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Page 1: Critical Analysis of Preeti Shenoy’s Life is What You Make It

Volume II Issue I, April 2014 ISSN 2321 - 7065

[email protected] Page 468



Dr. Rupakshi Bagga

Associate Prof. In English

D.A.V College, Hoshiarpur.

'Life is what you make it' is a fiction written by Preeti Shenoy a

blooming author. She has also written for different publications like Reader's

Digest and The Times of India, as well as taught English and Math to children in

India. Her first book was '34 Buffer guns and Candies' a creative notification that

made it to the national-best seller list. The book ‘Life is what you make it’ is the

story of Ankita Sharma a girl in her twenties. It focuses attention on a little known

disease, bipolar disease.

The plot is set in the 80s and moves across two cities. Being a bright

student she got admitted into one of South India's best colleges. What follows is a

series of events, love affairs, pranks and studies that are instrumental for every

college going student. But Ankita's life soon turn-turvy when she is diagnosed with

a mental illness. She develops Bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a serious brain disorder that causes dramatic shifts

in moods, energy levels, attitudes and ability to carry out everyday tasks. It is very

different from normal and mood changes that everybody goes through time to time.

It develops typically in late adolescence or early adulthood. People with this

disorder experience intense emotional states which alternate between a high

episodes called manic episode and it is followed by a low episode called depressive

episode. During a manic state, the person feels happy and is bursting with high

energy levels. During the low period, there is an increasing feeling of

worthlessness or emptiness. The person thinks of death and of suicide.

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Volume II Issue I, April 2014 ISSN 2321 - 7065

[email protected] Page 469

'Life is what you make it' is a story of will power and established that

even destiny can be overcome by determination, love and hope.

It is a story about a young female protagonist whose life gets shaken

by her destiny in a highly unexpected manner. Set across two Indian Cities in 1989

the story begins when Ankita is shown to be reading letters that she exchanged

with Vaibhav. And here onward, the reader is taken on a flashback story that

relates the life of Ankita and how she ended up in a hospital.

Ankita is in her twenties and belongs to a conservative middle class

family. Her parents are so strict that they don't even like her being with guys. She

is not even allowed to talk to any boy on the telephone. She talks to Vaibhav when

her parents go for a morning walk. Ankita is smart, career-oriented, confident,

young, attractive, sweet and happy go lucky girl. She has lots of friends and is

wooed by many boys at her college. Abhi and Joseph both are her great admirers.

Her college life is what every youngster dreams of but Ankita does not

underestimate the importance of studies as well. She secures a seat in leading

management school. She is one of the most happening girls in the college. She is a

dancer, an orator, a fast runner, a poetess and a topper in academics.

Life seems to be sailing smooth for Ankita until one day when she is

admitted to a mental hospital. Life suddenly snatches everything that Ankita had in

her world in a cruel twist of fate. How things changed badly. She could neither

read nor write a single word. Her life became hell.

This is frightening, this world without words, this world of darkness

and void. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to make it stop...... . To be

trapped like this in one’s own body is a fate worse than death. With death, at

least there is an end. Here, the suffering is endless.

Ankita three times tried to commit suicide. Her condition became bad

to worse. Then her father took her to Dr. Madhusudan, who was a doctor in one of

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Volume II Issue I, April 2014 ISSN 2321 - 7065

[email protected] Page 470

the best mental health care centres in India. There Ankita was told that she suffered

from a psychological disorder known as bipolar disease. Dr. Madhusudan started

her treatment and explained her, the value of life.

"Life is a gift Ankita. We should not throw it away. You have no right to

kill others. Then how can you have a right to kill yourself'?"

After that Ankita did not succumb to her destiny she fought back.

"Life was indeed unpredictable and it was true that it could take a

sudden expected turn".

With the help of Dr. Madhusudan & Dr. Namita, love, hope, faith and

determination, she overpowered what destiny threw on her.

Although she did not join M.B.A, curse again, yet she got six

academic degrees. One of her degrees included Master in Art Therapy.. She got

married to a kind, sensitive man. She has a four year old child who is also

exhibiting artistic talent. She now lives in Bangalore and practices as an

independent art therapist.

The world is indeed a better place when there is love, friendship,

acceptance and hope. Powered by these, you can indeed overcome anything

including destiny.

The writing style of Preeti Shenoy is simple yet thought provoking.

All the characters in the novel are well portrayed, with none of them given more or

less space than required. She has carefully portrayed the emotions of people who

are mentally affected and society’s behaviour towards them. These people are also

human beings; they also require love and compassion like any other individual.

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Volume II Issue I, April 2014 ISSN 2321 - 7065

[email protected] Page 471


Shenoy, Preeti . Life is what you Make It .Shristi Publishers. 2011.Print.

. . . Life is what you Make It . Book Review .Shristi Publishers. 2011.Print.

Bhoir, Jaymala . Life is what you Make It by Preeti Shenoy - by Pratibha Jain,

Dec. 2013

3) Book Review: Life is what you Make It by Preeti Shenoy - by, Nov. 2013

4) Life is what you Make It by Abhilash Ruhela, 2012.