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Student Success Plan

Courtney Bedford

Major: Business Administration

Concentration: Management

Degree: Bachelor Graduation:

Who Am I?

My name is Courtney Bedford. I’m a

35 year old single mother of three

from Austin TX. I am so excited about

this new journey for me. I didn’t know

what to expect going back to school

after so many years, but I couldn’t be

more ready. I am very family oriented,

and yes I am a daddy’s girl! I enjoy

cooking, traveling, reading, and being

a mother. Since my divorce I have

been home with the children as they

do require extra care, especially my

baby Chloe who was a micro preemie.

I have years of experience in the

clerical field, working for Texas

Department Of Public Safety

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headquarters, and The Texas

Commission On Environmental

Quality. I’ve also worked as a Hair

Stylist after attending Austin Academy

of Cosmetology. I have my hands full

but I can’t complain. I embrace

challenge because I strive to continue


My Goal

1. Taking better care of myself by making my health and wellbeing a priority.

2. Being the best example for my children as I possibly can by not giving up on my dreams.

Working hard and keeping a positive attitude

3. Graduating with honors by staying dedicated and discipline with studying and getting

my work done on time and giving it my all. Not settling for less.

Fears and Plans

Not managing my time well. I do have

my hands full since I am now divorced

and have three small children, 7, 3,

and 11 months old. My 7 year old has

a neurological disorder that requires

therapy as well as being followed by

specialist. My youngest was born at

only 24 weeks due to high risk

pregnancy, weighing only 1.7lbs at

birth. She spent 110 days in the NICU,

so inevitably she has appointments

and therapies as well. As if that isn’t

more than enough, we just discovered

that my 3 year old has a blood

disorder as well as tics that appear to

be a form of Tourette syndrome. So I

am always trying to remember

appointments. For the most part doing

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it all by myself. Yet for some reason I

just couldn’t put going back to school

off any longer. Not only for myself but

for my children too. So I am

determined to work it out somehow.

Anything’s possible.

What is your plan to overcome your 1st fear?

As of now my plan is to make sure I schedule certain days out of the week and time slots only

for appointments, and therapy sessions. Keeping a planner and making note of every

appointment. Checking blackboard for weekly assignments in advance so I can be sure to set

aside just enough time in the week. Something I am usually not good at but am willing to do is

ask for help. Enlisting someone I trust to take some of the burden off of me with the kids. Last

but not least, enforcing a set routine and sticking to it.

What is your 2nd biggest fear about going to college or something you are worried about?

My 2nd biggest fear is giving up. I have attempt college before almost 16 years ago, directly

after graduating High School. I didn’t put my all in, and was very nonchalant about it.

Eventually I noticed that the nonchalant attitude was a repeat habit. I found it easy to just give

up on things, and had no idea why. I didn’t see anything wrong with it because in my mind I

had justifiable reasoning. I lack the drive, but why? I just didn’t get it. I want so much more

and am so determined to get it. After doing a little bit of living and now having a family of my

own, there isn’t anything I want more. Now I am not only doing it for myself.

What is your plan to overcome your 2nd fear?

My plan to overcome this fear of giving up is to first of all remember not only my goal,

but the reason I set that goal in the first place. I owe it to myself and my family to

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succeed. Another thing would be to surround myself with positive and encouraging

people. Support system is very important, it will give me that push when I feel

overwhelmed. I must remember my worth, and that I am so deserving of the reward of

concurring all challenges necessary to be my very best. Staying focused and

organized, as this will help me productively get through my course assignments.

Taking it one day at a time, achieving daily goals, pacing myself will keep me from

feeling overwhelmed. I’ve decided that I love myself too much not accomplish this

goal of receiving a BA degree. I’m in it to win it!

A.M. P.M.

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Someone I admire for their ability to

achieve goals and overcome

obstacles is Dr. B.W. McClendon.

He is Pastor at St. James MBC, in

Austin TX and is the reason I took

that leap to not only going back to

school but to Strayer University. Dr.

McClendon has always spoke life

into me and into whatever situation I

was in. He has encouraged me

tremendously over the past few

years as I have been through so

many trials and tribulation. He not

only encourage me through

counseling but by his walk in life.

Knowing some of what he has been

through and where he comes from,

he stays positive and always looking

to help someone else. He has

accomplished so many things, such

as earning a Bachelor’s of Art from

LeTourneau University, a Political

Science Certification from University

of Texas at Tyler, a Masters of

Theological Studies, Doctorate of

Ministries from Perkins School of

Theology, as well as Board member

of Marriage and Family Therapist

Council. I could go on and on. Dr.

McClendon has displayed for me

what it mean to not give up and

selflessness. I can take these

methods and apply it to my journey

through school. Hanging in there,

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remembering why I’m doing it and

for whom I am doing it for. Inspiring

others along the way will make it all

well worth it. It’s not all about me but

what I can give or be for someone

else. I don’t think Dr. McClendon

know how important he has been in

my life. He believed in me when I

couldn’t believe in myself. For that

he is my hero.


Another person I admire is Sarah

Jakes Roberts, the daughter of

Bishop T.D. Jakes. I admire her

strength to fall and get back up

again as a mother. The way she has

gone from running from pain and

shame, as I myself have spent years

doing, to finding her purpose and

unlocking the key to her happiness.

