Download -… · creams”; it capitalizes on our obsession with looking young and earns billions of dollars



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Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Pte Ltd

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Published by Reed Wilson.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4

1. Russian Sauna ................................................................................................ 5

2. Intermittent Fasting ....................................................................................... 6

3. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) ............................................................. 7

4. Minimizing Insulin Levels Before Sleeping ...................................................... 8

4. Minimizing Insulin Levels Before Sleeping ...................................................... 8

5. Ice Baths ........................................................................................................ 9

6. Absorbing The Natural Energy Of Your Surroundings ................................... 10

7. The One Supplement You Should Take: Mucuna Pruriens............................ 11

Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 12


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Anti-aging is a subject where misinformation is so prevalent—especially on the

Internet—that most people can’t differentiate between fact and fiction. The anti-aging

market has become a multibillion-dollar industry, with its “magic pills” and “miracle

creams”; it capitalizes on our obsession with looking young and earns billions of dollars

based on false promises. No one wants to look in the mirror, see wrinkles, and be

reminded of how old they’re getting.

Most of the products offered on the market now don't have any real anti-aging

benefits. Those that do contain antioxidant ingredients usually don’t have enough of

them, and are almost always sold at exorbitant prices. Furthermore, because these

claims usually tout scientific studies (which are then either blown out of proportion or

taken out of context) as their evidence, it’s very easy to fall for the lies that the anti-

aging health industry feed us.

The fundamental method of slowing down the effects of aging is to increase the

amount of human growth hormone (HGH) in your body. HGH essentially produces the

“anti-aging” effect on the body; it is so effective that older Hollywood stars and

professional athletes actually choose to inject this hormone directly into themselves. It

accelerates fat loss, boosts lean muscle mass, clears up skin problems, improves hair

quality, and of course, reduces and prevents wrinkles. These are just some of the

benefits that get with HGH.

HGH is essential to our body; a reduction in HGH levels can leads to premature aging,

weight gain, lower energy levels and a host of other symptoms typically associated

with aging. But boosting your HGH should be done naturally, not with injections.

This article will reveal seven highly effective tips that you can use to increase your HGH

output, and thereby slow down the aging process.


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1. Russian Sauna

Russian saunas, also known as banyas, were popular among the wealthy in ancient Europe.

It involves alternating heat with cold exposure, and has been proven to have powerful anti-

aging effects on the human body.

Originating from the Nordic region, the therapeutic benefits of the Russian sauna have since

then been recognized globally. Now, modern saunas take the form of small structures or

rooms that have several settings (such as wet or dry) to accommodate different tastes.

A session in a Russian sauna can produce health benefits equivalent to one of mild exercise,

as the heart rate increases considerably due to the heat. Because the body’s metabolism is

accelerated in a way similar to physical exercise, the Russian sauna is a powerful weight-loss

tool – scientists estimate that a 20-minute session at 76.7°C Celsius burns more than 500


Another benefit of the Russian sauna is detoxification. Sitting in the intense heat of a sauna,

blood circulation increases and the resulting sweating detoxifies your body effectively,

without any effort on your part.

Besides burning calories and detox, the best thing a Russian sauna can offer is its anti-aging

effect. Exposing your body to contrasting extreme temperatures is extremely effective in

increasing HGH output. Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a well-known expert on aging, cancer and

nutrition, highly endorses the Russian sauna as a health-enhancing practice. Her research

showed that two 20-minute sauna sessions at 176 degrees Fahrenheit (with a 30-minute

cooling period in-between) were able to double the HGH secretion of its participants.

Another study included two 15-minute sauna sessions, also with 30 minutes of cool-down,

that resulted in increased HGH output, by as much as 500%.


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2. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a method of food-intake management that involves alternating

between windows of fasting and eating, which eventually results in increased HGH output.

This technique works by decreasing insulin levels in the body. Insulin is a hormone produced

by the pancreas, and is triggered by consumption of carbohydrates or simple sugars. While

the primary purpose of insulin is to regulate blood sugar in the body, it also accelerates the

aging process. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can double (and sometimes

even triple) HGH and testosterone output – the two pillars of anti-aging, which start

dropping in production past the age of 40.

How does intermittent fasting work? For a person on a normal eating schedule, their body

constantly uses up energy throughout the day in order to digest food and process its

nutrients. Intermittent fasting, by lowering insulin production, makes use of this energy for

the body to heal itself. By halting food intake, the body is allowed to focus its energy to

repair itself, which then gives rise to the highly sought-after anti-aging effect. This method

has been widely adopted by celebrities and athletes in order to maximize their looks and


So, how do you incorporate this program into your lifestyle? An easy way is to start off with

basic intermittent fasting, which involves an 8-hour 'feeding' window followed by a 16-hour

fasting window. While this program may seem hard to follow, it can actually be done easily.

We already spend 7-9 hours per night sleeping; the remaining 7-9 hours of fasting can be

achieved through clever time management. For example, fasting can commence at 8PM,

and your first meal can be taken at 12PM noon the next day. Or, if you need your breakfast,

fasting can commence at 6PM, which means that you can eat breakfast at 10AM the next

morning. Intermittent fasting is flexible, and can be suited to the needs of anyone,

regardless of schedule.


