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Contents page no

Week 1: Moving from Physical to online class rooms 1-2

Pedagogic Adaptations: LeD, LbD, LxT and LxI 3-8 Information and Communication Technology 8 Course journal 8-10

Week 2: Web Presence For Teachers

The Internet 11 Word press for Website Creation 11-20 Learning Experience Interacton-2 21-22 Learning Extension Resources 22-23

Week3: Creating your own Video Resources

Visual Presentation 24-26 Spoken Tutorial: Creating a Video Open Education Resource26-29 Other Screen Casting Soft wares 29-30 Learning Extension Resources 30-31

week 1: Moving from Physical to online class rooms:

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IITBombayX is a learning platform that hosts massive open online courses.

In this together we will go through the pedagogic features available in this learning platform

to ensure that you have an effective online teaching learning experience.

All of you will be familiar with teaching-learning experiences in a physical classroom.

So first, let me abstract the essential elements, their interactions and the features available in a physical classroom

and then try to provide the corresponding elements, interactions and features that you will find in this online setting.

In a physical classroom, there are three basic elements - the learner, the content and the teacher.

The teacher utilizes various strategies and available tools to facilitate effective teaching-learning interactions between these elements.

Can you list one example of the interactions that happened between these three in a normal classroom?

I have taken the scenario from the classroom where the teacher is explaining the content from the slides,

then the teacher is addressing student queries and finally providing an example problem for the students to work on.

The teacher is also encouraging students to discuss between themselves during this entire process.

Here the dialogue between the teacher either as the explanation based on the slides

or the question answer sessions in the class is an example of Teacher-Learner Interaction.

In this process, the teacher is also interacting with the content,

that is the slides that was prepared by referring various sources, like books, papers etc.

The students doing the problem is an example of a Student-Content interaction

and students discussing among themselves is an example of a Learner-Learner interaction.

So, while moving from this physical setting to online learning, like the one in IITBombayX,

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the three main elements still remain the same.

However, there is a slight difference in the role played by the teacher.

The teacher now becomes a facilitator who uses the various features available in the learning platform

to ensure that all these interactions happen in an online setting.

Now consider the scenario where the teacher in the classroom now decides to facilitate an online learning experience for the students,

using let's say a platform like IITBombayX.

So here, the facilitator would initially interact with the content and prepare videos, resources like slides, practice problems etc., for students to work out.

This is then made available as an entire course.

The students will interact with the content by accessing the course, watching videos and doing problems.

The instructor-learner interaction and the learner-learner interaction is facilitated through discussion forums.

Thus, three platform features emerge for an online instructor - Videos, Problems and Discussion Forums,

to generate the various interactions that we had seen in the physical classroom as well.

In this course, we have made minor pedagogic modifications in each of these features to ensure that

the entire online teaching-learning experience is more learner-centric.

Pedagogic Adaptations: LeD, LbD, LxT and LxI :

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In this i explaining to you the first pedagogic feature that you will see in this learning platform –

a. Learning Dialogues or LeDs:

Before I explain, what these are, let me ask you to reflect on the elements of physical and online classroom.

What is the equivalent of such a video in a regular teaching-learning interaction within your classroom?

The answer is the teacher lecturing in front of the students.

What additional features does the video provide you apart from the regular information transmission of the content?

Now, to answer the question about the additional features that the video provides.

Let's take the example of this video player that. So, you can play the video or pause it by clicking on the play or pause button.

On top of this, you see the seek bar

through which you can move to any portion of this video either forward or backward.

You can also control the pace of this video by adjusting the playback speed from 0.5x to 2x.

You can additionally control the volume by adjusting the volume button

and then increase the screen size by clicking on the full-screen button.

By clicking again this comes back to the normal size.

This cc button is provided, so that you can see the transcript of the video coming below it.

In case, you are not able to follow the cube transcript, there is also this quotes button

by click on this you can see the transcript coming on the side.

This is a timed transcript.

So when I am speaking about something that portion will be highlighted.

The addition in this video is what you just did the ''Reflection Activity''.

So, there are reflection spots that are kept in this video to make the learner pause the video,

think and then write the answer to a reflection question.

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By adding reflection spots, you will no longer be watching passive videos,

you will be involved in a learning dialogue with the facilitator of the course.

In this instance, it's me.

Some of these reflection spots are followed up with detailed answer provided by the facilitator.

Like the ones that I gave in this video.

There is a practice activity below this video to check whether you understood the concept of Learning Dialogues or LeDs.

b.Learning-by-Doing Activities or LbDs.

