Download - Creative Activism Presentation



Rumena Zlatkova

Capitalism, corporate greed and imbalance of power

Taboos and censorship in media and culture

Hypocrisy, guilt and false charity

‘I often take similar photos, because I am always fascinated by architecture and the meaning it conveys. Cold, straight, repetitive structures we’ve grown to associate with cities, the modern, ‘western’ world, and economic power. For me, they are more a symbol of lifelessness, emptiness, lack of purpose and fear. Also, of course, a fair amount of control and power – I think big structures always have this nuance in meaning, often related to masculinity, control, pursuit of power and greed. People are put into these cold, uniform boxes, and they obey the system; and each of our actions is reinforcing the system and its rules.’


Rumena Zlatkova