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3. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, basically involves alternating between short bursts

of intense exercise and low-intensity stretches for recovery. A typical session could start

with a warm up and then 10 minutes of intervals (such as sprinting or burpees).

Traditionally, HIIT can be done in a 2: 1 ratio, so for example, exercising intensely for 30

seconds, followed by 15 seconds of light recovery (i.e. walking or jogging). But, this is not a

strict requirement as everybody has a different standard of fitness. Hence, HIIT sessions

should be tailored to suit the needs of the individual. We recommend that you approach a

certified coach to guide you for at least a few sessions to get you familiar with the concept.

Also, given the intensity of this training style, individuals with health issues should seek

approval from their doctor before trying out HIIT.

The strenuous nature of HIIT should not deter you from giving it a try as it is one of the best

exercise routines for age-reversal and weight loss. The intense bouts of cardio, coupled with

short rest periods, stimulates production of lactic acid – the organic compound that causes

muscle soreness during a workout. In turn, lactic acid triggers the secretion of HGH, which

speeds up your metabolism, increases fat loss, reduces hunger levels, and yes – all this leads

back to the prized anti-aging effect on your body.

How often should you engage in HIIT? To maximize its anti-aging effects, you should do it at

least 2 to 3 times per a week. That being said, it is important not to over-train. It is when

you're resting that your body is taking the time to repair itself, making you stronger as a



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4. Minimizing Insulin Levels Before Sleeping

This concept is simple. Our body has the most energy to repair itself at night, when we're

asleep, and this is when HGH production is at its highest. However, high insulin and HGH

levels do not mix, as one interferes with the other. Therefore, in order to maximize HGH

output, it is crucial to lower your insulin level before you go to sleep.

This can be done by avoiding substances that stimulate insulin secretion (i.e. carbohydrates,

such as rice and quinoa) before you go to bed. Instead, you should consume slow-digesting

protein-rich and healthy fat-laden foods before sleep, such as whole eggs, cheese, shellfish,

and mixed nuts. It is also important to stop eating completely at least 2 hours before bed.

Adjusting your eating habits might not be easy to do, but if you can do this at least 5 times a

week for 6 months, you should see a tremendous improvement in your appearance and



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5. Ice Baths

If you don't have the opportunity to visit a Russian Sauna, an ice bath is the next best thing.

The ice bath, widely used by professional athletes, involves exposure to cold temperatures

for a short period of time. A period of 10 to 15 minutes in a cold bath filled with ice is

enough to give you incredible healing effects.

Exposure to cold water quickly reduces internal body heat, signaling the body to burn fat in

order for survival. Apart from improving testosterone and HGH, ice baths are one of the

most effective methods for muscle recovery. Intense exercise can cause muscle soreness,

due to unavoidable micro-tears in muscle fiber. While this soreness (also known as Delayed

Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) cannot be removed immediately, ice baths aid in reducing

its after effects and your recovery time.

The effectiveness of ice baths are testified to by renowned celebrities and athletes, such as

Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Kobe Bryant and Lebron James. With only 15 minutes once or

twice a week, you can maximize the benefits from them without having to take too much

time out of your day.


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6. Absorbing The Natural Energy Of Your Surroundings

With all the focus on activities that prevent aging, many people fail to realize that youth is

not only a physical state; it is also a state of mind. Your youthfulness is influenced by your

surroundings and the people around you. Avoid people who exude misery and bitterness;

prolonged interaction with them will likely transfer those negative qualities onto you.

Instead, surround yourself with youthful, lively individuals who influence the same traits

within you. And, most importantly, do activities that make you smile and laugh.

In a study conducted in 1989, participants who were shown an hour-long comedy film

received more than an 80% increase in HGH production, as opposed to the participants who

did not watch the film. Enjoying your social life and daily activities is one of the most

underrated techniques of anti-aging.


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7. The One Supplement You Should Take: Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna Pruriens is a supplement has an extraordinary high amount of L-DOPA, which is the

precursor to dopamine – an important hormone produced by the human brain.

In essence, dopamine regulates pleasure in the brain. It also triggers the body to secrete

more HGH and testosterone, and in general increases the feeling of energy within the body.

Taking 2 capsules a day (one in the morning and one at night) will help you to naturally

secrete more dopamine from your brain, which has an incredible anti-aging effect.

Mucuna Pruriens, in its raw form can be consumed as a food. However, exposure to heat

(during cooking) destroys the L-DOPA in Pruriens. Hence, consuming it in supplement form

is still the optimal way to reap its benefits.


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Based on all that we have discussed, the common thread is that the key to anti-aging lies in

increasing HGH and dopamine production, and maintaining a youthful mental outlook.

In the end, age is just a number; anyone can improve their quality of life while keeping their

weight and health within normal limits, without resorting to desperate shortcuts such as

surgery and drug use!