I am explaining to you the second pedagogic feature that you will see in this learning platform,

that is, Learning-by-Doing Activities or LbDs.

One, explaining the various interactions in a teaching-learning environment

and another, on the pedagogic modification of Learning Dialogues or LeDs.

After each of these LeDs, you were also asked to do practice problems.

Now, take a moment to reflect on this concept of doing practice problems immediately after watching the video.

What advantage do you see in answering these questions immediately after watching LeDs?

Answering such practice activities will help in reinforcing the concepts

that were discussed in the Learning Dialogue Videos.

Let me explain this with an example.

So, let us consider the practice activity of multiple choice question

provided below the learning dialogue video on LeDs in the previous unit.

In this practice activity, we had asked you, what is the pedagogic function of Reflection Spot within the Learning Dialogue Videos?

And we had provided you with four options as given here.

Most of you would have answered this correctly.

If you look carefully further, you will see that there is an option called 'Show Answer'.

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If you click it, then a detailed explanation of the answer is provided.

This explanation tells the learner which of these are the correct answers

and why the other options are incorrect.

Thus, the learner gets a detailed feedback about the content

that has already been spoken in the learning dialogue video.

So what we are saying is that, by doing the learning-by-doing activities immediately after the learning dialogue video,

it helps in the reinforcement of the key concepts that were already shown.

An analogy of the LbD activity in a physical classroom will be the intermediate questions asked by the teacher,

and the subsequent explanations provided following the answering of the questions.

However, within this online course, there is a minor difference.

The difference is that each learner gets an opportunity to answer this question and get a detailed feedback.

This helps in making the learning process becomes more learner-centric.

c.Learning Extension Resources or LxTs.

the third pedagogic feature that you will see in this learning platform.

That is, the Learning Extension Resources or LxTs.

From the very word 'Learning Extension', you will understand that

these resources are meant for extending your learning on what you have already learnt.

That is, they are advanced resources that helps you in going deep in a particular content.

Now, a learning extension resource could be videos, it could be links to various web pages or documents

that are already available

or it could even be research papers that have been written about a particular pedagogy or a technology.

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Along with the learning extension resources, we also have assimilation quizzes.

Unlike the learning-by-doing activities, these assimilation quizzes are graded.

Now that you have heard about learning extension resources and its purpose.

Question: the function of assimilation quizzes?

this assimilation quizzes helps to test you whether you have assimilated the key concepts from these resources.

d. learning experience interactions

the pedagogic feature of learning experience interactions or LxIs.

To understand this component, let us first consider the case of a physical classroom scenario

where the teacher inquires about the learners experiences on the content

that was elaborated by the teacher and then initiates a structured discussion in the classroom

by the structured discussion is done by asking a very focus question to all the learners

and also suggesting specific points to be discussed.

The teacher also provides specific instructions on how to conduct this discussion.

Can you think of advantages of having such a structured group discussion like the one which I explained right now?

answer for the advantages of structured group discussion.

The advantages are that first, the discussion revolves around the core theme without digressing

and second, discussions will be more engaging as the learners are now familiar

with the way in which the discussions have to be carried out.

Now consider the case of online programs where we want learners to exchange their own experiences.

This is where the pedagogic feature of learning experience, interactions comes into the picture.

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The learning experience interactions or LxIs consist of a focus discussion having specific instructions on

what to discuss and how to discuss, followed by a graded reflection quiz.

The quiz will be based on the discussions within the forum and will ensure that

learners go through most of these discussions before trying to answer the quiz.

In a faculty development program like this, sharing of these experiences will have the added advantage of exposing

each and every one of you with the varying teaching learning contexts

that are brought in by participating faculty and thereby promoting collaboration.

Information and Communication Technology

What is ICT?

A computer can do very fast computations lightly stores large amount of data and manipulate the data

Communication is the compute the information that comes over the message very quickly. Is called communication technology.

ICT is the huge data stored is manipulate very fast by using computers

Application of ICT:

Buying a cell phone

Go to favourite ecommerce site

You login

Choose the phone

Make the payment

Log out

Making course journal:

In this learning dialogue, I will be discussing about an important resource that you need to create

and share regularly during this course your course journal.

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By this time most of you would have come across our instructions to create a course journal

and also have started writing answers to the questions that we asked at the reflection spots.

I hope all of you would have done this activity.

Now take a minute or two and start reading your course journal right from the beginning.

