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  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Criterion A:Inquiry andAnalysis

    Ness T. 10 D

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Table of Content

    Content Page no.

    Group Brainstorm 3

    Design Brief and Problem 4

    Specification and



    Guiding Questions 7

    Researching Answers ofGuiding Questions


    Analyzing 5 Recipes 15-25

    Additional Recipes 26-29

    Summary of Findings 30-37

    Bibliography 38

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food



  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Explanation of Problem and Design Brief

    Problem: The challenge in this unit is to create somemeals that are both nutritious and tasty with somelimitations / restrictions such as; limited cookingequipment and the inability to refrigerate. Students willindividually "Inquire and Analyze" meals, diets, nutrition

    and needs for meals that are to be prepared and eatenon WOWS trips. After Inquiring and analyzing, students willcollaborate in small groups of three/four in which you willwork to design, plan and create a range of meals/dishesthat are adapted to outdoors. Three main meals thatcould be used for outdoor activities such as your WOWs


    Brief: To create 3 main meals for WOWS which isnutritious, edible and easy enough to make in limitedtime and limited equipment and utensils.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Initial Specifications and Justifications

    Specification Justification

    Must be able to becreated in 80 minutes.

    The dish should be easily made and does notconsume too much time as there is a tight time


    Products must not be ableto be refrigerated

    There will be no ice/refrigerator available duringthe hike and any activities as it is not convenientnor practical.

    Must be nutritionallybalanced(based on research)

    The health of students should be taken inconsideration to keep a well-balanced diet tomaintain physicality, activeness and nutrition.

    Must provide enoughenergy for 14-15 year olds(based on research)

    Since the meals are eaten during camp, they mustprovide energy to teenagers undergoing physicalactivities.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Specification Justification

    Must be produced withthe following equipment:two burners, two pots/pans, basic cookingutensils

    In wows, we will only have a couple of equipment so the foodwe cook should only require those. For example, we cannotbake a chocolate chip cake since these is no oven in themiddle of the forest.

    Should be creative and

    divine, preferably out ofthe ordinary

    The point of this unit is to create a dish that is practical but is

    also creative.

    Should follow any dietaryrestrictions or choice

    Students dietary restrictions or allergies should be kept in mindas the consequences of this may serve as a problem. Forexample, a student maybe allergic to grapes, if eaten it cancause a rash, therefore grapes should not be an ingredient.Additionally, if there is an ingredient that someone does notprefer to eat, it should not be included since they likely not eatthe meal.

    Must taste good Good food should be tasty. If it isn't, it is not appealing andpossible not eatable. Students not eating will have aconsequence of lack of physicality, strength, ability, andnutrition during the camps activities.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Guiding Questions (research plan)

    1. What are the dietary restrictions for my groupmembers?

    2. What are calorie requirements for teenagers aged 14undergoing physical activities?

    3. What is a nutritionally balanced meal/diet?4. What are some practical ingredients that do not need

    refrigeration and are easily to transport?

    5. What are some foods that provide energy?6. What are some traditional campfire recipes?7. What are some easy and convenient recipes to cook

    regarding the limited time and equipment?

    8. What are some snacks and food that kids/teenagersare likely to enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food





    To answer one of my research questions, understanding the

    recommended calorie intake is essential as students should be eatingthe right amount of calories their meals/snacks contain to maintainactive fitness/energy level throughout the day.

    Seen by the tables above, it is clear that boys must consume more

    than girls. I will be looking at the active column since the requirementsfor active adolescences is includes physical activity equivalent towalking more than 3 miles per day at a pace of 3 to 4 mph. In wows,we will be walking more than 3 miles, thus, girls require 2200-2400calories/day and boys require 2400-2800 calories/day. It is veryimportant for all the meals and snacks to meet these requirements

    *meals should contain these much calories and should also be nutritional

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Nutritionally Balanced Meals and Diets

    The key to a healthy balanceddiet is eating the right amount offood and eating a range of foodsaccording to the pyramid.

    The range of foods the diet shouldinclude:1. A lot of bread, rice, potatoes,pasta and other starchy foods(preferably wholegrain)2. A lot of fruit and vegetables

    3. Some milk and dairy foods(preferably lower-fat) and othernon-dairy sources like protein,meat, fish, eggs, beans.4. A tad bit of foods high in fatand sugar

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    The eatwell plate is alsoanother representation

    of how a meal shouldcontain. It shouldcontain all 5 of the foodgroups. Additionally, themeal should be based

    on the calorie intake ofthe teenager, so a girlsdaily diet would be atleast 2200 calories andingredients/food shouldbe proportional to thepyramid and eatwellplate.