Sarah has gone through the shame

of divorce and being a single

mother. Her story resonated with me

so much since I was going through

the same thing at that point. When

she found her purpose she found

her voice. I am on a journey to find

my voice, my happiness, my

purpose. Pursuing my degree has

already reinstated a sense of worth

and confidence I had lost over the

years. I am discovering me and my

passion, and I must admit it feels


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My Helpers


My children’s father is someone I will

definitely need support from in order

to achieve my goals. We are all so

familiar with the ugly drama that could

accompany a split and co- parenting. I

will need peace and understanding.

Effective communication, and team

work in regards to our children. He is

definitely a hands on father and his

willingness to be there for or with his

children at any given moment helps. It

gives me a peace of mind knowing

that when they’re with their father

whom loves them deeply he has their

best interest at heart. I know they are

safe when they are away from me

which makes it that much easier to

focus on school and whatever else I

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need to get done in pursue of my

dreams. He also encourages me to

better myself. He says even though

we may not always agree, he not only

need me around for our children but

needs me happy. Our common

interest is our children’s happiness.

Works for me!



My cousin Deanna has had my back

since we were little girls. Regardless

of how long we may go busy in our

own lives and not seeing one another.

She is always just a phone call away.

She is currently embarking on her own

journey to fulfill her dreams. So a lot of

her advice comes from a sincere

place and usually based off of what

she too is dealing with. It’s always

great to surround yourself with people

who have already been through it and

has made it to keep your goal visual.

But for me having her, someone who

is on the journey also helps and I find

to be just as important. To have her

support would mean having that

person who has been there through

ups and downs since we were kids,

also there with me through this

amazing journey of achievement and

that in its self is priceless. Being able

to uplift her also, inspiring one another

and genuinely wanting to see each

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other make it. I look forward to

celebrating our victory together.

My Academic Plan

1st Term Courses

Spring 2016

2nd Term Courses

Summer 2016

3rd Term Courses

Fall 2016

4th Term Courses

Winter 2017

FOS100 BUS 100 MKT100

CIS105 MAT 104 ECO100

My Career Plan


The industry I have selected is Business Owner/Entrepeneur. This

position doesn’t necessarily require a degree, however it will behoove me

to retain one. Doing so allows me to learn more about business and

marketing, better preparing me for the position. Some things that are

required of someone in this position are, being focused, dedicated, and a

leader. Some tips I have discovered through research which I find very

helpful are, Know what to do, and do what you know. Learn under fire,

never jump without planning but don’t spend too much time waiting to

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execute. I have also been advised to never come off as a know it all,

surround myself with advisors and mentors who will help nurture me into

a successful Business Owner.


Write 200 words discussing the position you want to be working in within the industry you have selected.

The position I have chosen is Owner due to the fact I have always

wanted to be in a position which I could give others opportunities as well

as build an empire for my children, and children’s children. The main

business I would like to own is a Restaurant, because cooking is truly a

passion of mine. I absolutely love it! Putting a smile on others faces, and

there’s something about people coming together over a meal. I am

however aware of the fact that with business ownership, you have to start

someone. Money won’t flow instantly so you definitely have to have the

passion for whatever it is. Failure is inevitable but a true entrepreneur will

prevail over adversity, is a quote I try to always remember. Ultimately I

will like to expand. I would also like to do something for children and

youth. They are my other passion, so I definitely want to do something for

them. Maybe something similar to the boys and girls club. Or perhaps a

foster care center that actually cares and nurture foster children. I just

believe in giving innocent children a chance at life. Building character,

speaking life into them, and simply letting them know they matter just as

much as any other child. I just want to give chances, and secure futures.

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Discuss the target level of seniority you wish to achieve in your career and the steps you will take to reach that level.

The highest level of seniority I will like to reach is CEO of my own company, or brand. The steps I need to take to achieve this goal are,

1. Education- I am taking this first step now. I believe in being

educated and obtaining as much knowledge as I can before and

while pursuing something. I find that it is important to continue

learning in life. You will never know it all. There’s always something

to be learned in order to continue evolving.

2. Make connections- It’s never too early to make a right impression.

Attend business seminars and networking events. Apply for

internships allowing me to show off leadership skills.

3. Stay flexible- Being open to unexpected paths displays ambition in

career advancement.

Long-Term Goals

Target Date

Short-Term Steps

Target Date

Date achieved

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Goal #1:

1. Taking

better care

of myself

by making

my health


wellbeing a


10/1/2017 Short-Term Goal


Getting at least 8

hours of sleep every night..


Short-Term Goal


Taking one hour

every day to meditate, to clear and relax my

mind, and / or, read.


1. Goal #2:

Being the



for my

children as

I possibly

can by not

giving up

on my



hard and

keeping a



1/1/2020 Short-Term Goal #1:

Pacing myself with my courses to ensure I stay on

top of it.


Short-Term Goal #2:

Begin creating my business plan.

Mapping out my goals and researching and

understanding the steps necessary to get there.


Goal #3:

Graduating with

honors by staying dedicated and

12/15/2020 Short-Term Goal


Become a

member of the


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discipline with

studying and getting my work

done on time and giving it my all. Not settling for


Honors Program.

Taking Honors courses.

Short-Term Goal:

Studying consistently

sticking to my study schedule with a set weekly

schedule for my home.