Reflect on what you have written, and now see if you are able to recollect the content

that were discussed in the respective learning dialogue.

Also were the answers that you wrote in the journal aligning with the core concepts t

What did you learn while doing this entire activity of writing?

Take some time to think about all these questions and then tell me one advantage that you felt about writing in the course journal.

You can pause this video for a few minutes, while you are thinking and then start answering the question.

Write your answers in the course journal and resume playback of this video after you complete the answer.

made by the learner in response to their interactions with the course content.

It is both a process and a record.

As a process, it forces you the writer to say what you know in a disciplined manner

and is a very good exercise in thinking.

A course journal may include descriptions about various content, activities that you have come across in this course,

but most importantly it also contains learners reflections

on the content being discussed and expresses emotions and understanding about them.

Thus as a record of your thinking, it provides you with the opportunity to examine

the process by which you approach the content and arrive at conclusions or inferences.

You don't have to be a great writer, perfect speller or creative thinker to keep a course journal.

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Journal writing means that you regularly write down your thoughts and experiences.

What you have to keep in mind is that a course journal is not a private diary in which one writes for oneself.

As you write your journal, you should remember that you are writing to me or to anyone else

with whom you want to share your journal.

Your goal is to tell others what you know, what you understood, what you think,

and what you believe in the clearest possible terms.

Towards the end of this module, you will be sharing the course journal with your peers and me.

You will also get journals written by your peers.

There will be a peer review of these journals and each reviewer is expected to provide

a detailed feedback based on some criteria that we will be explaining in due time.

Thus, you should now understand why I said that a course journal is a critical resource in this.

Week 2: Web Presence For Teachers

The Internet:

Whenever information travels from one computers to another and from one network to the other there are rules and procedures the movement of data packets. These rules and procedures constitute network protocols.

Question: think of what happens you are send an email to your friend , what do you think what are the activities/ processes facing place fro time you send to the receive a response?

Answer : the language is used to communicate between web browser and server is HTTP and DNS manage the sending and receiving of HTML, media files, arrange things on the web what make s this possible under the hood are TCP/IP and router networks that break down and transport information in small packets, these packets themselves are made p f binary sequences of 1s and 0s that are physically sent through electric wires , fiber optics cables and wireless networks .

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Word press for Website Creation:

Hello and welcome to this session on Web Presence for Faculty.

In this session, we'll see the need and various options available to setup a simple website for teaching and research faculty.

Like all others, we have consumed content, but as teaching and research faculty we also need to create content which is to be used by others, particularly our students.

Some of them could be our curriculum vitae, our research work which could be topics, publications.

If you are offering in a summer internship or just to advertise the group members that you have.

You could also use it to post teaching material or to simply create a blog.

Websites can be broadly classified as simple and multifunctional.

Simple websites are something like which have just a few pages and a very simple menu, it could also have periodic pages which are also known as blogs.

On the other hand, multifunctional websites are pages with much more deeper structured content.

For example, if you want to have list of publications, each publication has got multiple fields like the title, author, journal, year etc.

Now, this is called as a structure to a content. We could also have pages linked to each other.

For example, research topic could list only those publications which are related to that research topic and only those people working on that topic etc.

So these are independent pages but are linked to each other.

A more complex example would be department websites. In department websites we have a lot of people, a lot of research areas, you could be posting the curriculum, and so on.

A still complex website is what can be a conference website where there is not only information passed on but there is also an interaction from the user.

For example, you could have a conference website with registration, abstract submission, fee payment etc.

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So these are what are called as a multifunctional website, so there are simple website and multifunctional website.

Customising Wordpress .

In this session, we'll show you how to customise the appearance of Wordpress site that we have created using some basic configuration.

First, we will login to the site which we created

and on the left-hand side go to my sites and I have the site which is created wpfac.

You can see this [email protected] you could directly visit that site or through this.

Once you are here this is how your site looks with some default text already put in.

You can see that this is some examples text which is not to be used finally

where it says that this is your first post you can edit or modify it,

and this is a text widget which allows you to add something there that and there is a search,

there is a menu - Home, About, Contact.

So very simple page has already been set up for you by default.

Now what we'll do is to look at some configuration of this site.

We are going to use basic customizations.

You can find that link either on the right-hand side bottom here or you could go to my site

and wp admin.

So this is what is called as an admin dashboard.

This dashboard will be visiting very often in these sessions.

This section on the left is called as a control panel,

which is got various action items that you can use to change your site.

So let me go back to the site wpfac and customise the site.

