Download - Created by Kelly Monette 2007 for SRCSD students Grades: 3-8 Target Skills: Fluency, Articulation, Comprehension.


Created by Kelly Monette 2007for SRCSD students

Grades: 3-8Target Skills: Fluency, Articulation, Comprehension

I work in an office and a hospital.

I give checkups.

I help you when you are sick.

Who am I?

I work in the doctor’s office.

I take your temperature.

Sometimes I give you shots.

Who am I?

I check your teeth.

I fill your cavities.

I say, “Brush and floss every day.”

Who am I?

I schedule appointments at my desk.

I answer the telephone.

I say, “Please take a seat.”

Who am I?

I fill prescriptions.

I measure medicine and count pills.

I work in a pharmacy.

Who am I?

I clean buildings.

I empty wastebaskets and sweep floors.

I like things neat and clean.

Who am I?

I write down your food order.

I fill your water glass.

I bring your mean to the table.

Who am I?

I greet you at the airplane.

I help you find your seat.

I bring your snack and drink.

Who am I?

I work for an airline.

I fly airplanes.

I wear a uniform.

Who am I?

I wear beautiful costumes.

I perform on stage.

I dance ballet, tap, and jazz.

Who am I?

I love books.

I help you find good books to read.

I work in a library.

Who am I?

I work in a school.

I teach reading and writing.

I make learning fun.

Who am I?

I grow food.

I raise animals.

I live and work on a farm.

Who am I?

I have a pretty voice.

I use a microphone.

I sing songs.

Who am I?

I work in a salon.

I use shampoo and hair spray.

I cut and style hair.

Who am I?

You call me when your sink is leaking.

I use wrenches and other tools.

I fix broken sinks.

Who am I?

I make music.

I play a musical instrument.

Sometimes I play in a band.

Who am I?

I have an office.

I am a doctor.

My patients are animals.

Who am I?

You hold me.

I am soft and furry.

I look like a bear.

What am I?

I get thrown around.

I have laces on me.

You can pass me and make touchdowns.

What am I?

I am flat.

I spin when I’m thrown.

I am made of plastic.

What am I?

I look like a baby.

You can move my arms and legs.

I like to be held and played with.

What am I?

I am long and skinny.

I have two handles.

Children like to jump over me.

What am I?

I can make you go fast.

I have one row of wheels.

You wear me on your feet.

What am I?

I have a tail.

I like the wind.

You hold onto me with a long string.

What am I ?

You wear me on your hand.

You talk with me.

You put on puppet shows with me.

What am I?

You can build towers with me.

I have six sides.

You can stack me high.

What am I?

I eat nuts.

I live in a tree.

I have a fluffy tail.

What am I?

I am gray.

I am little

I squeak and have a skinny tail.

What am I?

A mouse

I live in the forest.

I can run fast.

My baby is called a fawn.

What am I?

I am green.

I catch bugs with my tongue.

I can hop far and say “ribbit.”

What am I?

I have long ears.

I have a fluffy tail.

I love carrots and lettuce from your garden.

What am I?

I live in the water.

I have scales and fins.

I breathe through my gills.

What am I?

I have long legs.

I’m big and tall.

My antlers are huge.

What am I?

I’m furry and big.

I live in the woods.

I eat berries and honey.

What am I?

I’m furry with a striped tail.

I look like I’m wearing a mask.

My front feet look like hands.

What am I?

I am round and pink.

I live in a pen.

I have a curly tail.

What am I?

I live in a pasture.

I give you wool.

I say “baa.”

What am I?

I am a large, farm animal.

I give you milk.

I say “moo.”

What am I?

I have wings and two webbed feet.

I live in a pond.

I say “quack.”

What am I?

I am large and wear a saddle.

I can give you a fun ride on my back.

I sleep in a barn.

What am I?

I am a pet.

I have soft fur.

I purr when you pet me.

What am I?

I am a pet.

I like to play and do tricks.

I bark at cats.

What am I?

I have feathers.

I lay eggs for the farmer to sell.

I live in a coop.

What am I?

I eat grass.

I live in a pasture.

Sometimes I push people with my head.

What am I?