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Vanilla, a word that is associated with safe, bland, boring, weak, plain, vap-id, flat, dull, flavourless and unexciting. The list could go on. The Vanil-la Project is so named as not because it is any of those things but because it is in fact the complete opposite. It will draw one into a false sense of security; give an illusion of suburban safety. The project is fuelled by the spark of originality, controversy, argumentative, unconventional and eccen-tric. The name has an ironic connotation, to reflect an idea that appears and is assumed to the spectator but in the face of reality anything other than that. When it is stripped back and exposed the truth is opened, so will the mind.


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The Vanilla Project is group or an idea purposing a change, shift or movement in the way society lives. The 21st century lifestyle is becoming a destruc-tive force in the culture, mental and physical environments of today’s world. The vanilla Project aims to prick the consciousness’s of society to question the messages advertising is communicating and to understand how it has shaped the values from craftsmanship to relationships and even how people interact and socialize with each other.

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The concept to step away from this emotional blackmail of comparing all parts of one’s life to others and to reclaim your own self- esteem, to educate all readers of the true meaning of living. Step away from the corrupt world of mass consummation and to step into a world of anti-consumerism. Rediscover the true meaning of life, design, art, culture and society. The Vanilla Project is committed to pulling back advertising’s true message, corporate misinformation and injustices that pollute the environment of today’s world. To inspire society and like-minded individuals to stand up for what they believe in and become the activists that this movement needs!

“I know how to slip moods, nuances, values and perceptions right into your brain with-out you ever knowing about it” Kalle Lasn

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Project Vanilla is a group that want to become a global network that desires to engage in a war between culture and commerce. And triumph. To gather the at-tention of all generations in a concern that is everyone’s. The book’s purpose is to incite and invite like-minded individuals of the design world to consid-er, think and involve themselves in this war fare. Artists, graphic designers, writers, students and educators are to be inspired to become activists, advoca-tors and protestor, to dissent and object and join the project on this mission. To counter act this culture of mass media of large corporations and regain the true power back to the mass society. The website which branches from the book will respond and examine the events and actions of what is happening in the world. The project promises to remain honest and true in reporting and comment-ing on these issues. To transcends the audience, reader and spectator to a true participator and challenger. To give the anti-consumer a voice and a feeling that it can and will be heard.

“…When the re-pressed returns, it does go with im-mense force…” Freud.

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The need for the Vanilla Project is obvious and truly important. The idea and concept that media and advertising can change values and audiences subcon-sciously, without their knowledge, is a serious issue or even crime. Taking advantage of an insecure market place and selling a lifestyle and not just a product is plain corruption. The truth of advertising needs to be stripped back and exposed. To think individually and become activists in this war against mass media that is constantly surrounding this world is vital. Move into a direction of anti-advertising and anti-capitalism. To create a domino effect and awaken true original thought. Spread the word, that there is a revolution of change, which is to defy the corrupt corporations and rediscover a moral compass. Ignite the spark in the human soul and collectively put the talents and efforts of others to a more worthy cause. Awaken the public’s mind and ask what truly makes one happy, to steer away from greed and encourage a new sys-tem of thinking, a new regime, a society of revolutionists. That is the Vanilla Projects aim.

“I need a be-lief system that serves my needs straight away”

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The Vanilla Project firmly believes in the idea that design can catalyse change. An image can gather momentum if it’s meaning can be instantly intelli-gible and veer on the edge of forbidden, this can spark a dialectical conversa-tion of the human consciousness. Bearing from this ideology the method in which they key messages will be communicated have been inspired by visual language, pictorial essays and inspirations from the artistic creations of ’Ad spoofs’ by the activist group and magazine, Adbusters. The visuals will be the driving force and catalyst for articles, interviews and social commentary both in the book and the website. It is the identity of the Vanilla Project.

“A cry all the more powerful for being entirely silent”

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The Vanilla Project is an anti-consumer organisation which is dedicated to highlighting important issues in today’s culture through creative and topical visuals created to drive discussion and conversation. The platform of the book is key in drawing attention and awareness of creatively inclined audience and encouraging their involvement in the projects objectives. The website is creat-ed to continue the discussion that once the book is closed the mind is ignited. The newly reformed activists have a vessel in which dialogue and sharing of information is never closed, only driven by a momentous force, which is the new revolution, The Vanilla Project.


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IMAGE REFERENCES An Idea cannot be destroyed 3/03/2013

Don’t Think, What control? 3/03/2013

Are you blind? 3/03/2013

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Sinead FreemanFashion Communication Final Year