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Page 1: Creating the film magazine


Page 2: Creating the film magazine

STEP ONE- SELECTING THE IMAGEI narrowed down the front cover image to these four pictures on the left. I wanted to use an image that would capture customer’s eye and to make the actor look recognisable so that the fan base would know it is him, creating more of a profit on this issue. I decided to choose the top left image in the end as I thought that it was a simple high angled mid shot of the actor, but grabbed your attention because he is making full eye contact with the camera.

Page 3: Creating the film magazine

STEP TWO- EDITING THE IMAGEI used the website named ‘Picnik’ to edit the image as I find it easier to use than Photoshop and it allows you to add as many effects to an image as you like. This is the before and after picture. As you can see the after picture is more contrasted and defined, making the colours more vibrant, therefore standing out more to the customers.(The process of editing the image is on the next slide)

Page 4: Creating the film magazine

STEP TWO CONTINUEDFirst I had to upload the chosen image to the website and then went onto the ‘Effects’ tab; Here is where I found all of the different effects to work with. I didn’t choose 1 or two as I didn’t think that they were defined or unique enough, this is why I chose number 3. I had to adjust the Strength and Fade of the effect as I thought it looked a little bit too strong but after that it worked perfectly.




Page 5: Creating the film magazine

STEP THREE-CREATING THE MASTHEAD1. I first created a black rectangle so that I

knew the size of the masthead that I wanted2. I then went onto a website named Dafont

which specialises in modifying a variety of different fonts.

3. I tested out a few different fonts and narrowed it down to the three above, this is because they all look unique and special. In the end I chose the middle font as it was bold, standing out to the customer, and looked like there was a ‘blaze’ within the font.

4. I then imported this into Photoshop, putting it on a separate layer to the black rectangle.

5. I adjusted the layer’s inner shadow and angled it to be underneath the text.

6. I then used the smudge tool to smudge the edges of the text to the end of the black rectangle. I did this because it made the masthead look slightly 3D and abnormal but in a good way.

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STEP FOUR- THE FILM ROLL To create the film roll feature on the front cover I first had to search on the internet for one. I typed into Google images ‘film roll’ and this gave me many options to choose from. Once I had chosen the perfect film roll I imported the image into Photoshop and used the ‘Quick Selection’ tool to cut out the whit background. I then imported it to the document where my magazine front cover was and rotated it to fit on the corner of the page.

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STEP FIVE- ADDING FILM POSTERS TO THE FILM ROLLI searched the internet to find these four different film posters to put in the spaces on the film roll. I thought that this was a good idea as it gives the customer more of a visual of what will be in the magazine instead of text. All I did to put them in the magazine front cover is import them into the Photoshop document, keeping them on separate layers and the put them in the free space in the film role. I needed to rotate them all so that they fit correctly.

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I wanted the headline to be one of the first things that the customer looked at this is why I wrote is using the largest font, par the masthead. I also highlighted the words ‘Exclusive new interview with Life Drop star’ because again this instantly grabs the customer’s attention, and this is the seller of this issue. To make this effect I used the highlighter tool on Microsoft Word, print screened the text and then imported and cropped it down to put on the magazine front cover. I then put an ‘Outer Glow’ on George’s name as this attracts his fan base therefore selling more issues.

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STEP SEVEN- THE ARTICLESI used the same font to write these headlines and used capital letters. This is so that there is some consistency in the product giving it a house style and also to ensure that it is readable. I also put an ‘Outer Glow’ on these headlines to make them seem a little bit more 3D and easier to read. They are written using black and white font so that they could be read on the coloured background.

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STEP EIGHT- THE FINISHING TOUCHESI added these finishing touches because every professional magazine needs them in order to keep them running and to give the customer the information that they need.


Date of the issue



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FINISHED FILM MAGAZINEOverall I am happy with the appearance and content of the film magazine. I think that it follows the codes and conventions of magazine making with the masthead being at the top, using a mid shot image, and having the main headline written using the second largest font. Although I have altered some parts from example usually magazines have lists of what films are going to be featured in the magazine along the bottom of the page, where as my magazine has all of the film’s film poster s in a classic film roll.

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