Download - COS 125 DAY 4. Agenda Questions from last Class?? Today’s topics Communicating on the Internet Assignment #1 due Assignment #2 will be posted next week.


COS 125



Questions from last Class??Today’s topics

Communicating on the InternetAssignment #1 dueAssignment #2 will be posted next weekQuiz #1 on Feb 3,

20 M/C, 4 Short essays, One extra Credit Chap 1-28

Communicating on the Internet

How email worksHow email Spam worksHow Newsgroup workNext week

How Internet Chat and Instant Messaging Work

How Internet Phone calls work


Animation from

How email works

Most heavily used feature on the Internet Advantages

Asynchronous Ubiquitous Can be made Secure (almost too secure)

Disadvantage Impersonal Ubiquitous Insecure (non-confidentiality) Virus, Macros, Trojans Horses Lack of a centralized directory

How email works

To send emailYou need an email [email protected]

With an email you can sendPlain textHTMLAttachments

Email Demo from

Outlook email client

Where is email is sent?

How does your email server know where to send mail? DNS MX records Every Domain has an MX record that tells you what

Mail server is responsible for that domain’s email

Mail to and from

Email end to end

Mailing Lists

A group of people that has similar interests Each person joins the “group” which has an

email address assigned [email protected] When you send and email to

[email protected] everyone that joins the group gets the email

Two types of Mailing lists Moderated Unmoderated

Mailing List Demo from

Making email secure

EncryptionScramble and then descramble the

message using a secret codeMost encryption uses two “keys”

One to scrambleThe other to unscramble

Some only use oneEncryption demo from Seidcon.comEncryption Demo from

Public Key Encryption for Confidentiality

Encrypt withParty B’s Public Key

Party A Party B

Decrypt withParty B’s Private Key

Public Key Encryption for Confidentiality

Decrypt withParty A’s Private Key

Party A

Encrypt withParty A’s Public Key

Party B

Getting Public keys

Using Encryption in email


White pages for computer usersLDAP client <> LDAP Server

Client asks for an addressServer return the address

Built into Windows 2000 and XP

How SPAM works

SPAM is unsolicited Junk emailWhy is this done

CHEAP mass marketingJunk postal mail costs at least $0.20 per

mailing Spam cost around $100 per million email

sent or $0.0001 per mailing

Tricks of the SPAMMER trade

Getting email addressDirectoriesNewsgroupsPay from other spammersBuild a web site to collect them

Sending emailsManipulate headers to hide sending infoUses some elses email sever

Stopping Spammers

Laws don’t work Can’t prosecute what you can’t catch Laws are tied to jurisdictions, Spammers aren’t Spam laws

Special anti-spam software Spammer just get “trickyer” and by pass software

Blocking places that send spam Since spammer don’t use their own mail servers you run the risk of

blocking legitimate email Best practice –Get more email addresses

Get an email address just for spammers [email protected]

Protect important emails by using sparingly One just for family & friends One just for work or school


USENET is the worlds biggest discussion forum.Collections of newsgroup of many subjectsBest place to see the groups is of newsgroups from Learnthenet.comJust like mailing lists newsgroup cane be


How Usenet Servers works

Server replicates newsgroups to each other.

Users can use any of the UsenetServers to post and receives Postings.

Problems with USENET

With the advent of instant messaging, MSN, AOL and Yahoo groups, blogs and other new internet inventions Usenet isn’t used but much of the Internet population

Many ISP’s don’t support USENET A lot of what’s “bad” with the internet is on USENET ..the

equivalent of the Internet “bad part of town” Hate groups & terrorists Pornography Hackers and crackers Perverts & pedophiles

Better places for discussions groups MSN groups Yahoo groups topica

Foe next week

Read through Chapter 28 (page 176)Assignment two will be assignedQuiz 1 on Feb 3