    Tips: 1. Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. 2. Basemeals on starchy foods. 3. Eat fish. 4. 6-8 cups of water a day. 5. Eat lesssalt. 6. Cut down on saturated fats and sugars. example of meal plan

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Foods that provide energy1. Carbohydrates (whole


    2. Nuts and Beans3. Dark Chocolate4. Salmon5. Eggs6. Apples, Bananas7.

    Sweet Potatoes

    Beside is a list of possible foods/ingredients that can be included inour meals/snacks. This is becausethey are a great energy source.

    For example, the glucose in complexcarbohydrates is a fuel source forthe brain and nervous systems. Alsoeggs contains the highest completeform of any proteins, amino acidshelps muscles too. Furthermore,derived plants such as spinach

    provides iron, an important role inenergy production. Strangely, beansprovide both carbs and protein.If these foods were eaten, students

    would be less tired and fatigue andmore alert since there is a powerfulboost in to their diet.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Ultra lightBackpacking Snacks

    During research, I found this veryinteresting website about a 5 daybackpacking meal plan that isefficient to transport, eat, and ithealthy and provides energy.

    This example below and to the sidepresents a 1 day plan of possiblesnacks and its calories and weight.All these snacks will probably not beall used but it is still useful tounderstand the possible snacks to

    bring a long which are very suitablefor physical activities.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Traditional Campfire Meals/Treats


  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Analyzing Existing Products

    ! Nutrition! Energy provided!

    Tasty-ness! Convenience of ingredients! Equipment Required! Time Required

    Now, I will be analyzing recipes I have found online that is interestingand possible to cook. My analysis on these products will be based on 6points (below), that are basically the main points/short summary of the

    specifications I have created.

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  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Serving: 6 peoplePrep Time:15 minsCooking Time: 30 mins

    Campfire Potatoes

    Ingredients:16 medium Yukon Gold potatoes(about 2 inches in diameter), halved3 tablespoons kosher salt2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

    6 unpeeled large garlic cloves,smashed1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme!teaspoon finely chopped freshrosemary

    2. Arrange six 12-inch squares of foil on awork surface. Divide potato mixtureamong foil squares, placing 1 garlic cloveatop potatoes on each square. Crimp foilto seal packets. (Can be made 2 hoursahead. Let stand at room temperature.)3. Build a medium-hot fire in a charcoalgrill, or heat a gas grill to high. Placepotato packets on grill and cook, turningoccasionally, until heated through andsizzling, about 15 minutes.4. Transfer packets to plates. Pierce foilwith a fork to release steam. Open packetscarefully (hot steam will escape).

    1.Place potatoes in a large saucepan. Addsalt and enough water to cover by 1 inch.Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer potatoes until tender, about10 minutes. Drain. Return to same saucepan.Add all remaining ingredients to potatoes;

    toss to coat. Let cool.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Nutrition(Balance of the 5 foodgroups)

    Potato contains carbohydrates and its skincontains natural fiber and a 6 ounce contains3 grams of protein (as much as half a class ofmilk).

    6/10(there is only potatoes in thisrecipe so it wouldnt containthat much nutrition and its notbalanced enough for a meal.)

    Energy Provided( calories: boys (2400) girls(2200) )

    1 medium sized potato is 110 calories, so 16potatoes are 1760 calories. But if shared with 4people, it would be 440 calories/person.

    10/10(provides a lot of calories perperson)

    Tastiness Depends on the persons choice, I like

    potatoes so everything potatoes tastes good.Especially with the seasoning that can be

    added/decreased and changed accordingto their choice.


    (there is seasoning to adjustflavor)

    Convenience oftransporting Ingredients

    Potatoes are pretty heavy, especially 16potatoes. They might not be ideal to carryduring a hike. But the seasoning is very

    convenient to travel since they can be

    placed in small, tiny packets. No refrigerationneeded!

    5/10(potatoes are heavy to carrybut the seasoning is


    Equipment Required(two burners, two pots/pans basic cooking


    Requires a grill and a pan, there is no grill butthe potatoes can be grilled on the pan. Alsofoil is needed. Other than that, all the

    equipment is available.

