Download - Credentialing: Diploma, Certificate, and Badge

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Credentialing: Diploma, Certificate, or Badge?

Sheryl Grant HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation

Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition

ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship October 15, 2012

New York, NY

Page 2: Credentialing: Diploma, Certificate, and Badge

Credentialing: Diploma, Certificate, or Badge?

Sheryl Grant HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation

Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition

ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship October 15, 2012

New York, NY

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Unpacking Badges

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Unpacking Badges


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{ "badge": { "version": "0.0.1", "name": "ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship Learning Path", "image": "https://ISSConfPart//img/index/badge.png", "description": "ITHAKA Alternative Assessment", "criteria": "", “description”: “presented at a scholarly conference”,

"issuer": { "origin": "", "name": "ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship", "org": "Badge Authority", "contact": "[email protected]" "recipient": "[email protected]", # not valid as of beta release } } }

Unpacking Badges

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{ "badge": { "version": "0.0.1", "name": "ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship Learning Path", "image": "https://ISSConfPart//img/index/badge.png", "description": "ITHAKA Alternative Assessment", "criteria": "", “description”: “presented at a scholarly conference”,

"issuer": { "origin": "", "name": "ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship", "org": "Badge Authority", "contact": "[email protected]" "recipient": "[email protected]", # not valid as of beta release } } }

Unpacking Badges

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Unpacking Badges

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Unpacking Badges

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Unpacking Badges

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Unpacking Badges

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Unpacking Badges

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Unpacking Badges

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Threats & Opportunities

“Employers look at degrees because it’s a quick way to evaluate all 300 people who apply for a job. But as soon as there’s some other mechanism that can play that role as well as a degree, the jig is up on the monopoly of degrees.”

David Wiley

“Who needs a university anymore?”

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Threats & Opportunities

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Threats & Opportunities

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Threats & Opportunities •  What if higher ed lost its grip on the credential business?

Huffington Post, September 23, 2011 •  Forget the college degree, earn digital badges instead

CBS Moneywatch, October 3, 2011 •  Credentials, the next generation

New York Times, November 4, 2011 •  Badges earned online pose challenge to traditional college diplomas

Chronicle of Higher Education, January 8, 2012 •  Digital badges threaten colleges’ monopoly on college credentials

US News, January 20, 2012 •  Why get a pricey diploma when badges tell employers more?

Forbes, January 26, 2012 •  Beyond the college degree, online educational badges

New York Times, March 4, 2012

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Threats & Opportunities

“Institutions will always try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.” –Clay Shirky

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Threats & Opportunities

“Institutions will always try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.” –Clay Shirky


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Potential for Badges

Conversations and Collections:

o Badges in Higher Ed Group on o Questions about badges in higher ed o Badges for Lifelong Learning on o Badges and higher ed articles on o Mozilla’s Open Badges o  #dmlbadges and #openbadges on Twitter

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Potential for Badges


•  Not just degrees •  Colleges use digital badges to replace traditional grading •  Seven things you should know about badges •  A future full of badges

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Potential for Badges


o  ForAllBadges* o* o BadgeStack* o Purdue Passport* o BadgeForge o Youtopia o P2PU