Download - Coyo - Quick Start Guide (English)

  • 1. mindsmash GmbH 1 Quick Start Guide3.0 A mindsmash product
  • 2. mindsmash GmbH Overview 2 3 Welcome to Coyo 4 Login 5 Menu 7 Your personal news feed 8 Set up your prole Main features 9 Pages & Workspaces 10 Apps 11 Calendar & Events 12 Private messaging 13 Notications 14 Search 15 Account settings 16 Coyo mobile
  • 3. mindsmash GmbH Welcome to Coyo 3 Coyo - Enterprise Social Network ! Whether as an intranet, community or as an advanced project platform, Coyo has made it amazingly simple to collaborate with colleagues, partners and customers by combining ecient productivity tools with modern communication. A web-based software ! Coyo is completely web-based. That allows you to use Coyo through a normal web- browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Also, you can access Coyo from anywhere in the world and from any device.
  • 4. mindsmash GmbH Login 4 Login and get started ! Logging into Coyo is very easy. Simply open the URL of your Coyo network, enter your email and password and thats it. Creating an account ! If you havent created an account for your Coyo network yet, you can easily create one by clicking Create account at the bottom left of Coyos login screen.
  • 5. mindsmash GmbH Top Menu 5 Quick access to all main features ! The top menu gives you direct and quick access to Coyos main features. What exactly all these features do and what they are for will be explained later in this guide. Home page / News feed The button on the top left will always bring you back to Coyos home page, your personal news feed. Pages The pages contain information, content and les about certain topics, departments, companies or locations. Workspaces Workspaces are for teams and projects. They allow you and your colleagues to collaborate, exchange knowledge and share les. Calendar Here you get access to your personal calendar. It contains all meetings and project deadlines from your network. Colleagues This is the digital address book of your network. It allows you to quickly browse contact data and to nd experts. Search The central search allows you to nd pretty much everything in a matter of seconds. Your prole Private messages Notications Account settings
  • 6. mindsmash GmbH Left Menu 6 Quick access to relevant content ! While the top menu never changes, the left menu dynamically adapts and gives you access to the content that is relevant to you. That way you can access your favorite content and features with a single click. My pages These are all the pages that you follow. My upcoming events All upcoming events that you are attending to are displayed here. My workspaces Here you have direct access to the workspaces you are member of. Bookmarks The bookmarks are the same for all users and give you direct acces to external systems and websites. My colleagues These are other colleagues that are currently online. You can easily start a chat with them by clicking on their names.
  • 7. mindsmash GmbH Your Personal News Feed 7 Complete and quick overview ! Your personal news feed gathers all posts from the colleagues and pages that you follow, workspaces you are member of and events you are attending. You can either sort the news feed chronologically or by top posts, so that the most active and discussed posts are displayed at the top. Comments ! You can add comments to almost any post in your news feed. So if something comes to your mind that you would like to share with your colleagues, dont hesitate and simply add a new comment. Like ! If you like a post and you want to show this to the author of the post and your colleagues, hit the Like button. By the way: this also saves you the time for writing a comment.
  • 8. mindsmash GmbH Your Personal Prole Page 8 This is how others see you ! Your prole is visible to everyone else in your network and it consists of three components: wall, info and photos. You can access your prole by clicking the prole button in the top menu or by clicking on your name in the left menu. Prole setup ! To set up your prole you can hit Edit prole in the left menu. This will lead you to your prole setup page where you can ll in your prole details. Dont forget to upload a prole picture so that others will recognize you in the future. Prole navigation You can access the other pages and components of your prole through the prole navigation on the left. Your prole picture Tabs There are more prole elds behind the tabs at the top. Dont forget to ll out these as well.
  • 9. mindsmash GmbH Pages & Workspaces 9 Pages - Here is the content ! In Coyo pages are the replacement for the classic intranet because this is the place for content, information and les. Every page is a closed area for a certain topic, department or oce location. Workspaces - Perfect for collaboration ! Even though workspaces and pages work almost the same, workspaces are not made for supplying content but for collaboration between your colleagues and you. Thats why workspaces are best used for collaboration in teams and projects. Following a page If you are interested in a page and if you want to be kept up to date with news and changes from that page, you should follow it. You will then receive all news in your personal news feed. Workspace members Here you can see who else is a member in a certain workspace. Membership If you are member of a workspace, you will automatically receive news from that workspace in your personal news feed.