So I click on customise on the right bottom and I come here.

So it says that you're customising wpfac, so this is the name of the site.

So if I want to change the name of this site to something else I use this edit link here

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and I can say Faculty Profile Example.

Okay. So as I type this it shows how your website is going to look.

If you want to set up a logo you can set up. You can add a logo. You can select files from your desktop,

drag and drop it here and it will be there, I am not going to do that now.

So I've just changed my title, I have introduced the tagline, and I am going to say save and publish.

So once I do that your site has now a new name and a new tagline.

So I go back. So this is the site with a new title and a new tagline.

Let say if I want to change some other colours here again I go to customise on the bottom right here.

We've already done this, title, tagline and logo we have changed.

Let say we want to change the colours and backgrounds

So some colour palettes are already there, you can choose them to see if you like a particular appearance

and then you save and publish. So that is saved now.

Let's go back suppose you want to change the fonts you can do that here, a default theme font

a lot of fonts are available but it's better to leave it at one of these fonts.

Again a header image is an image depending on your theme could appear there or here.

So you could apart from the logo you could also have a header image.

Menus: we will come to later and widgets. What is a widget?

A widget is a small application that runs within your website.

Example, this is a text widget which actually doesn't do anything but simply to display the text which is inside.

But you could have more complex with widgets. For example,

there are two widget here text widgets and the search widget, there is a text and the search

which is there in this sidebar, this side region is called as the sidebar.

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If you want to add other widgets you can try it here. Add widget

and there are a lot of widgets that are available by default

and there are lot more available on the site which you can download and install.

But we will not do that now.

Let us say we want to introduce a widget called contact information.

So add this contact information, so that is appearing right below search okay.

So you see here it is given a map and some default contact information

the time that you have meeting times all that is appearing.

So you can customise this to your personal address and change these things.

So if you want to have contact information above, all you need to do is drag and drop this there.

So you have contact information first, text next and then search at the last.

Some people like to leave search at the top. That way.

So this is how to add a simple widget, you can play around with other widgets.

You save and publish that's it.

So you have changed the background, the look and feel, the title, you can add widgets.

Last thing in the simple customization is a static front page.

The front page by default in Wordpress list all the blogs that you've written.

For example, this is the only blog here, so it lists this blog.

If you don't want a blog to be on the front page you can change it to a static page.

In this case, let's say there is already a sample static page called about. I select that

and this content appears in your front page instead of a blog.

So this will always appear. I can save and publish.

But I'll switchback and leave it to my latest blog post which is the default.

Once we have created other pages you can come and change it here to a static page if you require.

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So to summarise, you can customise the website by clicking on customise in the right bottom here.

You can change the title, colours, fonts, header image, menus, widgets and how your front page must appear.

managing content in Wordpress :

In this session, we'll see how to manage various contents such as blogs, pages, comments in your Wordpress site.

To do this, we need to understand what a control panel is?

A control panel allows you to manage your blogs, media, pages comments and so on and several other site level actions.

So let us first see, how to get in to this control panel?

This is our sample page. Website that we have created. We go to My Site and go to WP Admin.

So this WP Admin or Wordpress admin is by default leading you to what is known as a dashboard.

This is the administrative user dashboard.

This dashboard gives you lot of statistics here and lot of links here with which you can take action on your website.

Unlike, the other site that you had easily created using for creating blogs and posts.

This interface allows you much more complicated interactions with the website.

So this is the administrative dashboard.

Here on the left, you can see posts, media, links, pages, comments etc.

Clicking on post will give you a list of all the posts that are there which you have created in this website.

We had three posts.

First one was created by default and it says that it is sticky.

Remember the second post that we created was in a draft stage and it shows here as draft.

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The third post which we created, we had published it. Doesn't say anything here but you can see here that it is published.

First post and the last post are both published whereas the second one is in the draft state.

From this interface, you can take several quick actions.

For example, if I want to convert this draft post to a published post, I just hover over this, go to quick edit.

There is a draft state here, I make it published and say update.

And now the draft status is gone and this is been published.

Similarly, a sticky post is a post which always is there at the top of all the lists.

Normally, the blog posts are there in a descending order of time.

So latest is the first, but if you want certain blog post to appear always on the top you make it sticky.

Let's say I want to remove this sticky tag from this, I go to quick edit and this option

which says that make this post sticky, I just need to uncheck it, update.

So, we have removed the sticky tag, we have published this and we already had a post.

