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Costume Ideas

Page 2: Costume Ideas

The costume to the right is one that will be used for Emma during the majority of the scenes, there will be a variety of alterations from day to day


The outfit will remain quite plain and simple, as well as being light in colour to reflect her fairly quiet and submissive personality. However, as she is a

lower-middle class student, the clothing are not of any designer or expensive brands and will therefore remain quite simplistic in the


Emma is also intended to be a sporty yet studious character and therefore her clothes are very relaxed in appearance and it is comfort orientated, as well as remaining stylish. The converses chosen for her shoes also reflect the sporty aspect of her personality, as they are a casual yet quite sporty

element involved. To emphasise the studious aspect of her personality, she will wear a shirt underneath the jumper when she starts school.

Lastly, in terms of Emma’s hair and make-up it remains to be again, casual and relaxed. Her hair will be up in a loose yet messy pony tail with a

neutral face of make-up: nothing too over the top or formal.


Page 3: Costume Ideas

As previously mentioned, the majority of shots involving Emma will consist of her wearing that (or very similar) costume.

However, there is one prominent scene in which Emma goes to meet Jason for the first time and therefore makes a strong effort with her appearance- to ensure she makes a good impression.

We have chosen the outfit to the right because it is more ‘dressy’ than she has previously be seen wearing, yet it still remains quite

casual at the same time. The skater skirt has been chosen to reflect the more outgoing side of her personality, in which she

gains more confidence; especially within meeting somebody new for the first time.

Her hair will be down and purposefully quite messy, not reflecting an essence of her personality- merely to show a purposeful style

decision. Her make-up will also be more prominent, it will be more formal in the sense that she has paid more attention to her

eyes and making them a more significant feature.


Page 4: Costume Ideas

The costume on the right that we have chosen Steve to wear will often consist of an overall quite ‘rough around the edges’ appearance. Although this has not been easily depicted via

the images found on Google, it will be shown more thoroughly by not having a clean cut approach to dress. For example, the

shirt sleeves will be rolled up and a few top buttons left undone; this will reflect him as a man quite protective and


Also, we needed to portray a lower-middle class man and therefore the more rough approach will reflect this. He would be portrayed as a working man who takes his job seriously

and perhaps even shows him as one who never stops.

However, the specific clothing items used will allow for the reflection of his more professional personality, being an IT



Page 5: Costume Ideas

As Darren is a minor character and his full appearance is rarely seen (the only aspect of his body shown are his head and shoulders, via an over the shoulder shot).

Therefore there is not as much importance on the costume in which he must wear, however we still must

ensure that even the tiniest bit shown, portrays the message of his character which we have envisioned.

As only a small part of his body will be shown, the only costume we are accounting for is his top; which we have chosen to be a polo shirt. This item of clothing is quite

sporty, which we wish to reflect and show but also is not an expensive item to buy and therefore can mirror his

lower class status.


Page 6: Costume Ideas

The costume on the right has been chosen, due to the more materialistic and fashionable approach to her character. The clothes

are smart and will allow for those aspects of her personality to be portrayed easily to the audience.

Not only this but she is a middle class student and therefore having the clothing more formal will show the difference in class she has,

compared to perhaps Emma- who is placed as a lower-middle class.

As she is only in 2 scenes (one at school and one in a coffee shop) therefore, the outfit to the right would be used in school; to produce a smarter and more studious effect. Whilst the weekend scene at the coffee shop will be differentiated by the use of a more casual t-shirt paired with the similar skater skirt; to create a more relaxed style.

Her hair will be down and styled, whilst her make-up will be more purposeful and full, in comparison to Emma: again reflecting the

more materialistic element of her character.


Page 7: Costume Ideas

The outfit on the right has been chosen to reflect the character and personality of Mia. She is a studious character and therefore

the shirt and jumper combination can reflect this in perhaps a stereotypical manner but portrays a more formal and smart

approach nonetheless.

Also, she is of an upper class and therefore the costume she wears will remain smart and formal as that would be a probable

convention of her character.

She is in multiple scenes and therefore there may be a few more differentiations between costumes; for example she may have just a shirt and not the jumper also, or jeans and a shirt etc.

Lastly, her hair will be up in a ponytail to reflect a more conservative and reserved feeling of her personality; while the

make-up will also remain quite plain.
