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Critical Approaches Brief One

James Morris

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Qualitative : To gain an understanding of underlying

reasons and motivations To provide insights into the setting of a

problem, generating ideas and/or hypotheses for later quantitative research

To uncover prevalent trends in thought and opinion to quantify data and generalize results from a sample to the population of interest

Usually a small number of non-representative cases. Respondents selected to fulfill a given quota.

Qualitative And Quantitative

Quantitative : To quantify data and generalize results

from a sample to the population of interest

To measure the incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen sample

Sometimes followed by qualitative research which is used to explore some findings further

Usually a large number of cases representing the population of interest. Randomly selected respondents.

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Primary : Research that has

never been gathered before

First hand accounts (eye witness)

Primary And Secondary

Secondary: Research that has been

gathered before but has been analyzed in further detail

Second hand accounts (witness's friend or relatives )

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The purpose of market is to find out if there is any existing product on the market and what people like to see in a product for example : The Amazing Spiderman (2012) this film was darker than previous spidey movies as it had to compete with the likes of the Dark Knight Rises .

Market Research

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Audience research is when companies see what people like to see in a product they can do this by evaluating what sells well at the box office and speaking to people about what they want from a film. Again I will use the example of The Amazing Spiderman(2012) as the audience had changed and they where demanding darker pictures to show a grittier side to Spiderman also the cheesy films from the 2000’s wouldn't’t compete with the likes of the dark knight so a dark Spiderman movie was made.

Audience Research

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The Purpose of production research is for filmmakers and producers to look into what they are going to film and how they are going to film it. For example in The Incredible Hulk the producers took scenes directly from the comics and transferred them to the screen.

Production Research

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Collecting Response

I conducted a survey to find out the average media student by posting question via survey monkey on Facebook and Tumblr.

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Survey Questions

I compiled a list of questions based to create the average student this meant asking questions to clarify demographics and create person. For example age, gender and other questions to build up the character profile.

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Survey Questions Part 2

The second list of questions was aimed at the finding out the psychographics of people to help create the character profiles interests and taste and how the access content such as TV & Film. This also accounts for how much time they spend on the internet and what they use it for most.

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I complied all the information I collected from the surveys and presented it by creating a fake Facebook profile where I took averages from the surveys and displayed the results I found though likes ,interests, recently watched and my cover photo are the results

Facebook Profile

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I took the most common answers from my survey and compiled them with averages to create a page and display what results stood out to create the likes and dislikes of the average teenager. By entering this criteria into Facebook the website the suggested friends for me to add. Up to know I have 47 friends on the profile all of which believe that John Smith is real. This is all thanks to the survey I made and the result I've taken from it. This also show how people can believe a person is real on what they have in common and not necessarily human contact.

Facebook Profile

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This concludes my survey and research section of the critical response brief.
