Download - Creative Arts Carousel brief deadlines and then present developmental and final responses for the other

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3rd FEBRUARY 2017


Creative Arts Carousel Exhibition

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Best wishes

Principal’s Report

Sara Davey - Academy Principal

Phew! Assessment Week is over for the students and we now move into the final week of the Winter Semester with Project Week. This alternative timetable week allows us to focus on personal development and well-being education. Every Year group has a well-planned and exciting set of learning experiences designed to meet their age-related needs.

Year 7 is focusing on British Values, and after learning about the essentials of democracy and human rights, they will be producing an expressive product from one of the range of Creative Arts for an exhibition.

Year 8 are also focusing on aspects of our democratic system by taking part in an election process which will include debates, question time, the creation of political parties and campaigns and culminating in a vote.

All in all a busy but exciting week for everyone to look forward to.

I am also pleased to announce that once again we have been awarded with the Prince’s Teaching Institute Mark for our outstanding work developing students’ enthusiasm for activities beyond the National Curriculum and developing our own specialist delivery in Art, Mathematics, Music and Science. This is in no small part due to the time taken by both staff and students to be involved in our High Performance Institutes. Well done to you all!

Year 9 are getting involved in futures planning and will be attending a Careers Fair and completing an on-line assessment tool to guide students towards careers of interest. They are also going to be learning key employability skills.

Year 10 are focusing on developing safe and healthy behaviours and will have a range of external speakers supporting different aspects of these themes. There will be workshops on substance use and abuse, sexual health, well-being sessions and also an opportunity to attend the Careers Fair and prepare for the Work Experience Week in the summer.

Year 11 will be developing skills in ensuring a successful move to college or employment. It will include mock interviews, a Careers Fair and well-being workshops, as well as time in subjects where extra input is needed.

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Maths Masterclass

On Thursday, 26th January, four Yr 7 students (Ziji Lee, Xander Linder, Jack Bassett and Sam Treleven) went to Plymouth University to attend a masterclass entitled "Polygons, Polyhedrons, Flexagons and Topology". The masterclass was very hands-on and got students thinking initially about what polygons were and how we defined them. This generated lots of interesting discussions - particularly concerning a drawing of a "cuboid". Is a drawing of a cuboid a 3D shape? The day progressed nicely looking at the Greek and Latin language and how the names for polygons were derived by early mathematicians. There was a nice investigation into the internal angles of polygons and the students were able to explore algebra to represent their findings for a general case.

The afternoon ended with some incredible maths - it was quite literally magic. We looked at the Mobius strip and its properties and then looked at how paper cutting and folding could reveal hidden elements within the paper. It was incredible to see how this worked and how this linked in to the early works of Leonhard Euler.

Report by Miss McKenzie

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MBA Alumni Event

Taylor Wearne, a former MBA student, delivered an assembly to our Year 11 students this week. He outlined the benefits of Higher Education and explained the challenges that he overcame going to university. Taylor explained how at 16 he did not know what he wanted to do in the future, but he followed his strongest subject area, which was English, onto ‘A’ Levels at Truro College.

Through his ‘A’ Level studies he identified a keen interest in linguistics which led onto his BA (Hons) degree in English Language and Linguistics at Bristol UWE. His degree opened doors, enabling him to teach English in Thailand, work as an English teacher in Oxford and this, combined with his Student Ambassador experience, led onto his current role as Graduate Ambassador with the Student Recruitment Team at Exeter University.

Higher Education is a life-changing experience that enables graduates to access a broader range of careers, access new social opportunities, as well as gain transferable skills highly sought after in the labour market. Financial difficulties should not prevent anyone from doing a degree as the benefits to potential earnings and the funding available to students make it a worthwhile investment. Our students welcomed the opportunity of learning from a fellow MBA student who understood the issues they were facing and Taylor offered future support to students on this progression route.

Higher Education from a Student’s Perspective

Report by Mrs Masters

Former MBA students are welcome to sign up to the Mounts Bay Alumni through this link:

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Isabela Hann of 7 Purple is this month's Accelerated Prize winner. Isabela has an overall success rate of 95% for the month. She has enjoyed reading ‘You Killed Me’ by Keith Grey, one of our Bookbuzz selections as well as ‘One’ by Sarah Crossan which is written in blank verse and tells the moving story of conjoined twins. Grace and Tippi have two heads, four arms, but are joined at the hip. Like Auggie in ‘Wonder’, they move from being homeschooled to joining a large American high school and we follow what happens to them there.

‘One’ has been a really popular choice for many readers this month and after finishing it readers move on to ‘The Weight of Water’ by Sarah Crossan, also written in blank verse. Kasienka is the first person narrator who allows us to see not only how it feels to be new at school but also new into the country. It is funny and poignant and although parts might make you cross it is ultimately an uplifting read.


Report by Mrs Marsden

High School Musical Cake Sale

I would just like to thank you all for supporting the cake sale on Thursday, whether you brought in cakes or bought the cakes, it was much appreciated.

Ticket sales for High School Musical are going well and again it is great we have your support. If you don't have your tickets yet, you can buy them from reception at lunchtimes, or online.