Now, since this was published first, this was published later and this was published last.

If we go to our main site, we will be able to see that

the posts are also arranged in this manner.

Let us go to the main site.

So you see this, this is the title of the site.

This is the first post, this is the latest post, posed on May 30th.

This was also on May 30th which was in draft state now it is appeared and this was posted much earlier, May 29th.

So this is how you could control posts on a quick edit.

You can also use the edit link from here,

which allows you to actually go back to the interface and to add more content or edit your content.

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I've added some content and I update the post.

Again, I can go to posts and all posts and I have this list of all the posts.

If I go and look at my website and I refresh this,

content that I added just now appears in the website.

This interface can also be used to delete posts.

So I could select these posts, go to bulk actions and move it to trash.

If I say apply, it will go to trash.

Say apply, it's all gone to trash,

but I just undo it now because I don't want them in the trash now.

If you have several posts, you could also use a search here to search based on keywords,

tags, categories and so on and only those posts will be listed here on which you could take bulk actions.

So that was for post. We can also do a similar actions for pages.

If I go to pages, all the pages that are there in this website are listed here.

It was contact page, about page and research areas.

I can do edit, quick edit, trash, publish and unpublish from here or delete in bulk actions.

To summarize, posts can be managed using control panel.

You can do a similar thing for pages as well.

There is edit, quick edit, delete,

filter and search to filter

Adding Basic Content in Wordpress.

In this session, we'll tell you about how to add simple content such as pages and blogs in your Wordpress site.

Wordpress by default provides two simple content types. They are the blog and the page.

Blog is a short form for web-log. Web-log essentially is like your diary on the web.

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It could be a commentary, it could be a collection of pictures or any other review and so on.

What distinguishes a blog from a page is that a blog is periodic or occasionally unperiodic,

but it is a time bound release, so every month you could have a blog, every day you could have a blog and so on.

Usually they are categorised by the date of release and keywords.

Whereas a page is a generic web-page that you all are familiar with.

It could be a static page, there is nothing time bound to it.

And it could appeared in the front page or in the menu items and so on.

Pages can have other objects in it such as tables, lists, images, attachments and so on.

We'll now see how to create a simple blog and a simple page.

I have already logged into my site and this is the customized site that we had from the previous session.

To create a blog I go to this top left corner and a menu pops up and has all these actions.

Here, right here I have add a blog post to add a new blog and add pages to add new pages.

Let's add a blog.

A blog has a title and a body.

First you need to choose a title, it could be a draft title, it need not be the final title,

and then you have to type in your thoughts in the body, you can attach media as well.

So let's choose a blog title,

and so on. So, you have title and you start typing your thoughts,

you can preview how this looks.

So this is how it looks on your page, you will have the main page, the title of this blog,

content and this is my user ID when it was published and it gives an option for users to comment on it,

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and the other blogs which you have posted earlier are all down below.

So, if you think this is okay, you can go and publish it. But say if you're not happy with it,

or you think you have to do more on this, you could just go back because a draft has already been saved.

You don't have to do anything, you just go back

and you can come back to it later.

Similarly, you could add another post.

Let's say I want to publish this, and done.

So this is how you create a blog, choose a title, type in your thoughts, preview if required and then publish.

You can have additional features to a blog like categorising blog, you can add hierarchical keywords or free text.

To do that you come here, categories and currently since you don't have any category you should add a new category.

Let's say, Biomedical is a broad category and I have a new category under that it is drug delivery,

and the parent of this is Biomedical. So I say add.

Now, this particular blog has by default been categorized under all three.

So I remove this and I say it is categorized under drug delivery,

which also means it is categorized under Biomedical.

So any person who is searching for the blogs can look for blogs under a particular category.

Once you are satisfied with this, you update.

So the categories have been updated. You can also use tags. Tags are free text categories

which can be used for while searching this,

while searching for keywords people can land up at this page.

So let us add as one tag and as another tag.

So these are free tags need not be categorised.

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So again update it and it's published.

So if I go back to my site now,

the new blog has come here, the tags are appearing here, and the old blog is here.

Now, any person visiting this site can also leave a comment.

So that's a simple way to create blogs.

Pages are typically some standard web pages which are usually static,

could be an About page, could be Research Topic, it could be Teaching or General information.

Pages are organised in a hierarchical way, unlike blogs in which the categories are

organised in a hierarchical way, here the pages themselves can be a parent-child relation.

So let us go back to our site.

My site, pages, add pages.

So this is the first page that you are going to create.

