Download - Creative Plus Programme 2014-15 brochure

Page 1: Creative Plus Programme 2014-15 brochure


Creative PlusProgramme

Page 2: Creative Plus Programme 2014-15 brochure

About Zinc Arts

Zinc Arts is a leading arts and education organisationthat believes passionately in arts without exception.

We believe that the arts can be an extremely positive forcein people’s lives, providing a voice for self-expression and atool for learning and development. Art can awaken a sparkof creativity in us all, and help inspire our future choices.

At Zinc Arts, we specialise in delivering inclusive artsactivities for people of all ages and abilities.Working across a diverse range of media, we utilise high-quality multi-arts activities to engage and motivate learners, enabling individuals to realise their potential.

Page Number Contents:


Course Timetable

Personal Budgets

Course Details

Success Stories

Tolpuddle House, supported housing service

Application Form




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Follow us Twitter@ZincArts

Zinc Arts | Great Stony, High Street, Chipping Ongar, Essex, CM5 0ADTel: 01277 365 626 | | [email protected]

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Creative Plus Programme

Who is Creative Plus for?This programme has been specifically tailored for adults aged 18 years and over whohave a disability, learning disability, or are a mental health service user.

Whether you have a passion for the arts, want to develop new skills for your CV, or justwant to try something new, the Creative Plus Programme has courses to suit all abilitiesand interests.

How to register your interest:If you are interested in any of the Creative Plus courses, complete theapplication form at the back of this brochure and return to Zinc Arts.Alternatively, register online at the Creative Plus webpage:

Where does Creative Plus take place?

The Creative Plus Programme is held at Zinc Arts Centre,the UK’s first Arts and Residential Centre to promote a fullyinclusive environment throughout.

Situated in Chipping Ongar, Essex, Zinc Arts Centre isrenowned for having highly accessible facilities, includinga Changing Places toilet and induction loop system.

As an organisation with inclusion at its heart, the CreativePlus Programme offers you an imaginative solution toadult education and independent living.Our creative syllabus uses a broad range of art forms andmultimedia to support your core and life skills learning.

Tailored around you, the Creative Plus Programme providesa platform for personal growth. Our trained team of artists

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and tutors adapt activities to meet your needs, motivating you to achieve your full potential.

As well as basics in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT, these courses will help to improve yourself-esteem, social skills, communication, independent thought and decision making skills.The Creative Plus Programme is about providing you with the opportunity to transition intoindependence, or even employment.

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Course Timetable

Courses: Start date Day Time Fees

The Biz*

Dance CR8


Employabilityand PersonalDevelopment


Independent Livingand Cookery Skills


Workshop LeaderTraining in the Arts

Friday19 September2014 10.30am - 3.30pm




8 September2014 1.00pm - 3.30pm £600

10 September2014 10.00am - 12.30pm

Tuesday9 September2014 10.00am - 4.00pm



Thursday11 September2014 10.00am - 12.30pm £660

Thursday11 September2014 2.00pm - 4.30pm £600

2.00pm - 4.30pmWednesday10 September2014 £480

Wednesday 2.00pm - 4.30pm £66010 September2014


*The Biz runs on a 10 week term. All other course prices are based on a 12 week term and include VAT.

If you do not have a Personal Budget and have difficulties in paying fees, pleasecontact Zinc Arts on 01277 365 626, and we can discuss a payment scheme thatmeets your needs.

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Personal Budgets

How to find out if you are eligible:

Essex County Council

Hertfordshire County Council

Adult Social Care departmentTel: 0845 603 7630Email: [email protected]

Health and Community ServicesTel: 0300 123 4042Email: [email protected]

If you want more information on how a Personal Budget works or would like to find out ifyou are eligible to receive social care funding, please contact your local council.

ecdp is an organisation run by and for disabled people thatoffers an independent support and guidance service, and theycan help you develop a support plan that meets your needs.

ecdpTel: 01245 392 300 | Textphone: 01245 392 302Email: [email protected]

What is a Personal Budget?

A Personal Budget is social care funding that allocates asum of money to you, giving you the independence toaccess the support services that you need.