Report by Miss Osborne

Accelerated Reader of the Month

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I will be awarding the Accelerated Reader Tutor Cup every month to the tutor group who can show that they have had the greatest student participation in successfully taking Accelerated Reader quizzes.

Miss McKenzie (7 Blue) and Mr Smith (7 Red) have been in close competition this month with both tutors vowing to win the cup.

17 students from 7 Red took and passed 67 Accelerated Reader quizzes between them. That's an impressive 70% of the class participating in January. However, 7 Blue were one step closer to meeting the expectation of full student participation with a fantastic 22 out of 26 tutees taking and passing 131 Accelerated Reader quizzes. That is 85% of the class participating and succeeding in the programme. If I know Miss Mackenzie it will be a 100% participation in February, or else!

Are you ready to accept the challenge of taking the Accelerated Reader Tutor Cup off her Mr Lane, Mr Helliwell, Mr Neal-Smith, Mr Johns, Mr Bromfield, Mr Smith and Mrs Brown?


Accelerated Reader Tutor Cup

Report by Mrs Marsden

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It is fantastic to have two new Word Millionaires this week. Well done Charlie Harvey of 7 Cool and Sam Trelevan of 7 Blue who have passed 42 Accelerated Reader quizzes between them.

Charlie has enjoyed reading Charlie Higson’s Young Bond novel ‘Silverfin’, Veronica Roth’s ‘Divergent’ and ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time’ by Mark Haddon as well as the true story ‘Touching the Void’, which was made into a gripping documentary.

Sam has enjoyed the screenplay of the new Harry Potter production, ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’, as well as Michael Morpurgo’s new novel, ‘An Eagle in the Snow’ and three of our Book Club choices: ‘Nest’, ‘My Brother is a Superhero’ and ‘Terror Kid’.

Both boys have been awarded 15 Vivos for becoming Word Millionaires, their Word Millionaire certificates and badges, and a pair of cinema tickets to see a film of their choice.

Double, and Even Triple, Word Millionaire News.

I am thrilled to announce that we have students who have become Word Millionaires not only once, but twice and even in some cases three times over.

Ziji Lee and Hanul McCowan have both reached triple Word Millionaire status whilst Xander Linder, Iona Benson, Jake Scotney and Rose Hammond are all double Word Millionaires.

Well done all and here’s to reaching the next achievement level.


Word Millionaires

Report by Mrs Marsden

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This week, for our last session of the semester, our young chefs had a go at making "crème patissière", another French classic.

The crème was then used to make little strawberry tarts which were absolutely delicious!Throughout the semester, the students enjoyed learning about different aspects of French cooking, basic techniques along with a selection of French cooking terms.

Well done to those who came along, we had great fun and great lunches together!


French Cooking Club

Crème Pâtissière

• 2 oeufs• 500ml lait• 100g de sucre• 75g de farine• extrait de vanille

Faire chauffer le lait dans une casserole.Dans un saladier, mélanger les oeufs et le sucre. Ajouter la farine. Bien mélanger. Ajouter un peu d’extrait de vanille.Quand le lait est bien chaud, le verser petit à petit sur le mélange oeufs, farine et sucre. Continuer à bien mélanger.Mettre cette préparation dans une casserole sur feu doux. Mélanger sans arrêt jusqu’a ce que la crème épaississe.Laisser refroidir.

Parfaite pour une tarte aux fraises!Rec



la s



Report by Miss Le Jean

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The PiXL Maths App is a great revision app and website we are using with Year 11 during registration time each week.

It has proven results with students across the country and includes a combination of questions, videos and help sheets.

All students have the app on their iPad automatically. They can obtain their login details and more information from:

PiXL Maths App

Report by Mr Kent

Each week the top students using the app will be awarded a prize. This is not a prize for the students who get the most questions correct; it is an engagement score as we want students to be challenging themselves.

The top 20 students are listed below.

Keep up the great work Year 11.

This week the top form using the PiXL Maths App was 11 Blue who win themselves a box of Cadbury's Heroes.




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Year 8 students in the Creative Arts and Technology Faculty have completed Semester 2 with a fantastic show of amazing outcomes this week. Students have worked with great enthusiasm and energy to meet project brief deadlines and then present developmental and final responses for the other carousel subjects to visit. Acting as an 'authentic audience' students were able to give kind, specific and helpful feedback to their peers as well as begin to create ideas for the project they are about to start in Semester 3.

Creative Arts Carousel Exhibition

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We are proud to say that we have definitely fulfilled our four ‘C’s and four ‘R’s across the Creative Arts this Semester. All students have collaborated, communicated, created, thought critically, been resourceful, resilient, have taken responsibility and finally reflected!

Well done Year 8, lots of beautiful, stunning work again.

Report by Mrs Dale

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Year 8 Photography

In their Photography lessons, Year 8 have been working hard exploring how our ideas about what good photography looks like have changed since its invention:

Kacey in the style of Margaret Cameron by Mollie Maycock.

Beau in the style of Julia Margaret Cameron by Isabelle Graham.

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Modernist shell in style of Harry Callahan by Isabelle Graham.