So let us create a page to tell about the various research areas that you are working,

and I come back to this text and I use a bulleted list, let me use,

Liposomal Drug Delivery.

I can also use Transport in Nanofluids.

So this is a simple page which just has the title and a simple body.

I could add other things to this page from here,

like media and so on, but we'll not do that now.

You could use this featured image here for each of this page, there're other ways

to choose the relations of this page to the other page.

For example, you can say that research area is a child of one of this or you can leave it at a top level page,

I want to leave it at a top level page.

There are more options here, slug. Slug is the text which comes in your URL.

So if it is, it will go to this.

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So this is your entire URL and this portion is called as a slug.

So you could change this, it's research area you notice that the slug has changed.

By default Wordpress picks up slug text from your title and it does an intelligent way to cut down unnecessary text.

You can use the default for most cases.

You can decide whether you want to allow others to comment on pages, usually you allow comments only for blog post

and you leave the pages without any comments, so do not enable comments for pages unless you really require.

So let's say publish, so this page has been published, but it's not yet visible,

unless you provide a menu link to it.

Advanced Configuration in Wordpress:

In this session, we'll teach you about a few configurations which are not there

in the default profile and has to be done through the dashboard.

First, let's see how to add media to the pages.

So, this is our Wordpress site. I go to my site and I go to the admin dashboard that is WP admin.

This is the admin dashboard and let's say I want to add some pdf files or

powerpoint files to my pages.

So I go to pages. Let's say under research areas.

I want to add a pdf file.

I say edit.

So this is the research area page

and to this page, we want to add some media.

So I could do, I just place a cursor somewhere there and I say add media.

So currently, you are in your media library.

So, wordpress stores all the files that you uploaded in a special location called as media library.

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So this library currently is empty, but once you have uploaded files at a later time

if you have to visit this page, you will see all the files that you've uploaded here.

So let's upload a new file. You can easily drag and drop files here.

So let's do that. Let's say I want to upload this first file and second file.

So, two files have been uploaded.

Now you have an option to include these files in your page.

So I select this,

select that and I say insert into. So I have an option.

Let's do just one page for the moment.

So this file, this is the name of the file, it's a ppt file.

But I could change the title to a more human readable form which is on

have a caption

and the description.

So, I can say insert to a page.

So now, at the end of the page, I have a title which is linked to this file.

So, I could preview the changes.

So this is the page, research areas. There are two areas within attached file.

So, I am satisfied with this.

So I go back.

So it's open a new tab.

So, I go to the old tab which is where we were editing and if you're satisfied with this,

we say update and it's republished now.

So, this is how you add media.

Now, the pages that we created are available at this location.

So, if somebody were to type this,, they will get to this page.

But, otherwise how do people discover this page

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from within your website?

There is no link provided anywhere.

To do that, we use the concept of menu.

Menu is the one which leads you from the homepage to different pages which are in your website.

So, now you'll see how to add this page to a menu.

To do that, we go to the dashboard control panel, appearance and menus.

In here, there are list of various pages and this is the current menu structure.

You will see that the current menu structure has got home, about and contact,

which is the same as here home, about and contact.

Let us say, if you want to add research areas to one of these menu items,

you select it and say add to menu.

So research areas appears now, but it's still not appeared in your site because you have to save it.

So you save that and I reload this and you have research areas in your menu.

If you want to have research areas after home, you could do that, save it

and there you go. Home, research areas and contact.

So, this is how you create pages, you can add them to menu, and reorder them to get a new menu.

Now let's see, how to configure the look and feel of your website.

When we install the website, we have chosen a default theme called as twenty sixteen.

There are thousands other themes that are freely available. To change them,

we go to the admin dashboard, under appearance, go to themes.

These are several themes that are available here.

You could sort them by popular, newest, you could look for only the free in the newest or the paid one in the newest.

Let's look at popular and free.

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There are several themes. This is our current theme which is already active twenty sixteen.

Let us look for some other. Let's take this. Hover on the theme and say activate.

So this theme can be customized

like before you could change the colors, backgrounds, headers etc,

but we'll not change them, but you notice that

the whole look and feel of the website has changed by just changing one theme page.

Just go back. Now, we'll see how to customize widgets.

Widgets as I said before, are small applications that have a display in your website.

Just as themes, there are several widgets that are available for free.

Go to widgets and there are a lot of widgets that are appearing here, you could choose them

and you could choose where they should appear, either on the site bar, one side bar, two footer, footer second footer and third footer.