The aim of a Personal Budget is to give you choice andcontrol over what support you receive, enabling you toidentify services that are individual and personalised toyour needs.

Unlike traditional support, this self-directed support gives you greater freedom to accessimaginative solutions that will help you develop and achieve your goals.

Services like the Creative Plus Programme give you the independence to explore newactivities that can help in encouraging personal growth, as well as offering you theopportunity to boost core and life skills learning.


Cambridgeshire County Council SDS Business Support TeamTel: 01480 379 820Email: [email protected]

Redbridge Borough CouncilAccess and Assessment TeamTel: 020 8708 7333Email: [email protected]

Southend-on-Sea Borough CouncilAdult Social Care ServicesTel: 01702 215 008Email: [email protected]

Newham Borough CouncilSelf Directed Support TeamTel: 020 3373 4061Email: [email protected]

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The Biz

Day: Friday | Cost: £585 per term

The Biz is the longest running and most successful programme at Zinc Arts, spanning over a decade. This energetic and vibrant group is for learning disabled adults, and uses the arts to focus on personal growth and outcomes,including the development of communication skills, creativity andsocial interaction, encouraging you to reach your potential.

Throughout the year, you will take part in a range of visual artsand drama activities, boosting your life skills.Work towards creating stories, scripts and costumes forproductions and artwork for exhibitions.Work alongside highly trained artists and facilitators, who tailoractivities to suit your individual needs.

Dance CR8

Day: Monday | Cost: £600 per term

Working with a qualified dance teacher, explore contemporarydance techniques and styles as you work towards creating performance pieces.

Learn to choreograph movements and how to select suitablemusic, as you start to create pieces of work as an individual andwith other dancers.Express yourself through the medium of dance, while learninghow dance and movement can compliment a healthy lifestyleby encouraging exercise and fitness.

Be inspired and motivated to build your confidence and teamworkskills through dance choreography and performances, workingtowards the annual Zinc Arts Showcase in the summer term.


Course Details

Find information below on each of the available Creative Plus courses:


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Day: Wednesday | Cost: £540 per term

Ever wanted to be an actor in the theatre? Want to work withothers in a drama company? Discover the world of performingarts and learn a range of drama techniques on this course.

Develop your confidence, communication and presentation skillsas you learn improvisation, storytelling and role playing.Discover the importance of pace, character development, how todeliver lines and interpretation. Gain research skills and work towards performances in Zinc Arts’ studio theatre.

This course focuses on developing the core and life skills thatyou will need for the transition into independence and work.Develop your skills in Numeracy, Literacy and ICT, while buildingyour communication skills, teamwork and social interaction.

Using ICT and drama based activities, you will take part in exercises that will aid you in identifying your core strengths,building goals, and learning how to organise and plan your time.Work towards writing your CV and learn techniques that will helpyou impress at interviews.You will also be encouraged to apply for and attend volunteerplacements and work experience opportunities to help expandyour skills base.

Employability and Personal Development

Day: Tuesday | Cost: £960 per term

Learn how to create your own film productions on this exciting course, working alongside experienced artists.You will be guided through the use of a variety of filmingequipment and techniques, including how to use differentcameras, stop-frame animation and post-production editing. Generate ideas and create storyboards as you learn how tostructure your ideas and make them come to life on screen.

You will be supported in being hands on with the equipment,building your confidence with technologies and social interaction.


Day: Thursday | Cost: £660 per term5

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Independent Living and Cookery Skills

Day: Thursday | Cost: £480 per term

Throughout this course you will learn a broad range of lifeskills that will enable you to be more self-sufficient and live independently.

Each term you will use a variety of drama, arts and practicalskills to focus on gaining confidence across different aspects of independent living and personal responsibility, including cookingskills, health and hygiene, budgeting and effective shopping.


Day: Wednesday | Cost: £480 per term

Working alongside experienced artists, you will study a widearray of visual arts forms, including painting, drawing, sculptureand photography.Increase your research skills as you explore the works of famousartists and learn to create your own masterpieces.

Develop your skills and style as an artist, and learn how to workcollaboratively with fellow artists to create large scale artwork.

