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  • 8/3/2019 Critique a Journal Article1


    Critique a Journal Article

    Roberts, J., & Armitage, J. (2006), From organization to hypermodern organization On the

    accelerated appearance and disappearance of Enron,Journal of Organizational Change

    Management, Vol 19 No. 5, pp 558-577.

    Organization is a unit of society and change is essential inside an organization, as our society is

    changeable in the pace of time. Previously, researchers and scholars classified organizations as

    premodern, modern and post modern organizations as per their production process and

    technology they adopt. Thereafter, question is raised if these categories can fully incorporate all

    the characteristics, activities and nature of current type organizations. The main issue raised in

    the paper is that the categorization of organization in the given three types is inadequate and

    there is an omission in the extent debates surrounding the management of organizational


    The issues raised by authors in the concept paper about the new form of organization i.e.

    hypermodern organization is important for the literature of organizational change management

    because it will recognize new set of characteristics of organization in the current developed,

    speedy changing societies. Moreover it will contribute to the contemporary understandings of

    organizations and organizational change management.

    The main argument in the concept paper is that the current consumer societies of the leading

    nations are characterized by hypermodernity. It further states that one of the results of

    hypermodernity of society is the emergence of hypermodern organizations. However they

    argue that organizational change management had so far failed to recognize such organizationsin its literature. Although the academic literature in organizational change management had

    identified the three types of organizational forms, as premodern, modern and post modern

    organizations, they were inadequate to understand the hypermodern form of organizations,

    which are emerging in recent societies.

    The authors highlight various facts and opinions to differentiate the characteristics of

    hypermodern organizations with other forms of organization. The first one is that hypermodern

    organizations are hyperflexible i.e. size of such organizations can change rapidly to match

    market opportunities. Moreover such organizations operate with series of innovations in

    operation and productions. They can exploit the opportunities from the change in environment

    like social, legal, political, technical environment etc for fresh business openings. Although they

    get benefit from the innovations, such advantages are often short-lived as they can be easily

    copied by competitors. Similarly, employees are connected with such organizations at all times

    through information communication technologies so that they can make the optimum

    mobilization of their resources. Unlike to the other forms of organizations, the key assets of

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    hypermodern organization are reputation, brand name and business models. With such

    opinions, the authors strengthen their arguments of hypermodern organization which almost

    wholly determined by its relationship to excessive speed at which it operates in relation to its

    environment. The case study of Enron form establishment, accelerated development to

    dramatic disappearance, explored in the paper, also play an important role to enhance thearguments.

    So, these facts the authors presented and opinion they expressed are important to support

    their issues and arguments. They provide enough distinct characteristics of hypermodern

    organization then that of other forms of organizations which were previously identified by the

    theory of organizational change management.

    To address the questions and issues raised in the paper, authors first review the three forms of

    organizations as per organizational change management literature. The paper clearly states

    each form of organizations with characteristics and present the time period of change from oneform to other. Then the paper introduces new form of organization as hypermodern

    organization and elaborated the distinct characteristics. To show the importance of

    hypermodern organizations in the field of organization change management theory,

    accelerated appearance of Enron and its disappearance in the speed of light is analyzed as an

    example to prove the nature of hypermodern organizations. The circumstances of the

    establishment of Enron, how its management and employees were prepared to cope with the

    change in external environment, the speed of change inside Enron with respect to the change

    in external environment is merely focused in the paper to justify the hypermodernity of

    organization. So, the distinct characters of hypermodern organizations and the consequences ofEnron presented as case study, addressed the issued raised in the paper effectively. Moreover,

    by focusing on the significance characteristics of accelerated hypermodern organization, the

    authors have addressed an important omission in the debates surrounding the management of

    organizational change.

    The authors in the paper introduced a new form of organization as hypermodern organization

    which makes a contribution to add a dimension in the literature of organizational change

    management. The paper introduces a new conception of organization and organizational

    change. Different characteristics for the hypermodern organization have been explored and it is

    suggested that one of the result of hypermodern organization is the accelerated appearance

    and disappearance of business organizations. So, this concept paper will also be important for

    managers who are practically involving in managing the organization. They can judge

    themselves whether the change they are implementing inside their organizations tend toward

    hypermodernity. The paper will equip manager with the knowledge which provides them

    capacity to recognize accelerated organizational change. Hence managers would have an

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    opportunity to consider the future sustainability of their organization and strategies for its

    survival before collapse becomes an inevitable outcome.

    However the concept paper is silent to which extent the accelerated change inside an

    organization is beneficial and it does not suggest the turning point in the speedy change

    management so that organizations could be saved from the dramatic disappearance like Enron.

    The conclusion drawn by authors in the paper is that contemporary environment is stimulating

    the development of hypermodern organizations. Even though there are real short term benefits

    from the acceleration of organizations performance, permanent acceleration is not

    sustainable. So, the authors suggest that the organization to diversify organizations activities

    between modern, postmodern and hypermodern forms. Moreover, management could also

    organize temporary hypermodern projects rather than taking the whole organization to

    hypermodern characteristics. These conclusions drawn in the paper has made change in the

    concept of disregarding the significance and impact of hypermodern organization in the existingapproaches to organization and organizational change management literature. Similarly, the

    conclusion also states that the disappearance of Enron in 2001 was in part an inevitable

    outcome of its hypermodern characteristics. Moreover the suggestions provided in the paper

    are important for managers of organizations to get benefit from the hypermodern

    characteristics and to save the organization form dramatic disappearance.

    The paper introduces a new conception of organization and organizational change. It also

    explored the accelerated appearance and disappearance of Enron and tries to justify the

    concept. However other researches also point various reasons behind the dramatic end of

    Enron. Now almost one decade has been passed after Enron and we face severe financial crisis

    in 2008 and 2009. During the period, we saw the elimination of large business tycoons like

    Lehman Brothers from the scenario. More than that, in our region also, rapidly growing large

    institution, Syatam Computers had been bailed out in India. Similarly, in Nepal, the

    characteristics of Unity Life Assurance can also be studied as one of the hypermodern

    organizations. So, there is urgency for the further conceptual and empirical research to

    elaborate the concept of hypermodern organizations.