    5/10(no grill, but there is pans,burners, knife available. The

    foil can be brought along)

    Time Required Around 45 minutes in total. 10/10(since it does not reach

    maximum of 80 mins)

    When Mr. Deryck was talking about throwing potatoes into thecampfire, it made my mouth water so I decided to analyze thisCampfire Potato recipe.

    http://www dirtygourmet com/campfire

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Mushroom and

    Corn Quesadillas

    Prep and Cook 35Servings: 4


    2 teaspoons oil1/2 medium red onion, thinly sliced10 button or cremini mushrooms1/2 cup cornsalt and pepper, to taste4 flour tortillas1 cup shredded pepper jack cheese


    Heavy duty aluminum foilGrate (for campfire) or grillSkillet (optional)

    Cutting BoardKnifeTongs or spatula


    For Veggie Mixture:

    Lay out a piece of foil and center onion, mushrooms, and corn onthe foil. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Bring up

    the sides of the foil and double fold the ends to make a packet.Place on the grate and cook until veggies are tender.Alternately, you can cook the veggies on your camp stove. Heat

    oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Add onion and mushroomsand saute until softened and lightly browned. Add corn and stir to

    combine. Remove from heat and add salt and pepper, to taste.Note: The veggie mixture can be made a day or two ahead oftime.

    For Quesadillas:Lay out four pieces of foil and place a tortilla on top of eachpiece. Divide half the cheese among the four tortillas, sprinkling it

    down the center of each. Divide the veggie mixture evenlyamong the tortillas, and then sprinkle the remaining cheese on

    top of the veggies. Fold the two sides of the tortilla toward thecenter and then wrap the quesadilla in the foil, sealing the edgesto make a packet.

    Place the packets on the grate and cook for a few minutes oneach side, until the cheese is melted and the tortilla crisp.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Nutrition(Balance of the 5 food


    Corn- vegies, sodium, potassium, carbs,protein, vitamin B&C, etc.

    Mushroom- vegies, protein, vitamins, fiber,potassium.Tortillas- carbs, protein

    Cheese- protein, potassium, sodiumRed Onions- vegies, fiber, vitamin c

    8/10(contains nearly all food

    groups except fruits and meat.There are a lot of vegetablesand fiber provided)

    Energy Provided( calories: boys (2400) girls(2200) )

    Around 300 calories per quesadillas 10/10(provides enough calories ifeaten at least 2 (600 calories))

    Tastiness Personally, Mexican food is always tasty. Thecheese will definitely provide the delicioustaste and texture. Quesadillas never



    Convenience oftransporting Ingredients

    The ingredients require no refrigeration andare all easy to pack and are light.


    Equipment Required(two burners, two pots/pans basic cooking


    Requires a camp stove and other basiccooking utensils which are all provided. Forthe stove, its basically a pan and a burner.


    Time Required Around 35 minutes in total. 10/10(since it does not reachmaximum of 80 mins)

    This renowned Mexican dish made me curious of how it can be cookedwith limited equipment. So I decided to analyze this recipe to see if it issuitable for cooking at WOWs:

    http://blackwoodspress com/blog/9134/

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Mac and Cheese

    Servings: 2

    1. Fry summer sausage in 1 tsp of olive oil in

    bottom of cookpot. Remove and set aside.2. Bring 2 1/4 cups water to a rolling boil.

    3. Add macaroni noodles (without cheesepacket) to boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes.

    4. Remove from flame, cover with lid andtransfer to a pot cozy. Let sit for 15 minutes.5. Go set up your tent and do other camp

    chores. A watched pot cozy never cooks ;)6. When noodles have absorbed most of the

    water, stir in remaining olive oil, alfredo sauce,powdered cheese packet and cheese cubes.(If there is not enough water left to

    reconstitute the sauce mix and cheesepowder you can add a bit more)7. Cover again for 1-2 minutes to allow cheese

    to melt.8. Add summer sausage and season to taste.



    1 box Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (Thick n Creamy)1/2 packet Knorr Alfredo Sauce Mix (0.8 ounces)1 mozzarella string cheese stick (cubed)

    3 oz summer sausage (cubed)1 tbsp olive oilItalian seasoning

    As a part of my research Mac and Cheese are one of the many foods kids/

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Nutrition(Balance of the 5 foodgroups)

    Mac and Cheese is not healthy as it isprocessed food. But it contains carbs (sourceof energy), the sauce. cheese and sausage is

    protein, and the seasoning contains a littlelittle bit of vegetables.

