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Textual Analysis of a CD Cover

The first CD cover I am analysing is Alicia Keys with the album name “the diary of Alicia keys” below is an annotation of the key points on the CD cover.

Clue to genre of soothing music or R&B.Music possibly backed by piano.

Medium shot

Hair plated back

Make up glamorous

Written in lower case times new roman; written in a type of diary font.

Costume – small low cut outfit

The album name is small and in lower case – times new roman; written as if in a diary the album name gives the audience the idea of the lyrics in the songs possibly relate to her or people around her. Alicia Keys is standing half behind the keys of a piano on its side. The keys give a clue to the genre of the songs being R&B or soothing music also a clue of the songs being backed by a piano. I think the piano is on its side because it’s different, its eye catching and is a different shot to how you would normally see piano keys. The shot on the cover is a medium shot and from what we can see her outfit is a small low cut top and her hair has been plated back and she is wearing glamorous make up made to look sexy and professional. The location of the CD cover is unfamiliar.