Download - Creative Spirit


Creative Spirit

In the dark blue night sky there lived a family of stars.

Every night the stars would soar across the night sky shining so bright bringing joy and hope to everyone who sees.

A new born star named Felix was timid, shy, and uncertain about shining so bright so everyone could see.

She wanted to help and spread joy to everyone but she didn’t know how so everyday she would make pictures in the sky telling stories.

Her family would encourage her not to let fear stop her from doing what she believes.

One day as she was drawing her pictures, she gazed at the gorgeous trees down below.

She thought she would draw one of these beautiful trees for everyone to see.

It took a few days but she managed to create the most elegant looking tree in the whole sky.

All the stars gathered to see the magnificent work of Felix, but she just felt something was missing.

She was flustered about this, then the other stars gave her a suggestion to place herself above the tree.

She tried it and placed herself above the tree, then started to shine so bright it reached the heavens for everyone to see.

We honor the courage and creativity of that young star by placing a star above our trees.