    Carbohydrates: 164 gramsProtein: 59 gramsFat: 52 grams

    6/10(does not have enoughvegetables, fruits and whole

    grain carbs)

    Energy Provided( calories: boys (2400) girls(2200) )

    Calories: 1325But if shared with two, it would be around 650calories.

    9/10(provides a lot of calories, justgreat)

    Tastiness Mac and Cheese are an all-American classicfood for teenagers, kids and even adults. Butyet again, it depends on the eaters


    8/10(personally, I love mac andcheese but not sure of the

    sausage added)

    Convenience oftransporting Ingredients

    The ingredients require no refrigeration andare all easy to pack and are light. Especiallythe mac and cheese, sauce, sausages are

    already packaged.Dry Weight: 12.5 ounces


    Equipment Required(two burners, two pots/pans basic cooking


    Requires a bot, burner and a mixing tool thatis already provided.


    Time Required Around 40 minutes in total. 10/10

    (since it does not reachmaximum of 80 mins)

    As a part of my research, Mac and Cheese are one of the many foods kids/teenagers enjoy to eat. This recipe has a twist to the tradition M&C, it hassausages. As one of my favorite foods, I thought it would be cool if it were to becook in WOWs.


  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food



    1. Heat the pan for a few minutes before dropping in a

    couple of good lugs of the olive oil.2. When the oil starts to sizzle, throw in the onions and

    let them saut for five minutes or so.3. Once the onions have started to glisten, add thegarlic and chilli. Let that saut for 5to 10 minutes.4. Add the capsicum, letting it saut for a couple ofminutes.5. Add the chopped chorizo and chicken thighs; fry

    until the chicken is browned.6. Add the spices and salt and pepper, to taste. I use a

    lot of paprika a good three tablespoons worth because I like the smokiness.7. If youve got prawns, throw them in after the spices

    have had a couple of minutes in the pan. These are a bitof a luxury item when youre campingthe recipe willwork just as well without them, but theyre great to have ifyou can find a way.8. Add the Arborio rice and the stock. On a campfire,

    itll take at least half an hour over coals for the rice to

    absorb the liquidkeep stirring every couple ofminutes or so to stop the rice sticking to the hot wok.9. You want the rice to lose any hardness, and the

    paella to take on a shiny, sticky consistency. Use theextra water if it turns out the stock isnt enough to reachthis point.This is great served with a bit of chopped parsley sprinkledover the top but really, all you need is a bowl, spoon

    and an appetite.


    Ingredients (serving: 6)

    Good quality olive oilTwo medium-sized brown onions, dicedSix cloves of garlic, finely sliced

    One large red chilli, deseeded and thinly slicedOne red capsicum, dicedThree chorizo sausages, chopped into chunks; cured isabsolutely fineFour chicken thighs, chopped into 1cm-thick slicesSmoked paprika

    Two or three strands of saffronSalt and pepper500g frozen prawns (which we bought before wearrived at the campsite and allowed to thaw in theirpackaging)

    Two cups of Arborio rice (which we couldnt get, sowe used sushi rice instead)Four cups of good quality vegetable stockWater in reserve

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food



    (Balance of the 5 foodgroups)

    Vegetables: onions, garlic, chilli, saffron

    Protein: Sausages, Chicken, Prawn, TofuCarbohydrates: Rice


    (there is a plentiful ofvegetables, protein, carbs just

    like the food pyramid butneeds fruits to fully complete it.

    Energy Provided( calories: boys (2400) girls(2200) )

    -calories not provided-But seen by the ingredients, there is more thanenough for a meal.


    Tastiness There is a lot of seasoning and ingredients sothey can be altered according to preference.From the picture, the dish looks good.


    Convenience oftransporting Ingredients

    There are a lot of ingredients for this dish andsome of them might not be convenient tocarry such as the chicken, frozen prawns, etc.

    6/10(not as convenient)

    Equipment Required(two burners, two pots/pans basic cooking


    Only requires a pan and burner. 10/10

    Time Required Around 40 minutes in total. 10/10(since it does not reachmaximum of 80 mins)

    As one of my specifications, to cook something that is not ordinary. I found this paellarecipe that seemed difficult yet fun to cook, it also seemed very delicious. Since this is aSpanish dish and not commonly served in Thailand, I wanted to analyze this recipe to learnmore about paella in general.

    http://www foodandwine com/recipes/

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Nutella Banana


    20 minutesServings: 4 pieces

    Ingredients8 whole graham crackers1/4 cup Nutella1/4 cup marshmallow fluff2 small, ripe bananas, sliced 1/4

    inch thick2 tablespoons salted, roastedhazelnuts, choppedFour 8-inch squares of parchmentpaperFour 12-inch squares of heavy-

    duty aluminum foil

    1. Light a grill. Spread 4 grahamcrackers with the Nutella; spread the

    remaining 4 with marshmallow fluff.Press the bananas onto the Nutella andsprinkle with the hazelnuts. Sandwichthe graham crackers together. Wrapthem in the parchment paper andthen in foil.