So depending on the theme that you choose number of areas that are here could be different.

For example, if I want to bring the contact info from side bar one

to the first footer area, I just drag and drop it here.

So, if I want to view the site now, I go to this.

So the contact information which was earlier here,

has gone down to the footer area.

So you could add new widgets from here.

There are some things for custom menu category, suppose you want to put the category in the widgets area here,

you could do that there, save,

and go to the web page, and say reload.

These are the two categoric tags that are there.

To summarize, we saw how to add media to pages, how to add change the theme and to add new widgets.

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Once you're familiar with these things, you can look at several other advanced settings

which are users, you can add new users, who can work in your website.

There are several tools to import and export this website and there are several other

generic settings for reading, writing, discussions, sharing and so on.

Week3: Creating your own Video Resources:

Learning Experience Interaction 

By this time you would have understood: How does the internet work?, What are a Web page and Web site?, How have the previous year's participants created their Web Presence using WordPress?, How to create a simple website for yourself using WordPress?

You have now completed the first section of Week 3 about visual presentations. You now understand the design considerations for visual presentations that are appealing and easy for your audience to use and reuse.

You are given a scenario below. Read the scenario and use the focus question to work towards the solution.


You have been assigned to teach a course of your preference in a new class of 80 students. The class is arranged in such a way that there are ten rows of eight students each. You are required to prepare your first lecture (with four slides) consisting of the following parts: Title slide, Course Objectives, Course Outline and Assessment strategy. 

Focus Questions:

1. Design the five slides using MS PowerPoint and upload to your WordPress website. Rename your PowerPoint presentation as "Lecture 1-<username>, e.g. Lecture 1-jkmadathil.

2. List three design consideration you have used in preparing your slides.

Instructions for posting:

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Please follow the below instructions while creating your post 

1. Click on "Show Discussion"

2. Click on "New Post"

3. Ensure that "Discussion" is highlighted in the post

4. Keep the title of the Post - "Visual Design Considerations-<username>", where username is your IITBombayX username. e.g. Visual Design Considerations-jkmadathil

5. In the post, first, provide the publicly accessible link to this resource and then below it list the three design considerations

Instructions for discussion:

1. Go visit posts of 2 of your peers

2. Look at the slides prepared by the peer and the design considerations provided.

b.Spoken Tutorial: Creating a Video Open Education Resource


When sharing our resources to other people through the Internet or when we use ready made contents from the Internet, we always have to think of licenses. That is, the owner of the content and the way we can use such contents. Creative Commons (CC) is one way that offers public license that allows you to set the way you want other people to use your content (open educational resources) and how the already available contents can be used by others.

Hello, everyone my name is Kannan Moudgalya. I am a professor at IITBombay.

I am going to talk about Open Educational Resources. These are also known as OER.

I am pretty sure you know about them like Khan Academy, NPTEL, OCW, of course, MOOCs such as,

edX do have a lot of open educational resources. You can go and access them any time.

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In this talk, I am going to talk about an OER called Spoken Tutorial.

I have opened spoken tutorial on this website.

You can see the URL, ''. It's an initiative of NMEICT, MHRD Government of India.

It says that it teaches open source software through audio-video tutorials.

So, there are a lot of interesting things on this page.

There are things like software training, creation and so on and so forth we will see some of them later.

Then you have some awards this project has received.

If you scroll down, you will see the

license under which this is released namely it is released under CC BY-SA, Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike.

Okay, I'll come to the top of this page. There are two important menu bars here.

For example, if you click the first one, you get a lot of topics on which spoken tutorials

are available and then if you click here, you get different languages in which these tutorials are available.

So, let me select C and C++ and English.

So, I have to press the Search button, I have already done that the result is in the next page. You can see here a list of programs.

These numbers tell in which order you have to learn.

So, I want to go to Tokens for example. So, if I click this, it will take me to the next page.

So the moment you click that you come to this page

and let me play this.

So, let me pause it, just go through this page and see what all are available prerequisites, assignment, code files there are required to run this

tutorial and the script is extremely important in spoken tutorial.

If I click this I get the next page. You can see that here is the script that is used

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to create the tutorial as a matter of fact we write the script first and then record the tutorials.

What we do in this is we ask a beginner

or a novice to go through this script and certify they can reproduce every step in the tutorial.

So, only it passes the test do we accept it for recording.

So, this helps make sure that

the tutorial that we create is suitable for beginners. And hence, it is suitable for self-learning.

