Download - Copyright

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In defense of Copyright

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Our Income

At least 7 million people in Britain use illegal downloads, costing the economy billions of pounds and thousands of jobs, according to a report.


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Destroying the game industry

Illegal game downloader’s cost the game industry at least £1.45 billion in 2010

(BBC, 2011)

“This has lead to an estimated 1000 fewer jobs in the industry”

It also has an affect to the gamers themselves. Without money going into the industry the outcome will be considerably poorer as there will not be enough money to improve as much as if all the games had been obtained legally.

UK software sales were down from £1.9bn in 2008 to £1.45bn last year and now with the Playstation being hacked it is likely to go down even further this year.

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What are you copying?

Poor quality, picture, or sound.


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Protect the creative industries

The government says it wants to protect the UK's creative industries, which it says is under threat from piracy. It is difficult to measure how much illegal file-sharing is going on. It is reported that more than half of all the traffic on the net in the UK is content being shared illegally but service providers say they cannot measure it exactly. The creative industries estimate that six million people in the UK regularly file-share copyright content without permission, costing the industries revenue that they cannot recoup. A recent industry study, by economics

firm TERA Consultants, estimated that the UK's creative industries experienced losses of £1.2bn in 2008 due to piracy.

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Support new artists

The upcoming artists would not be able to progress in their industries.

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The pharmaceutical industry

Very expensive research and production.

Copyright would enforce replica copies of the drugs from being produced and distributed.

Drugs are sold online, they may not be safe and exact replicas of the medicines. This is very unsafe.

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Case Study: China

In China, the problems of 'illegal downloading' and copyright infringement are widespread, and the principle reasons are the lack of enforcement and the copyright law still yet to be clearly defined. The Chinese film industry chains have already combined with internet and became a new industry chains. As early as early the 21st century, the box office started to decrease as the problem of illegal downloading emerged, by then more and more commercials advertisement contained in the films (sometime even in pop songs). Beside, to attract more audiences to the cinemas, the ticket price repeatedly decreased. The commercials could increase the income but also deteriorating films quality, and nowadays films become some two hours commercials and lack of artistic value.

For the new junior film artists, because their films are lack of investments of advertisement, they loss their money, even they gain a great box-office returns. This phenomenon leads Chinese film industry to aging.

It is the time Chinese people need a clear defined copyright law and a punishment at the people who upload or download illegally.

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Possible Solutions

1. Copyright enforcement

2. Target downloaders

3. Decoy files

4. Remove Internet Anonymity