  • 10. mindsmash GmbH Apps 10 Apps are Coyos productivity tools ! As an admin you can easily add new features and tools to your page or workspace. These tools are called Apps in Coyo. Every app serves a specic purpose. For example, there are apps for adding simple content, for managing les or adding a wiki. Apps are extremely simple to set up and to use so that basically everyone of your colleagues is able to manage them. That way, everyone in your network can start up a new page or workspace and add all the apps they want. Creating an app ! Inside of a page or workspace, you can nd the button for adding a new app at the bottom of the left menu.
  • 11. mindsmash GmbH Calendar & Events 11 Overview of all meetings and deadlines ! In Coyo you can access your individual calendar through the top menu. There you will nd the events from your community and also all events, meetings and deadlines from the pages you follow and the workspaces you are member of. Subscribe You can subscribe your current calendar view and integrate Coyos calendar into your local calendar program (f.e. Outlook, Mac Mail). Changing the view You can view the calendar either in a list, weekly or monthly view. Filter calendars You can simply hide calendars that you are not really interested in by using the Toggle calendars button. This allows you to individualize your calendar view.
  • 12. mindsmash GmbH Private Messaging 12 Personal messaging center ! You can access your personal messaging center through the button in the top menu. Here you can see all conversations that you currently have with your colleagues or that you had in the past. Live-Chat ! If your colleague and you are online at the same time, your conversation automatically becomes a live-chat. The chat will pop up at the bottom of the page and you can continue using the other features in Coyo while chatting with your colleague. Conversation In the left menu are all your current conversations. Starting a new conversation You can use the + symbol to start a new conversation with one ore more of your colleagues.
  • 13. mindsmash GmbH Notications 13 Always up to date ! If you follow a page or colleague or if you are member of a workspace, it is important that you are not only informed about new posts and discussions in your personal news feed but also about other changes that occur, f.e. if someone publishes a new blog post, changes a le or responds to your event invitation. That is what Coyos notications are for. They are small messages that keep you posted. ! You can always access your notications through the icon in the top menu. A red icon will appear if you have unseen notications.
  • 14. mindsmash GmbH Magical Search 14 Finding stu, fast ! The search in Coyo is really cool because it literally nds everything. Whether page, workspace, post, comment or document, Coyos search nds it for you. ! Simply enter your search terms in the search bar at the top and the rst results will pop up in just a few seconds and give you direct access. ! Tip: If you enter multiple words into the search, Coyo will nd all results that contain both words. However, if you combine multiple search terms with a + sign, the search will nd any result that contains at least one of the terms you entered.
  • 15. mindsmash GmbH Account Settings 15 Language and time zone ! You can access your account settings through the cog icon in the top menu. Here you can congure both the system language and your personal time zone. It is important that you congure the correct time zone so that events in your calendar are displayed at the right time. Email notications ! To keep you posted even when you are not surng on Coyo, we added a smart email notication system that informs you about new posts in your news feed, unread private messages and unseen notications. You can use your account settings to dene how often you want to receive update mails from Coyo and what they should contain.
  • 16. mindsmash GmbH Mobile Access 16 Anywhere and any device ! To allow you to access your network even if you are not in the oce, we added a mobile interface to Coyo. Simply open the URL of your network in the browser of your mobile device. ! However, the mobile access is mostly restricted to reading content and to creating posts and comments. The administrative features are only available through are complete web-interface. Top menu The mobile interface also has the top menu which gives you access to Coyos main features. Left menu The button on the top left gives you access to the extended sidebar menu. Adding Coyo to your home screen On the iPhone you can use Safari to add Coyo to your home screen. Simply tab the button in the middle and pick Add to home screen.
  • 17. mindsmash GmbH 17 A mindsmash product