So remember, previously I had selected, for example, I selected English.

Now suppose, I select Hindi and press the Submit button, I will get this page.

You can see that it is Tokens - Hindi. Let me play this.

So, let me pause it now. So, we have a large number of tutorials here.

For example, I have already got the entire selection here. If I press the Submit button, I get the entire set of tutorials

and you can see that there are more than 5,600 tutorials in all languages.

If you click this, then you will see the total number of tutorials available in many Indian languages.

We dub these into all 22 Indian languages.

All right. How does one use this resource to learn?

I have already opened this. This method is called Side-by-Side method, let me play this.

So, what is the key thing in this? So, let me go to the next window.

In the Side-by-Side method, what you have to do is to open the video on half the screen.

So for example here, I have opened the video for Scilab.

In other half of the screen, you open the software itself. For example, here the software Scilab is opened.

Here the spoken tutorial on Scilab is opened. You play this, listen to a command, pause the command

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and then try it out. If it works go to the next command. If not, rewind, listen to it, try again.

I will now explain what kind of help is available at IIT Bombay to use this material.

For that, I have to press this Software Training

and choose the first option, About the Training. If I do this, I get the next page.

In this page, you get details of what kind of training is available.

What topics and so on.

But what is important is if you go to the bottom of this page, you can see the names of people, my staff members who

are available to help conduct these workshops for you, okay.

Details of the workshops that you have conducted through this are available here.

You can see that we have trained close to twelve lakh students using this method.

An important method, we follow is what is known as Course mapped in lab hours.

So, if we just click this then you see that there are more than 4,100 such programs happen.

What it means is that in case, you want to conduct such a training for your students for a particular lab course that runs for a whole semester.

Please get in touch with us. We will include yours and this number will go up by one.

So that is for all your students for the whole semester.

Okay, so the next facility that we have is what is known as CD creation.

This is for people who don't have access to Internet. So for example, if I want to create an offline package.

So that I can use it even without Internet.

I come to this webpage and I have chosen C and C++. I have chosen basic level.

Let me choose English and let me also choose, for example, Hindi.

I add the selected FOSS then I say that let me choose for example some other topic like BASH.

Let say, I want basic level, I want English only.

So, the moment, I have all my material added, I create the zip file and then I unzip it;

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there will be a file called index.html, I open that file then I will be able to use it offline.

With this, I have come to the end of this brief introduction to spoken tutorial.


There are many software packages that you can use to create your own open educational resources. Please check this that compares the various Screencast softwares available.

The softwares marked with GPL  in this list come under the allowing users to freely distribute and modify the original program. 

The following non-GPL softwares are also popularly used.

1. Screencast-o-matic

2. Techsmith Jing (for Windows and OSX)

3. Techsmith Camstatia (for Windows)

4. Quicktime (for OSX)

c.Other Screen Casting Soft wares

Resource Creation in various local languages:

Now that you have a list of screencast softwares with you, select the one with which you feel more comfortable. Use this software to create a screencast on "How to create a webpage using WordPress?" with audio narration in your local vernacular language.

for e.g. if you are from Tamil Nadu, you will create a screencast in Tamil, or if you are from West Bengal, you should create this in Bengali.

After you have created the screencast, publish this in YouTube by keeping the video in Creative Commons. Share the creation experience in the below discussion forum by answering the below focus questions.

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1. What all guidelines did you follow while creating your own screencast?

2. What were the challenges that you faced while creating the screencast?


1. First share the YouTube link of the screencast that you created.

2. Answer the above 2 focus questions.

3. Go and visit 3 peers' posts and provide 1 solution for overcoming the challenges that they posted.

Multimedia Principles:

 Whenever you want to develop any teaching-learning content such as a PowerPoint presentation, a video resource, an animation, a learning site such as the one you have created with wordpress or you are developing an online course, you will need to consider how you will get your students engaged while using the materials without distracting them. Multimedia principles help learners to learn better when they are using  differentlearning materials of your course. Watch the videos below by Prof. Richard E. Mayer to give you important considerations you can consider when developing your teaching-learning resources such as the screencasting activity.

About Peer Review of resources created

In a massive open online course like FDP101x, learners will be creating a lot of resources. However, it will be difficult for the course instructors to evaluate each and every resource. Peer review is one mechanism that is employed in such massive courses to assess such huge number of subjective assignments.

Watch the two learning dialogues that explain the idea of Peer Review in an online learning platform and provide you with an example of how "Peer Review" is conducted in IITBombayX platform.