lab : Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Server

Lab : Load Sample Data

Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Reporting Extensions


Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Reporting Overview Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions Installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Authoring Extension

Lab : Install Reporting Extensions

Module 5: Installing and Deploying the E-mail Router


Understanding the E-mail Router Install the E-mail Router and Rule Deployment Wizard Configure the E-mail Router Set Up a Forward Mailbox Deploy Inbox Rules Approve E-mail Addresses Install the E-mail Router on Multiple Computers Troubleshooting Discussion - E-mail Router

Lab : Install the E-mail Router

Lab : Configure the E-mail Router

Module 6: Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook


Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Overview Installation Requirements Deployment Methods Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Configure Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Configure User E-mail Settings Installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook using the Command Line Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Capability

Lab : Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook

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Lab : Offline Capability

Module 7: Configure an Internet Facing Deployment


Overview of Claims-Based Authentication General Requirements Certificates Install Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 Configure AD FS 2.0 Configure Claims-Based Authentication Configure Internet-Facing Deployment

Module 8: Upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011


Upgrade Considerations Upgrade Process Phases Phase 1 - Prepare to Upgrade Phase 2 - Establish the Test Environment Phase 3 - Upgrade and Validate the Test Environment Phase 4 - Upgrade and Validate the Production Deployment Perform an In-place Upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Server Perform a Migration Upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Server Perform a Connect to Existing Deployment Upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Server Upgrading the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 E-mail Router Planning the Upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Outlook Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Outlook

Module 9: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment Manager


Redeploying Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment Administrators Create a New Organization Manage Existing Organizations Importing Organizations Manage Servers Configure Access from the Internet Update Web Addresses View License Information Upgrade the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Edition

Lab : Duplicate Adventure Works Cycles Organization

Module 10: High Availability Options

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Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server on Multiple Computers Network Load Balancing Clustering Microsoft SQL Server High-availability Options for Other Supporting Components


Before attending this course, students must have working knowledge have of:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2008• Active Directory• Internet Information Services (IIS)• Microsoft Exchange• Microsoft SQL Server 2008• Microsoft Outlook

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Course 80446A:

Administering Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011Duration: 2 Days

Course Outline

Module 1: Administering Overview


Supporting Technologies CRM Administration Tasks Overview Customization Overview

Module 2: Security


Business Units Security Permissions Security Roles Sharing Records Field Security Role-based Forms

Lab : Maintaining Business Units

Lab : Create and Modify a Security Role

Lab : Create a Field Security Profile

Lab : Create a New Form

Module 3: Users, Teams and Auditing


User Authentication User Licensing Administering User Accounts Configuring Teams Auditing

Lab : Managing User Accounts

Lab : Managing Teams

Lab : Configure Auditing

Module 4: Configuring the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 E-mail Router

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Understanding the E-mail Router Configure the E-mail Router Set Up a Forward Mailbox Deploy Inbox Rules Approve E-mail Addresses Install the E-mail Router on Multiple Computers Create and Manage Queues

Lab : Configure the E-mail Router

Lab : Create a Workflow to Route Cases

Lab : Routing Cases to Queues

Module 5: Configuring Settings


System Settings Multiple Languages Fiscal Year Settings Auto-Numbering Document Management Settings Duplicate Detection

Lab : Configure Read-Optimized Forms

Lab : Configure Duplicate Detection

Module 6: Deployment Manager


Redeploying Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment Administrators Create a New Organization Manage Existing Organizations Importing Organizations Manage Servers Server Roles Configure Access from the Internet Update Web Addresses View License Information Upgrade the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Edition

Lab : Duplicate Adventure Works Cycles Organization

Module 7: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

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Service Accounts Managing System Jobs Deleting Records Disaster Recovery Managing SQL Databases Troubleshooting Configuring Tracing Updating Microsoft Dynamics CRM Marketplace

Lab : Install the Activity Feeds Solution

Lab : Configure Tracing

Prerequisites• Students must have experience of using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.• Before reviewing this training material, it is advised that individuals have a working knowledge of

Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 with Hyper-V, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 or Later, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office Outlook, Active Directory, and Internet Information Services 7 (IIS7) or later.

• It is recommended, but not compulsory, that individuals have completed Microsoft Dynamics CRM application training. In addition, it is recommended, but not essential, that individuals have experience working with relational databases.