    2. Grill the s'mores over moderate heatfor about 10 minutes, turning once ortwice, until the marshmallow fluff isgooey and lightly toasted. Remove thefoil, peel back the parchment andserve.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food



    (Balance of the 5 foodgroups)

    The carbs come from the Graham Crackers.

    According to my research earlier, bananasare a great source for energy. And the nutella

    and nuts contain protein and marshmallowsare sweets.


    (more of an enjoyable treatrather than a meal but it has

    carbs, fruits/fiber and protein)

    Energy Provided( calories: boys (2400) girls(2200) )

    Bananas and Crackers (glucose) provideloads of energy.


    Tastiness Smores are an all-american classic, byadding nutella and bananas, it improves thesweet taste.

    10/10(personally, I love mac andcheese)

    Convenience oftransporting Ingredients

    The crackers will need to be kept in a box toprevent it from breaking, the bananas willneed to be well kept to prevent it from


    6/10(not as convenient)

    Equipment Required(two burners, two pots/pans basic cooking


    Requires a grill but a pan, burner or camp firecan be used instead. Other than that, foil andparchment paper is needed.


    Time Required Around 20 minutes in total. 10/10(since it does not reachmaximum of 80 mins)

    (for dessert/snack)

    A true American treat. I finally found an healthier alternative to thetraditional smores that would be fun to eat/make.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Additional Dishes( not analyzed)

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Warm Baked Apples with Nutella

    IngredientsApples (any kind)Nutella

    1. Wash the apples. Cut off the top of the

    apple and remove the core, but ensure notto puncture the apple all the way through.

    2. Fill with nutella. Place the top back on the

    apple. Wrap tightly with tin foil.3. Place in the glowing embers of thecampfire, not in the flame. Allow the appleto bake for about 30-45 minutes (while youare cleaning up from dinner, relaxing by thefire, doing the dishes, playing cards). When

    you remove the apple from the fire, it shouldbe fork tender and melting in your mouth.Enjoy!

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Serving: 4-6 peoplePrep Time:15 minsCooking Time: 30 mins

    Chicken Casserole

    Ingredients1 chicken breast

    1 cup of broccoli1/2 cup of prepared rice1 can of cream of chicken soupranch dressingcheddar cheesespices



    1. Pound the chicken thinly aschicken can take awhile to cook.

    2. Mix together the broccoli, soup,and cheese. Add spices andcondiments. Place the chickenbreast on the center of the foil. Topwith the soup mix and then rice.

    Seal in a tent pack.

    3. Cook on hot coals for about 25minutes (The thicker your chickenbreast, the longer it will take).

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Orange Blueberry Muffins

    p // y / p / /upscale-campfire-dessert-e28093-orange-blueberry-muffins/

    Ingredients4 whole Oranges

    boxes Blueberry Muffin Mix, 18Ounce Box!cups Milk2 tablespoons, 2 teaspoonsVegetable Oil1-whole Large Eggs

    1. Cut oranges in half around the equator. Keep theorange halves intact and carefully scoop out theorange flesh and reserve the flesh for another use.Keep the orange peel halves intact.2. Mix remaining ingredients together.3. Fill one half of an orange peel with batter. Put theempty half of orange peel on top. Wrap the orangewith three layers of heavy duty aluminum foil. Repeatwith the remaining orange peel halves and muffinbatter.4. Throw the aluminum foil covered oranges in a hotcamp fire!5. Turn every minute or so, and cook for about 5 or 6

    minutes.6. Muffins will steam inside the orange peel and theorange peel will insulate the muffin from the fire.Pull one out of the fire (carefully), open up the foil andcheck to see if a muffin is done. If not: Throw it backinto fire! If so: remove all of the muffins from the fire.7. Open and eat muffins out of the center of orangepeel with a spoon.