Isabelle in the style of Julia Margaret Cameron by Beau Cowan-Dickie.

Flo by Ellie Dash in the style of Victorian portraiture.

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Modernist shell in the style of Harry Callahan by Isabelle Graham.

Max in Pictorialist style by Isaac Trevains.

Bronwyn and Niamh’s Victorian portrait by Lauren Slater.

Report by Mr Cross

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The week the Year 10 football team travelled to their local derby match against Humphry Davy this week. This derby is bigger than Plymouth Argyle vs Exeter at Home Park! Mounts Bay started off very well by grabbing an early goal. Then the big man, who only scores world class goals (Andre), popped up again with an absolute belter of a goal. Andre ran from his own box, to the oppositions, gliding past the opponents. He then stuttered to confuse the keeper then rainbow flicked it over the keeper’s head into the famous top left hand corner. #AndreOnlyScoresScreamers.

We went into the half time break leading Humphry Davy 4-1. We started the second half as we meant to go on with Ben Durrant grabbing two more open goal finishes. He took them very well, nearly missing on both occasions but he scored, that is the main thing. Ben came off soon after with Ben Murton coming on. Ben Murton, who has trained with the team since the first session, made his debut in the match. Well done Ben. The final score finished 7-1 to Mounts Bay.

Stand out player again was the big man Andre Green. Well played boys. Richard Lander in the next round out the County Cup is next week, so all come to training on Monday.


Mounts Bay 7 - 1 Humphry Davy

TEAM: Barney T, Matthew R, Louis T, Tom Hands, Harry R, Gordon J, Ellis H, Pasha W, Kieran M, Ben D, Andre #Screamers-only G, Ben M, Ricki H, Mark S, Ben W, Tom Hendy

Report by Mr Strong

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Four local primary school girls football teams attended a wind-swept festival on the MBA 3G last week. The forty girls who took part in the event have showed real improvement anddevelopment during the festivals. Thank you to MBA football referees Logan Trevains and Josh.


Primary Football

Report by Mr N Eddy

Well done to the U13 girls hockey team who competed in the County tournament this week.

They played great hockey especially with a lot of younger players in the squad - they narrowly lost out by just one game on going through to the finals.

U13 Hockey

Report by Mr Randall

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Congratulations to the MBA girls U14 Football team, who played against Penryn School in the County Cup Competition. The girls played extremely well, winning the game 4-1. It was a great win and performance by the team, who are now through to the next round, the quarter final.


U14 County Cup Win

Report by Mr Lawrence


Penryn 1 - 4 MBA

Goal Scorers: Tommi-Leigh Lobb x 3Chantelle Haggis x 1

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• Are you interested in sport and fitness but don’t enjoy traditional team sports?

• Do you want to lead a more active lifestyle?

• Do you want to be healthier?


If you are interested in being a part of the Girls Active programme please email Miss Tripp for more information:

[email protected]

Girls Active is a programme for girls who are not enjoying traditional school sports.

On this programme you will have the opportunity to try out new activities for FREE in a social, non pressured environment.

FREE sessions will be available at the local leisure centre once signed up.

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Last week’s solution: 20

Could you write next week’s puzzle?If you would like to set the numeracy puzzle for a future week click here. You will win house points.

Win an Amazon voucher

Whoever submits the most correct answers over a semester will win an Amazon voucher – prizes are also awarded to the top scoring parent/carer/staff.

House Competition

Blue: 185 PointsGreen: 28 PointsYellow: 19 PointsRed: 19 Points

Orange: 14 PointsPurple: 11 Points

Click here to submit your answer

Closing date for Entries: Thursday 12:00

This Week’s House Totals

Maths Quiz

This Week’s Puzzle:

2 + 3 = 8,

3 + 7 = 27,

4 + 5 = 32,

5 + 8 = 60,

6 + 7 = 72,

7 + 8 = ??

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To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word upcycle. Send in your sentence using the link below.


Congratulations to Finley Hanson who wins 10 VIVO points.

Click Here to enter the competition

This week’s word is: Upcycle

Definition: Upcycle (v): Reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.

Etymology: English 1990. Blend of up and recycle.

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CONTACT INFO01736 352323

[email protected]






4-6yrs | 10am-12pm1 day - £6 | 2 days - £10


7-13yrs | 10am-3.30pm 1 day - £15 | 2 days - £20


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Wednesday 8th February - 12:30Matinee to MBA students £1.50 with permission slip

Thursday 9th February - 19:00Adult £3.50 Child £2.00

Friday 10th February - 19:00Adult £3.50 Child £2.00

Family Ticket Only £102 Adults and 2 StudentsBook Online

email:[email protected]

* A 29p PayPal Booking Fee Applies


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Time: 1.30pm - 2.30pm Ages: 2 - 18 year olds Venue: Mounts Bay Academy, Boscathnoe Lane, Heamoor, Penzance, TR18 3JT


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Stagecoach Performing Arts Schools are operated under franchise and are independently owned by their Principals. Stagecoach is a registered trademark of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Ltd.

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2017Open to Years 9, 10, 11

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