Workshop Leader Training in the Arts

Day: Wednesday | Cost: £660 per term

Learn how to deliver creative workshops and support participantsas you train to become a workshop leader.

Working alongside professional workshop facilitators, you willdevelop a knowledge about a broad range of art forms, includingdrama, digital and visual arts. You will then learn how to usethese different artistic techniques to create workshop activities, and learn how to support and engage participants.

Undertake volunteer placements, develop your social interaction,and build your core skills to enhance your CV.





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Success Stories

Rob has been a part of the Zinc Arts community since2000, having joined as a participant on The Biz.

Through Creative Plus, Rob has regained hisself-esteem and enthusiasm, developing beyond aparticipant. He now volunteers as a Support Workeron The Biz, supporting other adults with disabilities.

Rob aims to be a professional actor and director, and through the Employability course he has improved hisCV and actively seeks acting opportunities.

Rob, 30 years old

Toni has Aspergers Syndrome and has lived in supported housing at Tolpuddle House for over 2 years.

Although Toni doesn’t aspire to be an actor, throughtaking part in the Drama course she has gained confidence and vastly improved her communication,social interaction and decision making skills.

Toni’s newfound confidence has seen her one-to-one interaction with people greatly improve, and she nowvolunteers as a support worker on visual arts courses,helping and encouraging participants to take part.

Toni, 23 years old

Alan has a learning disability and has always been an enthusiastic member of the Creative Plus Programme.

Alan arrived at Zinc Arts a quiet, shy person. Throughattending the Creative Plus courses he has grownimmensely, gaining confidence, independence, andhas become a lively, productive member of the Zinc Arts community.

His progress has seen him performing on stage, livingindependently and travelling unaccompanied to Londonfor work placements.

Alan, 22 years old

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Tolpuddle House

Interested in becoming a Tolpuddle Resident?To find out how to become a Tolpuddle Resident, contact the EastThames Group on 020 8522 2000, or Zinc Arts on 01277 365 626.

scan hereAlternatively, you can visit the East Thames Group website:

East Thames Group are currently looking for newresidents for their specialist supported housing, Tolpuddle House. Run in partnership with Zinc Arts,this purpose built housing is designed to providedisabled adults with the facilities to live independently.

Are you looking to make the transitionto independent living?

With nine self-contained flats based in Chipping Ongar, Tolpuddle House provides theperfect environment for adults to build their confidence and develop necessary life skills.

In conjunction with Zinc Arts’ Creative Plus Programme, Tolpuddle residents receive atailored package of accommodation, support and education, with independent learningplans personalised to each resident, ensuring that you get the most out of the programme.

As well as Literacy, Numeracy and ICT, gain confidence in valuable everyday aspects oflife, including the importance of money management, learning how to cook and shopeffectively, enhancing skills for CVs and finding work experience opportunities.

Now looking for new Tolpuddle residents for early 2015!


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Application Form Creative Plus

Name: Age:



Home Number: Mobile:


Please tick this box if you do not consent to Zinc Arts adding your details to our mailing list, where we will send you information on activities and events we think may be of interest to you.

Please detail below any access or support needs you may have:

Please tick below which Creative Plus courses you are interested in:

The Biz

Dance CR8


Employability andPersonal Development


Independent Living and Cookery Skills


Workshop Leader Training in the Arts

Please tick this box if you are interested in our supported housing service,Tolpuddle House

Please complete and return this form to Zinc Arts, Great Stony, High Street, Chipping Ongar, Essex,CM5 0AD. Upon receipt of the application form, we will contact you with more information and confirmyour place on the course/s.You can also register your interest on any of the Creative Plus courses on the Zinc Arts website.(Please be aware we reserve the right to cancel or change course details due to participant numbersor other unexpected circumstances that may arise before the start of term)



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Zinc Arts | Great Stony, High Street, Chipping Ongar, Essex, CM5 0ADTel: 01277 365 626 | | [email protected] Arts is a registered charity no. 1035444 and a company limited by guarantee no. 02866315 registered in England and Walesat the above address. VAT registered no. 151869194.

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