    Prep Time 10 MinutesCook Time 20 MinutesDifficulty EasyServings: 4

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food



  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Summary 1After evaluating the recipe, campfirepotatoes may not be the best since1. Is not nutritious and balanced2. It is not as convenient to transport3. There is not grill in the campBut this recipe does have its upside ofbeing eaten any time of the day:lunch, dinner, breakfast or evensnacks. Additionally, it containsenough calories, time efficient and isdelicious. It can also be easily

    adapted meaning other ingredientslike cheese can be added toimprove the taste and it can begrilled using a charcoal grill, firedampor normal pan.

    An alternative to this recipe is to servethe potatoes as a side dish since it is agreat source for energy (carbs &protein) and adding it to another dish(like tuna salad) will make the mealmore balanced and nutritious since itneeds more carbs. Also fewerpotatoes can ease transportingthem.

    Summary 2

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Summary 2

    In conclusion, Mac andCheese may not be the mostnutritious dish to eat since a lot

    of the ingredients areprocessed (sauce, noodles,sausages, cheese). Also, thereare no vegetables, wholegrains and fruits enough for abalanced and nutritional meal.It is more of a dish to eat for

    pleasure at home.On the other hand, this dishprovides a lot of calories and itvery convenient and light tocarry. The sausage and cheeseis a great source for protein.

    An alternative recipe to thiswould to add vegetables suchas corn, broccoli to boost thefiber and vegetables of thedish.

    Dry Weight: 12.5 ounces

    Calories: 1,325Carbohydrates: 164gramsProtein: 59 gramsFat: 52 gramsCost: $4.50

    Summary 3

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Summary 3

    The campfire paella looks veryappetizing is very nutritious.Also, the dish contains a lot of

    protein, vegetables andcarbohydrates. This dish can be

    served with rich or pasta.

    But it does have its setbacks ofthe amount of ingredients thatmake it hard to transport

    conveniently and lightly. Allequipment required is a

    spatula, pan and burner whichwe already have.

    An alternative to this would beto minimize the ingredientsused, maybe only prawns, tofu,

    rice, vegetables andseasoning. The seasoning canbe prepared from home so itseasier to transport and cook.

    Summary 4

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Summary 4

    The Mushroom and CornQuesadillas seemed the most idealfor a campfire meal. This is because

    it contains nearly all the 5 foodgroups and there is a reasonablebalance between them. I chose toanalyze this renowned Mexican dishsince it would be fun to eat andmake.

    The fillings and the tortilla shellprovides a lot of fiber (for digestive

    system), proteins and potassium.Furthermore, this dish requires acamp stove (that we have) andingredients that can beconveniently transported (all smalland light).

    This recipe can be easily improved,possibly by adding more anddifferent fillings such as ham (toincrease protein) or even tomatoesfor personal preference. The tortillashell can even be whole grain!

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Summary 5

    I think that Nutella BananaSmores are a great camp treatthat provides energy and is

    relatively nutritious for a sweetdessert since it contains nuts,bananas, crackers, etc.

    I find this recipe kind of complex,it may be easier to just put thenutella, nuts and banana on the2 crackers, heat the marshmallowand place it into the crackers.

    It would be more convenient tocreate this snack over a campfire.

    *A green, unripe banana shouldbe taken so by a couple of daysthe banana should be ripe andready to go*

    To improve this, dark chocolatecan be substituted instead ofnutella for energy (seen in myresearch) and more fruits likeberries and apples can beadded.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Comparing the Dishes

    Dish Rating

    Campfire Potatoes 46/60

    Mac and Cheese 53/60Campfire Paella 55/60

    Mushroom and CornQuesadillas


    I have created a table of my 4 recipes overall rating (adding all6 points together). I have removed the Smores since it is more ofa snack than a meal.

    This tables presents that the quesadillas recipe is the most suitable

    for WOWs as it followed most specifications

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Mushroom Corn Quesadillas

    and Campfire PotatoesThe combination of these 2 dishes willenhance the nutrition balance as it as 1.Carbohydrates (potatoes, tortilla)2. Vegetables (corn and mushrooms)

    3. Protein (cheese and potatoes)4. Fat and Others (oil, seasoning)

    If tomatoes or any more vegetables wereadded, the dish would be proportional tothe food pyramid.

    SPECIFICATIONS: These dishes provideenough calories, the equipment neededare given, will taste good (hopefully), canbe created in 80 minutes, will appeal toteenagers and follows dietary restrictions.

  • 8/13/2019 Criterion A- WOWs Camping Food


    Bibliography! "Eartheasy."Campfire Cooking: Recipes and Techniques for Cooking on an Open Fire. N.p., n.d.

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