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Course 80294B:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Customization and ConfigurationDuration: 3 Days

Course Outline

Module 1: Business Units and Security Roles


Business Units Managing Business Units Security Features

Lab : Maintaining Business Units

Module 2: Configuring Users and Teams


User Management Overview Adding and Maintaining User Accounts Team Configuration

Lab : Managing User Accounts

Lab : Managing Teams

Module 3: Customizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Overview


Customization Methodology Who can Customize Microsoft Dynamics CRM? Types of Customizations Types of Customizations - Solutions

Lab : Creating a Solution

Module 4: Customizing Fields


Customization Concepts Field Data Types Field Properties Creating Fields Creating Option Sets

Lab : Creating a Custom Field

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Lab : Creating and Using a Separate Option Set

Module 5: Customizing Entities


Entity Concepts Modifying Custom Entities

Lab : Creating Custom Entities

Lab : Modifying Entities

Module 6: Customizing Relationships and Mappings


Types of Entity Relationships Creating Entity Relationships Entity Mapping

Lab : Create a Manual N:N Relationship

Lab : Create a Mapping

Module 7: Customizing Forms, Views and Charts


Basic UI Customization Capabilities View Customization Overview Charts Form Customization Overview Other Form Objects Creating New Forms

Lab : View Customization

Lab : Creating Charts

Lab : Forms Design

Module 8: Configuring Field Security


Field Security Scope Field Security and Other Security Methods

Lab : Creating and Testing a Field Security Profile

Lab : Modify Field Security

Module 9: Configuring Auditing

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Enabling Auditing Viewing Audit Data Managing Audit Partitions

Lab : Configure Auditing

Module 10: Configuring Solutions


Solutions Review Exporting and Importing Unmanaged Solutions Exporting and Importing Managed Solutions

Lab : Unmanaged Solutions

Lab : Exporting and Importing Managed Solutions

PrerequisitesBefore attending this course, students must have:

• A working knowledge of how to use Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. It is recommended, but not required, that individuals have completed Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 applications training. Because this training material focuses on customizing database entities, attributes, relationships, and mappings, it is recommended that individuals have a basic understanding of Microsoft SQL Server and relational database functionality.

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Course 80445A:

Reporting in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011Duration: 1 Days

Course Outline



Useful Background Knowledge and Skills Reporting Development Studio Reporting Tools and Possibilities Solutions



Resources Creating Basic Charts Exporting Charts Importing Charts Modifying and Exporting Chart XML

Lab : Creating Basic Charts - Multi Series Bar Chart and Pie Chart

Lab : Modifying Chart XML



Report Development Process Types of Reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Default Reports The Report Wizard

Lab : Reports



Background Knowledge Required and Available Resources Filtered Views Creating a Basic SSRS Report SSRS Data Regions Parameters

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Lab : Basic BIDS Report - Using Report Wizard

Lab : BIDS Report - Using SSRS Data Regions

Lab : BIDS Report - Using Parameters and Expressions



What is FetchXML? Authoring of Fetch-Based Custom Reports Introduction of FetchXML Introduction of Expressions and Collections

Lab : Creating a Fetch-based Custom Report - Steps to Create a Fetch-based Custom Report

Lab : FetchXML - Based Reporting that Uses Aggregation and Parameters

Prerequisites• Before attending this course, students must have: Experience using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

or Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.

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Course 80444A:

Workflow and Dialog Processes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011Duration: 1 Days

Course Outline


One of the most powerful features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 is the automation of processes, providing the following benefits for organizations:

• Automation of key business processes and procedures.• Standardizing systems and procedures.


• What Are Processes?• Types of Workflow• Design Considerations• Business Process Analysis

Lab : Concept of Workflow



• Creating Workflows• Workflow Scope• Starting Windows• Workflow Steps• Dynamic Values

Lab : Order Acknowledgement Workflow

Lab : Assigning Opportunities Workflow



• Stages• A Set of Sales Process Workflows• Testing the Sales Process Workflows• Workflows and Sales Pipeline Reporting• Extending Workflows

Lab : Creating a Multistage Workflow

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• What are Dialogs?• Creating Dialogs• Dialog Structure• Running Dialogs

Lab : Creating Dialog

Module 5: Managing Processes


• Monitoring Processes• Importing and Exporting Processes• Process Security• Importing Exporting Processes• Process Security

Lab : Exporting and Importing Processes

PrerequisitesBefore attending this course, students must have:

• Experience using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 or Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

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Course 80295A:

Extending Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011Duration: 3 Days

Course Outline

Module 1: Extensibility Overview


• Objectives• Introduction• xRM Application Framework• Extensibility Platform and Features• Security Model• Business Model• Business Logic• Business Entity Components• Data Access Components and Platform• Helpful Skills• Resources• Summary

Module 2: Common Platform Operations


• Objectives• Introduction• WCF Web Services• Discovery Service• Early versus Late-Binding• Early-Bound Entity Class• Late-Bound Entity Class• Organization Service• Authentication and Authorization• Entity Information• Working with Data Types• Using the Create Method• Using the Retrieve Method• Using the Update Method• Using the Delete Method• Using the RetrieveMultipleMethod• Handling WCF Faults

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Lab : Lab 2.1: Creating Leads

Lab : Lab 2.1: Account Management Application

Module 3: Querying Data and Executing Operations


• Objectives• Introduction• Querying in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011• Query Expression• QueryByAttitude• LINQ Queries• FetchXML• Filtered Views• OData• Execute Method• Requests and Responses• Using the MetadataService Web Service

Lab : Lab 3.1: Using QueryExpression

Lab : Lab 3.2: Using LINQ to Perform, Create, Read, Update and Delete Operations

Lab : Lab 3.3: Using Fetch XML

Lab : Lab 3.4: Using FetchXML

Lab : Lab 3.5: Using Request and Response

Module 4: Implementing Business Processes


• Objectives• Introduction• Overview of Workflow• Overview of Dialogues• Setting up Custom Workflow Activity Assemblies• Demonstration: Configuring a Custom Workflow Activity• Creating Custom Workflow Activities• Debugging Custom Workflow Activities• Creating and Modifying Windows Workflow Foundation (XAML Workflows)• Demonstration: Modifying an Existing Workflow in Visual Studio 2010

Lab : Lab 4.1: Creating a Custom Workflow Activity

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Module 5: Plug-ins


• Objectives• Introduction• Overview of Plug-ins• Event Framework• Plug-in Isolation, Trusts and Statistics• Developing Plug-ins• Impersonation in Plug-ins• Entity Classes and Plug-ins• Register and Deploy Plug-ins• Debugging Plug-ins• Windows Azure Integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Lab : Lab 5.1: Creating a Plug-in

Module 6: Application Event Programming


• Objectives• Introduction• Using Jscript Libraries• Form and Field Events• Xrm.Page• Xrm.Page.context (Client-Side Context)• entity• Xrm.Page.ui• Form Types• Form Event Handler Execution Context• Setting Event Dependencies• Pass Parameters• Using Best Practices in Writing Client-Side Code• Debugging Client-Side Code

Lab : Lab 6.1: Telephone Number Formatting

Lab : Lab 6.2: Control Tab Visibility

Module 7: Client Extensions


• Objectives• Introduction• Customizing the Site Map• Customizing the Ribbon

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• URL Addressable Forms and Views

Lab : Lab 7.1: Modifying the Site Map

Lab : Lab 7.2: Customize the Ribbon

Module 8: Web Resources


• Objectives• Introduction• Overview of Web Resources• Web Resource Management• Referencing Web Resources• Silverlight Web Resource• REST Endpoint, OData and JSON• Using JQuery

Lab : Lab 8.1: Silverlight and Opportunity Slider

PrerequisitesBefore attending this course, students must have:

• Experience in basic form customizations and workflows• Background in one or more of the following technologies:

o .NET-connected applications to Visual Studio, JScript, DHTML, XML, Transact_SQL, Microsoft Dynamics CRM customizations and web services, Silverlight, Windows Workflow Foundation, AJAX and Windows AZURE Platform

Page 30: CRM 2011 Course Outline

Course 80447A:

Integrating Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010Duration: 1 Days

Course Outline

Module 1: Integration Concepts


• Module Overview• SharePoint Storage Concepts• Document Management• Integration Scenarios• Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM Versus SharePoint When Customizing a Solution

Module 2: Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Integration with SharePoint


• Module Overview• Integration Overview• Microsoft Dynamics CRM List Component for SharePoint• Configure Data Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM• Configuring and Using the Integration Between Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and SharePoint


Lab : Configuring the Integration In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Module 3: Integrating External Data Sources into SharePoint


• What is BCS• Configuring BCS• Configuring a BCS Connection to CRM data• Configuring BCS For Searching• Excel Services

Lab : Configuring a BCS Connection to CRM data

Lab : Configuring Searching for BCS

Module 4: SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Reporting


• Microsoft SQL Server and SharePoint 2010

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• SharePoint 2010 and Reporting• Power View and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Lab : Configuring SharePoint 2010 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Reporting

Lab : Create a Power View Report